How to use Google Drive Tutorial - Detailed Tutorial

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hi there jamie keate here today at teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today i want to show you how to use google drive so i'm going to start from the basics of google drive but then i want to give you tips and tricks so you can start using google drive more effectively so let's get started today on teachers tech with how to use google drive if you're looking for something specific about google drive take a look down below in the description this video is time stamped you can just click on the number then you can jump to that section that chapter of the video to save yourself a bit of time so let's get started here today with the basics so where do you find google drive now first of all you do need a google account and i'll show in a second where you can create one of those if you don't already but you can access google drive in a few different ways now the way i'm going to show you first is just by going up to this url and typing and then if you hit enter you will get to this page and this is where you can choose an account so i already have an account that i can choose from right here that i can sign into or i could use another account or i could even remove account if i wanted to but if i click on use account i could also sign in here or go ahead and create account an account so if you don't have an account you can go ahead create one here and then you can get started from there now i'm just going to log in with my demo one here that i have set up so you can see my i have no files or anything in here i'm starting from uh just from scratch here and i just wanted to point out too you can always get to google drive through your app launcher too so the app launcher the google app launcher is this it will show all your google apps and you can see drive is right here so if you weren't in drive and you're logged in you could just simply click on this if you you can move these around too so if it's something you're using a lot move it to the top when you click on it it will bring you to google drive also so what is google drive now google drive what it does is gives you a place to store your files online so in the cloud this allows you to access them from any device also so it could be a mobile mobile device maybe a tablet any computer you log into you can go and get them you can create files in here so whether it be google docs google sheets google slides google forms or more you can even bring your microsoft documents into google drive now and edit them inside of here so it's a great place to just be able to access all your information from any device now let's get started with some simple uploads uploading files can be done a few different ways in google drive now the first way i'm going to show you is just by going up to the left and clicking this new here and if i go down you can see that there's file upload there's also folder upload and i'll show you that in a moment but i'm going to click on file upload at this point i'm just going to go to desktop i have a little demo folder here i'm going to open this up and i'm going to grab a file so for this first one i'm just going to grab an image right here so this is just an image i'm going to hit open and you can see down in the right hand corner it's showing me what's happening now it's uploaded i actually even have a preview of this when i upload these files if i double click on them it will give me a preview of what i have in now you could go through and you could upload this way just by going file upload you can also right click so if i right click on this you notice i get the options of upload files so from either from new here or if you right click over here you're going to get the same list from here now you can also do this with a folder so if i go new and folder upload i could go back i'm just going to go back to my desktop click on this demo and i could go upload and it says this will up upload everything from this folder i'm going to hit upload and you can see now it's telling me how much time is left on it i can cancel this at any time just by hitting the x on this you see it says cancel upload i i am going to cancel it right now because i want to show you a different way so that that has canceled if i look into it now a couple different things went into it but it didn't finish the whole upload on this so notice if i go if i just go back to my drive i actually have a folder listed here so if i click this little arrow now notice that the folder is listed so this is going to be part of the organization and i'm going to talk about more organization later on in this video i'm just going to change the size of this here just by my window just so you can see on the side the this was the folder that i just showed you i'm actually going to delete this folder and you can delete in a few different ways if you click on the folder or even if you click on the image you're going to get a few different options up top so if i click up off you notice that there's nothing right up here but as soon as i select something i have more options and i have the delete or remove right here now i can also right click a lot of times when i'm working with google drive i tend to right click on objects and down here i have remove so i'm going to go ahead and remove this and it's gone out of my google drive but it's still somewhere because it has 30 days until it's actually deleted forever and where it is is in the trash so if i go to trash right here you notice it's right here it says items and trash are deleted forever after 30 days if i want this back again i can right click on it and hit restore and notice if i click on it the restore is also up top so all i have to do is go restore and go to my drive and it's back again so i'm going to remove this one more time and i just want to show you a different way you can bring