How to Welcome the Holy Spirit

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[Music] hello David Igor Hernandez here and you were watching spirit church on the encounter TV network almost everywhere he goes the Holy Spirit is rejected even in many churches around the world the Holy Spirit is not welcome so I want to teach you how to welcome the Holy Spirit in your life but first Steven Moctezuma is here with me he's gonna lead you in some very anointed worship this time it's a little different he's doing an instrumental worship song so just prepare your heart worship the Lord as Steven Moctezuma leads you in this anointed music [Music] [Music] I want to show you something interesting that I saw in the scripture now the context here is that Jesus is driving multiple demons out of a man and the demons ask for permission to be cast into a herd of pigs and this is where the story picks up mark chapter five verse number 13 says so Jesus gave them permission the evil spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs and the entire herd of about two thousand pigs plunged down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned in the water the herdsmen fled to the nearby town in the surrounding countryside spreading the news as they ran people rushed out to see what had happened verse 15 says a crowd soon gathered around Jesus and they saw the man who had been possessed by the Legion of demons he was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane and they were all afraid then those who had seen what happened told the others about the demon-possessed man and the pigs verse 17 says and the crowd began pleading with Jesus to go away and leave them alone now I found this interesting because here we see that Jesus is delivering a man who had been tormented by demonic beings for many years he had gone insane because of the demonic torment so these people instead of focusing on the miracle that Jesus had performed became preoccupied with the fact that two thousand pigs had died now of course that would upset the economy of course that would be bad for business - the person who owned the pigs but still these people did not recognize who they had with them all they focused on was the liability or what they perceived as the liability and so they began to plead with Jesus please go away from us imagine that single miracles someone deliver from a demonic being and all of a sudden you're filled with this fear of the one who set the man for you so this is what happens and the people say Jesus please get out of here please go you know whenever God is performing a miracle sometimes it'll have to be some pigs that die sometimes the miraculous will make you uncomfortable sometimes the supernatural will put you in a place that is not familiar to you so as Jesus was getting into the boat the man who had been demon-possessed begs to go but Jesus said no go home your family and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been so the man started off to visit the 10 towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him and everyone was amazed and what he told them so on one side of the lake we see people saying Jesus please leave we don't want you here and now we see what happens when Jesus went to the other side of the lake verse 21 Jesus got into the boat again and went back to the other side of the lake where a large crowd gathered around him on the shore so on one side Jesus is pushed away on the other side there waiting for him now I want to read a portion of scripture to you found in Acts chapter 16 and then I'm gonna make my point Acts chapter 16 verse 7 says then coming to the borders of my seea they headed north for the province of Bethany ax but again the spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there now here I want you to recognize that the scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as the spirit of Jesus and I want to be perfectly clear I believe in the Trinity I believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I believe that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are all distinct from one another and I believe that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are each equally divine so I believe that God is three and one the Trinity but here the scripture is focusing more on the fact that they are one so just because I'm focusing on the oneness of the Spirit of God and Jesus himself and the father does not mean that I don't believe in the Trinity so having said that I want to tell you this truth the Holy Spirit truly is the continuation of Jesus himself here in the earth everything that Jesus was anointed to do well here physically on the earth the Holy Spirit continues to do for and through you I'm gonna say that again everything that Jesus was anointed to do while here physically on the earth the Holy Spirit continues to do or and through you so here's my point just as people rejected Jesus so people today reject the Holy Spirit just as people welcome to Jesus so people today welcome the Holy Spirit and with the same results so here's the question how do I welcome the Holy Spirit what must I do to make the Holy Spirit feel at home in me he can be welcomed anywhere so how do we make room for him how do we acknowledge his presence how do we say to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit abide with me Holy Spirit everywhere else you go I know you're most likely rejected but here with me you are welcomed and you are wanted and that's a powerful way to live so I want to show you how to do it and these are things you can actually begin to do today as soon as you hear the truth you can immediately apply these truths and see the work of the Holy Spirit begin to intensify in your life so number one consider his likes and dislikes Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 says and do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live remember he has identified you as his own guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption