Will AIB manufacturers make smaller versions of their huge GPUs?

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would it be sensible for aib manufacturers to make smaller versions of some of their cuts for example 4080 it seems the original large sizes were based on higher expected power consumption that didn't come to pass leaving the market with many oversized cards do you think they might make smaller cards if not why is it that that beneficial for aibs to reduce the cooler designs are to reuse the core design sorry on multiple products I don't understand this question what do you mean that's that's a normal graphics card isn't it uh I think yeah I mean let me just yeah I think they've normally been like yeah two to three hands inside so I've usually imagined them hang on let me just check if we're maybe we're going down the wrong path here Tim so that's a 4070 TI and let's get the 67 00 XT so that's the 6700 XC uh yes okay actually that is smaller it's a little smaller it's hard to tell no I think I think on camera you'll even be able to see that is smaller yeah slightly slightly smaller this one believe it or not this is way lighter as well yeah I mean that one looks slightly thinner to me but hang on let me just see it from the front again I mean the obvious difference is that one has three fans and the other has two maybe that's creating an optical illusion I think that could be it actually yeah for that for that card I think once again Tim has solved the problem so what was the question again should they make smaller cards because they seem to be designed for a TDP that wasn't really the eventual TP of those products because there were rumors at one point the cars like a 4080 would be 400 watts 450 Watts the actual figure I believe is 320 Watts for the 4080. so do they need a refrigerator on top of them yeah I mean that card should surely be silent during operation right uh that's a 47 ETI maybe the fan I think the fans are just there sort of for Aesthetics so I'm not sure they actually turn yeah they've probably removed the motors from them yeah I mean so yeah a bit ridiculous A lot of these graphics cards admittedly not all of them are are auris ridiculous but yeah they're pretty dumb so 40 90 yeah makes sense for I guess uh but the 4080 certainly didn't need it and the 470 TI it's just hilarious yeah uh I think the question had something about reusing the coolers yeah which I think there's a big part of that I think also well they're not just reusing them because every single cooler I've seen there's been it's been modified to make it more cost effective for the obviously the cheaper price point and the more affordable GPU uh silicon so it's not simply a copy and paste job where they're just pumping out thousands of these coolers and whacking them on all of the different models so I don't think that's necessarily it I think maybe it's just what would you say like it's it's sort of a mind share thing or I think it's I think it has to do with like the the perception the product creep that we've got where products it used to be cheaper and you know the same sort of you know naming scheme used to be you know you were spending less money on them which these days this is a 470 TI for 800 the osmore is going to be more than eight hundred dollars so you want an 800 GPU experience which these days is this business sort of perceived as being a high premium product you know the 6700 XT that was a 480 dollar GPU so you would expect it to be smaller um you know less cooling yeah so I think that plays into a lot of it there's now more products above 800 you know we you know there might even be slotting in something like a 4080 TI in there in the future 49 ETI with so many products you'd want them to be these big well-cooled you know you want it to feel heavy look big like you've just spent a lot of money on it which previously this would have been you would have thought a 600 or 500 sort of GPU so I think yeah sort of perception with Gamers and I reckon you could probably put it under the heading of marketing marketing yeah for sure okay because as well if they put a bigger cooler on it that may cost an extra 10 20 but then they might instead of making an 800 MSRP card it's now 900 or a thousand dollars and suddenly the margins are a lot larger on that sort of product so there's a whole bunch of things to play there but I certainly don't think it's for the performance sort of side of things that is not no for most of these gpus it's certainly well and truly Overkill completely unnecessary uh and borderline a bit silly yeah that wouldn't even fit in my gaming case for my game current gaming PC we wouldn't fit in a lot of cases yeah
Channel: HUB Clips
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Id: 0uNaut14Dv0
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Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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