SURPRISE Guess The Elo Episode (#55)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on YouTube daily updates about the chess drama no that's your second favorite series this is guess the ELO look folks there's a lot of content that I make I make Recaps educational content historical content but there's nothing better than a nice homecoming to get a nice home-cooked meal to get the bed that you used to sleep in all the time and to see your childhood animal and that is what gets the ELO is and that is what guest the ELO will forever be welcome home please enjoy today's episode but first massive sponsor announcement we have a new long-term sponsor and they are madrinas please enjoy this short clip I've always been a big coffee fan but today I want to introduce you to a company that's taking energy to a whole new level madrina's coffee medrenas literally has a coffee for everyone if you love your coffee a little bit sweet with milk and sugar they have a collection of different cold Brews in a ton of different flavors if you're a traditional coffee drinker they have a bunch of expertly roasted whole beans but if you don't like the taste of coffee they also have refreshing green coffee fuelers that have an excellent fruity taste and you know what's even more awesome they flew me out to a 56 floor Penthouse so I wouldn't have to record this in my own room and they gave me my own exclusive flavor the cookies and cream cold brew coffee making a madrina's coffee couldn't be easier all you have to do is fill a shaker cup with 13 ounces of water put in a scoop of powder and shake it up now you have coffee in less than 30 seconds so I love madrinas and I think you will too all you have to do is click the link in the description or go to to check out my new cookies and cream flavor today and don't forget to use code Gotham to take 20 off your entire order now that we've fueled up let's get back to the video Gotham sub getting us started here with this episode D4 Knight F6 Little King's Indian defense action wow this isn't this is like a main line This is this is literally a main line E5 wow D5 A5 okay no all right we're getting okay Knight bd7 okay securing control over C5 all right all right we we we're mixing up a few plans but okay okay Rook B1 Rook B1 F5 B4 that's okay you always take when you see before you always take I would probably play F4 and shut it down but I don't know that much about these positions and I feel like sometimes if you play F4 too early while the engine is always saying that white is better but the computer doesn't know what it's like to feel emotions black plays the top engine move okay applying more pressure to the center you always get rid of that Bishop that's never yeah this is terrible by white you this is just black just has a knight you did nothing okay um can I rank the r no Bishop D3 uh now I would play F4 yep that's what I would have played G5 yup now G4 yup oh my oh this is why right here you're playing against Indian defense okay look at this this beautiful stuff all right C5 is the only way that white can play on here like if white has so this is one of the reasons why I recommend King's Indian games to you know intermediate Advanced players even newbies is like um is uh guys I'm recording for guess the ELO right now can you not ask me how long I'm gonna be in Toronto for the Global championship and if I want restaurant recommendations do you want me to interrupt the YouTube recording to have a conversation about all right so let's go YouTube we're not talking about the game anymore because uh this very kind uh chat user wants to tell me about restaurants in Toronto I'm not I'm not no we're not doing it anymore no all right hit me with one all right I'm waiting I'm waiting We're Not Gonna this is all gonna be part of the YouTube we're not we're not covering the game anymore he's gonna no I'm just kidding we're gonna I'll check what you wrote after F4 G5 G4 H5 now with black by the way after F3 you could play G3 and then here what you can do is you can sacrifice and you have Knight H7 very common idea I heard Tim Hortons is a really nice Michelin star restaurant in Canada and then Queen H4 here and anyway Savage if you type in some restaurants I will check them when I'm done with this game all right H5 beautiful oh this is a beautiful F3 put it as a go F3 yes sir Bishop D3 Bishop I would have gotten Bishop H6 here because this move just cuts everything but my man played King F7 White's gonna sack probably at some point oh there it is Queen G8 oh okay White's fighting back though it's not over what is going on uh-oh uh oh black is losing the thread oh the attack is crashing through but look at Black sacking The Rook to get the bishop to E3 and queen H2 is made not right now but take Knight takes G3 is checkmate stack the queen can you sack the queen oh oh my God oh my God oh my God boom boom oh oh he said he said I'm