How to Nightblade - Morrowind Build and Start Guide

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there we go okay they're silenced there we go okay we got them down open before that runs out okay there we go run run run use our agility use our speed oh we've run out of charge oh this is going to be close ladies and gentlemen every marwin player knows that 95% of a builds power comes from the name and of course since we're making a Nightblade assassin style character well then we of course have to reach back into the plethora of popular culture surrounding this kind of character the Assassin archetype people like Agent 47 Etso aler were were're swarmed with assassins and we don't even know it but I'm not going to go with any of those Amateur hour losers no I'm going to name this character Kevin James the hit star of the straight to Netflix original movie True Memoirs of an international assassin because well by the end of this video when the guards are asking you if you know anything about the dis appearances across vard andf well you'll just be giving him one of these H oh I'm sry I I have no idea what you're talking about blackand dag I don't never heard of it rag Tong is that is that the local bridge club no sorry sorry officer I got nothing for you now to start with character creation I would just like to say a little bit about what I'm going for with this build because a night blade could mean different things to different people but to me I actually think that the Oblivion class description captured exactly what I'm going for spell and Shadow are their friends by Darkness they move with haste casting magic to benefit their circumstances and I think that is exactly what we will be going for today an assassin style character using bows and short blades backed up by their magical abilities to help them debuff their opponents and get out of a tight spot so when looking at our races here what is the right way to go for that kind of character well whenever we're talking about a hybrid spellcaster well the first and most obvious choice is going to be a dark elf as you can see here on their skill bonuses they have Athletics boost of five destruction of 10 which is very important for a Nightblade style character in my mind not only does it give us a little bit of additional range damage but it also is where the damage attribute effects live which are some of the most powerful debuffs in the entire game talk about you know greater bone Walker sapping everybody's strength you know how bad that is when it happens to you it is just as debilitating when you cast it on some NPCs as well continuing down the list we have light armor of course right in flavor town for our night blade along with a Long Blade of five Marksman of five mysticism of five another class that is great for those magical debuffs that we will talk a little bit more about later and a bonus of plus 10 to short blade so you can see from the skill bonuses a dark elf is pretty much meant to to be an assassin I guess it kind of makes sense why the morog tongs started out and vardan fell after all if they're all set up like this to begin with I mean they almost have an innate ability for murdering people in the shadows with magic and swords and daggers and all that fun stuff now additionally they also have in their specials ancestor Guardian which is a sanctuary 50 points for 60 seconds on self and Sanctuary Is Awesome on this style of character cuz you're going to be wearing light armor you're not going to have a really high endurance going to have low health so having a 5050 Point Sanctuary going to make you that much harder to hit great to have and then they also get a little 75% resist fire which is great if you run into flame atronox and of course fire damage from spells is one of the most common damage types in the games you just find it all over the place so if you're going for that traditional 5050 spell versus physical damage build of a night blade well the dark elf is an incredibly great choice that I can't Rec recommend enough now if you're more of a stealth Archer so to speak you want to pull out a little bit of that Skyrim skill set that you had from you know playing it the last 10 years well then the obvious choice is going to be a Wood Elf as they also make a great assassin style character Nimble and light High agility and we'll take a quick look at the skill bonuses here acrobatics of five plus five to Alchemy which again that's in theme in flavor for a night blade making some poisons making some potions totally on character along with the Boost of 10 to light armor 15 to Marksman 10 to sneak now the thing you will see here with the wood elf you don't get any immediate boost to any of your magical abilities outside of alchemy but you know I'm not really counting that as magic it's its own kind of practice over there but again if you're going for more of that ranged damage that bow and arrow user that just happens to use a little bit of magic if that's your style of assassin well then go ahead and take the night elf here we also take a look quick at their specials resist disease of 75% nothing to write home about and Beast Tong which allows command creature five levels for 600 seconds on target which is actually a pretty strong little spell there now for the sake of this build I'm going to go the more spell route you know that 50/50 turning invisible and then stabbing people as I'm invisible kind of build so I will be taking the dark elf for Kevin freaking James and now we'll hop into our skills now to start creating our Nightblade custom class you have a two roads to go down when picking your specialization if you're going for more of that physical damage build again using bows and arrows using short blades trying to not really use magic just just for situational purposes or for debuff purposes you may want to take your specialization here as stealth as you can see stealth Buffs all