Live DaVinci Resolve Q&A + LUT & Title Giveaways!

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hello hi there can you guys hear me can you see me give me a seems good in chat that would be awesome let me know how's it going guys we were working out details here should be should be getting better right guys see and hear me let me know in the chat please great thank you alright let me go let me make sure I can see chat here all right nice I usually stream on Twitch guys so like streaming on YouTube is just just different enough to be miserable so glad so glad so glad you guys are here listen I'm not gonna lie you have to hit go live twice and I hit it once and apparently you have to hit it again which I'm not used to so that's what was going on I've been trying to ask you guys if I'm here for like five minutes but that's okay we're here now we're here now so guys thank you so much for being here this is so cool I love love hanging out with you guys I'm so excited we're gonna try and do a lot more live streams and man I I just really want to be able to connect with you guys more and answer any questions guys like remember I I don't know everything I know some stuff about resolve I use it a lot and so I'll do my best to answer whatever questions you have to help however I can in any aspect of post-production in resolve I'll give you my opinions those kind of things look not about works now probably because we're actually live yay [Laughter] but yeah so I'm really excited to kind of get to know you guys a little more because we're going to be doing more live streams so really kind of missing that connection just because you know when you put up a YouTube video it's like oh it's all and it's polished and everything but it's hard to actually kind of have that relationship over the internet so this is great yeah I know oh man thanks nightbot thanks Cheers from Brazil hey hey Felipe hey Kathleen hey Mike hey Konstantinos hey Randall hey Gregory hey Harry Kevin my Ron David at film media Maurice oh trom film Anthony hurricane hurricane Dave your name is hurricane Dave that's a cool name that's so cool man those look like happy little trees on your arm Bob would be proud Bob would be proud dude I love Bob Ross so much like I seriously watch Bob Ross so much it's amazing hmm new to DaVinci Resolve can you refer to me do a video where it explains how to create a text scroll going across the screen from right to left that's super easy we could totally do that here if you want to probably the easiest way to do that is in the Edit Page hello how long do you expect to be live for today a couple hours probably we'll probably head out about 11:30 or 11:45 or so Pacific time which college university do you learn suggest for learning film editing honestly I if I were going to do right now knowing what I know now but being in the position where I would want to go to school I would probably go to a community college just to get the the like working together aspect of it and I would learn the technical stuff online that's a short answer that's probably the way I would go just because you don't want to go into a bunch of debt on a school that will probably teach you the same stuff that you'll learn online the good thing about school in my opinion is learning how to work with people you know and doing doing group projects and things like that yeah we resolve 16 on Linux here man there's a there's a very nerdy part of me that wants to be amazing at like Linux and stuff and I have dabbled in it just a little bit but man it's just it's just past the threshold of convenience for me man I learned from you to use to mention resolved so cool so cool been editing my vacation video for a year how long have a vacation was it I hope it was a two-year of a vacation and you shot every day how to start as a beginning and beginner in industry first thing be nice to everyone be cool to everyone take whatever job you can get and practice practice practice because the more you practice the better you're gonna be trying to switch to Vinci from Premiere Pro hey I've been their best online course recommendation pay versus free it depends on how you learn honestly like the videos that I do are for generally I like I feel like when I want to learn something I want to just get the basics down and then jump in and try it you know and that's like where I try and make my videos from there are things like which will teach you every single little part of everything and so if you want to head get a really complete understanding of something like something like or like Skillshare I think has a couple classes that kind of stuff is good I know Alexis van hurkman has a lot of good stuff on resolve that's where I learned quite a bit a long time ago there's also some really good training from Denver riddle that guys awesome check him out - what are the average possibilities of the computer to run the program are you talking about like what how good of a computer you need for resolve generally I recommend like if you're gonna build a decent gaming PC that's about right get the best you know a pretty good processor you know like meat medium-high processor a lot of RAM and a really good graphics card right now I'm running a 1070 TI I believe yeah for the graphics card and then I have just like a cheap prop I think it's a forty seven seventy processor i7 it was like old and not the best processor like six years ago and it still runs pretty well but I have I think I have 32 gigs of RAM so that like decent Ram yeah so so that's what I would say is built like build a pretty good gaming PC and it'll run resolved pretty well I'm old I started out editing from one inch to one is real oh man respect Dennis respect happy to see you I live in Cyprus you look awesome hey thank you you look awesome too I like the way that your font appears on the on the screen just switched from premiere to DaVinci how does 3d tracking for text work with in DaVinci I haven't done it a whole lot I know that it it is really powerful but the few times I've tried it there have been kind of bugs and stuff or like it hasn't liked my footage or whatever that's something I want to get back into you and like practice a little more I know that it's supposed to work really well and when it does work it's amazing like it's just as good as you know something like what was it like synth I is it synth eyes that what it's called the the match moving it's pretty nice do you think it's a good time to start as a youtuber the good time to start as a youtuber is right now yep what what are you doing like what kind of YouTube videos are you talking about when do you make a tutorial about using the more advanced nodes that's a really big problem for several people Thank You Casey what which nodes like are you talking about nodes in the color page best resource for the true beginner who has never really worked with a video editor are you asking what the best resource is honestly there I mean there are quite a few just basic video editing tutorials which I wanted to ask you guys to is that something you'd be into like I gave a pretty basic very very basic video editing training at VidCon and I was thinking about making a video of that just for people who like don't know anything about video video post-production would you guys be into something like that I mean I know probably a lot of you are already into video production so have you done a lot of multicam work it and resolve ten cameras plus if it's so good want to move over from Abbott to resolve and stop the round-trip oh man I know there are a lot of improvements in resolve for multi cam I haven't done one with ten cameras I've done one with like five cameras and it works pretty well depending on what kind of footage you have and how fast your computer is and stuff but if you use optimized media and stuff I don't know honestly I haven't used that many multi cams so I've only done like a few little demos with multicam what job boards should I look for in terms of jobs that not specifically should I'm confused I don't know what that means you frame the paid version worth the money for the hobbyist use only no I mean it's worth it but I probably wouldn't spend the money on the full version unless you're really picky about stuff the biggest reason to upgrade in my opinion would be the the noise reduction noise reduction in resolve is insane you guys it's so good and it's fast it's really fast yep have you done a lot of multicam working okay I already did that your voice makes me you first to pay attention about how to use Frizzle oh man what's the difference between resolve free and studio in terms of performance I think the studio version uses more graphics cards so if you have multiple graphics cards that will use more resources like in a good way like it will take advantage of the resources that you have which is nice but I mean honestly the free version is so good you guys like I I would use the free version until you start running into things because it'll tell you hey this is this isn't in the free version this is the paid version if you keep running into that stuff consider upgrading but until then try the free version look out for confusion for professional fusion work yeah confusion is great yeah yeah what's the difference between let's see I want to cut the After Effects chords so bad I wish I could wrap my head around nodes I do have a few of your lower thirds by the way hey thank you so much for getting those that's awesome we have a we have more in the in the future coming out 4k content is 32 gigs of ram good enough yeah probably it depends on like if it's from like ugh 4 or gh 5 you might have a little more trouble than if it's like pro res what were the study courses he had mentioned I'm looking at the Holly catch one on em said Pro I don't know what that is I'm not familiar with that but I mean for specific recommendations I mean definitely check out my channel obviously just because I mean I'm biased but I feel like that's the training that makes the most sense to me is the kind that I make but yeah Denver riddle learn color grading calm super good if you're looking for color I'm happy with Dell t7 100 quad Xeon 16 gig ram and video Quadro k 2000 key is super fast SSD setup the whole thing cost about $1000 yeah that's probably pretty good system pc4 resolved AMD risin 3860 four games ran with a soos what what kind of graphics card CS coaching Lee I'm talking about splitter combiner notes yeah so what question then like why do you want to like why are you interested in those is it just for just for curiosity or do you have like a specific need for them main differences between resolve and premier the biggest thing biggest thing between resolve and premier is premier is just an editor resolve is like the entire adobe suite packed into one editor that's the biggest thing and it's free you know hey think mark thanks mark appreciate that for cane above renders is a big reason for studio yeah if you're delivering over 4k yeah that's probably a thing 16.1 is already released as non beta it was like a couple days ago a lot of my footage is long clips from which I want to use many different sections independently any suggestions on workflow and resolve yeah I mean I would bring it into the timeline and cut it up and and use those let's let's get into actually working with the program guys somebody asked me real quick about animating text to go by we'll do that real quick let me switch to my screen here so the easiest way to do that is probably just in the edit page if you're going to make some text so I'm going to go to effects library and I'm going to grab