going to the restaurant in Toronto oh my God all right so here's the thing I I think black is like 1200. like I you know I'm I'm gonna call the bluff you know how in poker you call the bluff I'm calling the bluff I I think that this guy submitted a game where he played like stockfish the whole game but he's actually like 12 I'm not even or or she but I think his name was Shadow Mike and if a lady named herself Shadow Mike then God bless her but I'm pretty sure it's a guy so um wow wow okay um poof I mean okay the quality of the game by black was like 2300. um so I I guess I'll say 1600. like because because you know like I would say 2300 but it's obviously not 2300 because nobody that rating watches me they all watch nariditsky um so uh yeah I think I think I I think I think 1600. but maybe maybe higher like they obviously played like a 2300 1961. okay I should have gone higher but well done very well done you played like a 2300 that game I just didn't I I honestly didn't think people that high rated watch me wow well done yeah you played like a 23 2400 easily I mean that was a great game I just wanted to guess lower for memes but well done 1960. solid game one of the best games I think a subscriber has ever submitted so let's go back what a game sick game Shadow Mike very nice game uh all right we back here well done well done well done well done game number two um Gotham sub with the white pieces all right Ed all right Knight C3 Queen E5 hi all right I think three digits because I think if I think black not knowing the scandi past the third move is probably pretty bad there's only one trap here and it's Bishop E2 Bishop G4 and the trap here is after Knight F3 you play Take Take and you're like Haha I've damaged your structure you fool but then after Bishop G4 white is like you've activated my trap card D4 and then Black's like you're still pinned and then White's like well now I'm gonna boot you out and then White's like completely winning um you know how in Yu-Gi-Oh they're always like when I when I was growing up I watched a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh and the one of the most satisfying sounds is the Life Point sound you know like that you know it's like me and you and then you like run out of life points um anyway Knight F6 Knight F3 all right why does playing a beautiful game B4 hit him with one of these for no reason D4 okay dude okay dude H3 is like putting on mosquito repellent in the winter okay I don't you know like it yeah it works but it is not it's no threat there's no need I don't know what you're doing like they're all dead like I don't know what are you worried about all right you know it's like wearing protection you don't even get a date I mean like you know I'm saying like it you see and now you gave your opponent naughty ideas you drew their attention to H5 and now they're gonna put something on G4 now oh no you gotta you gotta be faster bro you gotta be faster D4 yeah like you know good bro what even is that take that take that and play 95 call that bluff bro boss man what is Bishop B3 can I ask what was the idea of Bishop B3 like the bishop is doing the same thing well I really wanted to control A4 come on man you got the center pawns boss Center puns also take you just have to make sure the diagonal is blocked you can't go here but you could go here completely winning there's no threads it's a waiting move I had no idea what to do I'll tell you what to do take the damn Bishop all right if that's too scary then move in the center okay remember the rule I say this every single episode nine times out of ten the best move is not going backwards can you guys listen to me the best move in a position as a beginner or an intermediate is not going backwards it's just not it's almost always a forward move or a move on the same level okay Bishop B3 just ain't it yeah yo yo what yo what are we doing here man Knight E2 okay black just doesn't even black just doesn't understand what this Bishop's like it's supposed to take the okay that just very confidently maneuvered the Knight into the attack no problem all right okay well now no that bro I feel like I feel okay no disrespect Gotham sub I feel like you knew what you were doing I feel like you deliberately were like I'm just gonna make goofy moves and oh my God you're just getting mated bro Queen F4 by the way here Queen F4 wins the night it's the best move your attack doesn't always have to end and mate it could just win all the material uh oh my god brother just Knight G1 you were almost out of the woods Knight G1 oh my gosh you decided to lose everything oh my God he's running sick move though sick move it's about to get real Knight G5 oh my goodness oh my God Queen G4 okay now you remember you can push a center Pawn but now you're mated that's a great move oh dude come on everybody knows you got to go deeper into the position it's got to be made it takes the