The Language of the Holy Spirit

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[Music] hello this is David Egan Hernandez and you're watching Spirit Church here on the Encounter TV network I want to now continue my teaching on the Holy Spirit by talking to you about the language of the Holy Spirit and by this I mean the gift of speaking in tongues we are going to dig deep into the Word of God on this topic and I know that this spiritual gift will absolutely change your life but first Steven moctezuma's here with me he's gonna lead you in some very anointed worship and then we're getting right into this teaching here is Steven Moctezuma take us to TV places all we can see is you let us eat [Music] with angel sir [Music] here we want to hear give us up to let your glory fill its as I seek you face to [Music] let your glory fill this place as I seek you face to face [Music] let your glory display as I seek you face to face that your Perry as I seek you face as I seek you first [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's get right into this I want to talk to you about this important gift and dispel some of the common misconceptions and even address some of the obstacles that keep you from receiving this gift so the scripture though it does not use the terms I am about to use clearly teaches us that there are three expressions to the gift of speaking in tongues so the first expression of the gift of speaking in tongues I call the proof tongue and this is found in Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 6 the Bible says on the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty wind storm and it filled the house where they were sitting then would look like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them and everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave the miscibility at that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language all the believers were gathered together on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit move so what was it that was being spoken it was a supernatural empowering that enabled the believers to speak in languages that they did not know now this is interesting to me because the Bible shows us that every man who was there observing each individual heard them collectively the crowd speaking in his own language so if each individual is hearing the whole crowd speak in his own language this demonstrates to me and helps me conclude that the gift of tongues in this specific portion of Scripture was actually supernaturally empowered on the hearers end this was a demonstration of God's power to the unbelievers Acts chapter 2 verse 13 says but others in the crowd ridiculed them saying they are just drunk that's all some of the people there did not hear the believers speaking in their own languages which is why they thought they were drunk they likely heard them speaking in gibberish so again this demonstrates to us that the supernatural empowerment took place on the hearers end but either way one of the expressions of the gift of speaking in tongues is this supernatural ability to speak in unknown earthly dialects whether it's on the speaker's end or on the hero's end this gift manifests power and again is a sign to unbelievers 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 22 says so you see that speaking in tongues is a sign not for believers but for unbelievers so that is the first expression of the gift of speaking in tongues it's the proof tongue it's that supernatural ability to speak in unknown languages that are earthly but number two the prophetic tongue we see in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 beginning of verse 26 how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you half a psalm half the doctrine has a tongue at the revelation hath an interpretation that all things be done unto edifying If any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at most by three and that by course and let one interpret but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God that's 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verses 26 through 28 so what is this expression of the gift of speaking in tongues it's a gift that is used in a public setting the prophetic expression of the gift of speaking in tongues commands the attention of believers assembled in a church service so how does this look well the Bible says that everything is to be done unto edifying so in a church service if someone were to stand up and interrupt the entire service by praying in tongues and the purpose is to edify the believers then that tongue must be interpreted by the gift of interpretation so let all things be done in an orderly manner the Bible goes on to say if there is no interpreter it's out of order but if there is no interpreter that doesn't necessarily mean that it was the speaker's fault it's possible that the Holy Spirit would move someone to stand and pray in tongues and then the Holy Spirit moved someone to interpret and the person who was supposed to interpret might not obey the voice of the Holy Spirit so just because someone stands in praise in a tongue without interpretation that doesn't necessarily mean that it was the fault of the one who obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit to stand and speak in tongues but still Paul the Apostle is writing that there must be order especially when it comes to this expression of the gift of speaking in tongues but this is a different expression of the gift of speaking in tongues because it demands interpretation now we're gonna read about the third expression of speaking in tongues which is the personal and again you're not gonna find this lingo or you're not going to find these terms in the Bible rather you will see these expressions in the Bible and I'm giving them terms so that they stand out more clearly