Davinci Resolve 17 & 16 Plotagraph Make a Still Image into a Video

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hey guys today i'm going to show you how to take a static photograph and add movement some call this a plotograph and this is not made like a cinemagraph where you take video footage and you freeze specific elements in it to kind of loop through and make it look like a different effect in this case we're going to take a photograph that's static and we're going to add different motion elements into the photograph and make it look more like video here's an example of what we're going to create with this tutorial so today i'm going to be starting in resolve 16 but this method works in both davinci resolve 16 and the new davinci resolve 17 version it works in both resolve studio and the free version of resolve so i'm actually working in the free version today so if you have that it's going to work for you and i'm going to be using an image from unsplash and check in the description for a link if you want to go ahead and download that take a look at the artist that took this photo and you can grab it and you can follow along with this tutorial okay i'm starting in the edit page here and if you need to get there hit shift and the number four and you can get to the edit page you can hit this icon here at the bottom so we are going to start with our image here go ahead and drag that on the timeline okay you can see that this image is not 1080p it's actually 1920x1440 so i want to do something about that let's go ahead and raise this up should be about 1.33 to fill that frame yep that's pretty good now what i want to do i want to go ahead and go to the fusion page so i'm going to say make this a new fusion clip and then we'll go to the fusion page alright so it's in that frame now so just right click on that and say save image we can save the exr that's fine we'll go ahead and use it that way called reference photo go ahead and go back to the edit page here so basically i was just doing that to get it into a format so i don't have to deal with it let's go ahead and bring this exr over i could have saved it as a png but exr is a little bit better it saves the colors better so i'm going to go ahead and close this this fusion clip here and then i'll drag the exr file right on to my timeline here okay so now i don't have to worry about it everything is set one to one it's 1080p you can see it's got the right dimensions there just what i wanted to see let's go ahead and do some things with this so what i want to do is i want to make this water move down and to do that i'm going to have to get back in the fusion page let's go ahead and right click on that and say open infusion page all right so now we have our media so it's basically just the media out what we saw before so what i want to do is mask out an area around this waterfall and there's some ways to do this but i'm going to do it a couple of ways in this example and i'm going to show you both ways to do it so this way i'm going to do it i'm going to grab a background and i'm going to grab a paint node go ahead and connect that in and we're going to connect it into the media in here as a mask so we want to make sure that the timeline is all the way at the start of the clip here at zero that's very important and then the stroke duration we want to see that at let's just jack it way up to about 240 so we're not going to have any issues if we stretch this so we're automatically by default in the multi-stroke tool and we can change it up here but i'm going to go ahead and use the multi-stroke let's just pull this down a little bit and so i've got my stroke duration pretty long there i'm going to go ahead and set some my brush type up so i'm going to use this softer brush here and i'll bring the softness up quite a bit so it has some feathering at the edge and i'll bring up the size as well too quite a bit here and you can do this you can do this with a mouse or if you have a pad or a graphics tablet you can do it with that as well and so we can go ahead and start masking this off and i'm going to show you what it's doing here so let's go ahead and select the media in and we'll select the pane over here so you can see what's drawing and let's actually make a selection change here we'll go ahead and go to the input here and i want to make this selected by luminance and we're going to invert it now because i want to make it disappear and then i'll change that setting so everything i select is going to kind of disappear into a transparency and let me open that paint node again select on that and get to work here and you'll see a little just a slight delay after your strokes and that's pretty normal but you can kind of see what's going on on the side panel here all right so let's go ahead and make this a little bit smaller now and bring the softness down just a little bit i want to get this edge a little bit sharper here okay i'll just grab the rest of this and it's okay if this is not a perfect shape here we can go ahead and do some additional things as we go all right okay so now we have that that falls kind of masked out let's go ahead and make a change here with the media in and so i was applying an inverted mask but now i'm applying it not inverted and so now i'm just basically getting the water okay so that's pretty much what i wanted to see so i can go back to the edit page now and we're taking a look at our water here i'm gonna move this up to video level two here and i will grab the original image and pull it down below it and so we're not gonna see any difference now because basically it's just sitting on top so we got our water here and we got our original clip underneath and what i want to do is is make some changes here with this so let's go ahead and go to the start of this clip here and as far as this zoom goes i'm going to break this connector here so i can do separate x and y zoom values and i'm going to go ahead and set a keyframe so go ahead and click the diamond there and so that's going to set my first keyframe i'm going to go over here to about four seconds or so and i'm going to set another keyframe and this time i'm going to raise the y up and you can see that water is really going up in the air there so that's not what i want to do but for now it's good okay so i can do it two ways i can bring it back down either using the anchor point or i can use the positioning so either way you want to do it and i want to line that back up with the original again so i'm just using my wheel to zoom in and out here on my window and so you can see that's pretty good so actually what i want to do is i want to come down just a little bit below about right there and i'm at 24 frames a second on this you can do it at 30 or 60 whatever you want just have to do the math so i'm going to go to about a second and a half