How to Activate the Anointing

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[Music] you know it really is the anointing of the holy spirit that makes all the difference when you minister under the anointing of the Holy Spirit there is power there are miracles there is freedom when you are anointed of God and when you know how to walk in that anointing that you have received there are tremendous results in your life as a believer and in your ministry so I want to talk to you about how to walk in the anointing which is the power of the Holy Spirit the first Stephen Moctezuma is here with me he's going to lead you in some anointed worship and then we're gonna get right into this message here is Stephen Moctezuma Jesus make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing Jesus in the precious is the blue [Music] makes me why Oh the fountain nothing but the blood of Jesus in the precious is love [Music] makes me snow [Music] time nothing but the blood of Jesus or nothing but the blood of Jesus nothing but gee [Music] you know I'm always looking for ways to grow and one of the ways you grow is impartation and in seeking impartation I have found that there are those who are anointed and those who are not and you can always tell the difference when someone is anointed when someone is anointed by the Holy Spirit when they preach there is this power on their words when they minister the Word of God there is something inside of the listener that is stirred you can always tell when someone is ministering under the power of the Holy Spirit by how it instigates this spiritual hunger within your heart the anointing is not just for preaching though the anointing is for those of you in worship ministry the anointing is for the evangelists and for the teacher and for the pastor and for the Prophet you know everyone drives different cars but we all basically use the same thing which is fuel and so the anointing can be looked at like the fuel for your ministry though your ministry is unique though you are unique as an individual the anointing is still the same source for us all it is the power of the Holy Spirit and that anointing fuels your ministry it fuels the times where you Minister God's Word it fuels whatever gift has been placed upon your life I've talked in the past about the spiritual gifts some have been given the gift of miracles some the gift of administration some the gift of prophecy but all of us no matter who we are no matter how we are gifted need the anointing or the power of the Holy Spirit I've often noticed when seeking that importation I was talking about I've noticed that some carry it and some don't now this isn't to say that there are believers who don't have the anointing we all have an anointing from God but there are those who walk in that anointing those who have tapped into the reservoirs of power that lay dormant inside of them so some believers leave the power of God untouched untapped unused but I want to show you how to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit in Matthew 25 but you know as I was saying I would seek for impartation and this was something I started at a very early age I got saved at 11 and by the time I was 12 years old I already had like three or four mentors I had already read several books and so in my heart I knew that I needed to get around anointed people to walk in the anointing and to study how they did it too and in doing that I found many tremendous anointings I found many men and women of God who were gifted by the Holy Spirit in special and specific ways and then I also saw those who were just pretenders in other words they talked big but they didn't walk in the power I mean the anointing makes all the difference you can have someone who is very talented maybe they're an eloquent speaker maybe they are an amazing singer maybe they are talented in their mind or in how they orchestrate different things and organize different tasks but if the anointing is not there there is a lack of power and you can always discern the lack of power and so I want to show you how to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that when you carry out your ministry when you walk in the gifts that God has placed on your life that there is power there is a tangible evident move of the power of the Holy Spirit in you and through you touching those around you so go to Matthew 25 now this is a parable concerning the last days but we know that oil is a representative or a representative symbol of the Holy Spirit or the anointing or the power of God but go to Matthew chapter 25 with that in mind and this is what the scripture says then the kingdom of heaven will be like that like 10 bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise and a stop there at verse 2 the scripture calls them bridesmaids but another translation of that is virgins in other words there was a purity on their lives now this as I said is a reference to the last days and I believe we are living in the last days this is talking about the return of Christ and these bridesmaids five of them were foolish and five of them were wise but all of them were pure in other words all of them have the revelation all of them walked to some degree in in the form of the parable I believe they represent someone who walks with the Lord so the message here is that it's not a matter of purity necessarily but of preparation sure you absolutely need purity but you also need to be prepared there are believers who walk in holiness they live right they obey God's Word but they're not prepared in their their task they're not prepared to walk in the power of God they're not studying the word they're not devoted to prayer and they are left by their foolishness in darkness so