The Return! Titled Tuesday - July 26, 2022

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okay so let me start my youtube intro because it's a countdown we're starting here in about five seconds this is title tuesday i have not played in the tournament for about a year i have been playing a lot of blitz though i'm excited eleven rounds of three plus one let's go folks i have d4 in the first game well i have white in the first game but i'm gonna play d4 good start jon already talking very coherently let's do this thanks everyone watching live and also in the future on youtube i'm going to edit this down and post this probably tonight after the tournament okay let's go rook c1 playing wild 3000 all right let's see how bad black wants to go after the bishop pair i guess not so bad no no early net h5 and i am streaming this live on twitch as well do check out my twitch channel if uh you've been primarily watching on youtube and want to check out more of my content um thank you guys for the warm reception uh lately by the way i do want to mention that uh it was really cool to see all the feedback on my recent 100 berserk video on uh youtube so really really appreciated that guys let's go here this is just flexible i wanna i wanna leave black guessing as to whether i'm going to uh castle or not yeah cause i might take with a pawn here i might do it let's actually play that way yeah let's go for it um i can thread and checkmate yeah queen d3 very interesting yeah let's let's play for the attack bishop h6 and then i'm gonna go h4 and see if we can go for the initiative i'll even sack this pawn to do it okay my opponent does not bite at least at least not yet um [Music] let's go queen back to d1 one thing i've learned in a lot of my blitz play recently is that the initiative is everything in three minute it's really the only thing that matters so if you can seize the initiative then you're in business okay h5 here or take first and then h5 let's go ahead and play h5 first of all i might take this one too i'm not sure so if he plays knight takes h5 i think i can go rook takes h5 i think that checks out okay so there take some interesting options here already bishop takes hmm i think i want to take here first i'm just debating yeah let's let's take here first and now bishop takes i mean that looks pretty promising he has to take with a pawn if i do that but i can't win d5 okay definitely thinking a little much here yeah let's take i gotta get rid of this knight i think i'm just gonna play it simple i'm gonna do this go for the structural edge he's gotta recapture now yep let's just play it like this castle he's got a bunch of weak pawns the king remains kind of weak so i think this is a reasonable option thank you guys thanks again see all the support in the chat love to see it okay let's play this end game take i'm going to go here or here let's do this one it's a little bit passive for black so maybe i can grind out a win hmm that might have been a mistake by him because now i can target this one and this work there okay take this hmm i feel like this end game might be winning for me definitely not sure though okay so he believes that looking good start pushing let's put this one here oh and he wandered he wasn't expecting g5 okay there we go all right all right good little technique right there i'm gonna update the uh title of the stream as we go along if i do forget please let me know in the chat okay feel pretty decent about that there were some interesting decisions early on about whether i should continue the attack or play as i did yeah bishop takes f5 looks like that was the right call i'm not going to analyze this to uh enormous extent here okay it doesn't like knight takes b5 says bishop f4 instead interesting so this position is okay for black i don't know somehow this seemed better for me but maybe it's something pretty specific yeah g5 trying to trap the bishop maybe force me to play like f4 to uh rescue it after this trade white is better not with this move though i don't know these rook end games are close they're close and a key moment happened when he tried to play f4 and i offered to go into this this pawn ending wow the pawn ending is not better for white if anything is better for black wow i assumed because of the doubled pawns in my passpond that at least i wouldn't ever lose this which is probably true but i could see how maybe it's a draw let's just play it online king f8 king f1 king e7 in e2 keep an eye on when this game starts by the way king d5 yeah i guess he blockades this pawn and i can't ever get into these squares that's fair i probably have to play something like a3 okay but it was a tough decision for him to make in the moment and he chose wrong we've all been there all right ten more games to go let's do this okay here we go round two decremensi i know who this is i have actually taught him in some camps he's from uh north carolina daniel cramisi okay i think i know what i gotta do against him i gotta try to get him out of book he is booked up he's a good player young player let's play old indian i've been playing this a little bit lately not too successfully but you know we can we can give it a shot let's go here attack this and i'm gonna try to treat it like a um a normal king's indian to some extent let's play b6 here thank you westy for the prime appreciate it as i said we are live on twitch right now i might go knight g4 and knight g4 attack the bishop try to encourage a trade let's remove this okay now f5 this seems to be unfolding nicely for me comes back yup let's go here so i wonder if he's going to go f3 and i can play in king's indian fashion with f4 g5 rook f7 or g7 stuff like that yup seems like a pretty good spot to do this i'm going to do it just start expanding we're even going to let him take if he wants because anything to slow white down on this wing i think is good here yeah interesting okay okay now let's take actually i'm gonna go g4 right away i mean why not this seems to be warranted let's take oh here this all seems pretty natural bring the king over looking for check yeah i know he's getting ready to do some stuff on the queen side but i'm building up pretty quickly on the other side of the board so let's go here queen d7 probably this looks pretty good my initiative is real quick here i'm already thinking about doubling rooks maybe yeah let's go here if he takes i might just ignore it and just bring this