so number one there's the proof tongue that's where an unknown language is spoken that is earthly and the hearer hears the individual praying in tongues speaking in their own language number two is the prophetic tongue this is that prophetic expression in a public Assembly in a church service that actually is supposed to be accompanied by an interpretation and the number three there is the personal tongue this is your prayer language this is you edifying yourself through your own prayers and indeed that is a real thing in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 beginning at verse number 1 the Bible says let love be your highest goal but you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives especially the ability to prophesy for if you have the ability to speak in tongues watch this you will be talking only to God since people won't be able to understand you know let's stop just there for a second this right here is not an earthly dialect because people don't understand you nor is this a public expression of the gift how do you know it's different I know it's different because you're edifying yourself because you're praying to God because this is still counting as a prayer this is not necessarily fruitless but it is different then that prophetic expression that public expression of the gift of speaking in tongues since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the Spirit so the Bible isn't saying that this is not of God it's saying you will be speaking by the power of the Spirit but it will all be mysterious the one who prophesized strengthens others encourages them and comforts them now watch this verse for a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks the word of prophecy strengthens the entire church so first off here's some obvious distinctions again no man understands therefore it cannot be that earthly dialect number two you see in verse four that this person is edifying or strengthening themselves so this differentiates it from the other two the other one the prophetic tongue if it's not interpreted has no fruit this one even if it's not interpreted strengthens the individual so there we see a very clear distinction between the prophetic expression of the gift and this personal expression of the gift as well as from the proof expression of the gift because it's not an earthly language that's understood by anyone so only the spiritual gift this is the only spiritual gift used for self edification so what is this it's communication from the spirit it's communication through the spirit I'm going to show you a verse in Romans chapter 8 and this verse is often misapplied so I want to make sure that I'm careful to not do that but let's go look at Romans chapter 8 verse 26 this is not talking about the gift of speaking in tongues but it is related to the gift of speaking in tongues and I'll explain that in a moment Romans chapter 8 verse 26 and the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness for example we don't know what God wants us to pray for but the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words so again that verse is not talking about speaking in tongues but it is talking about something deeper it's talking about the Holy Spirit praying for you now where do we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit it's in the spirit your spirit communicates with God's Spirit this is that inner oneness that that that fellowship with the Holy Spirit that's never broken in the believer so the Holy Spirit within me prays for me the Holy Spirit has desires for me the Holy Spirit has expressions that he makes for me he prays earnestly for me according to God's will in other words he is earnestly passionately praying and pleading for me praying that I would be inclined to the will of God that I would be bent toward the will of God that I would be kept on track on the will of God those are powerful prayers by the Holy Spirit who helps to keep us from wandering off from the faith you and I so easily are distracted and we have the tendency to wonder but the Holy Spirit within us is that compass that inner guiding light that will constantly pull us back not in a weak way but in a passionate earnest way he is praying and he's pulling and he's bringing you on track and fixing you in the will of God that's the power of the prayer of the Holy Spirit so again that verse is not talking about speaking in tongues but it is talking about the prayers of the Holy Spirit now the Bible says he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him so my spirit is one with the Holy Spirit follow this now my spirit is one with the Holy Spirit it's very simple first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 says this for if I pray in tongues watch this now my spirit is praying wow that's powerful if I pray in tongues my spirit is praying but I don't understand what I'm saying if my spirit is praying who is guiding my spirit of course it's the Holy Spirit therefore when you pray in tongues you are allowing the Holy Spirit to pray for you through you when you pray in tongues you are putting words you're putting expression on those earnest prayers of the Holy Ghost when you pray in tongues you are coming into agreement with what the Holy Spirit is praying and you are praying perfect prayers so then remember that we are one with the spirit so when we are praying in tongues we are praying we are praying the spirit's prayers over ourselves he's praying for us through us we're praying from from the spirit remember body soul spirit first Thessalonians 5:23 I'm not praying from my body not just words I'm not praying for my soul not just emotions I'm praying from my spirit it's as if the Holy Spirit is praying I'll pray for you myself if you would just give me a mouth and when you pray in tongues you give a mouth and this isn't to say