folders or files in you can also just drag things over so i can go to this pdf folder or file and go and drop it in right inside google drive and it's going to upload gives me the preview i can double click on it at this point there's a different video i created that will actually show you how you can edit pdfs like this inside google drive i'll put the link down below in the description up above in the card so you can take a look at that the other thing i wanted to point out if i go to this pdf and drag the same one over like this i it's exactly the same one now what it does it would copy over it but if i take a look at the bottom i can say keep as a separate file so if you want it as a separate file if i click on that and you notice now what it does it creates it as a separate file so maybe you have something named the same and you've made changes to it and you don't want to copy over it just click that the other thing is you can drag and drop entire folders just like i showed you before you can go and and drop them over and it works the exact same way as hitting the new and the upload like that so whatever way it works quicker for you i just want to point out if you're uploading videos to this so i believe in this one folder i do have a video that will be uploaded when it was it when it's done videos can take a little bit of time to be processed so i if i go to this uh this one right here i can see this is the video if i go ahead and double click on it it might not play right away so it well i can it can say i can download it to watch it and it will download it onto my computer but if you upload a video and wait a bit and then it processes it then you'll be able to watch it right from google drive but it does take some time so i have a tip for you now to even get more to google drive and that's installing the google drive extension so what i mean by this is i have a tab open right here this is the google drive extension and you can just go to the chrome web store and look for a google drive extension this is what it looks like here i'm going to add to chrome and this is going to install this extension in on my chrome browser here so it will just take a second and then it's going to pop up open right here i'm not going to bother turning on sync right now but what i'm going to do is just pin this so i'm going to open this up and hit pin so i can see that little google drive so what this allows me to do and i'm going to use this as an example uh this explore tulum page if i go to this picture and i right click on this it gives me this option so when i installed the uh that app now i can hit save image to google drive and that's going to ins just go ahead and i'll have to pick what account i want it to go to and i have to allow and then it will go through and save this to google drive just like that so i'm going to go back to google drive right over here and here is the image that i just saved very quickly from the web the other thing you can do so if i go up to let's say if i was you know thinking about printing this page but if i go to file print take a look at the option that you have here so the destination now i can save to google drive so if i go ahead and print this to google drive this is going to go over this image is going to go over to google drive just like that so now if i go over to google drive and check this out here it is it's a pdf of that page right through there as it loads up so that extension can give you a quick way to put things in your into your google drive so now i've shown you how to upload different files to google drive you can also create files within google drive and you can do this in a couple different ways again going up to the new or right clicking so if i go to new you can see the google docs google sheets google slides and google forms right here if i right click over here you can see i get the same option of these so if i wanted to start a google doc from here i could just click here notice if you hit this little arrow here you get a few different options if you want to start from a template or a blank document if i click on google docs it just gives me a blank document to start like this so if i just type demo like this and i'm going to go up to here and it automatically gives it a name i can change the name of this so if i go out of google drive now so looking at a few different options i could move this and everything but i'm just going to go back to my google drive here and now i have this untitled one here so if i just refresh this page you're going to see it change the the name here now the other thing i just wanted to point out you can change the name of any of these files to any of the ones you upload so even this uh google drive demo folder if i right click on this take a look at rename so i can go ahead and rename if i didn't want those zeros there i could go ahead and delete them out of there and hit okay i can do this to anything i have in here i can right click and then all you have to do is look for rename and go ahead and rename the rename the file or folder to it so if i look at this again if i go new i could do this to google google sheets google slides google forms i have different tutorials on these too so check out my playlist on google of all how all of these work you can also hit more here so from google drawings to my maps you could create a website with google drive using google sites this is all done for free too you can see the app script and gem board you can actually even connect to more apps so this will connect it to google drive you have to allow them to connect and then you can be opening up different files from these different apps right from your google drive so create a way in here just create from google the other thing that you can do and i'm just going to change the size of this just to demo the word document here if i drag this word document over this is a microsoft word created this microsoft