How to use Gmail with Tips and Tricks - Detailed Tutorial

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hi there jamie keith here today at teachers  tech hope you're having a great day today   today i want to show you how to use gmail  now i'm going to start from the basics of   gmail but then i also want to go through  some more advanced tips and tricks in gmail   so let's get started with  gmail on teachers tech today   i just wanted to mention that everything is  timestamped down below in the description so   if you just click on the number it will take you  to that part of the video save yourself a little   bit of time so let's start with just accessing our  gmail and if you don't have one signing up for one   i'm going to go ahead up to the url up here and  if you want to access it quickly you can just type   in so if i start this you can  see the url comes up this will   take you to a sign in place uh i have my  account my demo account that i'm using   but you can if you go to use another account you  can see that you can create an account here that   if you don't have one so i'm just going to go  and sign in with my demo account right here   so i'm signed in to my demo account here that i'm  going to be working from today in this tutorial if   you want to kind of move around from the different  suites if you're new to google if you take a look   at the google app launcher up here the google apps  right here so if we click on this you can see you   can go to from google drive if you want to learn  about google drive i have a different video on   that i'll put the link down below but gmail right  here you can just click on it and any of these   you can change the order of these but it shows  all your google apps so when you click on it it   will go to it all right let's get started first of  all with just creating and sending emails in gmail   to compose an email in gmail just go to the top  left hand corner where you see this pencil go   ahead click on it this window opens up here now  you don't have to keep it this size if you look   we do have a minimize you can just keep it open  and hit this it's still there just in the bottom   left hand corner i'll click on it you can maximize  it even larger so you can be typing in this you   don't have to type in that smaller window and  you can go ahead and close it and it's gone   now i'm going to go ahead open it up one more  time and i will go to this one so you can see   a little bit better this is where you put the send  to so i'm going to send it to another demo account   that i have here i want to point out right here cc  and bcc because these are important things to know   with the cc so if i click on cc and  if i was putting someone else's name   uh down here like this when they get the email  they're gonna see they can see everybody on the   list that it got sent to uh a lot of times you  want to protect privacy of other people's emails   and you don't want everybody to see the list who  is attached on that that's where you need to click   on bcc so then if i was sending it this way  they're only going to see the email sent to   themselves they're not going to see who else i  sent the email to so that's an important thing   to know when you're working with cc and bc yeah  bcc so i'm just going to close that here i'm going   to put a subject line i'm going to keep this  all pretty simple i'll just say hello we write   our message i'm going to say how are you and you  notice that it's filling this in this up already   so if i hit tab it goes to the end and i'll show  you how you can turn that on and off a bit later   but i'm just going to leave it there and i'm going  to just sign it my name now you can go ahead and   change how this looks here too so if you go down  below here you can see that there is different   size of text you can change it to so you can  go back and highlight it at any time and change   it like this you can go through bold and you can  kind of set up what you want and how you wanted it   aligned so you can go and check all these things  i'm not going to cover a lot of this i just want   to point these out you can edit these you can see  i can strike that out and go back to normal the   main things i want to type talk about at the very  bottom are some of these tools that are overlooked   so yes this is i'm sending a simple message here  when do i want to send it i can actually pick a   time that i want to send it right from in gmail  so if i go i hear where it says send if i was just   sending it i would hit send but if i drop down  here i can schedule a send so i can click on it   when do i want to send it do i want to be tomorrow  this afternoon monday i can even pick a time and   then when i'm done it will go out on the time i  schedule so maybe you're writing your stuff up and   then you send it out later uh just going across  here you can see there's the formatting options uh   if i turn that off it goes away like that keeps  it open but attaching files so i can go ahead   to my you know uploading things and i'm just going  to go to this demo one i could grab an image and   open it up just like this and i can add a picture  to this you can see how it's attached here   now i'm just going to change the size of my window  here i'm just going to minimize this move this   over i just want to point out i have some files  on the side here pdfs word you can you can attach   all these so i'm going to go ahead and just drag  you can see if i just drag things over it becomes   attached on this so word documents videos i can be  dropping into so these are all different types of   files that we have from pictures pdf docs videos  now the important thing to know is that as soon   as you get over 25 megabytes in size it won't  automatically send that from gmail there's a   limit to this and what happens so if i grab this  video right here that i know it's over a hundred   and drag it over notice that it says large shot  files must be shared with drive so what's going   to happen here i'll say okay got it it's  loading this up uploading this to google   drive and this is where it's important to  understand how google drive works and as   i mentioned i have that other video but it  will upload this to google drive and when i   send it it's going to ask for what permissions do  i want