a title and just grab my text and I'll just drag it down to here something like that somebody's just wanting a basic like scrolling text and so the easiest way to do that if you go up to the inspector right here you should be able to this position thing right here oh yeah sorry guys let me highlight my cursor here you can just animate this position and that that would totally work so I'll just go to the beginning of our shot and I'll push the position x over quite a bit one thing that I don't enjoy too much is that this kind of jumps around let's do like mm this kind of jumps around like when you drag it to the right it's frustrating because it kind of jumps around what does my computer working on I don't know all right and then we can just take it like that you just drag that X make a make a keyframe right here you just click on this little diamond and then just drag the X and there and then an animates it across right so really simple so that's like the easiest way to to do that really quickly you know big thank you for helping out so much awesome running at RT x 2070 graphics card with 64 gigs ram and system runs really well yeah I imagine that's probably really good should I stick with windows movie maker no I wouldn't I mean unless your system can't handle something like resolve there's no reason not to try resolve guys like there's you know because it's it's free and as long as your computer's good enough I mean it's great which if you're wanting to do video you're gonna want to have a decent computer no matter what app you use you know what do I think of cinema grade cinema grades freaking dope and I love cinema grades great yep very very cool I'm excited for the future on that really enjoy your channel Casey thanks for all you do thank you guys by the way if I miss something in chat I'm sorry if you ask you a question feel free like and I don't answer it for a few minutes feel free to put it back on nobody's gonna be mad about that edit verse of the cut page are you using cut page now and resolve 16 yes okay so check this out let me let me show you the edit verse of the cut page this is something that's really confusing for people so the cut page is pretty much just made so that you can put things together really quickly it's all about speed and it kind of just tries to optimize the the interface to where you don't have to move around like zoom in and zoom out move stuff around as much so there is so it's basically just it's it's built to make so you don't have to like mess around with all that stuff and so up here in this timeline this is the fully zoomed out version of the timeline and so you can see your whole project from beginning to end up there that's like you know the map of the world right and then down here this view of the timeline is like the zoomed in view okay so that's the the magnifying glass on the map but it's the same timeline and so here if I need to go to the very end of my timeline I can just click once beginning click over here and then make some adjustments down here if I want to make like little adjustments right but in the Edit Page I have to I can move around like that but then I have to zoom in which here we go and if I want to I could like shift Z and then go around here shift Z and kind of move in like that but it's just a lot more moving around to do the same basic stuff and so that's kind of the big thought beat up behind having the cut in the Edit Page I do use the cut page quite a bit and what I usually use it for is assembling a basic edit generally if it's a visual edit that's what I find myself using the cut page for putting together a bunch of like this this whole this whole edit was built inside of the cat page right it's just it's some footage from our friends over at rah film brought out film and it's making a coffee and so this was all built in the cut page and it's just a really nice way to put together and edit like this it's something like a vlog works really well anything that's really visual works really well with a cut page there's also a lot of really cool like multicam stuff in the cut page syncing up multiple cameras and kind of doing multicam edits works really well in the cut page that kind of stuff is great if you want to get more detailed like with audio or you want to adjust how audio tracks work the cut page is a little awkward for that in my opinion at the moment but the cool thing is resolve shares a timeline throughout everything and so if you go to the Edit Page you can adjust your audio and get really really detailed with everything that you want in the same timeline and if you want to go back to the cut page you can just click back to the page that's really great so I actually find myself using it quite a bit I find it's more enjoyable to do edits in the cut page it's just when you run into things like wanting to do some more detailed adjustments I'll usually switch over to the to the Edit Page that make sense is there a good source for all note options explained in detail I think there are some videos on YouTube that explain all of them are you talking about color notes now everything's getting confusing because there's fusion nodes there's there's color nodes and they build notes into Fairlight what are we going to do okay let's see yeah and I did do a tutorial thanks for linking that Dan on a lot of I'm not sure if that's the notes in the I have one on color page and on fusion page you guys are mainly shooting black magic cameras and editing in DaVinci do shoot black magic raw I actually just we just got a pocket at 6k which is the first camera that we had that can actually shoot Blackmagic raw and so far I've just done a couple tests I haven't done a bunch of stuff with it so far it's unbelievable it's so good it's so good I did quite a bit I mean I did you know a few tests with it and I really really liked it it's really easy to play back it's raw I mean so you can adjust adjust although the raw color and everything really good really good but usually we shoot pro res if we're shooting a bigger something with the world has more footage we usually shoot pro res LT and it looks great you know there's kind of the technical side of things where raw technically looks better you know if you pixel peep right or like pro res HD or HQ alright ProRes 4444 44 it's alright gosh I can't remember that stuff I mean it technically looks a little better but for most projects I mean we use LT ya news pros LT do you prefer using optimized media if I have time to let it render through and use optimized media absolutely man it's so good yeah optimized media is great do you have a video on noise reduction settings no I don't but we can we can take a look at that if you want to but really I don't know a whole lot about it other than I just I click a couple little drop-down menus and I push it up until it until it looks cleaner I know that's a really basic we're like oh great so just apply it you know but but it is pretty easy I should do a video on that soon I assume you can use keyboard shortcuts are you talking about in the cut page you guys I've totally forgot to mention I have a resolved keyboard here check this out your next video should be on how to use the cut page yeah top page is really cool honestly I mean like I said I did a presentation at VidCon so I mean I could probably record one pretty quick so switching to resolve 16.1 I have a lot of instances where resolve will either vanish or will lock up is there a general suggestion for what I might look for make sure that your video drivers are updated that would be my first one the problem is usually either updating resolve or updating video drivers that's what I run into you sometimes I've found resolve 16.1 to be pretty pretty solid on my system still get a little bit a little crash here and there but it depends on what you cannot get familiar with the cut page guys if you want to we can spend some time in the cut page I really don't have an agenda I'm just kind of here to we'll just we'll just go wherever the the conversation late hey thank you so much for saying hi Martino love you to Toros thank you when did you get first get started a video editing what program I started with Windows Movie Maker and then Sony Vegas and then move to Final Cut 7 and I moved to Premiere cs5 and then all the way to CC and then about a year ago or so I switched over to resolve completely just move to assimilate scratch I've never used a simile scratch I know a lot of people like it actually confess master result following your tutorials thank you oh man let me see if I can catch up on chat here a little bit as intimidating as fusion is I'm more worried about Fairlight would you we be addressing it in the future I don't really plan on getting too far into fairlight just because it's so different like doing audio there's a lot of similar things but it's just it's such a deep world that I feel like you know resolves gone so many different ways I feel like I just need to concentrate on a couple different ways or else I'm just gonna go crazy you know do I stand up when working I stand up in here while I'm doing tutorials and stuff my main desk is is a as I sat down desk but but I I did work at a stand up desk for quite a while and I gotta say I worked faster definitely worked faster I was color grading a reality show and normally it would be you know like a full day to color grade like an episode of the the reality show depending on the episode and when I started at the stand-up desk it was like it was like five hours instead you know it was like a pretty decent jump when upgrading versions have resolved do you download the new Installer BMD or install a new instance uninstall the older one I usually just install it over it and it replaces it I'm a long time a user you took my hand and helped me across the road to the wonderful land of resolve hey that's so cool awesome it's hard to find tutorials on fusion can you help yeah I've done a lot of basic fusion tutorials it's funny because I feel like it seems like people have a hard time wrapping their head around fusion and so I make a basic tutorial and then everyone asks for an advanced tutorial you know and I'm like well but I thought you didn't wrap your head around it you know so I'm like I'm always in this like do I make a more advanced tutorial or should I make like a different side of like basic tutorials you know what I mean but we could definitely look at some fusion stuff here again I mean I'm learning fusion along with you guys I've played around with it a lot mostly on the graphics side just because I'm slow I'm a little more interested in the graphics side so like a lot of stuff that comes out with ground control or with my youtube channel will probably be graphics just cuz honestly I don't feel like I've ever been that great at VFX and I'm not super interested in it you know I mean it's cool but I'm like I don't want to go out and shoot plates for a bunch of stuff you know I just want to create stuff love the tattoo thank you do I feel the keyboard is worth $1,000 if you are doing work that is a really quick turnaround and you're doing it a lot I could see spending a thousand dollars on the keyboard it is really beefy like it feels amazing it feels like a thousand dollar keyboard it really does it feels like that could be in a professional office you know what I mean and so if it's something where like you're cutting together news absolutely absolutely get the keyboard hundred percent if you're doing like daily vlogs probably yeah if you're putting together a you know a vacation video every two months probably not you know what I mean and that's the same with