Beginner Chess Lesson with Cizzorz | Pogchamps 2

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hi everybody the video that you're about to enjoy  is part of a lesson that i did with scissors   who plays a lot of fortnite minecraft fall guys  call of duty rocket league and all sorts of other   games over on twitch and here on youtube i've  linked his channel in the description he's also   playing in pogchamps too this lesson we covered a  lot of different stuff and i've actually included   time stamps for exactly what you'd like to  find a lot of opening middle game planning   and avoiding blunders uh and i think that's  pretty much it so enjoy you can click around   and let me know your thoughts in the comments  below okay uh so as far as playing with kingspawn   when they play kingspawn as well you can go  for this it's a little bit better for you   to go for this if you play knight and bishop  out first okay okay that's called the vienna   system i'm a big fan of it so go ahead you can  develop your queen's knight to c3 so knight c3 just in in but so i would play my night here to  protect this pawn and why am i playing you said to   play uh bishop c4 why bishop c4 i've heard people  say that putting this bishop here is a very strong   opening but i don't understand why exactly  it's just that as far as the beginning goes   it's the most active square that you have okay and  you're you're i'm going to say this a lot today so   just something to keep in mind you'll have  vision on something so your bishop is attacking   or at least has vision on something  that's only protected by the king   okay and so it can end up very weak like you  know this is not the best square for the bishop   uh but why why is that not so good blocks in  your queen yeah yeah it's a passive square uh   this just is clumsy it's blocking it blocks  this as well yeah yeah uh and and this move   is just the target so your bishop's just gonna  immediately be attacked yep so but if if let's   say for example this pawn was here and this  knight was i i've seen often times players will   play that night there and this pawn here and then  you push that and to pin the king yeah so yeah i   get what you're saying so something like uh you  know hypothetically speaking like here yep yeah   and would i want to trade in that instance so  it's tough because it's tough to give such a   general rule so early but yeah yeah what  i'll say in general is it's better for you   to keep your bishops on the board okay  uh they're slightly better than knights   they have a long range potential yeah one hit  fortnite you know sniper okay last reference   because knights are kind of more close range  pieces okay whereas a bishop can stand over   here and still target something on the other side  of the board yeah okay got it and unless you have   a good reason like you're gonna win a pawn or  you're gonna you know just keep the bishop so   that's why i like bishop here all right now bishop  for bishop that's a different story that's a fine   trait because at least you both take the hit  of the bishop yep so something like night out   is good because you've got no other options and  then you'll do your whole setup so then you'll   play d3 and then you'll play f4 and your bishop's  out so okay yeah i i found myself often i guess   i'd find myself playing uh e4 and then d3  right away and then blocking that bishop in   i find myself doing that too much right so  actually this game is a great example this   is a great example of the fact that your bishop  gets blocked in uh you're completely fine this is   a past game of mine yeah this i think this  is the most recent game that you played so   oh no no but win or lose it doesn't matter  because the thing is you you we have to   the goal is not to look at this game and be like  look here are all the little things you did wrong   in this game it's more like more generally what  i want you to kind of pick up on going forward so   first things first um moves like this early on  you want to try to avoid too many trades without   getting developed okay because it just leaves  my pawns hanging out yes yep however already   as early as this move you know you play a very  natural recapture but actually you're completely   winning here with the white pieces how does that  make any how can you be completely winning okay   uh puzzle solving skills are super important most  forcing move in a game of chess which attacks the   enemy king is a check yes uh so right there i  remember this huh he goes here and i go there   like an i didn't i wanted to go there sooner but  then he puts me in check right away i remember he   does that yeah so you you took back obviously  it's not a bad move but so early on weakening   a king queen there uh they have to play this  move because if they block what do you do   uh take take and if they  take back what do you take   take right back no something something better  something even better oh the obviously the rook   right there yeah so so that's a very common  theme queen opposite rook like this okay uh   you're gonna see positions where a knight here  can take this pawn uh whoops let me but that's   why this is so bad i mean obviously this is  horrible yes in front of everyone you can't   castle and it's blocking the king or blocking the  queen and everything okay and there you go you're   not the first or the last person in history to  tell me that here you're gonna take okay okay i   100 would have seen that in a real match  um obviously um i don't miss anything right   neither do i and and that's that's why  it's good that we're working together   one more small thing okay oh you're a  genius you actually you found it so am i   this pawn is attacking your bishop yep but you  took it because he can't move because i have the   kingpin what a what a god oh my god i i gotta tell  you i've taught a lot of 800 