How to use Resolve CUT Page - #1 mistake revealed!

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hi my name is darren mostin and in this episode we're going to be looking at the cut page and this is my first beginners episode so it's a little bit longer than usual but stick with it because i'm going to give away my number one secret as to why people fail in the cut page there's one fundamental thing that most people get wrong and that is why they find the cut page difficult over the edit page i'm also going to give away my usual tips and tricks so stick with it and let's go and take a look so just before we dive into the cut page i just want to explain for complete beginners that each of these pages down at the bottom are linked together so there's one timeline that we're working on and that timeline is shown in these different pages to perform a different task so the media page is just where we import the media to start with to actually create our edit cut page is what we're going to look at today the edit page talks to the cup page so that's the same timeline as you can see here just visually represented slightly differently and there's slightly different tools in this page than there are in the cut page but they do a very similar job the fusion page is where we do special effects to this timeline the color page is where we color grade that timeline fairlight is where we do the audio mixing you can also do the audio mixing in the edit page and delivery is where we export it out at the end so that's just to clarify those pages for those who are very new to this so just to show you if i go to the edit page and we take this shot here if i click on it and press backspace the shot deletes and if i go to the cup page you'll see that the shot is gone and if i undo that apple zed the shot reappears so the two pages are completely talking to each other so i am going to build a brand new sequence from scratch but just to show you what's going on here video track one contains the main body of our program so it's the interview it's the introduction it's that sort of thing the video layer two here is the cutaway material so when we're doing an interview here if i just play this i really got an interview and then we cut away to various shots of him in action so that's kind of how the timeline works and traditionally you would do all the program in this one edit page but now we have the cut page and the cup page has a big advantage over the edit page in terms of speed of editing that program so to get that program made initially you can work much faster in the cup page than you can in the edit page so it's very efficient and very accurate so what i want to do is show you how it works there are unique things to both of them so there are things you can do in the edit page that you can't do in the cut page and there are a couple of unique things in the cut page which i will show you but i think the thing to take away from this is you don't just work in one or the other you kind of work in both so i would build the program first in the cup page and i would finesse it in the edit page so i think the first thing that confuses people in the cup page is the double timeline you have a timeline here this is showing all the shots that you've got in your program so whether that's two shots 200 shots a thousand shots you always see all the shots all the time in this timeline and down below is a zoomed in timeline of where that playhead is so if i just move this playhead to here that frame there is that frame there so if i go to the cut point we're bang on the edit point there so you're always in a zoomed in view on this side and you're always in a fully expanded view on this side and this saves you a lot of time when you're in the edit page what you find you're doing a lot of is you're zooming in and out of your timeline so you can find scenes further down and move them around and that sort of thing you'll find that you're zooming in and out a lot more in the edit page than you would in the cut page because in here i can go to wherever i want if i want to go to the end of the program just grab your top timeline and push it to the end and then i can do any fine work here so i might do a bit of trimming or something and then you might want to go back to the middle of your program and insert some shots in there it's a really clever way of seeing your interface but this line here doesn't move this is fixed in the middle and the frames run through it so it's a little bit weird but you get used to it really quick so to basically move around quickly you wouldn't use this area because you'd be scrolling and scrolling like this you use the top timeline so we'll look at the unique tools in a cup page i'll make a new sequence but i'll just give you a quick tour up here is the media pools this is an exact copy of the media page down here this is where all your clips sit um it's kind of on a tiered basis so you go master that's your top level you can change it into list view and then we go into the b-roll and into our shop for example and up here you've got your transitions new titles and effects we're not going to look too much into those i want to really show you the unique points of the cut page first and and the reasons why it's so efficient and easy to use and here we have our viewer you only have a single viewer in the cup page so in the edit page we have our source just load a clip in we have our source and our recorder so there's our timeline and that's our source viewer but in