a color surface it depends on what you're doing and how often you're doing it how fast it needs to be done and if you're getting paid for it too I mean if you're doing like your main job is creating fast videos yes what other work do I do other than YouTube I do live streaming and video production for a non-profit that's my main thing just built a Rison 39100 system and it's so very fast resolved great yeah we suck less man I was nerding out on some fusion stuff and I was all over that that website the other day all right let's see what else I'm new what's this channel about we uh we do post-production tutorials using DaVinci Resolve what microphone should I use to do voiceover but studio level if you're going to do actual voiceovers I would recommend something like like this this is just an audio technica it's like a hundred dollars just condenser mic and then get an interface I have a persona s' interface it's like $100 so a couple hundred bucks probably get you in the belt ballpark something like that that's what you'd want to get at least at least something like that is it possible to export is still with transparency you know I would love to know that I was trying to do that the other day and I couldn't quite figure it out there's probably a really easy way to do it there's probably something with a was like a saver note infusion I'm not I'm not familiar with that specific way to do things what's your view about nuke I've only used nuke just a little bit it seems pretty cool but I haven't really used it hey your videos are great people ask for advanced tutorial videos because your basics are so great Oh awesome well if that makes sense loving the notes both on the color grade color page and fusion awesome how do you sharpen footage in the free version oh man it's pretty easy I'll check it I'll show you here let me get ahead this honestly like I like to sharpen stuff in the color page and so we'll grab like this guy's face okay there are some fancy controls for sharpening honestly most of the time I just use it as default so like down here the fifth icon over is called blur and right now this is on blur mode but it's like it's kind of confusing there's a bunch of different nodes but they all do the same thing and they just unlock different settings here and so what I'll do to sharpen is I'll just mouse over this radius and just roll it down a little bit with my mouse wheel and usually like 47 like 0.47 is pretty good you know if you over sharpen it something like this it's starting to look bad that's it point for one I know that's like not the most pro advise but honestly that's what I do most of the time is just roll down to like four seven four four maybe depending on if the footage is really blurry you could also mask this and like just mask his face to make it or maybe just mask his eyes you know but like that's that's probably what I do most of the time and most of the time like if you have footage that's like shot on maybe a GoPro or some camera where you like turn down the sharpening putting like a point four seven sharpen on it looks pretty good looks pretty good explain the keyboard okay sure keyboard is this is the resolved editor keyboard and I've only had this for a few days but so far it's pretty cool it's pretty cool I'll show you kind of how it works here hopefully my system is being nice to me it's kind of acting a little strange today but so like I just dragged something down here to make sure our settings are good and stuff so on this keyboard this is pretty much designed for the cut page up here there's source and timeline and that switches in between your footage up here in the media pool and the timeline and so I can move through my footage with this jog wheel and I can quickly just go through like all of the footage that I have and and preview it move it back and forth and set my ins and outs to make my edit right so if I were going to do something like yeah there's a little error where it says the media is offline it's not really that's a little bug I think but so like let's say I wanted to grab this this clip right I can set the in and the out using these buttons over here so in and then move over yeah that's like really usually it's a lot more snappy I don't know what's going on I don't know why it's crazy but okay and then these buttons up here these are your edit buttons basically so like you know where is it right here in the cut page these are different buttons to add whatever clip that you have selected to your timeline in different ways so there's a pendent end there's insert there's a bunch of different ways that you can add stuff but with the keyboard all of those just exist right here so I can append to end and that will just you see it'll just put that in the timeline right so then I can keep going through my source footage with the scroll wheel here with the jog wheel and set a new in-and-out something like that and hit append and keep going through whoo that's good yeah something like that and select whatever footage I want and I can quickly build an edit like this yeah something like that and now I can switch back to Timeline with that button and I can go through my timeline and we can see the Edit so it's a really quick way to assemble edits you know what I mean and so I built like like I said I built this other timeline where is it here it is so I built this edit you know which is really basic edit but I built that using the keyboard in the cut page and I gotta say if nothing else it's really fun it makes it really enjoyable because you never really have to grab the mouse it's all about just your keyboard and you can really just look at your screen and if I mean if you can kind of feel your way around the keyboard you don't really need to you don't really need to grab the mouse and like adjust things you don't really need to look down you can just look at your footage there's also these buttons over here and these will adjust different things in the timeline so like I can grab the nearest out and trim that and the nearest end man my system struggling dude I don't know what that's about it's probably because I'm doing a livestream and that is really frustrating so I gotta see what is going on it's about oh it's because my magnifiers oh I think that's why seems to be maybe a little better now I'd like a weird and if I are something going on that's weird anyway so that's kind of the idea is you can go through and adjust clips in the timeline just using the scroll wheel and kind of holding down some of these buttons and so I can like you know slip and slide things all kinds of things just using these controls on the keyboard and it's like a lot of the controls that you would normally grab with a mouse just on the keyboard it's kind of like a color surface but for editing super cool I really really like it so I mean I'm really impressed with it I think it's really cool yeah you should be able to watch this back later uy around the world is there a recommendation for a workflow for doing short news videos bring in short videos and images with different transitions the way I would do it is build the audio first build the voiceover and then go and put the b-roll over it that's what I would do will you hire me if you like my work I'm also I'm 20 if I were in the mood it like if I were in the market to actually hire people I would certainly look at your your work and stuff but I'm not really so yeah sorry do you calibrate your display for web and YouTube videos if so what standard do you use your to display and do you use to displays I generally use one display just because it works better with resolve there's no like there is a to display thing but I don't know I found it kind of problematic so I don't really like it and yeah I do calibrate it with a I don't think I have it but it's a it's just like the I one display right color checker thing that probe and I use a utility called disc Cal D is PC al disc Cal so yeah and usually I will calibrate to 7:00 709 because most of the time well most the time it's for for broadcasts like or for you know somebody's movie or something if I'm if I'm color grading it but anymore a lot of the stuff I'm doing is is for YouTube so you know I always check it on other monitors and step to you I'm honestly probably not super super Pro as far as monitor calibration and stuff I kind of do a basic calibration and I make sure to check it on a couple monitors but there are there are people who know a lot more than of that than I do for rotoscoping what would you choose fusion versus mocha I know a fusion can do a lot of good stuff mocha is pretty awesome though I haven't done a lot of an infusion I know that some people really like fusion for it for rotoscoping but I've used mocha for rotoscope and quite a bit and it's really nice what monitors you I recommend for video editing whatever you can get an IPS monitor though because the that has consistent color like if you look at it from different angles and stuff that's a big deal just the nicest monitor you can afford basically and make sure it's an IPS will you be doing any videos on the collaboration part of resolve maybe eventually we have we've talked about doing that like with our studio trying to make the calibrate or the collaboration stuff worked we tried it for like an afternoon once and I couldn't figure it out and I probably need to read the manual you talking about keying or pulling keys in the color patient fusion page paid in studio version sure so really in fusion it's pretty complex like if you're doing it like a green screen key there's quite a bit to go through which I don't really have any footage ready for that we could maybe next time if that's something you guys want to I can try and find some footage to to key in the color page I mean it kind of depends on if you're like talking about removing a chroma key you can do that in the color page but it's you know it's not it's not really the the greatest way to do it but the basics of a key are all the same it's selecting a group of colors and making an adjustment to that group so like if I wanted to let's find something that would actually make a difference here yeah let's say this yellow part on this guy's shirt maybe I want to change that let's say so what I could do is grab a qualifier on his shirt which is basically just if I go to this second second little section here in our middle behind the curves there's a little eyedropper and then just go up on the screen and just click and drag and now if I go up to this little button here this is the highlight button click on that and then we can see this is what's selected and I can adjust I can adjust my selection down here with these sliders and basically you just need to play with these sliders until you get a good key and that's true for anything if you're doing a green screen it's like the same thing you just be selecting the green screen and then it would be deleting it and so now that I have that selected I can adjust that independently so if I want to change the color I can just grab this hue down here and just rotate it and change the color of his shirt so that's really basics of keying it's selecting a bunch of colors and adjusting them or if you're doing a green screen is deleting them and then there's things like noise reduction and like working with edges and stuff which is really probably outside of the scope of what I'm prepared for today but but it's really interesting and you there's definitely good and bad ways to do it yeah add film media yeah on the keyboard it's a jargon shuttle wheel and you can change it between jog and shuttle and I like the jog wheel because I