because it's coming out of my google drive   so i'll show you this after this uploads so it's  uploaded here and i haven't sent this yet so it's   not asking me to change any of the permissions  i'm just going to make this larger here   i just want to point out you can delete any  of these two if you hit the x if i didn't   want something to be sent i can go ahead hit the  x and it's not going to be sent taken from there   just before i send this i just want to point out  a few other things you can see you can insert   links so if i was clicking on this and i wanted  uh maybe send a webpage to my web page uh this   is text to be displayed so i'd be like this  teachers tech for what i want to write here   and then this is where i can put the address uh  to it so if i just put my address in like this   and i can hit ok and then it goes to it and  they're going to get a link so even though it's   written there they're going to get that link to  it this is just some insert emojis pretty simple   this is going to insert from google google drive  so if you have something in your drive those large   files are ready you can go ahead and click on  it and this is where it's going to go through   this is the video that i attached already and  it's been uploaded to my google google drive so   that's why i can see it there just going across  we can see we can insert photos here we can   insert a few different ways so i can upload  just like i did before or i could use albums   i don't have any on this one or uploads or even  i could take it from the web somewhere if i had   a url of that photo i'm not going to upload one of  those but this right here is confidential mode so   this is another important thing to know so if i  click on this look at this option again this is   overlooked by a lot of people so what do i want to  have happen with this this is kind of adding more   security to this uh do we want this to expire  we can have this expire in a week this message   and then even with passcodes whether it's going  to be sent through text or not with text here   so you can set that on it to add more  security to the emails that you sent and   lastly over here you can see insert signature this  i'll talk about a little later because i want to   show you a special way a tip to get a really good  email signatures and i'll show that in a moment so   i'm going to go ahead if we have everything  we can hit send i just want to note though   look what happens when i close this and be like  oh you accidentally closed this and you think oh i   have to retype that email again well don't worry  about that because it automatically gets saved   in drafts here so if i go back to drafts you  can see it's everything here is here with the   with all the attachments so if i go ahead open it  back up there it is i'll just maximize everything   is here so it automatically saves it if you delete  it accidentally don't worry about it now i'm going   to go ahead and hit send and this is where i'm  talking about it's asking for permission because   that one file is coming from google drive so if i  go do i want to share it with this one person here   do i want to give them view comment or edit  so that's up to you what you would decide   or turn link sharing on uh because you have to  think is this person going to be able to see   this file if you can this person send this file to  someone else do you want this to be shown that's   part of the permissions how google drive works  so you can set those up but you can go ahead   and turn these on the way you want i'll just keep  it with one person and i hit send and this gets   sent off to them if you ever want to check on the  emails that you sent just go to sent right here   and then you'll be able to take a look at all  the different ones that you've sent in the past   now i want to give you a very important power  tip here to make you more efficient in gmail   and i'm gonna go ahead and create compose a new  one and i'm gonna maximize this now i've talked   about uh sending it to you know i've shown in the  previous example i can send it here and the reason   these people are coming up they're connected to my  domain but i can type in uh more people here and   type in their few and their their full emails in  here too now if i had 30 people in a group i would   don't want to be putting this in each time it  gets pretty slow what you can do is create a group   titled one thing and add all the people  in it so you can just type the one thing   uh one name and it will just pop up in your email  so let me show you how to do this i'm just gonna   go ahead and close this you need to go to contacts  for this and contacts over on the right here   you can click on it and i'm gonna go ahead and hit  get started because i don't have anybody added to   my contacts with this new account here i can add  people to my contacts here so i can go ahead and   hit create account now if you already have a csv  list you can even upload it here so i can create   a single account like this if i click on it and  i just fill in the information here and then   i'm going to have a contact if i go to multiple  contacts this is where you can just keep adding   names here and separate it by a comma you can  just go through the list and add multiple people   but if you have something you can import a csv  or a vcard file you can import it right from here   so go ahead you can add some contacts what i'm  going to do is kind of show you a different way   if you already have them connected in your domain  i'm going to create a label first so i'm just   going to call this uh demo i'll call this demo  group and i'm going to hit save and you can see   we have this label here i'm going to click on it  there's nobody in this label that i have i want   to add people to this and even though i haven't  added anybody to my contacts yet if i type ashton   since he's in my domain it comes up and what i can  do now is if you can i can add to contact so it's   a quick way i can add this person to contacts or  i can add them right to the demo group so i click   on this and it goes to demo group here so if i  click over here on demo group there is ashton and   it also automatically put him in contacts when  i added him to the group so let's go here i'm   going to go and add another name here just like  