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today we've come out here for a picnic but we might have to cancel I can hear thunder really but we're surrounded by Nature it it's beautiful well how nice let's go find some cover we'll still have our picnic yay we won't let a little rain ruin our day it won't be so bad this place is great [Music] you're right it is beautiful and thunderstorms are exciting let's have our picnic here yeah hang on what's up I found something you did huh what is it JJ oh no what what happened JJ I'm scared I have no idea that I'm freaking out something terrible oh man there's something here there's boots and emeralds here take these Mikey okay I'll put them on wait a sec it'll be good for the rain uh where's the body it's really weird did we imagine it no did it just disappear something is wrong we need to find help good idea let's get some help hmm there's a house it's a missing person sign looks like a kid we'll keep an eye out for him hello there's no one I'm getting a bad feeling game let's see there's meat oh here I have a jacket thanks that's nice yep okay stay on alert all right this place is weird oh hold on oh there he is [Music] him huh no way what it's just a head there's definitely something wrong here seriously scary in the woods and now here let's find someone careful we don't know what's out here like that there's definitely something wrong here no no this is creepy I'm getting scared this Village is messed up definitely what is that I don't know oh the well who did this they're on Stakes what happened this is all so wrong what happened to this Village everyone was turd let's keep moving Mikey let's go was anyone here Left Alive man wait huh what's with this gate weird look a house oh and there's smoke coming from the chimney I see it ah I know what happened a monster attacked them but someone escaped into that house they can help us I know it oh that makes sense the survivors must be inside that building we should go inside too yeah yeah but the gate is locked so what now search for a key okay let's see over here nope any monsters not yet there's a chest oh is that the key yes we found it let's go inside all right if we can get inside that building then we can get some answers someone must be living in there let's open the gate no let's go hmm what is it see someone Mikey maybe they can help us wait a sec something doesn't feel right huh well what if that person is the culprit what now that you mention it they don't look very nice they might be the culprit that person could be the one who destroyed the village and hurt all of those people right I think it's going to be up to us to take down that awful criminal Mikey really we can do it no we have to do it okay let's sneak in and take him down quietly don't make a sound all right be stealthy like this I'll be careful you bet ah the door won't open it's locked we can't get inside oh there's a button hmm this button should open the door three two one open yeah oh man Mikey that was the doorbell now they know we're here so are we safe now or is this far enough yeah it has to be the door it opened oh is it coming are we safe what is this I'm scared it's getting dark yeah we're weak captured it looks that way we weren't safe what's that sound I don't know huh the floor fell out it's weird I'm not sure how but we broke out we were in that cell Mikey that bad guy is serious trouble it's too much [Music] for now let's just get out of here [Music] let's see well there's a chest over here journal in here too from someone named Victor it looks like he was locked up in here too I wonder where he is oh look there are instructions for escaping really it says there are six valves here yeah if we open them up gas will build up in the boiler room until it explodes whoa then we escape through the sewer Beneath The Boiler Room got it let's look let's focus on the valves for now yeah is this one of the vowels I'm gonna open it whoa one down five to go let's go this way all right oh be careful yeah the bad guy could be anywhere right it looks clear see anything yet there's meat in here weird oh nice I found a bow in this Barrel hang on what is it it looks like prison cells yeah it's creepy you're right huh there are other people locked up in here let's let them out something seems weird about him everyone is messed up what about the others they all have this distant stare and they're not acting normally I'm getting a bad feeling about this is there anyone else well hang on Mikey yeah check him out what do we do do we save him he looks scary he seems dangerous definitely I'm worried he might attack us but he might be a nice person let's let him out we shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I don't see a lever anywhere maybe we can't let him out must be a way let's look for more valves okay we'll come back where could the other valves be oh look at this come on maybe Bowser down here let's look where are they I'll be sneaky the bad guy could be anywhere here's the chest whoa it's loaded wow nice awesome I got a shield here's a valve really open it all right that's number two four more to go we're doing great [Music] go away seriously he came out of nowhere it was so scary what the Mikey take the shield this is the Boiler Room here's the plan I'll look for valves to open you keep him distracted yeah I don't like that plan let's see hey there's a path over here lead him this way I'm coming it's over here I see it take this Shield thanks it's messy in here but we might find something really ah oh I see a ladder huh hold on Mikey these open all the doors sweet oh here's another valve here we go yes nice yeah that means we're halfway through the valves I'm worried about enemies be careful there should be some doors open now was it over here maybe no no what happened the bad guy again no no what do we do oh another valve two more almost there this is bad I'm taking this potion I hope it heals me this is scary let's run [Music] it's okay let's focus on the valves two more where are they let's search over here good idea oh nice let's look around wow a cake I'm hungry fireworks too and Potions nice I found a key oh that should come in handy right now oh look pigs I see a valve great the key goes to this door nice oh let's open it all right one valve left we're so close let's find that last valve what's this oh what is this place wait a sec we're outside we did it let's go okay criminal will leave us alone out here we're gonna be safe and sound maybe huh there's a wall keeping us around I guess we still have to search for the last valve huh there's no easy way out now where is that valve what is this place no it's a person [Music] oh no what what is it I have no idea but they're scary um what do we do this is bad hey I see the valve I'll chug this to restore my health whoa there's other good stuff too okay let's go okay run into the forest they're huge so they'll have a