Every Player NEEDS These Items in Their Inventory - Morrowind Tips

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morrowind can be frustrating morrowind can be infuriating more winded times can even be a little bit questionable but the good news is those first two can largely be avoided with just a little bit of preparation so be sure to watch the end of this video and your inventory will be set up to allow you to avoid most of the headaches that this game can throw at you thanks for watching and let's get into it all right here we are again back in balmora the land of milk and honey i feel like every time i freaking play this game i always end up in balmora no matter how far away i am this town is like hotel california or something like you can check in but you can never leave you'll always end up right back in freaking balmora does anyone else feel that way does anyone else just randomly always show up here i don't know maybe maybe it's just me maybe i just like this town too much all right anyways heading for item number one here in order to grab it we're gonna travel over to aldrune and then once we are up at the manor district we're gonna head in run alongside the bottom of the kaiju crab shell uh that we have here and we are going to visit cine cintiev i think i got that right i don't i don't know uh but the alchemist we're gonna visit the alchemist and we're gonna pick up our first essential item that we always should have in our inventory and that is going to be oh hold on hold on she can smell the drugs out on me must have been a little bit wilder in her college years now let's try this again let's barter and then the first essential item that we're going to have in our inventory is of course telvonni bug musk now there's a couple other places that you can buy this in the game there's a lady in phir who sells it and then one as well and sadreeth mora i think but there's actually not that many merchants so aldrun is definitely going to be your easiest place to get it now why is this important why are we considering this one of our essential items in the game well i'll tell you telvani bug musk has fortify personality 40 points for 60 seconds now why is buffing personality so important well because every two points that we have in personality is going to raise the base disposition of characters that we interact with by one point now personality isn't only important because it raises our disposition but because it also backends our mercantile and speech craft skills so it allows us to get better prices when we're selling back and forth it'll also allow us to admire intimidate and taunt more successfully and and here's the big one it'll allow us to have greater success during speech checks for quests many quests require you to gather more information get something from someone lie to someone and coax them into making an incorrect decision so having a higher personality even if just for 60 seconds while you make that speech check is going to give you a greater chance of success and save you time quick saving and quick loading to get the actual outcome that you want so let's just put one on here boom boom as you can see talbani bugbusk fortify attribute personality 40 points we were at 50 we are now at 70. we added 40 points we got 20 base disposition out of it so a great and highly important item to have in us whenever we are adventuring and doing quests in morrowind all right moving on from here we are going to go over to the mages guild again enjoying this beautiful beautiful day i wonder if the people here ever see the sun i wonder if they even know what the sun is i would certainly choose to live somewhere else uh where i where i'm from here now moving on to our second item here we are going to run down here and i'll just point out this is obviously not the only merchant that sells this pretty common with merchants and mages guilds or alchemists around the continent but this is actually a twofer and that is going to be our potions of restore endurance and restore strength now you may be asking yourselves well coffee why these two skills specifically and nothing else and let me tell you why it's because the greater bone walker the worst enemy in the game exists people give cliff racers all the hate but the real enemy we need to be fighting is literally the greater bone walker i wish they would have just not put this guy in the game or would have changed his abilities and let me tell you why the greater bone walker has a spell called the dread curse and what the dread curse does is it lowers your strength and endurance by 5 to 12 point on touch and this can stack and on top of that there's there's no effect duration whereas the lesser bone walker kind of does the same thing but its effect only lasts for 60 seconds so if you get cursed a whole bunch your strength and endurance plummet you just simply have to wait a minute or you know toggle wait one hour you're good to go with a greater bone walker you would either have to chug a bunch of potions to get your endurance back up or you'd have to drop all of your loot because now your strength is zero you have zero carry weight you can't move you now have to drop all of your loot um cv out of the dungeon run naked back to the last town you're in hope there's an imperial shrine there and then pay to have your stats restored all in all it's probably the most inconvenient experience that you can have while playing this game so i always make it a point to keep at least three or four standard or higher restore strength endurance potions on me in case i run into a dungeon or there's a lot of greater bone walkers because again there is nothing worse than having to remove all of your equipment leave it in a nice little pile in the dungeon floor run back to town and then if you don't have mark and recall run all the way back i am sure that anyone who's played this game for any amount of time can agree with me and if you think there's a worse experience than that please let me know because i have not been able to find it moving on from that but staying in a similar vein and staying here at the mages guild with our merchant again this is a super common item but always very very good to have and make sure that you have in your inventory is a cure common disease potion and this is going to cure any non-blight or corpus disease so pretty much every single disease in morrowind minus four one being corpus which will cure during the main quest so why is this important although many common diseases in morrowind aren't that bad you're suffering from another stat lowering effect that be from combat from from a mage character or some kind of after effect from a scrib or something or a greater bone walker then contracting a disease on top of that having that lower your stats as well is also going to be a massive inconvenience and annoyance the good thing is that cure common disease potions are very cheap and they're very very common in the game that being said some of the diseases of morrowind are actually pretty debilitating