GUY Goes Off At HUGE Abandoned Storage Auction Unit And BREAKS A TON OF VALUABLES!

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 100 [Music] all right let's check this box out these are actually really nice hey hey guys look what's in here was a rubber chicken no it's a monkey's tongue's supposed to flicker out of it this is their dog toys but y'all look how pretty that basket is that's like hand woven it's got little southwestern colors actions going on see what's in here i found that here's some more older pottery it's got a stamp on it made in mexico oh that matches that oh it does so that looks like it definitely was hand baked oh look at this little primitive stool that's a really cool school that's a really cool school oh yeah look at this it's all compass [Music] ah yeah this is money look at this pulley that would look cool in the house what is it oh first edition harry potter no it's not popular you just made that up didn't it it's your first time on grind spines digging into you he's trying to impress y'all let's see pops is the honest man we're gonna take his word for it but y'all look harry potter first edition me and pops are doing some unboxing the ladies have a trash system down that i don't understand i'm gonna stay out oh yeah ah yeah pops don't lie you have one of these did you ever carry a case like this don't lie he's your making sure he still ain't got one on y'all y'all see that comment that i got last night here's the deal here's what you did let me explain this to you i tried to explain to you in the comments before i blocked you you got upset because i threw my box full of my stuff i i tossed my my box and you told me that i disrespected that product and you basically couldn't stand me because i disrespected the the stuff but do you think about that you insulted a person over stuff does that make any sense whatsoever your defending stuff is going to end up in a landfill and in that process you're insulting a human being which means you put stuff over people and i just think that's a sad way to look all right guys so now that we're done with the rain are we done with the rant already this segment is therapy time for people who put stuff over people with your counselor justin grimes this is a cool box is this a cool box cool box why are you going that way huh why you damn i'm going this way do it that's a good mug that's worth a lot you should do it therapy that's worth a lot y'all that's a 19 what actually don't drop that one why it's in 1989 should we do therapy would you do that no why this is exactly the reason why you do therapy y'all are all saying no i'm trying to teach people a valuable lesson that i learned from jesus and you are not helping me [Music] did he want that yo the mood in this place it just went like silent i think i just taught them a lesson look at me i just i didn't know pops wanted that cup or i would have broke it but y'all look i'm trying to want it no he's being facetious i think he wanted it i think he wanted like buffalo think about what you did like you insulted a human being because you got upset because somehow i disrespected how do you disrespect some that's kind of silly yo all right for real this time rant's over y'all do therapy time with justin again but y'all found something cool in here but that's kind of neat it's a newer repop but y'all look at this that's pretty cool m-u-r-i-c-e california uh made in usa it's a little planner wrapped up in this crappy quilt this has got a bunch of wrap stuff in it look down here though look at that isn't it pretty look at that all these drawers look at that y'all so hey we're gonna let pops i know you did i know you did you had he had the leather he had the leather hoo-ha too so we're gonna let pops and gina unwrap this box oh yeah making money y'all money found in storage unit idiot look at them dirty hands hey guys look it's pennies all right so hey let us unwrap this we'll throw it all up on the table and we'll be right back so check this out this is a good box right here these are all sealed this is fiestaware these were 50 bucks a set so we got one two three sets of fiesta brand new in the box all right guys check this out so this is what was in the box this little cross that's pretty cool yeah those are my names oh that's cute little bunny that's brass look these are porcelain canisters y'all these are really pretty and then look at this all these little porcelain drawers this is a nice little thingy here and then what the heck why'd you keep this oh i just unpacked everything i don't know what that's for hey guys hey we switched it up we're trying to get this area clean look we've gotten all the way down to those boxes actually i've been through a lot of those and there's some primo stuff in those uh i wanted to come here because i like to have like just up to that red cabinet kind of just swept and ready for us tomorrow uh but look i was holding that out y'all look good look at this that's for real that's an old pool sign that's cool looks like i said what's to say pool parlor look at that no swearing and no freaking uh no miners no miners no gambling on premises y'all that is a killer sign it's the front of this cabinet y'all look if i