that he's not praying if you're not praying in tongues but this is you coming into agreement exercising your freewill by the way freewill is very important when it comes to prayer jesus said when you pray pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven why do we have to pray for God's will to be done because he gave us charge over this earth he gave us authority in this world and he doesn't want to violate our free will so when we pray in tongues we are perfectly agreeing with the Holy Spirit we are speaking the language of the Holy Spirit I feel like praying in tongues right now this is getting me worked up here I feel elated in the spirit just talking to you about this so again it says if the Holy Spirit is saying I'll pray for you myself if you'll just give me a mouth there's a very popular story about a father who was teaching his little girl to pray he wanted his daughter to learn how to pray at bedtime so he taught her each night how to pray and they said their bedtime prayers and he would leave the room and she would go to bed after a while he decided to allow the little girl to pray on her own and so he allowed her to pray her own bedtime prayers with him not present in the room then one night as he walked by his little girl's room he decided to put his ear on the door and listened to her pray she began to pray or so he thought but as he listened in more intently he heard his little girl singing the alphabet she wasn't praying word she was saying ABCD efg and she was singing the alphabet over and over again he thought this was cute funny he left it alone for that night but as he began to pass by each night he realized she's not changing she's doing this every night maybe I should go in and say something so finally on the third night or so of this the father walks into the little girl's room and he corrects her saying listen that's not how you pray you can't just say the alphabet you have to actually talk to God and the little girl said I am talking to God I'm giving him the letters and I'm letting him rearrange them however he wants I'm letting him make my prayers with the alphabet I give him now that's childlike faith that's sincerity and that is what praying in tongues is you are surrendering syllables sounds the language of the Spirit is the language of faith in surrender why wouldn't the language of the Holy Spirit require faith to pray when you pray with your understanding you're attaching your meaning to your words when I speak words as I'm talking to you right now I'm attaching meaning to my words it's always interesting to me how language works as I'm talking I'm saying words you're hearing words and you're understanding what my meaning is I'm just saying words and I'm sending messages to your mind right now through your ears that's incredible but as I'm talking right now every word I speak I am adding my own intention to each word I am adding my own meaning to each word I'm adding my own idea my own thought to each word but when I pray in tongues I pray words syllables and sounds that my mind does not understand and therefore I leave a void in those sounds I remove my intention from my voice I remove my intention from those sounds I remove my will from my voice I remove my desires from my voice I remove any mixture I might have with the world from my voice and I'm praying purely just sounds that have a void for the Holy Spirit to fill I am praying surrendered sounds I'm praying surrendered syllables again praying in tongues the language of the Holy Spirit is the language of faith and surrender you have to be childlike to pray it when you offer him syllables and sounds in faith trust that he will attach his meaning when I pray in tongues void of my meaning and intention now they're empty and the Holy Spirit can fill them with his intentions his meaning his desires his will and that comes from deep within my spirit praying an agreement with him so you can have the Holy Spirit and not pray in tongues you can be saved and not pray in tongues it's possible you see when you communicate with God in your language you're communicating on your level my daughter as I teach this is only nine months old she makes sounds and she communicates with me as best she can but one day when she learns my language she's going to be able to communicate with me on a much higher level her and I will connect in a deeper way because she'll be able to use words and tell me what's going on inside of her mind when you and I pray with our language we can only communicate with God as far as our understanding will allow but when you and I pray in tongues we're praying according to God's understanding according to God's will and we rise to a higher level in the spirit so you can be a Christian and not pray in tongues I don't believe that you're not saved if you don't pray in tongues but my question to you is why would you want anything less than all which Christ died to give you Christ died to give you gifts Christ died to give you salvation if my connection with the Holy Spirit was purchased on that cross I want the fullness of it this is not a charismatic thing this is not a Pentecostal thing this is not a David diga Hernandez thing or encounter TV thing this is a god thing and God wants you to have this gift - God wants you to experience this beautiful gift which leads me to deal with now the misconceptions the first one being didn't Paul say that the gift wasn't for every believer let's take a look at that that's found in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and I'm going to read verses 29 and 30 the Bible says this are we all apostles are we all prophets are we all teachers do we all have the power to do miracles do we all have the gift of healing do we all have the ability to speak in tongues or unknown languages do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages