5 Under Appreciated OP Spells In Baldur’s Gate 3

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one and only Fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and today we are taking a look at the five underappreciated spells that are actually op in Baldur's Gate 3. let's get to it our first spell on today's list is sanctuary Sanctuary is an absolutely insane spell this spell prevents you from being targeted by enemy attacks now you can still be hit by AOE spells and effects but you cannot be directly targeted by the enemy on top of that this spell also lasts 10 full turns which is similar to most concentration spells however it is not a concentration spell and it is also a bonus action this means that you can attack an enemy with your main action and then immediately cast Sanctuary on yourself and that enemy cannot attack you back and if that wasn't op enough there are a whole host of other things that you can do with this spell that are absolutely insane for example you can cast it on your healer and just have your healer stand at the back of your party instantly healing and buffing and doing everything that healers do and that healer will never be targeted by the enemies ensuring that your party never wipes do you have an assassin style character in your party that needs to attack from the shadows and they've already exposed themselves and they're having a hard time getting back into the Shadows well just cast Sanctuary on them and the AI will ignore them and you can just wander on off into the Shadows with no issues at all are you fighting a large group of enemies and you want to place explosive barrels around so that you can blow them up easily well just cast Sanctuary on one of your characters then that character can easily wander around placing barrels wherever you want them in the fight did one of your characters just get killed and you need to rest them and be able to heal them back to full health without them being attacked again well walk over pick them up cast Sanctuary on them while they have one hit point then when it's their turn and the only thing they can do is drink a potion or just skip their turn completely have them do that and they are absolutely fine and will not be harmed as long as they stay out of AOE effects the utilitarian aspect of this spell is just absolutely insane and if you are not making use of it you are totally missing out next up we have Thunder Wave thunderwave is one of those Niche spells where it has a very specific use case scenario but when that scenario shows up it's much better to have this than it is to not have it Thunder Wave deals Thunder damage to a Target in kind of like a boxy area in front of the Caster it states that it releases a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects and those creatures and objects while the objects can't but the creatures need to make a constitution saving throw or they get shoved backwards a pretty fair distance now if you have a character that has high strength in most cases they're not gonna have issues pushing a Target and shoving them off a clip however if you have a Caster character there is a pretty good chance that your strength is just not really there and your chance to shove most things off cliffs is gonna be absolutely terrible however with Thunder Wave this is a piece of cake take and unlike the shovel ability Thunder Wave can be used to kick multiple targets off of a cliff or a high area and unlike shove it also just directly damages anything that it hits its damage isn't amazing currently at level six for me it deals to d8 so 2 to 16 damage but unlike the shove ability it just does that damage straight and you're not relying on Fall damage you may be in an area where if you shove something off of wherever you're at it's not going to take a ton of damage this will help increase the amount of damage that it takes because they will also take the fall damage on top of this thunder damage and that's about it for this spell like I said it's a very Niche use case spell but when those cases show up and they do show up a good bit I would much rather have this spell than not have this spell next we have command command is one of if not my favorite spell in this game this spell is absolutely ridiculous it allows you to do a few things you can command halt which commands a creature to Halt preventing it from moving or taking any type of action during its next turn so basically it causes that creature or whatever you cast it on to skip its next turn then you have command grovel which commands a creature to fall prone on its next turn this is absolutely fantastic for if you have a fighter style character and when I say fighter anytime I say that I mean actual Fighters and barbarians so if you have one of those style characters and they are fighting something you can cast this it will fall prone and they get attacked with Advantage this also wastes a bunch of its move speed when it stands back up then you have command Fleet this commands a creature to flee from you on its next turn this is absolutely fantastic because if you are standing near a creature and that creature is also standing near one of your Fighters or you if you deal decent damage and you command it to flee once it's your turn you will get to initiate an attack of opportunity on it then you have my favorite ability which absolutely cripples so many different types of units in this game and even bosses and that is command to drop when this succeeds it commands the creature to drop whatever it is holding and usually that means it's weapon even if it's dual wielding it will drop both weapons then because it doesn't take an action or anything to do so other than move speed you can walk over and just pick those weapons up off the ground forcing it into unarmed combat and in most cases its damage is going to become absolute trash when you force it into unharmed combat and at that point there's really nothing it can do because it can't get its weapon back from you and lastly you can use command approach which commands a creature to move towards you on its turn and