10 Resolve EDIT page tips from a PRO (in just 10 minutes)!

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hi my name is darren mostin and in this episode we're going to be looking at my 10 favorite things that will improve your workflow in the edit page and this was quite a common request in the comments so as you all know i do read the comments and i'm delivering once again what you want to see if you're new here and you like this content please subscribe and hit the notification bell and if you don't want to subscribe that's fine but i do have a playlist and it's full of free episodes uh all to do with killer tips on davinci resolve so check those out and in the meantime let's go and have a look at my top 10 in the edit workflow so tip number one is selection follows playhead so if i'm on a clip i can open up the inspector and make any changes that i want them i want to zoom in a little bit and move the image over then go to my next shot so i'm just gonna use my up and down arrow keys and again just make a little tweak to that let's just zoom in a little bit you might wanna do a bit of cropping something like that next shot next shot etc the inspector is updating as we move to each clip now if we have a clip selected and do the same thing it still updates as we move through our shots because the selection is following it however if we move our playhead the selection stays where it is and you could go to this shot here now and move the zoom and nothing happens because the selection has been left behind because i moved the playhead and you can override this in the timeline and just say timeline selection follows playhead and then anytime i move the playhead the selector follows with it so tip number two is working with multiple bins the moment we've got this one bin open cycling and we can look at it in icon mode or list mode and to open a second bin if you just right hand click on one and say open as new window you then get a second bin window and you can choose whichever bin you want that to be and i could add a third one as well so if i just right and click again say open as new window and you don't see the third one until you go to workspace and choose another media pool window so there we go so i've got three bins open now and i can make each of them a different thing and you can change these to be icon mode and all that sort of stuff but they look a little bit cluttered so i'm going to close those down and what i'm going to do is utilize this trick which is if i just click on one bin and if i command click a second bin it temporarily adds it to the first bin so you just see the contents of the two bins in one list and i can command a third one and i've now got those three bins viewed in just one list and as soon as i click on another bin it goes back to its original properties so that's a really useful little tip so tip number three is using the edit index to help us find clips if we click on the edit index here and what you've basically got is an edl so this is the edit decision list i.e it's the clip order of my timeline okay so these are all the clips in order on my timeline so as i move through you see that they update on the edit index and i can double click any one of these you've got v for video and a for audio so i can double click any one of these and the cursor will jump to that point now we can use this to our advantage because i can filter this edit index so if i click on here and say for example show clip colors i've labeled the interview as teal so that i've changed the clip color to be teal and if i click that i can now see all the instances of that interview so that's really useful tool just to put it back just say show all and you're back where you started this is also useful if you're conforming for a grade and you've got offline clips because what you can do is say show offline clips and we haven't got any in this instance but that would give you a list of all the clips that are offline and then you can use the source time codes to try and fix that so tip number four is annotation there's a shot down here that's got a traffic cone in it there and it's a little bit ugly in the shot so i actually want to remove that in fusion later so what i'm going to do is mark the clip now instead of just putting a marker down what i'm actually going to do is annotate so if i go to my annotations down here i can choose the thickness of the brush and the color of it so let's make it bright yellow and i'm literally going to draw around it and that puts a marker for me automatically on the clip now when i finish my edit or grade i'm going to search for all my markers and just check them off one at a time to check that i've done all the jobs that i wanted to do so that will need just dropping into fusion and remove the cone so tip number five is ripple timeline marker what i want to do is just go to here and there's an audio cue that i want to mark up so i'm just going to play my sheet through and just there on that beat i want to just put a mark and that's going to be a reference point for me to use in a minute so if we go up to our timeline menu you'll see here there's a thing called ripple timeline markers and it's currently selected and what this means is when i go to trim mode and just do a trim and just zoom in a bit if i do a trim here you'll see that the timeline marker is moving with the edit now if i just undo that and deselect that the problem i've got is i don't want that to move because it's an audio cue so what i want to be able to do is ripple this edit and the audio is not moving so i want the marker to stay lined up on that beat so that is how to do that if i just go to timeline and deselect ripple timeline markers the marker will stay fixed on the timeline so tip number six is a trick you can do when you're slip and slide editing so i'm just going to close down this inspector so we get a larger window and i'm going to go over to this shot here which i've already marked up so in this shot the guy comes around the bend and you see a bridge up here so let me just play the shot [Music] but i want to see the bridge where that music changes so i've marked up the point here where the music changes and what we need to do now is just slip the shot so we don't see this guy here but we see the start of the bridge so i'm going to slip edit so i'm not going to change the edit points here and here i'm just going to slip within the shot so make sure you're in trim mode and you need to trim in the top half to slip and the bottom half to slide and what i do is start moving the shot so you see the white handles on here show me how