Google Meet For Beginners! | How To Use Google Meet in 2021

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hi everyone claudia here welcome back to my channel for today's video i want to talk about how to use google mate in the past year google has released some additional features with google meet obviously with a lot more users on the platform i think that they realized they needed some additional features so i want to talk about that today i do think that once you get to know it it is pretty user friendly so hopefully this video helps you out as always i will leave a list of topics i'll be covering in today's video in the description box along with their time stamps if you're looking for something specific and i will be showing you screen recordings on my macbook if you like this video while you're watching it please give it a thumbs up and let's get started to start off i want to mention that you do not need a google account to use google me you do need a google account if you want to start or host a meeting so i'm currently logged into my gmail and i'll show you how easy it is to start a meeting within your gmail account so on the left hand side here as you can see it says new meeting or join a meeting so we're just gonna click on new meetings so i can show you what it looks like when you start a meeting so we're gonna start it now and you can also really easily schedule a meeting within your gmail so if you go up to here and click google apps and click calendar you can schedule a google meeting for a future time slot and that way you can send email invites to everybody really easily so i will show you how to do that by going up to create and let's just start a new meeting so google meet and i like to just click more options because you get a bigger screen here you can pick your date your time your time zone which is really helpful especially right now people are kind of all over the place and if you want to add a google me conference you just click right here and click add google me video conferencing so then you can just go on the side here and click add guests you can add everybody's email and once you're done you can click save and it will send it to any guests that you added to the guest list i will show you what it looks like when you have an invitation in your inbox as well so you can see what guests see and also how you can join a meeting if you've been invited to one so here we have an invitation google meet and if you want to actually join you'll just scroll down here to this link and if you click on the link that was sent to you in the invitation it will take you into your google me meeting you can also go to and click on new meeting or enter a meeting code or a link if you click new meeting within this page it's going to give you the option to start an instant meeting schedule in google calendar or create a meeting for later when you join a meeting it's nice because this kind of test window pops up where you can test your audio and video settings here so you can check your audio and video and it will give you a preview of how you sound and how your video looks so if you need to make any adjustments before clicking join now you can do so you can also change your background so if you're not happy with the background you have you can blur it that's slightly blur there's also fully blur and you can also upload your own image if you want to or choose any one of these kind of preset images so maybe i'm in this living room now instead of my office then if you want to turn that off you can just click x out and then once you are all ready to go you just click join now so let's actually just go ahead and click join now so i can show you all the features once you're actually logged in so let's start with everything here on the bottom so first of all right here this is the meeting id so if somebody needs your meeting id you can find it right here very easily and just copy it and send it to them right over here we have turning your microphone on and off which is a really important feature especially in group meetings you can also see that they when you hover over it there is a shortcut key so if you want to just quickly turn it on and off you can do it with the shortcut or you can click on it when it's off it will be in red with a strike through it and when it's on it will look like this same thing with video if you hover over it it will give you the shortcut to turn camera on and off or you can just click on it you can also turn on captions which can be really helpful if you're doing like a large presentation and maybe there are people who are sitting in the back and they might not be able to hear everything super well you can turn on captions and you'll be able to see that they're pretty accurate and i really love this feature it's especially nice if you have um people who need to read for accessibility reasons right next to it is the present button which we will go over in a second this will give you more options so in this section you can go full screen you can change your background you can change the layout if you have a bunch of people in here and you want to see people in a different way there are a lot of different layout options if you click on settings you can also change your microphone and your speakers as well as if you have a different camera that you have set up and you want to change it to that instead of the camera that's built into your computer so those are kind of just additional audio and video settings and then if you do need any additional help it's nice because if you just click right here you can do troubleshooting and help if you click this little i button it will pull up meeting details so as i mentioned this right here is the meeting id you can just copy the joining info from here as well and just send it to somebody on the fly if somebody needs to be added into the meeting and if you send a google calendar invite and add an attachment so maybe there's a document that you and your team need to review and you attach it in the calendar invite it will show up here so if you want to review a document as a team not everyone has to go back to their emails pull up the document they can just pull it up right in google me this will show you all the participants within a call this is the chat so if you want to send a chat to somebody if you have questions you can do that here and then this is just some additional activities so whiteboard is available to everyone and then there are some different options if you have a premium membership whiteboarding can be a cool thing to do if you kind of have an idea that you want to get out there to your team but are having a hard time explaining it if you click start a new whiteboard as you can see here you can start by really just kind of drawing shapes you can actually make shapes here you can add text you can erase anything and if you want to share it with someone you can do that as well as well as maybe download it and kind of circulate it after a meeting if that's something that you want to do now i'm going to talk about sharing your screen so as i mentioned this is the present button and this will share your screen so if we click present now the options are your entire screen a window or a tab and as you can see the tab is best for video or animation so i'm going to present a window so we're going to click on window here and here are all the windows that i have open so here are all the options i have to choose from i'm gonna click this tab right here and then once it's highlighted in blue and we click share now i am presenting my screen and you can see here at the bottom it says that you're sharing a window so even if you click out of your google meet if you need to kind of change the website that you're going to go to it will still show you here that you are sharing a window so that's how you know what you're sharing if you do need to click out of google me which can be really helpful and just click stop sharing and now you're just back to your normal meeting i also wanted to show you that if you pull up a tab while you're sharing anything that's outlined in this blue highlight is what you're going to be sharing on your meeting and then let's just say you open up a new tab it's going to say do you want to share this tab instead so if you need to switch to a different tab you can click share this tab instead and then it will highlight whatever new one you pull up and then obviously if we want to stop you can just click here as well and it will stop presenting and if you want to leave a meeting you just click leave call in zoom it will give you the option to say like are you sure you want to leave this is just going to automatically hang up so make sure that you're ready to leave the call before you actually do you can also use google me with your phone or your ipad so you would just have to download the google me app from the app store on any of those devices so that is it for today i really hope this video helped you learn how to use google meet or how to use it better if you were struggling before if you liked this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more and i hope to see you in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: How Do You Do?
Views: 383,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claudia carlucci, claudia, carlucci, clauds carlucci
Id: A2FahEEJ13A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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