over so he's going to force the issue probably playing queen f1 no oh can i do this not quite we're not quite quite ready for that knight g4 though oh i can play knight g4 knight g4 might be a good move here guys oh that looks so attractive queen f1 just loses rook g2 let's go for it here here i feel like that's got to be the move take and i know you can temporarily win a piece for two pawns but he's putting himself in such a mortal pin i don't believe that's going to defend for him here and now i can double or rook g3 i can also even take on b4 let's double though this is unstoppable and he can't take g8 because he's all pinned it's completely crushing i think unless i'm missing something here but he's just so stuck around his king it's kind of nice to throw in uh forced white to play rook g1 just so the king can't move i know yeah like if i did this with uh white having the g1 square he could play king g1 and maybe have some chance of surviving awesome chess equivalent of a full mount yeah like a mma move cool look at that we had the flying v at the end the almost full v awesome awesome i feel pretty good about that one too let's take a quick look update the title again yeah it felt like a king's indian that just unfolded much quicker than white would have liked for me just run the analysis a little bit here okay i can take on e4 right here and then go bishop f5 aha okay so the engine likes that a little bit better oh he actually could have captured here i didn't notice that nor did he evidently he could have taken that pawn because i disconnected my rook for a move but then when i get in f4 again this is where we have this king's indian type flavor maybe i should have inserted that but i i didn't mind this capture because this seems very hard to get through it's just going to take white several moves so i would just on site take black there is this michael taller john bartholomew play i know are you guys liking the d6 systems i've been playing them quite a bit they just lead to interesting positions and it tends to get people out of book like d4 d6 i actually think is somewhat of an underrated move order so that's another reason i play it yeah here king h8 talk to king yup work g8 bishop f1 could have gone rook g1 as well but i didn't mind that and look at this this is already quite good you know queen d3 net h5 yeah that's another idea maybe trying to get the bishop involved even knight coming to g3 eventually this seemed pretty natural queen f1 would have been an interesting try i'm not quite sure what i would have done against that probably back the queen off here but yeah already this seems really difficult knight g4 best move is to sack in exchange for white because this is just undefendable indefensible yeah so many good moves here take the immediate rook g3 i saw no issue with this though it looks like the most thematic thing to do cool all right good stuff guys all right here we go we're playing bortnick alexander bortnick to be precise there's two bortnicks i don't know that i played him very much so this should be interesting i think he might play like joba london or something should i go d6 again no let's stick with d5 i don't want to think too much in the opening i think he plays joe bava yeah he does all right anonymous cheer thanks for the 300 bits greatly appreciated yeah let's play like this um i'm gonna go h6 we're gonna play this like super cautious with the g4 idea because i've seen some games where he does like to shove the uh g-pawn the benefit of following streamers is that uh you know some of these guys tendencies sometimes okay let's go b6 so i feel like i've played bortnick before even though i can't like recall any games against him because i see him playing daniel all the time all right um let's just castle maybe this night here i'm going to do that one because i want to challenge this but i don't want to wreck my structure okay let's take with the bishop c5 trying to get the knight here it's going for f4 yep let's play b5 expand let's go c4 okay now i can get in there can get into the d3 square seems interesting he's adopted the diamond formation all right yeah there is that one maybe i should have played f5 first hmm let's go here wow he's going for it interesting i'm gonna take this hmm yeah i see his point i see his point try to reorganize like this keep this threat my night is really good i don't want to take his rook yet i don't have time make him think about what to do with the rook though like be annoying go here bishop g5 rook g6 probably it's getting complicated now ah i have f5 as an idea too if he moves this bishop i might play f5 to hit his queen so he can't take ambassador hmm very complex guys can i do this take take no it doesn't work okay let's go here now f5 maybe try to break out he's obviously pretty strong on the dark squares but i can attempt to break here he can't swing his rook over which is nice for me i guard off too looking good guys starting to organize oh i have 91 maybe as a threat that might have been playable in the last move maybe he'll miss it i would have been risky on the last move he's thinking okay let's go for it um there we go yes big time win that might be one of the highest rated players i've ever beaten on could be i don't know that i've beaten any 3 000 plus players all right gg oh that got the heart rate up a little bit thank you zubal by the way appreciate it ah i like that game i think i worked my way out of a slight jam on the king side rather well the knights at the end were pretty darn strong you know i i didn't know exactly how i was going to land some sort of attack there oh thank you piot for the 100 bits didn't know exactly how i was going to land a tactic but things were brewing i'm not going to look at the analysis on that one that was really complicated i'm going to look at it tonight after the tournament there's a repetition here but i couldn't go for the draw no way i know i'm better in this position and it's just super tough for white to move juho thank you for gifting those two subs thank you guys had the clock as a weapon yes big time that's gonna be key in uh title tuesday always thank you richter's neighbor i'm smiling i i can't help it um it's just nice to get a win against a strong player and it'd feel like you played a good game in the process too all right let's do this guys oh we're playing gotta all right all right let me think let's go d uh knight f3 playing gotakomsky