POLICE CALLED!WARNING!Disturbing! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit & Found PURE EVIL! NoTClickBait

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[Music] test [Music] okay [Music] oh my god [Music] take a deep breath does that mean that it got it was in there [Laughter] [Music] i thought [Music] you okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right y'all i'm not feeling very well we sold all the ammo y'all but you can't ship ammo so we met with a local person we're waiting on one more of our lovely friends my neck nut show my neck nuts y'all i look like crap i've been in the hospital i went to the er so yesterday we were going to pick up that unit away there while sitting in the truck out man every time i swallowed it was getting tight like my neck nuts like it felt like a bullfrog like they they were literally like coming out on side so like i had swollen neck nuts you can't see it for arches if i do can you see it [Music] would i do that can you tell i'm on medicines they got me on steroids y'all we had the best nurse ever what was her name is it all my paperwork uh miss nurse from plano we're still friends she had to give me a roanoke thing and i was not quite sure if me and that nurse were gonna be friends after the thrill y'all to end this hey nurse she had tattoos rob i know she had a wolf tattoo right there i know i seen a wolf that's all i remember about this traumatic event y'all i saw a wolf right before this chick took a biopsy of my brain hey if your throat like that and it says if your neck nuts are swollen you should probably go see a doctor because if it gets worse it can close your your air hole nobody wants to air hole closed because you you know what happens when your air hole is closed you died hey look i'm dumpster diving in my pulled up fancy hey y'all my brother's only just got out of the pokey so we're uh letting him dumpster dive with us but he doesn't have an iphone so we couldn't face tom there was nothing in there nothing in there all right y'all we dumpster diving because we got to wait on my medication look that door's open pull up of course there's a dead body in there yeah i don't want to do it he's going to jump out and scare me he's in there making nerfies oh that's a gem yeah they got that back door with that bacteria flying all out what have they done they doing burpees in there yeah that's a dirty kitchen look at that look at that what what's in that one oh look hobby lobby's got their freaking thing oh that's holiday warehouse yeah we're gonna come back don't let them know we're coming you just gotta act normal look at that ah they're filling up a 40-yarder y'all that's a 20-yarder no that's a 40. is it yeah y'all look we peeping oh i see big balls in there do you see those things yeah we kind of we coming back tonight you see then the biggest christmas balls i've ever seen oh look there's a display hold on go slow what does this tree pick up oh this is still holiday warehouse look there's a guy sitting in a chair behind here that is slightly weird eating his lunch look his friends don't want to eat his chinese dinner with him look he eat them with chopsticks all alone y'all want that what is that's a broadway makeup thing i could take some of these cards oh yeah that's called theft yeah those are you still with us all right uh no we can't do this this is too open you know i get shot y'all check out this kids monastery i ain't never seen one i thought those were like in the mountains of india oh look oh we got action y'all police called police called let's get that for the thumbnail and that dirty mattress no i ain't kidding look oh wait that lady's beating up a fireman she just yelled at him actually i think that's his wife y'all i'm trying i'm trying to make a dramatic video i'm trying to make something out of nothing and it ain't working the lonely chinese guy eating his nuggets in the corner i had a white lady attack a fireman that was his wife [Music] all right guys gina had to run in because we didn't have a socket lock uh so they were so nice enough to put theirs back on there but y'all i want to ride around in a circle because there was another big unit here and i want to see if we can find the people loading the big unit and then maybe we'll they'll let us peek in theirs and then uh we'll let them peek in ours if you know what i'm saying all right y'all we on the hunt oh that is sick that dude is ready for the end times i'm gonna be friends with him [Music] he's going to be right around here no well maybe yeah he is there's our boy yeah okay oh he caught me i can go unlock it for you all right thank you brother for one yeah all right thank you what celebrity does he look like he think that dude in the uh he looks like the dude in shaft it like shanks all the people wait no i think he looks like cuba gooden jr oh we're way off yeah now y'all yeah maybe a little kooba goody i like kuba i'm gonna tell i'm gonna ask him who people say he looks like he's saying and he's gonna be like