How to Start a Clothing Brand With $120 (OUR STORY)

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here we go again back with another one world vision clothing about to take you out through the journey of how we started this clothing line literally only 120 dollars now look at us this is how we come in man it really took us a long time and a lot of hard work to really get but we really want just shower story and shower journey to let you know that you could do it too but check this out before we even get into the video i need you to do three things for me run them likes up subscribe to our channel and comment on this video anybody that comment on this video is gonna have a chance to win a hundred dollar gift card yeah i said it a hundred dollars to shop with us on our website and then we're gonna read the comments in the next video so let's get it running likes up comment and here it is so all right we got podcasts not even podcast this is the world and vision podcast number one in the building we have marlon white's nicholas clark brianna scott in london my boy man so we about to take it a little different you know we about we about to shut that game and that knowledge on um well really just bring y'all through our journey on how we started this brand right my boy all right we're gonna we're gonna take him a little bit through the journey so we got my girl brienne in the back gonna ask us a couple of questions um the great host we'll throw these questions up on the screen um and we're gonna just we're gonna just start going from there all right let's get it you um to take this one first i'll go first so what made us kind of start a business what made us start a business was just looking at our environment um we were already we were ambitious kids we did everything we were skateboarding we were playing basketball football man on the run knock on the doors i mean whatever i mean we we were just experiencing um a lot of things at a young age you know we saw we and at at that time you noticed a lot of things and we we noticed that our parents didn't have it how we would how you would think that well we wanted them to have it you know what i mean and so we were like we're not gonna ask them we're gonna we're gonna create our own way we're gonna help them out that's what that in our mind we like we're gonna help our family out and so we started by selling this candy and iphone accessories so with the candy we would go to sam's club and we would get the boxes of candy also sell brownies so nick mom made his brownies for him i ain't had that luxury so i used to have to go and make my brownies every day and uh package everything up and we would go to our schools and we would sell the brownies and you know he wasn't making a hell of money you know you at least make a dollar off of your oh you'll make a dialogue for your 50 cent you know what i mean so you just doubling up all the time and then we had figured out how to get on ebay so we would get on ebay and we would get long charges and rechargeable cases and get the buttons and stuff for the for the accessories for the iphone and that was like a level up it would be like i was like how much you made over there i made a hundred i made a hundred two you just keep your honey i keep my hundred and uh then we'll just we'll basically just say we wanna put up four 400 dollars so we'll make our money and then we will just invest kind of half a week it was kind of the same as with the clothes we was like we're going to put 50 back into the business and go invest in more inventory for the iphone accessories and you keep 50 and so we did that for a little while and i said we began going to football games basketball games baseball games we started going to the movies you know and we started being social you so uh when you start becoming social your appearance matter you know we wanted to look cool you know we just saw that fashion was a big thing in our community so we decided to tap into that um not not even knowing what we were doing like us creating clothes and doing clothes wasn't was like we was like oh we want to be fashion designers but it was more of a way to like express ourselves and and just keep ourselves busy away from trouble and be entrepreneurs yeah just being an entrepreneur yeah we don't necessarily maybe have a a full like we're not the most fashionable people in the world but like through clothes we're able to put out a message that people are able to like represent and be a part of so it's different now that we think about it um we was just trying to create our own little movement you know what i mean that's it's more of a culture and a family atmosphere than anything than it just being closed man i say the best experience is to just get out there and do it um if you just not afraid to fail uh you'll be able to learn through your mistakes so um i mean really we just we just did it like marlon he just came to me one day and he was like man um talking about the wrong shirt i wanna start this clothing brand uh i'm like let's get it uh i honestly didn't even know how to design at that time marlon designed our first shirt so uh i think our first brand was called like what was that paper planes paper planes why why why would i get philosophy it's it it's a white get fly today when i'm fresh every day like marlin has spelled every day wrong they say every day boy if you don't and we were selling it it's crazy because you know all of them and i came to that boy house and realized that he had a wrong word on the shirt like and he had already sold all of these shirts so like right then and uh that that just showed me that marlon is just a good salesman because i don't know if these people read that or if they thought that's what