Resolve Face Refine - (Pro Secrets) in 12 minutes! - plugins tutorial

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hi my name is daryn mustin and in this episode we're going to be looking at the face refinement tool this is a fantastic feature however it's only available in the studio version so if you're running the free version you can still follow along to this video but you're going to get a watermark on your output and just to say i'm going to show you some real pro secrets in here i'm going to show you some stuff that i don't think you would have seen on any other youtube video so stick with it and uh let's go and take a look so before we start let's just add a new node alt s and go up to the open effects in here and there's a whole ton of open effects in here that we can use they're all in different folders so if you just double click you can see the folders expand and in resolve effects refine is where we'll find the face refinement tool so i can just drag and drop that on but let me show you a quicker way of finding it if you go to the search here if you just type in the first few letters of the effect you want so it's face refined there it is there's a few other effects that you might use on a regular basis you can actually put them into a favorites so let's say this lens flare i can just click here on the star and that is now in my favorites folder to bring up your favorites click here save favorites and you'll see face refinement is one of them drag and drop it on so we're ready to go and we've got our image here it's got two faces in it so first thing you have to do is to analyze the scene so let's just press analyze and before it goes off it's actually saying to me which face do you want to analyze so just click on which one you want so let's do her and you just say analyze and you're off and if we do the same thing on this shot for example add a node add the face refine and go to analyze you'll see that it actually analyzes straight away because the focus is on one face this face is slightly out of focus so one other tip we did actually get a good track then but let's just undo that had that not been a very good track what you can actually do is zoom in so if we go to here and get to our input sizing and just zoom the image to a better position and what we can now do is re-analyze from here let's just go back to the beginning and because we're zoomed in resolve has a better chance of tracking more accurately so just bring this back down to normal size and you see that the track analysis has rescaled itself accordingly and another good tip just if you are having problems analyzing a region there might be something distracting it so what we can do is create a mask using a power window to eliminate that region from the analysis and if i right click here and say add node we can say add serial before so i've now got a node before my face refined and in here i'm just going to draw a shape just a rough shape around the face and let's just track that gonna try it backwards because i'm at the end back to my window let's invert that window and if in the offset here if we just take that down what we're actually doing is taking everything else out of the vision and allowing resolve to just focus on the face here so then we can go back to here re-analyze our image now the reason we're not seeing the overlay is because we're in window mode here we're in the power window mode so let me show you if i just click here and go to open effects overlay now we see the tracking data so just a quick whiz through yep so we're all good so all we need to do now is delete the node that we put before and we're good to go now a really good tip when you're working with open effects that have a lot of menus is to work in a different view but just before we do that i want to open up these scopes i just want to pop them out so they're floating on top and now to get into the best view i'm going to press shift and f and that gives us a full menu down here of all the tools available in the face refinement tool a nice large screen to work with and we can have our scopes sitting on top so we can analyze the image actually i'm going to get rid of the scopes just for now we don't need them just yet so let's take the overlays off and have a look what's actually happening so if i just mid-tone here you see that that just affects a certain area and that area is defined by this mask here okay so let's have a look at that again if i do color boost and what's happening i'm being extreme here just so we can see what's going on but you'll see there's actually a line under her chin here so let's reset that go to the mask and we want to just refine this a little bit so we need to add some softness and we need to adjust the size but as we start doing that you'll see what's happening is we're introducing hair and other bits that we don't actually want included in fact if we take that off you probably get away with the hair to be honest but let me show you how to get rid of it anyway so to do that we need to create a power window around the hair and the nice thing with the open effects is that you can have power windows sitting on top so if i press shift f to go back to our normal mode let's grab a power window and i'm just going to isolate her face i'm going to put a little bit of softness on that just a tiny bit and obviously we've got to invert this because i'm trying to mask off the hair and of course we need to track it so just go to the tracker fantastic tracking as usual we can go back to shift f and now if we adjust our mid-tones you'll see that only the face is affected not the hair the power windows are really powerful on top of ofx for isolating if you're doing things like lens flares and things like that you can isolate the region of the flare just using simple power windows and we can just fine-tune these if we need to we can go back into the tracking tool and get that more precise so let's have a look at the actual controls i'm going to just get rid of this window if you come down here you can choose what you're looking at so i'm going to go to the openfx overlay let's have a look at the first area which is texture so texture is the beauty tool basically inside the face refinement tool again the beauty tool is still part of studio so you can't do this on the free version but beauty automatic is just a very quick simple way of smoothing skin or making skin more coarse by simply moving this slider and the scale will be the amount that it does it by smoothing is just straight smoothing and you can adjust the detail size here and how much detail you want to bring back