here the scripture is telling us not to grieve the Holy Spirit other words don't hurt him don't offend him the Holy Spirit has feelings the Holy Spirit is a person now here's what's interesting to me the Holy Spirit has likes and dislikes the Holy Spirit has preferences there are things that make him feel uncomfortable I don't know if you've ever gone to somebody's house where nobody knew you or you've gone to a social gathering where you had no idea who anybody was or perhaps you found yourself in a situation that made you uncomfortable maybe as a believer you went to a family gathering and they began to drink or they begin to smoke or they began to do drugs and you felt uncomfortable being there well in the same way many of the things that we do many of the things that we think many of the things that we say make the Holy Spirit uncomfortable when you're listening to music when you're watching a TV show or a movie when you're reading something ask yourself is this something that would offend the Holy Spirit I don't want to put anything on my TV screen that reminds the Holy Spirit of things that break his heart now I know this is not necessarily standard that every believer thinks they should follow and look I'm not I'm not here to put my convictions on you I'm here to simply tell you about the nature of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has likes and dislikes the Holy Spirit has preferences you've often heard it said well that's your conviction this is my conviction now wait a minute what about the Holy Spirit's conviction because your conviction in my conviction don't really matter do they not when we're trying to live a life that's welcoming to the Holy Spirit so am I saying you'll lose your salvation no that's not what I'm saying but I am saying that we as believers should want to make the Holy Spirit fill as welcomed this possible in every situation and that has to do with the things we say that has to do with the things we think that has to do with the places we go that has to do with all of the actions that we take in life the atmosphere that we create the Holy Spirit has likes and he has dislikes now as I said to you earlier the Holy Spirit can really be welcomed anywhere I believe this to be true so I have three stories I want to share with you all of them take place in a car and I'm telling you these stories to illustrate that the Holy Spirit goes with you everywhere you go this first story has to do with the Holy Spirit's likes and dislikes I was in the car I received a phone call and on the other line was a minister and so we began to talk and all of a sudden this Minister began to talk negatively about another pastor that he and I both know now this made me feel a little bit uncomfortable and I went along with the joking because I didn't really have a dislike of the pastor he was talking about and I remember thinking maybe you should say something maybe you should confront him maybe should not go along with it but I didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable I thought it was harmless you know it wasn't anything cruel or nasty this other Minister was saying he was just sort of being negative maybe complaining a little bit so I made a couple jokes made light of it and when I hung up with that Minister the Holy Spirit convicted me the Holy Spirit convicted me because I didn't put a stop to the gossip the Holy Spirit convicted me because I made light of the gossip the Holy Spirit convicted me because I didn't defend my friend and again I didn't think anything of it but the Holy Spirit did and so as I'm driving I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit fill my car and I began to apologize I said Holy Spirit I am so sorry I should have spoken up I shouldn't have participated by making light of it the Holy Spirit was grieved he did not like that after I repented after I apologized I again felt that sweet presence that he likes to fill the atmosphere with but that's number one consider his likes and dislikes number two consider his presence this has more to do with being aware that he's there with you constantly John chapter 14 verse 16 says and this is Jesus speaking and I will ask the Father and He will give you another advocate who will never leave you the Holy Spirit never leaves you another car ride story Steve and I and mr. Timothy Lai who works behind the cameras and is the director of encounter TV and our keyboard player were all ministering in Chicago and you know I like to prepare for services before I go and preach at services but you know we had an uber driver pick us up and uber drivers I don't really like taking uber because they always drive crazy and they think they're doing you a favor by driving crazy and I always have to tell them when I get in listen I don't care about you driving fast I don't care about you being aggressive I don't care about you maneuvering or having to get in the fast lane I said just be calm get me there there's no rush and I tell them a good driver to me is someone who goes the speed limit so that's just what I tell every driver so I get into this uber drivers car we all get in we have all our equipment and everything and this lady is playing some music that is not necessarily conducive to an atmosphere that you want to be in before ministering at a service mind you she's driving us directly to the service and so I remember I was about to tell her to change the the station I was gonna say hey can you change it and I was gonna give her my whole speech about how she's supposed to drive and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and he told me to create my own atmosphere so I put on some headphones began to play some worship music I don't know what anybody else in the car was talking about I didn't even notice that they had been driving crazy all I knew is that I had my headphones on I had the worship music playing I was reading the word and I got lost in the presence of the Holy Spirit I could feel the car shaking this