900 rated players for   this pog champs uh i don't know how many of them  would have seen that okay so you're that's a good   start that's very nice i at least i uh did that  and missed the rook though that's fine so it's   all patterns okay now i'm gonna break your heart  oh no he plays knight d4 so any time i know he was   gonna try and do this here with my king and my  rook should i have played king here or how do i   how do i stop okay break my heart right let's slow  it down for a second so a guy plays a move right   yes first thing you ask yourself is the question  what do they want what are they trying to do   they're trying to do that action right there yeah  and so you you played a move which guards this   how many ways can you guard this you just told  me king here what else what else can protect us   does pushing it protect it um pushing it  challenges but he can still go behind and   yeah um so king i tried this but then he  came in with that and i didn't see that um long-range bishop moves super important so  that's one thing from today i want you to try   to pick up on just seeing what the bishop sees  both for you and the other guy uh bishop back   bishop back of course of course how  did i not see that okay but are you   ready for heartbreak yes so remember what  i said with uh you gotta look just scan it   checks first because it's the  most forcing move in the game right there that's mate it's just me you win wait but oh yeah it is mate   so move nine we have a mate because  the guy just the guy just oh no oh   no oh no that is it oh no see if i were to do  something like that in pog champs i would never   live it down so i need to keep that in mind  always look for the check yes it could be mate   it doesn't mean you have to play the check but  it just means just look at it maybe it's there   queen h5 bishop h5 all right but the game goes on  oh my god you found it on the next move you found   it on the next move i didn't even see that but  now here's this uh you know that's true heartbreak   right there that is that is that's what that is so  then you came back because you wanted to protect   uh this yes so small lesson in and of itself  you didn't want to go here because you realized   that the guy was going to win your rook however  sometimes this is better because this knight gets   stuck and doesn't have many options to go yeah  yes and so how do you attack this knight right   now nice very nice and the rook and that's it  you pick up the rook uh you pick up the knight um   another like mini lesson like i guess uh as far  as this position goes whose position is better   here i just want to hear how you think about it  i would say mine in terms of i have more pieces   up the board and his rooks are stuck in the  corners perfect so first things first when i   asked that question or you know you got to think  about it like in a certain way who's better step   one is material so who's up material who's up how  many points better question is what's the balance   what does that mean that means you both have one  rook but he has a second one but you have an extra   bishop yep and how many pawns does he have five  and you have five so he's up material but i have   a better positioning on the board yeah you've got  a much safer king his king kind of shook and only   got one square i can't believe i threw this game  away oh no this is complicated let's you know   it's it's an ugly end to the game let's let's  just put that right there out for the videos um   i don't remember exactly what happened  but i remember being really mad at myself   i couldn't believe my eyes and that's literally  what i did i couldn't believe what i did but um   let's just get right into the rest of the game  shall we sure so this is here what i wanted to   point out to you was that you gave him the night  you basically were like listen man i don't want   to get forked you can you can take i'm just  going to move my rook but it's usually better   to lose the rook for the night than just give  away the full piece okay you're at least getting   something for it okay uh so for the future there's  that uh guy goes here oh interesting oh you went   here and he took was that what you were frustrated  about or yeah i i threw away my bishop i it i was   yeah i got a little ahead of myself there okay but  that's easily that's easy to cut back on because   you just look can he take me can he take me yeah  i just i just rushed and completely blundered   okay so then we're gonna learn what's  the best move here for you probably just   yeah i was gonna say there initially to challenge  but yep but this is better why i was thinking to   just block out this bishop obviously he can  still get away okay oh but maybe we get this   that that's what that's initially what i was  thinking and i didn't see him there i uh i   just kind of was thinking i had this option going  on but obviously uh he was defending that square   yeah and it's also not necessarily a guarantee  like you're pinning his knight to the rook but   the guy can protect it it's not yeah he has  to move but you took his bishop i mean it's   not it's not the end of the world all right  good i'm liking this did this guy just play   perfectly after this ah this is where i  really this is this was the move that i   really hated right here okay so so one move  mistakes but you know i gotta tell you you don't   have some sort of fundamental deficiency in the  game you're just making some mistakes like that's   clearly i don't watch his bishops enough that  is that is the more of the story here it's been   the long bishop strikes that have gotten me yeah  okay and i and i guess here you were just like   all right i'm i'm fed up i don't wanna i don't  wanna play i guess i guess you resigned here but   okay like now we know something more about  the opening before you play this f4 move you   know knight