word you can see the w is here uh looks different than the google docs here but if i go ahead and double click on this you can see that it's going to open it up it puts it into google uh google docs and i can edit that word document inside google docs here uh you can see that the dot docs the extension is still there uh on it so you'll be able to work right in here if someone gives you it you can you can edit those microsoft files right in google drive really quickly i just want to mention downloading you can download anything from your google drive so if it's a single file you can just right click it on it just like this image and you can see that there is a download you can go ahead and click on it and it will download it to your computer and once it's done you can go ahead and click on it and it opens it up on your an app on your computer now if you download a folder like this one what's gonna happen so you can see i'm gonna go to download i have that option when i download it if we look at the bottom right hand corner it's preparing download it actually zips the file all together and then it's extracted on your computer so it takes a little bit of time as it's zipping the file together but anything you've uploaded you can download it to your computer to work on it too in this section i want to talk about how to organize your google drive all the different ways you can do this now i've just started this this example today you can see i'm starting to get pictures and documents in different places and maybe you like to keep it clean now what i'm going to do first is i'm just going to create a new folder so i'm going to right click and i'm going to click new folder and i'm just going to call this one images like this and hit create so i'm going to put my images inside this folder and how i like to do it is i just sometimes just drag like this so i can just click and hold and drag it up and it gets moved into here so if i click in here open it you can see there's the image i can click in all these different ones inside this folder was created over here if i create it i can create folders inside of folders too so if i go inside a different folder i can create more let me give you an example let's say in this one i'm planning a trip and this is i want this in my images so this time i'm going to right click i'm going to go to move to so this allows me to move this to where i want so i'm going to actually click in images but i wanted to create another folder in here so i'm going to call this folder trips and i'm going to hit this check mark like this and i'm going to put move here notice on the left hand side now i have images as my top folder there and then trips went inside so if i click on trips now this is in inside here so it's up to you how you want to keep things organized and how you drag different things in name now if i go up to this google drive demo here i just wanted to point out you can view things differently too so i have these uh this view on i'm going to go up to right here so list view so if i click on list view this is what list view looks like so you could change um how you want uh to see inside uh the other way is that grid view that i started with so you can change that back and forth and what i'd like to do when i especially when i get a lot of different uh files and everything in here you can change the order so if i hover over here you can see this arrow here if i reverse the sort direction it will change so if you know something towards toward the bottom you could click it and it will come to the top the other thing you could do is search by last modified so if i click on this you can see last modified last modified me by me and last open so it will change uh how uh the different sword is now i didn't have very much happen in this file yet but i just want to make sure that you see that these options are because it can really help you find different things so i'm just going to go back to my drive here and you can see it's still in list view here and i can still do my sorts from here change my orders through here too or if i want to change it back just click on here the other thing i wanted to point out is as you get more and more folders what you can do is color them too so if you right click on any of these folders like this you can see that there is a change color so if you want it and i'll just change this to red if you want a folder to stand out you can change it to a different color in that other tips video that i mentioned before i can even show you how you can put little images inside these two so check that out if you want to even do more uh customization to your folders on it so if i right click then you can just again see change the colors the other thing that uh helps me with organization is the add to star so again i don't have a lot in here yet but what i do is i'll add to star so if i click this and add this to star you can see on the left here so if i know a different file that if it's important i want easy access i click on it it will just go to this one so if you star it then you can just click here and it will go through uh they just will show in here so if i go back to this one if i right click on this one i can remove from star also on this the other thing if you're working on a file a lot we have recent and it will just kind of show your more recent ones next i just want to point out in the settings i haven't talked about this yet but the settings gear is right up top and i'm just going to go to settings and i want to show you just where you can be having suggestions so if you turn on and this might be on by default for you uh i can't remember which way it starts but show suggested files in my my drive google tries to help you out and you can change this make priority my default home page on this so you can go through and set these so if i hit done and if i go here you can see now there's these suggested ones across the top and