I made $10,000 in one day | Day in the life of a boutique owner

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hey guys it's james rate and i'm back again with another video so it's another day in the life um today is a special day i'm excited about it i'm nervous about it more excited than nervous so today i am releasing the most inventory that i ever have in one day and i am trying to hit my first five figure day in sales and so we're gonna see how it goes so it's currently a little bit after noon i'm gonna drop the new arrivals around three and pray for success um we just got 18 boxes of nothing but sweatpants delivered and uh these items have been selling so well for the last literally the entirety of the year thus far um so i've just been restocking them restocking restocking and it's been working in my favor so i'm gonna restock them again and pray for even better results and yeah so if you guys want to take a tag along with me for the day stay tuned so for the last couple months i've been getting shipments that look just like this so on this day i was getting 18 boxes of nothing but sweatpants just one style and multitude of colors so every week i get somewhere between 18 and 25 boxes of literally sweatpants so once he brings all of the boxes up we'll go ahead and count everything to make sure that the numbers are accurate before we add them back to the website and then we'll get the day going with a bajillion sweatpants sales alrighty so now that all the boxes are inside of the office we're pulling every single pack out and we literally just make a huge pile of them on the floor and first we check the invoice to make sure that all of the quantities are correct then we start pulling each individual item out to make sure that the numbers of each size are accurate as well and as you can see i have a bajillion empty boxes over in the corner because i get so many boxes a week all right so it is currently a little bit after three i'm running behind um i need to stop procrastinating so much uh i just got the last of everything um uploaded on the site and people have already started shopping i haven't even sent out my text message or my email or anything um but it always feels good to know that there are people who are you know out there waiting for the new stuff to drop um so currently i am why'd my lighting go terrible let's go this way so currently i have a little bit over 1 000 well 1 620 in sales um and i think before before i dropped the new arrivals at three i had like 142 dollars in sales so the majority of that has come from um just this drop and there's currently 17 people on the site so i'm going to go ahead and compose a text message and email to send out and then we're going to watch the numbers go up on the site and hopefully those numbers will include my sales as well so let's see what happens all right so one of the cool parts about shopify is that you can see how many people are actively on your site at one time so i just sent the text message out it's currently um 403 and as you can see this number is going up up up so this is what the text message look like if anybody's wondering this is the text message it just says new arrivals plus restocks of best sellers happy friday that's it and so now we're just going to sit here and wait and see how many people get up on the site and um you know what they buy you can also see the number of active carts how many people are checking out and how many people people are purchased or have purchased so as you can see that active cart number just jumped from 9 to 12. so that means that there are 12 current carts open on my website so people adding to cart and then there are four people who have began the checkout process meaning that they have started to put in their contact information and things like that oh look at there it went to three um so i guess that means somebody left but whatever so we're up to 104 people now 105. yeah yeah yay now we just need this number to go up um so now i'm going to sit here and craft an email to send out because i have not done that yet and hopefully when i come back the both of these numbers will not too concerned with this one this is the number i'm concerned with so hopefully that number has gone up a bit by the time i come back okay so now i'm taking a little mini break here well not really a break because i'm still working so i am responding to all of the comments underneath this um underneath the ads that i've been running for a while so i started an ad with um a stack of sweatpants that i sell um i want to say the beginning of last month and that ad performed so well i've just let it run literally for over a month now um i've never seen as much engagement on any piece of content ever as i've seen on this one and people constantly are commenting and asking when they're going to restock the sucky part is that i cannot like give a definite date of when they're going to restock until i've made the purchase and um you know have an idea of when they're going to be uh delivered so since everything just restocked today um i am responding to all of the comments every single one where someone asks when are these gonna restock i am commenting back um i don't know if you guys can see this over here um but this woman here she asked uh she asked what happened to the big girl sizes 3x so i replied hey we just restocked and plus size uh up to size 3x you can find them by clicking this link so the link that's at the um underneath the ad let me show you guys what the ad is so this is the ad and it's a slideshow let me show you guys what it looks like so this is the ad this is what it looks like um so it's just a slideshow of some of the pictures of the merchandise so that