How to use Shotcut - Free Video Editor with no Watermark

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are you looking for a free video editor with  no watermarks well shotcut is a perfect choice   for you i believe shotcut is one of the top free  video editors with no watermarks and so in this   tutorial i'm going to show you how you can make  your first video using shotcut it's a great thing   to download it's cross platform it works on your  windows machine it works on your mac or linux so   let's get started on this tutorial on how to use  shot cut the free video editor with no watermark   everything is going to be time stamped in this  video so if you take a look down below in the   description you can jump around to different  parts of the video if you're looking for something   specific but i want to start with downloading shot  cut so you need to go to i'll put the   link down below in the description for this also  when you get to the front page like this just go   ahead and click to download so when you click to  download sometimes you get pop-ups and everything   you can close those and then you're going to  notice that you have some different options here   i there's i'm using windows 11 today but depending  on what system that you're going to be installing   this you'll get a different default from here  so you can go ahead and choose to go from the   installer or from the different sites on either  of these so go ahead and get that downloaded   the other thing i want to point out is that  you might need some files if you don't have   any video or media files like audio or pictures  on your computer a place where i get them a   lot of time is pexels and so i like dogs i do a  lot of videos just showing pictures of dogs and   if you go to pixels and i'll put the link down  below to this you can download for free and use   these videos and pictures any way you want so  if you are following along the same videos i'm   doing or you can pick different ones  you can go to here if i pick videos   at this point you can find different videos and  go ahead and download them so if i wanted this one   i could go ahead click download and you can see  that it's downloading on my computer what i did   after that though was i just put everything  in a folder that i'll be working from uh in my   uh from here so you can see all the different  files i have some audio files i have some pictures   and videos from here that i'll be bringing  into this tutorial on shotcut so if you want   some media to practice with go to pixels download  some put it in a folder and we'll go from there   so let's go ahead and open up shotcut i have  the shortcut right on my desktop above the   media folder so i'm going to open that up  and you can see how quickly it pops open so   the first thing i want to go over is making sure  you understand how it's looking and the different   things the different buttons will do you can  have this customized the way you want if it's not   looking the way it is on my computer right here  these different windows where it says things like   timeline or playlist or audio peak here these  things can be open and closed and how you can   do this a couple different ways so for example if  i go over here to recent and i can click the x and   it's gone if i want that back again i can click  here and if i click recent it opens up again the   other place if you want to open and close these  windows if you check under your view you can see   if i go to let's say timeline here and if i click  on timeline the timeline is not there i could go   to it again and click timeline the other thing you  can do though if it was uh if i turn it off like   this if i just go up here and hit timeline you  can see it brings back so different things you can   open and close if it's not looking the same way as  it is on mine the other thing i want to point out   these things can be all moved around so if i go to  recent here and click and hold you can see i can   embed it into a different place things start  moving automatically i can even pull it out so   it's floating up uh somewhere else so if yours you  can set yours up to look the way you want maybe   you're using dual monitor uh and you're wanting to  put things on different monitors to increase your   efficiency the other thing i want to point out if  things get all changed around near wanting things   to get back to the original way when it started if  i go up to view up here and you can see that under   layout take a look at restore default layout if  i go click that it puts everything back to normal   like this and so this is where i'm going to start  with with pulling in the media so the first step   is to create a new project and to do that we can  go right under new project and we can give it a   name and go ahead and hit start so but first of  all you have to decide where do you want this   project's folder you can see there's a default  where it's under mine it's users jamie videos   and i can click on it i could change that spot if  i wanted to i'm going to leave it as that default   i'm good with that i can give it a project name so  in this case i'm going to just call it things to   do with dogs just like that and now this is video  mode so what it's going to do if i leave this at   automatic it's just going to when i drag the first  media video into the timeline it's going to choose   that as the settings for this project but you  can change this the way you want if you wanted a   different one you could go ahead