those super sneaky stats well as those supporting weapon types for a more stealth focused character things like security sneak acrobatics light armor short blade Marksman the list goes on and when you're selecting your specialization here what this is going to do is give you a plus five boost at the beginning of the game to each of those skills if you're going for more of that magical style Nightblade more of that Arcane trickster build well then you will probably want to take magic if you want to lean on destruction as more of a primary range damage Source this is going to help you out in the early game instead of you know throwing that stuff into Marksman and using a bow and arrow if you're never going to pull it out of your backpack and then additionally getting a nice boost Bo to things like alteration and illusion going to be very very helpful when breaking and entering and of course leaving afterwards with things like chameleon and invisibility so there's really not a right or wrong answer here it all comes down to how you want to play your own character I want to play a little bit more of that physical damage build so I am going to take stealth here and then going down to my favorite attributes I will be taking first agility and second willpower reflecting that kind of 50/50 split between the phical and the Magical the agility of course is going to help us stay nice and Nimble stay out of sight when we're sneaking around but also it will help us land all of our hits which is incredibly important when you're using a bow and arrow because every single one of those arrows well that's sweet sweet money going out of your pocket and if you start firing things like ebony arrows dri arrows well you do not want those things to miss and then willpower down here of course going to help us with casting all of our spells now moving on to our major skills again this may vary a little bit but I'm going for that kind of more physical Focus but really 50/50 more traditional night blade split so I will start here by taking short blade short blade is of course the most flavorful option for a sneaky in the shadows assassin character and I'll be showing you how to get a very nice one to support your early game here in just a moment moving down we'll be selecting light armor after that I will be taking Marksman again I'm going to be f focused more on that bow and arrow build leaning Less on destruction for the range damage so in my head that's just what a night blade means to me so that's how I'm going to play it here you could take destruction here as an alternative instead of taking it as a minor skill but we'll we'll get into that in just a second after Marksman I will be taking illusion illusion of course is going to be one of the most helpful buff classes for our character in enabling us to be nice and quick and sneaky now for our finer major skill I will take sneak of course sneak the discipline of the art of moving unseen and unheard is exactly what we want to be doing when we are a night blade character now moving on to minor skills this is where things get nice and flexible so as I always say be sure to make this character your own I'm not telling you this is the only way to do it I'm just simply giving you a template that may help inspire you and get you back into marind one more time because that's what we're all trying to do here at the end of the day but for minor skills I'll first be taking destruction next I'll I'll be taking acrobatics again just nice and flavorful I'm a flavor kind of player next I'll be taking mysticism and mysticism as you can see here gives us the telekinesis effect and then it also has absorb and reflect effects which are incredibly powerful absorb health is one of the most powerful damaging spells in the entire game because it cannot hurt you when it's reflected back on you moving down I will be taking Athletics and this is mainly just to help with leveling I want to be able to get plus five bonuses on my speed skill because speed is very very important on a sneaky squishy style character so having Athletics kind of leveling in the background turboing up our leveling experience and giving us an easier plus five modifier for that attribute on each of our level UPS going to be very helpful because the things that I'm trying to take whenever I'm leveling up agility speed and then probably either intelligence or willpower something related to spellcasting to help us continue to you know amplify that aspect ECT of our character as well now for our final minor skill I will be taking alteration of course aiding us with the levitation with the lockpicking with all the traversal and fun stuff that comes along with being an assassin and doing so in a magical way perfectly flavorful perfectly on par with what we'd expect from a Nightblade character now moving on to the birth sign again this does kind of determine how you want to play your Nightblade character if you're going really heavy on the physical side I would likely recommend the lover here getting that plus 25 boost to our agility right at the early game and then also getting a nice paralyze for 60 seconds but if you're going for more of that magical style character well then I would recommend the atono or The Apprentice now personally if I was playing that more Mage style Nightblade I'd probably go for the atrona here because I think The Apprentice It's almost too magy again I'm a flavor kind of guy and then the atronox to me just seems more like Assassin like maybe I'm not innately magical I have to work my way around it so the womb burn with the stunted Magicka there and or having to steal the magic from my opponents via the spell absorption that's just super flavorful for a Nightblade style character but I know a lot of people don't really like playing with the atronox so getting that 1.5x boost to your magical pool with The Apprentice is still going to be incredibly helpful now since I