can really just feel exactly where it is on the Edit whereas I feel like the shuttle wheel and I'm not somebody who's used to shuttle wheel a lot you know I'm not really familiar with it but you know you can play it back and forth and it's cool because there's a little electronic I think they call it a clutch in here and what it does is it like snaps to a certain place and you can kind of hear it which is really interesting but it's kind of like for me I have a hard time setting it to the right speed again just because I'm not that familiar with like shuttle wheels and stuff and so I usually like to do this and if I want to play it back full speed I just hit spacebar you know to me resolve is acting a bit strange after the 16.1 release anyone else having issues I mean there's always like little bugs and kind of strange things that happen I haven't noticed like noticeably more issues now let's see I have a faint recollection of setting something about using an iPad alongside an Apple computer with things such as wheels are you talking about a color surface that is on your iPad if so that is the that is the tangent it's by tangent it's like a tangent app and I have used that before really the idea of a color surface is where you don't have to touch it or you don't have to look at it you can just feel it which doesn't really work on an iPad so like it doesn't I don't feel like it's that useful it's kind of cool and it's kind of cool to be able to adjust two things at once but you really have to like look down at it and be sure that you're touching the exact same like the exact place that you're supposed to to control is there a way to include open effects on a let know a lot is really big I mean it all it does is remap colors it doesn't do anything fancy like that if you do open effects that would have to be on like a power grade or some kind of preset or something any tips for working on audio in the fusion tab yeah I mean I can give you kind of a little idea of what I usually do sorry guys I'm getting over a cold really um oh wait audio on the fusion tab I've heard a lot of people kind of complain that you don't get audio i I don't know I mean I haven't really ran into that because I haven't been syncing up stuff with audio and the things that I've been doing with fusion usually what I'll do is if it's something that's going to be synced up with audio I'll make like one clip like I'll make it as a short clip and then I'll edit the clips together in the Edit Page to the audio I got to go we'll watch the rest later do let us know if it's possible to reframe 360 footage I don't really know much about that I'm sorry there's probably a way to do that but I don't know how to do that can you show please start creating what what do you you could ask that a little nicer do you have a specific idea on what to what you would like to see I like having the scopes oh gosh up on the second display while I'm editing like the color scopes I think it's worth getting Boris effects for DaVinci I'm not super familiar with Boris effects I've used them a little bit it depends on what you're doing if there's a specific one it might be worth it but I know that da Vinci has a lot of built-in things does the keyboard feel like a quality mechanical keyboard and how about the drug shutter wheel does it have weight to it absolutely it's it's super quality super good I had a hundred percent never call this dinky at all it's it feels really good title and let give give aways we should probably do a giveaway we're trying to figure out we were gonna use nightbot for that oh I guess nightbot is probably working huh so Dan if we could set up a giveaway that would be really great and what we'll do is we'll have a a keyword that you guys put in chat and that will enter you two into a drawing and the winner can either pick our fusion titles for editors pack from ground control or any let pack you want okay so that's what we'll do so Dan Barnard media that's my buddy Dan helps me with everything and he will he will tell you how to enter and what what what to enter so let's see just tuned in but would like to know if I need to install fusion to use stabilizer no are you talking about just like the camera stabilizer no you don't need to install fusion separately from resolve at all to use anything and resolve and the camera stabilizer is actually the one from the color page I believe in the edit and cut pages do green screen tutorial where you have glass in theme of trouble green screening when holding a glass oh man yeah that would be experience that would be uh that would be rough yeah maybe we'll do some green screen tutorials sometime guys what do I suggest to get industry experience work on your own projects as much as you can make a ton of stuff because even if nobody's paying you to do it take a week like on your weekends make the best things that you can and put them any real so that you can show people that you know what you're doing and work on stuff for free honestly that's that's the way to get experience and to get connections and stuff is there a way we can do a quick mask in the Edit Page or any plugin without going to fusion or a teller page you can uh you can crop stuff but not like a mask no and really there's no reason not to I here's the thing like there's not really a reason to not go to the other pages because honestly like it's just not that big of a deal the only part that's difficult is just getting familiar with the interface you know and so something like let me show you so like let's say we wanted to mask this guy for whatever reason right we could go to the color page and I could make a circle right all I have to do is just click on that circle and let's see oh my gosh I forgot how to do that yeah can I I do that clips and selects there's a way mmm well now I'm eating my words I thought it was easy cases I forgot how to do that specific part but like what specifically would you mask in like the Edit Page are you talking about like a like I feel like a lot of the things that you would do would be easier to do in the other pages anyway you know what I mean best way to audio sync and resolve oh man when you go to the media page of course I don't have any audio I didn't really plan on doing audio stuff huh but what you can do is if you have and I do this all the time like if you have a separate audio and you have your camera you can select them both like this and just right click and I don't know if it'll pop up because of because these aren't audio but there's an option that says odd auto sync by waveform I think is what it's called and it will just automatically sync your audio with your video and it will replace the audio track in your camera so you can just bring your camera in with synced audio it's so good it's like it it's really good guys to use edit or cut workspace the most I use cut probably a little more than edit I use edit to adjust things that I can't adjust and cut but for the most part I for like the main first few passes of editing I'll use the cut page because you can do a lot in the cut page and it's just it's honestly just a nicer experience for me even though it's less familiar than like if you if you're coming from premiere the Edit Page is going to make a ton of sense right but the cut page even though it's a little different it's really nice to be able to edit in the cut page because you can jump to anywhere you want in your sequence it's just like I don't know it's just optimized for speed and it feels like really just clean to me I really like it a lot or they're making more keyboard shortcuts to jump between pages for example from cut to edit yeah there are keyboard shortcuts I don't usually use them but there are there are some I forget what they are but yeah you should be able to google that we should say a program like PluralEyes would be unnecessary uh yeah pretty much PluralEyes would probably do a lot better job with like a hundred different Clips you know like a huge sequence but resolve for like basic stuff I mean for like if you have a couple cameras like a couple takes yeah it's no problem no problem so you know when you make a fusion clip on the Edit tab and then click splines icon thing is there a way to resize the window that shows the points sometimes the points fall outside of the area super easy check this out so like hmm let's just grab anything let's grab this guy fusion so this person is asking like if you're animating something let's say like maybe this text coming in right and guys if you want to stay in fusion for a little bit and talked about fusion we can totally do that I'm just I'm looking at this specific question so like this is some dude right and he's gonna come in at about this point this is the world's greatest graphic I know but let's say this flies in like that okay so we have that that text flying in this person's asking when you go up to the spline panel click on spline and go down here you can click on whatever is going on and sometimes see if we can move this to a place that makes less sense sometimes it pops up and you can't see any of the control points and it sucks right and you're like oh well now I could just have to freakin like move around like crazy like this and try and find the points and it's miserable there's a button right here and this is called zoom to fit click that and that will zoom all of those points exactly where you want and then you can select that and I can't have to flatten that out so it's this button right here that's your friend man that is uh that's definitely your friend show me how that easy as ease text in and out from left to right infusion how come and slow down and then whoosh OH in and out yeah you do the same thing you would just like do another keyframe see if I can grab this yeah and just move it over here see this and then you would just flatten that out like that so this is the same thing okay of course it's really fast but you get the idea so it can go shoot like that this is why I edit my tutorials guys because I mess up like 50 times and I'm like nope this is the right way to do it but that's how you do it is is you just set all your keyframes and then flatten the middle one when is it better to use curves instead of sliders in the color grading like contrast or saturation curves let me show you curves just general it the short answer is it doesn't it's whatever you want to do it doesn't really matter hey did the giveaway work or no if it's not working okay Dan's working on another way alright no problem we are going to be giving away some stuff worst case I'll just tell somebody I'll just tell you to say like something in chat and the first person to say it or the third person to say it or something will we'll win sometimes nightbot acts crazy guys BOTS a bot that interacts with chat and sometimes it just don't work hey thank you for that sub appreciate that okay so yeah so when you would use a curve really like the way I think about it is currents just give you more control right so you can adjust like your contrast right and oh wait I'm keyed here huh huh looks like why isn't it working you can adjust your contrast and that'll probably get you about where you want to be right but you have a lot more control using the curves right so you can adjust your contrast yourself using the curves and have kind of a visual way to look at it and you can even adjust the roll-off of those highlights and stuff which you can do through sliders but it's just a more visual way to do it they do the same thing is any fast rotoscoping infusion like rotobrush in a EE I don't believe so at this time how does only why Channel and why RGB behave