Find Oblivion's WEIGHTLESS Sword at Level 1 - Oblivion Artifact Guide

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well we have a weightless in-game weapon that we can use for all of our adventures here in Oblivion and let's try this out now so boom two three four dead gotta love it welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the absolutely Immaculate look of the Elder Scrolls 4 one of the most beautiful games ever designed probably a bit of an overstatement there but after you've played hundreds of hours of Morrowind oh you do uh notice the couple more polygons uh that were added here but that is beside the point because today we are going to be looking for one of the most interesting swords that this game has to offer and to do that we need to start one of three quests that will bring that very artifact into our own hands so let's first head to the gray mare here in the City of Coral and let's take a little bit of a weight here so there we go and you can see a man has appeared in the back drinking himself stupid having an amazing time so let's go talk to the imbiber and see what Renault Germain has to say if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times I've never been to China I wish I could say that oh apologies my good friend no don't worry my friend about it I am didn't I see you in shade and all they say well I'm sick of it sick and tired tired and sick and perhaps a little drunk hey you're going to travel to channel and find out what sort of imposter is trying to besmirch my good name you're gonna tell him I'm quite capable of besmirching my good name on my own she's in the system immediately there's 50 gold pieces in it for you I love it right then off you go off we go to protect the besmirching of this man's name I love the sentiment there only I can bespirch my own good name so you know quit all these imposters and deep fakes and all this stuff so in order to protect this drunken man's honor and inch us closer towards the artifact let's head to Chad and all and see if we can't find this imposter I must say I absolutely love all of the dialogue and Quest writing in Oblivion they do have some very very unique characters I mean just the lines there were freaking hysterical like come on you got to give this game some credit but here we are in Jaden Hall let's wait until the daytime imposter's probably not running around at 12 22 in the morning like his drunken subject there so let me I'll hop it forward to about 9 A.M you know maybe catch him on the way to work let's go buy the big old church I'm sure nothing bad would ever happen there no not in Jaden Hall not a chance this is a good town strong walls strong capable guards endless military resources yeah nothing bad could ever happen in Jaden Hall Reynold Germain is staying over at Newlands Lodge but you also might find him walking around town good luck okay a lead thank you a Tessie a Desi sounds like a uh a pops gotta love the Fantasy names gotta love it but since we have our lead let's head over to the Newlands Lodge and see if this uh this particular individual is as interesting as the last one P but we'll find out all right Newlands Lodge where's the Germain show them to me let's invade the rooms because people love that oh there you are Gilbert is there something I can do for you you can explain yourself why do you look exactly like that other guy what's going on he he's alive I was barely my mother and brother never survived this is amazing I'll need to go see him at once you'll have to excuse me I'd better leave right away thank you for helping us find each other again you're welcome I I worked so very hard at it where's the guy lady where's the other dude hey whoa he's zooming hold on a second hey Gilbert serious Gilbert oh man he is he is excited he wants him he wasn't joshing around I wish I was my family was that excited to see me what the hell where's this kind of devotion where do you get a person like that he phased into the fabric of the universe to just get there a little quicker now that that is what people mean when they say blood is thicker than water well we're not gonna be able to beat him with that kind of drive so let's go ahead maybe we can fast travel there and he'll he'll be waiting for us all right back over to the lodge where his uh slightly less eloquent brother is apologies my good friend all right let's see the gray mayor round two you there oh living in Coral well Gilbert well he may have gotten stuck in another dimension hold on let's let's wait a couple hours oh there he is look at him go a man who's willing to run in public this guy will go toward any length to see his family the Jermaine Brothers have been reunited after they speak I should speak to Gilbert who seems the more level-headed of the two brothers I will make this my active Quest and let's talk to Gilbert wake up what is it now wake up we thought you and mother had both been killed if we had only known all I know is that traveling Merchants found me in the wilderness by the body of my mind get out of here get out of here go my brother it is wonderful to see you again we will