why yes i know we were discussing in the car she looks like a celebrity i'm like trust me bro if you knew what other people were saying in the car they just ain't brave enough to say it i'm not gonna say that that was like the proudest moment in my life all right y'all all right let me get out and back yep yo that's such a pretty day to do this though i'll tell you that i felt like it wasn't the right time to ask him you know those things got to flow or you might get shot so doped up on drugs right now i don't even care like who sees me y'all i feel like complete butt but i told jenny we're gonna get this done and dang it i don't want her having anxiety all weekend go ahead and grab our little baby table go ahead we ain't taking trash out actually we need to take the trap straight to the dump today can you can we is this ours or it's 401 what we should do they're filming us film them that's right all right y'all check it out we're back here at 401 the magnificent y'all i don't remember 260 right 2 30. i put two i don't know y'all know how much it was less than 300. so hey check it out guys this stuff in this unit you're actually going to be able to bid on when tomorrow are you putting it up tomorrow i'm going to send you the emails special friends on youtube it'll be up right it'll be up tonight y'all don't tell nobody but you can get the first dibs on anything we have in here no matter what it is gold whatever whatever one dollar starting bid no reserve did you hear that no you know what that was what you ready that's the storage door queef for y'all first times you wanna hear it again sure oh that was that was lame i think it might have used all of its squeeze queefs are all out sorry all right guys i'm trying to be better about teaching teaching teaching how we do things i know i'm bad i get so excited about the products but i really am i do look i care about y'all look i wouldn't be doing these videos if i didn't care about y'all but i like to laugh i like y'all i do want to be better at teaching you guys because i know a lot of you you are here for entertainment but there's a lot of you here that are for entertainment and to learn like how do y'all doing that justin how have you you know how have you all gone from being able to go from a 14 000 square foot building and making it work at home actually with no employees with nothing and actually it's man i rece man i i look at these guys who've been doing this at home for a while man they had it figured out all along y'all all along but hey check it out so i want to teach y'all what we're doing so i'm going to start putting the art over here because we're that's going to go in the back seat covered we have all these great empty bank boxes so we're just going to pop all these out here oh i didn't show you all this yesterday oh yeah this is cool this is some kind of old racing poster printed in holland holland isn't that weird isn't that the beard oh holland there oh you keep moving sorry y'all hotline dude you said you heard the doctor say i was gonna be shaky and jittery y'all y'all check this out the nurse she's cool did i didn't tell him what she said the saying did she i knew i was going to like this nurse because she said when you take this she said you're going to feel like a jackrabbit on meth man i was like that's a she's got to be our friend and i told her about her youtube channel i said like a lot of people think i'm on crack i'm not so i just roll with it and pretend like i'm on crack and so i said that's probably the coolest like crack like word two words put with you know you know what i'm talking about yeah i just explained how you feel i respect how she put those two words together shout out to the nurse again appreciate you so look this is um training f to yo this is pretty cool we're gonna have to do so it looks like some kind of indie race or something right netherland i don't know i like this you know so look this could be worth a few hundred easy we don't know this artist right here that's nice and look the yellowing's just on the outside guys we can pop that out and put that in a new frame so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna try to get all of this into the back of well just into our pickup but like this right here it's more than i remembered it is but it's not because what we're gonna do guys i'll show you throughout the video i'm gonna use these as barriers i'm hoping that i can at least fit two in there with a gap in between it y'all and then we'll put that third one on top right and then we're gonna find some rope extension cores whatever y'all have uh oh we got the net all right we don't got to go full ghetto today on grimes fines we actually brought something that's useful all right so what we're gonna do is like all this sellable stuff in here all this new product okay we're just gonna go ahead and take this down stuff like this we're gonna go ahead and pack in the boxes because no trash is going back to the house guys if y'all watch me for the years you know you