why Channel is just is just the luminance channel and so the way I think about it is if you want something to look a little more stark you can mess with the Y Channel and it doesn't mess with saturation some people really like to use the Y channel to set their contrast because it doesn't affect their saturation so like if I were to grab this gain master wheel and push this up you know I could bring down the lift and then look at my image you know it looks alright probably needs a little bit of saturation right but it's pretty good whereas if I did this just with the Y which I got to remember how to do that exactly I think it's all ya alt hold down alt and do the same thing on the sliders and look how stark that looks like it doesn't boost the saturation and so it kind of gives you more control like alright I want to add exactly this much saturation into it it's personal preference do you use open effects plugins I used to use a what's it called Josh Oh neat video I used to use neat video quite a bit before I got the studio version of resolve and there are quite a bit of open effects plugins inside of resolve which are really cool but you know like some of them it kind of depends like there's there's all kinds of blurs and everything and that's something you'd probably have to just play with there's a ton of stuff there's just a ton and some of them are really cool and can do some really really fancy things but it's not so I mean it depends on what you're doing you know like if you're looking to you know add a lens flare or like you know add light rays and stuff like that absolutely it's great you have a darker image on 16.1 that's strange is there a way to have a preset so that you have say four nodes in the color panel for example I always start with four nodes one exposure white balance contrast yeah holy check this out so under color I'll just reset this easy way to do it I'll just add add a couple serial notes so like you have these four nodes right right click on your image right here and just say grab still and that will put a still right here and it's not only a still but it's also just a preset so if you want to start with four nodes on everything you can whatever shot you're on you can go up here in just middle button mouse click and it'll add those four nodes and you know you can you can have a grade already built into that if you want to but that's a quick way to do it have you been using 16 since beta yes is there any node to adjust the opacity or a blend mode yes I don't know yeah there is blend modes in a like a layer node but really like when you're talking about like let's say let's say you have just a super crazy orange push right you can go to I think it's the third icon from the right here that's called key and there's a little slider called key output gain that's basically the opacity or the strength of your node and so whatever is happening in that node you can just globally kind of turn down by grabbing this and dragging it to the left and then look what happens it kind of fades that out so the cool thing is you can put a lot or you can put a lot or you know a super harsh color grade or some kind or sharpening something like that and you can turn down that gain and it'll just dial it back a little bit that's a great way to kind of put something on really strong and just dial it to taste that's especially good if you have like a client somebody that you're you're working with it isn't really sure what they want and they're like oh yeah man I I want this I want this to look like the matrix you know and so you do your initial grade which this shot is already kind of green but you know you do your initial grade right and it's just balance this out a little more and then you have your next next look on it and it's a very very contrast e very kind of green looking thing right and they're like oh yeah that's too much well you can go to your key output and just drag that game down and it's like okay how much crazy do you want just a little bit there's a little bit of crazy it's a really nice way to work you use color space transform no not usually most of the things I do I just kind of do by hand which might not be the best way to do it but like I don't have a whole lot of experience with like resolved color management or aces or any kind of thing like that just because I feel like it's it's it's more confusing and problematic than just doing it myself already you know what I mean like I said that's probably not the most efficient way to do it I just haven't looked into that stuff as much let's do it to get away for now okay so here's here's what it is we're going to do a kind of a not the most ideal way to do a giveaway all right but we do to give away some stuff here and we can't get our nightbot thing to work so we're gonna do it this way so arm your key keyboards and get ready to type and the first person to write the following in all caps and put it in chat and the first person that that shows up on my chat cuz sometimes things are in different order but the first one that pops up on my chat is going to be the winner you understand it might be different for you but I promise I'm not going to play favorites you guys good okay the word to type in chat to win a free lut pack or fusion titles pact from ground control will be the first one to type puppy in all caps puppy Pupp why puppy I like the guesses those are amazing alright Jacob Jacob Victor Jacob Victor whoa ha ha ha is it crazy that's awesome Jacob Fichte is the winner guys thank you so much we are gonna do a couple more drawings guys don't worry in fact let's do another one right now okay so Jacob Victor will you please email me please email me that's a Casey CA se y at rth if you need help messaged and bernard media okay alright let's do another one I know some of you have a delay this is this is not the very best way to do it and I'm sorry guys okay how about this we'll do it we'll do this I don't want to count okay the fifth person the fifth person to show up on my chat to type the following word in all caps the fifth person will win okay fifth person down on my chat to type chicken chicken CH IC ke n chicken fifth person man it's hard to see the two three four five okay I think that's Brian that right Dan if you could count that that would be awesome it looked like it was Brian though yes good job Brian man manone I'm at least 40 seconds too late I'm so sorry v this too little delay well I don't want to I don't want to count a bunch guys we are going to be doing this on a regular basis and we hope to have nightbot working we thought it was working but as being done what can we do that won't be dependent on delay then hmm on my screen it's me oh gosh I'm so sorry like I said guys this is not the best way to do it that's just how we how we can do it for now why not using a third-party page to do that we just we need to set it up that's all alright guys let's get back into some more questions guys I still have still have a little bit of time here oh dang I just got some news from waifu oh that is going to adjust my life quite a bit so I already knew this but my wife is pregnant we're going to have a baby soon but apparently it's starting so not like super it's starting very very very slowly crazy so I don't have to go right now but later today we're going to be changing a lot of stuff around wow I did not expect that so yeah congratulations right do you cut okay for for real though I'm not just delaying it like it's a there are many technical reasons why it's a very very slow process okay so please believe me if it were a like oh she's having the baby I'd be like see you guys it's just a like she has to come home like she's gonna come home and like we're gonna pack stuff up and we're gonna go yeah don't worry guys I promise it's not like that without explaining a million things because of some technical things we'll be going to the hospital probably tonight yeah cool right name the baby fusion I hope so time to turn in the dude card alright so like I said it's not urgent it seems like it would be urgent but it's not so I have time for some more questions if you guys want to again if I missed your question please just post it again chat is every question takes long enough to where the questions are gone by the time I get back to chat so name the baby puppy chicken so yeah if there's other stuff you guys want to talk about please please post it in chat and we'll talk about it skin softening that's right okay so there's a couple ways and again I'm not an expert on skin softening I haven't done a ton of it but what I'll generally do is a way to do this is select the skin with the qualifier so I'm gonna do just kind of a basic grade on this shot first I'm just so we can see it I'm just bringing down the lift bringing up the gain bring down the game a little bit bring up saturation a little bit okay very basic great to make a new cereal note and now I'm going to qualify the skin that means I'm just gonna select it with the the qualifier and I'll just drag across his face like this and we can see what I've selected here and then we can just adjust this a little bit you know widen it out a little and we can kind of get I'm just wanting kind of the actual skin part and once we get a decent selection here I can go down to this part right here and clean the black clean the white this is just kind of basic qualifying all I'm really trying to do is get a pretty good selection of the skin and if there's other stuff in the background it's not going to matter a whole lot okay because I'm gonna limit this with a window so I'm gonna go here to my windows palette and grab like a circle and I can just select his face like this and we'll just hit ctrl T track that forward track the back we're just for just for giggles something like that and I'll turn off my highlight and so now we have just his skin selected okay which is that's what you have to do when you do skin softening anytime that there's like a plugin that just softens skin you don't have to do all that it's because it's doing all of that under the hood it's making a qualifier for the skin so I'll zoom in here so we can take a look a great way to do this is just with the blur palette there is a setting called mist and you can just boost up the radius a little bit and that kind of starts to blur now let's see if we can see it kind of starts to blur his skin a little so that that is a way that you can do it and again you have to adjust the the qualifier a little bit because it's kind of getting into obviously like it's blurring other stuff and this might be just blurring it too much right but you can see kind of the difference when you turn off and on it kind of starts to blur those parts of his skin a little bit so that's a way to do it again it takes a lot of tweaking a lot of messing around and and also I'm not an expert at that but it's generally qualifying the skin limiting it with a window tracking it and doing some kind of blur on it is the keyboard worth it if you do a lot of if you do a lot of quick turnaround work on a regular basis I think it's worth it yet is there a way to resume a paused render um I I don't I don't remember if you can can you pause it can you pause a render so if I were going to I think you just have to cancel it I don't think you can pause it maybe you can hmm I'm not sure on that I'm sorry best playlist to learn resolve I would definitely check out my resolve 16 crash course that's the best thing I can put together to teach resolve in the quickest amount of time how come the fusion clip has ended empty when I come back to it still looks the same on the edit page but