MOTION GRAPHICS FOR BEGINNERS IN FUSION - DaVinci Resolve 18.6 Fusion Basics Tutorial

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today we're learning how to make Motion Graphics infusion this is a really easy and fun exercise in Fusion you'll be able to make stuff like this in just a few minutes we learn a ton of animation and Motion Graphics techniques in this video it's going to be super valuable for you I'm really excited to jump in all right so here we are in the fusion page of Da Vinci resolve and I have a new Fusion comp open this is just from the media pool I just right clicked said new Fusion composition named it something and hit create from there you can double click on it to open up in the fusion page to edit it just close our media pool and so far nothing's going on all we have is this little media out node anything that we connect to this node is going to show up on screen so what I like to do is start out with a background node I can take one of these icons here and just drag that into the flow like this and I can take the little gray square and connect it to the media out and that's going to connect these together and it's also going to make a black background I can view any node in either the left or the right viewer by hitting one or two on the keyboard you can also take a node and just drag it up to the viewer to preview it and so on the left we have our background one you can see it's just with the text here and on the right we have our media out and in between we'll do some other fancy stuff one thing I'll do just to make a little bit of space here is to go up to workspace and select show page navigation to turn that off just to give us a little room in the notes let's take this background and go over to the inspector twirl down this color and let's make this almost white something like that just so we have this nice little background and we're going to make a title for let's say I don't know a kids program kids show called going deep maybe it's a little bumper for you know a BBS or something like that but let's start with our text this third icon over I'll drag this over like this and I'll take the output of this text and just drag it on top of the output of the background one like this and that'll make a merge node merge node puts one image over another image the other way we could do this would be to drag aemerge node from our toolbar here like this and let go of it when it highlights this line in blue and then I can take the output of this and put this into the green input which is the foreground now nothing's happening because we don't have any text in here but if we say you know going deep like that just change the color so we can see anything just make it kind of golden color push up the size we're going to change this a bunch but we can at least see what's happening we're putting the text over the white background the reason it only shows up here is because we have our media out loaded into our second viewer and whatever image this is making is what we look at here and we have our background in the left viewer and so we only see that white background okay I'm going to go to the upper right hand corner here and click this little arrow box button and that's going to shrink my inspector to be up here just so I have a little more room down in the nodes by the way I can push and hold on my scroll wheel to kind of pan this around I'm going to be doing that a lot and now since this is called going deep let's do kind of a little ocean theme so let's make some water I'm going to take this background and move it to the left a little bit and I can hit F2 on the keyboard to rename this we'll just call this white all in uppercase letters you could also do something like whitecore BG for background it's always nice to put the type of node as kind of a suffix for whatever you rename things as if it's just going to be a color sometimes I just do capitals and just say the color let's make another color I'm going to take this background and drag this down again rename this and call it caps lock blue and again I'll take the output of this and drag it over the output of my white and now we have a black background cuz we haven't actually told this to be blue yet we'll go over to a color and make this kind of a nice sea blue something like that yeah okay let's actually just turn off our text right now let's select this merge and here in the inspector we have this little toggle switch I can turn that off that's just going to disable the node for now and so we have the text enabled but we're not putting it over anything we're just passing everything through that so all we see is this blue background because it's over the white background now let's say that we want some kind of you know ocean waves shape we can limit this background with a mask to kind of make it a different shape The Masks are right here and there are several different kinds but this time I'm just going to grab the Beast spine take the Beast bline and just bring that down near our blue and I can take the output and connect it to the blue input of whatever I want to mask so this background just going to connect it there and the blue disappears that's because it's only going to draw that blue where I have the mask and I haven't drawn a mask yet so it's not going to put it anywhere if I were to click around like this and then close that path that blue is going to be drawn inside of that path okay so I'll just hit contrl Z to undo that a few times and now hold control and zoom out with my scroll wheel just so I can draw off the edges of the canvas a little more and I'm just going to kind of draw some spikes like this and the reason I'm using a beast bline is because it sort of averages out these spikes and it