and hit automatic  and you can see that you can pick different 1080p   with different frame rates you could go to 4k down  here so you pick what you would want i'm leaving   it as automatic for this one i can go ahead and  hit start right before i do that i just want to   point out if you have any other projects so in  this case you can see there is a dog's folder here   file here that if i was working on this previously  i could just go ahead and open it up from here   but i'm just going to go with start right  here and i'm ready to bring in my media   there's a few different ways you can open and  look at your media or bring it in and we want to   bring this media into the playlist before we start  working on it but you can open and preview any of   these videos too so if i go to open file like this  i could go to that folder and it's already gone   to that shot cut media folder i can go ahead and  i'll just open this first one and when i do that   it's going to show me a preview of that file  it's not in my playlist yet it's just showing   that that preview of it under that source video  now i can move this in my to my playlist from   here by simply clicking and dragging it over or  actually i could bring it into my timeline down   below but if i drag it over you can see it's  in my playlist so that's one way to get in   videos and media into your playlist i could also  go here click this and now at this point i'm   going to just click i could select multiple  so i'm holding shift down and there's three   there and i could hit open and now i brought  in three now the way i like to do it a lot of   times is just going to the folder so if i open  up this folder here i'll bring my window back   open so this is the folder right here so if i go  ahead and select i believe i brought these in and   these ones already in i can click and just drag  them over just like that so different ways you   can bring the media in i tend to just drag from  my folders over so i'm going to just size this   a little bit different i'm going to drag it just  so we can see a little bit more there and i just   want to point out you can change the way this  looks too i if you look down below if you click   on the thumbnails it quickly changes to depending  on what you want and this is all based on what you   like how you like to see your videos or pictures  in this now uh the other thing i want to point out   if you go to here you can see where we could go to  selection to remove from here we can sort by name   by date in here we can view uh from details to  titles to icons and you can also view if you want   this larger you can see right now i'm in small i  could go large and it becomes a larger thumbnail   like that so you set it up the way you want at  any time if you want to view any of these so   if i wanted to view some of these videos here i  could double click on it and it's going to preview   in this source window over here and you can see  all the different controls where i can pause and   play or jump ahead or go back in here i could add  a grid uh to see how things are lined up also so   go ahead try clicking on some of the videos  to see what they look like if it's a picture   it's just going to show it just like this so now  that you have your media in we're ready to go to   our next step and start adding this media to our  timeline now i want to show you how you can edit   your videos and bring them to the timeline and  there's a couple different ways you can do this   now the first thing what i'm going to do is select  the video that i want to start with and i'm going   to go to this bottom one here i'm going to double  click on it just for the preview you can hear that   there's sound and everything in it this is a 2  minute and 16 seconds so i don't want anything   two minutes 16 seconds i just kind of want a  piece from this so what i can do is drag the ends   to a point an end point to where i would like it  to start so let's say for example if i wanted to   start there and then i could bring the out point  uh to the other side of it so at this point i'm   going to make this much shorter we'll make it  around this long so now at this point i can bring   this put this into my timeline down below to have  my first clip in it to do this i can do this in   a few different ways i could take this and drag  this down into the timeline like that i can add   it too so if i hit the plus here it will add it to  my timeline and you can see with the arrows here   i can go ahead and click this and this will  overwrite what would be below it but i don't have   anything on the track right now so what i'm going  to do actually is just hit the plus right here   and it will add it right here so i have that  clip you can see it's around 20 seconds long   at this point i can grab my playhead this little  triangle with a white line when i bring it back   and forth i'm scrubbing the playhead on this where  if i go bring it to the very beginning i can hit   play and one of the ways i like to hit plays  to use my spacebar so if i tap my spacebar   tap it again it will easily stop and start you can  preview it up here too and again you can put your   grid on it if you're doing some transforming and  i'll show you how to do that later you could put   your grid but you don't have to use just this grid  you could go ahead and change your grid if you   wanted more lines on it the other thing i'm going  to do is i want to give a little bit more room so   this is easier to see and i'm going to drag this  