Unleash AI Power in Your Team with Prompt Buddy - The Ultimate Copilot Prompt Library!

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do you want to set up a prompt library to use within your organization to share and discover great prompts that you can use with co-pilot I'm the productivity coach and today I show you how hi I'm stre red out the productivity coach and I work as part of our modern work Ai and ecosystem team here at Microsoft and I'm working with loads of customers right now who are loving co-pilots but they know that the better the prompt is the better the result they get and we obviously share some examples of great prompts in co-pilot labs and within the product itself wherever you put the prompt is you can normally see some suggested prompts there at the bottom but what about all those great prompts that are within your organization that are waiting to be shared and discovered that's why we have launched prompt buddy as sample code that you can install it's a power app that lives within teams it would go great in a center of excellence for copilot um and it's really really easy to set up it takes no time at all so let's have a look at it here so here I am so the first thing you need to do is go onto the web and you need to go to aka.ms slet prompt buddy okay and that will take you to our GitHub page where we have got the prompt buddy release so on the right hand side here it shows you the latest release so click on that and then if you scroll down you can see this ZIP file this one at the top so click on that zip file and download that that and it's also got some notes telling you what's been included here so once I've got that downloaded I'm going to head over to Microsoft teams and uh you can see here I've got my Center of Excellence all of those channels and I think I'm going to put it into the general one so it's easy to find so this is a power app that uses data vers for teams so you need to go to power apps in Microsoft teams and if you've not created a power app in this team previously then this is a place to do that so we've got some great samples down the bottom but if you're brand new to it and you haven't set up in that team click that purple start now button and it will show you your teams that you can use so this is my Coe team it gives me a warning at the top telling me that um it's the first time that someone's used powerups in there so it takes a few moments to set up uh an environment here and then it will tell you when it's ready so I can see that um a notifications come up here this could take uh any time at all just a few seconds to um a few minutes now you'll know that it's ready because if you click on this build tab here then you will see the um name of the team on the left hand side now I have found that sometimes even if it tells you it's done that it might take a few minutes longer so if it doesn't appear there then I would just wait and then come back so this was about 5 minutes for me and I went back to that power apps app on the side there just wait until the build menu comes at the top click on build and then I can see my team name is there so click on that and it says you're ready to create an app so we're not going to create one from scratch we're going to dismiss that and we're going to import that zip file that we downloaded now don't unzip that file just leave it exactly as it is because we are going to import this solution okay and then I'm going to browse to my downloads folder and find the prompt buddy zip file um and that's why I say don't unzip it cuz you need to put the whole zip file up there okay so I'm going to click onto that and open and then go to next okay and just give it a few minutes or a few seconds just to process that it tells you what it's going to install so we can see um the tables and and uh the apps and things like this it might ask you to update a connection if it's new for the first time so you just follow this wizard through until you get to this part that says initiating import and then that will close and you can see just up here we've got this gray bar that tells me it's currently importing that and again this could be really quick could take a few seconds to a few minutes but that bar will turn green when that does you need to click on apps on the side and you can see the two apps here prompt buddy and the prompt buddy manager which is an admin app so I'm going to start with prompt buddy manager because we need to install it into the team itself so uh when that pops up you click on allow okay and just wait a moment for that to come now do not click preview so there's like this play symbol up there don't click that you need to click publish to teams because you need to run this admin app for the first time from within the team after that you'll be able to go back and you can run it through here um but you need to publish it first so I'm going to go next and then it's going to ask me where I want to publish it so I'm going to publish it into the general channel of my C of Excellence so just while it's coming up with a list of teams there we go uh and I'm going to do it here in the general one because that's where I want the app the uh main app to live so I'm going to put the management app in there I'm only going to use it just now while we're doing the setup but I'm actually going to remove that from the uh General Channel later but then I do save and close and then that's done I'm going to go back using that back arrow in the top left and click leave and then I'm going to go and when it's ready I'm going to find the prompt Buddy app so this is the main app that your users will use so I'm going to do the exact same thing with that so click on to prompt buddy then just wait for it to load and again don't use that preview or that play functionality we want to just publish it into the team again we need to give it those permissions so I'm going to click allow um and then I'm going to go on to publish up here and publish it to teams just wait a moment um and then that will be ready so yep so we can do next on here find our team when it comes up so we're going to go for our Coe team um and again we're going to pop it into the general Channel now you can install it into multiple channels it doesn't have to just be in one um so I'm actually going to set up another Channel which is just going to be promp bu announcement so you might want to put it in both of them but for now I'm going to just put it into my general one cuz I haven't set up that new channel yet and then I'm going to do save and close and then go back and go leave okay so that's pretty much the installation done so now we just need to do a little bit of configuration um and import some data in so now I'm in my Coe I can see all of my so I'm going to actually add that new channel which I mentioned and because prompt buddy puts announcements when people add um extra prompts in there so I'm going to call this prompt buddy announcements um and I'm going to put it as the standard one so that everyone can do this and let's check this so that it appears in people's Channel lists okay so that's great I mean you can use the general one if you want for the messages but um I prefer this this way cuz that otherwise it clutters up your general channel so it doesn't really matter where it's installed um it's just given us a place for those prompt buddy announcements so I've installed mine in general and you can see just up the top here I've got prompt buddy manager and prompt buddy so I'm going to click on to prompt buddy manager first of all just to do the initial setup so you can see this message here it says this the first time the app's been run and it's setting up a few things um and that will take a few seconds um just so that it can