Best of One Block - Minecraft

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all right then let's get started today we're trying out survival mode in a brand new world huh wait what was just a dirt block [Music] here it's okay Mikey settle down as for the how are we even supposed to survive here part we can get items to help us by breaking this dirt block huh we can break it yeah we won't fall maybe really I guess I'll try okay go for it three two one what the whoa what what who wow awesome look this block is super special because it doesn't disappear when you break it cool and the more times you actually break it the more blocks it'll give you whoa we got wood nice I wonder what it'll turn into next let's break it oh what's that guest a chest really yep in other words Mikey today we're gonna keep breaking this block to discover what other kind of blocks it'll turn into let's go oh nice there's an egg and an oak sapling inside what that's great I guess I'll break it too keep going all right be careful though you okay yeah I'm fine oh what oh sorry I didn't mean to I hit you sorry Mikey that's fine I'm back now okay let's widen this area sounds good now that it's safer we should break the block again hit it oh dirt dirt oh wood wood Mikey I don't think this method is that efficient right now maybe you could make us a few axes and shovels for us I can do it I have enough wood for a crafting table oh that's awesome yeah okay we're getting a lot of wood now so to harvest it faster Mikey and I are using axes and shovels oh did you make one already yep then I'll make a pickaxe for when Stone comes up Mikey you harvest the dirt okay I'll do the wooden Stone okay there's wood nice whoa what's that who's in charge of pigs I guess nobody well now that we have a pig in our hands Mikey we should probably come up with a plan to keep it alive shouldn't we we don't want it to fall off the edge all right Welcome to our world Mr Pig okay I'm gonna spread the dirt there nice hmm wow all right let's move Mr Pig to the dirt area but it's gonna fall oh no leave it to me good good hey it worked awesome uh don't fall Mr Pig let's keep digging sounds good that's mine dirt that's mine that's mine oh a chest weird color whoa chests are made of wood that's mine what's inside oh apples here have one eggs yummy all right let's keep breaking it and see what other items we can find don't that's mine that's mine all this dirt is mine what nice what do we find if we keep breaking it it's mostly just been wooden dirt I want Stone oh it just turned into gravel a chest awesome let's open it whoa what is it what is it we got a bucket of water oh awesome let's use it I know water is valuable it'll be real useful you're right Mikey hmm put it down is here good remember don't fill it in [Music] right I won't can we make a farm huh that's a great idea I'll give you any seeds that we find a chest what are all these Hearts coming out weird let's open it all right there's probably something awesome inside open hmm looks like there's a torch in here oh and an oak sapling we could plant a tree right here I have a sapling too I'm gonna plant mine go for it this place is gonna be so green okay keep up the good work nice let's break this block huh go what wait is that Bedrock Bedrock really wait a minute to upgrade in three two one I think it's an upgrade whoa but that's just dirt it is oh well let's just keep digging and maybe something good will pop out okay dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt wood that's mine oh it seems like huh nice clay watermelon awesome watermelon do you think more good stuff is coming watermelon wow this is great let's keep digging Mikey Go For It Go Go nice [Music] what what wait a sec something's wrong I don't know what's going on TJ something happened to you it looks like you turned into a pig I feel like I shrunk I guess the tree popped up and squished me down here you're totally squished what happened well let's get back to work you're right let's keep working at least the tree sprouted yeah nice good good good nice nice nice whoa another Pig hello Mr Pig huh wait pumpkin a pumpkin awesome clay I think it's about time we made a full-on farm since we have the pumpkin and everything yeah we don't want to run out of food how about we do that now let's go I'll go fetch the water we have a lot of dirt now so let's spread it around here and make this the farming area nice we don't want to fall off all right now the bucket something like this there now we can till and we can turn the Watermelons into watermelon seeds awesome and instead of eating the pumpkins we can turn them into pumpkin seeds just like the Watermelons now I have 12 pumpkin seeds wow that's a lot I fling now we just need to plant the seeds like this amazing then I can plant the pumpkin seeds like this oh uh oh it's getting dark now fortunately I have a torch that I can use to light the area nice there all right Mikey let's keep going let's do it yeah oh great whoa okay a cow a cow spawn well we could use the bucket to collect some milk couldn't we JJ yeah so can we I did it well drink it up already how fresh does it taste yum but nothing special it doesn't do anything extra