bishop set it up and then and  then go ahead and do it uh okay i want to   find a game that you maybe played with  the black pieces just so i kind of see   how i opened up there yeah how do you  usually is this a game wow this is a   long game okay here let me invite you to  another game oh boy 60 move game 45 moves okay invited you um how do i say see invites if i didn't  see it pop up on the bottom right   oh you're you're still in live chess yes accepting  the right username let me try again might one of   us might have to refresh okay oh there we go  there we go uh so at the top right of the board   you'll see a little cog wheel uh the the just  hover there the icon right below this flipboard   so that you'll see it from black's perspective  oh no i it was it was i see it from black like   this you mean uh so that like at the bottom yeah  yeah yep yep yep okay uh e4 oh you start like this   yes should i should i mirror that move  i i didn't say anything i mean i just   want to know where you where you got  this opening from it's a good opening   i don't recall where i got it from but i remember  learning that or thinking that this is stronger   than mirroring here okay because if i were to  continue to mirror then you know i can't do that   i don't well just kind of sucks well i mean  we could just clip it right there but um it sucks in the sense that like in when  you're when you're first starting out   there's actually hidden solutions beyond all  of this like e4 e5 is the most popular opening   period beginner super grand master the opening  you're playing is just an opening i mean it's the   idea is to go here okay yep uh it's called the  french defense both of them are completely fine   uh you just kind of have to know the game plan  after this so for example if they play night out   you know you need to know what to do when they put  the bishop here or when they put the bishop here   uh if you want to throw people off you can play  this because 95 percent of people are getting this   okay okay but also i can teach you to do  the exact same thing you do but the other   way okay so you know how you play your your whole  f-palm thing yep you could do it with black also okay so for example knight here so  you know develop your night as normal if i play something like bishop you would just  get the bishop out get my bishop out as well   just mirror you're saying yeah yeah yeah oh  my god some set the thunder again oh my gosh   uh the one thing you have to worry about a little  bit when you play this with the black pieces is uh   tricks on this square so for example there's  like a bunch of opening traps like where the   knight tries to jump in and destroy everything  have you ever does that ever happen to you of   course of course so if that night were to  try to jump there now what would you do um i would do this to defend this square remember  our little sequence of moves so the first thing   is a check oh no i can't check you can't  check i mean bishop here is not good but   the second tier is can you capture anything oh  you want me to you think i should capture there   no no no no you're saying i'm saying that that is  a check but it's not a good move because you'll   just okay yeah yeah but you do have a capture  in this position look around long-range move oh oh oh my gosh okay there you go now sometimes the pawn is  going to be here so you can't do that   yeah yeah if the pawn has already developed  or moved up then the bishop defends that and   so that's kind of the the point is that  if their knight can go here you will have   some difficulty defending this but what i  like to do is for example if they play here   just don't let them do it yep yep h6 life is  easy they don't get to go here um and then i   personally would recommend if you're going to play  king spawn castle queenside okay so i i never know   when to castle kingside or queenside cool so i'm  gonna hopefully i'll i'll i'll fix that for you so   in a hypothetical situation where they've  already committed their king this way   and you've come you've now decided to commit your  king this way you're gonna have an easier time   attacking their king why conceptually like why  does that make sense if you castle queen side um you have more pieces on the left side of the  board your rook is already over you have more   pieces on their side and yeah and if you decide  to just go crazy uh there's no king here okay   right because if you think about it if  you castle short that would be tragic   like what are you gonna do how does that  make any sense you're gonna open your king   yeah yeah you just okay but the way you play it  like now you know if you want to play king spawn   i recommend getting your pieces out and then uh  trying to just queenside castle okay just and and   then play an early pawn h6 yep now one more thing  i should mention is that if you forget something   you always have the vod that is the best way  to learn i mean i know it's painstaking it's a   pain in the ass you want to just learn it and go  play it and but i i usually analyze my games but   um after every game i'll go through the  the analyzing tool or whatever yes exactly   the thing is it's a little bit tricky because  what it will tell you is hey you know you   screwed up in the opening and you're like what  are you talking about my coach told me to do   yeah yeah uh sometimes it'll be ill it'll nitpick  because it's a computer yeah but and do you have a   if you play king spawn would you know what to  do against this garbage um against that garbage   i don't do this uh i learned that i learned  that the hard way good good yeah yeah exactly   um do i play my king here or against because  he wants to do this here eventually yeah um it just night out it's not not too complicated   that night out well he's also attacking something  else with this but it's good that i'm showing