had more room i would redo this piece in a heartbeat this is cool piece how did we find their hidden drawers what's that noise you just made i didn't make annoying i was talking to myself stop interrupting me all right so we're making some pretty dang good headway show them all this yeah so look we've gone through all of this this has got good stuff y'all there's that big shroom i couldn't fit it under my eyelid i was gonna see what it would do all right guys what i'm trying to get to look i found another trunk that's that's the first one okay we got this truck but look that's an ammo can that's an ammo can and that's an ammo can i don't even know i didn't pull this oh that's cool look it's got that wrought iron text this baby all right hey guys let me get this stuff out of the way we're going to pop this trunk open and see what is in these beautiful ammo cans hey look possum's watching like it's like it's an episode it is an episode so you get to see the episode up front are you ready hi guys hey we're back uh look y'all that is so pretty oh look it's a big frog hey dad look that's it's heavy too yeah y'all that's disappointing so cool ammo can yeah all right empty maybe what's his talent remember that that uh that file cabinet didn't shake when it had seven guns and it didn't we did it ooh that smelled nice there we go well that felt light hey guys hey kweeple you ever heard of trump cleveland there you go right there oh yeah i was saying i want to push whatnot i said that in the last episode i was like man i want some plush but we got to find some good plush look at this dirty plush we need to find something from my childhood that looks familiar eh eh what happened it's a baby queeful it is a baby with no mouth uh oh look we got toys too it's a toy box look we got the oh found some pink panther baby that's a low budget pink panther that's the pink panther's cousin uh pink uh i don't got nothing see what year it is that doesn't even look like a cabbage patch body it is it's a 1984 i know that's a little messed up yeah that's not right hey look y'all hey you don't think baby cabbage patches have deformed babies too maybe that's insensitive that's you're being disrespectful really right now heck is a fiddle fan oh that is so too cool why does this look familiar is it a dinosaur yeah the dinosaurs what move which tv show no that's not him oh i know what you're talking about yeah oh look mickey mouse it's a baby mickey are you recording yeah oh i didn't even know that were you recording the dinosaur thing yeah oh okay hey look guys he's freaking related to pink panther looks like they got a gang fight oh look it's a baby goofy goofy oh that's cute that's all goofy yeah okay he's the best one right now oh look is that a oh you know what i thought that was pound pepper pound puppy oh it's fozzie uh fuzzy bear oh what is this yeah that's a queeful you think that's a queefful yeah i think look i talk all this stuff like i'm a queeful expert y'all ain't never seen knuckles so i'm just being honest with you this could be one yeah what's he doing what were you doing down at the bottom of that box in that position sir oh is that scrooge oh my god i got ninja turtles i'm not playing y'all we got ninja turtles 80s ninja turtles he's missing an art what do i know who they are that's a rabbit oh everybody knows that's a warthog in a rhino you got a bat and a rabbit here there's nothing near that dang that's yoshi hey i was trying to pretend like i knew their names oh look you did bring up that guy that's the dinosaur show that you were talking about that's the dad yo i can't believe i found ninja turtles in here oh look another troll oh yeah that's the troll ninja turtle you don't remember them they came from mars oh i got a dirty mickey down here oh it's the bernstein bears beers oh cool look at this it's the mixed donald moon head guy that's pretty cool right there guys what oh it's blue you don't remember that do you baloo rescue ranger no rescue rangers was the uh chip and dude was the jungle book no but the cartoon tailspin y'all look this guy's trying to keep why you want ursula fool i just saw that i mean not ursula cruella de vil y'all look oh we got an old power ranger oh it's the burger king kid do you remember him the burger king kid you don't remember them came okay hold on guys we're getting to the power ranger okay oh it's billy watch this y'all watch this hold on ah morphin tom i'm kiwi i know look it's an old pvc toy isn't that cute there's a bunch of little disney pvc toys down here which this is what i want to make the um your next yeah the silver it's these pvc toys they're the perfect size so hey guys there's the oh oh i thought that was louis the light bug y'all don't know about that who's this guy why's he got a sawed-off shotgun is that dick tracy are you jacking with me i just kind of made something oh no that's definitely not dick tracy that's what we're watching right now cold ark was dick tracy in it no like no that only in the same freaking decade all right guys let me put this back up that was cool i'm doing all of this art right here i threw a lot of it away yo i just don't know how this stuff's been in here for only four years it's it's