way and that way I could I could hear faintly in the background car horns going off and I can feel the brakes being pushed very harshly and I still was raptured in the presence of the Holy Spirit why because I considered his presence I was aware of his nearness you would be amazed at how many experiences with the Holy Spirit you will have and how much more intense the power of God will be upon your life if you simply slow the pace of your mind slowed the pace of the inner life and you began to become aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit so number one consider his likes and dislikes this is not just holiness I'm talking about I'm talking about his likes and his dislikes number two consider his presence or be aware of his presence number three consider his voice Romans chapter eight verse 14 says for all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God you know this is another story where we were on our way to minister at a church service and this was a Sunday morning church service and mr. Moctezuma and I were picked up from the hotel and they were driving us to the church it was very early in the morning I'm not a morning person so I was still a little bit dazed I don't drink coffee because I don't like the way it makes me feel and we're driving and the Holy Spirit told me to ask the driver who was a lady to ask her how she was doing but asking in a way that was sincere I didn't think anything of it but I knew was the voice of the Holy Spirit so I said I said her name and I said is everything okay it seems like something's on your mind and she began to weep as she told Stephen and I about all of the trouble that her family was facing and it was a very sad thing to hear but suddenly there was this this unction that I felt rise within me and the Holy Spirit told me instead of having her drive you to the church have her drive you to her home go in and pray with her family and I thought but Lord there's a church service there's hundreds of people waiting for us that service was packed they told us it was it was the most crowded Sunday morning in the history of the church they had people outside who could not get in people were lined up hours before it even started and they told us that there was much expectancy there was much anticipation but the Holy Spirit spoke to me go to the woman's house and go and pray with her family we arrived at the home we could hear weeping from the driveway as we walked in we walked in and we found this young man in his room is he's sitting on the floor he's holding his knees and he is just weeping the family had gone through some trouble I won't give you personal details but they had gone through some trouble tragedy and instead of coming to church he was at home weeping Steve and I go into his room I kneeled down I begin to pray with him we begin to minister to the family at this time worship is going on at the other place the church service had already begun but Jesus leaves the 99 to go after the one that's what the Holy Spirit told us to do so we went we prayed with the family they actually left the house and came to church with us to hear the ministry and that night we were told that for the first time in a very long time the family had dinner together the family laughed together the family had conversations the peace of God filled their home why because I considered the voice of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit was so kind as to speak to me in a car while I was on my way to minister at a church service but he was welcome to move in my life the presence was there I didn't need to go to the church service he went with me to the house why because he's welcomed around me how because I consider his voice you know sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit isn't just about how clearly you hear him it's about how quickly you respond delay is disobedience what is the Holy Spirit speaking to you are you considering his voice does the Holy Spirit fill at home in you does he feel welcomed near you the things you do the things you say the things you think do they make him feel uncomfortable or is he pleased with those things when you have the presence of the Holy Spirit you're not like the people on the side of the lake that said go away from us you say Lord don't leave please stay you say Holy Spirit you are welcome here Holy Spirit this is your home Holy Spirit abide with me well that is it for the lesson I want to pray with you now I want to pray that God would help you do these things that he would help you to consider the likes and the dislikes of the Spirit that he would help you to consider his presence and consider his voice let's pray father in the name of Jesus I stretched my hands forward in faith I am asking you Lord to touch your people and fill them with fresh power from heaven help us to be sensitive to your voice to be obedient to your voice help us to be aware constantly the fact that you abide with us 24/7 every moment of every day and Holy Spirit please speak to us remind us tell us of your likes and your dislikes we want to know you more and we might please you and live lives for your glory in the name of Jesus I want you to say it because you believe it's a a man well again that's it for the lesson I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you and we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it if you'd like information on how you can join the spirit family go to David Hernandez slash Spirit Church listen when you join the spirit family you get a brand-new teaching from me every single week a brand new worship cover from Stephen Moctezuma that comes to your email inbox every single Sunday and the best part you can reply to that email for prayer support from our ministry staff join the Spirit family today now over 8,000 members so go ahead and do that David Hernandez ministries comm slash Spirit Church now to your comments and these comments are from last week's teaching waiting on the Holy Spirit if you