this   one yeah so just get this night out okay okay and  if he if he does this um we no we don't do that do i do this you can do yes so you can  get any of the queen moves out okay i   would also suggest this is actually fine  now okay because this is protected now yes   and you can develop your bishop like this that's  okay and you know night castle so you're getting   a lead in development what if i try to checkmate  you again um do i push here no no i don't want   i i i no no no no i i would take my night here  yeah yeah so just night out right yeah cause uh   you're guarded this is yep exactly okay you  want to make your life super simple you can   also offer a queen strike but maybe you don't  like that because you want to keep your queen   okay but sometimes i do like to trade queens  because i feel like some players are really   strong with queens against me i've found that  i'll just miss something and i'll lose a piece so   i'm fine trading queens if we're uh even and but  also this queen trade would also develop my knight   right yeah and i'd have more pieces develop than  him it's like you're playing with the white pieces   also yeah okay okay step ahead now because  again this is garbage like it doesn't work but   uh there's like a 40 chance sub like 900 that  if you play a 10 minute game someone's going   to play queen h5 or queen okay i don't know  who the hell is teaching these people but uh   it's astounding now as far as your opening  goes i like it because it makes for easy play   uh my only concern with the french  is that if they take a lot of space   you might struggle with this do you ever get  this yep where they where they try to push yeah   this here are you you feel cramped sometimes like  this sometimes i have definitely felt like that   um but as of late i feel like they haven't been  able to you know do that too much to me but   i feel like i used to feel very very cramped  when they would have this here there are two   pawns here and my two pawns here yeah so do you  usually just go like this yep yeah that's exactly   right so you're supposed to take more space  on the queen side and just kind of postpone   these moves because okay you can't get them so  yep either or is good like i'm i'm i'm happy with   whichever one you play you might like king's pawn  because you'll get to mirror some of the other   stuff that you doing with the white pieces okay  uh but okay let's see how you play okay you like   okay queen trade another queenless game let's see  this this is all balanced all right you could take   some grandmaster moves on the board here but the  symmetry is what kills me as a chess fan it's just   very boring yes it's very boring oh but we make a  mistake i i shouldn't have done that holy hell oh   is this the game where i give up my rooks i  think this is the game where i give my rooks so how do you defend both this is under attack  and this is under attack so how do you defend both both uh by doing this yeah bishop there would have  been would have been slightly better yeah what did   i do oh no you allowed the fork but again it's  not it's not the worst thing in the world like   you're you're worse but oh yeah that's like yeah  yeah yeah yeah so is not what you like to see   but you get you get some games that are decided  with uh with one move mistakes and so do you play   are you playing on stream are you playing  off stream i've been playing off stream   just on my phone before bed that's pretty  much all i've been doing lately let me scan   i want to want to see some some other  games that potentially could have gone   uh slightly differently okay like for example  uh i'm just gonna keep this game on the board   okay reset uh here's a game that you  had against the different person which   played your played your thing did this i  want to see how this game went bishop knight   here takes take knight is that what i should be  doing putting my bishop there okay and by the way   here you played again you played a grand master  move this is weird because you play like really   good moves but then you lose a couple pieces i  can't just blunder them away i always feel like   i'm doing very well and then i'll just oh it's the  worst blunder but then this is like a genius move   why is this why is this move so good um i'm taking  more space on the board and you open this guy   hoping opening this yeah shut this guy out of the  game okay so that's what the hell man i don't i   don't know i don't know jesus this is like i don't  know so he does this now this is the big problem   with the french is that it's not easy for you  to develop your pieces so yeah my advice is uh   rather than you know playing with with these guys  uh maneuver this night over take two turns for   the night like night here and then right here  okay from there talking about vision it sees   this yep and then you can just get your bishop  out in castle okay and once you're castled like   i'm gonna make up just random moves i don't know  white is gonna do but once you're once you're   castled you can start getting this this pawn out  of here with what what will you do to kind of   um could i do this here yeah you want  to target it with your pieces but if   i defend it with everybody you'll never win it  because i'll really protect you offer a trade um this here or just take this wait what oh here  yeah because you you do this sometimes with white   you offer this trade right f6 okay this will  make your life so much easier okay once you're   castled because you'll get your rook in the game  okay of the whole center so you're crushing here   great position so once i'm castled is when i can  move that pawn okay we'll get some sort of night   maneuver that's the one drawback of the french  when you're starting out is that uh once they   play knight a3 those two pieces are pretty stuck  for now okay like i think in the game