up because i can add more tracks to this i just   have one track right here i can add multiple ones  and there's different ways to add more tracks   so if i go to here and click these this menu and  i click on it you can see there's track operations   i can add audio track i can add video track insert  track i can just right click uh in here and i get   the same option so if i go ahead and add video  track you can see now i have another video track   there's nothing in it at that point you can always  undo if i go undo up top you can see how we can   undo and redo the other thing i want to point out  here is now that i have a video in the timeline   that we started editing is if we look up at the  top here now this tutorial is more about just   editing uh to making sure you understand how to do  that in shortcut and i'm under editing right here   if i was working with audio i would change it to  this one where it opens up the different frames   that would be more specific for that we have  things like color we have fx fx here but as i   said this one i'm going to be working mainly out  of editing now there's other ways you can be doing   some editing or some editing too so i'm going to  go and drag another video down to the same track   to show you now if i was bringing another video  in i can just simply drag it down into the track   without doing any editing or anything first so if  i grab this one at the end and i just drag it down   here notice if i hover over it says overwrite it's  going to take that chunk out so if i just drop it   right here that video and i'm just going to move  back my playhead and if i hit play right now   it went from there now it placed in this video and  it will go back to the other video so what we're   seeing is that in the timeline is the video  that we're creating i'm going to hit control   z now and that's the same as undo and i'm going to  drag this back but this time i'm going to drag it   out front here so now wherever you see the green  here you have a space so in when we have a space   in video editing if i hit my space bar here it's  going to turn black when it gets to that part   because there's a gap and then it starts again now  i can drag this if i grab this i can drag this and   grab it and i notice how i'm pushing it right  in i can over i could trim this other video by   dragging it in and it replaces it and what it did  if i hit the play down notice that it even added   a transition to it when i just dropped it and  i'll talk more about transitions later if i go   to it again and just hit play you can see that  transition is just like that i'm going to undo   to go back the other thing i want to point out is  if i bring this up notice that it kind of snaps uh   to it that's because i have the snap on right here  the snapping toggle here so if i turn this off and   when i bring it up it slides really easily over  this if i drop it here it replaced it but then if   i overlap it it becomes that transition so those  are some things if you're bringing in other videos   how it quickly creates that transition for you now  what i want to point out is a lot of times i would   do some editing i don't tend to edit in the source  window and bring it down i edit on my timeline   and how i do that there's three different ways i  think about it i either trim from the beginning or   i trim from the end or i'm going to split my clip  and take something out and to do that what we do   is if i go to this clip here and when i'm editing  i like to change how much i'm zooming in or   zooming up on a clip and what i mean is by using  this right here i'm just going to drag this and   you can see how the clip looks longer now the clip  didn't get longer i'm just zooming up and what   that allows me to do is if i bring my playhead  here it i can kind of go frame by frame a little   bit easier and i can even zoom up even more to get  things more exact if i'm watching maybe the audio   and i want to splice it at a certain time i can do  that so i tend to go back and forth with my zoom   a lot when i'm video editing so now talking about  trimming and i'm going to just use this clip as   an example if i have this selected this clip  and you can see the red around it all i have   to do is hover over the beginning when i get  this showing up i can click and drag in in   and then i'm dragging it in just like that and i  can do that from either end so i can short it i   can trim my clips just like that a lot and notice  at the bottom i just moved you can drag along when   you're zoomed up you can drag back and forth so  with this clip though don't worry that maybe you   think oh i took off too much you can drag it back  so if i click it again and i drag it back i didn't   change the source file i'm just showing what i'm  working on in the timeline i can always drag back   what i want to get to the original one just by  dragging the ends now the other way you'd probably   want to do it is take something out of the middle  and if i go to this clip as an example here   i'm going to zoom out a little bit so it gets  a little smaller so if i go here i can do this   in a few different ways i could go and click here  and this is going to be where my playhead is split   at playhead and notice i could just hit s on my  keyboard when i hover over it says s i'm going to   bring this back a little bit further and the other  way if i right click i'm going to get the same   thing split at playhead s so i could hit s i could  click here and it's going to have a split