the legend i played him over the board before i played him at the reykjavik open a few years ago um let's go c4 he's usually like a slob player if i'm not mistaken okay a little queen's indian type action here yeah shout out to gotta tremendously instructive player i've really admired his technique over the years i mean he's a beast what can i say so happy to be here playing a legend let's take all the chances we can okay um i'm gonna go bishop g5 when playing a legend you show them respect but you don't show them too much respect you still try your best to beat them and you as much as possible try to avoid um deferring to their ability it's easier said than done okay this line is kind of nice i think you can go rook d1 you can attack this the pawn on d6 is a little bit weak now i think i usually do this sort of thing before castling so i wonder if the fact that we both castled affects things but i'll let him figure that out yeah okay he takes an interesting line here um so we're both gonna have some potential weaknesses here he's to defend yeah thinking maybe 90 knight g5 hg594 is a reasonable option let's go for that i'm going to try to target this weakness i don't know it might result in some trades but let's let's attempt it also maybe could have tried to double up the rooks that might have been a better plan but let's do this okay taking some time hmm interesting moves the knight so 94 i think he's gonna play d5 is the plan reasonable now i could actually take his knight that's an interesting plan for me otherwise he goes to a5 94 d5 i'm just not really seeing much in that position ah maybe i take okay okay i changed my mind let's go for it because i see d5 and f7 might be a little bit tender at the end of the sequence so maybe i can do something there he throws an h6 i don't know let's try so question is can you throw this in and then like take this that is a key question in this position also i maybe have queen c7 in some circumstance hmm this looks awkward but i need to keep my bishop attacking this pawn so let's do it maybe i can reroute this to f4 at some stage this definitely looks a little wonky though but then again i have a 45 second advantage on the clock thank you juho gifting to richter's neighbor okay logical logical logical let's go here hmm hmm trying to get that in the mix okay he's playing to stop it try to sharpen the play a little bit because we're getting towards a bullet game i got to take my chances against him if it's possible to uh make the situation more dynamic is he such a good technical player i feel this is a good chance for me with time pressure creeping in okay he's making some weaknesses hmm i'm gonna try something have a night you have a night you have a chance remember folks i gotta start advancing this i think that's it it's pinned oh gg uh good game yeah he played that well i tried to mix it up towards his king but he defended like a beast yeah i think the position was kind of trending against me when i had to play knight h3 kind of getting a little bit away from me at that point but still interesting still up in the air um yeah that's definitely bad at that point i don't know let's see i i think if i were to go back probably knight g5 isn't good i wish i would have played like rook d2 or something engine says knight d4 interesting i guess because e5 is met by knight f5 in some cases thanks guys yeah that was that was close knight d2 i didn't think about knight d2 maybe knight h3 is just too awkward maybe it's better to play knight f3 give him the pawn and then try for some sort of compensation engine says this tough well he wasn't a world championship contender for nothing but that was a competitive game queen before okay yeah i mean i'm still right in this i'm looking for any sort of practical chances f4 i was happy with that move ricky one i mean i thought when he was doing this that this could provide some interesting avenues for counter play but i started slowing down right around here and he was hammering out the moves as he should okay i don't have too many regrets about this game i gave myself a chance i tried to play interesting e4 engine hates it but it's the type of thing you kind of look for when the position gets sharp counter attacking chances rook c1 maybe now rook c1 this was my idea all along though just trying to bust through i mean he can probably take here but i was sort of hoping my e takes f6 check move would give some chances yeah i think this is pretty much done for queen takes e3 better bet okay because if i take right away if we do this i am threatening check so that that's a potential pitfall still though really bad position oh queen b2 was not on my radar nor was knight takes e3 that's cold knight takes e3's cold blooded not even caring about the check and then the take here that's pretty cold i went bishop g2 we had this big trade down yeah and i'm busted here even managed to get a pawn but no fork after that if only my knight were not pinned yeah it kind of got me sidelined a little bit problem is the h-pawn is very difficult to advance without destroying my coordination so my knight is needing protection at all times all right gg the chair is four out of four oh we're back in time okay i just sat down here we go fifth round playing nm sprite ball i don't know who this player is you know i had a good game already with this so let's do it let's play into the queen this middle game as sprite ball wants most people don't really seem to prepare for this line so um we'll see what happens bishop c4 bishop b7 now bishop takes f7 is very tempting but it's not good it's known to be poor for white okay so maybe looking for bishop a3 that's usually what people do with that move uh let's go queen c7 nope bishop b2 okay i'm gonna go yeah i faced a game like this or faced a attempt like this the other day let's take actually go 95. we'll play against this pawn invite the f pawn forward but that's a slightly loosening move for white so it's not the easiest decision to make whether to play this yeah this player's doing well in tournament they got three out of four absolutely it's a good score let's go here davis zhong according to interesting yeah i haven't heard of him okay maybe b6 here let's give up the f5 square though um let's go knight g6 to start attack this he defends my position feels a little bit passive i'm going to try to break out at the cost of isolating the pawn but i think otherwise it's