Cartoon Cat vs Security House - Minecraft

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tonight keep your eyes peeled for the vicious toon cats [Applause] what the toon cat is coming to town toon cat that's a super dangerous monster right apparently it chases its prey to the furthest reaches of the world what do we do here's the plan mikey we're gonna strengthen the security on this house to defend against the toon cat we better get moving we might not have much time what do we do first let's see oh i know to start let's make sure we've locked all the doors and windows then we'll set up these pressure plates when the toon cat chases us we'll run back to the house unfortunately we need to open and shut doors manually if we leave them open for too long the toon cat will come in but if i place the pressure plates here what happens the door will automatically close behind us once we're inside wow that's gonna be our first security measure an automatic closing door oh i see we might have a problem if we place the pressure plates on the outside see here's what i'm thinking the toon cat can't open doors on its own so this should help us the door will force it out even though we can't get in the front door we should expect the toon cat to eventually break inside in that case we need to add some more security like what it might be a good idea to build a trap inside the house okay what kind of trap how about a cage trap good idea all right what type of materials do we need let's use sticky pistons iron bars redstone torches redstone dust and repeaters for now that should do it wow this looks like a good spot i'm digging a hole cool how's that good perfect next i'm going to set up a row of redstone torches terrific moving on all right what's next let me think [Music] i dug another big hole so i have somewhere to put the repeaters down repeaters oh next up is the redstone dust what's that for now we'll cover the top like this cool i still need to install a lever whenever someone pulls it the redstone torches will flicker on and off that means it's working oh time for the pistons they'll go up here [Music] we can control all the pistons at the same time with just one lever that's incredible yeah how does it help that's the easy part watch this wow let's see okay complete this is great yep one more thing wow awesome we have to put a lid on it otherwise the toon cat will be able to climb over why don't we try using glass sure we can't have him climbing over it right this will work better this will block him off right yeah probably sweet there's no way to cat will get past here great we did it now we don't have to be afraid of tim cat anymore hang on mikey not so fast there's a chance he might be able to break through the glass so i'm gonna use a fence instead that's better wow all right what do you think mikey he can't climb over that i think this is enough to stop toon cat yeah i agree now let's go to the opposite side and see if we can set up a similar mechanism that way we'll be able to trap tooncat inside we'll use the same setup over here too [Music] [Music] now for the pistons [Music] there [Music] all right [Music] are both sides finished yet yep looks like everything's done nice uh-oh we might have to lower everything by one level i think i made a mistake no worries we can fix that right now [Music] okay much better we lowered it by one block we've completed our indoor cage trap whoa when the tomb cat makes it inside pull the lever that's epic once he's in here he'll be trapped there's no way to escape perfect [Music] i'm not even scared that does it for our second security system the cage trap hooray if he gets past it yeah we have these wow diamond armor sets cool huh i'll help thanks there next we'll need some weapons i'll put a diamond sword beside each armor set one for each of us this way we'll be prepared if we ever need to fight just in case whoa this is our third security system against the toon cap full diamond equipment we're doing great aren't we that's for sure here's the thing tooncat is a super powerful monster there's still a chance he might make it through all her security what then we'll need to find a way out of here and i know just the thing an escape route we're only gonna use it in case of an emergency like if the toon cat gets through our security systems i'm gonna punch in a command wow i made a long tunnel hang on it's too short i'll fix it it's huge there great you might be wondering why did jj make this massive tunnel this will be our escape route not only that but it'll stop the toon cat in its tracks how easy huh what see these i'm filling them with arrows arrow filled dispensers one sec whoa there they are is the trap finished how do we know it's gonna work that's easy mikey it's not finished yet but i'll show you just a second this goes here [Music] i need to make sure the redstone is connected now i need to place a lever wow here's the lever look that's amazing this is going to stop cat for sure if the toon cat gets past the cage we'll escape through the tunnel then we'll flip the lever there we go i don't think it's possible to get past all these arrows me neither i'm not sure if all this security is really necessary jj hey we can't be too prepared true