mentioned earlier in the video that I'm going for that more balanced character play style not leaning 100% on the magic I am going to take the lover here take that additional agility really going to help with our Marksmanship early in the game and now we'll take a look at what our build looks like so here we have it Kevin James the dark elf Maul assassin born under the sign of the lover with an agility of 75 points and a short blade of 45 Marksman of 40 a great way to start off our path towards total assassination and Nightblade witchery that will begin now that we are done with all of our selections and numbers and all that fun stuff so let's hop into the game and get underway all right ladies and gentlemen now once you've stolen that poor old man's dinner right off his table that he was really looking forward to eating after getting off his long day of freaking work well you're going to head over to a Real's trade house yes I I have learned how to say his name see we're getting better all the time people that's what life's all about learning new things trying new things and today you're going to learn how to be a freaking professional ass so like I said let's sell everything that we had gotten our hands on in the freaking census and excise office I don't want to keep anything on me except for a dagger and that gets us to 343 gold to start with now one thing you are going to want to do here before you leave the trade housee is actually pick up just a couple spells because when you start with destruction as a major skill you do get fire bite as one of your starter spells but since we will be killing some dark brotherhood agents later and they are all dunmer and dunmers are 75% resistance to fire well we want some other damage here to start the game so let's go ahead and pick up spark from AAL and if you're feeling jovial you can also go ahead and pick up father's hand as sanctuary is an effect that you will want to have on your squishy agile Nightblade character but once you've finished bartering up with our good friend the Timmer over there well we of course want to head to our favorite place in the entire game and ladies and gentlemen that is balur I mean this is the balur channel after all we had to go there eventually and I will catch up with you at the balur Mages Guild so here we are in our beautiful ashlander paradise of balur at the local major Guild and like I said a Nightblade is part spellcaster and part assassin so for the spellcaster part of the build we will of course want to join the Mages Guild sign the old oath over there and then once we've accepted our magical corporate overlords terms of service well we need to head downstairs and we we are actually going to do like I mentioned earlier alluded to earlier a dark brotherhood exploit and we're actually going to do it twice we want to get attacked for the first time in order to get the Dark Brotherhood armor which is of course some wonderful assassin starting armor for our Light Armored Nightblade character now the second time that we're going to want to do it is actually for the armor again but we'll want to barter it over to the creeper and then go on a bit of a spell buying spree so let's go ahead and start hop into bed close our eyes and see how long it takes for them to attack us all right one rest two rests three rests oh they're feeling scared today the word the word has gotten around they know I'm recording that's why all right four rests five rests oh there we go okay I was like if they go take us to double digits something is very wrong but that does not seem to be the case so what we're going to do blast them away as you can see this is doing way way more damage than fire bite and there you go three casts he's already on the ground so like I mentioned let's go ahead take all and here we go ladies and gentlemen a fantastic set of light armor and perfectly on theme for our Nightblade character so there you have it all in our assassin already suited up here at the beginning of the game ready to kick some ass and of course if you don't want to jump towards late game armor keeping in mind the Dark Brotherhood light armor set does all have a base armor rating of 30 which puts it right about you know 60 70% of glass so not the strongest in the game but certainly not you know maybe necessarily something your level one character should have but hey this is marn this is what this game's about and nothing is more on theme than this but like I said if you don't want to rush here then go to the trader outside there is a full set of kitan armor for you to buy like I showed in our spell sword video but with our armor sorted and out of the way we of course like I mentioned want to do this again because being a spellcaster is very very expensive at the start when you're trying to make your own custom spells so let's rest until healed and do it again okay that that's that's eight rests in a row okay uh nine oh my God are we going to hit the dreaded double digits maybe word is spreading about us now okay that's 10 rests 11 okay oh there we go okay finally I think that was like 15 rests that was insane they've never taken that long well too bad for you it doesn't matter how long it takes it just matters that you're here and cuz you're here well you're going to die so that is a lockpick uh let's not do that all right here's a silver dagger to the face couple of these couple of those and there you have it ladies and gentlemen Another One Bites the freaking dust so you call yourself a freaking assassin sir he clearly wasn't following this build because he does not stand toe to- Toe with the likes of Kevin James the strongest assassin to ever live but like I mentioned we want to go take this armor so that we can go on our buying spree of spells so let's head over to Caldera and once we are in Calera we want to make our way over to gorak Manor to see our old buddy barbas yeah fun fact in case you didn't know the