here   i can show you i'm just going to drag this one out  you can see where this splits so if i wanted to   take a chunk out of the middle now if i go ahead  and split it on this side and i'm just going to   hit s on my keyboard and i made another split  i have this chunk now what do i want to do with   this i can go ahead and cut it out i can right  click i could just i could hit x on my computer   on my keyboard it would remove and it's gone so  i took out a chunk and it just filled the gap   in after i took it in and there was a jump there  that you didn't even see because it wasn't very   much of a chunk so looking at trimming if you're  looking at an individual clip you can go from the   beginning the end or use your split tool or split  tool to be able to take out chunks in the middle   i do want to point out when you cut something  out of the middle and i'll just make one more   example so if i make a couple cuts of a certain  place of a clip i can take this clip anywhere   so i can bring it to the end so not only remove  it i can take it and move it to somewhere else   in the timeline to put it wherever i would like  and then at that point you can go ahead you can   with your snapping tool on you can bring it and it  snaps and closes the gap and remember if i overlap   a little bit it creates that automatic transition  there for you now the next thing what i wanted to   show you was working with pictures like an  image and here if i double click on this one   here's an image here and i'm going to drag this  into my timeline and just drop it down here   just like that and here's my image now the  difference with the video to an image i can make   a a image like a picture play as long as i want so  what i mean is if i take a video clip and i showed   you how to add back to it i'm just going to go  ahead and remove this one but if i go to this one   and start dragging i can only drag so far because  the video is only so long i could change the   duration to make it play longer slow speed or fast  but i can't drag it with a picture though you can   drag it as long as you want because it's static  so if you want a picture to play for a long time   you just drag the ends on it now the other thing  i want to show you is a little bit about layers   and understanding the top layer bottom layer i'm  going to go ahead and make another layer so if i   go right click track options and i'm going to go  add a video track and it adds you can see video   2 on it i'm going to drag another video into this  video to track and i'm just going to grab this one   here again notice i can bring the video in again  and again and again and i'll just drop it down   here and it's right on top of the other one if you  put a video on top of the other one the top one is   if you think about layering paper putting things  on it's going to be the one shown so if i hit play   you can see oops i grabbed the picture there i  grabbed the wrong one i meant to grab this video   here i just want to make sure i have the right  one selected and drop it right over there and so   i'm going to drag it back and just start again  and you can see it's overlaying on the top both   videos are playing at once i can change the size  of this to do more picture-in-picture and i'll get   into that in a little bit but if you put one of  these videos on top of another uh if it was the   same size like this one has the edges cut off  so i wanted you to see behind it it would block   everything so when you're using your different  track layers whatever goes on top is going to be   the one that is going to be the one shown on it so  i just wanted to point those out before we move on   so my timeline on the one track i have three  different videos and then this picture at the end   let's say i wanted to change the order of things  in here i just want to point out uh if i try to   drag it to the beginning notice if i drop it it  kind of took the place of it and overwrote it   i'm going to undo now there's a way you can  actually just insert it at the beginning   and we use this right here this option so the  ripple trim and drop so if i have this selected   and let's say if i want to put this clip at the  beginning now now if i drag it it drop it it just   moved everything out to the right so that's an  important one to know that you don't have to   overwrite everything on it use this here with the  ripple trim drop the other thing i wanted to point   out since i mentioned transitions already  and they're easy to add by overlapping so   if i was simply overlapping any of these  and you can see if i drag them even picture   to the video it creates these transitions  and it there's a default on the transition   just like that but you can change that transition  too so if i go to this one here i'm just going to   right click on this and go to properties  properties opened up this tab underneath   of the select of the selection that i made and i  wanted to point out so the video there's dissolve   if i drop down i can choose other ones too so  if i wanted to do barn door horizontal and i'm   just going to go ahead and move my playhead so  you can see now if i play it we have our barn   doors and we can invert change the softness of  it so shot cup makes it super easy to add those   transitions by overlapping go to the properties  and make changes and select the one that you want   so now i want to show you a couple more ways you  can move different clips around and even bring   them in to do some different editing there's  