now we have more animal friends this is so much fun yeah go go go go come on whoa huh it's a sheep you're right Mr sheep we have so many different animals now I think it's about time we built a ranch yeah let's go we should have collected enough wood by now let's build a fence oh that's a great idea like this whoa I have enough for 18 fences let's widen it sounds good I don't have much dirt we could use wood oh good idea actually we could craft wooden slabs so we preserve our wood true which means careful whoa there wood nice a wooden wrench this place looks really nice yeah oh is this good enough build the entrance right here like this there nice all right sweet this is perfect totally we did an awesome job wow this feels good okay the block and I hope we find Stone soon that would be good oh it's a chicken it is welcome friend you can join the ranch later okay Mr Chicken all right pumpkin dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt I'm ready to find something new stone another pig a pig welcome oh I fell I didn't even do anything where'd you go oh sorry careful JJ okay let's dig go go go go go oops that was a close one see the hole it was an accident that was close don't worry oh yes focus JJ oh a pig welcome Mr Pig nice so oh no what happened I'm bad at this Mikey didn't you just tell me to be careful oh sorry I'm bad at this at least I came back with a shovel and I guess you get a present for falling off let's keep going oh another cow spawned Mr Cow let's dig some more okay you added more then I'll plant this here all right whoa wait no what are you doing JJ seriously you had all our stuff this is a disaster Mikey the milk the buckets they were super precious you really messed up JJ big time let's keep trying I think we can salvage the situation yeah I think so too go go go nice watermelon you're in the way Mr Pig this is dangerous now I think we might have too many animals if our wheat grows we can gather all of our animals together in one location oh that's just a lot of wood we can make a house from all this oh a chest open it all right hearts are pouring out looks like it's not that good too bad [Music] oh we got an upgrade another one yeah in 16 seconds it'll upgrade itself and I think new items will start to appear I wonder what it's gonna be I don't know but I can't wait more upgrades two one yes oh let's do it wait let's craft a pickaxe for this we can craft so many more things now that we have access to Stone that's great all right now that I have a wooden pickaxe it's finally time to mine some Stone this Stone makes my heart Happy wow there's a lot of stone now yeah yeah great whoa [Music] sweet wow keep going oh wait cool cool we need a stone pickaxe to mine cool oh right yes there you go good choice pour it I'll mine it Cole it's mine so fast iron it's really iron iron lots of it tons so much this rocks it never ends this place is heaven that's plenty a moment ago it was all dirt and wood but with this we can make all kinds of stuff whoa what the what I think it's a Mooshroom yeah a Mooshroom whoa that's incredible hey Mikey we should craft some furnaces yeah let's do it all right I made one we can set them up near the ranch our furnace area sounds good I'll chop down these trees while I'm at it now I'll plant some saplings all right you're working hard Mikey I sure am okay let's get back to it Mikey oh a present box ready open feathers mushroom and leather we have feathers now that's good yeah yeah myself what are you doing I don't know Mikey you were holding on to a bunch of our Stone that's true we'll be okay I'll add some dirt to the area I fell from here a second ago too so it's pretty dangerous everybody falls don't worry about it now let's just get back to mining get out of the way chicken stop thanks to all the stone we've dug up from here we can finally oh Mikey look out zombie huh get away get away why is there a zombie get it all right we got it will more monsters come I think they'll spawn occasionally oh well let's be careful [Music] you're in the way oh God again oh don't fall off Mikey die zombie yes wow that was a close one yeah a little too close the zombie almost got you oh I was fine the Iron's ready for us to craft something yeah we should make something from the iron sounds good but what should we make Mikey maybe something to make us more efficient or what if we made an iron sword to fight all the monsters when they show up yeah yeah sword okay you're in charge of the sword here thank you let's keep going sure I wonder what will pop out next I'm relying on you oh I'm kind of excited what do you think it'll be JJ a rabbit wow it's so cute there sure is a lot of stone but not much wood oh oh what's wrong with it strange totally what's up what if it's a trap we should try opening it yeah all right here we go open oh there's a bunch of weed seeds in here which means you'll see come here chickens a bit closer come on all right I safely lured the chickens to the inside of the ranch nice job now then that means it's time to plant the wheat in the field plant it when the seeds turn into wheat we can lead the cows in sheep too oh come take a look at this Mikey a watermelon finished growing hmm snack