hard time in there right they can't fit between the trees we'll have the advantage yeah huh hold on it's not working no the trees we need to run into the house oh yikes that was dangerous it was absolutely terrifying but you opened open right JJ yeah they're all open that means we should head to the boiler room down on the third level Let's Escape okay we made it finally there's smoke coming out does that mean the gas is leaking I think so then when I push this button yeah it'll explode it really exploded nice wow that's amazing he made it below the basement now there should be an entrance to the Sewer somewhere around here let's find it this place is creepy oh this must lead down to the Sewer really let's go yeah okay this is our big Escape [Music] whoa wow we're in the sewer oh I found something it looks like some kind of map oh it's a map of the sewers that's good huh according to the map there are two more valves if we open them yeah the exit should open whoa let's go open those two valves okay all right sewer seems safer [Music] can go through here whoa still I feel like I'm running out of air be careful we can take breaks in these air pockets good I think that right now we're somewhere near the center me too so valve must be this way yeah that looks right really oh no my air well wow I made it and here's the Bell good job are you okay I'm all right don't worry ready let's go all right okay next we'll open battle B where is it somewhere around here I'll stop and breathe for a second where should we go now the path splits I'll go left careful down the left follow this down no I made it I see the valve nice hold the second valve now the exit is open Sweet let's go all right yes here we go wow I can see the exit and it's open we did it finally we're out yes we made it we escaped all right let's keep moving let's go I want to get out of this crazy place what happened something got out of hand if those bad guys find us yikes what's in here I don't know so we went through the sewer and where did we come out I'm not sure hey we must be near the exit huh what was that an explosion oh they're coming for us wait we're safe now weird that was close the ceiling collapsed well they know where we are we need to keep looking for an exit Mikey we need to get out of here keep searching what's this oh a netherite sword I'll take this that's a good find there's a shield in an apple too search around for a valve in the exit let's see where's the exit what if there isn't one JJ oh I think there's something through here really oh it's down this way [Music] soon as possible same oh I see a valve pull it all right what now wait it's an elevator oh whoa it still works Mikey Mikey if we ride this elevator up his taupe let's hurry there it is no right yep whoa that's gnarly we only have one chance to land this be careful made it me too yeah let's go this ladder must lead the way out of this crazy Mansion thank goodness foreign huh something what is this place it's a room a bedroom [Applause] Victor wait a sec huh wasn't Victor the name of the person who wrote instructions on how to use the valves in Escape yeah that's weird Victor kind of looks like the crazy person who keeps attacking us whoa really hmm hey that guy's locked up in there Mikey oh what is it huh is that him the Enemy No but something doesn't seem right Let's Get Closer hey are you sure oh oh it is him hold on he sees us creepy Mikey he's not the criminal that is Dr Victor what he says he's been locked up no hey I just realized something yeah this person has dual personalities what he turns into the criminal really he says he made a special poison that is going to kill off the other personality and not him oh wow he's telling us to give him the poison let's do what he's asking so we can kill off that Evil Personality come on let's find that poison for him where is it it's in here somewhere okay hmm where is it up here there let's find it for him quick keep looking maybe this way yeah let's check huh does something seem off about Victor a little this is bad Mikey the good personality has been overtaken by the bad personality the criminal is in control no way just when he was finally a good person now he's ordering us to hand over the poison that would destroy him I think the poison is in this chest over here it's in there I'm pretty sure there's no way we're handing it over here's the poison you're right Dr Victor left a note saying not to hand it over we'll keep it safe we can't trust it with a Criminal right let's grab it and run go go quick let's go if only we can find a way to make him drink it he's coming after us we need to run away is there anything in here he took over the cameras no whoa what are those security cameras I don't understand this evil personality but I think it was born from Dr Victor's negative emotions I see this is bad because it's evil it wants to destroy everything oh let's see what do we have here it's a letter from Dr Victor oh there's a gas chamber in the Mansion the plan is to take the poison he made and pour it into the gas Chambers Machinery that should be enough to destroy the evil personality but we only have one chance to do it all right are you ready we only have two minutes let's go let's do this let's find that chamber come on no the bad guy got out he shot me this is really bad whoa he's coming yeah come on faster watch out if you get shot you'll slow down one minute 30 seconds left man where do we go from here I can't figure out the map just keep running okay wow you found it get in hurry okay I poured the poison in to destroy the Evil Personality nice the gas chamber's ready I think we can beat them really no whoa that did a lot of damage absolutely wow so it worked I'm not sure let's keep moving I think the poison gas finished them off so we just need to escape let's get out of here nope what are we stuck in here we're trapped inside seriously we do no hear that what oh no [Music] okay no we're clear oh Mikey this might be the end for us we can do but we made it so far huh what happened the shutter slam closed I think the security system smashed the enemies huh what's that oh what how who was that I feel like I've seen him before know is that the guy from earlier yeah the one that was locked up check him out what do we do do we save him he looks scary he seems dangerous definitely I'm worried he might attack us but he might be a nice person well let's let him let him scary but he was a nice guy yeah he saved us was he Dr Victor's child uh probably not ah let's make a break for it let's go we can't hang out around here you're right come on all we have to do now is escape yeah let's leave this place oh okay finally a door it says Exit we did it if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 7,433,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: QMOuWV4eY8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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