creeper is barbas and yes I mean the dog from Skyrim and Daggerfall how crazy is that what a wild thing Elder Scrolls lore is but here we are at the creeper let's go ahead and barter here ditch all of our Dark Brotherhood armor because you know we don't need two sets of it and we'll even cut the creeper a deal for 5,000 flat for being such a cool guy to hang out with I mean all those extra beers over the years we probably owe him 157 gold so I'll click offer here 5,000 gold into the inventory and then before we leave Caldera like I mentioned at the beginning of this build a great alternate damage source for a Nightblade character and again sticking on theme with the role play of being an assassin sticking in the shadows is going to be Marksman and one of the easiest to reach restocking Merchants for decent arrows in the game is cloudless mod the armorer here in Caldera right next to gorak Manor so let's pop inside speak to the old Nord over here and then you can see when we open up his inventory he will have 50 Silver Arrows here that he will restock so we can buy this whole stack of silver arrows for 173 gold offer open up our barer again and there you have it another 50 silver arrows for you to burn through as you level all of your enemies and seal your assassins rits for the Morag Tong having restocking Merchants for all of the critical items that you need in a run things like exclusive restore health potions arrows if you're going to be a marksman Style character places to get uh you know fortify willpower potions if you're a mage all these things really do matter and knowing where all of them are will make every single one of your marins runs that much easier so always be on the lookout for a good restocking Merchant and when you find them be sure to keep them in mind all right now that we have our arrows and gold sorted like I mentioned let's go ahead and start buying some of these assassin spells that we will need now if you've ever played any assassin Style video game thinking you know the thief series Hitman series one of the things that's incredibly important to being an assassin is being mobile because if you're not mobile then you can't reach your targets and if you can't reach your targets well I hate to break it to you you're not killing anybody so the first person we're going to talk to is our beloved dark elf and I would like to pick up water walking as well as an open spell just to make sure again that we can always reach everybody that we want we'll also want to grab levitate for a similar theme reach up in any balconies any High buildings that someone may be on and I'm even going to pick up water breathing just because I love the flavor of this spell and you know what more James bondy thing is there than scuba diving to your enemy underneath the waves I can't think of anything cooler than that now the second person we're going to talk to is a steer doin over here and we are going to grab first the fuddle spell now you will see that this is a spell for damage attribute intelligence but the good thing about damaging attrib is that no matter what the first spell that you buy of this is you unlock all the other attributes so I am buying the damage attribute intelligence but in just a second I will be able to spell make a damage attribute strength spell and do my best greater bone Walker impersonation sticking to the theme of using magical debuffs on our enemies and then you know stabbing them in the throat with a super cool awesome knife so damage attribute definitely got to have it the second thing I think is just super flavorful is poison because every assassin needs some poison on them and like I mentioned before we leave this barter menu we are going to spell make just a couple things the first being our own version of a dread curse so I'm going to leave this range on touch I'm going to make it nice and easy here again we are early in the game this isn't a fully mage character you're not going to cast all the amazing spells that you want to right at the start but use these as some you know templates some things to get you started and expand from there so here we have damage attribute strength on touch 415 I have a 50% cast chance not too bad in 12 points of Magicka so I'll put this as the greater greater bone Walker 2.0 go ahead and buy that now the second thing I'll do is make a stronger chameleon spell so I'm going to put this on self I'll do it for let's try 20 points for 15 seconds and although this is a pretty short duration this will still be very helpful when you know trying to get a critical hit at the start of a fight or for trying to like pick a lock or something so this is going to be very helpful as well and we'll just call this chaml Eun because I I don't know I don't I don't have an original idea right now but we'll add that into our inventory as well now with our first wave of spells out of the way I do want to always remember to grab everything out of the majes guild Supply chest again fortify willpower potions standard restore Magicka potions as well as our C and divine adventur Scrolls very important at the beginning of the game when you're going to be failing your spells a lot when you get in tight spot popping some fortifi willpower just to increase your spell percentage a little bit really will be the difference between life and death at this point in the game the early game of maroin especially on this like stealth style character is so so fragile you really have to be very careful but when you get to the late game when you get to the broken items like Amulet of Shadows and all these things it really does get pretty out of hand so it's a trade-off very squ squishy and frail in the early game absolutely Untouchable and one-shotting in the late game and if you're playing a Nightblade assassin character well you should probably know what you're getting yourself into now the next spells that we want to buy are another couple