there are still more security systems we can add for now i'm gonna stock up on the arrows i need to expand this mechanism through the side okay that should work perfect what do you think about this mikey [Music] it's coming out from the top he won't be able to get past this there are arrows everywhere good luck with this toon cat we can win for sure we can't forget that toon cat is one of the most powerful monsters in existence it won't be easy stopping him but we can think about adding our next security measure right great i have an amazing idea for the next trap we should build this is gonna be awesome let's make a maze genius we'll put it right here no matter how strong tomcat is a maze might stop him yep you need to be smart for a maze that's right come on we can use our brain power to take down the toon cat once and for all it's maze time let's go if we design a super difficult maze that toon cat can't escape then we win this sounds good to me we can do it a dead end yeah that's intentional all right wow this looks tricky let's make it a bit wider once the tomb cat makes it this far he'll have two different options let's see which way [Music] toon cat will have to decide if he wants to go left or right from here which choice should lead him to the exit maybe straight he'll be so lost okay i know a way to drive toon cat absolutely crazy what is it whatever it is let's do it yeah seal this off on it right here okay this maze is difficult i want to make it clear to toon cat whenever he makes the wrong choice this'll do the trick a dead end that's right great there's no getting through he should just give up that's what i hope will happen we'll see this maze is almost impossible this section's gonna look like another dead end except there's one more thing i'm gonna add i'm stacking signs where the rest of the wall used to be check it out [Music] wow i know where this is going good idea first i installed the signs second the painting wow go huh i'd better make this a little bigger [Music] perfect oh that rocks sweet there what's it for this painting is a hidden door amazing it looks like another wrong path but it's actually right tricky i'm going to use stone to cover the floor [Music] nice touch he's gonna think he's at another dead end but it's actually the way out wow it's a secret passage this is definitely gonna fool him toon cat is gonna have a really hard time figuring this one out totally he might even give up once he sees how elaborate this maze really is yeah once we get to the end of the maze we'll run through here uh hang on a sec mikey we might want to cover the maze in case he tries to go around it oh [Music] there wow that's awesome yeah now it's secure best maze ever you can say that again we're done not yet i'm drawing arrows to trick the toon cat even more oh cool this is the wrong way confusing toon cat's gonna be so frustrated he'll reach a dead end come back here and follow the arrows to another dead end nice there we have it our fifth security system is complete now if tooncat ever makes it through the maze we should have a backup plan in that case we'll need somewhere safe to hide what do you mean jj at a certain point we may have to give up on the maze and run for our lives our next goal should be to lure the tomb cat somewhere we have the upper hand and trap him there we just need to figure out where right [Music] huh whoa i did it let's see [Music] perfect this is our panic room mikey it's like an emergency shelter the only problem is tooncat will still find a way to get past it so we need to add more security measures what's that hole for for jumping in huh wait it'll save us from the tomb cat i just need to do one more thing there i'm done wow this is the hole that we dropped down from right here and here's the slime landing pad yeah you got it epic i'll play some hay bales good idea thank you this will break our fall that's brilliant all right next we need to prepare a security system for this room let's go it's going right here i'll need power rails wow time to lay some tracks the plan is to escape with mine carts i see [Music] i'll put the mine carts here okay what comes next we need redstone to activate the rails let's head to the surface good idea whoa [Music] this way wow almost there yes we made it out yay [Music] that's a wrap we can leave the mine carts now yes okay this will take us straight to the surface sweet an escape route let's climb that mountain sounds good to me we'll need tons of powered rails to get up yeah let's do it whoa let's get to work [Music] looking good [Music] awesome we'll be able to make a clean escape with this whoa we're at the top nice we did it we can just continue what we're doing straight ahead down the mountain sure okay wow this is epic let's keep moving it's so long [Music] now then yeah i want to connect this to a new location all right we'll find our destination using ender eyes oh it's that way we'll lead the railroad over there sure we finally made it hold on is this what i think it is that's right take a look the end portal check it out wow cool huh very interesting let's fill the portal with eyes of ender why you'll see we'll fill all the slots except for one sure wow our goal is to launch tooncat into the end portal