have much to talk about in the next days I can't believe I've been reunited with my brother I mean this is this is just beautiful I feel like I'm on an episode of Mari you are the brother congratulations anyways let's Advance this Quest and see where this takes us I never would have guessed he was still alive we have much to discuss but if you have time I'd beg you to stay a moment longer and hear about our home whether Weatherly was our family's home for Generations our parents fled it when ogres attacked ah my father carried me to safety he later returned and believed Reynold and my mother had perished since ogres are cannibals he didn't expect to find their bodies thankfully however it seems but wouldn't that mean they eat other ogres for safety not humans we want our home back you appear to have more skill than either of us I mean hey after buttering me up like that yeah I'll help you okay Weatherly totally not for the sword that Waits at the end of all this but yeah yeah um I'll take some time out of my busy day thank you now we're not quite sure where the estate is located we'll offer up what we know however we believe it's somewhere south of coral south of Fort Kamala if you find it let us know we'll be waiting anxiously so here we are Marching ever closer to the honor blade of coral we have completed the first Quest separated at Birth we are now under the second Quest the Legacy lost and lucky for us finding Weatherly isn't actually that bad it's pretty much just directly south and a tiny tiny tiny bit West of the coral City Gate so quite easy to get to and you shouldn't really have any problem at all now if you're playing this and you want to do it naturally you can find a local member of the Fighters Guild named Sabine lual who will be able to mark Weatherly on your map if you don't want to go run out into the wilds and find it on your own but we're gonna do that anyways because this is coffee not video and we like to get things done efficiently so here we are passing Fort Carmela the one that the brothers mentioned back at the town and in front of us is the beautiful Resort of hack dirt one of the prettiest and friendliest locations in all of cyrodale seriously go check it out but we're actually gonna go right by hack dirt and like I mentioned it's just a little bit off to the right here and we should be coming up on Weatherly very soon one thing I will say is that Oblivion nailed the look and feel of the forest of cyrodiil the high fantasy tonage is definitely oozing out of the bark here practically dripping onto my keyboard I feel like Tolkien is about to raise from the dead but here we are let's take a Crouch and there it is ladies and gentlemen the home of Weatherly and we must now take it back from the Heathen wretches the ogres who already saw me okay hold on let's get out caliban's Grim retort let's start smacking some people around there we go easy money with caliban's grim retort on where the rest of these Marauders and rap scallions okay there's one oh and there's another all right running in they seem tiny because I made my Nord as big as possible I think it's kind of ridiculous actually all right I found Weatherly but it's overrun with ogres I should report this information to Gilbert which we will do after slaying the rest of these heathens so get over here you tiny little child let me show you the true meaning of pain boom and there we have it the ogres have been defeated I should make my way back to Coral and bring this information to Gilbert I'm sure he will be most pleased after listening to the ramblings of his drunken brother second tired tired and sick I wonder if he was like oh it's you how maybe I just head back to Jaden Hall I don't know like after the excitement he felt you know phasing out of existence in order to get there a little bit quicker and then you know he gets met by the town drunkard hey maybe it adds a little excitement to his life maybe he's excited about it but honestly that right there was the long and short of that whole Quest kill three ogres go back to the town and again inching closer to the blade here we are back in the town of coral back to the gray mayor the high class establishment that serves a pint thicker than sin and let's see what the brothers have to say about us saving their ancestral home Mr Gilbert yes the ogres are gone it is a hundred percent safe wonderful Weatherly is ours hey you're welcome take us there now uh I guess so let's go ahead and do that we're off okay come on Jesus a party everybody's excited get off your freaking chair Reynold let's get on the road come on we got a sword to get let's go guys I will say this is kind of trippy having the twins I mean look at these uncanny AI generated faces following us all right on the road again to Weatherly you're you're a home away from home uh form a home home sweet home all of the above I don't really know we'll find out you know guys your dad had a pretty nice estate out there what kind of business are y'all in adventurers yourselves thieves all right boys home sweet home does she look like you remembered it in your infantile brains I'm