- This video is brought to you by SaneBox. Stay tuned to learn more
about how SaneBox can help you keep a decluttered inbox. (logo whooshing) Are you brand new to Google Keep, or perhaps you're just
looking for a refresher? Well, in this video, I'm gonna show you
everything you need to know to get started with getting
the most out of your notes right here within Google Keep. Hello everyone, Scott
Friesen here at Simpletivity, helping you to get more
done and enjoy less stress. And today I'm starting
with a brand new account. I don't even have a
single note listed here within Google Keep, but let's change that and show you all the different ways in which you can add notes, edit notes, and then manage all of
that information here, right within Google Keep. Now, by default, when you
first log in or open up Keep, you will be presented
with the notes section. Now, a little later on, we'll
look at the other options that we see here on the left-hand side. But to get started, let's
start putting in some notes. Well, it's very, very easy
at the top of our screen we will always have this
take a note section. And if we place our cursor in here, we are opened up with a brand new notes. So we can start adding any piece of text, we can copy and paste links
and other pieces of information directly into this note. You'll notice that the
cursor will always put us into the body of the note
and not the title up above. A title is not necessary
here within Google Keep. So if I select close, you can see there is my full
note at this case in point, if I start a new note, maybe I want to say this
is new note number two but I do want to give it a title. So this is the title section up here. If I hit close, you can see it
doesn't make that significant of a difference. This really comes down
to personal preference, and you may not need a
title for each and every one of your notes. But let's take a look at
some of the other things that we can do here
within our notes as well. Whether you're taking a new note, or perhaps you're coming in
here to edit an existing note, you will see some other options
here on the left hand side. Let's start off with our reminders. This can be really helpful if you wanna make sure not to forget a particular piece of information, or especially if you're using
Google Keep as a to-do list. So if we click on our reminders here, we're going to be presented with a few different default
times, including later today, tomorrow, or next week. Now, if these fit my needs, I can select one of these right away. Otherwise, I can come down here and select pick a date and time and be very specific as to when I would like to be reminded. So I'm gonna hit save in this case, and you can see I now
have a little icon here, a little badge you could
say that it's telling me when I will be reminded today at 2:30. If I click on this, I can
always come back in here and change that and say, you know what? On second thought, remind me tomorrow. So now, I will be notified if I have Google Keep
on my mobile devices, if I have my browser
notifications turned on I will be notified at that
time about this particular. But you may have noticed that
there was another option here under reminders. Maybe I don't want a
particular date and time. Maybe I want a particular place. And this is especially helpful if you are using the Google
Keep mobile app on your phone. If I select place, all I
need to do is start typing in the name of maybe a store, for example, let's see if I can pick
something a little bit closer to home here. You can just start typing
things in like you would in a regular Google Maps or Google Search. And now when I've found in this case my local staple store, I can hit save. And you can see that that
is now added to this note. Now it's not going to remind me at a particular date or time. What it's going to do, is that if I have Google
Keep on my mobile device, when I am near this store, when I am driving by, or walking by it, when I'm within vicinity of this store, then I will be reminded. So this can be especially helpful if you're managing a grocery list, or in this case if I need
to buy some office supplies, when I'm close to that location, I will be reminded on my mobile device. All right, a few other options here, the next one over has to
do with collaboration. So you can always add someone
to your particular note. In this case, I am the owner here but all I need to do is type in someone else's email address. Let's type in this test account
here, and I can hit save. And now I can see that that individual has been added to this note. In fact, on the front of the
note, from my main screen I can see that as well. So now they can have access to this note and we can collaborate together. They can actually content and we can see each
other's changes as well. The third option here has
to do with changing a color, and this can be very helpful to organizing all of your notes. Maybe I wanna make this note a yellow. And maybe for me, that represents something
that I need to do today, for example. So I can manage my notes
and base it on color coding. You don't have to apply a color, but again another way in which we can organize our notes. The next one over has to
do with adding an image. So you can add additional
image to any of your notes. In this case, maybe I'm
gonna grab this image here. I'm gonna select open. And now I've got this image embedded or a part of this given note as well. There's a lot of other
things that we can do with our images here within Google Keep, at this stage, I'm just going
to show you how to remove it. If you hover over the
image, we can remove it, we can remove it here as well. And now it is removed, it's
gone from that particular note. The next one over it has to
do with archiving this note. And remember, archiving is
different than deleting a note. Deleting is permanent, it's gone for good. If I choose to archive this
note, it will end up over here in this archive folder, so
I can retrieve it later. Last but not least, we
have this more section where we have a number of
further advanced options as well. This is where we can
delete a note permanently. Here we can add a label, which I'm gonna show you in just a moment. We can also add things like a drawing. So if you want to add something
that you're drawing to, this especially useful, if
you're using the mobile version of Google Keep, you can do so as well. Now you can see I've added this drawing directly to this particular note. Be aware that it's actually