the cut page you don't have that you just have one viewer and at the moment it's in timeline mode so it's looking at my timeline if i switch here it will look at my source clips and now what i can do is take a shot in fact you can even hover over the clip and just move it like so move on to the next one you don't even need to click them there's another unique thing in here which is called source tape which is here which allows you to look at so for example we've got b-roll here i've got three b-roll uh folders so one's got cycling shots in it one's got this sharp and one's got his ride to work if i want to look at all those clips in one hit i can press source tape here and you look at all the footage in one big hit which is fantastic now i've done a whole episode on this very recently so again i'll put a link in the description uh as to where that is i suggest you go and watch that episode it's about a 10 minute episode purely on the advantages of working in source tape so let's do a brand new sequence i want to show you exactly how the cut page builds up and edit very quickly so if i click in sequences and right click and say create new timeline what you'll find is that it doesn't stay in the sequences folder so it creates our new sequence but sequences in the cut page always end up in the master folder so what you can do is take it from here and drag and drop it into your sequences folder so there it is now so we've got our empty timeline let's go and have a look at our footage which is in the b-roll folder and let's start with the ride to work and let's grab some clips so let's take this one cycle to work okay so what we can do now i've just double clicked it to load it into the viewer and we can just press play i'm using my space bar one tip here for navigating through a clip is to use jkl so this is a really common technique press l once will play press l again will twice speed again false times eight times and k will always pause and j does the same in reverse so it's play reverse twice reverse four times reverse eight times reverse and k is paused if you hold down the k key and press l or j you move forwards or backwards but slow down so it's a really efficient way of working and then i and o keys are for in and out so or you can just use your mouse and just scrub through here so let's just start with this move through mark out there and to bring that down to the timeline i'm going to press f9 which will insert it into the timeline in fact you could press f9 f10 or append because it's the first clip so that's now down on our timeline one clip timeline always stays in the middle on the close-up view and this is my entire sequence currently one shot and just to show you if i get to the edit page there's the one shot okay so back to the cut page let's take a second shot now okay so here it is let's go i'm just coming around the corner mark in there if you want to add a duration you can just click on here and type in so if i want to add five seconds you can say add five zero zero we'll add five seconds a mark out so i've got five seconds of him coming down the street and to put that down as the timeline i'm going to press shift and f12 which is append so i know it's going to the end of my timeline even though i know i've only got two shots but that's the way to do it and if i go to the edit page just to show you there's our two edits okay back to the cut page and let's get one more so he's arriving at work let's see what's in here yep let's take that one and what i'm going to do with this one i'll just literally drag it onto the timeline so just drag and drop down there so that's now our three shots that's our full-time line and let's just get one more here he is yeah he's so he's locking his bike up here so let's just do i'm just going to move that mark in what i can do is just zoom in a little bit here and mark and if i pull these sliders here you get a more detailed slow view so you can precisely get to your edit point that you want so let's drag that and i'm going to take this shot here and i'm going to drag it down to the bottom timeline this time so you can work with the top timeline and the bottom timeline it's really that easy so if we wanted to trim any of this footage it's really easy in the cut page we just grab the handle in the zoomed in view and just start trimming when we go into the trim mode like this we get this view so this top one here is to trim the outgoing clip this shot here and the incoming shot is here and we just trim on the bottom row for that so you can just literally move it like this it's really really easy so let's just get him off frame there and maybe we just want to tighten him up a little bit here let him go a little bit further down the street and you can see that's just updating for me on the timeline it's really easy now in the edit page to do that i'm going to come into here first i'm going to do is zoom in because my my icons are so small i can't actually grab them and already it's more inconvenient so in a moment i'm going to reveal probably the main stumbling block that people have with the cup page i think what i've done so far is pretty straightforward but there's one key thing that you need to know and this is where people get tripped up with it so just before i do that let's go back to the cup page and i just want to cut in a couple of interviews and let's go to my interviews reels and in here i've got them kind of marked up already but let's just check well a lot of these bikes yep that's the one i want so