How to use Google Keep Tutorial

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today i want to show you how to use google keep now here's a little example right behind me you can see i have google keep open i have different things from lists to pictures in here to sound recordings uh there's so many different things that you can easily do with google keep to keep organized and it's right there inside your google workspace so let's get started with google keep today [Music] in this tutorial today on google keep i'm going to start from my computer and show you how it works from there now then i want to show you how it gets really powerful if you have the app installed on your phone because it works virtually the same but then you can even do more things so let's first of all start where are you going to find google keep if you're logged into your google workspace account you can access access it a few different ways you can go up to your app launcher right here and click on it and i have my google keep right here and remember you can drag these around if it was down here you can drag it up if you're using a lot and you can go ahead and click on this and it's going to open up google eat google keep i'm gonna i'm using a demo account right now so it's everything's empty and i'll be adding fresh notes to it unless in a moment now the other way you can do it you can just type in and you're gonna get to it but i also want to show you where it pops up in a few different places so if i all of a sudden go over to google drive notice that on the right hand side you're going to have this google keep icon and you can open it and you're going to get all the everything's going to connect the notes that you take over there are going to be over here so you can quickly look up a note that that you that you took and just click on that the other thing even if you're in your gmail uh here i'll just click on this one if i click on gmail you're gonna see it right over on the side so it's great you have easy access to get to your notes that you're taking if you want to just kind of quickly kind of go through these to remember what you put down so let's start with how you can quickly create and edit notes and list inside google keep and it's as simple as just clicking up in here and then you can type hello and if i click off of it i have my first note just like that now at any time if i click back on this note i can even add more so maybe i wanted to oh i didn't add a title to this one so i can go ahead and i'll just put begin and i can hit close again and you can see it makes the changes just like this so if i wanted to add any more below it or change anything i wrote i can go ahead and edit it very very simply now the other thing that's great for in working google keep is a simple list so we have this check mark if i wanted a list i can click on it and maybe i'm going to go to the grocery store and need a few different items i'll just put buy dog food like so and i can add another item i'll put get gas and i can go so on and so on if i click off of it and then when i am getting these things i could be clicking on this and if i got gas i click it off and it gets completed so again this works on your mobile device you're you can have these lists and you're just clicking off and you have that nice list and shows how you're getting everything done we also can do a quick uh sketch or doodle inside these notes and that's what this is right here new note with a drawing so if i go ahead and click on this i can just draw something really simply i'll just do a face here it's in green right now you can change the colors to this right up here you can see we have the different uh size of uh of markers that we have in here just by quickly changing color and everything pretty quick to do and all the different things that you can how you can add things even to the background if it's going to help you draw to this i just want to point out over here you do have the undo and you can also export this as an image so if you have your if you drew something really nice and if you wanted it you can export that as an image from here all right so let's say you get your drawing done you can hit the back here and we can still add a title to this like this and we can even add a note you know whatever you want it to be i'll just put it's great and go ahead and close it and we have this here now the last type of note i just wanted to point out you can quickly do a new note with an image like this and i'm going to just click this one here and open it it uploads from my computer and i have this note like this on your phone and which i'll show you it's easy to snap that picture and it uploads right to google keep just like this so we have these four simple types of notes that we can easily create with google keep i also want to point out you can go back at any time and edit more of these add images to any of these so even if i click on this one here you can see i can quickly add an image to this i can go to this one here open it up i can uncheck anything i've done to and i can change the order of these like this if i want so you can go back through you can even have the quick access to the image you don't have to open it to go ahead and add an image to any of these after in your list will still be there so quick to edit now let's talk about how you can organize your uh all these different notes and lists that you get inside google keep now you can go ahead and just drag these around so if i click and hold i can change the order just as simply as that drag them and move them uh one of the ways i probably first way i keep things organized is just through a simple changing the color of the note so of this one here if i uh use the change color i can go here just so it stands out a little bit more visually i if you know if you're using a certain color to be recognized as a certain thing you can have those notes the same color so it's quick to go back and change it to any color also just like that the other thing that you can do is to label them so you can see at any point if i click and i'm just going to open this one up here again i'm going to click on this and i'm going to add a label to this so if i go ahead add label and i'll just call this pet and i'll create pics i don't have any label so on the side already it's created a label here so as soon as i just click on this one i'm only going to get the notes that are labeled with that so that can save you time because you can get a lot of different notes so if you go ahead and add these labels then you can quickly find the ones that you're looking for so if i go back to notes i see everything another quick way is to pin your note so if this right here is an important one if i pin it notice it goes right up to the top so if it's something new you're working on you can go ahead pin it and you can unpin it if you don't need it at the top so that's a quick way to keep important ones just easily uh visually there's especially as you get a lot of different ones you can delete these notes very easily so if i go to this one right here i click these three dots where it says more you can see i have delete note here i just want to point out there is also archive archive doesn't delete the note so maybe you get a lot of different notes in here and you don't need a certain note but you don't necessarily want to delete it you can go ahead and archive it now notice that over on the side we have archive and we can go ahead and unarchive any of these really simply by clicking right here where it says unarchive like that and it will go back into your notes i forgot to mention just like archive you can undo things from the trash so anything you delete check out the trash