doesn't let me have any sharp Corners it just has this nice kind of soft wavy shape which is exact is so perfect for drawing waves dude poles are perfect for holding water man and then what I'll do is I'm going to make this really wide I'm actually going to kind of go off the edges of the canvas a little bit and I'm going to make this really big like this you'll see why in a minute so we have sort of a boat shape I didn't actually really mean to make it that shape but what we're really interested in is the bottom part of this being completely blue and and then the top of it being trimmed to this little wavy shape all right and now I can take this mask and I can move this around we can have you know the water filling up sort of feeling and I can kind of move this back and forth and it looks like the ocean so good let's go ahead and animate that we want these waves to end up something like this where we just have a little bit of white maybe at the top and actually we'll we'll have this completely fill up the screen like this and so this is going to be our end point I'm going to move my play head to wherever I want this to end up so let's say maybe after 30 frames or so something like that this is going to be completely blue so this is what I want it to look like at 30 frames now I'm going to add a key frame to whatever I want to change over time which is actually going to be this little point which is called Center here for this Beast bline right here Center and so I'll make sure this is where I want it to be at frame 30 and then go over here to the inspector at Center and there's this little Diamond here if I click on that diamond that's going to remember that I want the center to be 485313 blah blah blah and Y 648 blah blah blah blah at 30 frames now I can move this playhead so let's move this back to zero and now I can take this Center and I can change it either by grabbing these numbers and kind of pulling them to the left or right or I could even just grab this little widget here and pull this down I'm going to pull it down but I'm also going to pull it to the side because look when I pull it to the side it looks like the waves are kind of moving back and forth so I'll pull it to the side like this and then bring it all the way down so now it's going to sweep across the screen and fill up the screen over time and it automatically animates that in between those two points for me isn't that awesome so now I'll just double click so I don't see all of the overlays and stuff and let's just oh look at that looks like being filled with water look at this we've already animated the crap out of this that's amazing we're basically done just go ahead and hit render all right we'll make some more stuff let's go ahead and turn on our merge again for our text and let's pick a different font there's a font I like called luckiest guy it's kind of a playful little font like this and I think I'm actually just going to split this into two lines maybe something like this and I'm going to go to H anchor here just anchor this here on the left because I'm going to add some spaces here and just move that around a little bit I like that yes we can rotate a little bit with our little widget here boom see that looks cool and we'll put this sort of in the middle like that maybe take the size down just a touch now we're going to place this right in the middle where we want it to be see this is looking Desy it's almost looking kind of Dr Susy actually now we have going deep that looks cool but let's get fancy here where this water goes up we can make this do a color change where this is a different color below the water than it is above the water oh snap how do we do that well things are going to get pretty intense here for a second let's go ahead and take our blue background which if we remember we can preview by dragging up to the left viewer or we could hit one on the keyboard this is just like a solid blue I'm going to select this and hit contrl C and then double click off of it so nothing is selected and hit contrl V and that's going to paste this but it's not going to have that mask anymore it's just this regular blue and what we could do is we could use our text as a mask instead of drawing a shape we could just use the transparency of our text here to control the transparency of our blue so I could take this output from this text did you know that you can connect a node to multiple things you can connect it to this blue input of our blue here and check it out it makes blue letters now why does it do that it's because we're using the transparency from our text and we're applying it to this blue color pretty fancy and so we could do something like take this blue and merge it over everything and if I drag my media out back to my right viewer and then I go back here we'll see we have blue text once the water rises we want to change back to that yellow text so how do we do that well we can actually use this same mask that we're using for our water to mask our blue overlay for our text and we could just make it not appear where this mask is and just let us see that yellow over it we could also probably do the opposite and just put the yellow over the blue which might be a little easier I don't know it doesn't matter but we can take this Beast bline like this and just plug this into the mask of our merge let's look at what happens ooh it's sort of what we want look at this it's yellow above the water and then it's blue below the water now this sort of looks like the water is just above the text but we're merging the text after the blue which means that it's going to be in the layer above it and you can actually kind of see the little outlines here where we're putting that blue over that yellow H so it's not quite what's