pretty reasonable i can maybe get some stuff towards this king if i go like a6 bishop d6 kind of reminds me of a hedgehog a6 is almost a mandatory move i need to play that next the square's too weak otherwise he's thinking thank you tx mate this is go john thank you very much all right this would be interesting dare i do that let's try it it worked against crimea playing dynamically like this so let's try it h2 is the weakness so he seems to be spending some time so maybe i can capitalize on that what does he want knight f4 what's the deal with that and that doesn't work at all though i've covered i'm covering this square twice also knight g3 loses he goes there wait a minute can i just take now taking is so natural here because if i um if he takes this maiden two okay big time series of errors there by white they're desperate to defend now okay so knight e4 is a move at this point let's jump in let's give a check go here i don't see an immediate win yet but i'm going to try to tie my opponent down keep them boxed in maybe here here i'm at the pawn with a lot of pressure also maybe a6 i can still throw an a6 h3 okay let's take this is definitely uncomfortable for white no doubt you're going to take d5 i think this is winning um hmm okay that technique wasn't great but i stayed up on the clock i got the job done all right we'll take it that's a typical sweaty palms title tuesday finale huh how many games are still going right now oh brandon jacobson okay he's tough let's play knight f3 he's a tough opponent the l was against godokomsky he was the l someone was asking about my my lone loss so far the only loss that i will have in this tournament right yeah brandon's good brandon's very good okay we'll play london um let's go bishop g3 i feel like eric rosen i'm playing in london in title tuesday let's go night 95. i think eric is streaming this by the way probably both eric's are just bra eric likes to play this a lot okay let's go here it's castle queen f3 maybe nope is making way for knight d6 i think this is all theory as far as i recall i promise i don't know what to do at this point let's go here we'll play like this pretty obvious threat but let's see what he does sticks that night in okay okay so at least i forced him to double his pawns which way to take that i don't know i'm gonna take this direction keep this blocked seems wise he's fast i see him battle dania again a lot another player who uh i see in battles with daniel frequently let's try to stop rook c8 yeah dania does play against perugia from time to time too that's right oh he disconnected okay i think he's back i would feel bad if he disconnected oh it does go for b5 interesting let's send this up so my bishop's a little cut off like that's his idea i think is that my bishop's kind of cut off from civilization but i can still play it a double and maybe get a protected pass pawn i might have to give my a pawn in the process but let's see maybe i can win his b-pawn i don't know he's burning some time now which is positive okay let's retreat or c6 hmm um looking at some weird ideas i don't think they work though shoot um let's take spent a little too much time there i was looking at doubling rooks and giving him the bishop and going with c7 don't think it works let's do this um well creative i don't think this sequence helps me much but i gotta try it you can take it okay it doesn't take i was trying to catch him in a pre-move there that was a bit dirty but i was trying to catch him in king takes g3 rook takes b3 because i knew this end game was losing there we go okay round seven let's do this i have white again molly dominator let's play something principled we'll go mainline um let's go knight f3 oh i'm 30 seconds down oh man yeah i didn't see that thank you guys for pointing that out i would have noticed but i didn't realize that a game had started because there's no thing there's nothing that alerts you you know so all right we'll just gotta fight with that deficit late joining round seven an unintentional berserk let's take i'm gonna go bishop g3 we'll try to keep some tension i don't think this move is necessarily the best move but i like it okay let's go [Music] let's go here play like this if he checks i'll go knight d2 i'm gonna do that one okay yeah let's go here [Music] we'll roll with the king in the center knight c4 get some play you know i kind of dominate the middle right now so i like that he's a barca fan so he has no chance can you can you translate that to american please i don't know what that means okay now let's go here cause he's gonna go knight d5 otherwise was it barsa you guys are laughing at me for saying barca i thought barco was what you say come on now don't make fun of me while i'm playing title tuesday i literally thought that was the shorthand for barcelona you say barca like it sounds cool all right i'm going to stop i don't want to dig myself a grave further i get all these uh like tweet recommendations for uh soccer when i'm on twitter and it's funny because i i the algorithm must think that i like soccer i don't know what the other the explanation would be otherwise okay let's try to coordinate he could try like knight h5 go after the dark square bishop like maybe i should throw this in somewhere but i kind of like how i'm currently playing it so i'm going to continue you say barca 2 it's a midwest oh thank you duck all right i know i'm getting sidetracked a bit but you know the main reason to play title tuesday is for fun play some good players but not take it too seriously and uh i'm loving it right now guys hope you guys are too i'm also loving my position because black has a hard time getting this bishop out and i made up the time on the clock maybe knight b4 will be played i don't know knight b4 b5 something like that wait a minute wait a darn minute that feels too aggressive but what else would you expect from a barca fan let's go here now he might play b5 i think that's the idea thank you royal fork okay he's using a lot of time does play b5 all right let's go here hey he wants to play knight b4 eventually but he's really running the risk of running into something like this i think this works now queen a4 take take take here yeah we're winning a piece take also can't like i guess he could go to e7 we'll just double against that probably take this there we go all right five out of seven so my king was chilling in the center john is like real madrid you mean