always different ways to do editing from the   window from this frame up here or to the timeline  but i want to show you one more way you can do   that also now if i go ahead and wanted to remove  the the clips that i've been working on already   i could take away the whole track so i could right  click i could go to track options and remove track   so and that would make it disappear i'm going to  go ctrl z and put it back i just want to point   out with these i can select multiple clips and  move them too so if i i click this and then i   hold shift and click the other one notice how i  have multiple ones selected so that means i can   move those around too with the one selected on it  so i could go back and select multiple ones here   and now everything's selected i could right click  on this and i can hit x or remove so again try to   remember the shut the shortcuts and that can help  you speed things up if you want to bring a lot of   clips in at a time you can do that so for example  if i click on this one right here and i hold   up shift down notice that there's multiple ones  turning blue as i'm holding shift down i can drag   those down into my timeline and place it where i  want so if i drop it it just inserted all those at   once in my timeline now i wanted to point out some  quick ways you can do some edit edit editing using   some shortcuts on the keyboard so if i go to this  one here maybe i want it out at this point so this   part to be cut out if i hold shift down and hit  i that just took it out and it snapped it back so   using the shift and i and then you can use if you  go back to the end of one and you do shift and oh   it cuts it from that way so sort of like at the  beginning when i was showing you uh from the the   window up top when we were previewing it and  using our ins and outs those are the shortcuts   that can help you you could use it in that  window too or you can use it down here if you   want it to be deleted and snap together right away  so those are just a couple different ways that you   can do some editing still in the timeline so now  i want to show you some more things that you can   do to your video to make it better so i just have  one clip right here and i'm going to show you a   few different things with this one clip the first  thing i want to show you is how to detach audio   from video in case you wanted to delete it out of  your video because if i move this around you can   see the wavelengths underneath are the audio below  the video if you right click on the clip like this   and you go to more there's detach audio so if i  click detach audio now i have it in two different   places so this is the audio to the video i could  go ahead and just remove it and now all it's going   to be left is just the video without any audio so  that's how you undo that so i'm just going to undo   and put it back to where it was the next thing i  want to show you how to do is change the duration   of your video so do you want it to speed  up or slow down to do that if i select the   clip you can see the red is around it go to  properties and you're going to see this speed   right here and it shows the duration it's at two  uh you know at the 216 here so if i increase this   and if i go up and hit apply notice i got much  shorter that's because i increased the speed on it   so if i play it those dogs  are running really quickly now   if i go down the other way you're going to  see that the clip gets longer because now   i'm slowing it down so that's how you change  the duration of a clip uh in shortcut now   the other important thing to know is about the  filters and i'm going to set up the next example   so now i want to show you how you could create  a picture in a picture using the filters   in shot cut and so i what i've done is taken two  layers here i have two different tracks and with   this top one i'll just hit play really quickly it  goes from this video and like i said it will show   the top one but what happens if you want both  playing at the same time like a picture in picture   make this one smaller so i need to add a filter to  this i need to select the clip just like this go   up to filters you can see filters are right here  i'm going to select that it opens up my filters   frame i need to add a filter so hit the plus here  add a filter and you can search for what you want   if you have favorites you can look through all  the different ones you can make more part of your   favorites so for example i know the one i'm gonna  look for as a favorite but if you're under video   uh if i'm just gonna type size here and i get to  find what i'm looking for size position and rotate   i this is already my favorite because it's starred  and if i select it as soon as i did that i get   handles around this so i'm going to shrink this  down smaller and now at this point i can even   grab it from here and move it to a different place  on it and i can even rotate it by selecting this   so i'll just move it slightly and i'll just  move it actually i'm going to move it right here   so i'm going to go back and i'll show  you what happens when i hit play here   this pops up i have two different videos playing  at once and i have just two tracks i could keep   adding more tracks and more tracks doing the  same thing so you can see i did it manually   by kind of grabbing and everything on  it but the position on everything is   right here there are different presets but i could  have changed the numbers through this i can reset   uh through here