happening let's select this merge merge three right here and then in the inspector go over to settings and you have a bunch of random controls for various things on this whatever node you have selected and if we hit apply mask inverted check that out check out what we're do look at look at that this is just so easy all I did was just connect that and then hit invert and now we got this two-tone thing oh baby look at that that looks awesome go deep and we saved a whole lot of work cuz we reused the text we didn't have to make new text and we reused this mask we didn't have to remake The Mask you could certainly copy and paste the text and just turn it blue but look at this if we say going deeper instead super easy to do that and guess what still works with our transition if we had this let's say contrl c contrl v as separate text we'll just turn off this merge for a second merge it over and turn it blue and applied our mask but inverted we'd have a similar effect and that totally works if we decide to change this around guess what's going to happen ah it's not going to update on both of these so I'd have to go and update both of them in order to update what I'm doing not that big of a deal for something like this but you know working smarter not harder there's other ways to kind of save some time like this but we'll just we'll just leave it at that for now turn this merge back on now we got some stuff happening going deep yes so I mean this is all right you know it's okay but what would be even better is if we had a cartoon fish swimming around obviously obviously so let's do that why don't why don't we just make a little cartoon fish don't worry if you don't know how to draw this is going to be so easy let's just move the media out to the right and we're just going to connect our fish right here at some point in fact let's do that let's just grab a background and take the output of our background and merge it over our merge three and we have just a black screen let's turn this to Orange cuz we're going to make like a goldfish okay orange something like that probably play with this later rename this orange and now just like we added a mask to our blue ocean we're going to add a mask to this to create the shap shapes for a goldfish and we're going to use these tools right here in fact this third one is called a polygon take this drag it near the background node take the output here and just plug that into the mask and now it disappears right cuz it's only drawing this orange where that mask is and we don't have a mask in fact I'll just grab this orange and throw it into our second viewer here so we can see what the heck is going on without having the text under it and all that stuff and I'm just going to draw kind of like a little almond shape like this there we go I can grab these little handles and move things around if I push the handles closer together that becomes a sharper point so we'll just do something like this I can select all these points and I can scale them and move them around with a little shape box if I go up here right under the title there's this little icon you can click on that and that'll make a little shape box and you can kind of scale this and everything so we're just going to scale this down so we have some room grab the edge of the box to move it around something like that and then just turn off the shape box when we're done if you have a point that's too pointy like this you can hold control and grab one of these little handles and move that around you can also select it and hold shift and hit s and whatever points you have selected it's going to smooth so I'll just select just this point and hit shift s and just turn this down a little bit this is going to be the main body for our fish okay something like that cool now I want to add some more shapes here there isn't really an option to do that inside of my mask what I have to do is make a separate mask it's not that hard I can just grab another mask like this and connect it and just daisy chain these things like this and by default they'll just add those together so I'll add another shape let's do the top thin here so so we'll just kind of click and drag and make little shapes here we go there's this Top Fin and I can move this around and edit it that kind of thing make it look like a good fin yes such a good fin okay there's the Top Fin for our fish looking good let's rename these before things just get completely out of hand Top Fin this is going to be body let's just copy and paste this Top Fin select all these points and we'll do our shape box again and we'll just kind of invert this kind of throw this this way put it down like here and guess what we got a little fin down there there turn off our shape box and let's hit F2 to rename this we'll call this a bottom B fin one do another fin like this just hit contrl + C double click off contrl +v paste that can take this and just kind of move it over a little bit so he has two little fins there rename this B fin 2 okay there we go let's give him a little tail I'll just draw this one from scratch just start here and do our best to make a little tail for our buddy here okay there we go there's a little fish tail kind of Point these out a little more yeah and it's no big deal if you don't know how to draw or you're bad at shapes you can take take as much time as you want to just make this shape resemble the silhouette of a fish okay and in context if this thing's moving around in the water everybody's going to be like yeah that's a goldfish you don't even have to be that great at it right so that's great there's kind of the main orange part of our goldfish all right now let's add a couple details let's give him a little little googly eye we'll do that again by just