itself you   got knight a3 a6 knight c4 board is updating  for you right yep h6 so some waiting moves   cryptic waiting moves he plays a great move  that's an excellent move because he's trying   to get your pawn out of the way yeah and i i  can take but then his bishop's there as well   yeah i actually think he might even be  better off taking like this takes the bishop   now here you play another brilliant  move my man plays queen here jesus   look at this you can't castle oh my oh my he plays  a plays an easy move to stop rook to the center   look to the center he goes back all right i'm  already looking at ways to like seriously mess   him up you play b5 which i love because he doesn't  have a good sp a good square for his knight   yep the reason i like b5 so much is it's  that third tier of forcing moves uh when   i say forcing moves does that it's like does that  make sense or do you want me to explain that nope   they have to move it it's yeah the the piece  is forced to move because um you know a weaker   piece can take or i get a free piece essentially  yes exactly so check like has to be responded   to whether it's blocking or moving no it's not  necessarily the best move uh but it's it's there   uh attacks don't necessarily have to be responded  to like imagine you play this but you blunder the   queen over there yeah so but a check has to be  responded to and so does the capture so b5 is a   i think it's the best move okay uh bishop a5 and i  remember i do some stupid stuff with my rook here   that's not stupid you just didn't want to lose  it but it's better for you to take the knight why like how does that make sense takes  takes uh then also takes yeah and   two pieces for the rook is is good most of the  time um you could say with the king but i'll   just bring the queen back don't leave oh shoot  yeah okay you're right you're right you're right   okay so yeah i should have seen that that i  would have been able to get two pieces instead of   what did i do instead but now you know i mean  uh you played the second best move i mean it's   not a bad move at all like okay uh don't  be too self-critical because what's gonna   happen is uh i don't know if this happens  to you in your games you find an idea you   go wait a minute maybe i'm wrong yeah self-doubt  creeps in so trust your instincts okay rook here   seven knight b6 oh but this is a mistake he  i keep moving my rook and he takes it yep i   he doesn't take it what the he doesn't take it  no i i there there were a couple moments where   yeah there for a couple moments where he  just didn't see that and then i don't think   i moved it for a whole nother move too well you  responded to a4 the problem for you is that you   need to get these guys out and it's not so  simple it's not so easy so again i'm pretty   certain though that he still doesn't take this no  in fact he brings his knife back now uh you took   remember what i said earlier about um bishop  versus knight yeah this is just it's unless this   night's like very clearly gonna destroy something  yeah yeah like right now get this night out keep   developing okay another idea plus it's on the  side it's not got a whole lot of options so uh do you remember what were the top two ways  of figuring out who's got a better position   it's material and what's the second one and  developed pieces so the second one that's   the third one develop pieces peace activities  the third one the second one is king safety   oh king safety okay is king's kinda you know  suspicious so who can help the queen i know you   want to go here but you can't go here what  the you what holy what a god bishop b5 and   if your opponent plays a move like knight b2  attacking your queen black to play and win it's not mate where's the mate where is the win um here yes and the bishop is open and you  just win okay he has to go here checkmate in   one take it so again we see okay we see these  early winning possibilities just spotting these   patterns near the king okay uh this move stops  it yep can't go here yep the game goes on but   bishop takes knight i just want you you  know to cut these things out and also   we've identified maybe the only weakness  that you have the only weakness literally   just throwing pieces away yeah it's like it's like  before you move just go can they take either that   piece or can they take anything around the board i  find myself playing 10 minute games and finishing   within two minutes i just wrote so you play  fast i rush way too much i never run out of time   anymore because i'm just rushing and blundering  but it's bad that's actually not the worst thing   in the world because on the flip side people take  a really long time play all the best moves and   lose on time okay so you just need now i just need  to take my time a little bit more and you know not   rush those moves if you've made 850 and you don't  have a time management problem you can probably   get to a thousand very fast i was very close to a  thousand at one point what happened i just i don't   i don't want to talk about it you know i don't  know why i don't know why i'm just uh bad i guess   no it's it's it's the fluctuation it's it's the  rushing and the blundering and throwing games away   consistently okay i like this f6 move this  is the same concept this guy helps you out   he should not be taking this because he just  helps you develop he should be trying to exactly   get some pieces out uh so takes knight takes so  you're happy here bishop b6 what is that even   what is that what is that he did some very weird  stuff with his bishop i ca i can't believe i lost   this game this i'm i'm slowly remembering some  of these moves um okay bishop d6 is a bit more   active active meaning at least but bishop b7  is very solid okay goes queen e2 um wow okay so   i was originally going to trade here it's not a  bad move queen b1 is also good he