again pretty straightforward stuff but this one beauty advanced allows you to get into really good detail with this so we can just start playing around with the detail of skin that we're looking at that we're going to affect by smoothing or coarsening now one easy way to look at this is using the highlight difference mode so if you come up here and you say view highlight you'll see there's one called highlight difference and if i press this highlight tool here and go to highlight difference oh you have to press the tool again when you do that and then start playing around with some of these settings you'll see what i mean so if i go to threshold you'll see that as i move the slider it shows me what is being affected so it's a really easy way of defining the skin area that you want to be affected and how much so the more defined this image is the more it's being included so if i apply a little bit of smoothing and we've got a lot of detail in here all that detail is being smoothed so what i basically want is a very fine image here so just play around with the lighting here and we can go negative so negative is obviously coarse so i'm just being careful what i do i'm super subtle here and you can actually put your mouse on these figures and move them and this is only to give you an idea so the recovery amount will blend it back with the original and if i take off the highlight now there you can see what we've done so if i switch it on and off so it's very subtle and that is the real secret to getting good consistent looks out of the face refinement tool you want to be really subtle in all these movements and if you have the advanced panel you can actually use the control knobs to adjust each of these parameters so you can get really fine control okay so let's have a look at the color grading section i'm going to need my scopes for that so shift f pop out my scopes shift f again and let's just very quickly bring that back down so it's a bit smaller we've got the scopes on top and so before i do that i just want to make some adjustments to the vectorscope um let's put the two-time zoom on and also i want to work just in the mids i don't i want to work where the skin tones are so that's the midsection and these are the mid low and high is adjusted here i did a whole episode on scopes not long ago so i'll put a link to that in the description for you so this is going to allow us to just measure the skin tone range so we have our contrast control we have mid-tone so we can lighten the face very easily um color boost saturation and i'm in fact going to desaturate this slightly so i'm just going to put my mouse in here move left and right that gives me finer control and take those midtones down a bit again and the tint uh to the left we'll move it towards green and to the right we'll move it towards magenta so let's have a look at our vector scope and i'm looking at the skin line here just to see where we're sitting at it looks pretty spot on to me but let's just adjust this anyway and see what happens yeah so that way it's definitely going the wrong way and that way it's going above the line so we're good where we were and the desaturate shadow will remove any color cast in the shadows in the face and shine removal is quite good if i've got a bit of shine here this is actually quite nice detailed shine but you can remove it like so or go the other way and it will in fact enhance it i quite like it where it was so so far we're looking like this i'm going to bring that mid-tone detail back to zero okay then we're into the eye retouching you need to be really careful here that you don't start making the image look too false okay these these tools are really quite strong when you push them hard you can see that it's breaking up a little bit already if i go to my global blend and push that back because at the minute we're on a half mix of the original face then you'll be able to see if it was going on so there's eye light so i like does this area here but the eye retouching is really good if you use it carefully because it saves you drawing two power windows and then having to track each eye individually so nice to put on but just be really careful with it and eye bag removal if you must i don't think she really needs it lip retouching this is good you've got hue here so if someone's got a shade of lipstick that's not working for the shot you can adjust that there quite easily blush retouching forehead retouching so you can do smoothing the forehead here cheek retouching chin retouching you've got all these little tools here just to get your face looking exactly how you want it blend it back a little bit more i think that eye is still looking too false there so i'm just gonna knock that back a little bit more and let's compare before and after so there's before and there's after very subtle but that's how i like to do it so i've just realized that might actually be a little bit too subtle for you to see any real difference so i'm just going to make it a little bit more obvious let me just pull that blend back a bit uh let's lift her eyelight up a little bit more let's add a little bit more smoothing in there now before and after so you can see the difference a little bit better i'm going to knock the blend back down a little bit more so we're blending back to her original skin and before and after and that's the job done now so i hope you picked up some tips in that episode keep it subtle a little really does go a long way with the face refinement tool and also note that if the face is moving too much either side you might lose the track analysis so you'll have to resort to regular power windows and just track those shapes but either way you're going to get a great result leave me a comment it's always nice to hear from you i've had some great feedback on this series so far so thank you very much for that and i'm going to try and get this lined up now so hit the subscribe button hit the notifications button and have a look at my facebook page as always killer tips davinci resolve look after yourselves and i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 26,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resolve face refine, Face refine, Killer tips, resolve, davinci resolve 17, resolve17, killertips, how to use resolve, editing with resolve, learning resolve, tips for resolve, colour grading, color grading, killer tips davinci resolve, pro secrets, tips in minutes, learn new techniques, top tips, davinci resolve 17 tutorial 2020
Id: A1Ddktt96VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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