time awesome congrats okay next I'm gonna make some torches around the farm so the crops can still grow at night like this great idea it's all coming together true but we still need to build a house let's keep going Mikey don't give up duh zombie not again kill it Mikey nice nice I got it you trampled the farm though yeah I guess I did it wasn't that bad okay I'm Gonna Keep mining just some Stone oh are we getting more stuff oh look out it's friendly no our Pig store lighter oh our precious Mr Pig sacrificed himself for us oh I'm glad we still have you I'm sad that was tragic but let's pull ourselves together my pickaxe broke so I'm making a new one there we go great come on now right what do you think is gonna come out of here next I wonder the same thing oh there's Cole what two wood nice nope run bye bye oh Mikey really my iron sword exploded with me the iron sword to be fair I didn't think creepers would spawn what can you do about it oh our chest and crafting table hey we'll be fine let's keep going for more creepers I will I'm heartbroken we should probably just store things in the chest for now yeah you're probably right it's a real hassle though I get it seriously give me a break hey it's okay Mikey don't sweat it it's not okay all right I'm feeling pretty good now should I open it up huh another chest oh it just broke anyways it looks like it was full of coal nice yeah spider get it I'll fight it don't worry there thank you I took care of it nice how's this hmm I'm doing it from far away that's the right way to do it in case there's anything dangerous oh creeper hey hey hey run run we lost another Pig oh but I survived yeah you did I'm glad you're still with me buddy that was close thanks this is dangerous it sure is I think it's about time we saw another upgrade yeah oh another chest I'll open it up hey there are mushrooms whoa look oh an upgrade I wonder what we'll get so many upgrades what's next I'm super excited Mikey look at how much our little village Has Come Together awesome let's keep developing it okay yeah I'm curious to see what we'll be able to do next well ten nine eight seven six five four three two one iron oh iron sweet iron is really valuable oh a wolf so cute no wait up you have to stop it from eating our livestock hey stop it oh wolfy Mikey let's tame the wolf so it doesn't attack again yeah let's use our meat for some reason there was meat all the way behind this tree now we can tame it here did it work if you give a wolf meat it'll start to like you [Music] wait a sec this isn't good oh oh whatever I guess since it isn't attacking the other animals it's okay but we should still try to isolate it hmm our precious sheep is gone I really wanted to get wool from it oh well for now we'll just smelt some iron and mine the block that's mine except we should probably be careful of the animals and monsters that appear definitely we don't know what block will appear next or what creature will spawn true true true nice work keep going this is a really good pace yeah wait a sec Mikey this is really bad huh something uh don't fall off there it's gone I squished the farm what was that don't worry about the farm that thing was kind of like a skeleton I have a really weird effect on me oh I see it was a frozen skeleton if it hits you with an arrow you'll be slowed for a while oh man let's keep mining let's do it sweet yeah yeah we've seen a lot of snow so I wonder what other interesting things will appear yeah I don't want another monster why can't our village just be nice and safe yeah why does this keep happening to us what the Mikey give me a break my health is running really low I wonder if we could capture it yeah what did you say capture it it was just a thought oopsie don't worry about it we'll catch the next one that means we'll need a monster prison can we make one here sure I guess we can lock away any monsters that spawn in the prison awesome I'm not sure how big to make it this should be good we'll lock away all the bad monsters here [Music] perfect Ed a couple of iron bars great now I'll just set them up cool [Music] can you make a door okay sure on it next we'll place the door in there and if a monster spawns we'll smack them right into the prison oh thanks no problem there wow well done okay the prison is complete we'll throw all the monsters in here now let's get back to mining all right let's go hopefully there are no monsters yeah keep it up this is good oh what what's that no idea it walked into prison all on its own I'm a little scared but we shouldn't leave it in there Mikey I think that's an arctic fox no way is it really yeah it's so cute this is incredible I think it's afraid of us though that's fine we'll just let it free wait a second [Music] huh myself what I honestly what are you doing at least I wasn't holding anything oopsie oh well it's fine I fell off but we managed to get an arctic fox wait where'd it go oh it's by the tree oh it's so cute hey we should clear some of these trees there's too many why is there a sheep up here huh the arctic fox wants to hide behind the trees so I'll just clear them away there that's good this tree is Big when you're done pruning the tree let's continue mining sounds