i'm just going to append that to the timeline so i can press shift f12 or i can just drag here and drop it right on the end there and you see now we've got our one two three four five so the big interview shot here and uh interview let's put another one in here and this one i'm just going to fine tune the beginning of this so if i play it i didn't call it what i can do is either grab these points here and you get a zoomed in image on that audio it's really nice to see or you can just grab here and he does the same thing i yeah i yeah so i can stop it exactly on the frame i want just by pulling these it's really cool and i'm going to press shift f12 to append that to the timeline and now we've got six shots on the timeline so we've got a double interview two interview shots sorry and we've got four shots at the beginning so i've now decided i want the interview swap round i want this piece before this piece so it's really easy all you got to do is grab this whole section and as i move and keep on the top row as i drop it onto the edit point you see that it changes icon and then just let go and they're now swapped over so you can drag and drop let me show you that again so if i take this one just drag and drop it under here and you swap the order drag and drop when it comes when it goes onto the edit point and you can do that down here as well so you just take a clip drag drop it onto the edit point and let go they swap around let's just undo that okay so i just want to put some cutaways on the interview so let's just go ahead and start the interview here several people called the bicycle and maybe at that point there so let's find our b-roll and let's have a look at the stuff inside the shop and what i'm going to do is go into source tape again the link is in the description for the video i made on this and we can now scrub through the entire footage that we've got inside the shop so it saves us clicking on each of these individual icons this is really cool so let's start with this shot here just do a mark in and mark out and i'm going to drag this down and create a video layer 2 so as i release that now we have level 2. so i'm going to click on that which now means when i press uh any of the insert keys it will map to track two and not to track one so track one is for my main interview and the opener and this layer two is gonna be for these little cutaways over this interview so back to my source type you can press q and it will go back to either the source or source tape depending which one you had highlighted let's take that there and i just want three seconds of this if i click in here i can say add three zero zero or three dot will give you the same thing a dot is a double zero and i'm going to press shift f 12 this time and that will append that shot to video level two so it won't get to the end of the program it'll go to the end of track two and let's just put one more in and let's go yeah let's take that little whiz around there again i can use my jkl keys to get it fine tuned mark in and mark out and i'm just going to manually drop this one down but i'm going to put it on the top track so it shows you the flexibility i can put it up here i can put it down here i can use the shift f12 command it's really flexible so we now have our cutaways so that's all great we've got our interview we've got our little opener we've got some cutaways we've got two layers of video going on so we're slowly building up a nice edit here but what i want to show you next is the big part where people trip up in the cup page when i do training this is the bit that a lot of people go i didn't realize that that is how it operated so to explain it let me first go to the edit page i'm going to do is i'm just going to delete this clip from the front so if i highlight it and just press backspace the clip has disappeared now if we go into the cut page that's happened here you can see that so it's mirroring which is exactly what we want it to do so i'm going to undo that now i'm going to do the same thing but in the cut page so i'm going to highlight the first clip and i'm going to press backspace and the whole timeline ripples up so back to the edit page i want to show you one more thing in here if i make a trim like so it leaves a gap let's go to the cut page and you can see the gap there let's just undo that if i do that same move in the cut page the timeline ripples okay so it's always trying to close the gap it's trying to keep your program without any gaps in it and that's quite fundamental to what's going on here so if i undo that and do the same thing on v2 watch what happens it leaves a gap so why v1 it doesn't leave a gap and v2 it does leave a gap and that's the fundamental thing where people get wrong in the cut page the one the video track one is always trying to dynamically adjust the timeline to give you no gaps so it's basically updating everything dynamically any layer above video one so two three four five is behaving as it would in the edit page so video one will always dynamically trim it will always try and close the gaps and this what makes the cut page so efficient because it is always removing the gaps for you it's doing a lot of the work for you that you would have to do manually in the edit page so there's another really cool feature called smart insert again this is keeping you working really efficiently so what i'm going to do is have a look at my b-roll i'm going to switch on to source tape mode so we see all three of these folders in one clip as it were