has to block   and then i was like and then i decided to trade  i'm pretty sure right okay and you played knight   e4 creating the threat of attacking this right  yes what's the problem with the move knight e4   the rook was just ready for me yes he didn't  take it but there you go so oh yeah he missed   a lot of things but i guess i missed more yeah  but uh this is already a weird position so if   it's not 94 what do you think is the best move for  you um is it attacking this pawn probably not um   castling probably castling yeah just because your  king's a bit a bit weak rook here this is tough   like the reason this is a mistake is not  because he just crushes you but because   he can defend and it attacks your rook so you just  have to go back okay very like small thing king   like gotta it becomes a valuable piece in the end  game when there's no queens on yeah okay somehow   what happens but yeah castling exactly you played  okay you played knight e4 he didn't see it he   played rookie one which is just a mistake i get  a free pawn did i take i think he played rookie   one yeah but you're a genius you just didn't  pick up on it uh your move had a another threat   so this is one and check and check uh wow uh  and and right on time gosh no way it's that   ridiculous over there yeah i don't know i have a  blackout curtain so i can't see anything that's   going on but oh my gosh you have another move here  another check which is a a pattern that i'm gonna   introduce you to no no no because the night guards  right yep yep you have one more check where is it um oh it's this oh sorry it's this because he  can't take and why do you win what do you win   i get his uh rook over here nice very nice shoot  so in the game you played knight f2 that's not a   mistake but you seeing that that will win  you games because these things are there   yeah it's all there shoot okay it's all there  so let's uh let's do this we'll finish this game   to it's gonna you won this game so you'll be  you'll be you'll be happy to know i'm not i'm   not just picking games we lost uh and then  what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get to this   position and you're gonna have to beat me so  we'll just practice like playing the end game   oh boy okay just little things in the  endgame things like that oh i'm gonna be   so bad at the end game you're supposed to be  bad at the end game when you start you know   it's little little patterns so okay great move  attacks the rook brings the knight back yeah wait   dude so you castled here but is it because  you saw this yes you are not incorrect that   it is kind of scary but if you take and you do  you have to move your king and lose your rook no so what do you block with bishop or rook wait  no this yeah why because his bishop could take   yes because if i block with that his bishop  takes and that's a bad trade so you want to   block with bishop and if he were to take then i  would take and you're gonna take i would take yes   and you're you're happy bishop here if he takes  your knight now again the best move just castle   okay still guarded life is good you're  winning because you're up material yep yep so   don't uh be afraid of ghosts you don't need you  don't need to move your king when it's a check   just remember that you can block that's hard  like this one this one's tricky i like that you   i like that you castle not bad at all uh bishop c7  okay this guy is really just yeah really i don't   know what he's doing with his bishop there damn it  man you're gonna kill me you played bishop d6 here   uh okay wait i did you're saying i did do  this cause i once again threw away he's got   two pieces protecting that square once  again throwing away pieces my specialty   so bishop he took it um maybe we'll go  back to that position actually it's al   all of this game is is a good and that  challenges my rook at the same time   it was oh my gosh so bishop d6 you played this  in six seconds yes so the lesson is going to be take a couple seconds couple seconds but uh i'm  telling you if you were 850 and this was after   a bunch of games where you really think about all  your moves and you're still making mistakes that's   a problem i like you play moves in six seconds and  you're making a mistake that's good okay you might   be like well that's you know don't gasp me up but  it's actually not not so bad um okay remember how   i said always look for checks yep you don't  have to have your rook you could go here okay   so i think i do that after one more move maybe  yes oh no oh man you're really going to kill me   yeah it's here no man stop doing it sorry i'm  so sorry this is stupid he didn't take though   he didn't take see it could have been a different  game if he took i know but it's so bad still   because i recognized it and i said oh gosh  i gotta get out of there it's so bad it's   so bad so he goes here you go here how are your  conversion skills rook c8 you give him a check   please tell me he went king d1 okay he played king  f2 which is good enough uh you went rook b4 bishop   here hitting everything rook it's a good game it's  a complicated game now it's here's what i'll say   when you analyze this with the engine it's going  to yell at you yeah it's really going to be like   dude what is this move what does that move but  you're doing your best only the obvious mistakes   are the ones that you have to you know be shook  about like moves like this okay don't worry yeah rookie four he takes what is this rook ec4 that  is creative but this guy i i should have done that   yeah here's why actually he finds it and he  found it i found it like i don't know what to say   he found that he could check you and get out  of the pin yeah so and still get and still get   my rook yeah so so getting out of the pin the  other way would have been so then how did you   how did you win i'm kind of