i did before and i'm not going to make this a big   big group because the example even with two people  will show so now i have two people in this group   so what i'm going to do now is go back over  to my email and i'm going to hit compose   and let me make this larger here and now when  i type demo start typing demo group click on it   and it will go through so if i again make sure  i have the right one you can see demo group has   ashton keegan in it to click in it and those  are the different names on it and i can give   it to the subject that's going to save you a  lot of time if you're sending out now i just   wanted to make a note though you can't bc bcc  this group to people so that might be important   to know if you're trying to keep those emails  confidential of it so but this can save you time   if you're sending it to the whole group so take  advantage of creating that group that label inside   your contacts so i'm going to go to another power  tip right away and that is creating a signature   in your gmail so what i mean by that it's going  to be at the bottom of your gmail automatically   put there each time so it could be as simple  as your name and contact information maybe you   have a favorite quote and it will be sent each  time you don't have to type it out so i have a   shortcut right here i could click on and if you  don't have that go up to your gear the settings   and go see all settings and under the general tab  here scroll down towards the bottom and you're   gonna see uh you're gonna see a signature right  here now i'm gonna go ahead and hit create new and   i'm gonna call this email one because you can have  multiple signatures and you can change them around   i'm going to hit create here now you can see email  1 is created i can always delete it if i wanted to   and i'm just going to put this information  here i'll just put my name and teachers   tech like so and i could go through and you  notice how i can go through and if i wanted   things underlined i i could add links i could  insert an image right through here and depending   on how i line it so you can set it up and  you're not quite done yet uh notice is this for   for new email use do you want a signature you have  to pick which one you want do you want it on reply   sure you could put it on reply or maybe you don't  want it on reply depending on how you have it set   and insert signature before quoted text you  know it removes the lines that it precedes it   so you can click that in try it and see which  way you like make sure you hit save changes at   the bottom here so if i hit save if i go back  up to compose notice now i have this already   in here so i don't have to type this so it could  be my again could be my phone number or even more   in there and i could go through and just type  and hit send and i don't have to have that   end part i do want to point out though i just  have a different window i want to show you here   if you want i have a different account compose  if you want to have something maybe that looks   like this even where you can do more and do some  more customization customization to your signature   and this is for free i have a different video  that will walk you through creating a signature   like this really simple to use but i'll put the  link down below for that all right let's move on   to our next point with gmail and i have a third  power tip for you when you're sending your emails   and i'm going to go ahead and compose make a quick  one really quick i'll maximize that send it away   and i'll just call this test and test and hit send  notice at the bottom send message sent undo i can   undo our view message here that's going to go away  after i have so much time to undo that message so   rate now by default it's set at five seconds so  maybe you want a little bit more time that you can   undo these messages before it's sent and you can  see message was sent now if i want to change that   go back up to your settings again and go to see  all settings and right here towards the top here   you can see undo send send cancellation  period after so it's five seconds you can   change this so you can change this up to 30  seconds if you want a little bit more time   to maybe you sent an email and you're like no  no no i didn't mean to send that to cancel that   change that to 30 seconds and it will delay it by  that and then you can go do and undo that send so   that could save you maybe it's embarrassment or  something that you didn't mean to send somebody   and you can undo it still let's talk a little bit  about receiving emails now when someone sends you   an email and i just sent myself one from a  different account here you can see i haven't   opened this one because it's not grayed out  this one that when i started this uh email today   was red because i clicked on it like this and  it was opened and so if i go back to my inbox   that one's grayed out i haven't opened this one  as soon as i click on it and go back to my inbox   you can see it's grayed out now there's a few  other things i can do to this right away too so   if you go over to the side you notice that there's  archive so this doesn't mean delete this means   that it's going to be placed in your late in one  of the labels and if i go down i'll open this up   and if you look at all mail that's where it's  going to be placed and it's not going to delete   it so if i go ahead and click on archive if i  go over to all mail this is going to be in here   here it is right through here i can actually  drag this back out of here so if i go back   in i can drag it back in and it brings it back  into the inbox but the archive does not delete it   there is the delete if you want it gone go ahead  and hit delete like so but remember at the very   bottom you do have a trash here and you can go  ahead if you want to if you want to put it back   you could empty the trash now but as soon as  i click you can or i can delete it forever you   can see that there's options of reporting spam uh  through here that i can change around so but i can   move this back into my inbox as well this way so  you can drag things all around now i can also mark   as unread so if as soon as i do that it puts  it back so maybe i want to make sure that it   stays white i can make it unread here or mark it  as read