I Pranked My Friend As Huggy Wuggy in Minecraft

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[Music] let's get started mikey said he's off to slay the ender dragon today so i'm gonna play a prank on him tada check me out i can transform into a blue monster with this disguise i'm hoping to secretly help mikey on his quest to slay the ender dragon come on that's mikey's house i'm gonna wait in front of it until he comes out how does this look i'll stand as still as a statue and wait for mikey he should be coming out anytime now oh here he comes wow great weather today all right time to gather supplies first some food not bad he must be getting ready to hunt the ender dragon okay hmm all right that should be enough food now i'm off to hunt the ender dragon [Music] huh what's that mikey finally noticed me he's coming to see what's up it's not moving what is this it's weird but kind of cute not bad i don't hate it how will he react if i start moving what's that now that i think about it it does look scary it's probably a bad guy stay away i need to go slay the ender dragon i don't have time for you mikey's being very careful but i still need to stay close to him to help out i'll follow him quietly back off oh he's running away from me but i'll keep following him [Music] i found a cave now i need to find some diamonds looks like mikey is searching for diamonds i'll try to keep an eye on them [Music] so many mikey zombies and creepers creepers oh no whoa mikey there's too many of them huh how many are there yeah i'm coming hey whoa there's so many i'll handle it attack why is the blue monster in a cave full of enemies it's okay i'll use the blue monster special attack to eat the other monsters check it out yeah the blue monster's going crazy now for the rest another creeper take that okay that should be all of them there we go now mikey's safe it's going to eat me next oh there's mikey i guess this is the end huh here it comes huh it's not attacking me did it save me he figured out that i'm trying to help thanks for saving me you're nicer than you look i was looking for diamonds i mean i'm still looking for them all right it looks like mikey isn't scared of me anymore and he doesn't seem to know that it's really me inside i'll help him look for some diamonds we sure are finding a lot of diamonds and it doesn't matter if we're attacked because the blue monster is protecting us this is great i wonder if mikey's found enough diamonds yet what a haul whoa i got so many would you like a few for yourself here [Music] oh mikey shared his diamonds with me that's awesome i got some diamonds oh right what's mikey up to now yes perfect diamond armor now i'm unstoppable okay i finished my nether portal i'm going into the nether you can come if you want but it's extremely dangerous so be careful if you come with me i'll go with him our hunt for the ender dragon is going well [Music] the enderman have mikey surrounded looks like it's up to me i'm stuck hang on buddy help me i'll deal with the enderman blocking them off whoa i ate them done i ate all the endermen i saved mikey plus i can give him the ender pearls that i picked up you're strong thanks i helped him out you really saved me another fortress it's dangerous so be careful follow me sure huh oh no weather skeletons whoa wither skeletons there's more of them so many in there go back they're too strong run away okay it's up to me i'll draw their attention what are you doing group them together hey they're too tough i'm telling you oh there's a blaze in here a place yummy yikes whoa i wanna help mikey wait is that all of them whoa i ate all the wither skeletons wow you stood up to all of them amazing just think you're more powerful than a wither skeleton that's awesome the enemies over that way are called blazes we need to slay them to collect their blaze rods okay the blazes are really strong and they shoot fire i'll slay some blazes for mikey i'll help you that's a blaze spawner i'll take care of it oh ablaze whoa that's a blaze i'm gonna eat it seriously nice whoa more blazes i'll eat them all oh more spawn they're spawning in groups whoa a blaze rod i'll give it to mikey thanks you'll need it you slid so many blazes i'm glad mikey's happy this is going well he has no idea that i'm actually the blue monster i'll keep tagging along any treasure in here oh that looks like something what's inside oh wow fantastic here this is for you mikey gave me some gold how nice [Music] this is a stronghold there should be something called an end portal down here that's what we're here to find strongholds are spread out so it could be anywhere of course i keep forgetting about this but the blue monster should be able to break blocks at record speed watch this fast huh i'll search for the portal on my own i bet it's this way let's see mikey's wandering around over there hmm i'll dig around on this side i can just break through the walls like this i'll smash all the way through oh i see a staircase i wonder what it's for i'll snack on this silverfish and keep busting up the area hmm hold on that's the end portal i stumbled right into the end portal room i need to tell mikey oh there he is is he still wandering around hmm i'm sure it's somewhere in this direction nothing yet mikey's going the wrong way i need to fix that hmm i have to get his attention like this what are you doing are you trying to tell me something i think he understands it's acting really weird where's it going follow me what is it i'm coming i'm coming hurry mikey is that you found it already wow [Music] great he's seen it he's already filling in the eyes of ender good job and now oh the end portal is open it gets even more dangerous beyond this point well i've helped mikey get this far and we reached the end portal without him catching on now i'm going through the portal into the end with mikey here we go okay i'll help this way i can break these down for mikey yeah thanks crutch oh thank you crunch crunch crunch the ender dragon is the final boss for minecraft so it's really strong stronger than anything we've faced before mikey seems really worried about me he's got nothing to worry about i'm going to destroy the ender dragon in a single bite oh here it comes this is my chance hooray i ate the ender dragon huh whoa seriously you beat it in one hit i didn't even finish breaking the crystal yes you're so powerful wait i knew it you're really what you're really strong that's it after all that mikey still hasn't figured out who i really am if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 10,831,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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