1000 FNAF vs. Security House Battle - Minecraft

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foreign [Music] [Music] let's go for a walk our village is so peaceful okay [Music] huh uh huh what's that is that a crowd in our village huh what's this about what's with all the puppets should we run oh what's this wait whoa oh no uh at least hang on Mikey I know what they are these puppets [Music] these puppets attack people when the Sun goes down really yep what during the day Dave's safe but they'll attack us at night this is bad all these in our village we need to build up our security before night falls or we'll be attacked and eaten tonight no thanks we gotta do something it'll be okay Mikey let's go to my house okay come with me see Mikey my house has the best security so even if they attack it'll probably be okay really impressive JJ but it doesn't look like you have that much security oh I don't have the security system turned on right now huh what follow me here huh [Music] there see that yeah if I flip this switch the security system turns on hey Mikey why don't we turn it on go ahead and flip the switch sure even if we turn your security system on there won't be anything left of us if those puppets attack here it goes three two one nice your security system is amazing thing now I'm not scared of the puppets at all isn't it great yeah look whoa there's lava perfect still we can't be too careful those puppets are no laughing matter which means let's keep adding more security measures to my house follow me [Music] let's do it look here see my bed yep that's a bed take a closer look under it see what's inside it's my secret security chest there's a lot of security items inside come on that's everything wow ah let's take this stuff with us for now yeah yeah a laser rifle and some of this oh we'll definitely use this this this yep whoa some of that this is incredible yep these items are pretty amazing all right now Mikey yeah let's set up the security systems with them sure for starters look what to get to the house we have to cross this bridge yep otherwise we'd fall into lava right so we should probably barricade the front of the bridge good idea let's do it right let's make it like this right here and like this oh wow and this sure some of this we'll barricade the bridge yep now it's no problem amazing that's the idea the perfect security system and that's how yep you build a barricade wow how's this ta-da check it out we now have a barricade the puppets will never get to us without breaking through it let's make it even stronger there perfect let's nap until night but Mikey there's a chance yeah that the puppets may break through sure so let's prep the bridge with some security lasers good idea we'll put a laser here and hop over wow you'll take damage if you touch it that's what I call security let's set up a few more the puppets don't stand a chance whoa is that enough okay are we done well Mikey if they can break the barricade there is a chance yeah that they'll get through the lasers sure so let's add even more security what's next this is next what is it well I guess I'll put it here see yeah I'll start with one right here there okay put a lever on it this is a turret Mikey if you pull this lever yeah then extremely powerful lasers will Target the enemies and blast them it's a powerful defense amazing you're really using something this awesome the puppets don't stand a chance yeah it's pretty awesome next up come inside we have more security to set up just in case like what next up equipping ourselves I'd like to build an auto equipper swords some diamond armor can't forget the laser rifles let's set this Auto equipper up [Music] uh where should It Go goodbye Dad [Music] these go here whoa and here then in here and done time to load up the equipment [Music] oh we'll need swords is that about it okay wow then the button can go maybe here amazing all right so when you push the button look it equips automatically whoa swords and everything yep and that's how to build an auto equipper our security is perfect hmm is it I think it's perfect for now yeah still we should explore all the possibilities let's build a self-destruct mechanism self-destruct yep if the puppets break through everything we've built so far yeah we'll have no choice but to blow up the house and everyone in it Purity man [Music] all right so Mikey if we self-destruct we'll need an Escape Route oh let's dig a hole in the ground okay it needs to be really deep is this deep enough we'll need to be careful about the lava let's avoid digging upward okay we'll dig our tunnel all the way through it's a bit narrow though [Music] is this enough I think so whoa wow wow all right this is where we'll climb out from [Music] like this yeah sure let's make this into a tower [Music] okay [Music] that's enough it's almost done one more thing for starters let's lay some rails from this side [Music] have them start over here first we'll need some water on the bottom yep it's pretty cramped [Music] so now the chest can go over here and inside of that I'll place the Minecarts now to place the rails just like this yes we'll go through the Escape tunnel at high speed all the way over to the Tower oh is this far enough oh definitely Yep this is the spot and then from here we'll use a water elevator to climb to the top of the tower is this [Music] this is how you build it just like this switch back and forth between signs and water by doing it this way you can float through the water to create an elevator yep that's the way okay I think that's it all done let's give it a try Mikey sure let's make sure it works so first yep first we dive into the hole Watch Out Below then we take a minecart yep and go whoa not bad bad at all once you get here it's into the water elevator and up to the top amazing nice keep going higher and higher oh we've reached the surface whoa whoa perfect Yes we made it to the top wow awesome now look what I've got this is the ultimate bomb it blows everything to Oblivion whoa this is the Detonator push this to activate the bomb it's really dangerous very with that said let's go I think I want to place the bomb inside the house where should we put it I don't know hmm yeah let's leave it right here okay watch out whoa I'll hold the Detonator as we escape through the tunnel to the Tower [Music] shoot a tower I'll press it and hitting everything along with it that's amazing I doubt we'll need to use it though we did prepare a lot of security I hope you're right Mikey for now let's wait for night yeah it's almost night we shouldn't have any problems after all our work Mikey we should prepare for the worst and get it quit okay [Applause] first up [Music] sweet cool wow nice let's head over to the barricade it'll hold them off sure [Music] all right don't jump on the lasers whoa wow this this isn't good the sun's about to go down will they really attack when night Falls supposedly they haven't shown any signs of attacking and they're attacking to fight back use your laser rifle there's more back there use your sword we're going down whoa this is easy piece of cake yeah our security is the best you can even defeat them with swords nice as long as we have our barricade good good good yes take this and that huh what's that get back Mikey they put a bomb on the barricade run away go go go go go extremely bad Mikey whoa crazy the turret was defeat the rest they're getting through it's fine they're charging through the lasers seriously the turret finish them off right really we do our best okay that's all Mikey I'm out of ammo our laser rifles are useless it no this is bad with this many puppets it's only a matter of time till they break into the house we have no choice Mikey we have to use the self-destruct come on Mikey hurry Escape through here okay just keep moving hurry grab a mine cart Mikey and go yeah let's go make a quick Escape go go go all right now up the water elevator hurry okay keep going up all of our security measures have been ineffective except for the self-destruct okay [Music] and I hope we can defeat all of them with it foreign what's happening wait yeah Mikey yeah it's getting worse they've broken through the walls what that is bad phew if we hadn't run for it they would have had us it's time to self-destruct it's over ready all we have to do is push it what'll it be like well yeah I'm pushing it three two one click huh well what's it doing huh huh wow what an explosion whoa [Applause] but it destroyed the village if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 8,752,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 3go6dYCuIls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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