of our Staples the first one being mark on this side of the temple and the second being recall on this far side I don't think over here and of course we want to grab ourm CV intervention as well have that nice and easy and ready to cast having those teleportation spells are going to be very very important again for a Nightblade or assassin style character who's trying to sneak into Enemy Lines pull off an assassination and then get out untouched if you can't do that with invisibility the only other way you're going to do it is by teleporting from point B back to point a cuz if you don't do that you're going to get murdered by the guards and then well you're not getting paid we all know why you are an assassin now with all our spells and B Mora out of the way the last thing I want to mention here is the glory that weits in house halalu here in balur and if you watch my how to Thief video then you know exactly what that is well again if you're an assassin you're probably trying to do some sneaky things and sneaky things often involves breaking and entering into locations and that being the case we want to speak to Nano dvane because Neno dvan is a restocking Merchant for master lockpicks and Master's probes both of which are very important because no matter how good your open spell is even if you're consistently casting a level 100 open spell you can't unlock a trap so you will always want to have probes on you otherwise your squishy 40 Health character is going to get wiped out by just about every trap in the game and of course the lockpicks never hurt either because well what happens when you run out of Magicka that's game over all right you have to reload the level 47 is not getting paid that's all I'm saying all right now for our final spells to finish setting up the build we are going to head to sadrith MAA and that is also where we are going to be getting our first item as well so let's hop over to Wolverine Hall and get this thing going so to grab our final spells we want to go down the stairs here to our wonderful wonderful friends at the Imperial Shrine oh If Only They knew what we were doing with knowledge they're granting us here but we want to talk to Hest Atrius and then grab our good old absorb health or honestly any of the other absorb spells here because these are wonderful debuffs for all of our enemies because not only are they injuring our enemies they are buffing us up as well and because we're a scrawny you know assassin style character maybe absorb strength makes sense here maybe absorb endurance makes sense here and of course if you just want to be overpowered well absorb Health never never hurts but I'm going to grab absorb Health absorb strength and then also complete our Trifecta of teleportation by picking up divine intervention because you know we need God on our side as well the holy Emperor Talos and all of the rest of the nine will guide our blade just as easily as the tribunal and you know if you well if you know anything about Elder Scrolls Lord yeah the the gods aren't really uh you know pacifists I'll just say that but with that out of the way we want to come back upstairs speak to Neel and then we will begin Gathering all of the items for this build all of the gear all the fun stuff that make how-to videos go freaking off the charts here so friendly reminder if you don't want to see in-game Loot and you just want to play the build exit now you've been warmed otherwise let's go crazy so I will start by traveling first to VC and then once I'm in VC I will head down to the docks and I will will be heading to eban Har so I will catch you over there once we have arrived at the Docks of eban har we need to waa ignore our freaking norded out orc here that's a wonderful mashing of tamrielic cultures there what a well-traveled orc although you shouldn't think that he probably just killed the Nord and like ate him and then wore his armor or something you know just orcish things right but anyways you want to head out to our little side road here and we're going to be making our way over towards this Castle in the distance now what we're going to be picking up here is a wonderful starter dagger and this is an item that everybody should know where it is because it's so so great on these light armor characters these squishy characters early in the game so we're going to head into the eban Hart underground caves and once inside we are going to pop ourselves above the water here brandish our silver freaking dagger and oh well we got to stab some rats come on oh yes feel my wrath rat one down come on come on another stab another punctu won for you Stewart Little is quaking in his boots and oh that rat was diseased okay I don't feel so bad anymore calm down Stuart all right he was diseased we just put him out of his misery but anyways at this Crossroads here in the cave well go ahead store the silver dagger because you won't be using it again when you come back here and grab the glass Jin blade a fan favorite weapon here for some of these op starts so let's go ahead open our inventory and we'll hover over and give this a look so here we have a glass Blade Chop 7979 thrust 6 to9 with a value of 6500 gold and a paralyze for 10 seconds ontouch wind strikes now like I mentioned I love this item for this assassin style class the parallel eyes on the blade just fits so well with the idea of like a laced assassin's knife a poison Enchanted because of course we can't put poisons on our blade and marind without the help of mods which is pretty unfortunate but this enchantment gets us half of the way there I mean how many times in movies have we seen our hero immobilized by the paralyzing toxins of the assassin's blade well you're about to see another one cuz cuz you're the star of your own movie there you go so there you have it ladies and gentlemen item number one but we're not stopping there because this is a how-to video and we don't stop until things