good okay what do we see next maybe we'll find a chest I bet it's really good see what's inside come on hurry wait what wait a sec Mikey I think the wolf may have eaten her chickens really maybe the wolf needs to be put behind bars maybe wolves seem to fight other animals Mikey can you hand me some meat please the only meat I have is chicken can I tame it with this oh no the wolf stop this is bad it looks like it's going after the Sheep Mikey get the Sheep to the ranch how do I do that do I push it here use this weed hurry quickly Mikey the wolf is attacking I'll stand in the way it's not following the wheat it's too scared laughs it's coming yo this is bad oh the arctic fox what no way this wolf is too dangerous let's lock it away we don't have any other choice oh our precious arctic fox it's gone I'm sad I'll just block it off here I'm sorry Mr Wolf but you need to stay locked up don't move you ate too many of our animals all right Mikey let's mine yeah yeah yeah I wonder what'll pop up next gold God yay arctic foxes that's great oh this is amazing oh no he ate a chicken seriously you gotta be kidding oh why does this keep happening to us I don't know that's just how the world Works JJ too bad it's the laws of nature oh well Mikey let's continue mining for now right let's go yeah we have lots of snow I want something nice not just Stone and snow and dirt and stuff whoa hang on that's not good stop it get him lock it up come on get in yes we got it but there's still one more over there the other one is by the ranch I'm on it but I'm low health I just need to I fell off oh no way I fell off hold on the one we locked up is Yo Mikey we locked up one of the skeletons but it's still attacking us what are we supposed to do with it [Music] leave it to me JJ [Music] the door this should work now it won't attack now that's a door close one that was really rough you can say that again I'm gonna give the Stray a roof so it doesn't die from the Sun there okay that should do it all done that was really hard but we succeeded in capturing astray as our pet awesome looks like it's settled down right okay let's mine until we find another upgrade all right Mikey you're in charge of stone blocks okay nice this is going well Stone what the heck a polar bear it's so cute and friendly it's not attacking I don't think so sweet we found a new friend it's really okay I definitely thought it would hurt us I guess this one must be safe it seems like it wow a friendly polar bear let's keep going all right let's do this yeah good job yes yes yes yes huh what what happened what what was that we fell right through I don't know what that was but we just dropped off the map crazy we were holding on to a lot of really good items too that messed us up yeah this is dangerous I think I'll stay back a bit good idea what what was that why did we fall all of a sudden it's a mystery now I'm sad look out again oh nice good dog the wolf [Music] wow thank you it's because I tamed it thank you Mr Wolf he's perfect other than eating our sheep iron iron iron nice this is pretty good here we go awesome oh sweet oh wait keep them away from the wolf they both went off the edge I wanted a pet arctic fox let's put the arctic fox inside yeah that's a good idea come on good Fox huh it keeps running help me get it inside Mikey oh polar bear's attacking it for real oh this is awful the animals keep fighting amongst themselves we need more fences you're right these carnivores are way too dangerous around each other let's lock them away in a carnivore zone is this big enough well let's test it out I'll try to get it in I don't know what will trigger it so I'm a bit scared good point okay there now for the door this should be sturdy enough to stop the polar bear from attacking alright then let's continue mining Mikey yeah I want an upgrade me too I'm ready for something new to come out stone stone dirt dirt snow snow how much more till it upgrades and what kind of upgrades will we get oh a chest open oh that's pretty good I just remembered four saplings is all we need to make a dark oak tree like this that seems right now in order to help it grow we're gonna need these bones there we go I'm gonna use them to create some bone meal perfect whoa whoa what did you do wow that was really something special incredible all right let's upgrade this block Mikey come on let's do this thing I wonder what upgrade is next there's still nothing I have no idea oh upgrade it's happening Bedrock means it's upgrading right it won't break the last one was snow themed so I wonder what this one will be let's eat some watermelon while we wait yeah we've gotten a lot of snow animals since then that's true I wonder what it'll be 12 seconds 10 9 8 what blocks will we get I can't wait to find out four [Music] two one huh it's sand oh quick dig whoa hang on I just realized something sand will fall straight down right I know how we can collect it huh huh it's difficult but I'll try it out with the bucket over here sure like this great now I'm gonna climb down what are you serious place a block here Stone okay now you can collect the water again Mikey oh I see the Farm's drying up I get it by climbing down and putting a stone