much trim i've got to play with and as i move the shot through you'll see at the top you'll see the mark in point and the top right is the out point but i can't actually see where the bridge is going to be because i'm in the middle of the shot so my music cue is in the middle of this edit so in order to see exactly where i'll be according to the playhead if you press shift you actually see the frame that you'll be on so now when i slip and slide the shot i can frame it up to line up with the playhead so there's the bridge and if i let go now what happens is a little bit further back is that the bridge will appear on that music cue so let's just play that back [Music] so that's worked for me that's we now see the bridge on the music queue and that's by pressing shift so we can see the exact frame that the playhead is on so tip number seven is quick disable and enable so if i just go back down my timeline a little bit i'm just going to come out trim mode and i've got here an interview with some cutaways and at this point here i've actually got a second choice of cutaway and i've not quite decided which one to use yet so i want to leave them all in place but i want to be able to enable and disable them really quickly so if i just highlight this one and press d that will disable it momentarily so i can now see the layer beneath it and same here if i press d again that one's now disabled and i've decided that i don't see the interview there i would like to see this shot so i'm going to press d again and that will enable it i'm going to leave this one in place just in case i decide to maybe use this shot later in the timeline and then i can go back and use this cutaway as an option so it's a really convenient way of just stacking my cutaways and choosing which one i want so tip 8 is to do with transition presets so if we get our effects library and have a look at our video transitions we've got a cross dissolve here with a red mark next to it that means it's the current default transition when i'm using shortcuts now if i just drag and drop that onto an item here you'll see if i click it we can see in the inspector that it's one second duration now if i want to create a 12 frame default transition we need to do is set it in here so i'm going to say 12 and apply that and now if i right hand click on this i can say create transition preset okay and i'm going to call it 12 frames let's cross dissolve preset 12 frame say ok and that now appears in my users which is down here so cross dissolve preset 12 frames and if i want to make that the default i can right hand click on it and say set as standard transition so to apply that as a standard transition i need to go to the edit point that i want to work at and enable it so if you press v that will enable the edit and then press command t to apply the effect so that's now a 12 frame dissolve on that edit point now what it's done is gone to the right hand side of that edit point so the dissolve starts at the cut and the reason for that is due to the trim mode that i selected so let me undo that again and if i press u you can decide which side of the edit the dissolve is going to go to so this will be starter cut this will be end at cut and this will be center on cut okay so u just toggles between these three modes so if i want to center on cut i go like this press command and t and there's my 12 frame dissolve centered on cut and if you want to apply multiple dissolves you can select your edit points and press command t and that will apply the default transition sorry so it's not just dissolved so it can be any of the effects can be a default transition so tip number nine we're looking at match framing so if i just deselect those if we go back onto our cutaways that we're working on earlier if i put my playhead in the middle here and double click here that allows me to match frame the shot even though there's a shot above it now if i didn't double click you can press f for match frame and f will take the top most layer and match frame it so if i want to match frame this layer the best way and easiest way instead of disabling this is to just simply double click it and then that match frames to source now another trick with the match frame uh if i go to this shot here if i go in the middle of it if i press f again the shortcut for match frame it will load it into my source viewer and if i press f again it will find any other instances of that shot in my timeline so let's press f again and you see that it found three shots so it's one two three three instances of that particular frame so that's also a quick and easy way to see if you've used that shot anywhere else in the timeline so just before i show you tip number ten i just wanted to say a huge thank you i launched this channel only ten weeks ago and i've already got two and a half thousand subscribers so it's quite unbelievable i really do appreciate it and thank you for all your positive comments and i basically can't wait to record more episodes for you so i'm going to keep them coming and thank you very much so look after yourselves here's tip number 10 and i'll see you in the next episode so tip number 10 is stop after playback so currently when i'm playing a clip let's just play this one here i like the challenge i like to try to go through that other bike shot i'm going to press stop the playhead stops and it stays at that point now i can choose to change that by going to playback and say stop and go to last position and what it'll do now is it'll play the clip and when i press stop it goes back to the point where it was so if we start here i really like to i like the challenge i like to try to fix bicycles and now press stop the playhead goes back to where it was and then if you wanted to assign that as a keyboard shortcut just go to the keyboard customization and if you go down here to the application go to the playback menu here search for the red stop and there it is
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 14,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resolve edit page tips, 10 resolve edit page tips, how to use resolve edit page, editing tips in resolve, edit page in resolve, tips for resolve, davinci resolve edit page tutorial, davinci resolve, resolve16, resolve17, killertips, how to use resolve, editing with resolve, learning resolve, colour grading, color grading, killer tips, how to use the edit page, how to use the edit tab, davinci resolve 16 edit page tutorial, davinci edit page tutorial, Resolve edit tab
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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