know that like it's just a mess around me i'm not trying to be funny but i hired people like and paid a lot of money every month for that not to be that way but um so what we're going to do is no trash goes home so all the sellables i'll probably use this for loose trash somebody said uh somebody commented yeah man you got your money grimes you free a dollar piece on their walmart bags i don't know if he sounds like that but and then in my head i was like well heck no it didn't man not after i took that knife to every one of them that's just what we're gonna do okay so oh there goes our our tape layer thing so we're just going to leave this stuff in here tie this up because what we're going to do is we're going to clear this first shelf and then we're going to take it out to the truck i bought i brought some tub lids and we have this table that we can unfold which basically hopefully i'm that we can slide those down on the side you know to kind of make little compartments yeah and we'll slide the net over it but basically we're just going to shove all these bags back in here and there's so much stuff that can be compacted i think we can get it one trip most people think i'm crazy but i've every time i've said it just works ain't it hey we might have had to tie something in some place it wasn't supposed to go but it worked all right y'all so hey uh this is like real the real smut and i just tore open that package i ain't even told gina this [ __ ] but there's like stacks of photos that are not professionally done is what i would say and then there is a whole thing down here is full of old pornography like real the real stuff i know some of y'all said hey it's good but here's what i tell you like i don't sell it if you're new to the channel i don't i don't want to profit on porn i'll tell you what porn's done desensitized mostly males what they do is they start watching this trash and then they get married and then they put this unrealistic expectation on their spouse of this fantasy that they got off the internet or out of magazines and it doesn't go well when the woman or the other person can't fulfill that fantasy i'm telling you tell me i'm lying i mean y'all go look at the divorce rate it's freaking like almost pushing 60 percent the only reason it slowed down is because people think it's not important to get married anymore so what i'm telling you is porn has driven many families apart and i refuse to continue to put that onto society and to be a contributor to that so guess where that stuff's going and you're right some of you are very smart and i'm not knocking you if you sell it i'm not knocking you if you do hey cool beans for you i don't follow your convictions i follow my convictions and my convictions come from god and that's cool yo i've turned down marilyn monroe freaking haven't i i've i have i have turned down so many high high high i'm talking about original playboys because i just won't do it anyway all this smut make sure this is it came out yeah those are the pictures so i'm just gonna let me be very careful i just want to be careful okay so these are cd roms but with what i'm seeing and what i saw when i tore open that bag it looks like they might have been trying to do some kind of uh they had lighting and stuff up that ain't normal i ain't got lighting in my bedroom are you ready i'm ready are you ready to show them this goodness yeah y'all so we're here we look we got our table set up so here's what we're doing gina is down there with the trash bag i'm literally grabbing a bag i'm dumping it on the table and look it's going in here for sellable collectible and it's going in the trash bags if it's not i thought this was that ring from last night's video i said hey will you check that because i couldn't see it because i don't wear my glasses while i'm filming it wasn't the ring it wasn't the ring i said what yeah okay so hold up we'll check that in a minute i told you we were gonna tell you we're gonna find gold in here y'all just i said we're gonna find coins too so we gotta see if that's gonna come true that's gold for sure that's a pretty gold y'all that's a 14 carat that's a men's ring it's got look hear that that's got some weight to it y'all yo you know this is gold if that is 14k i don't know if they can see that no no way no way yeah but look how long this necklace is y'all that's a thick chain y'all that's it's not real thick it's pretty thick for a chain but look at that look at that y'all 14 karat gold right there that right there paprika isn't that so cool like we walked way out of here yesterday literally we've gone through like fifteen percent of this unit maybe fifteen percent so look y'all so here's what's gonna happen actually this doesn't go in the box this goes in the trash especially they didn't hide nothing else well the medicine's making me dizzy all right so we're gonna put that in there we're gonna go ahead and put that i told you boy these bag units now i'm gonna have everybody in dallas buying bag units it looks like