grabbing a background let's make this background Almost White name this white and now let's take the output of this and I'm going to merge this over our Orange right here and that's going to be before we merge mer this into our main line down here the reason for that is because this sort of kind of groups things when you do this if you merge things together it becomes one image and then you put that whole image that combination of all these things over our main composition and so you can kind of turn everything off all at once or move it around or whatever you want to do right of course we don't see any of this because we have our orange see our second Little Dot here that means that it's in the Right View let's grab this merge five and drag it up like this and then we can mask this and make a little eye with an ellipse mask just drag that down plug the output into the mask like this and we'll just scale this thing down put that where an ie would be and we'll do a similar thing with a black background we'll just drag this down black take the output put that over the output of our merge 5 like that select these and just kind of move them over and we'll do another ellipse for our black just to give it the actual black part of the eye make sure that our merge six is on our second view drag that over or hit two on the keyboard just drag this mask over and now we got a little fish look at that it wasn't even that hard and now we have this nice little cartoon fish Isn't that cool by the way if you're brand new to Fusion make sure to check out my nine nodes that you need to make almost anything in Fusion it can be really intimidating to see all these nodes and all these things that you can do in Fusion in that Workshop I simplify it to basically just like nine nodes that you really need to do so much stuff we're going to be digging into a lot of those in this video but that covers it so well there's a link up there or in the description it's totally free it's my gift to you check it out so if I view our media out we have the fish over everything and remember how I was saying and this is all like one image I can take this and just move this up and I can run everything through an effect called a transform so a transform kind of moves scales rotates things I take this like this and just put that in between all of our fish art and our merge that puts it over everything else and look at this I can change the size of everything all at once I can move the center and so I can move this fish around all as one kind of group without moving you know all the little pieces it kind of groups them together and so now you can see where we're going we can animate this fish a lot like we animated The Mask by just kind of using key frames right so if we wanted the fish to start here at you know frame 24 you could key frame the center and then a few frames later you can move him over like this and guess what in between he moves so it's really easy to animate stuff especially with this transform anything that you want to move you just run through a transform and then animate stuff on the transform so you can leave all of this stuff intact you don't need to worry about it you're just using it as its own image and then changing it and messing with it kind of down the line in our flow cool so I'm going to reset our transform by clicking this little circle arrow and let's think how we actually want to animate our fish I'm thinking when this water comes up let's have the fish kind of jump out of the water I think that'd be pretty fun and so we're actually going to tweak this in a little bit we but we'll kind of mock it up let's take this transform and maybe I'll just flip this like this and take the size down a little bit and let's have him be in the air like this and I'll go ahead and key frame the center and the angle of our fish and then let's go back a couple frames and we're going to turn him like this and have him come down from here so now he just goes like that and then he's going to jump back down in the water and kind of go down like that something like that so this isn't quite right we kind of move this around a little bit we're just kind of mocking it up as we go I can select this point and click on show handles and I can take these handles out like this I can hold control and flatten this out in fact I'll actually maybe just delete these points here and I can Arc this fish over that going deep thing so now he jumps in an arc see see what we're doing that's sding and at this Frame let's rotate him some more so he rotates like this we'll also go into the spline panel the spline panel is like a little graph of the animation for whatever you have selected and so it's a great place to select your key and you can grab the little handles here and you can adjust what movement happens in between the key frames so something that I do a lot is select a key frame and hit F on the keyboard to flatten out these handles so if I hit F like this that flattens it out and that means that this animation comes to a stop before it continues to animate here on this key frame and so you have a lot of control over your animations here as far as kind of how the motion is interpolated in between these key frames and that's a great use for the spline panel just flatten these out you can kind of grab these handles and move them around to kind of tweak this rotation there we go it's kind of nice so if we just want to key frame it like this that would totally work let's play this back going deep that's nice but what would be really cool is if we had a little bit of Splash here like kind of had water Trail off of our fish and we can do that a lot of different ways we could kind of draw our own shapes and animate those like we made our shapes with