Knight check okay that hangs the night no way are you just gonna get into bro this dude literally could have snuck a pawn past and you just bro you still let him push it but oh my God he didn't go all right black wins here rookie one paralysis for the white position yo what the yo nah I feel like this is a fake game like I don't know I can't Bros someone moved oh my God oh my God he won rookie three oh my God white is better I think white is playing this end game all right yeah let's just undevelop our Rook to the most passive possible Square Rook D3 and pawn by a rook behind Pawn breakthrough bro nah you gotta be honest with me yo are you you for real dog none of these moves make sense like like they don't even be oh breakthrough oh he running oh he running oh bro you were doing so well you walked your king up just keep going oh my God thank you yes thank you you're winning easy dub easy dub yes big big big big big big big big big big big big big all right look this is either a 2000 who's just like playing with their friend on purpose making bad moves or this is um five to six hundred I think I think five to six hundred I mean there was enough logical play that it was but just ain't no way it's got got to be five six hundred 1200 is it bullet it's Blitz okay wow okay well listen God bless you for submitting this game but I wow I that was not that was rough bro that was a tough game all right how much time did you have okay for like half of that game I get less than all right you know what you know what white had less than a minute for a massive portion of that game so I can't even be mad like I can't be mad White had less than a minute what wow that was that was uh chess was certainly played in that game let's put it this way there was definitely you played the end game with 10 I don't I know boss I know listen listen you submitted the game and you did not submit a game where you crushed the guy you submitted a game that was hilariously disastrous so you have to understand that when I am roasting the game I am not roasting you I'm not roasting you as a person you understand so some people like submit to guess the ELO and then they're like shocked at the degree of guys I roast myself all the time all right we got to be able to live laugh love and learn you know the four L's live laugh lot live love laugh and learn or something like I don't know anyway shut up uh by the way did that guy write some restaurants uh for uh Toronto he said Mimi Chinese I don't know why I'm still speaking Italian Prime Seafood Palace okay boss man I'm not gonna lie you're recommending a seafood place called Prime Seafood Palace it sounds like a seafood restaurant on the side of a highway and I'm all for it I also don't eat seafood though all right so anyway E4 G6 another one oh Bishop C4 good E5 good knight F6 okay 97 F5 oh my God oh my God look at you guys you guys are playing all of my courses today or I don't know some other courses but they're my courses wow fe4 here I think Knight F6 fe4 Knight F5 good good Lord oh that's a bad move Knight F5 all day what the heck you guys are killing it today oh I don't I think I feel like taking on E5 is wrong yeah computer says this Knight G4 and black is completely winning that's insane because you just play like 95 with various threats and black is just apparently positionally winning already wow wow okay H6 we know Bishop G5 H6 Auto well in the last game it was Auto wow look at this top engine move G4 sacrificing the G Pawn to go 94. what wait what what what was that oh okay I don't know that was like okay B5 Bishop B3 there was no sacrifice I misclicked okay apparently top engine move here is B4 removing the defender of this Square okay that kind of makes sense kind of makes sense I don't I don't dislike castling uh that's wow they actually played it what was the idea here Knight E4 and then that's why I wanted this white wanted check and it looked very scary very scary stuff here goddamn Knight D4 take take take take uh so the problem with that move is Bishop takes Knight removes the defender of the bishop so if this this white takes here and wins the game white is getting too many pieces too many pieces right Rook df1 five big maneuvering game here apparently this is just always winning for black it's a tough move to play it looks like it doesn't do anything this is apparently always winning for white okay uh boss I don't think you I don't think you thought that went out very well uh the best move here as far as I'm concerned is for black to play C5 C4 entomb the bishop and apparently it's takes takes C5 so it's taste C5 followed by the entombing of the bishop which is very tricky that's that's very tough okay so takes you do not want to open the position for your opponent's Bishop that looks very scary but uh I think you can just play Knight H5 and King h8 yup there's nothing there but it's scary looks scary very scary