block directly underneath I created a mechanism that will stop the sand from falling down below look a prismarine block the water now that's awesome I guess that's why it was all sound at first [Music] hold on what's that I don't know it's coral Coral whoa that's amazing but it dies if I mine it looks like we're getting a lot of sand again this is great we can smelt the sand down and turn it into glass yeah let's go sweet nice oh wait Mikey look huh oh Turtles two turtles appeared so these are Mikey's friends so let's let them be foreign [Applause] oh look oh this is so exciting we finally found diamonds let's Harvest it Mikey go ahead and use your iron pickaxe me really on it oh I'm so happy awesome I think we'll be able to make diamond equipment soon great now that we've come this far maybe we should build a house to store our valuables sure in that case let's build a house while we still have time to do it let's go We Build It Up I'll help you out oh fancy all right like this whoa it already looks really comfortable yeah should I make the outside burst yeah that's a terrific idea like this yeah nice now the glass glass panels yeah glass panels help us to preserve our glass now let's put them up ah thanks nice great job I'll put it here too I used it all but here's a ladder let's build the roof out of andesite okay [Music] perfect it's great [Music] foreign [Music] nice we did it wow what a pretty house it's almost finished we just need some doors okay now for the entrance we should put it on a lower level like this with half slap one door is probably fine [Music] foreign [Music] this is awesome I'll use more glass this is really nice you think so I'm going in oh this is a really nice house but the part with the missing glass bothers me there great this means our house is finally complete we did it I'm so happy yay we even have a pet polar bear and a guard dog the ranch is a little small but it's still there see we even have our own watermelon patch and pumpkin patch don't forget about the Turtles they're on the farm right for some reason we have two turtles there's also this wolf we had to lock up but next time we can turn his jail cell into a nice area for dogs let's do it all right let's see for now we're getting water themed blocks so when we return we'll have to keep Mining and see what other water related items appear okay after the next upgrade we'll see what kind of non-water blocks we'll get awesome to be continued let's really smash it awesome oh a squid hang on a sec we have to save it I want to but how water water water water water where is it I'm gonna need a bucket too [Music] poor squid that was weird I want to be able to save the next squid that spawns so we should build a pond good idea come on I really want to make a pond it'll only take a minute let's do it fortunately we only have one bucket of water between the two of us so that means we'll need to use it as efficiently as we can there we go we would make it like this let's see huh uh oh I need air I'll try again what's wrong nothing I just ran out of air okay now I'll take the water out and put it back here wait what what happened it's gone what our water so it's gone no way this is bad without water our crops will die this is terrible dog why what have I done we need to harvest everything before it all wilts our food all our precious food I'll Harvest it too this is all my fault hey hey hey GG I know how to get more food how we have no Farm make me a bowl but we still don't have any water it's fine just make me that bowl you mean like a wooden Bowl yes exactly okay a bowl hurry all done come here can you see it right in front of me mushroom the Mooshroom equip the bowl and right click it you mean right click the Mooshroom yeah well you have the bowl out got it huh yeah yeah yeah mushroom stew this isn't good it's out get back wolf stop it uh-oh are our kickboxes in danger oh no not again our arctic foxes are extinct here doggy let's head into the house yeah I think we need to keep it there for now as long as we don't forget to feed it huh that turtle looks like it's gonna die oh [Music] now then we can use our bones to tame the dogs here they are all right it worked now it won't attack the arctic foxes anymore we did it great yeah let's keep it in the house I'll push it once you push it inside it can have this big house all to itself there it's in nice it can do whatever it wants in there is it happy yeah it looks like it you're right sweet it still hurts not to have any water I don't know how we're gonna survive I guess we'll have to live off our mushroom stew for a while maybe we should get back to mining our block on Mikey yeah let's do it whoa this is a lot of prismarine iron two nice huh wait is this a bad guy it's not really attacking us why did it just jump straight into that hole all of a sudden feel it up yeah let's trap it in here hmm there I guess it'll just stay there why isn't it attacking I don't get it we gained a companion okay back to work dick I wonder what's gonna pop out of here next oh wood the water theme is it's too bad we can't save it we just don't have any water oh we really need it oh sorry fishy poor thing if only we had a way to make water