the notes are gone I think what it will do is close the diffusion clip and you might have to just reopen it from the from the timeline sometimes or from the media pool when color grading a lot of clips do you color correct all and apply a look in the end to all so if you're color grading a bunch of Clips like let's see um gonna get get rid of this get rid of this fusion comp here you know there's a way to do it I don't think so I forget but there's a way to just get rid of the fusion comp that's attached to that sorry so what I'm trying to do is so like if you have a group of clips let's say putting a lot of clips do you color correct all and then apply look in the end to all oh so like color great each one yeah generally that's what you'll do what I'll do for the most part is I in in passes and so the idea is to make every shot look good by itself and then you put a look over it okay so for instance what you can usually do is cheat a little bit and so I'll just do kind of a basic grade on this shot right and so it's just kind of contrast in saturation a little bit of balance in the shadows and again if you guys have any questions if I'm moving too fast please let me know there's like kind of a mix of experience here and so I want to make sure that everybody gets something out of this and so like here's a basic grade let's say and what I'll usually do is copy that grade on to other shots and see if it looks good because if it looks good then I don't really have to do anything but then I can adjust adjust like how each shot looks and man my system is running slow dude I don't know what it's about like I said it's probably just because there's people watching yeah that's usually what it is but yeah so like you try and get every shot looking decent by itself get it all looking good and you'll notice this isn't like a creative grade or anything it's just making it look nice and poppy just how it is and once you get everything kind of looking decent again normally I would take a little more time on this but let's just bring this down a little you get everything looking good how it is and then what I'll usually do is make a creative grade that goes on top of that you could do that a few different ways you could add them to a group in the color page but what I like to do is go back to the Edit Page and under effects here there's adjustment clip you can put an adjustment clip it sorry guys I'm gonna put an adjustment clip over a bunch of different clips in the Edit Page switch back over to color and you can grab that adjustment clip and make a look on that adjustment clip like let's say we want to kind of desaturate it maybe make it a little bit warmer right you can make a look just on that adjustment clip and that will go over all of the shots and so that's a really nice way to work and kind of keep things separate and it's also more visual in the Edit Page if I don't like that look or I don't want that look on certain clips I can just move the adjustment clip right that's a great way and that that is new in resolve 16 I believe resolve was an arm wrestler how strong would it be very strong very strong it would need it would need enough protein shakes though you got to have a powerful computer but if you do this is powerful okay let's see what's the best way to learn making visual effects or maybe motion graphics in fusion visual effects honestly I don't feel like there's I don't feel like there's a lot of resources out there I would love to teach visual effects but like I said I'm not super into them like I like them but I'm not I don't like them enough to like dive super deep and learn all of the things that it would take to be really good at that I do like motion graphics though and we are going to be diving into more of a motion graphic stuff in fusion on this channel but I have a few like basic fusion tutorials definitely check those out and we can kind of look at some stuff today if you guys want to if there's a few people interested in making graphics in fusion can you create effect presets in resolve I think so let me think is that right it depends on the page like if it's just an effect I want to say like you can make presets in color you can also make presets in fusion you can do presets for tracks and Fairlight but like as far as making an effect preset I'm not a hundred percent sure there's probably a way to do it I haven't happened to try that recently how to use a logo as a map to manipulate the colors of another clip so you're talking about like if you had a logo on top of a piece of video and everything that's under the logo is like black and white right that's what you're talking about you could do that a few different ways you could load a mat into the color page again gosh it's been a long time since I've done that I can try and like turn through that if you guys want me to you but generally you would make your adjustment I mean let me see if I can maybe do something let's see you would have to load a external mat probably or you could just do it in the fusion page pretty easily so like if you're going to be pretty easy you can definitely do it in color too but like let's say this is going to be like the same deal right so like let's say we had text over a background and the text was logo okay this isn't obviously a logo but it will work the same hmm let's find something [Music] something good okay here's our logo we can do something like let's just grab a merge node we can merge this media over itself and we can use this logo as a mask and should be able to I might have to switch a setting because I'm not exactly sure if this is going to work or not but we should be able to put like a color correction node here this is foreground and do something like bring down the saturation and for our Matt we will change this to luminance yeah so let's grab this so you can kind of see it but it's working so that's kind of the idea right and so really what you would do is load your logo in and again like if you're not familiar with with Fusion that's probably slightly confusing but really what we're doing is this media and this is our original video and then we're color correcting it two different ways and we're merging it over itself all right so it's kind of like a layer over itself this is our logo and we're using the black and white from this logo let's see if we can use this we're using this black and white logo to tell that layer where to where to appear so it only appears on the white that's how you would do it like in fusion it's very similar in the color in the color page what you would do is load a mat into the color page which you can Google how to do that and you can use that as the Alpha input for a for any node basically so I hope that makes sense I hope that that's not too crazy but but that that's generally idea is you put a layer on top of itself with a mat that's the logo all right let's see oh great I can scroll this way that's much better is there a way to allocate a certain amount of RAM to focus solely on resolve like with Adobe there might be in the settings I I kind of get confused with between Adobe and resolve sometimes to you preferences should be under system memory and GPU yeah you can adjust stuff right here same same deal pretty much the same deal thanks Francine my questions I find your channel very useful thank you how do you deal with skins and apply an adjustment clip to several Clips how do I deal with skins are you talking about like skin skin tones like grading skin tones and adjustment clip to several Clips yeah you just put it over over the several clips like we did earlier can i ungroup a fusion clip break it apart to start over oh you mean like if you make a fusion clip inside of the edit page sorry what can you create tools like a preset Elkader J cut I don't think so but I'll tell you one one quick way to do that we need some audio to actually make this work let me see if I can just grab something do-do-do-do-do I'll grab some kind of music sure okay so if you have your audio let's say you have your your audio here and then let's link these okay so you have your audio in your video right and they're linked a cool thing is if you hold down alt you can adjust just one of them and so if you want to make a L cut or a J cut it's really easy to grab that even if you're in link selection mode that's something I use all the time especially like with transitions if you want to grab an audio transition and fade it but you don't want to fade the video you just hold down alt and select it that's really really a nice way to work I want to say thanks for your efforts your tutorials have helped me out plenty thank you color planes too is a transition of photos studio is possible to replicate this effect in DaVinci Resolve I'm not familiar with that effect it's probably possible can you show how to work with the printer lights hotkey yeah is that something generally the idea is I mean I've used it a little bit let's see if we can let's see if we can make that work yeah let's reset this the idea is and I think I have to go to workspace it's a workspace color you have to turn it on printer light hotkeys okay so you should be able to yeah what you can do is on your computer you can actually adjust just on your regular keyboard you can adjust some color controls based on printer lights which is kind of a way that they used to do color honestly I don't know a whole lot about it other than it's it's like buttons to adjust either the RG or B values and so like red is 7 like to boost up red 7 and down is 4 and then green blue so you can adjust things like that and that's a really cool way if you just want to you know do some basic balancing using those things it just uses the offset though so it's not like you can adjust the game it's just like for really big like if you have your white balance way off you might want to adjust it that way and you can kind of get a decent balance with that there I'm sure a lot more experienced people in chat they're like I used to use actual printer lights and I know about them and that's really cool but yeah from what I understand that was that's based on some kind of a legacy way of doing things I have a quite beefy PC thread Ripper 2920 right now in 64 the PC still studies stares a lot when checking the processor and GPU far away from being maxed out hmm [Music] gah 5 x264 that could be that could be a thing yeah I mean it depends on what you're editing really it depends on the kind of footage you're working with but yeah I'm not sure exactly why that's happening don't know if 360 degree videos are supported like Premiere within both and out on not sure I haven't worked a lot with 360 video I'm trying to think if that's a thing I don't remember I'm not able to drag files from Windows into resolve I have ran into that and I'm trying to remember why that was it's probably because they're not supporting it depends on what usually it's because it's not supported like it's some codec that result doesn't understand but if it's something like a basic movie or something I'm not sure why that's the thing 360 video supported infusion with no plugins oh there you go computer specs are I think it's like a 4770k i7 processor that I got a long time ago 32 gigs of ram 1070 TI graphics card SSD sorry I wasn't explicit the question is how do you deal with skin tones and individual Clips when you apply a color grade to several Clips well if you're doing like a look over multiple Clips then yeah you have to probably adjust that individually under that look I mean it really depends on the situation it's hard to just say in general but you know you can always do things like