get absolutely insane so we're going to head down the dock again and now we are going to talk to noos halan and we are going to have noos halan take us up to sadrith Mora again for an item that has never been shown on this channel before so buckle up now once we're in sadrith Mora make sure to pop on your water walking and then hit the old dusty trail over here going past Wolverine hall because where we want to go is actually to this peninsula here right about in the middle there and if you've been a watcher of this channel well you know that whenever we have to go to one of these places that are far away across the the barren Seas of Varden Fel well there's not really a great way to do it other than well swimming there and dealing with all the slaughterfish or popping a water walking potion and you know just putting your horse blinders on you trying not to get distracted by all the really cool dungeons that you obviously want to explore while you're traveling but I'm not going to subject you to the Mind numbing walk and absolute Terror of the ocean that is about to become a fight with these slaughterfish until I get my water walking back on so once I get on land oh my God stay away so now that I I've gotten back on land well I will catch up with you a little bit closer to our tomb all right here we are with most of the ocean braved coming up on our peninsula here and ladies and gentlemen that right there that is where we are headed so let's go ahead and make our way down to the coast and hopefully not have to deal with any more freaking slaughterfish because my hands have been covered in blood I look it looks like a freaking Long John Silver's store room back there I mean the fish filets that I have left would make Ronald McDonald blush in fact I should make them pay for pay me a two for five freaking filt of fish back there i' I'd be a millionaire but here we go oh we got the calcium Guardian out in front of the Tomb okay well good thing we have paralysis because well calcium Guardian he's he's in a bit of a bad way here we go okay you you know I'm I'm a night blade all right let me get behind him right now I'm now I'm going to sneak attack him there we go and oh right with the last charge okay that worked out perfectly all right so so let's grab a couple rests here because I do want some charge on this weapon again it is kind of our Lifeline in the early stages of this build before our sneak gets high enough our chameleon gets high enough again we're not just going to rush The Amulet of Shadows on every single build but of course you know feel free to do that if you want to I show you how to get it in my how to Thief video over there but if you're not immediately breaking chameleon you do need a gap that allows you to get to the point where you can be sneaky enough and these paralysis weapons are going to be the best way to do it but let's not get sidetracked too much because we have arrived at a renim ancestral tomb and this has a really cool item that beautifully matches with our Nightblade play style all right once we're in let's head down pop open the door and ladies and gentlemen this is a quest giver and she is actually looking for the item we are going to get so I'm not going to talk to her here at the beginning or at the end of the quest uh because I want to keep the item that we're going to get I mean sorry I I know it's your father's amulet but I'm an assassin you think I'm worried about morals no no no I'm going to keep the amulet I don't mean to use it to kill people because that's what assassins do so here we have come to our first trap let's hit an F5 here grab that Master's probe that we got in balur throw it on our character and then smack that trap open on our first try look at that the power of security ladies and gentlemen I'll put my glass Jin blade back on and then I'm going to want to go to the right here uh and head this way oh we have a ghost paralysis down okay ghost down fantastic all right now this door is actually the one that the item is behind but since we did not take a really crazy open spell at the beginning which if you did feel free to knock that sucker open but otherwise there is a key that we can find here so let's go ahead and head after it I mean I'm an assassin I I want to wet my Blade with a little more blood here before we end it right so oh there we have a skeletal Archer okay let's hop in get the paralyze down there we go come on and boom okay there we go all right and then that key that I mentioned is going to be right here it actually Blends in really well with the floor but that's it a renim burial key so let's go ahead and throw that one in the inventory you think you're trickery could stop me skeleton well I'll have you know I am Kevin James International assassin movie star I cannot be stopped I cannot be swayed I am Kevin James and I am inevitable you know sometimes I sit here and wonder what my neighbors think like I talk pretty loud they could probably hear me anyways back to our quests here now here we have our lock level 60 door but now that we have the key we can pop that sucker right open and then we'll just have one more ghost standing in the way oh and we are out of charge okay good thing our weapon still counts as magical even though we do not have enchantments and just maybe one more hit on the ghost here and there we go okay now with the final burial Guardian out of the way we're going to want to make our way over to this skeleton here now you will see here a really cool item as well which is the sword of Augustus which is a two-handed Long Blade chop 1 to 30/1 to 25 with a drain agility on strike that honestly won't really do a whole lot but is kind of cool makes it harder for your opponent to hit you if you decide to use it but that is not why we're here we are here to Search Augustus for his amulet and ladies and gentlemen here you can see augustus's amulet a value 240 amulet with a whole lot