Is AMD hardware responsible for a lack of Ray-Tracing in some modern game development?

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since current gen consoles are based on AMD gpus and we all know Amy Hardware is not very good at Ray tracing is this preventing game slash engine development developers from using more RT features how far out are we from seeing fully path traced AAA games instead of just rasterization with some RT is sprinkled on top so yeah they use what AMD apus would probably be a better yes I think they're based on like our dna2 but it's not quite the same like the architecture is slightly different there but yeah I mean we're not talking about a very powerful Ray tracing architecture in those consoles hasn't really stopped developers from at least trying to integrate Ray tracing effects and there are certainly games on console that have really nice looking Ray tracing features games like Spider-Man there was that Ratchet and Clank game for PS5 as well that has quite impressive Ray tracing features given their constraints on the on those bits of Hardware I think the main limitation for why we haven't seen more Ray tracing effects is that mid-range gpus kind of suck these days they are not there has not been a big I guess Innovation it's been very stagnant performance has stayed within a certain range for quite some time now and if you're making games where you're spending time all these features knowing that most people have mid-range Hardware things like or is it the GTX 1650 is super popular which is a very slow GPU very slow GTX 1060 has been popular for a long time RTX you know 2060 those sorts of cards tend to be where people buy most of the gpus and we're talking about games these days even with Ray tracing effects off are not running particularly amazingly on especially something like an RTX 2060 these days it's not the fastest car yeah it was slightly dialed down quality settings at 1080p you're probably looking at like a 60 sort of FPS experience yeah and that's without Ray tracing at all yeah certainly that would be the upper limit at 1440p yeah so when you've got these mid-range gpus that are forming the bulk of the market you know most people do not have a 3080 which is sort of classes even today is getting a bit you know dicey with some Ray tracing games but you know in the past we sort of talked about that as sort of a good level of Ray tracing performance and then obviously above that gets even better but those are expensive products so game developers are not going to be focusing hugely on Ray tracing effects while the majority of Their audience has gpus that are just flat out running the standard rasterization effects and that's without even thinking about fully passed race games which seem like a significant way off purely based on the lack of Ray tracing performance for those mid-range gpus now you know if Nvidia and AMD want to suddenly start producing good quality mid-range gpus which they haven't done as much of recently then potentially that will change game developers will have those cars to Target they can start integrating features like that and maybe that will even help Nvidia and B sell their High performing cards because if you have like an entry level Ray tracing setting that then you can dial up massively to run really well on a 4090 you'd think that might be able to sell a 4090 a bit better than current implementations where the same differences can be pretty limited but yeah I think it's the the lack of 200 300 gpus with strong Ray tracing performance that is currently holding it back but we've seen a lot more games integrate Ray tracing so they're clearly heading in that direction still no they definitely are and we've already spoke of CPU performance and the demands on the CPU and Road tracing so again you know you've spoke of not everyone having an RTX 3080 or better well you know not everyone has a whatever it is hey call like a 5800x let's say or a 12 700k that would probably be required to facilitate that amount of Ray traced effects so it's just yeah it's a hardware demand thing as well yeah it's a very intensive effect on all areas I think we knew that this was going to happen back when we talked about you know the true in generation about you know a lot of the time those cards were sort of sold on their Ray tracing capabilities but we were fairly confident that products like an RTX 2060 would really not be suitable for the ray tracing generation of games I think we're entering the ray tracing generation of games now and we are seeing that those products are not really up to scratch and it was always going to be the sort of five ten year process to get the affordable mainstream gpus to the level where they can support Ray tracing and maybe with the 40 series generation we'll see more of that I'm not holding my breath for that by any means considering what they've launched so far um but yeah it's just a process with these features it's just a process it'll take time but clearly Ray tracing and things like fully path Trace games is the future it's just a matter of matter of when
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Id: wB-ZHutfWNA
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Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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