should be on the shirt so marlon he he was he was a sales guy from that day on forward so i mean really just seeing that if that could be successful if you really put some you know some some mind to it and some some some planning and some steps you could really become successful of uh you know the apparel business but then i think after that we went to another brand and started using uber prints and oh yeah we started on uber prints um so i think you got like the first 12 shirts off wood prints um kind of flipped them it was like 120 dollars flipped them to like 240. we were spending about 10 hours of search so we ended up getting like 20 full shirts um flip those 20 full uh made you know 400 little bit less than 500 i mean then finally we got our first 50 shirts and i think we was going to like the fairs and they had like the fairs um in new orleans we used to be going to the fairs and selling them like straight out our backpack oh man there's still people to this day that knew us for that um but really i think that we learned by just doing it like once we bought the 12 shirts off uber prince and we just was like man we need to get our prize better so uh we started to just go to our local print shops and just see like hi um i mean we getting it for this price how can we get it low um so that was like the first steps on just trying to you know get a better profit so we could invest more into the company you know how to do it also learning instead of ordering it from somewhere and it's kind of coming already done yeah we started to just order the t-shirt separately um that's how we broke down uh getting it you know getting it to a better price we just ordered a blank shirts and then bring it to our local shop so that was like one of the first lessons we learned um when starting out how to just get our product at a at a lower cost yeah which was buying a shirt wholesale and then bringing it to somebody that's local around where you had to to print those shirts but you know still getting it better than the price they was getting it for both you know before so we already had a price of ten dollars so anything under that under that was just better um okay so um it was world invasion at first i mean we thought we were just going you know take over the world invade the world and i mean that was pretty cool we should show our old designs on the on the screen too like i'm just gonna show some of them um we were talking about the uh the world invasion the world invasion okay so um so we wanted to do this the curve design that you actually have on right now we wanted to do that but it was so many words that it really didn't fit and so nick being the cool guy that he was he was like let's just shorten it up and it still looked the same so we shortened it up but how we actually got to world and vision was once we came to college and people started to read the shirts they read it as world and vision and it was just so tough to tell them it's world invasion we're all invasion until one day was like we looked at each other and like it actually do sound better and so we kind of just stuck with it and ran with it and then from there it's like we got our vision like from just doing it we everything that we did we didn't know what we were doing we were 14 years old when we first started this so we were just doing it to do it and kept going like learning along the way and everything happened for like us and it happens for anybody just the way that it should happen like but you have to i think we could have been like no we don't want to change the name a lot of people are uncomfortable with change they would have been like no this is my brand name i'm not changing my brand name because that's what i want and that's what but it's not about what you want sometimes it's about what the people want we are when we started selling the product we became more than just us it became everybody that's purchasing it and if everybody thinks that it's it's their if they saying this obviously we maybe should make a change it's not all about us sometimes yeah so like when we when we got to school and we was wearing the shirts everybody was wearing it people was like world and vision i've been seeing it everywhere so it's just like the more people started calling it world and vision um we just learned literally through the process like if we had to if we had to start over i wouldn't suggest like just you know like just going straight through at least have some type of plan or action or in one year or in one month i won't be able to do this um but really it just we just learned through it like and that's why it took us longer um then it got to take some of the people out there because there's so much information there um by us just you know just doing it instead of trying to learn about it and then do it um i mean we've been doing this since 2010 so like this 2021 you know we was in high school and stuff and we still had like to do school and we couldn't just do our business but it still took us you know from 2010 to now that's 11 years you know we probably wasn't doing it full time but it still was like we was doing it on our time so like uh i really just said start but also like learn to you know take some action on the stuff that you learn and you know see if you can get some results from me um running the business and being in college because i know you all had two different college experiences as well as your different i guess i'll go first i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest you're never gonna is there's no real balance when you're doing that many things um especially like involving school i was a you know i had a scholarship to play football so i was a full-time athlete and trying to do a