particular person commented and she's like hey are these available up to size 3x and i wanted to let her know that yes they are but since the link to the ad only lets me put one link because it's not a carousel i put the link to um the sweatpants which i have a greater quantity of which is the size small through through extra-large so i just uh copied and pasted the link um in her or in my comment to her so so many people freaking comment on this ad someone said sold out too quick so i'm just gonna go ahead and reply to her and say just restocked and that's literally all i say i don't say anything you know crazy um i did start another ad a couple weeks ago that was um [Music] an ad to get people to sign up for my text list so basically it said it was the same images and it said um these never last long signing for our text list to be notified when they restock so i did get quite a few people who signed up for our text list which was good um so yeah so this particular ad has let me see let me go back to it um so this ad so the cool thing about a slideshow is it shows you how many views you've gotten so this ad has 20 500 views um 119 shares and 813 likes and the other that i have is um let me show you guys the other one give me a second if i can get out of it um so the other one is this one so this was the original ad the copy just says we just can't get enough of these sweatpants grab yours and your favorite color for 19.90 so this is the original picture um i have since restocked these sweatpants in basically every color that the vendor has available so like let me show y'all over here so these are the colors that i just added to the site today inside small through um extra large turn this back around so uh that image has been performing so well so i just leave it as is and then i just create new um new ads with the newer pictures over time so um i was going to show you guys how many comments and stuff this one has so i don't know how many comments it has but so this one has uh whoop what did i do this one has 630 um likes and 81 shares and i actually started this ad um way before i started the one i showed you guys first but you can see the other one has more likes and more shares and i think that's because it's a video so video content tends to perform a lot better than just photos and carousels and things like that so a slideshow counts as a video um so literally there are so many freaking comments under this ad there's people sharing pictures there's people asking like hey has anybody purchased these before let me know you know how they look or how they fit or what's the quality like and the really cool thing about this is um it's it's known as social proof which is basically proof that proof from the um from the perception of a consumer that this merchandise is of quality or that it's worth purchasing so instead of me having to go and like defend my business and say oh my god yeah let me tell you all about it i have all these people who are commenting like i got my order in two days i ordered five colors i ordered this size they're sharing pictures and all types of stuff so it's really cool to watch um so i just commented um back to all of these people and some of the people are commenting back um so i'm excited to see if they um if they actually go ahead and purchase anything um so we'll see i still haven't created my um email so i need to do that it's currently 4 38 now let's see where i am at for sales let's load this baby up so i am currently at whoa that's crazy so i'm at four thousand three hundred thirty eight dollars and it's literally 438 that's so strange i don't know why that's cool to me but crazy anyway so i just got a sale just now which is cool um but yeah so i'm at 4 380 i have 64 orders there's currently just 29 people on my site so i told you guys i don't too much worry about this number i just need as many people as possible to purchase something um so i don't need every person see as many people as possible um so i'm excited i i try to look and see what items are selling well and which ones are not just so i can have an idea if i need to move something around on the website like if i notice that uh you know item that i didn't put at the top of the new arrivals is an item that's actually selling really well i'll go ahead and move that one up to the top of the new arrival so i can go ahead and clear it out and then i just prioritize everything else based on what people are purchasing and what they're clicking on and stuff like that um so i am getting ready to uh create this email i just created a website banner and a banner for my email i'll show you guys that um so this is going to be the banner that i put on my website and um my email i can't decide between this one and this one i know they probably look exactly the same but if you notice this one is upside down so these are the strings on the sweatpants whereas this one is the opposite side of the sweatpants so i just can't decide which one i like better but they're literally the exact same and the colors are in the opposite direction so i'm gonna add a banner to my website and then a banner to the email um and we're gonna keep this party rolling i'm really excited because it's not even five o'clock and i just found out uh recently um one of the cool things about shopify they always give me like these really great reports and stuff like that i don't know if it's gonna be on here oh yeah here it is so i just found out that six to seven p.m is uh my online store's busiest time or was my busiest time between february 5th and march 6th so basically from 6 to 7 tonight i'm going to make sure that i'm going extremely hard on social media i might send another text message or maybe another um