position Knight F6 you lost the game immediately because you allowed Queen H6 and Knight F6 and queen H7 yup ah oh wow oh my gosh King F6 why Rook G1 you're the best move here for black is to lose the queen my guy just doesn't care that's crazy Rook F5 baits the king forward and it's like mate in six look at this queen G5 I mean guys if the king is only four It's gotta be made right like this it's just gotta be mate um okay about this okay it's still it's not free because after Rook F5 oh you can take dude what are you doing you have this and then you have mate you have made oh you have made oh God Rook F5 eighth oh my God oh God oh the bishop's still trapped though you took the bishop oh my gosh what is happening this is like the Hunger Games H5 yeah just go I love the threat of the Bro oh you're so close to mating it's check there's no Maiden one oh he going oh Lord oh he going getting out of the way hey bro you missed me bro how'd you go here but not here two more games two two more squares bro just straight down the board oh my goodness oh my goodness there it is King's right oh he's running bro the king doesn't become a did you just win on time this was a game from a blitzstream sub battle honestly it was a pretty high level game I think it was decided by a Time scramble a little bit later I'm gonna say like 1500 I get like strong 14 1500 vibes from this game let's check all right I wasn't too far off but yeah they're like 1600. all right a little bit higher a little bit higher some some dude in the chat said 1500 is pretty high level question mark my dude acting like he's not 750. my dude acting like being a 1500 at chess isn't like the top 98th percentile of the game uh wow good game that was a fun one yeah and I guess yeah it was obviously a Time scramble at the end so nothing to uh nothing to be you know ashamed about it was very complicated position and they you know all right now 1500 is not average the average rating the the the the the rating of an average chess player has gone down a lot but that's not an insult to anybody uh I'm just saying like the chess boom has obviously brought in a lot of brand new people which means the average rating has gone down right so that that's all that means that's all that means um your feed is 1975. your feedings being 1975 you're probably one of the 10 highest rated players in this chat right now because 1975 feet a is like 2300 online 2400 online or in the k ick Brainiac so 1975 fide is very respectable it's like 22 2300 like on both websites and chess Cube because there's no other website online to play chess um all right game four E4 okay come on man I mean literally like how are you gonna be a Gotham sub and not play Knight C3 on the second move come on guys oh unless you play Scotch Gambit oh you just played the scotch oh despicable despite despicable not even Bishop E3 Main Line come on guys all right no problem okay good man some of you with these a3s like just Bishop G5 guys like come on let's just develop some pieces come on Bishop G5 okay that's good F3 hanging the king queen queen D3 okay nice nice um so I would Center my Rooks obviously you can't go here yet but I would Center at least one of my Rooks I would play King H1 in this position as you see third move so Rook ae1 King H1 the reason the engine wants that is because it thinks that white is going to go F4 in the future okay so you you just have a fetish for playing A3 H3 I don't hate that don't take uh don't play that move either though that just loses material capture sequence so the way you visualize this is if I play E5 they take I take they take I take they take now if you're really clever you would calculate Bishop F6 in the middle of that sequence but I don't know if you saw that yeah and oh god oh you did you saw the zoo well done wow so well yeah I mean black should not have gone here black should have taken this and in general you should really be looking at um not just what you can take for maximum which is Bishop C4 is a very natural move but you also have to think about them taking your pieces right um so uh them taking you here is maximum danger it's a tough move to see very nicely spotted and the capture sequence leads to you just being up a piece nice did you convert this Knight E4 okay Knight G5 is a ridiculous move but okay now come back rookie one oh no no wait wait the most amazing thing about the move rookie one is it doesn't actually lose the game Bishop F2 King F1 and black doesn't actually win anything that's really funny so I'm actually a genius but okay Bishop C3 okay you hung F2 but I don't okay okay and black trades losing end game before take that of course and easy easy peasy oh my God don't hang mate oh my God you're hanging mate oh my God you hung mate oh my God you hung mate oh my God guys this deep you are this deep just finish already alright fg4 fg4 you are in this deep just get it over with oh my