what can we do will water spawn huh another fish another one fishy no oh that's so unfortunate oh a chest ooh I found some Coral fan sweets now then mine mine mine whoa a guardian it's an enemy yeah go no it fell off nice yeah okay time to mine chest a chest ready time to open it oh a heart of the sea we have the Sea's heart now that's awesome we'll need this if we want to craft a conduit [Music] ouch it's attacking so now all of a sudden it's attacking what for huh ouch that was a ton of damage oh well it doesn't seem to be that bad just be extra careful against its attacks okay Mikey let's mine huh what another enemy oh wait it's a puffer fish why is it doing so much so much image hold up the dog save it hey oh no Mikey I'm taking poison damage ouch oh that was awful puffer fish poison is extremely strong wait a second how long ago did the dog get outside but whatever you want to stay let's tame the other dog too okay if we can tame it then it should be fine to let it out I'm breaking down the Walls okay now Mikey let's continue the whole Diamond not bad that's our second Door Keep mining all the end I think what we need most is water whoa hold up an Elder Guardian let's get it now take that this thing's really strong yeah what no way really the Elder Guardian killed me look get it Ah that's not fair it's way too strong stop it stop it stop it I have a shovel oh I'm gonna die hang on oh no you attack my friend ah I did it oh I died again that Elder Guardian was tough yeah it was my stuff's all messed up now oh mine too I need to organize it hey hey hey hey so you gotta watch out for that guy he'll attack if you get too close now back to mining sure [Music] maybe we can find something right hurry we don't need much come on water water oh no water oh no there was nothing we could do poor dolphin this is terrible if only I hadn't messed up with the water earlier I tried putting it on a half block and it just disappeared I should have been careful and gone with a full block [Music] wait it says the monsters are coming [Music] hey okay I'll hide over by the trees Mikey I'm just hiding oh my God you okay nope hang on this is bad I have Miner's fatigue that's not good you might have to come and Rescue Me Mikey oh never mind I'll fight it nice hey stop stop I'm afraid I might end up hitting one of our Ranch Animals by accident [Music] oh I died it's all on you JJ huh oh it disappeared we lost a lot of important stuff though including one of the guard dogs that we trained ah poor dog right when the dog starts warming up to us something like this happens and ruins it no kidding well the damage may have been significant but that doesn't mean we can give up just yet Mikey right now we're still getting the water themed resources from the Block we need to hurry up and upgrade it to the next stage let's keep breaking it if we keep going maybe we'll upgrade to a new theme I lost my pickaxe and my diamonds this one's about to break oh man there now I'll go make a new one hang on Mikey I have a present for you I don't have a pickaxe a shovel or an ax nothing nothing take this thanks that really helps a shovel too here you go thanks I appreciate it new day Fresh Start let's smile still in the water huh oh well water is really precious mining mining mining I Love mining me too open oh hang on was that a turtle egg [Music] awesome it's so cute do we bury it first let's put it down then maybe it'll hatch does it need to go on Sand probably is that good I'll put it right here cute I sure hope it grows properly same what's next maybe an upgrade not yet but I have a feeling that it'll be soon let's dig yeah leave it to me I'll do it nice nice nice nice I really want that upgrade soon yeah we've been working really hard nice open wow what is it JJ we got it is it water yeah there are two buckets with salmon and cod and I think there's water in there for us too wonderful in that case we should make space for the water but where more water huh look um but how how oh well we've got it I guess it didn't disappear I guess not whatever let's make a new water area all right okay in that case I think I'll make the new water area out of wood this time sure let's use wood yeah oh oh it's dying whoa the drought almost burned to death it did burn to death what don't worry about it oh there's water under here weird do you have a bucket I've got some here I'll grab one now for the water I'll clear it out there nice like that oh we can build it like this to make an endless supply of water look it's bugging out hang on I fixed it now I'll just pour this bucket out Mikey check it out there was a fish in the bucket but no water huh oh wait I was wrong it worked really yeah nice there now we have as much water as we could ever want yeah it's endless let's make a pool area for when we see the dolphins again sure I don't want to lose any more Dolphins time to build a pool area starting down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] Turtle doing here whoa don't get too close to the edge Turtle careful wow [Music] nice it's great to have so much water we can do anything what whoa I fell shoot whoa huh JJ don't do that to me close one that scared me nice save I thought I was a