isolate the skin tone you know if you if you're not using like an adjustment layer over things which we can switch out of that so I mean if there's something like let's say I'll make a layer node so you can do something like just isolate these skin tones right and you can kind of get aid I mean normally you would you would take a lot more time and get a good selection but you can select that and then adjust adjust things under that you know like if you want to have kind of a cooler feel like that then it just keeps those skin tones intact so that that is a way to deal with them sometimes you can just hold out those skin tones from whatever look if you think it's messing stuff up it's the easiest way for you to flight all of them from the same camera and you can filter yeah it's for you too yeah you could totally do that is it recommended to upgrade to Windows 10 I use Windows 10 I think it works really well I'm running a 1080 and I absolutely chug with doing any sort of titles yeah I think that's just fusions thing fusion titles and stuff the they're just a little they do take a lot of power and sometimes don't playback real well you usually have to cash them and my I haven't seen a system that plays them back super well the first time you know what's my experience with multicam editing and resolve it's pretty awesome it's pretty good I have a multicam sequence we can bring up here that might help okay so this is some footage from black magic and this is cool like in in the cut page this is really neat the cut page works with multiple angles really well it will automatically kind of sync things up based on timecode and it will also you can also sync things up based on audio waveform but it's really cool because like if I want to say cut to a different camera here like when this fire starts I can go and find a different angle so like the stove cam let's say I can go and find a different angle you know what's cool is I can even hit F on the keyboard and that will bring me right to where I am at in the timeline and I can set my enemy out right and the cool thing is that if I want to put this this clip over that clip is like a second camera there's this button right here this one source overwrite source overwrite looks at the like how the clips are synced up and it will put it in the timeline completely synced up so check this out like if I go back here it's completely synced up and like I didn't have to do anything I didn't sync these up or anything they're just in in the sequence and it automatically finds out how to sync them up and puts it in the right place it's pretty cool another cool thing is the sync bin click over to there that basically makes a multi-camera sequence for you based on what's in the in the media pool and you can limit it to like things only in one folder or whatever so it's cool because you can kind of go through this just like a multi-camera sequence and in place place your different clips and stuff what's really cool is when you have the keyboard you can actually just move through and find something that's really interesting let's say like here on camera 2 you can see she kind of puts down that little bowl I can take right here and just hold down to and then roll to the right and it paints that clip in check this out it paints that clip in and so then I can just keep going like oh let's cut to camera 1 and I'm just gonna hold camera 1 and paint it in with the jog wheel it's freaking crazy man but yeah like that's a really cool part of the keyboard like oh I'm gonna cut back to camera to just paint it in it's super neat like that's such a cool way to do that then I just haven't experienced in any other software yeah isn't that rad that's super rad yeah so it's really good for stuff like that you know again you have to have a powerful computer to play to back multiple streams of stuff so why don't my transitions work at all are you talking about like the stock transitions that the resolve comes with you can right click on videos in the timeline and click create optimized media that will help you yeah totally yep create optimized me they'd be great optimized media is great guys if you have the time like at the beginning of your project to create optimized media usually it doesn't take a ton of time but you know if you have like a few minute video that's definitely worth doing Intel Quick Sync Nvidia and VDC and various AMD dedicated decoders or the only way to get good scrubbing with h.264 even these are not always good enough they give cars are not ideal man that person knows a lot about that thank you Wow is there a way you can paint clips and with the normal keyboard no but you can do like this like if you move too you can still do quite a bit with the cut page width and I got to see if the if that's right yeah so you click you just hit a like one of the numbers and it will open that that clip and it will set a default in and out for you and then you can hit source overwrite and that'll place it in the timeline right so it's kind of like the same thing it's not quite as fancy as just painting in the clip but it works the same it still puts whatever camera that you want down in the timeline in sync so it's still really good even without the keyboard I I mean I like I said I just got the keyboard the other day but I've been using cut page for six months so I mean since it came out so please read my question I don't know what your question was yo yo can you can you paste it again please well let's see so our way to apply a color node only two clips from a certain camera without manually selecting all applicable applicable clips you can you can sort them and and kind of group them by camera I believe I'm trying to remember exactly how to do that I think you can so like you can sort things by like common media pool source and so that's kind of a way to do it in the light box of the color page there's like a few different ways that you can kind of do stuff like that but that's probably how I would do it is just say like you can select a clip and then say common media source like oh these are all from the same source great and you could select them and group them you could do that way what's the perfect picture profile to shoot video I'm shooting all my footage is in V log V logs pretty nice I don't I wouldn't say there's a perfect picture profile I don't think there's a perfect one I really like s log three that scene that is really nice I really like the Blackmagic profiles I'll tell you what I got a a micro cinema or a pocket Cinema Camera 4k or five gosh dang it Micro Cinema Camera 6k and their extended video is unbelievable their extended extended video gamma or I'm not even sure what you've cut color profile it's so good it's like how you would color grade it if you shot and log and then color graded it it's really good yeah I was really impressed by that I mean perfect is probably raw other if you have the if you have the power and the space for it that's like asking what's the best candy for kids yeah that's true but I mean choosing the the best profile it kind of depends on what you're doing I mean if you are planning on spending a lot of time color correcting a log profile it'd probably be good you know something I guess log to s log 3v log yeah I know a lot of people like V log everything I've seen in V log looks really good yeah you know it's pretty good but yeah you got any time you shoot log you want to shoot as bright as you can generally because if you if it's too dark you don't get as much information from the log signal basically it comes out worse hey thanks Nick appreciate it but then I don't want to have to color match two different looks from the same camera so I go view log all the way don't think it's the best way to do it but oh yeah I see what you're saying are there significant differences in coloring 8 bit and 10 bit footage 10 bit footage definitely color grades better for the most part if you're not pushing it a bunch you probably won't see difference like if it's just a pretty it's a nice shot it's well exposed and you're just adding a little bit of contrast saturation you probably wouldn't notice the difference if it's something like you're really boosting up low-light footage or you're you shot way off white balance and you're really trying to bring it back you'd notice a difference yeah yeah for sure all right guys I'm gonna go here pretty quick I would love to go over anything else you got for a couple minutes yeah thank you you guys are awesome if you have anything specifically like if there's like something we want to kind of work on for a few minutes I could totally do that I'm hoping to head out here in 10 minutes or so what's the owner order the notes for coloring it kind of depends on who you are on like people have different theories on this basically let me grab let me grab this footage how do you use ambient inclusion in fusion man that's a great question I should look that up because I don't really know I love ambient occlusion and like I've done some 3d rendering and stuff and it's been really cool but I don't really know much about how it works in fusion other than it probably makes it look great thank you that's my new baby fusion how to break up a fusion clip on the edit page I don't know if you can I mean you might be able to I don't know if you can maybe you can but like if you had something like this and you created a new fusion clip right click there might be a way to yea reset fusion composition yeah you can reset a fusion composition like this one I never reset a fusion composition and that'll get rid of it trying to render it so heavily but I don't think you can just break it out I think you just have to undo so I wouldn't I wouldn't groups and there's not really a huge reason to unless you're trying to match things in time that used to be really the only way to do it because fusion was just kind of getting worked in resolve and it was a little buggy but now you just drag stuff into the fusion page but if you're trying to like sync things up that's a good way to do it just maybe keep it back up because I don't know of a way to just break them back out ok so color nodes mm let's grab this one so depending on who you talk to you some people will say like oh you should do contrast first you should do saturation first whatever in my experience it doesn't matter that much from a practical level it's probably technically better to do one or the other but you know I'm kind of a practical person like if it doesn't really make a difference in what you see I don't worry about it too much some people will break things out in nodes really really like like have everything be a different node some people will just do like contrast in one node or like they'll do like why only contrasts in one node and so they're just adjusting the contrast of the luminance channel right and so then they'll call this contrast alright contrasts at that's the same thing same thing and they'll make a new node and this will be saturation right and so when it's like a basic color grade you could do that I generally do contrast and saturation and balance and everything in one note for the most part because it's not because they're you there are different tools like they're different parts of the of the palettes so I don't see a really a need to break them out because you know I can do my contrast and my saturation and my color balance like all in the same node it's not going to make that much of a difference right and I can call this one balance or primary right and then generally what you'll do is when you have a new thought like a new big thing that you're doing to the image you