too but you can use it through  these different ones i could rotate and change   it at this point and select different options  through here so that's how you can change the   transform the shape the size or the rotation of a  clip on top of another clip or do it to any clip   while staying with filters just for a little  bit longer i just want to point out some of   the other ones there's lots of them to check  out uh so make sure you have your clip selected   go to the plus and since this is a video clip  take a look at all the different things that you   can do so if i was going to look at if i wanted  to blur or i wanted to change the brightness of   any of these you can go through and change those  just through there so if i was looking for let's   say crop circle here so i want to go this one  if i wanted to make it into a circle this video   i can apply that and notice i get more options  with it whatever filter i choose i can change it   like this and i can test it out i'll hit play and  you can see it inside of it i can reset it back   here too so reset to default here and if i click  off on that now that filter is not applied to it   i do want to point out you can add multiple  filters to the same clip so if i was going to   go ahead and add another one select it you could  go and look through but let's say if i was trying   to change the contrast here and select this one i  could make that change also and you can see how my   video is gonna change i can hit play and view it  from there so play around with the filters to see   all the different things you can do with  them if i hit the minus here you can see   i can remove the filters from it also  so you could go back remove them all   hit plus adds more just make sure the clip is  selected what you're adding it to so i have a   series of video clips and some pictures here  this little video is about 26 seconds long   let's say i want to add some music to it notice  that there is volume to these video clips here   and i don't want that so i could detach the audio  and delete it like i did before a different way i   could do it if i wanted to make sure that  anything on that track doesn't have sound   just go ahead and hit this little speaker  here and it turns it off i'll just hit play   and now we don't hit hear anything the eye next  to it is about the visual so if i turn that i   won't see anything this is handy the lock if  you know things are in the right places you   don't want to make sure anything gets moved hit  the lock and then you can't move anything at all   all right so let's add some audio now we have this  top track muted i'm going to go ahead and i have   an audio track already here that i added so i  just went to track and i added an audio track   you can hit ctrl u if you don't have that already  and now i'm going to bring in my audio right here   so i could preview it first by double clicking it  just like the videos it plays i can i could trim   it from in and out at the same points and bring it  in like i showed you before i'm just going to drag   this into my audio right here and you can see that  the wavelengths are there i'm going to hit play so i have these dogs i have the audio in it  notice that it's a it's much too long so i can   do different things on how i want to edit it it's  based on the same things that i showed you before   so if i wanted it maybe a little longer than  the clip and i'm going to fade it out at the end   i could hit shift and o and it takes  out everything on the out and brings it   just cuts it at that point so i could do the same  thing at the beginning if there was something i'm   going to zoom up because it makes it easier  to see where everything starts if i wanted   to make sure that i wanted to begin right there  without that little with no sound i could hit my   shift and i and then it's in that way so now  i have my audio video i'll zoom back out you   can kind of see it lighting up and i can  also bring it back just like i did before   by grabbing the edges just all the same things  as the video so if i zoom up a bit more uh some   effects that you can add to it and you can add  the filters just like i showed you with videos   if i click and hover over the end notice see  that dot right there if i click and hold it   this is how i can create my fade out and if i go  i'm going to move to my beginning here up i'm at   my beginning i just hover over and i can go fade  in so now and i can make it for how long i want   you can see how it stretches out i can bring  it back and as i hit play from the beginning it fades in and at the end it's going to go and  fade out so that's make some nice transitions   but like i said you can add filters to  this too so if i go up to my filters   and i was showing you with the video before  notice when i added the fade in fade out it   becomes some of the filters there i can add more  so if i hit there i can look under audio specific   and see all the different things i could do so if  you needed it to be louder that would be something   dealing with gain and you can search for that and  you can see gain volume i could add that i could   increase the level so it would become louder if it  wasn't loud enough you can reset it and these work   just like i showed you with the video so that's  a little bit about pulling that audio into you   into the video clips that we've created and now  i want to show you how to add some text to it   so now i want to show you a couple different  ways you can add text to your project   so