of things going on the first effect is a blind 25 to 50% for 30 seconds in 2 ft On Target followed by a silence for 30 seconds in 2 feet on target with a disintegrate armor 1 to three points for 30 seconds and a disintegrate weapon one to three points for 30 seconds in 2 ft On Target as well so again going on that theme of debuffs supporting our assassinations via magic this amulet pairs perfectly with our night blade build silencing our foes stopping them from casting any spells kind of going with that idea of the paralysis you know an enchanted blade leaving our opponents gagged and speechless the blind making it harder for them to hit us as well as some other debuffs destroying their weapons and armor as if we had some kind of corrosive element to our attacks I mean I just love the augustus' amulet for this kind of character having those thoughts in our mind as we are striking down our enemies and don't let the value fool you that amulet is actually way stronger than you would think now remember how I said this amulet was a quest item well if you get close enough to satiana here she will trigger a dialogue with you asking you to return her father's amulet and again we want to keep this to our maybe by the time you make a replacement at the end game you're just trying to 100% things come on back and hand an amulet over to her but I don't want to do that right now I want to keep it and kill my bounty targets so what I'm going to do instead is actually just Al CV intervention out of here and we will move on to our last item which is another one making its first appearance here on the channel I'll see you in the next town so here we've ended up in malagar nice and far away but thankfully we do have a SEL Strider Port that we can use to get back to somewhere where you know normal people go I mean malagar I love Ash and rock as much as the next guy uh but you know it's no balora right oh oh no nobody saw that sorry I've walked over here down the stairs you know the way I should when I have a health pool of a freaking naked mole rat well then I'm going to head over to the S Strider driver and I am going to travel over to Surin and once I am in Surin well I'm going to hop right over the town wall here and I'm going to be trying to make my way just over here to the north Northeast so it's going to be a little bit of a pain you're probably going to have to cast levitate or something but we want to get over this mountain range right here so do your best Skyrim and impression and scale that vertical wall however you need to come on Kevin up the mountain up the mountain you can do it you can do it you can do it come on Austin Powers could do this in his sleep you're making you're making assassins look bad jeez you got to freaking lay off some of that New York Pizza you need to get back in your assassination shape buddy come on you know I'm starting to think that that guy wasn't a real assassin in that movie you know something's telling me that I don't know why but I'm just getting that feeling at least we found a nice and easy path over here just above the DC ruin so let's keep going the way that we intended all right here we are at a good Landmark again we are just over the mountain range besides Surin you can see we haven't really gone that far at all but this dungeon right here saturon is a great marker because what we essentially want to do is just walk straight out across from it and that will get us on the path that we need to be heading along so I'm just going to keep walking over here pull out our nice paralysis dagger get this baby revved up and well ladies and gentlemen we are on the path to our final item here to set us up on how to be a night blade now as we're walking here quick reminder that a lot of the skills that are good on a thief also apply to being a night blade so if you want to refresher on how the sneak skill Works how sneak is calculated which of course plays heavily into the night blade play style be sure to go check out that how to Thief video as I do a whole breakdown on the skill over there I didn't just want to you know remake that again but if you'd like a refresher be sure to check out that video and with that being said ladies and gentlemen here we are at kunai the site of the final item for our night blade build let's go ahead and pop inside oh and the fun starts immediately we got a bandit here okay get back over here we got to paralyze oh my God so there 's that small Health pool we talked about uh but now that we reloaded let's let's go ahead pull out our augustus' amulet let's get a silence on this guy nope they resisted let's try it again there we go okay they're silenced they resisted the paralysis but there we go okay we got him down let's switch over to our probe we got to get this trap open before that runs out okay there we go again we are not a warrior we are trying to coer worse our way to the item that we want we're not going to beat these guys in the heavy armor up front here at the beginning of the game so let's go go go run run run use our agility use our speed oh we've run out of charge oh this is going to be close okay go go go the item we want is just up here come on Assassin don't fail don't fail and there it is ladies and gentlemen the devil's Longbow let's grab it off the top rope and then come on oh and we're out of there run run run shut the door behind us and we're out of here like a shadow in the night look at that oh my God okay see that ladies and gentlemen that right there that is the fun of playing these really agile sneaky characters having to work your way around a situation using your debuffs using your paralyze the silence quickly switching over to a pro to get through a trap that would probably knock your health bar out in one hit this is the fun of trying out different play Styles like this now just imagine you know that was like a Morag Tong RIT like you just killed someone and you're trying to escape