business because you kind of obligated to certain things like you have to do schoolwork and pass school to even play sports and then once you get past the school work you have to go you dedicate it to sports you have practice you have workouts you have different things that you have to do there um and then on the back end once you're just ready ready to go to sleep i think we had to work on the business you know so it really wasn't i want to say it wasn't a uh it's no way to like give one of those things 100 and that's something that uh i had to realize and i and i feel like once i realized that it actually made me it allowed me to do all of those things better once you're able to say i can't give everything 100 what do i want to focus on or what realistic goals can i have for this so that um you take it as a a foundation building moment like for us with the business we had to realize like we're not going to be able to make a million dollars in one year if we're still in school and playing sports we're not going to make a million dollars if he focusing on school he got hella art projects and you know you working you're not even getting a chance to sleep you got eight o'clock classes is but what you can do is take the time that you do have free sometimes and like start putting together that foundation to get you where you want to be start making those calls start talking to people that's doing the things that you want to do actually start building the structure um so once you graduate and we just talking about college uh you could be graduating high school and you want to go do exactly what you want to go do full-time that you ready to go do that like you by the time you out into the world you graduate college graduate high school you need to already have a plan that you built already that you going to work now you shouldn't be building the plan once you graduate you get what i'm saying and so that's what we realized that we wanted to build a plan while we were still doing everything that we was doing soaking up all the connections i'm involved with football so i have all these team members that i could sell merchandise to you know what i don't have to go nowhere to maybe get somebody to post all pop-up shop like i get everybody in my room so you have so many once you open your eyes to what's really going on around you you have so many opportunities so many possibilities that you can make possible by just being honest with yourself and you know you know making having a you know a couple goals because you can't do everything my boy my but my boy took the cake with that response really but um i just said uh especially you know mo uh being an athlete it was it probably was hard like like impossible literally to do the brand but that's another thing that we learned also uh you know everybody won't go big they won't be big you know they won't be the biggest brand out there but if you're not putting 100 of your time to something that you're trying to make that big you know what you're saying it's not going to be it's possible but it's not realistic you know what i'm saying so uh man once we just finished like our main goal is just to just finish college like i mean we honestly i told my professor i was like i just went with my brand like they was trying to get us in internships and do different stuff like that i was like i'm really just trying to do the brand like like i want to take what we got and take a shot at it i mean i'm young i don't have nothing to lose uh i mean the worst case scenario i got a degree i could go you know try to get a job somewhere something you know that somebody gonna hire me you know what i mean so like uh once you know i was after a while we was doing the brand but at the same time we was doing it like minimally minute like part-time part-time you know and we would we just kept saying can't wait to graduate everybody who was telling me was like man when we graduate we're going to turn up like we were telling everybody this all my friends and like they didn't they knew nothing it was like man remember y'all boys you should be saying that man we were saying as soon as we graduate we bout to turn up like and once we graduated i was just a rap after that like we just we just doing our thing i gave ourselves one year to see if we could create a successful business at that year i mean if it's not successful if it's not something that could pay our bills and you know get us through life financially then we're just gonna go do something else and um did it for one year and went crazy and um i mean it's just it's just going up so we're just trying to continue to you know drive the momentum and just keep going it's when we went full time full time 100 we went we didn't go nothing less than 100 we was going 110 really you know what i mean but full-time for sure so um what made you all stay motivated through that 10 years because that is a very long time and i know most people they probably get unmotivated i guess it's just having fun honestly like we enjoy business is kind it's just like sports you know like when we go play basketball we won't win we won't be in competition and business puts you at like the largest competition level in the world once we really started to understand it like on most of the whatever your phone in your hand is a business uh you know when you go to the hairdresser that's a business getting your nails done as a business uh just going to school as a business everything is like business instructions and once we really realized that we realized how large it is and like how how competitive it is it's 32 nfl teams there's so many colleges competing for students to come to their university and like we we we won't be the top in our space so we like we