and let's just find the stuff where he's coming down the mountain okay so we've got a shot here so i'm going to do a mark in which is zoom forward a little bit and we'll mark out just when he leaves frame and what i want to do is insert that in between the two uh interviews so if i just click put my timeline roughly at the right point i don't have to be exactly on the right point because of this thing called smart inserts and what that does is in the cut page it the edit is always looking at the nearest edit point you see this arrow here this is always looking at where the playhead is and it always aligns up the nearest edit point so you can be quite loose with how you drop them in so i need to press q to go back to my source and then press f9 and that jumps down now to the to the edit point the nearest edit point that there was it doesn't go to the place where my playhead was it goes to the edit point so you get it you really don't have to be constantly looking for the exact frame you want to drop it in let's just throw another frame in let me take this shot here mark in and mark out and this time again i'll just move the playhead away so it's not actually on the actual edit point but you can see the smart icon indicating where it's going to go and this time if i press again q to go back to my source if i press this button here that is the smart insert again drops in and it goes next to our other cutaway not halfway through the interview so that's a really cool feature smart insert so it automatically inserts at the nearest edit point not necessarily where your playhead is so let's just see in our edit page just check it's all corresponding which it is there's our two new shots we've just inserted and let's imagine we want to change one of these shots so we've got this shot and then this shot and we want to replace this shot so what we can do is go back to our source clip let's find the shot we want to replace it with take this one i'm going to mark in yep let's zoom forward and i'm making it quite a different duration and what i want to do is replace this shot and extend the gap that i need i don't want to lose any of this interview and i don't want to lose the end of this shot but i just want to replace this shot with this shot and extend the duration so what i need to do for that is do what's called ripple overwrite and what that's done now is it's made the right duration it's moved everything up so the interview still starts at the same place it's just automatically extended or reduced the timeline to fit the new shot in perfectly so it's a really cool feature it's really quick and easy to do that if i was doing that in the edit page i'd have to make space for it i'd have to take my interview here make space highlight this delete it find a shot drop it in and then close the gap again it's a really slick way of working in the cut page so that's ripple overwrite it literally changes the shot and adjust the timeline duration for you okay this next feature in the cut page is one of my favorites this is fantastic what we're going to do is go to our interview so bicycles have stories to tell they've carried people all over the place some of them have been through accidents so i'm just going to cut that out a little bit there will be people all over the place some of them have been through accidents right so let's just cut that so i'm going to press backspace we'll automatically trim that down and we've now got a cut so what we've got now is a cut in the middle of our interview so we're going to get a jump cut oh they've carried people all over the place so there's our jump cut so how can we fix the jump cut well we've got a few options and one of them is here is called smooth cut so if i just press this the smooth cut comes over here automatically and what davinci does now is tries to morph that cut together some of them okay so it didn't do a great job there so let's just extend the duration sorry reduce the duration and see if that looks any better married people all over the place uh some of them it's not great so i'm gonna undo that and that does work better if his head's not actually moving so much you can really get away with that it's a really good way of just fixing a jump cut um but the other way around it would be to do a little edit in here so i'm just gonna go forward miles left to travel and if we do a cut here so there's a scissors icon here we just cut that and a cheap way of doing this is you take your shot i'm going to go into the effects editor so there's a small effects editor in here and in here we've got transform we've got propping we've got audio mixing uh we've got the speed control we've got camera this allows us to stabilize shots very quickly and we've got this one which is dynamic zoom and we've got our composite blend modes here so i'm going to click on the transform tool and i'm just gonna scale in a bit and reposition that and now if we play back this edit it carried people all over the place uh some of them have you see because we've zoomed in you get away with the jump cut so that's one way of doing that now that was quite a lot of procedure to do that so i'm just going to undo all that so we've got our jump cut still all over the place so i'm just going to start the edit and i'm going to press this icon here and what that does is it puts a five second clip on top but already zoomed in it intelligently zooms into the image some of them have so without me having to do any manual transforming it's automatically matched the shot