pretty weathered but uh so i started going through this most of the stuff up here was broke uh i'll show you the pieces down there that aren't and we'll work our way back oh that's really pretty god's cattle john harris is that who made that y'all look at that this is leather on the this is leather with a little nail head that's a really nice print hey pops pop's like let's go here that looks like that wrestling's yellow uh so look we got some more of this stuff so here's these tables i'm still talking to she's on you are i'm trying to there it is i do like that one all right so look we got all of these these look same thing native american stuff nice matting got leather the cowhide's coming off of this so probably what i'm gonna do is pull this off because this is really solid and look it's really cool texas it's got little iron stars on it so i might pop those off uh all right i could rub this hair off and just dye that that little you know that leather dice up all right y'all look at these so i was right look this stuff just came from mexico so we have like this little cabinet we got two of these green ones okay so we got matching set of that we have this little one up here these are brand new y'all these are side tables very nice yeah they are really nice like a white wash distressed iron oh we got those here's the matching green table these look like east lake man the freakin those are some cool dust is bad out here look there's another table that matches these chairs is back here that's the top so it looks like east lake to me and then we got this little texas piece it's got the iron things on the side i found some framed western that's john wayne right there look at this big old frog it's cool ah this is amazing look at that oh that's funny yeah that's fun uh okay so we got that and let's go here to do some more art get all the poopy blankets off they had a c.o.a i know that's so that's p from right look they had a coa on it it did y'all didn't this make you sad that makes me very sad i ain't like seeing a c.o.a that people do not put food in your whoa this is kind of cool but look the the frame it's got some wood notches on it all right guys here's another one it's got like the texas state seal on it it looks like it's metal uh some leather and stuff and that's actually kind of a nice piece i like that yeah and i'm a texas boy so [Applause] i'm not keeping it all right hey let's play how much of the art's jacked up look at this sign two okay but this one doesn't look like it has any water damage inside that's good so what is this new grange winter solstice e what is that yo i don't know what that is i don't know that's kind of cool but look it signed right here so we got another signed piece that's good news that's a lot of pee y'all and i got rats i own rats that's really cool freddie remington it's obviously repop of uh remington yo but that's not messed up that's glass and look at this this leather on here looks really cool it's got that distressed wood nice little glass stuff it's still got the hanger on the back so that that's a that's a pretty cool decorative piece let's keep on going down though hey the indian ten commandments look how different they are from the guy follow treat the earth and all the dwell there with respect i can get down with that remain close to the great spirit it means the holy spirit i'm down show great respect for fellow beings i think you already said that that's redundant but you you can you can't be redundant about treating people with respect that's right kindness forever need to do what not to be right all right hey all right hey man you notice how the minions didn't say nothing about not killing people or does that just fall into like showing people respect probably i think you're right all right guys check it out oh freaking wild coyote that's what that says y'all y'all think this coyote can carry people across the border oh i know what this is i've never had one this big though yeah look at all these racists i'm joking but y'all that's what they've been saying about columbus i don't know if it's true i don't know him pretty sure none of y'all knew him leave it at that can we also recognize the fact they wrapped these with puppy pads yeah they did and it didn't even work i thought this stuff's supposed to soak up urine maybe they thought ahead maybe they're like hey you know what we're gonna leave that stuff in there rats are gonna pee all over it and we'll do our best job but hey this is a really nice frame piece it does say christopher columbus right there so that's cool him and magellan hanging out figuring out how they gonna get lost all right guys we're back there's one more big piece let's see i had no that's not a coa thing no um all right they cared about this one they did better be special but what is that deers in a canyon hey guys here's some geese it is yeah i was thinking it probably i mean it looks familiar yeah these are probably looks like it might be a wimber remington all right guys look we got a pitograph cave state park matt pops likes national parks he does maybe he'll like that getting ready to head out look at all this beautifulness cleared a lot of space yeah so this is sellable stuff