here we see that they are carrying lamps now the lamps represents light or revelation it could represent the Word of God it also can represent evangelism you notice that it's the oil that keeps the light burning it's the power of the Holy Spirit that keeps your witness alive and so in verse 3 now the scripture says the five who were foolish didn't take enough olive oil for their lamps but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil when the bridegroom was delayed they all became drowsy and fell asleep how many times do believers start a task or begin a ministry or commit to doing something for god only to give up halfway through the five who were foolish only tapped into enough oil only took enough oil to last them so far but the other five who were wise took enough oil with them for the long haul they took enough oil with them knowing in their minds they were going to be faithful to the task of waiting they were gonna be faithful to what they want it to do and so this is the first key when it comes to walking in the anointing of the Holy Spirit this is how to walk in the anointing which is the power of God number one you need a fresh supply they took enough to last them each moment they did not try to rely on the oil that they previously had because the oil they previously had was not enough they needed to bring an extra supply of oil so that they could continue to have their lights shining how many times do believers go about in their day only to find that their light starts to fade why is that it's because there's no power there's no anointing when you're going to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit you need to be prepared to walk in a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit how do you do that that's daily contact with the Lord that's spending time in the word with him daily that's spending time in prayer daily that's spending time in worship daily that's searching yourself and saying Lord search me and surrendering daily not just daily but in each moment so number one you need a fresh supply you need a supply that is new in every moment and you need a supply that will last you as you continue to go in the way you do that is by daily commitment to prayer and the word and devotion through worship you see the anointing of the Holy Spirit is found simply through spending time with Jesus so if you want a fresh anointing you need to make fresh contact if you want the anointing to last you then you need to continually seek the Lord so that's number one you need a fresh supply in other words this is daily contact with the Lord now don't surrender that for anything please hear me when I say this do not surrender that daily contact with the Lord for a single thing not for entertainment not for loved ones not even for ministry itself let me tell you something if I'm just being vulnerable and transparent there have been times when I've become so burdened by ministry and so overwhelmed by the responsibilities that I allowed myself to lack in prayer in order to fulfill those responsibilities in ministry that's foolishness and the Lord had to correct me this Holy Spirit had to rebuke me and I was convicted to the core when the Holy Spirit convicted me in that way and I knew that I was sacrificing my daily contact with him to try to fulfill ministry when you tried to fulfill your ministry or your mandate or the call of God that's upon your life without prayer you're saying to the Lord I can do this without you and it's foolishness if you don't have daily contact you need to be stubborn you need to refuse to let anything touch that daily contact with the Lord you guard it it's precious and it's the only thing that will sustain you and it's the only thing that will keep your light burning the moment you stop and making daily contact with the Lord your light begins to fade so number one you need a fresh supply verse five says when the bridegroom was delayed they all became drowsy and fell asleep at midnight they were roused by the shout look the bridegroom is coming come out and meet him this is a prophetic picture of the return of the Lord verse 7 says all the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps then the five foolish ones asked the others please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out but the others replied we don't have enough for all of us you need your own supply you cannot rely upon the supply of another often when I do altar calls for salvation I will encourage the people to come alone I'll say don't take someone who you came with and sometimes I'll be praying for people and I observe I'll tell you just to be honest with you often I will skip praying for people if I see two people up there holding hands together now if they're husband and wife that's different but if they're friends or you know you can kind of tell they're not and you tell they're not husband and wife I will skip them why because they're basically trying to share an experience in the present God and while there's nothing wrong with that in and of itself I found that most of the time that if I pray for those individuals they're more focused on each other than they are on the Lord now again I'm not saying it's wrong to pray with each other and to respond to an altar call I'm just saying when I have several people in front of me and I can only pray for a certain few because of how many there are I'm going select the ones who I know for a fact are in there by themselves and saying Lord I want you I'm coming after you with all that I have you cannot rely upon the supply of your parents you cannot rely upon your grandparents you cannot rely upon your family name I know people who think that the anointing comes from being related to someone or being