of course not so shouldn't that settle it right there well remember 1st Corinthians chapter 12 is specifically talking about that prophetic expression of the gift look it says there right there he says right after in verse 30 do we all have the ability to speak in tongues or unknown languages do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages or tongues so there you see the connection made he's not talking about this self edifying gift of speaking in tongues that requires no interpretation he's talking about the public prophetic expression of the gift so now every gift is listed that can be in the Christian community think about this you you have here the question are we all apostles no we're not all apostles but can we all helped to establish ministries of course are we all prophets no we're not all prophets but can we all hear the voice of God of course are we all teachers no we're not all teachers but should all of us be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within us should all of us be prepared to teach the Word of God of course do we all have the power to do miracles no we don't not everyone has that gift of miracles but doesn't every believer experience miracles in their life do we all have the gift of healing no we don't all have the gift of healing but mark chapter 16 says that they who believe will lay hands on the sick and they shall be whole I mean it's not specifying special believers it's saying all who believe and lay hands on the sick will see the sick healed so the same thing would apply here so this is talking about the public expression of the gift of speaking tongues the gift of tongues that Paul talks about in first Corinthians 12 is different from the one used for self edification mentioned in 1st Corinthians 14 verse 2 so one is for the edification of others one is for the edification of self every gift listed here in 1st Corinthians 12 was used in Christian community every gift listed here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 is used in public expression it's used to edify others so it couldn't possibly be talking about 1st Corinthians 14:2 which is used to edify yourself again one is for the edification of others one is for the edification of self also on the day of Pentecost remember when when everyone saw the Holy Spirit fall and heard everyone speaking in tongues this is what Peter says in Acts chapter 2 verse 39 that the gift was for all who have been called well what was for all who have been called he says so in Acts chapter 2 verse 33 he described it as just as you see and hear today what were they hearing they were hearing them pray in tongues so that gift that they were hearing was for all who have been called it's very clear in that portion of Scripture so the self edifying gift is for you you may not have that public expression of the gift of speaking in tongues and not everyone has all those gifts listed in first Corinthians 12 because they're used in the context of church community now didn't Paul the Apostle discourage people from praying in tongues though well let's take a look first Corinthians chapter 14 verses 1 through 4 we read this portion of Scripture but let's take a look at it again let love be your highest goal but you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives especially the ability to prophesy so here we sing that he's emphasizing the gift of the prophetic verse 2 for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to God since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the Spirit here he acknowledges if you pray in tongues that self edifying expression of the gift of speaking in tongues you're you're speaking by the power of the Spirit he says it very clearly but it will all be mysterious but verse 3 one who prophesized strengthens others encourages them and comforts them a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally so he's not saying that's a bad thing he says but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church Paul the Apostle taught that prophecy was better not that speaking in tongues was bad he's comparing the gifts not condemning the gift of speaking in tongues you can go and read 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 5 actually let me read it to first Corinthians 14 5 I'm gonna show you that he doesn't actually condemn the gift he says here first good news 14 5 I wish you could all speak in tongues but even more I wish that you could all prophesy so he wants them all to speak in tongues but again he's saying prophecy is better not that tongues is bad so he says I want you all to pray in tongues but I I more so want I'm more so desire that you all prophesy and then let's go down to verse 18 where the Bible says I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you and then 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 39 Paul the Apostle writes so my dear brothers and sisters be eager to prophesy and don't forbid speaking in tongues so we see that speaking in tongues is actually encouraged now wait a minute didn't Paul the Apostle say that we weren't to pray in tongues in public or we weren't to pray in tongues all at once well let's take a look at the verse here 1st Corinthians chapter 14 but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God but members Paul the Apostle is talking about the public expression of the gift he's regulating the prophetic expression of the gift of speaking in tongues now here are some examples in the Bible of believers all praying in tongues together action after two verse four all of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit enabled them you say well that's when the Holy Spirit fell and afterwards they regulated it well look at this Acts chapter 19 verse 6 when Paul placed his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied so all of them now are