right here that we're gonna pack up in the truck we're gonna pack all this up get that a little dead ombre uh this is all stuff we've already gone through the trash we're gonna go through and sweep out this is another cool piece of furniture down there um i have gone through this stuff right here there's a lot of cool stuff right here guys you are gonna have to stay tuned until tomorrow i'm gonna kind of show you some of the stuff i'm finding but who remembers these these painted horses you know thomas you seen these that's on today you ain't never seen this before we've sold something they have at some point look here's one right here in the bubble wrap so they're these right here uh the painted horse collection those are pretty cool i like these they come with a little stand they got their numbers on but look all of these are like new in the box right here did we show them the fiesta wear yeah y'all we found so much fiesta where i found a big box full of flatware sets fiesta flatware sets i don't think i showed them that so let's go back down here guys let you go first don't show them my table because oh where's the table we go mom we gotta show oh i think it's already in the truck oh okay never mind pops we're gonna get pops this train because he likes the trains it's the jupiter it is it's the jupiter he explained it all to us so we'll give that to pops okay look we still got another train promotory point look it up we look at all these boxes of all these smalls look at all this stuff so i don't want to go i don't want to take all this stuff out of here but this i found this is the one i found the silver ring in the gina still doesn't know that we already peeked in but look at all the smalls down there lots of smalls right there there's a lot of smalls in this one too a lot of smalls in this this is kind of cool and bless you yeah sorry y'all uh look this is an older lamp oh that's cool that's a wolf lamp very good captain obvious is freaking on point that lights up that's a moon that's pretty cool huh hey wrought iron thingamajiggy i was hoping there was a book in but i only found one looks like you could hang on to have a bell uh this is pretty cool that we show them this no we haven't showed them that okay all right this is called the trials trails end right there sounded out uh that's pretty cool so guys a little statue look these are kind of these are iron little antler uh things look we found a bunch of little baby rocking chair look at all these iron crosses y'all so again we only paid 560 560. 560 for this unit all the stuff that we already have at the house that we've already literally me and have already done the pictures description for it's probably already at least 1500 bucks and stuff that we listed would you agree yeah so we've already made triple our money on this so this is all extra it's probably to dump this it's probably going to be about 100 about 115 would you say that's 150 at the most we'll say 1 150 150 at the most to dump it so even if you were to look at the cost the gas coming out here we're still already in the profit with what we have at home and y'all y'all know uh child labor is illegal but there's finer lines with elderly so that's why we brought them out all right guys i'm gonna show you one more thing don't show my table y'all y'all get to see all the goodies at one time uh you already saw these i found this coat sign it's a repot but it's cool oh that was cool yeah so look y'all who remembers these the troubles y'all remember these what year is it i'm saying it like y'all can talk back to me right now leave it down in the comments let me know what you think i'm pretty sure that these were around when i was a kid so that's pretty cool y'all found a dirty panda dirty panda because look it's a compass hey look at this look at this antique compass we found y'all oh it's antique it's antique right uh look at that that's pretty cool actually so there's that what is this yeah what'd you say what'd you call me pops pardon me what did you say i was with myself i didn't bring my hearing aids family friendly dang he's talking you can't say the s word on the grimes funds tv show uh but here's the brass accident that's for this little guy here it's a transit that's pretty cool y'all there's so much stuff look we still have all these boxes to go back down here i have boxes that i haven't shown you of stuff that's like right well you haven't seen all that stuff we have boxes of sellables on that side down there too but there's some really cool stuff in here like really cool stuff but look we cleared all this out so we'll come in here sweep this out uh finish this section of boxes off and this that's like a little 10 by 10 we knocked this out in a day didn't we yeah that's how we do it y'all we'll see you the next year
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 15,680
Rating: 4.7184467 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, rob lunkers, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, eBay seller, amazon seller, duck dynasty, asmr, breaking video, breaking, what the hales 2020
Id: iz7uJbs2Qgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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