married into a certain family or making a connection with a certain preacher I've seen many preachers my age they think that the anointing comes to posting selfies with a lot of popular preachers let me tell you the truth that's not how you get the anointing the anointing and the favor of God is not shown by if you get front-row seats and if you rub elbows with the right people the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes when you buy yourself Matthew chapter 6 verse 6 Jesus said when you pray go away by yourself privately when you buy yourself seek the Lord when you buy yourself tap into the power of God when you shut everything and everyone else out and you seek the face of Jesus and you see him with your own eyes with your own spirit you lay hold of Jesus and you come into a personal experience in his presence it's the only way only those who've been touched by the glory of God can be used for the glory of God the Holy Spirit just gave that to me right now only those who've been touched by the glory of God can be used for the glory of God you cannot rely upon your neighbor you cannot rely upon your friend you cannot rely upon your family member they have their place we love them we're to connect with them in fellowship and in love but when it comes to the anointing of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit does not pass on the anointing by relationship he does not pass on the anointing just because you think you're entitled to it he does not pass upon the anointing just because you've been a part of a ministry or been somewhere for several years that's not the only reason he will give it to you yes he rewards faithfulness but consistency alone is not the key to the anointing you need your own supply and you have to tap into the heart of God for yourself in prayer you must pay the price it will not come through another man laying hands on you it will not come to another woman laying hands on you it will come when you get into the word and I'm not talking about daily devotional scriptures read one or two verses a day that you can tweet I'm talking about pouring yourself over the scripture I'm talking about seeking the face of Jesus through his word I'm talking about knowing the Word of God and showing yourself before him a workman that need not be ashamed this is the key you must get into the word you must get in prayer for yourself so number one you need a fresh anointing how do you do that you tap into prayer consistently number two you need your own supply how do you do that you tap into a prayer life personally you need a consistent prayer life and a personal prayer life you cannot rely upon the prayer of others for an anointing on your life you must on your own seek the face of God you cannot rely upon the other supplies think about what they said in verse 8 please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out in verse 9 says but the others replied we don't have enough for all of us and then verse 9 says go to a shop and buy some for yourselves verse 10 says but while they were gone to buy oil the bridegroom came then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast and the door was locked later when the other five bridesmaids returned they stood outside calling Lord Lord opened the door for us but he called back believe me I don't know you so you too must watch for you do not know the day or hour of my return I pray that God finds us busy I pray that we would live our lives in the light at the return of the king knowing that at any moment he could come back for us if he comes back right now will he find you busy if he comes back right now will he find you effective the third key you see it there go to a shop and buy some for yourselves you must pay the for your own anointing salvation was free but the anointing of the Holy Spirit will cost you everything and listen to me very carefully I really do mean it will cost you everything I still AM daily surrendering to the Lord just when I think I've surrendered all that I can I come to another place in myself where I see that I need to again surrender to God and this is what we must do we must pay that price what is that price well it's time with the Lord but if that alone was the price I would say that's more of a luxury than a sacrifice and really when it comes down to it in the kingdom there's no such thing as sacrifice because everything I give to him he gives back more than I could ever return to him so when it comes to paying the price I'm talking about suffering rejection I'm talking about being labeled as odd or different or weird hey that's that's what I go through people don't know what to do with me even preachers and pastors don't know what to do with me the places I minister I'm welcome they welcome the gift but most people don't know what category I fit in did does he fit in in the in the in the grace movement does he fit in the worship movement does he wear dit is it a Pentecostal not really people don't know where to put me and that's because one of the price one of the price tags on the anointing is being different is being rejected is being misunderstood and I'm not bitter about it I'm happy about it I wouldn't have it any other way I don't want to be like everyone else I like being unique but the price is still there you'll have to give up certain relationships you know when you get saved you lose your worldly friends because they don't want to be around that but when you get anointed you begin to lose your lukewarm friends people who claim the name of Jesus and that's part of the process I have to instead of spending time with people I want to spend time with instead of going places I want to go I get into the word instead do you realize that that entertainment