the fish for some things you might just want to use stuff that somebody else made so I can go to my media pool and I have an element here drag this in and this is just a piece of stock footage I'll hit one on the keyboard and go to the very first frame here you'll see we have these kind of splashy ink elements like this which kind of looks like the water dripping and that's going to work great for our fish jumping over our letters and we don't have to animate this all ourselves the only thing is is is I want this to last a little longer this is only like 19 frames long and so let's make this last a little longer let's take this media in and I'll hit shift spacebar and type time and let's go to time speed and hit enter that'll add a time speed node I'll make sure we're looking at that and for the speed let's go to nearest and let's say 0.5 so now this is going to play back and it's going to take twice the amount of time it's just going to be slower bloop like that that works great sploosh okay now we can use this element as a mask or we can just put it on as an image or whatever we want to do and we don't have to animate stuff ourselves and we're probably going to redo some of the movement with our fish depending on if you want to use an element like this is going to determine if you do that or not but let's just grab our blue we'll just copy and paste this another blue layer here we'll just put this over our fish and bring this time speed node into our blue like this but one thing to notice is that this is 4K and our composition is 1920 x 1080 so one thing we could do is just put a transform here then scale this down you see kind of what we're getting at here right we have sort of a similar thing let's just take the size back up a little bit and move this around to be roughly where our fish is going actually I'm going to turn off our fish for now and we're just going to time this water to jump where we want the fish to jump and then we'll move the fish to match it BL like that only thing is I think I'll move this over just a touch so we go completely over our text see if that works I like that now I'm going to turn on our fish again and let's take all of this and just move it to the right and we'll take our our water animation and a quick way to move layers kind of back and forth you know like put something behind something or not is to select everything that you have plugged into a merge like this as well as the merge hold shift and grab this and you can drag it out and you can put it back earlier in the flow like this and that's essentially like taking a layer and putting it under another layer and so now we have that liquid under our fish I'm going to take this transform and I'm just going to reset that because it's just going to be less work to match the animation of our element here than our fish so we're we're going to kind of animate this by hand but it won't take that long so we'll start with our fish coming out of the water like this and I'm going to add a key frame to our angle and our Center and I'm going to go forward a couple frames until this moves and I'm just going to place my fish over this two frames two frames we'll just have him kind of hang in the air there and now he's going to go back down like this along with the water now he's going to dive in and when I don't really have a reference on where he should be I'm keeping the space in between these key frames the same so that he's going constant speed right so this distance is similar to this distance even though I don't really have a reference for this Splash I'll move forward to kind of bring this down again just bring him off so now we have him kind of moving with the water and again I'm going to bring him down like this and I'm going to space these key frames about the same as these go back two frames by the way to go back and forth a couple frames I'm hitting the left bracket and the right bracket on the keyboard go back two frames the reason we have to step back two frames is because this Splash element is being slowed down twice so normally it would move every frame but it actually moves every other frame and that's going to mess with our fish a little bit but we're going to fix that in just a second let's see if this is like at all reasonable for what we're doing actually looks pretty good anyway there's our fish jumping over sploosh I think that work looks pretty good SP yeah if we did want the fish to move exactly the same way as the water does we could go to our spline panel and select our transform for our fish and click to show both of these and right now by default in between the key frames it just draws a line it will pick the value that's in between the two key frames so you know it's moving halfway towards the next key frame but if we select all of these and instead of that we switch to something like this step in mode look what happens boom it stays on one key frame for two frames and then it moves to the next one two frames moves to the next one which is going to match the motion of our element here and it's going to look a little bit more stop motionyoutube oh so nice now as we play through our text turns off here and the reason for that is because our element here is actually only 39 frames long and because it's being used as a mask there's no mask thing being attached to this blue background and then it's just putting the blue background over it and so what we need to do is make sure that our media in1 which is our animated element let's just say um Splash element in the key frames panel is just dragged out through our whole composition now this isn't stretching this out this is kind of just telling Fusion that this element exists even though it's empty so now it's going to just show empty at the