we put that on ourselves to be the best you know what i mean we challenge each other and i think that that's kind of what keep keep us not thinking it's the people you surround yourself with like you really got to have people that challenge you like you can't just be having friends that just you just want to have fun and just turn up yeah that's cool to do but you really gotta like be challenged every day you wake up and you gotta have people that hold you accountable just as you hold yourself accountable so like i mean everybody in our circle just trying to elevate and and go up so those were the people that was motivating me alone myself you know that was like man you know just keep going um it's gonna happen and that's another thing like you gotta think positive through it you know for you know to have a positive outcome literally like it's that simple like so we just really just kept speaking it you know to existence and our vision was just coming to life like as we just was just saying this is what we going to do like this what we're going to do like this i mean we was learning how to do it also but we also was just kept on speaking it and things were just coming and we were just taking advantage of our opportunity like stuff was just attracting to us and we just took advantage of everything that came and just made the best out of our opportunities and that's what helped us you know get in the situation that we in you did another question for kids that came from communities like yours and because you all had each other so i'm sure you all were always actively pushing each other but for those that just come you know by themselves i like that what advice would you give them to make it out man don't be afraid to say you don't know you know what i mean don't be afraid to also ask for help and that goes along with the lines of being afraid to just say i can't do this or uh can you help me or can you show me that's the best thing somebody could the best thing is instead of somebody fishing for you you know you go and learn how to fish for yourself um and i think that you have to you have to want more you know what i mean you have to like take the initiative to one more like it's a difference between saying you want more and then actually going out to make more for yourself you know what i mean i feel like a lot of people just i want you to understand that it's not gonna just come to you you're like you whatever situation you're in it's not just going whatever situation you want to be in isn't just going to come i use the scenario all the time where um people want to go to l.a i love l.a i mean i had a great time in atlanta shout out to los angeles shout out to san diego and it was like when i got to l.a i knew everything that i wanted to do i had it all mapped out all planned out and that's the sort of thing with life like everybody they got an idea they got they think they got life all figured out and it was bef i had everything figured out what i wanted to do in that leg and i was still in new orleans i wasn't like even physically in l.a and i was counting the time like two o'clock gonna be you know at flight club you know what i mean like i knew what i wanted to do then i had a whole plan for it and i think like in life it's the same way as in you may be in this one destination and you you think you you see you you see where you want to be of course but you still have to go to the airport check in get on the flight like i'd be on a flight just sitting there you know like oh i'm gonna you know like you have to go through time to actually end up in your destination like you just don't i just didn't wake up like oh i'm in new orleans and then poop i meant to live like it still it takes it takes you to go through something to even get to the next part and that driving traveling like if you want to go somewhere else and see some different things you have to drive and like go through areas that you may that you don't want to be in boom boom towns where we'd be driving at night and be like oh man barely have a little bit of gas left in the car we don't want to stop like you're going to have to go through some things that you don't want to do to get where you want to be and that's the best way the best advice i would give thanks you right he hit that one on the money again talk to me as a business owner what is um some of the biggest challenges that you've faced man time management just and scheduling those things that you you know you gotta you gotta see yourself you know progress and getting stuff done so just um you know putting time you know i i do a lot of i i design and i make stuff and i um come up with creative ideas you know different things like just for the brand so like a lot of times i might get distracted from something that i have to do like send like a breakdown to the print shop or something um by like the fun stuff that i want to do like make this design so i might have like five different you know things that is not necessarily you know creating just to do but i like get excited about this one project and i kind of like go to that and then before you know it the time of the day gone and i didn't miss the whole day of you know you know getting something printed or doing something um alongside the you know the production side you know the business side of it rather than just the creativity and stuff like that so i feel like i gotta really schedule out my time to specific things that i need to just do for that day and i mean i just got to work on the fun stuff when the time for that come you know what i mean so that'd be a real battle with me uh really because i come here and work on just the next drop and before you know it now i don't have the you know like i was