shiner all right y'all so we got to a bag sun valley sun valley scarf so we came to this bag uh all right y'all so hey we being for real i'm turning these computers into the police because of some stuff i saw so going to just go ahead and give them those computers because it's real weird how all these hard drives and stuff are in here and i just found the dude's passport i'm not trying to be funny i'm really not like all seriousness like if if i were a creeper i figure i would probably look like that like i i have i have discernment and you know none of y'all probably think i'm joking but i don't i feel like those need to go and then look yo what i found me and gina trying to figure it out she said what it was i said that's the chloroform he uses before you knock you out and you end up in the back of the van on some polaroids in a storage video hey guys hey we're gonna go through this whole thing of envelopes with you guys right now oh look some baby cobra stuff i don't know what that is that might go to that thing we have down there this said do not bend so what we're doing is we're gonna get all the trash out of the good bags come back and show you the good stuff y'all gina was trying to tear into all of it she found one thing it's actually pretty cool yeah boy i told you this was a unit here goes by uh well i know who that is this is is this lonesome dove oh i think so i feel like this is lonesome dove that's all what's his name he's a great actor in he the dad in that one that died in the judge is that him y'all the judge robert downey jr oh boy that movie makes me cry so bad because like if you don't have a good relationship with your dad man that'll make you want to but check it out y'all's autograph he's a boy yeah boy we gotta hold on there's a lot of envelopes in this unit there are so obviously he liked these hankies so we're gonna put that there save the hanky yeah hold up y'all normally i don't mind but i you seen the folk family photos i saw y'all you had to blow out blur out the whole picture this is these are going in the trash uh there's something in here i already took it out oh okay gina this is the one she took out look at steve mcqueen something yeah i know is that cool yeah i don't know if it's autographed under here it might be should we look you have both hands i kind of want to know because i feel like this might be a coa or something hold on let's do this okay i don't see a signature i was trying to get right there to see if there's a signature but this might be like an original photo we'll look on the back we'll be able to tell but hey steve mcqueen stuff it's collectible this looks interesting y'all i told gina when we got ourselves we might find something really expensive in this unit what is this oh yeah look at this the oklahoma kid y'all look at that humphrey bogart it's a this is a what you call a uh it's the the movie this is like the movie cards the ones they would put like in the movie theaters and stuff uh this one is from got property of national screen service re-released by dominant pitchers corp so okay so this might be a little reprint oh no i don't know looks pretty old yeah this i mean it's definitely got but you can they can do reprints of stuff but y'all look at that so that'll be in the dollar auction how freaking killer is this unit 230 dollars y'all well we already know we oh i didn't show them this look y'all i don't know this hotel i was researching places in dallas to take you guys like the weirdest most bizarre places to explore because i want to start doing some different videos and i don't know if this was on there this hotel this is a hotel paciano whatever but look y'all it says rock hudson on it i'm trying to focus in here it is y'all y'all don't rock martha didn't we already find something for martha yeah we did but did rock hudson was like this his key or or was there a rock hudson hotel a suite to this hotel this would have been the key thing so maybe this is the key to the suite or was this rock hudson's keychain hey y'all i feel like sick to my stomach just because i just found a bag right here and i am 100 calling the cops on this unit y'all this fool's about to freak out yeah i gotta call the po-fo i got to i guess i could have drove [Music] i'm just letting you know i got to call the police on this unit so straight down right there where the cop car is [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 155,824
Rating: 4.7323165 out of 5
Keywords: grimes finds, grimes finds auction, Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, grimes finds wife, justin grimes, jeana grimes, storage wars full episode, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, storage wars fights, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage unit auctions, Police called, police, disturbing 911 calls, triggered insaan, live insaan, vlog, jo ann hardesty, jo ann hardesty 911 call, 911 call
Id: dXVwD4eXgb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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