set up because it what it does is it's autop populating categories like the different apps we've got departments we've got personas and it's importing all of those into that datab base and those are all as part of the app package it's not pulling anything down from the web here so the first thing it's going to ask you to do is say where am I going to post my messages so I've got the top here I've got co-pilot Coe so that's where we are right now um and we want it to go not in the program team but we want this to go into prompt buddy announcements and as it says at the bottom you can change this at any time but I'm going to go let's go and then obviously here it's just telling you this was built with the Power Platform so you can edit it it's sample code you can own this and change it however you want so you can see here I've got loads and loads of different categories I've got apps I've got departments and I've got personas um so if you want want to add any of those you can use that add category button but we're actually going to start with importing some sample prompts so we've got something to work with so I click on it import sample prompts and here this gives us our setting screen so the first one actually in general I'm going to just restrict it to just team owners who can add categories and do access settings and at the bottom there you can see where you can change where your messages are sent to so I've saved that um and I'm going to go back and you can go to Cog up the top there get to the same place and I'm going to do import prompts and we've pre-loaded a load of prompts here as Json so I'm going to do sample prompts and here you've got all of my sample starter ones and then all I need to do is Click import prompts now you can see there's an option there to export prompts as well um so if you need to uh set up a new instance of prompt buddy and you want to export the prompts you've got you can do that using that option and and then import prompts you would just paste the Json file in there in exactly the same way so again this just takes a few seconds for that to go and now you can see that these categories down the bottom it tells you how many prompts are there so that is our initial setup done now if I go to the prompt Buddy app you can see what your end users will see so I've got top prompts new prompts and then I've got all my different categories there now I'm zoomed quite far in just for this demo so it's easy to see so let me just uh zoom out a bit so you can see what it'd be like uh if you were on a slightly different resolution um because normally normally I have about five or six categories here widthwise so just let's zoom out a little bit there we go that just makes it look a little bit easier to use okay so there I can see that I've got my uh leaderboard at the top I've got ones but apps I can click on Department as user and I can see different departments and again you can add departments using that management app um and then I've got personas as well so we've pre-loaded business users Frontline worker people leader it pro and developer and then if you click on any of those it gives you a list of the prompts that are applicable so here I'm on business user we haven't got any for those so I'm going to just change here to app and I'm going to go on to co-pilot M365 so that's that chat experience you got in team and you can see there there are a few prompts and people can give the thumbs up to the ones that they like and that raises them up on the leaderboard or they can submit their own prompts and that's what we really want to encourage people to do so really easy to uh just add your own prompts there there are three boxes there so we've got the title so uh what's What's the title of the uh of the prompt what does it do um and you can mandate like maybe include business value in there and things like this and then what is the prompt itself so you paste that into there um and then you can tag this so we've got this for co- pilot for M365 but it might be in different apps it might be for different personas and departments you can do as many categories as you want and you can add an image to a prompt as well just to make it stand out so this prompt that I'm just adding here is about catching up after holiday so I've used designer to create this image here of somebody coming back from holiday still dressed for their holiday but they've got all of their emails that are just hanging over them and then I do submit prompt and that's it it's easy to do there and when I return to my prompt list you can see that it is there um and then as you add prompts you would kind of get listed here on the top contributors um so we don't include the imported prompts as part of that now I want to remove that prompt buddy manager so I'm going to right click on that and remove that um so that uh so that we've just got prompt bu there um and then if I wanted to in fact just one more thing sorry um I mentioned there about sending announcements if I go to prompt buddy announcements you can see there where somebody's posted a new prompt um it's put a description there they need to go into prompt buddy to view it because we want people to do the thumbs up but this allows you to have a discussion around that prompt as well um so you would be able to go back via power apps to go in and uh install it into that into that channel there exactly the same same way as we did before just give it a second to load up the power apps app and then all I would need to do is Click onto prompt buddy make sure you've got the right one if you've got in multiple teams um and then I would just need to go up to publish to team same way as before next and then the team that I want to put it into so I want to put it into my prompt bu announcements just to make it easier so you can have it in the same team but in multiple Channel Channel um and what I would recommend is that you don't install it into multiple teams I mean you might do if that works for you um but certainly it's great to be able to have people see prompts across different departments because that helps spread that good practice and that's why it's great to have it in that Coe so all you need to do is pin it into that team leave and then it will appear as a as a tab at the top in that prompt buddy announcements but you've got flexibility on how you set that up it's whatever works for you so hopefully you will find that really really useful um and hopefully will bring proing to life within your organization and help you to share those great prompts that people have within there remember make it fun publicize it maybe reward people who are sharing the best prompts give them shout out on weekly newsletters highlight it in your center of excellence um and really get your Champions to push prompt buddy so that it's not just for Champions it's for everybody to share those so hopefully you found that useful um and if you've got any questions then just raise them in that GitHub there in the GitHub repo um and we will uh and we'll look at those and look at those feature requests and see how we can make it better so hopefully you found this useful if you do then make sure that you uh subscribe on my channel hit the notification Bell so you get told when new videos come and of course give this video uh a like share on LinkedIn tell uh tell your colleagues about it and things like this so uh hopefully you'll find that useful and I'll see you again on another video [Music] d
Channel: Stuart Ridout: Productivity Coach
Views: 8,843
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Id: C4h-GIOqULw
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Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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