email or a tech not a text alert a push push notification to my app subscribers something because i can clearly see that that's the time where they're most active so um it says i had um 3425 sessions during that particular hour within that time frame so i'm excited to see if i can duplicate uh that type of traffic traffic today between six and seven so all right i'm going to go ahead and create this email and then i'll come back and we will check back in to see how things are going all right so i finished designing this uh email so i got the header i added a couple of product images and then at the bottom there are um some shoppable pictures and links for best sellers that just restocked so i like this one i like this design that i got going on so i'm going to go ahead and save that uh the subject line says sweatpants are back plus tons of restocks on best sellers i think that says sellers yep that's oh best sellers um so we're gonna go ahead and review and send um so this is clavio i don't know if you guys are familiar with it i'm sure most of you guys are um the platform that i use for my email marketing currently is clavio if you've been following following me for forever you know that in the beginning i was using uh mailerlite um this is how you spell clavio if anybody's wondering so i am currently getting ready to send this out it is going to 211 people now i can guarantee you that 4 211 people will not be opening that email nor clicking it but i'm praying that a significant amount of them do before the end of the night so we're gonna go ahead and hit schedule or send and we are going to send this baby right now and boom so now we wait again for the next um little portion of sales to come so let's check in at where i am at for the day five thousand seven hundred seventy three dollars and forty seven cents um it's currently 5 38 so i still got a little bit more than six hours to try to get to that five figure point um as i'm reflecting let me turn the camera around so you guys can see me um so as i'm reflecting on how the day has gone and like my own activities and stuff like that um there's a ton of things that i definitely should have like started doing days ago instead of today um so like uploading the pictures and products to my website designing this email scheduling the text message on a good day i would have those things already done but my anxiety is through the roof this week so i'm pretty behind but i'm excited for what has transpired thus far um i'm looking at my numbers uh off to the side so says i've gotten 59 orders from my website and then 21 orders from my app i need to optimize my usage of my app this year i've been slacking really hard with my app but they're making a lot of changes this year and adding new elements and features so i need to start using that because i paid for it every month um but i'm really happy that i am seeing some good results from the app today um so yeah we're going to keep monitoring monitoring this uh hopefully that uh email starts to get opened and we'll see how the rest of the day goes all right y'all so it is 10 o'clock on the dot i still need to make 900 about 900 i mean yeah yeah that's about right 900 no 850 dollars i need to make 850 in order to hit my goal of ten thousand dollars today and you know what i don't feel like i will be completely upset if i do not hit it because i worked so hard today and i am just extremely extremely proud of myself for even making it to this point so this is where i'm at for the day 9 100 uh 50 dollars i've gotten 122 orders which i believe is the most that i've gotten in a day um and it's just been pretty amazing um i haven't look at looked at the rest of my numbers today but everything was pretty up there yeah so like my conversion rate there you go is 4.87 which is like the highest it's ever been but again this is just for the day um what else is up let's see my average order value is 75.17 which is awesome and i have no complaints today um i've just been working as hard as possible to push these items um i've sold 200 let's see how many is that uh i've sold 241 pairs of sweatpants today so uh as i mentioned earlier i think i mentioned earlier sweatpants have been my thing for the yeah i think i've mentioned it so fans have been my thing for the last few months so um i think today i dropped about six i don't know i feel like it was about 600 of them but i could be totally wrong not sure anyway um yeah i've sold 241 pairs of them today um i sold 60 body suits which is cool and yeah there's been some other items that have been like some really good sellers today so i'm not mad at all at what i've accomplished but i still have a little bit under two hours i got an hour and 57 minutes and i'm literally still working so i just put together some graphics that i'm going to share my stories and i've just been like updating my audience on what's left which is something that i like to do all the time anyway but usually i'll kind of stop you know at night i don't usually do too much work at night but since i am trying to meet a pretty big goal today i have um been pretty active in my stories so i'm going to show you guys what i've recently posted um so i just i just made these graphics uh hopefully you guys can see them hold on let me turn the camera around so you guys can see them okay so i just created these graphics in canva um and they are just reviews that people have left on my website for uh the sweatpants so i am literally i usually have something that i'm prioritizing even when i drop a bunch of different new arrivals so obviously the sweatpants are the thing that i'm prioritizing currently so i made these graphics in canva and i just put the um i put the screenshot of the