goner me too don't do that again for real how am I gonna survive this Mikey help me where are you yeah uh oh this is bad I'm probably gonna die where are you oh yes dick please [Music] yes wow I made it are you okay huh our fish I guess they escaped oh that stinks that was close I thought it was doomed alright then let's finish this be careful this time don't fall okay [Music] that was close too close for comfort oh there done [Music] this is our brand new pool area it's it's what we wanted now we can have all kinds plus it's an infinite water source oh nice great everything is finally complete wow that looks really nice yeah we made an incredible recovery from when we thought we lost all of our water how about we plant some watermelon seeds I'll tell we're planting watermelons watermelon seeds very nice thanks let's get back to work let's go okay oh yes it's finally upgrading isn't this great I'm so excited I wonder what's coming what do you think doggy we just finished the Water Theme we even made a pool now with a dolphin or fish or anything ever appears then we can keep them safe in there oh and there's also this turtle egg hmm patches [Music] seven six five four three two one what's that not sure whoa it looks like you found some mossy cobblestone what we could build something Fancy with this fancy you say I love foxy wow the building looks a lot older with moss on it awesome nice fancy totally let's keep mining let's go that's wood Mikey it's from a jungle tree jungle tree is this upgrade jungle theme oh my God you're a genius this upgrade must be from the jungle oh Birds nice so cute how do we tame these birds no idea maybe we could try and feed them some seeds maybe we have watermelon seeds pumpkin seeds and weed seeds I'll try one of each just to be safe I'm really curious oh it ran away what ah I guess they don't like me bad hmm that didn't work can I try wheat seeds come here sure here but I'm not so sure what do they like it well it ate all of them huh I kept feeding it I think it's my friend now whoa I fed it a lot wow it's on your shoulder Mikey really me I'm jealous here okay I'll try feeding it a whole bunch I had to feed it a lot of seeds girl go go well [Music] look it's sitting on me we must be friends now so cool you did it I'm so happy well we have Birds I'll plant the seeds here time to mine yeah stay close to us little parrots we're gonna have an adventure together I wonder what else is in the jungle more jungle wood oh iron oh iron iron chest wait look out what are those enemies I'm gonna hide in the house oh what was that it attacked me yo oh it's an enemy I'm gonna hide in the house with you okay what kind of enemy is that I'll see if I can fight it with my trident good luck thanks get down it looks like a fairy but it's really a monster where did it go oh it's attacking me wait I don't want to accidentally hit the bird it's gone never mind it's behind you wait what weird it did yikes so strong there yeah creepies it's strong just vanished and I think it's gone for good great yeah we should probably make some swords so we can fight properly next time yeah I'll make one too nice time to craft there an iron sword nice okay oh this bird came to visit me it's pretty Lively I think it's a parrot a chest okay let's take a look inside open oh wow cocoa beans cocoa beans let's plant them here's the thing about cocoa beans you have to plant them in a jungle tree not the ground oh I'll do it where do I put them let's see I'll try this it worked check it out oh nice wow hang on a sec is this a tree yeah of course is it really whatever we successfully planted our cocoa beans hey wait these beans are still green we can eat them when they're ready right yeah all right let's mine again oh watermelon look out birdie what else is there well well well let's find out what will we get I can't wait it's gonna be great ocelots sweet check it out it's so cute unfortunately ocelots Can't Be Tamed oh look there's a second one hiding behind this tree wow so exciting you're right it's kind of upsetting that there's no way to tame them really they can just roam free okay they're from the wild anyway let's see what's next another ocelot and a chest open oh nice a diamond hey that's mine all the diamonds are mine hang on to it then hey don't fall off diamonds are a big responsibility if you lose it I don't think I'll be able to forgive you don't worry JJ I won't do anything dangerous okay come on right huh dick dick dick what's next what do we see maybe uh whoa a panda a panda it's pretty big now we have a panda I love pandas they're so cute super cute oh I love it so much look here Panda pandas won't attack unless we attack first so we should be safe perfect yeah all right we've got a lot of animals what'll we find next parrot ocelot who knows let's find out I bet we find a magnificent animal oh gold whoa huh oh that's a witch all right hey I can't this one's on you seriously wait a sec the parrot was poisoned I can't forgive that what no go attack there nice yeah that was close he poisoned the panda everything's dying JJ listen what I can't run I have to protect the parents inspiring that's a big relief Mikey there's good stuff in here bead Roots