end and not mess with stuff it's basically like doing a hold on the last key frame so sweet now we have that now I like that fish jumping but let's actually have him come back and look at the title again and the cool thing about nodes is we can just take the same fish and merge him over everything again take a different transform and we have kind of like a different animation track for him right so let's call this let's say Annie oneor XF this will be Annie 2 and now again we can size him down and let's Place him kind of where we want him to end up something like that so where he's looking at the title make him just a little smaller we'll have him come back like herish okay key frame the center and the angle and we'll just bring him back a little bit just have him swim up like this great he stops too suddenly so I'm going to select this go to our spline panel and select our displacement and our angle here select the last key frame and hit F on the keyboard so that he slows down before he stops so now this goes up like that and then he kind of goes yeah nice I want him to slow down a little bit slower so let's take this little handle I'll hold alt and drag it to the left so he gets there faster but he slows down in a more gradual way now he just goes yeah so he's underwater and so he should be moving a little bit he should be kind of bobbing up and down so one thing we could do would just be to kind of animate him moving back and forth a little bit but we can sort of automate this by using a modifier a modifier is just a fancy way to apply some animation or kind of change things on one of these properties without having to do it yourself okay so since we have the center already animated we could mess with the pivot a little bit and just kind of move them back and forth and so rather than just key frame this pivot let's add a modifier we can do that by right clicking on pivot and go to modify WID and I'm going to select something called perturb now when we select perturb it's going to add kind of a filter to this and if we go to modifiers with our fish animation 2 transform selected we have the controls for the modifier so a perturb modifier kind of moves things around like it it kind of does this and we can change the strength the wobble and the speed speed is how fast it goes strength is how much it moves and wobble is like how much it kind of like Wiggles as it moves so let's take the wobble down a little bit let's take the strength down a lot maybe the speed up a little more let's see how that looks so now he's kind of just moving back and forth see maybe take the strength down even more take the speed down a lot let's take down the speed quite a bit maybe we'll take the strength up and the speed down now he's kind of just bobbing around like that see we didn't have to do much and it's like this nice little kind of Animation here for our fish that's so neat so we can leave it like that but we have sort of a stop motion thing happening when he jumps that's like a 12 frames per second kind of thing and we can add that to this if we want to using an effect called stop motion and that's just going to repeat frames the reason why we're using this rather than going into the spline panel and doing this thing is we don't have a whole bunch of key frames here that we can make stair steps out of all we're doing is moving him smoothly to one position and we also have our modifier going which doesn't have key frames that we can interpolate like that so we're just going to kind of run it through a filter and it's going to give us the same result we're just going to set frame repeat to two and it's going to only move him every other frame so now when he comes in so this makes a lot of sense but then he comes in and it's a little bit more jerky yeah which we may or may not like that I think I'll probably just take that off up to you whether you want to put that on or not but there's our text and our little goldfish looking at our text I think that looks nice so now we have the going deep title oh that's so cool all right I feel like we're almost done here let's do one more very tricky very cool thing since this is going underwater let's make it make some bubbles now there are a lot of ways to do that but there is a built-in particle system inside of fusion that's really good and how crazy you want to get is based on how much experience you have with particle systems even if you're not really familiar with them this is still pretty easy here towards the right of our toolbar we have three icons with dots we have a p emitter a p directional force and a p render to make particles you need a emitter and a renderer and then you connect those together the renderer actually makes an image out of the particles and then the emitter like simulates the particles so if we take the render and we throw it up here on the right viewer select that we'll see that we have this 3D World I can hold down alt and click and drag with my scroll wheel to see all these little particles that we're making from this emitter now this is 3D particle system we could turn this to 2D by just going to prender output mode 2D and now we just have an image with these little dots that are being made in this circle now without getting too deep into particle stuff basically this emitter controls how many particles are made and what they look like and what they do and the renderer controls kind of how the scene is rendered and how it's made into a 2D image so most of your work is going to be in the emitter and I mean this is a whole deep video but what we're going to do is just make a couple tweaks here we're going to go to style and under style we're going to click brush and for the brush we're going to go to Bubble and we'll take the size controls