itself must be sacrificed because I want to get in the word I'm not saying there's never a time for any of that I think someone wrote on my my youtube channel one time is it a sin to play video games and I was a question that was forwarded to me and no and as long as the video games are not demonic but you know some people think it is but the truth is though it's not a sin it couldn't be it can be a distraction and if it's replacing your prayer life then it becomes trouble I'm talking about sacrificing in a way but you say Lord whatever you want from me in each moment I'll give it to you I will die to self and I'll live to Jesus the sacrifice for the anointing is being misunderstood it's being rejected it's time away from people you love it's time away from things you like doing it's separating yourself from the world it's separating yourself from those who are not focused on what you're focused on it's it's realizing that my life is to be spent for the glory of God the entirety of my life the sum of my life is to amount to the glory of God and I pray that you would come to the place where you say to the Lord sincerely Jesus you gave your life for me spend my entire life for the sake of your glory and for the sake of your name so number one you need a fresh supply you do that through consistent prayer number two this one is key because it's one that most people struggle with especially in our generation they're very entitled you need your own supply you do that through private prayer and number three you need to pay the price you need the costs in hunting and you do that through sacrifice and obedience to the voice of the holy spirit I want to pray with you now I want to pray that I hope your faith has been stirred that as your faith has been stirred then you would lay hold of this and you would say Lord I'm done with everything else listen I'm talking to someone right now who is going to shake the nation's I'm talking to someone right now whose YouTube channel will get ten times bigger than mine and I prayed that it happens I'm talking to someone whose miracle services and whose events are gonna be ten times bigger than mine and I pray it happens a hundred times over because we need people winning souls we need people accomplishing the will of the Father I like the way Sid Roth says it he says anything I can do you can do better and I truly believe that you're anointed of God it's time to be done with everything else be done with the distractions be done with all that's out there it's garbage there's nothing there what does the world have to offer even for a Christian who's living a holy life they'll find emptiness and everything that they do when all is said and done the only thing that satisfies is the presence of Jesus there is no counterfeit and I've been ruined for anything less and I hope you'll be ruined for anything less - come on let's pray father in the name of Jesus I declare that that one receiving this word will in the name of Jesus come to the end of themselves Lord and I pray that they would be raised is a mighty servant of God but they would walk in the anointing and see miracles such as we've never seen Lord that they would see the dead raised that they would see the Deaf ears open that they would see the paralyzed walk low that they would see limbs regrow and millions come to Jesus I pray it be done Lord use each one according to their faith in Jesus name we pray and I want you to say it because you agree and believe it say a man well that's it for the lesson I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen I love you and I'm praying for you I always say that because I definitely always mean it look for your name there you'll see it next to your location and these are the new members of Spirit Church if you'd like information on how you can join the spirit family it's what we call it then use the information at the bottom of the screen David Hernandez / spirit church and there you can join the spirit family and be a part of all that God is doing we've almost reached 4,000 members can you believe that 4,000 members and we have members from over a hundred different parts of the world and when you join the spirit family which you're gonna get from us for free by the way every week a new email on Sunday mornings Sunday California time and you're gonna get a fresh teaching a fresh word it's gonna minister to you you're gonna get a worship video from Steven Moctezuma and you're gonna be able to reply to that email for prayer support from our ministry staff and you'll be a part of a family that's almost 4,000 members strong from all around the world I want to get to your comments now but before I do if you would like me to possibly read your comment on next week's video then go ahead and leave a comment on this video now these comments I'm gonna read right now are from last week's video which was titled Holy Spirit the breath of breakthrough the first commenter writes thank you so much god bless you yesterday I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost I can't wait for more John Clarke one of our regular commenters writes an awesome message brother David I was hooked on every word it's the revelation of the power of the wind and breath of the Holy Spirit on my life and circumstances sunk into my spirit god bless you all at spirit church and encounter TV and that's from John Clarke from England good to hear from you again John glad to see your comment there and Daniel cannon writes that is a very powerful administration I received my breakthrough in our family god bless you continue standing firm as God's representative and joy writes this really inspired and motivated me may God continue to breathe his holy spirit upon you and your