yeah oh and a chicken spawn egg there's an egg in there awesome is this gonna spawn a chicken I think so where do you think we should have the chicken spawn Mikey hmm the house inside the house is good let's go okay I'll spawn it right here ready spawn whoa nice it's so cute great stay here chicken now keep mining right what's next whoa I thought they were monsters horses I hope that's not too many animals we keep finding more let's just mine Mikey let's go yeah mine mine mine it's nice and quiet now too quiet there are no zombies no creepers nothing weird at all wait that was weird what the huh huh no Mikey what happened to your parrot did I accidentally hit it did you I didn't know oh all I wanted was to protect it your parrot there's nothing we can do about it don't feel too bad I'm sorry it's that weird evil Monster's fault we just have to keep going yeah next come on I want a new friend give me me something friendly I want more parrots oh Redstone whoa parrots parrots Mikey give me some seeds welcome back parrot look it likes me wow you should tame it it's up there I can't read you've got this it worked oh nice work let's continue what a relief thank you whoa Diamond here I'll let you have this one JJ really awesome you just made my day yay I'm happy back to work it's going great what's next I'd still fight a monster if it shows up show no mercy huh whoa what the hey I got it nice you do this all right we beat the little fairy thing Mikey there's something I want to show you what I think the cocoa beans are finished growing look how do we Harvest them punch it maybe hey it worked we did it I'm so excited now that we have some more cocoa beans let's plant them sure they go right on the tree all right okay let's mine again sounds good check it out sand digging a chest oh I broke it what'd you get lots of stuff look Vines let's renovate our house with them let's do it there you go all right then it's time to renovate whoa you have two parrots on your shoulders Mikey really popular super popular yeah sweet if I put Vines here it'll give the house a cool atmosphere I think it'll clean the air too back to our jobs this time I'd like to find something really amazing me too coming oh they're here they're here get him whoa that's way too many Mikey Retreat I can't I'll get in the house this this I made it hang in there I'm coming over there too hide in the house okay I'm in I gotta keep it together this is way too many monsters to handle this guy's the worst one yeah it's so strong Mikey spider [ __ ] get out of here I'm hurt me too this is bad not again back off got him wow fighting in the water is ouch I'm back oh this is the end no no no whoa JJ I beat it wow nice Mikey I think we've taken out all the enemies oh finally that was really rough we may have been outnumbered but somehow we pulled through we got a lot of friends and a lot of enemies come on all right here we go no more monsters please can something good happen yeah hmm what look Diamond Horse too awesome okay Mikey grab the diamond got it I'm so happy great woohoo Diamond a chest nice look what I found Mikey let's make a jukebox really cool I heard that if parrots listen to music they'll start dancing no way let's try it out the Jukebox will need to use one of our diamonds what I'll just put this in there now now it's finished time to listen to some music where should I put it it's good okay turn it on did it work huh [Music] hmm nothing no dancing turn it off it stopped I guess they don't dance okay let's get back to work ready let's go dig dig dig dig dig dig dig oh diamond diamond we'll be rich we're already rich go go witch oh a witch got it nice Mikey yeah you're really powerful thank you look an iron sword dropped I guess I'll take it nice great let's go come on I want to see the next stage faster I'm getting so curious I don't know if I can handle it I'm curious about the next stage too what'll it be I can't wait I better be even more amazing all right let's do our best to reach it today huh oh this is great oh sweet sugar cane I'll put it here nice when it grows we can make sugar cool oh whoa another chest bamboo a diamond damn boo bamboo I'll feed it to the panda and see if he eats it ready here whoa he's eating it yeah yum so cute nice all right I should plant the bamboo to make Sprouts moving on whoa look finally it's the next upgrade JJ I I had an idea what is it let's expand the island yeah let's spread it out it's starting to get cramped in here with all these animals I guess that's the end of the Jungle stage we tamed a lot of animals and accomplished some pretty great things now I'm excited to see what's in store for us next yeah for now let's just keep expanding sure this Island's really cramped look JJ 15 seconds 13. I'm so curious what will we see It'll be amazing I can feel it you think uh-huh what comes after jungle this parrot it could be absolutely anything two one what if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 7,336,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 59sGTuCj9jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 7sec (3787 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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