google's just trying to do this i think just how uh recently how active i am in different ones and it puts their them up top so it gives you an easy access if you sit down to google drive they're saying hey do you want to work on this one so if you're neatly organized in your google drive you have your folders and files inside them then you can easily find things for me a lot of times i get messy with my google drive and how i like to find things is just using search and this is what google's made for and what makes it a powerful way to use your google drive so as an example and i know i don't have a lot of information in here yet if i was going to look for an example if i start typing in example up here notice this is an example document this is matching with this one right here because it pulled the word example out of the title so i could go ahead and click on it and it would open up so i can search through it i'm just going to go back to google drive it can actually even search inside of your of your of your document so i'm going to type just the word uh richards like this and you might be wondering well what am i looking for and it did find a document here so if i click on this one and open it up notice that it searched inside here here's the richards that it found so it can search inside your document so maybe you don't remember what it was called but you remember something you typed in it it will search for that to help you find it i'm just going to go back and take a look at the different ways though as you i'll just delete this as you look in here you could be looking if you knew you're looking for documents pdfs if i click on pdfs it will just pull out pdfs out of it and it's become that's part of the search now i can exit this out i can do advanced search here so this is where you can even look has the words in it location anywhere is it in the trash is it start who's the owner what type is it so if you can't find because your google drive can get so many different files and folders in here i would take advantage of the search even if you don't remember what the title is you can make sure just by grabbing something maybe that you've typed out of it search it and will help you find it shortcuts are something you can add to any folder or file that allow kind of the file to live or folder in multiple places it doesn't really create a copy it just gives a shortcut to that so if i was going to go to this pdf one right here and right click on it notice that we have add shortcut to drive so if i go ahead add shortcut to drive i'm just going to move down here you can see that where do i want to have this shortcut i'll go in here and i'm just going to click in images here and add shortcut so what it did there was if i go to images i even though it looks like the file is here it's really just a shortcut to a file so this can help you stay organized maybe you're putting all your different files together for a project but the original file is living somewhere else and you can just put the shortcut to this so you can have it in multiple places you can keep adding another shortcut so if i go to this click on it it is opening up the original on it but it's opening up through a shortcut so take advantage of the shortcuts to help you stay organized now another thing what i like to do is how that helps mistaken on top of things is turn my notifications on and they might be again on for you already i'm going to go back up to settings up here and go to here settings and just notice that there's notifications and right now i have this set up for get all updates about google drive via email you could actually just get the notification to pop up in your email so you can just see or sorry in your browser so you can see you have to allow it i'm going to click allow and is it newly shared items with you requests for access comments suggestions and actions so you can turn these all on so when somebody is if you're working in a group and people are sharing files and you want to make sure you don't miss anything if you didn't check your email and you run your google drive you'll get a notification when you get that file shared with you so take advantage of the settings and look at the different settings that you can go through on this i'm not going through them all today in this tutorial i just wanted to point out the priority space right here and this is a great way to keep yourself organized now it shows you recent ones right at the top that you've been working on but you can create your own space inside here so right here it says create your own personal workspace so then i can go ahead and create this space i can call it what i want and so i'll just say to do and go ahead and create now i can add different files so it's getting started i'll just use this one as example add selected and i'll hit done so now if i click on this one if i go ahead i can see that this isn't in here so if i go and view workspace i can add more files to this so if there's other files that i need to add if i go to this word document here and insert and hit done now i've added this so it's a great way to keep organized especially if you're working on certain projects or to name your workspace maybe by project and put your files in there so it's easy to find in that priority spot in this section i want to explain to you how sharing works in google drive and that's going to be sharing a document sharing a folder with an individual or even a group of people now when i go to a document and i'm just going to use this tulum pdf that i created earlier i can share this so maybe i want to share with somebody thinking about taking vacation i found it i want to share this pdf with them so if i click on this and just like i mentioned before up top you get your remove which i showed but you also have your share and you can right click on any of these and get to your share also so if i share this you can see that add people or