real you mean real madrid let's go look at the game review also do we have any um cool match ups right now to look at greece shook v prana pranav's really good i'll just throw a game up here while we look at this all right all right yeah this line i think is kind of interesting i bet the engine's not super thrilled about it that says black's better but he can never really figure out his light square bishop he's trying to avoid a queen trade not fake madrid exactly right that's how you tell them apart thank you will flynn for the 15 months oh that's uc now oyster i didn't know that nice yeah rick fc1 makes sense oh i had knight c4 right away the old backward knight move was possible immediately in this position you know that makes sense because this seemed a little sketchy when he played it but obviously i didn't find the move i thought he would go knight before right here yeah knight before that would have been the way to kind of jam me up looks annoying i could still play knight c6 try to trade but yeah that was a big missed opportunity by me i have such a weakness for the backward knight moves i gotta drill him and then fortunately he gave me another opportunity to do it at night move that is this time with knight c6 because if i don't have knight c6 here it's hard to break all this up like i don't know what i do to break that up like if i play e4 he's just gonna go ahead and do this anyways so it's actually pretty fortunate that i have uh this move hey i mean what grade would you guys give me on time management for this session because i think i'm doing pretty well i don't know if it's the one second increment or what oh salem he's good this will be a nice matchup i'm really excited for this game super strong player okay um let's continue with d6 again yeah a lot of players going to the piers it seems against this play let's play e5 still interesting okay i'm gonna go here let's try to break up the queen side a little bit early in this one um maybe also like a5 i'm gonna play this a little funky a5 knight a6 maneuvers for some squares larp like i'm a king's indian player you guys know what's up okay now f5 seems super obvious here i wonder if i'm missing something by not um by thinking that he maybe should have prevented it but all right okay so this could look like my game against crimea in a way should i do it i don't have my knights over there is the only thing i think i'm still gonna do it though i think i'm still gonna play for this big kind of clamp now in playing this way i got to make certain that i don't like run into something on the file here because that could gg me almost immediately hey z webchess thank you very much for the six months very kind of you massive support today guys i appreciate it sending the pawns up maybe king's indian style like this he's thinking he's figuring out how to how to blow me away in the center on the king side but i don't see a clear way to do that it's going to take some maneuvering he doesn't have knight a4 i mean this knight looks awkward where is it going it's blocking his apon too okay so he's allowing g4 but i don't think i quite want to play that yet let's go here okay maybe now maybe now i play it yeah let's do it okay hmm real defensive posture by him how to coordinate though this seems obvious but he's gonna take maybe hmm i hate to spend this time but this feels like a critical moment i don't know okay let's go probably gonna take giddy up wow he doesn't take just goes there let's do this if i go here you might take and then just close everything takes okay whoa okay that's an interesting idea um sorry guys i'm reverting to my poor time management here um nice one yeah these guys are so good when they get the initiative shoot i gotta give that oh that's literally hanging i didn't see that resign yeah i guess i could go queen here but it's a losing position yeah salem's really strong that was a good game um i think i had a pretty good position but probably my inexperience in those positions was telling in that game five out of eight yeah my inexperience was telling let's take a look though i am curious very cute wow first thing i see is the eval okay quick analysis here i was debating a bunch of different approaches here taking on f3 g3 h4 g takes f3 and then h4 is apparently good or at least something to consider what about the way i played it yeah this this too there's like a critical decision on almost every move about which way to to take take and then he hit me with this which maybe i should have seen coming because i did mention how bad that knight was i took yeah best move here rook g6 just defending d6 that's a tough move so he's trying to break through he's trying to create problems near um my my center and queen side this is a tough move to play i can see why it's good though if he can't break through then the knight is just chilling here doing nothing and i'm gonna maybe have time to play g3 at some point or take or move the queen like maybe queen over but then i lose d6 so even this looks very awkward to me a daniel nardiski type would have a field day on this position probably for both sides looks like even after this i was in reasonable shape but i had no time at this point yeah that's the risk i run when i'm playing these positions and i'm not that familiar with them and he found this tactic instantly this was nice yeah lateral defense really tricky okay let's let's make sure i'm joined for the tournament my game starts yeah bishop d8 seemed natural to me to try to control this but he like instantly boom boom boom and i don't know how to react here looks like i found the only way to continue but uh yeah game's probably losing now okay yep decent position time time no good let's keep going guys we got uh three rounds left rounds nine ten eleven coming up kind of you both my content has helped her sleep that's hilarious thank you all right here we go round nine playing dozier let's play knight f3 flexible flexible 2603 clocking in at 2603 what is this i know that's a move but it's always funny to see a move like that that early a6 i think that's probably an attempt to play some sort of um uh i don't know qgd with a6 in mind i'm gonna play something a little offbeat i'm gonna go e3 inspired by a game one of my students showed me recently that he won in a tournament yeah we'll play like this and maybe go for g4 we might go for a quick attack i think my student had almost this exact position actually