and i'm going to go ahead and pull this back over and clip it there so it's just going to be that short clip there let's go ahead and zoom in a little bit here and then i'm going to make a copy of this go ahead and hold the alt key down and just grab it with your left mouse button and pull it up it'll make another copy right click and i add some tracks here let's move this audio down and i'm going to go ahead and make another copy alt left mouse button and then slide it up okay so now i have three clips here so i want to go about half the distance now so i want to go to 18 frames and i'm going to slide the second one over to meet that and i'm going to slide the third one over to kind of start on the end there so i kind of have this build up and i'm going to zoom out you can see what what it's doing here so now i do have some movement although it's really bad so we're going to clean this up so i want to make a cut at the end on this top clip here and then i'm going to grab this piece and just slide it over the start and that's going to give me my loop so that's a very important step to remember and so now i have a better loop but it's still just kind of bouncing up and down so what i want to do next is i want to make some feathering here so this first one so there's a little button here at the top of each clip and if you can't see it make sure these clips are tall enough where you can kind of see these little markers here and so i'm going to slide this over to about plus 0.05.06 somewhere in there and i'm going to do the same with some of these other ones here this one i'm going to really make a bevel up 15 this one same way this one pretty big i don't want one here or here because that's the match up if i dip it and come back up that'll look weird just have to kind of play with these so you can see i have a little issue there it's kind of bouncing up don't like that so i do need one here that's better okay so that feathering what it does is it just gives us a lot better transition so let me go ahead and pull this over okay so some of these places we just need to clean up and just spend a few minutes cleaning those up those transitions they should kind of fade away you shouldn't see those jumps and if you're seeing jumps and you need to make an adjustment all right that looks pretty good so we have the main waterfall here and you can see we've got a little bit of a problem as you can see i'm moving down on top of these people here and i'm going to clean that up at the end so that's not really what we want to see so we're going to need to make some additional layers here but that's not too bad that's a good start so some of the other things that we probably want to animate and i'm going to show you a different way of doing this we got a little bit of mist here we've got a lot of mist here so i'm going to work on this portion of mist next and then i'll do this little piece and then i'll kind of describe the technique of getting some of this material up here moving if you want it not i don't think it's necessary and then i'm going to show you how to reestablish kind of these foreground areas so we don't have these elements spilling over bleeding into those so we can keep our motion intact here so what i want to do is i want another copy of this exr all right so go ahead and let's move it to the start of the clip and i'm going to right click on it and i'm going to say open infusion page and we're going to do something similar here but i'm going to show you a different method of kind of masking this off this time i'm not going to use that paint brush tool i'm going to use a polygon and we can plug this directly into the mask here and i'm going to do the same thing on the media i'm going to apply a mask and then we can go here let's zoom this up a little bit and in the fusion page to zoom using your wheel you got to hold down the control button for windows machine okay so i want to capture kind of this mist here i'm not going to grab this edge here so just kind of all this here so i've got my polygon make sure it's selected and this one we don't have to set kind of the clip length it's just going to stay on there so let's go ahead and grab some of this and we'll have to make some adjustments so just kind of get some of this material here and then close it and then what we want to do is there's a feather here or a soft edge so we want to grab that and so let's go ahead and go back to the media and change this and so what you want to do now is you want to make sure you're not picking any of this stuff up so we got some of these heads with the feather and so we can move this kind of out of that range there you can reduce the feather down a little bit too to get it out of there that looks pretty good but i like having that softness for sure we got some of the rock here you can kind of see it barely just barely there i've got too many points i'm going to delete one another kind of some of the heads here again okay it's looking pretty good if you want to smooth some of these points you can just grab them and hit shift s it'll smooth some of those out i think that's looking good enough for now we can always come back and make more adjustments let's go ahead and look at the edit page again okay so we've got our clip down here and i want to do some animation on this so remember to go to the beginning of the track again and so what we want to do is stretch this i'm going to go ahead and deselect this connection here so i can independently change the x and y and i'm going to go ahead and set a keyframe i'm going to go over here to the end and make that grow a bit and then i'm going to need to move my anchor point up which is actually down there going up too much just so the top kind of expands all right let's go and see what that looks like all right so i'm going to make two copies of this clip again and then slide the second one over slide the third one over and then repeat the feathering again now that we've got the mist set let's go ahead and group these let's grab those right click on them and we're going to say new compound clip and we're going to call this main mist so this will keep everything in our timeline a little less cluttered so i'll just be a single clip we can deal with and if we want to go back and make any adjustments just select it again right click on it and say decompose in place and then we get everything back that we can make adjustments with i'll go ahead and undo that all right so now we can go ahead and put this on top of our other footage and let's go ahead and take a quick look and see what it's looking like at this point okay so you can see if you look at this area here you're gonna see that mist moving upwards that's looking pretty good the falls is looking pretty good these clip lengths aren't the same so we have that kind of that mist still moving up but you