do nothing else like command flee this can be absolutely great for triggering attacks of opportunity or forcing a Target into a trap this spell is so insanely strong for a level 1 spell I cannot explain to you how powerful this spell is I was fighting a boss not gonna tell you which boss or anything like that because this is a spoiler-free video but I was fighting a boss that was dual wielding weapons I cast this on him he dropped both weapons and after that he was completely useless I've had other fights where I fought things that have a ton of hit points that I technically should not have been messing around with at my current level for my party and I managed to pull off command halt over and over and over again forcing said thing to just continually skip its turn While My Two fighter style characters just went over and beat the ever loving crap out of it so yeah you should definitely have at least one person if not two in your party that can cast command up until this point all of these spells have been level one spells now we're getting into the bit higher level spells and the first one we are going to talk about is the glyph of warding I overlooked this spell this spell is actually super handy and kind of freaking crazy life avoiding reads inscribe a circle of Arcane glyphs on the ground when Stepped On by an enemy the selected magical effect will trigger now first off the way this reads I initially thought this was going to be a touch spell I thought I needed to walk up to the location in order to put this spell down you do not and the range for this spell is absolutely ridiculous the AOE on this spell is also absolutely ridiculous it has a massive area of effect in which that an enemy can step in it and Trigger it and it has a bunch of different effects first off we have sleep it puts anyone who is in its AOE asleep for two turns there's no type of HP count like with the other sleep ability or anything like that if it's in it if it doesn't make the dexterity saving throw it goes to sleep all of these are dexterity saving throws by the way or the effect hits the target then we have detonation which is basically a force spell which shoves enemies in different directions then we have the Thunder which explodes and hurts everyone within range that has stepped on it dealing 5 to 40 damage lightning that deals 5 to 40 damage fire which deals 5 to 40 damage cold 5 to 40 damage and acid also dealing 5 to 40 damage now the interesting things about the ones that deal damage is that if the target manages to save they still take half the damage now also reading this one would think that you need to cast this spell before an enemy is touching it and then the enemy needs to walk on it like any other trap would work no that is not the case this is just a large AOE effect spell it reads like a trap it kind of is a trap because it hangs out until the enemy walks on it but also you can just straight cast it underneath a group of enemies and it will trigger immediately so not only is it a good utilitarian spell for setting up ambushes and other things like that you can also just straight cast it as a full on attack spell or crowd control spell so if you are playing a class that gets access to this spell I know the wizard does not sure who else gets it I'm sure there's a bunch of other classes they get it because we all seem to share the same spells but if you get access to this spell I highly advise grabbing it because it's kind of insane and last on today's list now keep in mind while this is last these were in no particular order these are all equally good in my opinion is another tier 3 spell and that is haste haste is absolutely nuts first off it lasts 10 turns it's a concentration spell which kinda sucks because you can lose your concentration if you get attacked however while it is active the creature that it is cast on has a plus two bonus to their Armor class advantage on dexterity saving throws its move speed is doubled and it can take one additional action per turn this means if you cast it on a spellcaster they can cast two spells in one turn but that's not where I feel this spell really shines this spell Shines on any other class that already can do to attacks per turn so for example a fighter or a barbarian or I think paladins also get the ability to attack two turns I don't know I don't play a paladin but I do know that Fighters and barbarians get to attack twice per term this completely resets that whole thing so you get to attack four times per turn instead of two times per turn that is insane on some of these classes that can already attack multiple times that technically means if you found a way to attack three times per turn you would get to attack six times per turn and so on and so on and so on that combined with the increased move speed can turn some of these builds into insane killing machines and all your wizard has to do is cast it and stand back and watch the bodies hit the floor so if you are playing a class that can get a hold of haste I highly advise picking this spell up you will definitely not regret it even if you are just playing a bunch of spellcasters being able to cast a spell twice for example a warlock with a super powered Eldridge blast that can Target multiple enemies getting to cast that twice oh and it can shove them backwards would be absolutely nuts alright that's all I have for you today hopefully you founded this a video helpful and informational if you did consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you'll be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more Baldur's Gate 3 content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an 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Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 379,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 guide, Balder's Gate, Baldar's Gate, Baldor's Gate, Balder's Gate 3, Baldar's Gate 3, Baldor's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 guides
Id: XeHLpFkbvvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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