a3 to stop knight before yep black can do this black can definitely play this way we're gonna go here this bishop can come here and you can often look for an attack this way is the thing some pressure here too let's see how black responds okay black's forcing it that forces me to go back interesting hmm yeah those pawns in the center are annoying let's take i feel like i got to open it up right away it takes up the pawn the ship d3 looks kind of artificial now c5 would make some sense but take i don't know let's let's try it c5 looks interesting i'm gonna try to get the bishop here that's the play i know he can do this ooh he's playing very ambitious which is uh cool because gives us a sharp game hmm okay i know he's gonna like smash my knight into the corner but he also can't castle and my knight could get back out like via this route i feel like if i do anything else it's probably just a full-on admission that my position is not so great which might be true but let's do this we're goading each other with our pawns you know go here knight e2 i'll just go here gotta sack the exchange which way to go let's go this direction this is very sketchy guys do not try this at home what i'm doing this should come with a health warning but you can't claim it's not unique okay so he's trying to avoid the structural damage makes sense all right let's go rookie one this is full-on coffeehouse chess okay let's get this in the picture okay let's take he's gotta go there yep hmm i feel like this is the move now hmm get the king out whoa interesting decision he's going to put his rook on the second rank is rookie two nice i gotta go here yeah this is losing try to make it complicated could be a couple complicating factors but i think it's losing it's a good move as well yep resign shoot gg yeah he played that well i wasn't expecting rook takes b6 but it's probably the simplest way to win huh i guess maybe i should have gone knight c4 first let me update the title but yeah i think already this is close to losing let's take a quick look losing too many games with white that's been a persistent thing for me man my wide openings need to improve them need to stop playing sidelines yeah he played this pretty principally d4 take f5 he just played the cramp me with the pawns take yeah maybe i should go d3 this looks like a very bad benoni if i do this though like the bishop should not be here in this situation or this bishop shouldn't be like unable to fianchetto or um able to generate pressure against their center knight g1 not a happy move yeah this is too much i gotta sack the exchange here somehow more than likely and i think it's just not good i tried i tried work f8 knight f4 first is a little bit better i'm fighting uphill though this whole position oh i could have taken here i didn't see that ah actually i could take both ways bishop or knight takes aha instead i went for this tempting knight d5 but that's that's no good it seemed consistent like 95 hit the rook also threatened the fork but it's no bueno here too rook takes b6 is good okay yeah probably practically speaking like this would be my only chance get rid of that super annoying pawn yeah i missed uh that opportunity there which is funny because my rook is pinning that pawn for multiple moves pinning this pawn that is all right tough one tough one here we go round 10 ace mar i think i played acemar before this player seems familiar only one game okay you know we got to do it for old time's sake come on team skandy let's do this let's go that's right up and down title tuesday i've largely been happy i'd say that last game is the last the only game i've been truly like unhappy about but the guy played well i mean credit to him full credit to him okay very early 95 um you know what let's go for this line we're gonna go here yeah no queen d8 scandy just the uh the old queen a5 scandy the old queen a5 okay he's choosing kind of a calm variation not a whole lot going on here you always got to watch d5 so let's be aware of that i'm at castle queenside let's do it against the ace queen a5 is what i've won the most games with well i played queen a5 the longest that's what i played when i very first started out playing the scandinavian so i definitely have the most experience in it um but i play other variations too okay um [Music] oh he says hi this is a local player from my state that's cool let's go here i won't dox him in case he doesn't have his name on his profile i'm not sure but knight f6 um just to coordinate really also threaten d4 just hit the pawn we'll see if he defends it you faced five scandies in a row recently says late night blitz must be a bad influence okay he's going into the tank a little bit seems a little uncertain what to do now here i have bishop g4 bishop d6 i can also play bishop d6 right away which is interesting yeah let's go bishop d6 immediately i have an idea this is my idea i don't think it does much though i i'm not exactly threatening this so while cool looking it's not that threatening yet but i want to go g5 ah wait a second hi it almost works man it almost works for a very sick reason hold on let's go here man it's super close to working goes there okay again i'm looking at it i'm also looking at this doesn't work though there's also this one doesn't also doesn't work though huh critical decision here yeah i'm not sure i'm gonna go here get out of the pin okay i think i better take that go f5 we'll let him take h5 if he wants this is the plan not yet though he's gonna go rookie five or zions okay i could have tried rookie five but i guess i'm just playing f6 now that i know i was actually originally thinking queen d8 so maybe i could have done that a couple moves ago ah but not with my rook hanging i shouldn't do it yet better to hold off okay yeah um i kind of tried to force a tactic to work there almost you guys see what i was going for with bishop g4 check this out so right here bishop g4 becomes like a big pattern because that would trap the queen with the dark square bishop controlling these squares so he plays h3 i went h5 looks like bishop takes c2 i'm always leery of grabbing that pawn especially when castle and queen side though that seems like a greedy engine move but maybe oh bishop g4 is good here oh man i was really wanting to play it now all right here's the thing guys so bishop g4 take take where does white have to put their queen let me just keep an eye on the final round