and if you hover over you'll see that there's restore and you can delete forever also but if you click restore it will go back to your notes up top now another thing i like to do inside google keep is share the notes or drawings with other people or list especially let's say you have a list and you want to share with a family member so that they can be clicking off on different things that they do and you can check what they have done so just like this notice that there is where it says collaborator if i go ahead and check that right there i can add somebody so if i just type uh in somebody i could type their whole email but i knew that one would pop up so if i hit save i i'm going to go ahead and hit close and i can add more than one person collaborator i'm just showing you as one in this example but i can see this one has a label i can delete that label very quickly if i want and this is also shared with somebody so if they go to their google keep they'll see it right there so take advantage of sharing your notes with other people especially with those lists and everything now i want to point out uh with these more buttons so whenever you see those three vertical dots like that i'm going to click on more notice that we have copy to docs i can take any of these notes and go right to google docs so if i click on it like this it's copying over to google docs so what i'm going to do is open up google docs here here and then you'll see i have that so it copied it called it google keep document and it's right here so i could go ahead and open it and it copied it over now the other thing you can do is right from here if i go to keep and open it up just like i showed you in drive and gmail earlier any of these notes i can just click the menu here and i can add to document and now uh it's right here so that note got put over here i can also in google docs i can drag things over and drop them like that so any of these notes so maybe you're researching something and you want to put it over to google docs you can do it very quickly the other thing you can do is i'm going to go over to google slides you can do the exact same thing so maybe you took pictures to keep things organized and have notes uh you get your google keep here and just hover over any of the notes and then with the more add to slide and we can add those to the slide so everything's connected inside your google workspace and all those notes you're taking can be going anywhere uh anywhere of all the different google apps i just want to bring your attention to the very top here beside the the app launcher to point out to refresh if something hasn't come up yet you can refresh your screen just by clicking on that we can change our view so if we want it from a list view to this view to the grid view just by back and forth and the settings so maybe you want to enable the dark theme like which i started with you can quickly turn that on and off right through here i do want to point out these settings here too with where you can customize yourself your notes and lists take a look at the different ones that you can go through and click from sharing to the reminder defaults for times on it i just want to show you a couple more features cool features here before i just open my phone up and show you a couple extra things you can do on your phone and that is so i just took this picture from my phone using google keep and it went instantly into here i wanted to point out any of these things like remind me i'm going to click on this so you can have a note remind you so if i say oh later today tomorrow next week i can pick a day or time so then that note you'll get a reminder from that note so that could be an important thing you take those notes that you're like me i forgot i wrote it for some reason you can have that reminder the other cool thing is and this works really good on your phone pick a place because if you pick a place if you have your phone with you and google keeps opening you go to that place if i'm going to that city as soon as i get to that city and it knows through gps it will remind me so maybe you have a note that is choosing a place that when you get there you got to make sure that you remember that note so that's some cool features the other thing i wanted to point out is uh just right here and this is grab image from the text so i just took a picture of this uh of this letter here and if i go ahead and click on it notice that it act it took the words from it if i look uh down right from here uh it so through ocr it grabbed the image the text out of here and turned it here and now i could still copy to docs from there so even though it started from a picture all right i'm going to just open my phone to finish up this tutorial here today to show you the last few things of google keep so i have my phone open here and i have google keep already installed on it you can see it beside google drive here and i'm on an iphone but if you're on android that's fine too you can go ahead and install the app i'm going to open up google keep here and i just want to point out you need to be logged into the same account and you can see the same images i'm logged into my demo account on google keep and now what i want to do is just point out you can do all the exact same things that i showed you i could hit that down below you can see at the very bottom i could take those quick notes with draw or checklist and then i could hit the plus and i could take a note very quickly that way too but where i really like using this is if you go ahead and we'll just start with an image and i'll take the same image that i just showed before i'm going to hit take photo i could choose image from my camera roll that i've taken images but if i take photo and i'll hover over the same image real quickly here and just to give it an example i can use the photo just like that i can give it a title i'll call this ocr again just like that and i'll hit back and if you look towards the back of the screen on my on the computer you can see it's updating already in a second so once that image gets uploaded it's there just like that the other thing i just want to point out that's cool on on your mobile device if you hit the you notice that you have the little mic you can take audio notes so if i go ahead and click this i'm taking a quick audio note right now and now so i all i have to do is stop talking give the pause and i can go ahead and play it again if i want or give it a note give it a title so i'll just say i'm going to call this i'll say voicemail and then i'll just go back and you can see on the computer already that i have that voicemail quick audio note right now so those are some extra things on your phone uh to point out that you can do very easily but other than that you can work on your mobile mobile mobile device just like you do on your computer so i hope you like this tutorial this walkthrough of how to use google keep today on teachers tech let me know what you think i do have other productivity tools like onenote and everything on my channel and that you can use for free too you can check that out too but google keep is a simple easy solution especially if you're using the google workspace thanks for watching this week on teachers tech i'll see you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 10,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use google keep notes, google keep, google keep tutorial, teachers tech google keep, jamie keet, google keep mobile, google keep audio recording, google keep ocr, google workspace, how to use google keep, how to use google keep notes like a pro
Id: mdpctKg8Pm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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