Garlic Noodles to die for - East meets West!

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if you love garlic you are going to love these noodles they are full of butter and garlic and asian sauces that just give it that umami that is just so addictive you'll want to slurp up the whole entire plate hey everyone i'm flo dude is behind the camera and we're all about simple food simple faith now these noodles i first tried when we were living in san francisco at a fancy restaurant called crustacean and they were so oh so yummy but then we found a more inexpensive place to have it at this kind of hole-in-the-wall vietnamese restaurant do you remember dude it was called like oh yeah wait for it the name is awesome ppq number two i'm sure there was a ppq somewhere else but it wasn't called ppq number one but we went to ppq number two and their garlic noodles were just as yummy for like a fraction of the price so recently i was thinking about these noodles because i've been wanting something different than rice for a side we have rice all the time with pretty much anything asian that i make but dude i recently sent jude to the store to buy spaghetti and spaghetti works in my instant pot for one pot pasta but he brought home spaghettini which is which is great but i can't make the spaghettini in the instant pot because the cook time is much less than regular spaghetti so i think spaghettini is going to work perfectly in this recipe all right i am starting off with six cloves of garlic and you can use more if you want we used to have friends that we ate at ppq with and um he used to joke that he would only eat there with us because we were that good a friend that we can like stand each other's garlic breath after oh boy you can use more if you want if you don't want as much you can use less but it really is the whole point of this dish just going to put them through the garlic press but you can chop it up if you want i just think if you put it through the garlic press the garlic gets more dispersed evenly it's i don't remember the last time you've done a recipe without using uh the santoku or the chef's knife i don't have anything in the chop today it's that easy it is i'm just going to put it all in a bowl first so that it's easier to deal with when we start cooking because the cooking part of it it actually will go really fast so it's really important to get all of your ingredients ready to go so we have about i want to say two to three tablespoons of garlic here if you're using like already minced garlic i think that's how much you would need all right i thought i'd show you the difference between spaghettini and spaghetti so the spaghettini is much thinner and it only takes five minutes to cook on the stove and the let's see regular spaghetti i don't know if you can tell the difference takes nine minutes to cook and these take five minutes yup i can see that it's uh the spaghettini is finer oh sure you can see it now can you all right i'm cooking a pound of pasta i'm doing this right now because i wanted to show you that i'm gonna throw this in the pot while i prepare the rest of the ingredients and yeah because we want the pasta cooked and ready to go okay i'm getting my sauce ready to go i already have two teaspoons of sugar here and you can reduce the sugar or omit the sugar altogether if you like you add one tablespoon of oyster sauce one tablespoon of fish sauce one tablespoon of soy sauce and two teaspoons of sesame oil i'm just gonna stir it up make sure that the sugar is dissolved i use brown sugar because i find it dissolves more quickly you can use regular sugar if you like oh it smells so good already i think it's a sesame oil oh i can smell it from here dumb so i'm also using parmesan and you're probably wondering like what but this is what we call fusion we use a little bit of ingredients from the ease with ingredients from west and we make a new dish with it and the parmesan just kind of brings it all together so i am using my microplane here and we're just going to grate about half a cup of parmesan cheese my cheese is breaking up on me let's not grate your finger in there let's not so i'm just going to leave those bits it'll be fine the kids will love it they love bits of parmesan like this i want the majority of the parmesan to melt if you use too big of a grater it won't melt all right we have our wok ready to go we want this on a very low heat okay we're starting with one tablespoon of olive oil and we're adding four tablespoons of butter unsalted i'm going to melt this in here see if i can turn it down a little bit more without turning it off all right which i'm going to add my garlic now we want the flavors to just really meld in there with the butter and we're going to cook this for about i don't know two to three minutes and we want it low and slow so that the garlic doesn't burn you see the garlic is cooking now all right if you want it a little bit hot and spicy you can add some crushed chili flakes at this point but we're just going to leave it like this and i've already drained my pasta and we're just going to dump all of this in there the pasta is done to just al donte which is just cooked through use my tongs mmm the aroma also garlic and butter what's not to like just make sure that the pasta is separated all the noodles are separated now we're gonna pour in our sauce oh my goodness it smells so good i think traditionally this dish is made with a yellow noodle a chinese yellow noodle but since i have this bagatini i thought i'd use this and it's i like the texture of the pasta in this particular dish and even if you don't have spaghettina you can make it with spaghetti and it would be just as yummy and everybody has access to spaghetti now turning off the heat and i'm adding my parmesan cheese and we're just going to melt it all in here this visual here with the wok and the parmesan cheese being sprinkled on is kind of like a cultural mashup it is all right i know you guys are all dying to find out what dude thinks are you all ready for [Music] the taste woo this is going to be good i do miss those garlic noodles and you don't have to have that crab to go with it to have these noodles every day can we have these every day now the parmesan did combine itself very nicely with the spaghettini the pasta the aroma is very interesting fascinating with the asian flavors the smells and the parmesan the pasta cooked perfectly el dante the flavors are an explosion both mellow and subtle but also really flavorful you can use this as a side for anything or else you can just rock it as a main as well i don't know what you put on top but just experiment with your food and flavors and these fusion mash-up flavors together oh so good [Music] i think for an added dimension those chili flakes in with the butter and garlic could have um add another dimension to this but i think we wanted the flavor to be on its own for this round to see how it would be and it's really good there's not much else to say except when's dinner time i'm here we have every day i just had a bite and it was so super garlicky but it was so so good i hope you'll agree that this is a very super simple recipe that you can make at home we're serving it with grandma's chicken packets tonight but you can serve it with whatever other maine you would like to check out more simple recipes just like this one i will see you over there
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 1,228,747
Rating: 4.8744297 out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum, garlic noodles, Vietnamese food, Fusion recipe
Id: It4jb7KMoR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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