here and i can also snooze this so if i   want to be reminded of this email i don't want to  read it yet later today i wanted to remind me come   back i can pick a date and time where we'll  come back if i don't have time to look at it   so those are some of the quick things that you can  do when you get an email you can also click on it   and reply to it so with reply right here at the  bottom i like these smart replies what they do is   use ai to think what you want and you can go ahead  and click one one of these like this and it will   just go ahead and get ready to write something  back from it so i could go ahead and send it back   from there with a smart reply if i don't want to  i can hit delete here or just hit reply and type   whatever i want here so i said i'll just say yes  on this one to keep it simple and i can send it   back and that person will be getting and i have a  thread starting right away i do want to point out   forwarding here if we go forward uh this is where  i can send it to somebody else from here so now   i can send it to someone else in my account and  they're going to get that first email from it so i   have a little bit of a thread happening i'm going  to do some replying and get back to this email   so as i mentioned i have a little bit of a thread  happening here look at the number five right here   that means the messages that are in this so it's  a group of messages and if i click on it open up   you can kind of see the conversation here and the  person even sent me a a photo here i just want to   point out with if with anything that gets sent  to you from email you can download it to your   computer notice when i clicked on it uh you have  different options you can open it up like this   at the top i have uh print i can save this to my  drive so if i click on this this will actually   add it to my google drive and it'll be stored  there or download it on the computer and you can   always check for more options wherever you want  to save it to your google photos too so i'm just   going to close off that but you can see that you  get those uh you can open up different things as   you whenever you see those three little dots too  all right so on any of these you can go back at   different ones through the thread and you can go  through and pick these more options right here   and you can kind of you can see how i can even  block somebody here i could delete the messages   message show original i could even translate  it if i needed to on this one but i have this   conversation i'm going to go over to my inbox  here's a tip about receiving emails especially   in conversation do you want it to be all grouped  like this into one message or do you want separate   ones because you can go up to your settings again  and if you go to cl settings under the general tab   here if you go and find your conversation uh one  so as you go through uh we'll take a look for it   we have conversation view right here so if i  go turn it off and now i can save it make sure   you keep on saving it will force you to save  it if you try to leave it here but now also   my messages have been separated on this so you  can see now it used to be just that one message   it's being broken up into the replies into  the different messages right through here so   depending on how you want it you can change that  view of conversation let's say someone sends you   an email and you're on vacation and you don't  want to feel like this person's ignored you want   to make sure that they know that they got the  message you can set up an autoresponder to this   and if you go back up to the settings up top here  and click on see all settings now there's lots of   different settings in here i'm not covering them  all in this tutorial here today so make sure you   do take a look at all the different ones that you  can do but at the very bottom there is vacation   responder so if you know you're going to be  away for a specific date you can turn this on   and you can uh give it the first date and  the last date so maybe it's a week or so that   you'll be gone or maybe a couple days you set the  dates you'd give this a subject and you can write   a message so a person would send you a message  and then it would automatically say hey i'm on   vacation i'll be back at this time just to let  them know that they've that the message has been   received and that you're just away at that time so  take advantage of the vacation responder in gmail   so now i want to talk about organization in your  gmail and at first let's talk about your labels   labels are on the left over here i made a little  bit more real estate and in case you're out of   room any of these can drag up and down so i just  brought this down so i'd have more room to open   up my label so these are all my different labels  that were made already for me so i've talked about   snooze before in an email well anything i snoozed  would go here my all mail is a label scheduled is   a label so i can go check on those and they'll  be under those labels now star is a very easy   one to help you stay organized so how you can  use star if i click on any message like this   you can see i have this star option right up there  and i can click on it like this and i can go back   to my inbox you can see it adds the star but i can  also add add the star here too so it just makes it   so if something's important if i click on start  it'll take those messages and put it there so   very simple way to do this and here's a quick  tip inside your settings and i keep going back   to these settings if you scroll down a bit you  can see that you can have more stars and if i   was gonna i can drag more things up in place of  the different ones that they give i'll just drag   a few examples and notice if i try to leave if  something changed and your changes will not be   saved i'm going to make sure i save that and now  if i click on these here so if i'm going to open   this back up and i click on my star here notice  how it changes so it goes through so in each spot   so if i go here and just keep clicking on it it  changes through all the different options that   i've chosen so you could have different stars for  it but everything still of those will still be   placed in your star so you can change it off onto  different ones so a little