added five seconds to it and zoomed in not only that it does it intelligently it actually repositions the face to be in the correct position in the shot and if you're not happy with that you can highlight this go to your transform tool and you can make your own extra tweaks as well so that is brilliant that's called place on top people all over the place uh some of them have lots of miles left so next if you just want to add a dissolve or something like that or an effect to the timeline that's easy to do i'm going to take my master timeline viewer here let's scroll down to the beginning and let's put a dissolve between these two shots here and all you got to do is press the dissolve icon which is here and that's done that's a dissolve so straight through nice and easy if you want to adjust the duration just grab it down here if you want to change that to any other effect if you go to the effects here not effects but transitions here and you've got all the stuff that you're used to seeing so you could add to color if you want just drag and drop that on so you've got other things up here so you've got sync bin titles effects and i'm going to show you all that in a more advanced cut page episode as this one's getting a little bit long already but there is one other thing i want to show you now on the playhead itself if you right hand click you get these icons here and this one here is select everything to the right this selects everything to the left and this is add a transition point at where the playhead is so what i'm going to do is open up another timeline let's go to our media pool let's go to our sequences and i'm going to open up the one that we looked at at the very beginning which was our finished sequence and i'm just going to go to the end i'm going to right hand click on here and say everything to the right is selected i'm going to command c to copy and go back to my timeline i'm going to jump to the end and a command v and i've dropped that whole copied section of sequence into my current sequence that's really nice tool so that's right click on the actual playhead itself if you want to disable a clip you can highlight it just press d and that disables the clip so you're then revealing uh the track beneath it video one in this case so d to disable and enable now another thing on the cut pages you don't see the separate audio channels relating to the clips you can see a separate audio channel if you put music down for example which i'll do in a moment but if you want to mute any of the clips you can do so quite easily so let's just go over here so on this clip if we right hand click on it we can just press mute and that's now we're now not hearing the audio from that channel in the edit page you obviously see separate audio so there's the audio for that clip that we've just muted and so this is where you kind of come back to the edit page when you start doing your audio you'd be either be in the edit page or you'd be in the fairlight page so let's go back to the cut page i'm just going to grab a bit of music and i'm going to drop that down just show you what happens so with music you just drop it down here and i've now got an audio track running right the way through so it's a soundtrack it's miles too loud so we can go into our edit inspector here and we can click on the audio symbol here and this just does the whole clip just drops the level you can do that while it's playing if we go to the edit page you'll see that there there's the audio track back to the cut page and all we've got to do now really is export it out and the beauty of the cut page is it has this thing called quick export you just literally click on here choose the export that you want and we did cover this in the delivery page i did a whole episode on deliver so again i'll put a link to that in the description and you've got a more detailed view of how to use the quick export and of course you don't need to use the quick export you can also go to the deliver page and just deliver from there so i hope you enjoyed that episode and you have a good understanding now of how the cup page works and how it works with the edit page as well this episode came about because i was asked to do one in the comments so i do listen to the comments and i have delivered so drop me a comment let me know what you want in future episodes and i'll see what i can do also check out my facebook page which is killer tips davinci resolve there's a whole ton of tips and extra information in there also check out the episode i did a few weeks ago called sauce tape because that is part of the cut page and i didn't cover that specifically in this episode because i've already done an episode on it uh what else hit the subscriptions and also hit the notifications so you get there indicated when i've done my next episodes and look after yourselves and i will see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 65,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use resolve cut page, resolve cut page, resolve, davinci resolve, resolve17, killertips, how to use resolve, editing with resolve, learning resolve, tips for resolve, colour grading, color grading, killer tips, cut page, Resolve cut page, how to use the cut page in resolve, Resolve editing, beginners guide to resolve, davinci resolve17 cut page, Resolve cut tab, speed editor, speed editor tips, resolve speed editor, how to uise resolve cut page
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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