haven't watched that one go and watch that one I talked about how the Holy Spirit takes you to different levels of influence as you wait upon him so if you're someone who's in ministry and you're saying I want this thing to grow go watch it I talked about the different levels of ministry and then how the Holy Spirit helps you through those levels as you learn to wait on him but again these are the comments from that lesson and if you'd like me to potentially read your comment next week then go ahead and leave your comment in the comment section now Jacob Isaac writes this is so so good my dear brother and evangelist David thank you I've been starting to study on the Holy Spirit and it is such perfect timing to see this John Allen writes I am still excited that I got a chance to meet David Hernandez and Stephen Moctezuma in Chicago Illinois we're excited that we got to meet you too and we would love to meet you as well watching if you'd like to know where we're gonna be next go to David Hernandez slash events that's updated regularly Sara W writes I just have to say that this ministry is changing my life I've watched a couple of your YouTube videos now and Wow the Spirit is moving praise ABBA our Father in Heaven well Sarah we like to say this is the Holy Spirit's channel so his power is free to move however he wishes and the final commenter Martha Alvarado writes thank God for this wonderful message I was at your service in Chicago and there were two things that touched my heart in a very special way number one was that salvation message and how many souls that saved that night number two was when you said the Holy Spirit is rejected everywhere he goes that will forever be engraved in my heart I pray that God will continue to move through your ministry with even greater influence and continue to give your team and family strength god bless well Thank You Martha for writing into us we were glad that you were there in Chicago and yes the salvation message was preached that's an emphasis of this ministry we preach the salvation message but we also preach the power of the Holy Spirit and this is something that's missing today look I'm not saying nobody's doing it I'm just saying it's very rare that you hear people preaching about sin Heaven Hell the cross repentance the gospel you don't hear it all that often so this is why this ministry is needed not now more than ever if you're tired of seeing the culture shift to the darkness if you're tired of seeing that take over and it seems like it's impossible that any difference be made then this is how you get involved you and me together standing for the gospel saying to the world Jesus is Lord we proclaim that message boldly we proclaim that message without apology we've proclaimed that message with love and with power help me do it don't say no to the Holy Spirit I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart right now you know that there's a connection with this Minister you feel something unique you've been blessed by the teachings you've been blessed by the books or maybe come to the events and you know that God is linking us I'm telling you right now don't disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit don't grieve him like that just say Holy Spirit I trust you and I am going to step out and I'm gonna support that ministry so here's what I want to challenge you to do give a one-time gift some of you watching you could sow a thousand dollars into this ministry some of you watching could sow a hundred dollars into this ministry some of you watching can sow five ten fifteen twenty five dollars into this ministry that's all going to the gospel that's all going to win souls they need to hear this message we need to spread it as far as it can go so give a one-time gift right now or become my monthly partner if you will partner with me for $30 or more a month I will send you either carriers of the glory encountering the Holy Spirit in every book of the Bible or 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare that will be my thank you give to you an initiation gift I'll sign it send it off to you and say thank you for supporting us look we want to keep this content free we want to keep the events free we want to keep everything free this is how we do it by people like you obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit and supporting this ministry so here's what you're gonna do as soon as this video is done you're gonna go to David Hernandez slash donate or slash partner slash donate to give a one-time gift slash partner to sign up to become my partner 30 dollars monthly let's do this let's do this for Jesus let's let's continue to win souls and build believers with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit we do that through events and media it's simple get involved today push back on the darkness we can make a difference we're seeing it already the events are becoming packed out with people ready to hear the gospel this media is reaching millions so jump on board let's join forces together and with one voice proclaim there's only one way and his name is Jesus do that today please partner with me and I know God will bless you for it obey his voice and he can't be trusted well that is it for this edition of spirit church on the encounter TV Network until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 77,738
Rating: 4.9479094 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, encounter tv, steven moctezuma, holy spirit, sermons on the holy spirit, teachings on the holy spirit, who is the holy spirit, messages on the holy spirit, waiting on the holy spirit, how to receive the holy spirit, holy spirit sermons, sermons on the holy ghost, teachings on the holy ghost, how to hear the voice of the holy spirit, welcome the holy spirit, holy spirit you are welcome here, how to welcome the holy spirit, how to study the bible
Id: madLuqR9-fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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