for example swamp fever lowers your strength and endurance by 20 points if you let it get as bad as it can and then something like witspain is going to lower your agility by 40 points so you're going to be weak and slow which are two very very bad things for an adventurer so before you go out make sure make sure you grab that disease potion you you're gonna regret it if you don't i promise i mean come on man they're 20 gold they're 20 gold just just just buy 10. just have 10. moving on from cure disease we're gonna stick in the realm of potions i do recommend potions for everything that i'm mentioning in this video because well what happens if you get stuck without magicka and there's two dreymora lords following you you're going to want to make sure that you have a potion on hand to do any of these abilities so again staying here at the mages guild sticking with the theme of kind of our everyday items i'm going to be looking for a rising force potion now if you're new to the game maybe i've gone through a lot of dungeons yet you don't know that morrowind actually gates off a lot of content from you if you don't have levitation in pretty much every other dungeon it feels like there is loot that is hidden just out of reach that you would either have to float or jump up to there are even some dungeons that you can't even complete without flying up to a higher level or crossing a blown out bridge so having a levitation potion on you guarantees that no matter what dungeon you're going into next you'll a be able to complete it b be able to get all of the loot and see of course complete any quests that are in there there is no worse feeling than getting to the very end of a dungeon and just getting beamed by skeleton archers from the second level that you number one can't kill and number two can't reach all right now we're gonna head to caldera oh that is not the travel menu there it is and then we are going to speak with mr falms morel who's like the best scroll merchant in the game at least the one that i always use maybe not the best but certainly the most convenient to get to and we're gonna look for scrolls of either divine or mcv intervention now for those of you who don't know um cb intervention once used takes you out to the nearest temple divine intervention takes you out to the nearest imperial shrine this is super convenient because they can be used in the midst of combat so even if you trigger some daedric trap at the bottom of a ruin and are getting swarmed by dramora lords you can boom on cv intervention right out and you can save your skin just like that super super crucial item to have on you and the similar vein is going to be the pair mark and recall mark and recall are a pair that work together marking marks the spot that you're standing right at that point in time and recall will bring you back to it so using these in tandem with your scrolls of divine or on cv intervention can be super useful to take you out of a dungeon and then you can recall back to the spot that you had just marked and put yourself right back in the middle of the dungeon and again i do recommend even if you're a mage player holding scrolls of each on you at all times because again what happens if you run out of magicka and you're getting swarmed by a dwemer centurion and a wing twilight well you're just gonna die and hope that you've saved within the last two hours because i i know i found myself in situations where i get lost in a dungeon and forget the quick save the entire time and just like that there goes an hour of work gosh that is always the worst when you forget to save and just get blindsided by like 50 enemies that there is no greater pain in existence all right now for our final item we're going to travel back to balmora again uh but this time we're going to leave the mages guild alone i know we've spent a ton of time with them so far this video but we are going to shift over into the fighters guild for once all right now that we're in here we're going to speak to wayne and from wayne we are going to buy armorers hammers or repair prongs hammers are just better so don't waste your money on the repair prongs but what these are going to allow us to do is to repair our armor and weapons on the fly so unlike in skyrim morrowind weapons have condition and as the condition degrades if you're using a weapon with a low condition it's going to lower your damage output and if you're wearing armor with a lower condition it's going to lower the damage that it actually blocks when enemies attack you additionally armorer is just a very efficient skill in the game the price of repairs is actually tied to the price of the armor or the uniqueness of the armor in the game so it behooves you early game level your armor as much as possible in order to protect that gold pool late game when you're wearing full ebony or full daedric and again here you don't want to be stuck without an armorer's hammer it's not that you're always going to use it or even need it all the time but the time that you do you're going to be very thankful that it's in your inventory because imagine you're at the end of a daedric ruin you come to the final room your sword breaks you can't use it now you have to use that silver dagger that you have five skill points in and you can't even finish the dungeon because your main weapon is broken the whole point of this video is to help you avoid situations like that by preparing you properly for heading out into the world so there you go those are my essential items that you should always have in your adventurer's bag before you go out in morrowind to run through them again televoni bug musk boost our personality increase our success chance and dialogue options and increase the goal that we get from buying and selling potions of restore strength and restore endurance to help us combat the worst enemy in the game cure common disease potions to protect our stats scrolls of omcd divine mark and recall so that we can teleport around effectively get ourselves out of hairy situations and back into the action when we're ready to return and then finally armor hammers and repair prongs so that we can repair our weapons and armor and keep them from breaking so that we can actually use the weapons we've collected and spent so much time and money on so there you have it keep these in your inventory and you'll be pretty much ready for any horrible situation that could go wrong in marwyn and it's going to save you a ton of time and a lot of frustration i promise you let me know down in the comments if you have any other essential items that you always keep in your adventures bag that i may have missed and i will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 38,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind items, morrowind beginner tips, morrowind levitation, morrowind start guide, telvanni, morrowind guide, morrowind gameplay, morrowind playthrough
Id: qvZ9vnCok5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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