praying in tongues collectively together now here we have to understand that Paul the Apostle in 1st Corinthians 14 once again his goal was to bring order to the church so if everybody is singing the same song in a church that's not disordered but everyone is singing at once the same is true of praying in tongues if you take a moment in a service and say everyone just pray in the Holy Spirit just for a few minutes everyone is collectively or in order praying in tongues together to pray that God would be allowed to move in that service they're surrendering to the Holy Spirit together now if somebody interrupts a sermon and starts praying in tongues that's out of order and that's what Paul the Apostle was correcting people kept interrupting the service with their own agenda they kept interrupting the sermons and the teachings and the prophecy was standing in praying in tongues distracting everyone calling attention to themselves and creating chaos in the church service that's what Paul the Apostle is regulating but if a group of believers wants to pray in tongues collectively corporately there's nothing that condemns that in the scripture so those verses mention nothing about interpretation action up to to verse 4 in Acts chapter 19 verse 6 they mentioned nothing about somebody standing and interpreting it was just that self edifying expression of the gift of speaking in tongues so I believe God wants to give you this gift now that we've cleared some of the misconceptions now that we've taken a look at what this actually is I hope and I pray that your desire for the gift has been kindled so what are some of the obstacles to receiving this gift now I've heard from people all over the world who've been very frustrated with not being able to receive the gift of speaking in tongues they'll tell me I've been prayed for dozens of times nothing happened I've I've been every altar call I've tried all these different ways and it just never really clicked for me I'm gonna show you what the obstacles are and my prayer is that after you hear this you'll start praying in tongues like right here right now in the next few minutes that's my prayer for you so let's take a look at some of the obstacles that really can grab hold of your mind and prevent you from receiving this gift but though there are many obstacles it all comes down to one thing self ego by ego I don't mean pride by ego I mean self every obstacle that would prevent you from speaking in tongues can be categorized under one thing self you're getting in your own way so here are some of the obstacles that can be categorized on yourself one is over analysis some are hesitant because of some fleshly actions they've seen other Christians act out so for example maybe you've seen people on YouTube who were praying in tongues and they just really acted disorderly or they were crawling all over the floor floor barking like a dog and it was just it was not a pretty picture was not very edifying it wasn't reverent it wasn't holy it wasn't regal it wasn't gentle as the Holy Spirit is and maybe this turn you offed the gift altogether let me tell you just because you pray in tongues doesn't mean you have to swing on chandeliers and bark like a dog the gift of praying in tongues is a heavenly language it's a prayer language that God gives you to enhance your prayer language and strengthen your own spirit and as the other expressions teach us strengthen other people but this over-analysis this this overthinking it really will prevent you and it will rob you from what God has for you so some are hesitant because of what they've seen some people are afraid of looking foolish so their pride gets in the way that's number two number three they're afraid they ask questions like what if it's just me what if it's demonic what if this isn't God let me tell you something speaking in tongues at best is a prayer language from heaven at worst it's a sincere expression of your love for God I I think it's odd that people would say well it's a demon well not really because the Bible says in Matthew chapter 7 verses 9 through 11 what man is there of you whom if his son ask for a bread will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask him and in Matthew's Gospel that same narrative Jesus says the Holy Spirit if you ask for the Holy Spirit God's gonna give you the Holy Spirit he's not gonna give you something else so if you're standing there saying father in the name of Jesus I ask you for the gift of the Holy Spirit you start praying in tongues that can't possibly be a demon because God would not send a demon to fill you and in fact if you're a believer you can't me fill with the demon so we have to be careful about allowing our fears to rob us of spiritual gifts that God wants to give to us so you may say well what if this isn't gone and again I want to emphasize at best it's a prayer language at worst it's just an expression it would be along the same lines as crying tears when you cry tears to the Lord that's all emotion that's a tear but that's sincere you're not edified by that you're not understanding that tear it's just an emotional expression that comes out of you so at worst the gift of speaking in tongues is an emotional expression of worship I don't see anything in the scripture that would indicate that it's a demon especially if you're aiming it towards God you're you're you're lifting it to God what could be wrong with lifting your voice and and releasing sounds toward him in love and an appreciation for his nature and who he is how could that possibly be wrong so again at best it's a prayer language at worst which I don't believe it's just this but at worst it's just an emotional expression aimed toward God so we mustn't be afraid to step out in faith and receive this gift and finally number four in action speaking in tongues is like starting a