confused you won  this game but i'm perplexed did he resign or   did he just lose on time i thought that but i  think he threw pieces away no i'm gonna i'm gonna   be completely honest here's what happened you  took you took this gave you a check you did this   he gave you a check you went here and then rook  d8 rook takes pawn and the guy resigned right here   what hey we win those that's all i gotta say  you gotta just intimidate your opponent you know   oh that's bad uh okay i'm confused cause  he's got four minutes on the clock here i   guess he was really tilted he was like damn it  i lost my pawns and that means i lose the game you know um i'm not complaining is all i'm  saying you said that don't worry this is a   game that you won it's not a a win is  a win this is this is a tough position   to play with white because you've just got a  very easy plan okay but we're gonna learn we   gotta we're gonna learn oh that was really bad  that was a good heart so i'm gonna learn today so we will go here to the game all right man i'm  going to give you a golden ticket you can't play   bishop d6 you got to beat me oh boy starting here  yeah all right so i don't want to do this by the   way um yeah d6 yeah that's what you just said  what am i threatening to take start with that   am i threatening to take anything  this right here very nice um   so probably that right there or just push this  up i dare you to give me a rook check i'll end   the lesson right now don't do that oh shoot  yeah yeah um let's do that right there why not   okay yeah let's let's not go here so  just go scan it do that scan it one   more time can't take is this good i  mean you can take but then i can take so it's it's not a bad move can  you also defend this somehow oh no are you did you did you want  me to go rook here rook where rook f6   i think my arrow lag no rook f6 is a good move uh  king f7 is also good okay that's what i just had   done before that yeah so king f7 and uh and pawnee  five did you make the move actually did i i just   yeah oh yeah so you played king of seven  yes oh i'm sorry i guess it just no you're   fine like for a second i was kept you in  suspense uh okay let me get my bishop out yeah if you're gonna get your bishop out let  me get my rook in good i was worried about   this and that loses the rook no no no we're  stacking these right here this is good i like   this all right night here should it be a very  slow process um so now i could attack that pawn   actually this one yeah i could do that  right you can just do that well if i go   there this happens actually just kidding just  kidding yes of course so is this a good move i think you're on to me you know that i have  something up my sleeve uh it's not the worst   move right well i don't see why it's so bad in  this position oh you go here and you have this and   this ah of course of course yes so i don't want to  do that i'm not gonna do that instead i'm going to   offer a rook trade so let's let's bring it  back here so so you want to go rook here   yes what's the what's the issue with that move oh  my gosh oh my gosh okay but what about bishop here   what about bishop here is that different bishop  there is different yes bishop there is fine bishop   there's a good move so with this little stuff like  this and the thing is you can't if you get better   at this chess is going to be super easy for you  like good super super easy uh but obviously if   you're like well i i have this you know thing that  i always get wrong i don't want to practice it   it's going to be hard but if you just get  better at this there's no reason you can't   have you been spying on any of the other  players not at all i've not done my research   should i be doing illegal spying well  they all stream their lessons so it's not so i should i should so i should so i should it's  what you're saying uh yeah i i was like saying you   know people are people are really on the grind oh  gosh how obsessive of a personality do you have   about something like chess do you think um i mean  i don't see myself going over all of my opponent's   coaching lessons or uh but i do see myself just  beating them in a tournament i like it especially   when i'm doing d6 um well bishop decent it's  all yes it's all no it's all part of the plan   it's all part of the plan another another  game plan here is to go bishop out this way   which doesn't look like it accomplishes much yeah  why is that it just makes this bishop opens up the   okay yeah opens up the so okay also long term  this night is the only thing protecting this pawn   how can we go after the night something  um we already showed why i can't do that   i can't i mean i can move that one square and  on the next move you would move it you're saying   move just slowly attack here i guess it is the end  game there's not a whole lot to be doing right now   not 5v4 is a is a good let's i mean that's that's  plan making sometimes in the end game it needs to   be a few moves okay not every move is you know i  play it i'm going to instantly just win a bunch   of materials yeah okay uh yeah bishop bishop out  and then uh on and on but okay let's let's let's   go this way i like it you came up with this um  i guess i made the move for you but okay check trading that bishop simplifying when you're  in an end game simplifying will make your   life easier because now this bishop is gone  you need to never worry about making them   i was about to do this and i realized i can't  be doing that um i was about to do this but   i realized i can't because of the rook yes so  actually i would i would take and take and hear   yeah and then your beast exactly i can't be doing  that um so instead of that i could just push   one piece forward with king  yeah that's good protecting this   active are you seeing my are you  seeing my arrows in red squares   yes i am i am i it's like weird it's