going to add a full square, regardless of how small
your drawing may be. It's actually gonna take up
an awful lot of room here when you add a drawing
to that particular note. But let's look at some
of the other options we can do here as well. We can make a copy of this note. Maybe most of the note is the same thing that we want somewhere else, but we can make a copy
and make some changes. We can also show checkboxes, which I'll show you in a moment, and also copy it to Google Docs so that you can access this
information within Google Drive. But let's get back to adding more notes, because we can do so much more than just adding text-based
notes here within Google Keep. One of the more popular
ways of adding notes here within Google Keep is to create a list or a specifically a checklist. So rather than placing my
cursor here within take a note, I can come over here and
select like a new list. And what you can see is
that it's going to give me a list based form. So if I start to write in, maybe a grocery list here, for example, I now have some check
boxes that I can tick off as I go along the way. So this is especially helpful if you're creating a shopping
list as you see here, or anything else, such as a to-do list where you want to tick things off. If I close this off, I can see, and I can actually even
ask access this checklist from the front of the note. I don't have to necessarily open it up. I can actually start to
tick these things off and you can see that it's
going to cross them through and put them to the
bottom of my list as well. The other nice thing
about the list format here within Google Keep is that you can drag and embed them or make them as a sub list down below. So here I now have milk under oranges which probably doesn't
make a whole lot of sense, but maybe what would make more sense is if I had a category
named dairy, for example, and maybe I added some things
like cheese for example. And maybe dairy is
gonna be my main header, and I'm gonna bring milk down below. And I'm gonna bring cheese
down below that as well. So I can have all of those areas underneath that sub category down below. Now, if I want to hide my completed events I can do so as well by
clicking this down arrow here. But the other thing that we can do is always convert this
back to a regular list. So if I come down, so my three dots here, I can say either uncheck all items, delete the checked items, or I can say hide check boxes. Now, in this case, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna say, keep, I wanna
keep my deleted checkboxes. And now it's just gonna bring
it back to a standard text or note based form. If I want to, I can always
come back down here and say, show check boxes. And it's gonna bring it back
into that checkbox form. But please note, it's not going to keep any of your previous formatting and here you can see milk and cheese are now in the same order as dairy in this particular example. The other two options that we have here, is to create a new note with a drawing right out of the get-go. So we get our drawing screen here. I'm gonna close this one, and the last one here is
a new note with an image. So we already showed you
how to add that image with an existing note. Here, we can start with an image and we don't necessarily have to add any additional text down
below if we don't want to, we can just add that image here as well. Well, now that we have
several notes created, and although many of them
are very, very simple. What are some of the best ways for us to organize these notes? Well, within Google Keep almost
everything is drag and drop. So if you want to take something
and move it somewhere else, you can take your cursor
and just drag it around into a different location
that you wish to. Now up above, we actually
have two different views. This is what's called the grid view, where you'll probably
have roughly three or four across the top depending on the size of your screen. But we can also have
what's called a list view, by clicking this option,
we get a vertical list. So now everything is gonna be
stacked on top of one another, regardless of what is
inside or how much content is within those notes. I think for most people this grid view is a bit easier to work with just because you see so
much more information on the screen at a given time. But let's take a look at two other ways in which we can organize our notes. You can see, as I hover
over each of these notes, I have an option here to pin the note. And so if I select this option here for this new note number
two, if I select pin, you can now see that it's created two different sections here within my home screen. I've got a pin section up top, which includes this
one that I want to pin. And then I've got everything else listed as others down below. Maybe I also want to pin
this image one as well. So I'm gonna select that pin and I can reorganize these ones as well. If I want to reorganize
them in different sections, for example, I can do so. But if you have something
very, very important and you'd like to pin it to the very top, this is a great way to do so. Now the other thing that
you might notice here is that as I hover over
these different notes is that there's a little check box on the top left-hand corner. What this allows me to do
is actually select that note and then I can do other actions to it. Now this is really only most applicable when you want to multi-select and apply something to multiple notes. So with this one selected, maybe I wanna select the other pin note, and I'm also gonna
select this yellow note. So here you can see in
the top left-hand corner, I have three notes selected,
and now I can pin all of them. I can add the same reminder
time to all of them. Maybe I wanna come over
here and say, you know what? I wanna make them all yellow in this case, because this one is an
image you can't really see that it's labeled as yellow. But if I was to come in here, if I come in here and de-select them, you can see it has this
yellow hover over it if we added some text, it would
still look yellow as well. So remember, that's the checkbox here if you want to multi-select and apply an action to more than one note. Now, the third way in which we
can group our notes together and really start to declutter
this home screen a bit, is by adding labels. And on the left-hand side we actually don't have