curious how this one escaped from the ogres but uh you know we don't have to answer those questions today the Jermaine Brothers have returned safely to Weatherly Mr Gilbert I would like my reward thanks so much for getting us here safely you're welcome I'm afraid we aren't very wealthy but here is all I can offer you at this time please visit us again soon thank you it's it's the least you could do 75 gold ah we'll take it that'll buy a couple rounds and once we get this sword well we won't have anything to worry about all right so now we have reunited the brothers returned them to Weatherly and now we need to move on to the final quest in this string and for that we need to return to the town of coral really getting our frequent flyer miles here at the dead coral aren't we and then we need to head to the Oak and crosier Inn where we will wait for approximately two days as word of the brothers returned needs to begin spreading about town so let's come up here go ahead and rent a bed and then rest like I said for 48 hours all right now that I've rested for two days let's hop back down here and you will see father's rules and his very intricate anime haircut let's see what he has to say about the two brothers I may have I'm listening you have my ear ulis but mainly just because of your Skrillex haircut I wonder if this mod was made back in 2014 when he was big I don't know it was kind of you to escort the germains back to weather however the original owner of Weatherly left them an even greater Legacy more money in fact there's quite a bit we like that to their family history want to hear about it absolutely curiosity should never be denied is it not so my tale actually begins with the father Albert Germaine he was once in my employee or should I say the employee of my organization he was very good the Consulting things that people did not want to part with a professional Thief to put it bluntly he's assigned to obtain a very valuable item for me but decided to keep this item for himself an unfortunate decision he fled from corner with his family and was never heard from again then these many years later voila the brother appears it seems the rest of the family did not die in the wilderness after all all right faiths I hear your father's faith is Faith is I hear you brother what do you want me to do about it okay father was a super spy used to wear it for you swiped an item ran off into the back of Beyond never to be found again how do I tie into this why don't you tell us indeed Albert Germain builds Weatherly way out in the middle of nowhere he was a thief not a farmer the only reason to establish such a place would be to stay out of the coral God's site I believe that the item Albert stole which rightly belongs to me was hidden at the Weatherly settlement the notorious red God Valley ogres ransacked the place the tiny ones notorious if you were to obtain this item I would pay you very well for it I can get you started by telling you where the ogres live okay and ladies and gentlemen there we have it the location of our long sought after Blade the blade that we want in our possession not in the ogres or faithus but now we have our compass pointing in the right direction two the home of the Red Guard ogres the Red Guard Valley cave so now the only thing left to do is to draw our chandelier looking mace and beat the item out of them it's literally the only option literally I'm not making that up yeah you gotta kill the real question here is though our our Oblivion ogres like onions like I don't really know where I was going with that joke Shrek Green Man onion haha funny yeah you get the point all right laugh all right here we are deep in the woods of Siri dill and there is our Quarry in the Red Guard Valley cave let the Carnage begin you're not ogres but you still have to die oh one shot him holy crap look at that oh oh my God ladies and gentlemen calabans grimbatore is is absurd this this is on like normal difficulty okay this isn't this isn't easy this thing is just ridiculous but here we are I have arrived to the entrance to Red Guard Valley cave I should proceed inside where you at ogre as I came for a blade and I'm not leaving till I get one boom boom boom all right one down and one important thing to note here is that in Oblivion your damage output is tied to your fatigue so whenever you're attacking you want to make sure that you have as high fatigue as possible so that's what actually scales the number of damage you do itself so a lot of people criticize Oblivion for being a slugfest and in a lot of regards it is especially on high difficulties but a lot of people also don't really manage their fatigue in this game much like in Skyrim because you just kind of hack and slash it's not as impactful as in Morrowind or at least as visually immediately impactful as missing every one of your hits so if you do want to absolutely annihilate these guys like I am make sure you keep that fatigue bar full as the worst thing you could do when fighting melee in Oblivion is jump and just waste all your fatigue it's it's a terrible idea but what we're looking for here in the