you can add it to an individual clip  or you can do it on another layer too   i'm going to start by adding it to a clip so i  have this first one selected and i need to go to   filter again so i'm going to select filter and i'm  going to go to add filter i'm going to search for   text here just type in text in this example i'm  going to use rich text when i select that notice   i get the box around here and this is where i can  write in my information so if i was going to say   all about dogs just like this i'm going to go back  and just make it all capital like this i could go   back and decide oh you know what i wanted it to  be a different color i can go ahead and select it   you can see how it changes i could center it  change the size of the box on it i and you can   take a look just like normal editing of fonts on  the left here you can take a look this is just   like i showed you before with different positions  the background color would change um pick   something that contrast here we'll just do this  one you can see how it fills in there and i can   keep adjusting it you can add presets to this so  the preset if i was looking for a scroll and i'll   put scroll if i hit play i'm going to undo or go  back a bit here and now i've kind of created this   scroll on it so you can change your preset  and different things on it play around with   the different text it's very simple to add text  to a clip so the other thing that you can do is   add it to the new track so what i'm going to  do is go here and go to my track options and   add another video track so at this point i'm  gonna go and i'm just gonna move my playhead   forward because i won't want it in the same spot  where i had it before i'm gonna go up to open   other now and if you take a look there  there is text here so i'm gonna select text   and i'll just write dog just keep this simple so  for this demo i could go through and have a preset   if i want i'll just keep this the same you can  see i have a background color i could choose on it   i'll just pick a random one here and i'm going to  go ahead and hit ok so at this point uh it's going   to be whatever i want to write at this point i'm  going to say welcome to my video just like that   and when i'm ready to use it and put it in i can  still go through and change thing i just have   to hit the down arrow here to insert it so as i  insert it in it put it in as this right here so it   is overlaying over top so if i would he went with  a transparent background it wouldn't be all pink   like this so you can make those changes the way  you want i just wanted to show you uh how you can   add it the nice thing with doing this way is that  you can move it to a different part of the video   very easily so two different ways you can add text  in shortcut let's say our video is all done and we   want to get ready to export it so we can share it  with others so in this case in this video i have   some pictures i have video clips i put together  with transitions i have some text in here and   i've added some music and now if we look up top  we have export and i'm going to go to export and   we get some options but we want to choose how we  want to export it all right where do we want to   export it from well mainly you're probably going  to export it from the timeline which is all this   that you've worked on you can change it though  you can export a playlist each playlist item   or a source but i'm leaving it as timeline now how  do we want to export it we have these options here   on the side and you can choose what suits you  best so for me i i upload to youtube i'm going to   select youtube on this so when i'm ready i select  this i have it from my timeline i'm going to go   ahead and hit export file just like this where  do i want to export this to you know i'm going   to put it right back in that same shotcut media  that i have i'm going to save it back to there   and on the left hand side i have this uh over  here you can see right now it's working through   this export and it tells me how much much  percentage is done and how much left is going   so let's see what we finished with here i'm going  to open up this folder where i told it to export   to and i have the file so if i was uploading i  would upload this file to youtube and i'm going   to open it up just so you can get an idea what it  looks like you can see this looks like it's around   26 seconds it has the text in here i'll just jump  ahead a bit here because i know it was mainly that   one video at first but there's some transitions in  it and we have this video so i hope you like this   beginner's tutorial on how to use shot cut today  hopefully it gets you creating some videos here   let me know what else you want to learn about  shotcut shotcut or other video editors i will   put out uh some of the other free best ones out  there for video editing with no water box thanks   for watching this time on teachers tech i'll see  you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 1,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best free video editing software, free video editing software, free video editor, how to use shotcut video editor, shotcut tutorial, shotcut tutorial for beginners, jamie keet, teacher's tech tutorials, shotcut tutorial 2022, shotcut video editor tutorial, shotcut video editor, shotcut transitions, shotcut effects, shotcut text, shotcut 2021
Id: UYW3De9Rq1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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