pairing where does white have to put their queen has to go to d1 yes if you go to e2 look at this check is why you do your mating patterns check check and mate with the square taken away so i saw that but i didn't see what to do against queen d1 but maybe the engine is going to find something here rook h2 bishop c7 okay no way i play bishop c7 i don't know what that move is about like long term pressure i mean i could go here but he's slipping away um okay maybe it's just the case that this is enough compensation i was just seeing the king kind of scamper away i think at a blitz game probably anything could happen here oh yes the classic bishop c7 maneuver that's right elementary in elementary maneuver that's funny yeah rook h8 rook hg8 i think is not a very good move yeah maybe go here right away go look for queen seven you actually don't do that a whole lot in this type of position but because white's played h3 specifically it makes some sense i think as played he just played a little bit too passively like right around here um like maybe knight e4 maybe even taking f6 i mean seems kind of cooperative although the engine does say that that's one of the better moves but i don't know i would be hesitant to play this move so maybe it's not so easy for white but i did feel pretty good after this white's got to try d5 or something all right here we go final round final round coming up thanks everyone for watching this has been a pleasure i'm gonna try to play more title tuesdays in the future rashad zanali let's play d4 yeah we got that game against bortnick that we won kind of mixed results otherwise but let's uh let's try to round this out with a victory shall we bishop g5 i play this exchange variation quite frequently i think there's some pretty new and challenging ways to handle this though um so let's see what my opponent throws at me that's castle 94 is very common here yeah lost games were good fights against top players absolutely i had that one loss two rounds ago but um that's okay it happens all right um take take i could go for the b4 plan opponent offers a draw obviously we're not going to take that let's take play for the minority attack plan b4 if you develop the knight here that's often a plan you go for is you try to work your knight around or your your pawn up and then possibly the knight around to c5 okay now i might take this one i seem to do better in these positions when i do capture and then go here it's kind of more compact it's easier to play so let's do that and then let's go b5 okay gonna take and let's try to post the knight in the center probably opponent had enough of this tournament right he just wants to go home well he probably already is home but he wants to go yeah let's go here so there's some interplay of the pieces down the c file but i can bring this over i like the compact nature of the position for me take interesting he's letting me take this one but i think i lose material if i do so if i take c6 he takes to the rook i guess he's saying take that endgame's equal okay fine i'll buy that let's play like this now i think he's going to take in like if he goes bishop d5 though i can sack my queen for two rooks exchange my queen for two rooks that's an interesting position i don't know who that favors actually because he's fairly active we'll see if he goes for that though remove this he might do it might go bishop d5 i might respond with queen a5 though i might go here wow my tactical senses just start tingling when i see that move and check he's saying john i don't think you have much um let's give a check first this end game looks a little bit better for me though you guys know i like to play these end games i might be able to like win a pawn in this end game for instance we'll see then feingold is screaming somewhere yeah he's going to keep pieces on board so he's going to agree to play this position i'll take okay let's bring this in this might be premature but it looks kind of challenging so i'm going to do it because here i take takes here rook over somewhere this this are both loose his king's like a little more open than mine and his pawns are weaker so i like this i like how this is shaping up might play g4 in an end game like if the queens get traded it's going to take a2 probably here keep everything protected gotta watch my rook right saw that i'm going to keep a little bit of stuff on the board right now until i can play a move like h3 hmm that's a trade now he might go back to e6 at this point then i think i'll play queen c5 no he does that okay so he's allowing the check let's go here he seems a little laissez-faire about the check you know oh okay i better play this end game while i have a chance uh it's a good defense by him trying to win this this is tough though okay makes a mistake bit of a mistake all right we're gonna try something folks i think i'm winning yup i tricked him we got him in the rook ending just march towards his work now that's a self-propelling mechanism with the pawn and the rook pawn on the seventh rook on the eighth nice ground out a win i went forward with the king coming up i'm sure this is probably a draw i'm sure this is probably i think this is a draw almost certainly but it's kind of scary for him to defend in the moment because my king is further forward all right yep that's the losing move i did think he should push the pawn in the moment like that seemed like the right move but then i can still play d6 like e3 d6 thank you juho for the five gifted look at that jujo thank you supporting once again always a pleasure thank you um you know d6 looks a little scary he's asked to bail but then i would probably have to come back and start defending against this pawn so pawns kind of cancel each other out but yeah in the moment like this is just a really good pattern to know guys check um and then you give the check and pushed e7 pawn protects the rook and if the pawn is not under attack it's gonna promote because the rook protects the promotion square all you can do is give a few checks and we just march towards the rook maybe he could have made it a little tricky with uh right here king b7 because d7 is the move again and it's the same type of thing but i might have to win like a king and rook against king and queen king queen against king rook let's take a very quick look at this um i'll put in the title seven of eleven final i think that's what i scored is that right nice that middle