glitchy  but yeah i am so king f6 you said right yep yeah go ahead play it oh oh it has  coach's blessing okay so thing f6 uh can't really do much i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna  go here i'm gonna leave it in your capable hands   to figure out how to go after my weaknesses now i  can do this yes you can actually can't oh wait did   you teleport it back okay did you see rook b7  so i'm defending my ball just now just now yes um okay aggressive is that really bad no it's not come on  if i if if i can't check it i mean if i   can't take it so first things first  i can't take it i can't check you   uh did you scan for all that or did you just trust  your gut no i i know i know you couldn't do that uh i have a really mean move i'm not going to play  but i have it why not bring it out nobody nobody   who's 859 named omnipie one two three is gonna  play that move so uh but i'd love to see this   move why is that really mean well you can't  i mean you can take it but then i would win   this rook back so i'd win a pawn why why  don't i do this oh that you trade pawns beast and then it's still protected so i'll  tell you i'll tell you why the more advanced   reason is the fact that the more pawns that get  traded the closer white has of drawing the game   which the chances are of drawing yes because white  wants to draw white's not white's not playing for   a win white's like bust it up okay okay my man  saw rook takes b3 my god all right we can play on   from here i like it i want to i'm going to go down  here and you might be threatening this over here so okay so what are we doing wow i would have played that probably a  good thing all right rook here now if you   can find this next move this will be this  will be great okay that's very professional   very professional move oh  boy here just being annoying that's fine you can do that oh no okay um yes  so you're not worried about this pawn because   you're attacking my knight yes yes excellent  and also your regards to the point also   guarding it yes you saw that what man you got  to stop blundering pieces you're gonna be like   trust me trust me i i believe in myself i just  gotta really stop pondering pieces awesome uh   the 91 you're very close i mean  the knockout punch is is very close   you got my knight very passive so keep looking for  ways put some serious pressure here so uh what's   the first move that you should consider  in this position based on today's lesson   check right so if you check me where am i gonna  move my king hypothetically um either here or here   sure so start with next to the knight this way  if if check and and the king goes there a little   calculation oh wait i was going to visualize  it try to visualize i'm sorry sorry sorry   so if i check you go would i also check again  but then you can just go here then what would   you do at the end of that take yeah so you get my  knight now does that mean you play the rook check um this initial rook check no so so how  did this whole combination start the   the e5 you're saying yeah so chess logic works in  the following way so you give me this check yep   you only looked at this response yeah that  response loses because of the check on b1   however i can also move my my king to the  other squares yes if i move my king here   the same rook move wins would be one  because then you pin me to the king okay the best yeah it is so the best king move  would be here correct but then how do you   force my king down make sure the king moves  down no matter what this is the hard part uh it wouldn't be f5 because you guys went yeah very  good a lot of people forget you can move back i mean this is a check but oh it's protected by  the rook okay so i moved there and that's just   winning it's actually just force mate like  it's mate king's in the box there and then   okay so you can't go anywhere i mean that's it i  mean i would give you a check yeah move somewhere   like here and it's over there and then and then  you would just make a move and i would take your   knight and that's uh okay that's it so the way you  you you won this end game if we back up like 10   or 15 moves it took a while that's gonna happen i  mean unless you're up like 30 points or something   so you we we didn't play rook here we played  bishop to simplify okay you avoided any sort   of mistakes like rook down and you came up with  this plan to use your strength in the position you   traded pawns fine simplifying and then you played  h g5 h5 and got my knight out of its active square   so you're okay we shuffled back and forth but  then you found this move and okay that that move   is probably the most advanced move this whole plan  is really the most advanced plan of this position   losing your pawns is a big as a weapon yeah that's  why look looking at checks is so important okay   definitely uh because if you play something like  this it's not the end of the world you you you   find this but that's why looking for a check is  just so important makes your life so easy true   and this position just wins why does this not win  what is the only way for me to defend this pawn   um the only way for you to defend this pawn uh going here yes because then it blocks this but  you could take okay and yeah yeah and   i mean see again you find you're  finding this pretty uh pretty effortless
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 39,461
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, magnus carlsen tour, daniil dubov, Hikaru Nakamura, Hikaru coaches Pogchamps, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, Magnus Carlsen Tour Finals, hikaru nakamura, youtube chess, cizzorz, cizzorz death run, death run, cizzorz fall guys
Id: DYJp7Ps_vqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 41sec (3281 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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