goodness oh my goodness how do you blow it all right here oh my gosh oh my goodness I can't and the fact that black does not play a check and like the fact that black is like I don't want to lose my Pawn oh my goodness come on guys take the pawn take the bro I hate you bro come on Tom's so mad bro you you actually hung it twice you actually you ended up hanging it again I've seen I actually once remember I guess the ELO game very similar to this uh somebody lost with these Pawns it's I mean this just hurts man you guys come on like you were you gotta just take the pawns nobody ever blunders uh oh guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys you come on guys guys uh yeah yeah this was such a good game white played so solidly but you know I'm really wondering you know the one brilliant thing about this game right so first first things first White does not really know openings right like white just played normal moves white played solid good understanding I'm getting like a Thousand Eleven Hundred Vibes here nothing too complex this was the one moment where finding this zuichenzug right which doesn't even work by the way because there's Queen E6 which is like one thing that I just glossed over completely because this guards this and now there's this way too high level uh black of course just follows the sequence and loses and there was a few other moves like Knight G5 like I don't you know and then but the rest of the game was simple enough that it was easy for white to play right I'm getting 1100 vibes from this I'm thinking High 1000 mid 1100 that's what I think because it just ain't no way you blunder that if you're higher than 12 33 okay I'm off by like a hundred points today on the underside all right I mean you know what I don't like that 1200 you got a minute on the clock no no excuse no excuse to blunder that all right it's it's never too late to throw it all away were you mad after you lost this game that's crazy white is up on time oh that that actually contributes you know because I feel like sometimes people get up on time they like start panicking they see their opponent has low time they're like I'm gonna win no matter what um that was tough I mean yeah I I was for the blunder at the end I was gonna give you like 1100 Vibes but 12 33 yep one of you is gonna submit a game I remember some guy the other day was like oh I'm gonna submit a game that Gotham played himself uh to guess the ELO I'm like ah it's really funny just messing up the entire episode okay yeah that's cool it's really funny dude you're the first person to have that idea in 50 episodes dude anyway like all right here we go D4 final game nice the Queen's Gambit with three C5 you know what the most incredible thing about this is by white how many of my recaps are there on YouTube how my name hundreds right how many times have you seen a top level GM play C5 on the third move how many times oh spoilers how many times have you seen just regular development just No Nonsense just regular development like what is this and I love this by black look Black's just not holding anything black just like all right Bishop D2 so you just take on B4 now boss boss boys do you understand that you played these moves in order to take like you gotta take the puns like they just just take everything just get rid of everything and then Knight F6 Castle win the pawn I mean Knight C6 I mean and then what and then what this you want this you like being tied down huh you into some weird stuff take the pawn on before thank you block take C5 huge okay now we're in the driver's seat don't hang the bishop oh look at that no castles for White Queen F6 or that song not remembering on poisson like that's that is some Sherlock Holmes level stuff 900 I'm thinking 900 a thousand playing this opening castles castles yep C5 nice okay see Knight E4 okay ignoring the Free Pawn huh 94. oh not blocking the attack but moving the queen yeah I'm getting like 900 vibes okay I mean you just killed him right just killed killed your opponent right Queen D6 mate wow look I gotta be three digits for playing C5 if if white is four digits I will be extremely upset I think I think I I'm yeah I'm you know black played really well black played with the exception of not playing a tags before there I think black played like a 12 or 1300 uh but on poisson there um not being played says a lot see I'm thinking I'm thinking 900. I think I think the average rating of the two players is 900 and if it's if it's in the four digits I'm gonna be furious because white should not be four digits white is 1600 or I'll cut the tape bro get the get get the out of here bro come on man what is this man come on bro
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 880,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: Bb4dhojfB0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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