group so if i had the group i could i could call the type the group in and it would be shared with everybody in that group so i'm just going to go to a different email within the organization that i have and it's giving me hints ad sharing restrictions got it so do i want them to be an editor a viewer commenter so this is important this is probably the most important part about the sharing is i what permission are you giving them is it somebody you're collaborating with and you want them actually to be an editor or you just want them to view this or comment on a pdf they're not going to be changing the too much of that file anyway but if it was a doc or google slides if you only want them to look at it you could give them viewer and they're not going to be able to change it so even if you're sharing it with students or something and you don't want them to change it you just want them to view it make sure you don't give them editor because this is where they're going to change it so you can set it to viewer and it will show you viewers of this file can see comments and suggestions here so make sure you know what you want to do so you can hit send just like this and then it gets shared with it so you're wondering what does that look like i'm just going to change my window here i'm just going to refresh because this is the account i just um i just shared it with and here it is right here in suggested and it also went with shared with me so if i click on shared with me here it is right here so i can go ahead and open it up and see the pdf that just got shared with me now the other thing and i'll just make this window large again you can share entire folders so with this google drive demo here i can right click on this and i can share just like this and i'm going to share it with the same person again now the difference is is now with a folder it's going to share everything in the folder and anything i put in the folder after so this is what i like to do if i know i i share a folder originally with somebody and i can just keep adding things or anything i create in that folder is automatically going to be shared with a person down the road so i can go ahead and give them editor and hit send and that sends over and again i'm just going to change my window and right here it's already sure so here's that google drive and here's the different documents inside here since i gave them editor they can double click on these ones and start even editing in these ones here since i gave them the editor of it so i'm just going to go back here and i could share back to the person from it so it's really easy to share back and forth but remember it's uh remember that it's important to know that how you're sharing what privileges are you giving them how much do you want you want them to just edit or view or do you want them to be editors the other thing you can do with any file or folder is get a link and just maybe email it out to somebody so if i was going to go to this one and right click notice that there's get link now what i can do is i can copy this link right here so i could go copy and i could send it an email but these this makes a difference what is it only people added so if i drop down i can say anyone with the link so what that would mean is if i sent that link to somebody and chose that they could send it to someone else if they got that link they would be able to open it too this would just be within my organization that the link would work so make sure again how do you want to share that information on it so those are different ways you can share files and folders inside google drive so right before i end this lesson on google drive today i just wanted to point out an app you can install i'm not going to go through it all but it's the google drive desktop app and what it does and you can get the link in a few different places sometimes at the beginning it's at the bottom left it's blue it says download the app you can also go to this gear say click this get drive for desktop and it's going to bring you over to this page and you can download it for windows or mac so what it does and i'm just going to move this out of the way i've installed it on my computer and i chose to install uh shortcuts to google drive or google drive and google docs and sheets and in slides here and it creates a place on my computer so if i just open up my my windows here you can see i have a drive google drive here and anything that i put in here depending on my settings i can either stream it which means it will open and put it on my computer as i work on it or i can mirror it so it'll back up everything on my computer from google drive and that will just take up more space so i could be just working off my computer putting things into these files and then it's going to sync to google drive so that's something you might want to look into i know at work a lot of times the tech people install it on the computers but you can go through and install it on your computer let me know if you want to see maybe a different video on how that works and i can make one for that but i just wanted to point out this desktop app for google drive so that's kind of the uh the tutorial for today there's still a lot more you can do with google drive and i have a few different videos i'm going to link down below thanks for watching this week and teach on teachers tech i'll see you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 27,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google drive, how to use google drive, teachers tech google drive, jamie keet, google drive extension for chrome, google drive desktop, uploading files to google drive, creating files in google drive, teachers tech, sharing files in google drive, detailed google drive tutorial, google drive how to use, google drive tutorial
Id: G5B6ksOKlYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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