car you have to turn the key but if you don't turn the key that engine isn't going to start when you drive your car it isn't you making step taking steps that drive that car forward it's you pushing your your foot on that gas pedal and then the engine takes over and takes you places so when you begin to pray in tongues you have to turn that key once you turn the key the engine or the Holy Spirit will take over but you have to initiate it it's in your control think about this people say well I I don't know if it's really under my control Paul the Apostle spent a whole chapter four squarely in chapter 14 the whole chapter is about how to regulate and control the gift now why would Paul the Apostle write a whole chapter on how to regulate and control the gift if the gift couldn't be controlled and regulated in fact it can be controlled it can be regulated you can't just stand there stare at stare blankly and expect the Holy Spirit to come listen the Holy Spirit's not going to come grab your tongue and start moving it up and down you have to release the syllables you have to release the sounds in faith you have to stop overthinking it you have to stop imagining that people will think you're foolish you have to stop being afraid of receiving something else and you have to stop standing there inactive listen I've talked to hundreds of people who had this point of frustration and they say I've been prayed for a dozen times and it's never worked for me even after hearing this teaching I've had people tell me I listen to your teaching and it didn't work for me and I say well it all comes back to this even if you hear what I'm saying right now that doesn't mean you're applying it if you apply what I'm saying you will be praying in tongues there's no doubt it's it's guaranteed 100% because the Bible says if you ask you receive and then it's up to you to release it but you have to speak it out you have to print you have to start that engine you have to turn that key and you'll sense it there's gonna be a moment when you start praying in tongues and then and then the flesh will come and you'll say is this really God or is this just me maybe God's gonna get mad at me because I'm mimicking it whatever those thoughts all come to your mind but remember at worst it's just an emotional expression toward God but if you will start to express those sounds you will sense a moment where the Holy Spirit will take over and it will start to flow naturally and the more often you do it the more naturally it will flow so you have to stop overthinking it you have to stop overanalyzing you stop creating these obstacles in your mind to receiving it and you have to make those sounds release those sounds and you watch the Holy Spirit take over release the syllables and sounds and trust the Holy Spirit will add his meaning no matter how many times it fails no matter how many times it doesn't work for you it's always gonna come back to this so if you write to me if you comment and if you say something to me you know or email me say David I tried and it didn't work I'm telling you if you do this it will work and you say if you say it doesn't work it's because you're allowing one of these blockages to keep you from receiving that gift so that's how confident I know I've seen it work for thousands of people let's believe now that the Holy Spirit will fill you and that you will start to operate in this gift right now in the name of Jesus father in the name of Jesus I pray for that one receiving this know and I ask you Lord to begin to give them the courage give them the unction let that gift rise within them from their spirit and I pray God you would give them the boldness and the faith to begin to speak it out now I want you as you're listening to this I want you to begin to speak it out you may say that's just me you may say oh it's just a son you may say this is silly stop letting that blockage take over I want you I now release it release it in the spirit I'm not gonna pray and so that I want you just to mimic me and I don't want that to be in your head either I want you to just release that sound out don't don't think about it stop analyzing it stop keeping yourself doing just go for it right now and father I pray you add right now add the fire of the Holy Spirit begin to take over as they surrender those syllables and sounds in the name of Jesus we pray I want you to say it because you believe it say Amen that is it for the lesson if you spoke in tongues for the first time I want you to comment on this video let me know you did I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you praying for you I always say that because I always mean it if you like information on how you can join the spirit family go to David Hernandez ministries calm / spirit church you're gonna get an email from me every single week with a brand new teaching and a brand new worship cover from mr. Stephen Moctezuma and now to your comments and these comments come from my teaching from last week the baptism with the Holy Spirit you haven't seen that yet go and watch that it's a precursor to this lesson and we'll help lay a more solid foundation for your understanding when it comes to the language of the Holy Spirit so go check that out and while you're at it be sure to like subscribe comment and share I encourage you support this ministry through sharing this video with at least three people text it to them post it to them whatever you have to do just share it and remember subscribe and click that notification bell so that you can receive all of the content be sure to connect with us all across our social media platforms and if you'd like me to potentially read your comment on next week's edition of spirit then go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section right now but here are the teachings here are the comments from last