game's about equal i won a game with white that was good even though the the opening wasn't necessarily anything special yeah f6 seemed kind of risky i was expecting him to play bishop d5 this is interesting i might not want to take on c8 this endgame is hard to assess you know usually with the two rooks you're fairly happy but it's all about how well did the rooks coordinate how many targets does the queen have this looks borderline to me i mean evidently the engine's not concerned but my pieces look a little uncoordinated and i got to watch my knight getting trapped like if f6 oh if f6 there's rook h8 that's a disgusting idea that's the only reason this is playable so yeah for an engine it would entertain this for sure but to me that looked a little risky i don't know that i would have gone for that just looking at this end game briefly yeah queen b7 might have been rushed i should maybe start with something around my king or in view of this yeah i could see like queen c2 rook c1 take the pawn okay this is all fine i thought he defended quite well he he seemed to be allowing me some chances when i had my queen eyeing up the f5 square okay queen f4 suggestion but i never could quite play this move without allowing g6 i thought i was trying to with h4h5 stop the whole g6 plan and here queen a5 is better than queen b5 ah that's probably because with queen a5 you cover this you attack this if i go rook c5 now there's a check down here and he can win this pawn sharnick says with the black works so far apart maybe it's not as hard as other end games where the rook helps a lot in defense thank you destruction thank you appreciate it is this final title tuesday yeah we we got the final right um congratulations to machonic for winning first place 9 out of 11. wow so pretty light title tuesday score i predicted nine and a half would win this but there was that round i think it was around nine where pretty much any everyone drew and a bunch of people were stacked on seven and a half at 11 out of 11. maybe dania should not have withdrew um yeah very very light titled tuesday performance for the top guys but it's tough yeah that very tight tie breakers there so congratulations to machonic who is that alexei serrano fair chess is dimitri andreikin grishok takes the bronze hikaru just short i think he did win the earlier title tuesday though okay yeah so thanks everyone for watching i'm gonna call it quits here on uh the youtube version at least i what place did i finish 30 second okay i came in at 40 something so we'll take it we'll take it thanks again guys for the support this was titled tuesday after more than a year and a half absence okay um i was just looking at this real briefly rook c5 cool queen d7 okay now it says i should trade and play that end game i tried to postpone that decision for as long as i could oh rook c8 was winning ah how did i miss rook c8 going for the back rank pressure yeah that's just gonna win the queen for the rook that would have been gg he could go here i guess but that's gotta be winning somehow yeah thanks snowblind thanks malcolm all right so a little bit of a missed idea there we both had 15 seconds left though i don't know this endgame is a little bit tricky because even though my pawns up here i kind of regretted that after the fact oh i have to defend this way of course i don't think i was looking at that ugh i really made it tough on myself by giving a pawn here didn't i f4 is still decent though well even this though i feel okay about the decision to play this for a win because it does look a little bit tricky for black like the e4 pawn is somewhat disconnected but you know this is a draw i worked some magic i thought black was a little hesitant like maybe at times they could have come forward with king g5 and i caught a break when black played g5 plausible looking move doesn't blow the draw or anything according to the engine but yeah probably black needs something precise like f4 here that's probably the way to do it because take take black threatening this right and if i take e3 this is the type of like destructive little idea that can save you a half point say i take here yeah i think a lot of things probably draw here does this even draw probably it's maybe not super comfortable but let's just say some transformation like this where we trade this pawn for this pawn yeah should be a draw definitely a draw but in the moment it's it's not simple for black now here i can play this for a win which i was happy to do and i don't know that i'm gonna do better than playing king f4 at some point in this position you know i could go f3 but i wanna try to keep a little a few more pawns on board so i decided to come in and i tried to choose a moment when the kings are in opposition with one another so i can go rook h rook h uh rook a7 check and push him back and then push this engine doesn't like it says rook a3 i'm not going to play rook a3 here at least not right now take the pawn right and again it's a draw but black has to be accurate it's not easy in time pressure this or king c8 evidently draws two but that was definitively the losing move it allowed my pawn to advance with tempo and again this mechanism keep that in mind yeah that is a instructive trick agreed you see this time and time again in rook endings keep that in mind how to save a draw from the jaws of victory thank you destruction yeah that was um is that the highest rated player i've ever beaten let's see home i think it tells you if i go to blitz where is it that it tells you i know it tells you somewhere do you guys know oh was that on that page did i just not see that he doesn't see it i don't oh best win oh yeah yeah down here okay i was looking for like his profile picture or something i don't know why i thought it was gonna show me his face yeah there we go my highest rated win of all time cool we'll take it all right so thanks again guys that was a lot of fun i'm gonna edit this tonight and probably post it um in a few hours if any of you guys missed it or if you're watching here on twitch you can watch the vod of course vods are open to everyone if you're a subscriber or even not a subscriber cool thanks again guys and i don't know what my schedule is like for next week but maybe i can jump in one of the title tuesdays next week
Channel: John Bartholomew
Views: 12,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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