any labels created at all. We can create them in one of two ways. We can come over here to edit labels. And I'm just gonna call this
one a work label, for example, okay, I've got one work label, and maybe this one I'm
gonna say is a family label so I can do so as well. Now I've got two different labels. You can see them here on the
left-hand side of the screen. And now when I come
over to one of my notes, if I select more, I can say add a label and say,
yeah, this is a work-related. So I can add that label to it. You will notice, you can
add more than one label. You don't have to keep it from
a one-to-one relationship. You can add this to work
and family, if I want to. And those will also appear
on the front of the card. The power here is that if I only want to look
at my work-related notes, I come over here to the
menu side, select work. And now all I see are
my work related notes. If ever I want to go
back and see everything, I come up to the top and say notes. Maybe I'm gonna come over here and say that this one is
a family related item. I'm gonna say that this is a personal one. I'm gonna say that this is
also a family related item, and I'm going to hit close. So if I click on the family option here, I'm gonna see those two included as well. Another helpful tip, a very quick and easy
way to add these labels. Let's start with a new sample note here, is if I add a hashtag. So in this case, I'm
gonna add the hashtag. I can either type it in, or it's gonna bring up
my options here as well. So I'm gonna select family in this case, I'm gonna say close, and here you can see
the hashtag still exists but I also have that family
label included here as well. Now, instead of coming over
here to edit our labels, if I take a another new note,
or maybe I can just apply it to an existing note here, if I want to, if I say add, change labels or add a label, I can start to enter it in a
new label right from this menu. I don't have to go into
the edit labels area. I've now both added this
new label to this note but I've also created this label
here on the left-hand side. Note, Google Keep does
not give us the option to rearrange these labels or reorder them. So they will always be
listed in alphabetical order. Sticking with the menu side
here on the left-hand side, you will remember that we
added a reminder over here. If you ever want to see just the notes that have a reminder applied, you can always select reminders. And here we can see this
location-based reminder, whether it's location or a
due date that you've added. You can see all of them
those reminders here within that reminders tab. Lastly, we've got two
other options down below. And that is our archive and our trash. Now, Google Keep makes it
very easy for us to archive because as you hover
over any of your note, you can see the last little
icon here is our archive icon. So if I select that here,
and I'm gonna come over and maybe select that
on this note as well, both of those notes have now been removed from my home screen. But if I ever need to go back and take a look at where they are, I can click on the archive option and see all of my archive notes. The other helpful thing here is that you can see this one
is listed as a family note. If I come back up to family, it will actually show me the
archive notes here as well. So it will create that separation
from either your active or the notes that do
display on the homepage, and things that are
listed here as archive. Last but not least, you still have access to some of the notes that you have deleted or put in the trash. By default notes in the trash
are deleted after seven days, or you can go ahead and manually
delete these notes as well. This is where you will find
them in the trash option. Next up, we wanna take a look
at the search capabilities here within Google Keep, because rather quickly, you build up a lot of information and a lot of things that
you may be searching for. So here at the very top of the screen we have our search bar. By clicking in our cursor, we actually get a variety of
other options available to us even before we apply any texts. So for example, maybe I just
want to look at images here, I can click on this images option, and it's gonna bring back any of my notes that have that image. If I select X here, I'm
gonna come back to this menu, I can also search by my different labels. I've got things titled, things, which is sort of a
smart way of Google Keep to try and classify all
of your different notes. I can see who I've collaborated with, or the things that are a particular color. So in this example, I just
wanna pull up the things that have a yellow with it. Now that we're familiar
with the search capabilities here within Keep, let's
take a look at our setting. And there's some particular things that you're gonna want to make note of, The very first option here
under the gear icon is settings. And let's take a look at
each of these one-by-one. So the first section is notes and lists, and you have the choice to either add new items to the bottom. And if we uncheck this, uncheck this, new items
will be added to the top. The second option, move
checked items to the bottom. Now this has to do with
creating a list or a checklist like you saw before. Next up is displaying rich link previews. What this has to do is that when you are copying and pasting, for example, a website URL, do you wanna be able to see
a preview of that website, maybe a little image or a font that is particular to that website, or do you only want to
see the link itself? Lastly, here in this section,
we can enable a dark theme. So if you don't like the white background you can have a dark theme as well. Down below, under reminder defaults, this is where we will see
select those default reminders. So if there are particular
times of the day in which you would like to be reminded, just to make it that much easier when you're applying these reminders, this is where you set it. And here's a pro tip,
changing these reminder times We'll actually change
the default snooze times in your Gmail account. So if you'd like what's going on in Gmail with those default reminder times, be careful with what you select here, but if you need to change
them, this is the place to go. Last but not least, is the ability to enable
or disable sharing if you don't want to
allow sharing of notes with other members. Now, if you'd like to keep
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