make a new note so I'll s let's say I want to add you know or maybe I want to add a gradient to the side right I probably wouldn't do that in the same note oh do that and another note just because I'm gonna be adjusting things in this node that I don't want to mess up in the first node right so I'm like bringing down the gamma I don't want to bring down the gamma in the first node and so that kind of thing I'll do in another node and then the cool thing is if I don't like that I can turn it off and on and just kind of keep things separated and I can kind of pick the parts that I like or dial back the parts that I don't like later and then generally you want to do all of that stuff before you put on your look for the most part again it probably doesn't matter a whole lot as long as you're paying attention to what you're doing but technically it's better to like if you want everything to look uniform and you want to put a look over everything it's probably best to put that towards the end same thing with a lot it's kind of the same deal it's usually a look that you put over things you want to put it at the end the other thing is a lot will limit colors that are too bright or too saturated and so you don't want to adjust after the lot because you're using those limited colors you want to put towards the end if it wasn't for Casey I wouldn't be using a resolve thank you hey thanks that's really cool hmm what's the best screen monitor for editors honestly I would get a like a good like 150 $200 monitor like an IPS monitor and calibrate it I would spend more I would spend money to get a calibration thing and just calibrate a decent monitor rather than get like a thousand dollar monitor you know what I mean because most people are going to watch stuff on a cheap like on a cheaper monitor so like you know what I mean I like shoots how can I take such nice shots please refer any video for Oh for shooting nice shot these are all from our friends over at rod film I'm not that like that talented of a DP you know like I look at their stuff in a mic dang man like that's really that looks really nice they did a really good job you know that's what that's why I usually use their footage because it looks really nice yeah man that's a whole lot of a whole lot of learning I know Shane Hurlbutt has a really good program for like learning DP stuff that's really cool but it's it's like way beyond my scope most of the time they're like oh yeah we're gonna like like this Hollywood movie with all these lights and I'm like I don't I've never even seen those kind of lights you know open in town line is the option to break fusion clips oh okay there you go Sarah way to optimize settings for you GPU I don't know of a specific way other than just making sure that your video drivers are updated somebody somebody who knows more about stuff like that might know that yeah within resolve I'm not sure how in it yeah let's see Congrats on the new baby do you do interviews with any online ministries speaking on sharing the faith with video or other topics no not really like I said I'm part of a non-profit and and it is a it is a faith-based nonprofit you can check that out hard support calm heart support calm but the screen is spewed on can make it look crappy even if it's well graded absolutely absolutely have I worked with aces not really I've looked into it a little bit I know a lot of people like it but I you know I haven't really looked into that much I would love a video that shows all the effects that da Vinci has I think that there are some on YouTube that just like go through all the effects AMD or until what do you prefer I've built both systems I haven't like we have Intel for the most part but apparently the new AMD's are pretty pretty awesome I haven't used them a lot I built one the other day for my wife it's a streaming computer it seems to be really good it seems like it's great but do you live in post primarily or do you ever do the production side I do a little bit of production I don't do as much anymore it's mostly post can you please name that DP guy Shane Hurlbut yeah yep how often to use grain pretty often what I like to do is add just some basic film grain I think I use gorilla grain it's like the free download from gorilla grain I just have a 35-millimeter scan or whatever that I put over everything and it looks pretty good I'm not that like I'm not like a grain nerd so I'm like yeah that looks good you know so some people who really like grain but like there's a ton of different grain websites but it definitely like if you have lower resolution footage like stuff that's scaled up putting grain on there it makes it look a lot better it really does make a big difference of course it looks a little grainy you know but some people really like that what I've noticed is like with Blackmagic cameras they have a really nice grain like even like the pocket cinema cameras and the micro cinema cameras like just they it almost kind of looks like film grain just out of the box so if I'm gonna do something like D D noise footage definitely put grain back in because I don't want it to look plastic II will you save this awesome Q&A on your channel yes I will should be you should be saved alright guys I'm gonna have to go here pretty quick we probably have time for like one or two more questions before that I'm gonna do a giveaway again I'm sorry for people who are delayed this is not the best way to do it we want to do it better next time okay I'm gonna try and do one of these streams once a month and give away lots or titles but get your keyboards ready because the first person to put this word in the chat in all caps wins you guys ready the word is skunk SK UNK first person to show up in my chat wins SK UNK how was your workflow if you got stuff from different cameras to get the same color we'll talk about that in a second that'll be our last thing looks like Danny Danny blow Chur yep great hey thank you guys so much again thus I know it's not the very best way to do this giveaway we were hoping to do it through night bot but night BOTS being a jerk so we still want to give stuff away robbed by the delay I know I know we'll do it different next time guys okay so let's look real quick at matching shots I'll give you a real basic real basic guide on that I saw the words hit 20 20 times I've already said it yeah I know your stream got later on the other side of the globe I know do another one we'll do one more before we go okay let's look at this though this is our friend Dan guys these are shot on all kinds of different cameras we did kind of a matching shot matching tutorial so I figured that'd be a good thing to use for shot matching so if we were gonna match like these shots together let's say these are obviously look very different this one's kind of more red this one's more green contrast is a little different generally you pick one shot to match everything - okay so and what I like to do is if there is a really really bad shot I don't know you can kind of go either way it's like you either pick the best shot or the worst shot to kind of try and get everything in the same ballpark I'll probably pick this shot I feel like the shots exposed just a little better and the first thing I do is make this shot look nice okay so I'm just going to do a basic grade on this shot turn out my saturation I feel like it's a little bit kind of like pinkish purple so I'll just bring that down a little something like that maybe right so now that we have that shot and we like it what I'll do is grab a still right click and say grab still and now I'll switch over to this shot and right click and say show reference wipe and that will show me a side-by-side and I can pretty quickly kind of get these in the same ballpark right so this shot needs to be brighter that's one thing and I can kind of match it up on the Scopes too like you can see if I move this back and forth you can see the difference between them and the biggest deal the most important part is the skin tones you want those skinned other stuff can look off a little bit but if the skin tones don't match that's a bad deal all right and so then I'll kind of adjust the lift and just bring that down a little bit I feel like it's a little green so again kind of push that to get a little bit more in that ballpark and you kind of just have to push and pull this footage until it starts to look a little bit closer bring some saturation into there and now we're getting closer to a decent match right and maybe take just a little bit of green so now you know that's a lot closer to where to where we were right to kind of match that and you can get crazy and you can like make sure like his shirts still a little bit off there's a-you things that are a little bit off but that's kind of the idea I saw people typing it before there is any mention of a giveaway ah I'm sorry that sucks but yeah that that's basically kind of the the thought behind matching is you make one shot look good and you compare the other ones to it and you try and make them all look similar and then it's playing it back because it looks different when it's playing back so playing it back and seeing if any shots stick out at you because if it doesn't stick out at you like it's probably pretty decent but if you're like wait that shot looked weird maybe go back and change it a little bit thanks a lot feel better thank you appreciate that all right guys um we'll do one more giveaway all right again I'm so sorry for the people who are delayed there is no there's no way with the amount of time and preparation that it takes to actually make a giveaway happen to do it a different way today but next time we will have a way to do it like I said the way that we wanted to do it didn't work for some reason technology right it's fun it's so much fun okay the first person no the fifth person the fifth person to type the following in chat in all caps wins a nut pack or a title pack of their choice and the word is table ta BL e table ta BL e ta BL e that's it that's it that is it Jacob didn't you commute now it's gonna be the fifth person anyway right I think it's Sebastian maybe it's whatever Dan says whatever Dan says for the fifth person Dan haha you misspelled it that's okay let's see if it worked dan are you here alright great Sebastian great yay congratulations Sebastian I'm sorry about the delay guys there's no way to help that at the moment guys thank you so much for hanging out with me this has been great hanging out with you guys please let me know let me know if so let me know what you would like to see next time on the on the livestream we're gonna try and do this every month it's gonna be I think we're talking about the third Tuesday whatever this is fourth fourth Tuesday fourth Tuesday we're gonna try and do the fourth Tuesday of every month and then do tutorials in between so let me know what you guys want to do thank you very much for your time I hope to see you more in the future hey thank you I appreciate that guys thank you so much to everyone who has got been hanging out here subscribe to my channel about stuff from ground control you guys are amazing you should have said irregardless no one would have spelled it right exactly exactly alright guys I'm gonna go ahead and end stream thank you guys so much for hanging out miss you bye bye bye bye bye now
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 17,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A94XQvp4SQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 57sec (7917 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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