cave is the ogre Chieftain as he has the weapon that we are seeking so we need to continue delving deeper into the din here as we inch closer to our blade and ladies and gentlemen there he is look at that devil look at him plotting another home to destroy princesses to eat all the things ogres do we can't let them live no no hold on let me back up I'm actually just about dead but it doesn't matter because our last stroke of the Blade killed him and now let's find the item we have been searching for ladies and gentlemen this is the honor blade of coral value 1000 with a weight of zero important to remember and currently displaying an attack of 10 although the base attack of this item is 23 again the attack shown here is dependent on your strength and weapon skills as well but the base attack on this item is 23 which is one less than the Daedric long sword and you can get this at level one so you can basically have a Daedric long sword at level one or any level that you do find it as this is a non-leveled weapon I've retrieved the honor blade of coral from the ogre Chieftain this has to be the item faithus was seeking however due to the nature of the item I think someone at Castle Coral would be anxious to have this back I need to decide whether to sell the weapon to faithus or turn it to the castle so this is what the blade looks like in the daytime here you can see the Sigil of the town of coral that tree there and all this awesome ornamentation along it here now I am using a couple mods here I will throw the modulus down in the description if you're interested on how the game looks so darn good right now and we have this awesome texture on the blade but that does not change the path to get here and the honor blade of coral itself still looks awesome in the base game like an ebony long sword one of the wildest designs like basically just a huge blade of cyphus which is awesome now before we close out the video we are back in coral and we do have a couple other things just to say about the quests and this blade itself the first being that even though this blade is not Enchanted you can use the honor blade of coral to attack those special enemies like ghosts that require either silver or magic additionally if we were to complete the quest which again remember if we want to keep the sword we shouldn't complete the quest we should go and do the rest of the game but if we were to complete the quest and turn the sword into fathis who is roaming around somewhere now there he is we just had to wait a little bit but if we were to turn the blade into him we would complete the quest but we would just get some gold in return and then he is also a fence in the Thieves Guild so sadly if we turn this in he gets stuck in the town of coral if you don't have the unofficial Oblivion patch and can no longer fence so you actually just kind of net negative from this ending you lose the blade you just gained some gold and you lose a fence out of it a fence with a thousand gold too so not something easily replaced however if we did the other ending and head to Castle coral and then decide again if we don't want to keep the blade we want to turn it in and complete the quest we can talk to laith wave Rick about this stolen item I'll do it here just to show you what we do get in return We hand over the sword incredible please accept my thanks on behalf of the people of coral and then in return we get the escutcheon of coral which is such a weird word I always thought that was interesting but here it is 45 45 value weight of 12 defense of seven also with a leveled enchantment for Fortify endurance and reflect damage and you can see here it looks pretty wild with again that tree Sigil of coral based off of our ebony Shield so overall if it was me I would always choose this ending unless you're just trying to do some like Thieves Guild RP because the escutcheon is a lot better than just losing a fence and only getting a leveled gold reward that's not very exciting if you're going to at least lose one of the best and coolest swords in the game you should get something amazing in return and although it is not a weapon the escutcheon is pretty interesting in and of itself so ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching that's gonna do it for me in today's video go use your waitlist basically Daedric sword and take cyrodiil by storm go avenge the emperor all those good things that we all care about so again thank you so much for watching be sure to check the description for links to my twitch if you want to see something like this live as well as my second Channel and co5 if you would like to support the channel Beyond just a normal subscription and with that being said I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 16,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oblivion, oblivion guide, best sword in oblivion, best weapon oblivion, honor blade of chorrol, separated at birth quest, weatherleah oblivion, oblivion quest guide, oblivion artifact guide
Id: zf7W6d7FA8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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