reviews on top of it so this is another one and then that's another one and another one and then um i started giving some updates on what's left so this is up an update on what's left of these four colors and then this one and those four colors and i think that was probably the last one yeah so i'm just i'm just getting ready to um update some more of these um numbers and then i'll check back in with you guys at the end of the night okay so it's 10 30 now oh my god i feel like i'm about to check in with y'all like every 30 minutes or something like that um so it's 10 30 and i'm now at 9410. so i need 590. my god so i did not end up sending out like a last minute text message or um email or anything like that and i'm still just sitting here debating like do i want to send a last-minute message or do i want to not i can't decide i don't know i'm about to sit here and think about it a little bit longer and then we'll see what i decide on okay so now it is 10 32 and i literally just got two orders back to back two minutes after i turned the camera off uh one of those orders was literally 205 dollars and 40 cents and then the other was 40.41 so i made another 245 dollars in just last two two minutes so now i'm at 9660 dollars for the day lord be with me oh my god it's taking everything in me not to like call all my friends like put this post on your instagram and share my posting your stories but i really just want to feel like i accomplished this all by myself just using the tools that i had at hand pray for me y'all pray for me good god okay in the bed now don't mind the situation on my head because this is what we look like when we're going to bed however it is now 11 32 and i did it oh my gosh i did it i was going to be so upset if i went to sleep being that close to hitting the goal um i just got two orders back-to-back i think one was like 113 or something 118 dollars and then the one before that was 28 so that 28 one when it came i was like yes i just know this is going to be the one that pushes me over the edge and it was 28 i was like i am not about to miss this goal by 40 dollars like lord jesus but we did it i'm super excited i had um a few customers who placed uh like back-to-back orders and multiple orders today i don't know what was up with that but i'm not mad at it um this one lady she literally made a purchase at 10 32 that was a 205 um transaction and then she came back at 1108 and spent another 105 so crazy oh my god but i'm so excited i feel like i can go to sleep now because it would have stressed me out to be that close and not make the goal now if we were you know a couple hundred dollars away or you know even a thousand i'd have been like you know what it's fine but when we're talking like double digit numbers chance girl oh my god but yeah i'm super excited um so some things that i have just been you know come to the conclusion of today it's obviously i need to make better use of my time and actually make sure that i am especially when i have goals like this um i have to have these things planned out in advance like my email and text message make sure i have the pictures uploaded to my website and things like that so i'm actually literally sitting here right now as i was trying to wait to see if i was going to hit this goal i started uploading um products to my website and just putting them into draft mode for my next drop um yes i already have all of those pictures and items available and ready to go um so i just started putting those into the site and just put them in draft mode so that whenever that day does come i can go ahead and just push the active button and it's smooth selling um i'll just i still have to create like the email and the text message and stuff like that and then obviously if i decide to run any ads and all that stuff but yeah y'all super excited very proud of myself um if y'all haven't realized it yet i love pushing myself i don't know if that makes me weird but i love giving myself a goal that seems pretty crazy and just kicking my own butt to reach the goal um so i was just telling my husband prior to today my highest day of sales was my uh boutique second anniversary which was november 8th of last year i think i made like 5 60 or something like that so i like blew those numbers out of the water and now today is the highest um day of sales that i've ever had and i cannot believe it i i'm like i can't believe it but i can believe it if that makes any sense but anyway i hope you all enjoyed this video of me uh rambling about my day and how i was trying to hit my first five figures it was completely stressful all day long uh but very insightful i definitely took some things away um as far as just planning and making the best use of my time i also think that next time i'll drop my new arrivals earlier in the day when i'm trying to meet a goal like this like a five figure goal um since i i typically drop my new rivals around six but today i decided to drop them at three based on what occurred today i feel like if i had dropped the new arrivals just a couple hours earlier i probably would have would have hit this goal a lot earlier even if i had dropped them in the morning when i first started posting about my new arrivals i might have even seen a um you know a better result or got to that goal quicker but anyway i did it i hit the goal i'm happy i am excited i'm proud of myself and now i'm gonna go to sleep so you hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Jance Chartae
Views: 46,658
Rating: 4.9787583 out of 5
Keywords: $10000 in sales, online business, online boutique owner, how to make $10000, 5 figures in a day, how to scale an online boutique
Id: 1PiUbQFR2Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.