ministry and Janet writes thanks David for your work I want it to confirm to you that God's ministry through you really touches people's hearts every day god bless you and that's really what this is about we want to win souls I've said it a hundred times I'll say it a hundred times more don't you ever forget it the purpose of this ministry is to win souls that's our primary goal second we to build the believer why so they can go and win souls really when we do these these teachings I'm pouring into you not so you can just sit back and go oh well that's good teaching listen take this material you go teach it you go use it you go apply and then you go win souls that's the goal of all of this we want to multiply our effect and so what we are doing as a ministry is very simple we're winning the lost and we're building the believer how are we doing that through events and media and if we keep the focus simple we can continue to do things with excellence and effectiveness and this is really what I believe the culture of heaven is all about you know Stephen and I travel all over the world we we both run this is our channel encounter TV we both run spirit church and more than that we both have a vision to go and win more souls and you can help us it's not just Stephen and I who are partnered it's you too you can partner with us and you can make your voice heard really you can be counted think about all that is going on in our world today there is great darkness coming to the world but a marvelous light that will shine upon the church and when you support this ministry you are pushing back on that darkness you are helping us take that light and shining it into the darkest places there are so many opportunities opening there are so many things happening and we need your support look we can't do it without you and so I know that there are people watching who can partner with me right now for $30 a month and I know God will bless you for it you may say I don't think I have the resources I don't think I have the money listen step out in faith and I'm telling you this because it's something I live in practice and I know that when you do it God will catch you I heard it said I forgot who said it they said that faith is when you've come to the edge of the light and all there is in front of you is darkness and take one more step that may be where you are right now in your life and you're saying I don't know if I can really do this look commit to this and those you who are partnered with us stay with us just an update for you you can find out information about the project we've recently launched project DTV with that search for the new building and all that we talked about we're still doing that yes if you want an update on that you can go to David Hernandez slash project DTV see where we are with that really it all comes down and we're still looking for the right building but we are very very very very close so continue to support and sign up today listen help us expand this thing really with the internet we have a bigger opportunity to reach people than ever before $1.00 in television khmer beer each one person a dollar invested in the internet can reach hundreds even thousands if it's used right so we're poised to reap a harvest of souls do that today now any gift will be appreciated but if you become my partner for 30 dollars or more a month this is signing up for a monthly gift if you do that today I'll send you either carriers of the glory 25 truths about demons in spiritual warfare or encountering the Holy Spirit in every book of the Bible that'll be my initiation gift to you my way of saying thank you for partnering with us do that today if you're watching this on youtube stick around to the end of the video a red button is going to appear and you can click that and you can go and become a partner right now if you're watching this anywhere else use the information at the bottom of the screen if you're watching this on our app wait for the video to finish and then you'll see a button up here that says partner with David now listen do that today there are people watching there's someone watching you can easily so a hundred thousand dollars to other people that sounds crazy but to you you know that you can invest that in fact I believe there are people watching from all over the world that can do that and we need your support listen the gospel deserves to be supported the gospel is worth supporting it'll be the greatest investment you ever make because it will result in winning souls there are some people who can do a thousand in fact there are many who are watching right now and God's speaking to you to do that do what God tells you to do some you say I can do 100 or I can do 10 whatever it is Paul the Apostle wrote whatever puts on your heart don't give and Preta up according to pressure and don't give begrudging lee just do what God puts on your heart but be liberal be generous let's do this let's think big let's win the world to Jesus I know we can do it between millions of souls together well that's it for this edition of spirit church until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 324,065
Rating: 4.9034929 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, presence of the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit, healing ministry, encounter tv, holy spirit explained, power of god miracles, the anointing of the holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, healing evangelist, holy spirit sermons, jesus christ, healing power of god, the anointing, sermons on the holy spirit, teachings on the holy spirit, gifts of the holy spirit
Id: 1EKqZhnwlAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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