week's teaching grace point Meridian rights Pastor David I have been a Christian for almost 40 years I have been in ministry for almost that long and a pastor for five years I have never heard anyone explained body soul and spirit so well I understand it better than ever before thank God for his anointing on you Pastor Randall pastor Randall I'm honored that you would you would pay such an encouragement to me and I know you know sir we give all glory to the Lord but thank you for writing in Bruce Mulenga writes no one has ever taught the baptism of the Holy Spirit this clear we thank God for you and your ministry yes Mina Gustav a rights it's a pleasure learning and knowing more about the Holy Spirit your messages keep my heart desiring more of the Holy Spirit blessings lb writes great job brother Hernandez I'm so happy that this day and age we have a brother like you teaching the uncompromising doctrine of the Holy Spirit we need churches all over this country to return to the baptism of the Holy Spirit he's so so needed and I so agree with that we need a return of the power of the Holy Spirit thankfully he's moving here through this ministry and I know he's moving through you too as you surrendered to him and the final comment comes from Gabriela David who writes I cannot tell you how much this video means to me I wept and prayed for God to tell me what it means to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and how I could experience it I wept and I slept this morning I see this I dare anyone to tell me this is a coincidence Gabriela this is no coincidence that's the Holy Spirit let me tell you something this is the Holy Spirit's channel the Holy Spirit the father God gave me a very clear mandate he said I want you to introduce my holy spirit to your generation and that has been the cry of my heart that a generation of believers might come to know the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and of course also that unbelievers might come to know the Gospel message of salvation but I want to talk to you now about that you see these comments people's lives being impacted and perhaps as you're watching this you realized that your life has been impacted by this ministry to the world as we know it is becoming darker but that doesn't mean that we must stop preaching the gospel we shouldn't throw up our hands and say that's it we're done let's get out of here there's no hope so long as there are righteous in the land there is hope for a nation there's hope for this world I want you to help paint something I'm sincerely asking for your help I want you to partner with me in doing something I need you together with other believers watching this to partner with me and support this ministry financially everything this ministry does costs money the videos we make the books we produce the events we put on all of that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and in fact it's getting now to the millions we need supporters like you to come stand alongside us and say we believe that Jesus you preach we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit you preach we believe in the messages you share we believe in the power that you take around the world and you want to join with me you want to join with me I'm asking you now partner with me today become a supporter for $30 or more a month maybe you could do ten dollars a month that would be awesome maybe you could do five dollars a month that would be awesome but if you partner with me for thirty dollars or more a month I will send you one of these books as my free gift to you it'll be an initiation gift just so I'm just my way of saying thank you to you partner with me today help us make a difference look we want to keep the content free we want to keep our events free and we want to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ all around the world and the power of the Holy Spirit you can make a difference it's not too late the world is not finished God is not done with America God is not done with your nation God is done with this world we have a mandate to do if you don't preach the gospel if you don't support the gospel nobody will so stand with me stand with the Lord let them know you love them through your giving and give to this ministry today that we might continue to take the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world give today right now go to David Hernandez / donate if you're watching on youtube you'll see a link up here at the end click that link click that link right now go to David Hernandez ministries come right this and pause the video if you have to go outside make that gift do it as the Holy Spirit leads you I know he's speaking to you let your heart be moved don't harden your heart allow God to use you in this way partner with me today or give a one-time gift to this ministry and a vyd Hernandez ministries calm / donate and that is it for this edition of Spirit church here on the Encounter TV network I'm David ego Hernandez and remember until next time nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell also help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now [Music]
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 62,665
Rating: 4.8914919 out of 5
Keywords: holy spirit, the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, speaking in heavenly language, how to speak in tongues, what is speaking in tongues, holy spirit power, speaking in tongues church, holy spirit tongues, baptism with the holy spirit, baptism with fire, heavenly language, praying in tongues holy spirit, praying in tongues for hours, how to pray in tongues, david diga hernandez, spirit church, encounter tv, interpretation tongues, is speaking in tongues biblical
Id: ksOqb4IzpLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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