When should you upgrade your CPU?

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understood that your CPU tests are done in a particular way for a very good reason Steve made clear to all of us don't you think it would be awesome to compare a set of CPUs with a set of high-end gpus at high resolutions 1440 p and up considering Ultra wide and for what many people love to see if it's rational and valuable to make an upgrade on a CPU side to get more from that resolution for example could be if I have a 40 90 and a 12 700k for gaming would it be a valuable choice to get a 13 700k if I want to play games at 1440p 3840 by 1600 or 4K and to see an evident uplift so that's the question from that example that's a very small upgrade but look I tried to explain this uh in that very video so I do appreciate the question because this is something that a lot of people still asked even after that video basically it's at least in my opinion it's about frames per second uh again this was all explained in detail from many different angles but people seem to focus on resolutions I play at this resolution therefore I want to know the performance there but even that's not terribly useful because first of all I don't know the quality settings you play with I don't know the games you're playing I don't know you know how sensitive you are to stuff like input are you buying the CPU to pair with the GPU you have now or would you like to pair that CPU with a future GPU so do you plan on upgrading your computer do you plan on playing future games that will most certainly be more CPU demanding than the games you're playing now so therefore tailoring the review for your very specific use scenario in this very specific point in time it's kind of useless and misleading but all of that aside the way I look at it is you are requiring or seeking a certain frame rate which I think everyone is right it's like if I said to you you have to play single player games at 45 FPS how happy would you be with that so what FPS do you like to Target for your single player games uh I mean depends but usually like ball pocket like yeah 60 days I think these days I'm sort of getting more into the higher refresh rate stuff with single players I think yeah like 90 hundred yeah so Tim's 90 100 um I'm for single player games that's sort of my minimum uh obviously for multiplayer games I like to get you know closer to 200 FPS I find that a lot better but my point is everyone has an FPS figure in mind so really regardless of the resolution you're playing at or targeting you just want to make sure you can get your desired frame rate at that resolution so again it all comes back to the frame rate so if we're saying adfps at 1080p doesn't really matter if it'll only do 40 FPS or whatever because you'd be lowering the quality settings to facilitate a higher frame rate so you want to make sure that the CPU can do that so it yeah anyway this was all explained in that video I think it's best to think about it you know in a frame rate sense since that's the performance metric we're measuring rather than a resolution because regardless of whether you play at 1080P or 4K if you want 90 FPS and your GPU can only do 40 FPS at 4K you're either going to lower the resolution or lower the quality settings because you don't want to play at 40 FPS yeah makes sense yeah that's a good way of looking at it so that's that's how I would focus on that and for all the other reasons I mentioned that video you know it's misleading to GPU limit CPU performance while making CPU recommendations that's not terribly helpful for anyone and again people generally upgrade their GPU more often than upgrade their CPU so it's not just about the hero now it's about the future and all of that other stuff that yeah I think this comes down to as well a lot of people who look at reviews want to see the exact performance numbers that they'll be seeing in their gaming scenarios so for example you look at a review you'd be like oh I want to Target this game get this this performance which may be achievable in some reviews but I think generally a better way of going about it is really looking at things like percentage differences looking at what you have what what are you achieving in your game right now with the hardware that you have and then figuring out how much faster an upgrade will be because that will be much more widely applicable yeah so if you have two CPUs in the chart maybe from us or you know you're looking at across different reviews or whatever you can sort of make a guide to sort of say okay well I've the thing I've got now the upgrade I'm looking at is 50 faster so then that may give you that you know if you're targeting 90 FPS and you're you're only getting 60 FPS now then that 50 figure will probably get you right in that ballpark of the performance you're looking for whereas yeah it does feel like a lot of people we see a lot of comments about that that want their specific setting resolution tested to see the exact numbers that they're getting whereas a lot of the time you know the percentage differences is a really good way of going about it and did you get a bit further into that specific example so if you have a 12 700k are you getting enough frames per second in your game are you like well I want 60 FPS I'm getting 60 FPS so what will a new CPU do for me it's like Well in that instance there's not much Point upgrading because if you're happy with 60 in the new CP you'll get you to 70 there's really not much point in that so it's worth keeping that in mind as well and if you want to know whether your CPU or GPU limited you can look at stuff like install MSI afterburner or Hardware info with Reaver tuner put the CPU usage and the GPU usage up on screen that'll give you a rough it's probably more accurate on the GPU side but it'll let you know pretty quickly are you fully utilizing your GPU uh or you know are you CPU limited and therefore a faster CPU will give you more FPS yep there's even built-in tools to things like the Nvidia GeForce experience these days and yeah the same with the yeah yeah they can provide those metrics for you but yeah so you can yeah you can certainly work out where you're limited in your system by looking at those statistics and yeah it's really about the frame rate you're targeting do you actually need more performance which yeah sorry
Channel: HUB Clips
Views: 26,161
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Id: X33mmaeC5-k
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Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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