saying the breakdowns into the print shop and they just waiting on me so today they ain't print so that's falling into the next day which pushes everything back and what we got going on you got to be you got to be speedy like you got to be quick like we need stuff printed every day if we if we can you know what i'm saying so um that'd be like a like a small challenge really something easily could be fixed but that's just me facing myself right though um i say honestly i think now it kind of got to the point where like i don't have mainly my own projects but i have like so many projects that i'm working on with everybody else you know what i mean so actually being able to like keep up with everything you know talk sometimes i find myself not even being able to talk to you you know what i mean and it's not that i don't want to call it's just that i had everything else going on that i wasn't able to even check on that project you know what i mean but uh i think that that's like the biggest challenge when when you kind of get to the manager level you know what i mean you deal with other people and so make even making sure that people having a good day so that they could give the best effort into what we're doing you know what i mean like if you're having a rough day i want to make sure i'm able to like still get the best out of you even that even though you're not at your best you know because we still for the business to ultimately keep running everybody got to be making headway at something you know what i mean and just being able to check on everything and knowing what to check on because i mean it's honestly it's a lot like nick said he'll get indulged in the fun stuff like like this right now i'm having a time of my life doing this you know what i mean like i'm doing what i love to do when we were checking on when we were looking when was reading that book i mean like the time just flew by you know and we had so we had the the the inventory sheet that was trying to do that you know i didn't even get to go check on that because other things have my attention so you know building the system around with good people that way we have stacey we have nadi we have people that even when i'm bottled down with tasks and not able to work on projects maybe they could go lend a hand and they know what we want and what we're looking for as a company make sure y'all subscribe i just wanted to make subscribe to the video right now i think this video is good comment value thumbs up this video run them likes up tell us what your favorite part what was your put the your favorite part of the video put the number we're gonna you know what we're gonna do we're gonna break it down so we're gonna put we i'm gonna put the time where we talking about the different questions okay like under the video so they could see like the different things if they just won't click and go to that you know yeah because this is a pretty long video it's almost 30. what that is 30 minutes yeah wow yeah 30 minute video we appreciate y'all we're going to end it like this as we're going oh you got something else for us bree that's so that's what we ended up what is it what's the last oh hobbies skateboarding skateboarding freestyle rapping freestyle i like the freestyle rap no let me hear something let me so i know our help are really interested to know what do you guys do in your free time when you're not here working on world vision turn up you want me to be honest with you turn up i'm still i'm 24 years old and what we mean by turn up and turning up for us is like calling the people that we love our friends over there we go like more turning up is like team bonding it's like bonding kind of because i mean we can't do it about we we figured out that we more stronger with other people and you more you have a you know you get a better perspective when you have more perspectives because when if it's just me i could be thinking that my way is the right way and then when i get when you get somebody else you get a separate opinion then you get three more other people then you get all these different opinions and they always make our ideas better it make our life better because you know if you have people around you that's you know making that making those strides and they're getting knowledge and like they bringing it back to the group i mean i'll be feeling like that's the funniest part i mean we just be hanging out having picnics right i'm all right turning up for us is reading the book and just being real and and playing chess but we're not boring i promise you're not boring i promise we have fun in in learning and growing is actually the real fun i know it may not it may hurt right now but you're gonna you're gonna be getting there you're gonna be like lord i'm trying to read and i don't wanna fix it so that's what we ended with all right thank y'all appreciate it we out i love you mama thank you for watching this video if you got any value out of this man just please just subscribe with this button right here and check out either this video or this video if you want to see more thank you
Channel: WRLDINVSN Clothing Company
Views: 43,552
Rating: 4.9669147 out of 5
Keywords: black owned, black-owned business, clothing brand, clothing business, clothing haul, clothing line, clothing line startup, clothing startup, entrepreneur, god is dope, how to start a clothing brand, how to start a clothing business, how to start a clothing line, sell t-shirts, shopify brand, starting a clothing brand, starting a clothing line, starting a t-shirt brand, support black colleges, t-shirt, t-shirt brand, t-shirt entrepreneur, tshirt, wrldinvsn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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