can see even there we get a nice moving at the top of this mist here i think that's looking pretty good okay so for the rest of this scene you can see we have some additional secondary mist here we have some mist up in these areas as well and we've got a little bit of a problem here with kind of this mist or the waterfall overlapping on these people here that's a little bit too much so we're gonna clean that up in just a second here let's go back to the composition okay so i have my mist and then i have my waterfall i'm gonna go ahead and group the waterfall as well right here and i'm going to call this falls one all right so now i only have to deal with these three items on our timeline so like i said we've got a another issue here i'm going to go ahead and add another bit of movement in this location and i'm going to show you some other ways to maybe make this mist in these places here so let's go ahead and grab a the exr file and i'm going to drag it over to the side here and let's go ahead and open this in fusion okay we're in the fusion page now and i'm going to do the same thing as i did last time i just want to focus in on this little piece right there creating the mist on the right side is repetitive just follow the same procedures as the main mist using a polygon tool to select the mist in the image next i'll show you a different way of creating some moving water spray mist this would also work to make moving clouds or other things like that so we're going to add a fusion composition to the timeline right click on that clip and select open infusion page so in the fusion page we're going to add a background node and a paint node let's connect the output of the background node into the input of the paint node then connect the paint nodes output to the media out now select the background node in the inspector slide the opacity down to zero select the paint node and to look at what's going on in this node we're going to drag and drop it up into the viewing pane in the right side here let's change the stroke duration to 300 now go ahead and open up the brush controls so i'm going to use this soft brush so we're going to make the size a little bit bigger i'm going to go ahead and key in 0.3 so i'm going to go ahead and bump up the softness up to about a little over 1.9 2 is completely transparent so i want to be pretty close to that so it's really fine detail let's make sure the timeline is set at zero this is very important in this step so we're gonna paint some mist now on the screen just kind of move that around so now i'm gonna bring down the brush size a little bit and i'm gonna paint some finer details on here so it doesn't just look like one homogeneous matte on here all right that looks pretty good i'm going to go back to the edit page now so with that fusion clip selected i'm going to go ahead and break the x and y transform lock i'm going to set keyframes on the zoom and also on the anchor point i'll move the timeline to about four seconds now and i'm gonna stretch out the y quite a bit there and i'm gonna stretch the x just slightly i'm gonna move the anchor point down quite a bit here to get that movement of this material upward i'm gonna cut the clip now at two seconds and i'll make two copies of the clip and stagger them like we did before and now i'm going to feather these clips together so it kind of blends together and we get that movement so make the adjustments until you're happy with it and then we're gonna select all those clips and right click on there and say make compound clip and we're gonna call this one side mist so we need to just place it in our scene somewhere above the background so anywhere above there in the stack so if it looks like it's too much for you too much mist we can lower down the opacity to make it more transparent right here in davinci resolve 17 there's a new composite setting so we can lower the opacity there so that's just a different way of creating a moving effect of this mist that we painted on there just wanted to give you a little bit different look at that so the last step now is to fix the spill on our foreground to do that we're going to need to mask out parts of the image that we want to keep clean so let's go ahead and grab another copy of the original exr file and drag it to the side so we can work with it i'm going to right click on that file and i'm going to select open infusion page so in the fusion page let's go ahead and add a polygon tool directly into the input of our media to see what we're doing we want to select the media in node and then go to the settings tab in the inspector and check apply mask inverted go ahead and select the polygon tool now and slide the timeline all the way to zero this is very important again the reason it's important is because polygons can be animated in fusion so if we start one later it's going to appear there it's not going to start from the start or if we move these points around as we go through our timeline they're going to animate we don't want that to happen here so let's go ahead and pick the points to select the line of what we want to keep we need to close the loops with the selection points okay so that took out what we really want to keep so let's go back to the media end page and uncheck apply by mask inverted go back now and select the polygon tool and adjust the soft edge and the points as you need to so once we're happy with it we'll go back to the edit page in the edit page we're going to put the mass foreground clip all the way on the top of the timeline video tracks now we can make copies of each of these clips to extend the timeline out and get it out to about eight seconds or so and then once we're done with that we can render this out so here's what mine turned out to look like so vinci resolve really provides a way to take a static photo and create movement in the photo just by applying these different techniques so thanks for following along subscribe if you'd like to see more of these type of effects in fusion or just learning how the different tools work you can learn something on every different technique that i put out there thanks a lot for watching today i appreciate you taking a look take care
Channel: Digital Vector Studios
Views: 16,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve plotagraph, davinci resolve cinemagraph, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve photo effects, davinci resolve video effect, davinci resolve 17 photo effect, davinci resolve plotograph, Davinci resolve motion photo, make a photo into a video, software to make a plotagraph, after effects plotagraph, photoshop plotagraph, software make photo into video, davinci resolve 17 effects, photagraph tutorial, how to make a plotagraph
Id: KnmJtJIo9qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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