tip there so again   these are other labels let's go ahead and create  some more to make it more personalized so if i   go ahead and create a label and i'm just going to  call this demo and it's a top level label i could   put labels under labels and hit create so now  i have this one called demo i could even make a   few changes after if i want to edit it you can see  i remove it i'm going to add a color to it let's   make this one blue like this and i'm going to make  one more label and i'm just going to call this   demo 2 like so and i'm going to add a color to  this one also and it's going to be this green one   so now what you can do there's different ways you  can label your emails these labels can be applied   in different ways so i'll just start from an  email so from an email you can see that we   have our label here if i click on it i can click  where i want it to go so i have demo one demo two   and i can apply it and so as soon as i apply it  i have this label right here put onto it and i   can delete these labels too so but i'm going to  go over to demo and that one is in there now if   i go back to inbox i can drag them over to any  place so i can drag them over and i label them   just like this i can label these with multiple  labels so they just don't have to go to one spot   they can be in multiple spots because one email  might belong in different categories when you're   searching for them the other thing is you can do  what you can do you can take an email from here   and drag it in so now you don't see it it's not  in your inbox anymore it's not gone it's gonna be   in just that one label so you can take things out  of your inbox and make sure they're organized by   the label remember if you look into your all  mail everything is in your all mail all labels   all drafts everything like that i'm going to make  one more label here so i'm going to hit create new   so i'm going to call this demo three i just wanted  to point out you how when you're nestling under   you can go create and you can see how you can  even organize organize it further like this so   that's using with demos on it so there's different  ways to apply them from dragging to adding labels   in here now i just want to point out a tip i have  a different video that even goes deeper into this   you can actually create filters that if somebody  sends you an email it will actually go to that   label automatically and it will do that perform  that task for you you just have to set it up   so i'm going to put a link to the filters email  filters video that i have it so it'll save you a   lot of time in keeping everything organized let's  talk a little bit about customization here and   the one thing i just want to point out and i'm  going to go back to the settings in cl settings   is the labels that i just talked about talked  about and if i look at labels you can see   where you can show or hide so if you look on the  left-hand side if you don't want to see something   there if i don't want sent there you can go and  hide it and it's taken away so you can modify   these and where it shows up so take a look and  you can see here are the different ones that i   just created uh with the demo ones now i'm going  to go back a step here and to settings and i just   want to point out this right here these this way  is an easy way to customize what you want it used   to be you have to go to cl settings all the time  but you can go change quickly what you want your   gmail to look like so depending on the density of  it and you can see how that changes you can choose   your theme so if i go view all it will go through  and pick which one if i hit save you can see how   quickly it will change so they've made it really  easy to uh to customize this i do want to point   out uh too we have our inbox do you want you know  your stars to come in first you're unread you're   important first so you pick the way you want  this set up and i mentioned the conversation view   everything how it goes into the settings you can  see that the email threading i could just click   on it here and it will get to it here so it's very  easy to change your customizations to get things   looking the way you want in gmail now the last  thing i just wanted to point out today and i'm   going to actually turn it back to a very simple  one to view just it's a little easier to see is   this on the side with the chat and i'm not going  to go deep into this again i have a different   video about google chat and rooms and everything  google the chat on the side allows you to   instantly chat so it's not email but you can  chat with people back and forth through typing   you just can go ahead start a chat it's going to  click onto it and you can chat back and forth i do   want to mention the rooms so what the rooms do and  in case you don't have this in your gmail this is   rolling out to everybody soon this will be updated  how it looks but if we go and create a room again   check out my video for this we can go ahead  and create a spot where we can collaborate on   files together inside gmail or you can use it  in chat too so you could be a place just for a   good collaboration and you have it right in gmail  and lastly at the bottom is meet so google meet   allows you to start new meetings here  so we go ahead and click on new meeting   and we can start a a google meet here and  do a video conferencing all this accessible   through your gmail and up at the very top notice  where it says active we can change how our status   is by quickly changing this so there is a lot  more to learn about gmail there's more tips i can   give you and i will give you hopefully this  got you started today with maybe some things   you didn't know about organizing your gmail let  me know what else you want to learn thanks for   watching this week on teachers tech i'll see  you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 26,020
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Keywords: how to use gmail, how to use gmail in 2021, jamie keet, teacher's tech tutorials gmail, gmail tips and tricks 2021, google apps, google drive, labels and filters in gmail, create a group in gmail, gmail, gmail tutorial, gmail tips
Id: 6E2JxZ2vKPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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