and push the size up a little bit to maybe like. five and we're going to go to controls and go to Velocity we're going to push up the velocity a little bit and that's going to shoot bubbles to the right we're going to change the angle to 90 and now what this is going to do when we play this back is it's going to make bubbles and they're going to float up like that which is cool let's take the number down just so it's easy to play back let's do like two so now that's going to make two bubbles per frame and you see what we're getting at here lots of Bubbles and we can take this render take the output of it and merge it over everything this then I'll select media out and hit two on the keyboard and look we're making bubbles oh that's so cool so one thing we could do is just take this emitter and change the width of it and just kind of throw this roughly over our title and that's you know it might just look fine for what we're doing we make some bubbles there and we get a pretty decent effect right so if you don't want to do anything fancy you can do something like that and it's probably going to be fine for a lot of stuff but if we want to get real crazy we can take this emitter and over here this fourth icon is region now region is basically this shape that emits the particles and you can change everything about the shape by default it's a sphere but you could change it into like a line and so you have two different points on a line and so you know you could just make a rough line that kind of outlines our title like this and now as we play this back it's going to be a little bit closer to our text which again might be just fine but we can also set this region to bit map and what that'll do is look for an image to generate particles with and it's going to look at the alpha Channel by default just like it would for a mask and so we could take something like our text which we have here on the left and I can take this text and just plug it into that emitter and now watch the text is actually emitting the bubbles and so now as we play this back the bubbles are coming from only where the text is which is pretty much what we want right right we want those bubbles to be coming out of the text the problem is that it's going to start right when that text starts and whatever the text looks like it's going to be emitting Bubbles and it's also making bubbles before it goes underwater one thing we could easily do is just take our same take the same water mask take the output of this this Beast blind and just plug this into the merge and now we're only going to see those bubbles underwater basically so now that's going to work pretty well so now as we play this back it's making bubbles oh boy so easy look at that so cool now our fish goes in come and looks so cool so let's have it only make bubbles for a second so let's make those bubbles and then let's kind of stop making bubbles right maybe around like frame 52 or something we just go to our emitter go to controls here where it says number this is how many particles per second it's going to put out we'll just hit a key frame here and then over the next few frames we'll just take it down to zero like that so now as we play this back sploosh we go and it kind of Fades out yeah so cool so easy look at this awesome title that we made without tons of work I mean we made the text we learned about Mass masking to make this background we brought in an element used it as a mask we drew our own fish and animated the fish over the element we used a modifier to move our fish around and we added some Nifty bubbles something I might do here just take this number down to zero here and then have that just start to grow up to two there so it's a little bit more natural how it starts to give those bubbles yeah cool and then when we're all done with our Graphics let's open back our page navigation we can just take this title and drag that into our timeline and now we have our title that we can just drag into anywhere on our edit in front of our show and oh boy we have this awesome title sequence Isn't that cool hey if you're new here my name is Casey and I love helping people understand and learn Fusion because if you're editing and Vinci resolve Fusion is such a powerful way to make Motion Graphics and visual effects and just spice up your videos and it's really intimidating for a lot of people and so I'm trying to simplify things make it really easy to understand so that you can make amazing things so if you're new to Fusion make sure to check out our nine nodes Workshop totally free and it helps simplify a lot of stuff and uh really unlock the ability to start making some pretty cool stuff with very little effort also if you haven't checked out this video this is very important for learning Fusion all of the good things and hey thanks for stopping by if you have any suggestions or if you just if you love this or hate this let me know in the comments below I want to hear from you and if you make your own animated Title by following this video I really want to see that thanks for watching have a good one
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 58,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic design, casey faris, how to, free video editor, tutorial, davinci resolve 18, resolve for beginners, davinci tutorials, editing, fusion, motion graphics tutorial for, motion graphics tutorial for beginners, motion graphics full tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, fusion tutorial for beginners, motion graphics for beginners in fusion, casey faris davinci resolve 18, casey faris fusion, casey faris davinci resolve beginner
Id: pXU8iIQ3ahs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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