that's what makes being an assassin so freaking cool you got to use your brain instead of your braon because the braon is just so easy to use in maroin sometimes we often forget everything else but like I mentioned this was another item crucial for the build and ladies and gentlemen that is our Marksman item the devil long bow value 265 with a cast when used ability of lightning Shield 1 to 10 points for 10 seconds on self but also a bound Longbow for 60 seconds on self which when paired with our Silver Arrows will be a wonderful source of repeatable heavy damage early on in the game for those far away Critical Strike kills that all of us want to get because as a reminder folks all of our bound weapons bound items bound spells these all have the same exact stats as their dri equivalent so our devil Longbow here really is just a dri Longbow and at level one too that never hurts so here we are we have our Marksman damage we have an awesome supporting debuff item to use when we find ourselves in a tight situation when trying to complete a contract and we have a short blade that allows us to not only be effective and deal some damage but also be tactical and get us out of tight situations when we need it that sounds like we're wonderfully on our way to being one of marn's Deadliest Assassins but in order to be an assassin we must join the Assassins so ladies and gentlemen I'm going to pop a divine intervention and because it is a bit obscure I'll be showing you how to join the Morag Tong and get on your way so our divine intervention took us to pagad now we need to take our cie which will get us exactly where we want to go which is to VC so 1 second here let's get our on CV intervention down here we are and we are now going to want to make our way to the arena Canton of VC because the Assassins of course locate themselves as close to death as possible and where is Death more prevalent in marind than well the vex Arena I mean that's literally recreational death that that is the highest form of ritual killing here I'd say it's not done silently it's not done in the shadows and in fact that's probably why it's the best cover for the actual freaking assassins to have never really thought about that but you know makes total sense but here we are in the arena Canton the foreign Canton is actually right over there and then as you can see we just followed a straight path back from the temple all the way down the arena is just off to the side if you're looking at VC it is here just you know off to the side of the foreign quarter just a couple Bridges away not too bad to get to but what we want to do once we're here is head up to the arena waste workk so let's go ahead up and then once we are in the waste works we need to come over here go straight across and then that right there that is the banner that we need to watch out for and this is how you know you're on the right path so this is the arena Fighters training banner and then we want to come to this door to the canal works not the other side because they do lead to two separate cells so we'll head down here and then once we're down we're going to go down the stairs keep walking keep walking and then here you'll find the be Arena storage pop in again again like I said these assassins they like to stay out of the Limelight so they're way back in the back of Beyond but now we'll pop this open get get our Jank blade back out to deal with this freaking rat okay there we go and we'll keep walking again here we have a lock level 25 trapped wooden door so let's get our probe back on pop this guy open okay there we go now let's deal with the lock put our lock pick on now patience is going to be going to be the virtue here with our security skill of five you know we could cast a Den's open door but actually that wasn't too bad okay let me grab grab my Jin blade again we got another rat over here come on all right rat down and then here you have it the secret passage to the Assassin's Lair the trapo to aaren Hidden area with a lock level 50 now let's go over to that Open Door spell that we got earlier on and then try and get this sucker down we may have to do some magical restoration here not the most Adept spell Caster just yet yet but we're not here to cast spells we're here to kill people okay and there we go trap door opened let's go ahead and pop inside and then I'll limit the cuts here because actually getting to the guy that you need to get to in order to join the guild is a little confusing so let's walk straight forward go up the stairs here you're going to want to then hang a left and then turn by the orc with the massive Iron Man thing on his heart you're then want to take another left another right go up the stairs past all these beds across the pedestrian bridge that they have inside this a massive place and then sure enough here we go Eno Halal the head of the Morag Tong and Now ladies and gentlemen all you need to do click him click join the Morag Tong and you will be given your first RIT and take your first life so let's click yes I will join and the rest is up to you welcome to the folds of the Morag Tong I have helped pave your path but your descent into darkness must now be done alone thank you so much for watching everybody I know this was one that people were really looking forward to if there are any other builds video ideas artifacts that you want to see on the channel I do check the comments be sure to drop them below I will add them to my list and I promise we'll get there eventually thank you so much much for watching and as always I will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 17,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind build, morrowind start guide, openmw, morrowind 2023, morrowind assassin build, morrowind nightblade build, how to morrowind, coffeenutgaming
Id: 91CMnqEa8Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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