in order to do that we'll need to set up these iron blocks on the sides this way okay i get it like this that's right keep going okay [Music] that's it yeah this should work watch out don't fall into the lava oops i'm burning careful this is dangerous stuff we need to find a way to trap toon cat in the portal well i'm less focused on the trap part and more focused on luring them in we can do it okay we'll hold this eye vendor over the last slot and wait for the tomb cat to chase us when he's close we'll slam it in whoa that'll activate the portal forcing the toon cat inside and sealing him off in the end for the rest of his days that's okay with me not bad huh awesome yeah this might be our best trap ever i agree great we're done we did it okay mikey let's return to the house there's still more work to be done what another security system it's super basic but it's super important here we are mikey get ready for the next security system what is it jj do you see what i'm holding a lava bucket yep we're going to create a lava mode around the house sweet it's pretty basic security super basic oh well if we make it three blocks wide we can still jump over it if we have to any wider than that and we're saying jj let's go there we go nice wow we've surrounded the entire house with lava this is epic i don't think the tomb cat will be able to jump over it even though we can that's good we've completed our security systems let's put them to the test i'm not afraid of you toon cat we spent all day preparing for toon cat's attack i think that's enough to protect us for now let's sit back and relax until toon cat shows up it's evening wow there are no signs of toon cats showing up anytime soon phew seriously but we're so well prepared after all we did to prepare for it yeah i guess it's a good thing if he doesn't show up hey mikey yeah let's be extra careful just in case he does decide to show up he won't who knows huh hang on a sec look over there behind you no way wait is that toon cat time to jump over the lava moat he's here i made it wow the moat worked can he make it i don't think so he seriously can't get past it that means we win hooray it looks like we were able to stop toon cat with the lava moat those extra security systems don't matter really does this mean we've successfully survived toon cat's attack that was easy good job so many security systems i guess lava is all you need what hey toon cat poured water over the lava so that he could cross no way he turned lava to obsidian get inside we'll be okay you're right remember the pressure plates we set up by the door toon cat can't get past it there's a door blocking him oh i'm glad we're so prepared jj wait a second what i didn't think he could do that there hurry yes wow that was a close one we trapped toon cats yeah hmm is he stuck it looks like it that's a huge relief he can't chase us anymore we can relax mikey just to be safe all armor up good thinking but it'll be fine suit yourself i'm prepared for battle if toon cat wants to fight then i'll fight really i'm not so sure about that how hurry up let's go mikey are you gonna fight him don't even think about it he's too strong these arrows should slow him down no way what's wrong the arrows don't seem to be slowing him down he's moving ahead like it's nothing run oh no we better retreat to the maze hurry i can't imagine toon cat getting past the maze we can wait inside the panic room for now right we'll be safe in here i'm scared we'll be fine yeah let's just wait toon cat will probably get lost in the maze and decide to go there never mind there he is no way come on hurry okay we're in we'll put one mine cart here maybe toon cat will give up can we go already mm-hmm he hasn't come yet yeah it's him time to go hurry see you later coming hurry jj hurry i'm going i think we lost him we're so fast he's gone let's go mikey jj look behind you how did he get so close hurry oh look he stopped chasing us now's our chance all right let's head to the portal sounds like a plan we've made it to the stronghold perfect did we lose him yep he should be gone okay now then mikey let's keep going with our original plan we're gonna wait down here until toon cat arrives we'll try to hide for now but as soon as tooncat walks up to these iron blocks we'll activate the portal and trap him in the end oh that'll seal him away we'll be safe from the clutches of the toon cat will it work i hope it does let's keep waiting sure there's no sign of the toon cat coming anytime soon maybe he gave up really we're really far we got away pretty easily hmm he wasn't much of a problem huh huh what what no way this is bad he made it jj he's right behind me what i never expected him to come all this way that's crazy what now the plan oh yeah here i go now oh wow yeah yay i was worried it wouldn't work but it did we won we survived toon cat's attack we even managed to seal him off in the end finally peace has returned to the overworld if you enjoyed today's video make sure to like and subscribe thanks bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 25,563,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 2u7hOy3JLVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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