Quit Your Job. Sell $6 T-Shirts. Make 70K A Year. | "God Is Dope Podcast" (Episode 021)

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we back for the second time in one week twice in one week for the first time in a long time first time in a long time go ahead and click that like button i heard that helps the algorithm if it gets a lot of likes off yeah off as soon as you post it so help us out yeah click that like button real quick the more viewers and and leave a comment real quick before we even start leave a comment like what do you like most about god is dope let us know in the comments like what do you like most about the podcast what do you like most about me what do you like most about jay what do you like most about tori um yeah just our different personalities just give you a few different things to talk about in the comments so we should get a lot um episode 21 21 of the goddess dope podcast we changed the name it's no longer the untitled god podcast god is dope my title podcast it's the goddess dope podcast officially we've been 20 episodes why did we never like just make it the goddess oh podcast because we just wanted to just be we just over thunk it about whatever we thunk yeah we overthink well i wanted to start this podcast by giving you all update on where we were at uh with the goals that we left y'all with last podcast so the goal was to do three million dollars in the month of august with a three hundred thousand dollar marketing budget aka reaching a 10x on the uh return on ad spent aka roaz if you're not familiar with that okay i like the aka aka seemingly some bomb spells to be dropping right now bam bam bam so right to this second we're at 369 990 and 22 cents and i have spent 35 770 and 42 cents which would put us like right over the the edge of 10 exactly it is 10.34 row s okay and those efforts have been uh done with one drop on the first it was about three shirts it was three shirts originally three shirts two hats all at 9.99 and then we added in one more shirt which was the heavy on the thank you god which is which is like the number one shirt now yeah well i think maroon was it's like back and forth for fluctuates right yeah but um also that one's a little uh biased because that shirt had its own marketing budget like one of the whole one of the campaigns i was running was like just that shirt so it got it got a lot more attention um but regardless so we threw that shirt in there because within the first couple hours we felt that it needed a little boost and that was on saturday we did an email a text well our texts are split into two texts so we do uh earlier text in a later text because we have two different text audiences and then the difference like to be on pace we should have been at uh 400 000 in midnight last night yeah but we're um behind that and i think like we're behind it on pace but we're within the range of the goal on the roads like how much we've spent how much we've made and that's i think just because we haven't um we or we didn't spend uh on saturday until about like eight to nine pm is when we started spending money and we only spent like three thousand dollars so it should have been a ten thousand dollar spend day and it wasn't and it probably would have been a lot more uh rev the the roads probably would have been much higher than ten um just because of on drop dates it just boosts the total why didn't we why didn't we no we're just trying to see what we could do i think i think it was part of that like just to see what what just dropping something yeah and another interesting thing about that on that day and i think the following day too until we started running ads more heavily the following day the returning customer rate was like 85 yeah which is like crazy like super super high so you could see where that was working um on just accessing our whole customer base but that led to us having a conversation yesterday about what if we you know this next drop we did 5.99 and it led to tory running some numbers on the projections of doing 5.99 shirts versus 9.99 shirts and even uh 6.99 also right like everything kind of in between so if you want to talk about those numbers the discoveries we made right so um this week we've been sitting at around like a five row ass at 9.99 so i was trying to see is like is 9.99 at five row ass really like that bad like is it comparable to 5.99 at 10 rows right so when i was doing those numbers it was like yeah that's like terrible like based on what were you trying to accomplish found five row ads at 9.99 won't like help help us hit any type of goals are we trying to do so when i broke the numbers now and just said spending a thousand dollars a day at 10 row as we bring in ten thousand dollars that's us selling a thousand shirts and then we break it all the way down to the true profit at 10 row as it's basically the same it wasn't that far off at right 5.99 at 10 row as it was like a 1300 difference between selling a shirt at 9.99 and getting the 10 row ads and selling shirt at 5.99 and getting 10 roll ads we only made 1300 less that's per thousand dollars per thousand dollars so for like for us if we have a ten thousand dollar a day budget that thirteen hundred dollars could end up being thirteen thirteen thousand dollars yeah a day but for us we all know that when you drop the price the row ads is better so my next thing i was trying to figure out is that's because we're making we're like making that deal more attractive right so kind of with anything in ads if the if it's just a better deal offer you got to think of it as as a consumer like if i'm scrolling and i see ten dollars ten dollars is a great deal compared to some people trying to sell twenty thirty dollar shirts on facebook ads when i see ten dollars you're going to get more clicks and if you drop that down to seven dollars it's just natural like oh that's even better of a deal so you're more likely to click right all right so yeah like when i first said that rob like that was rob first question i was like well that's thirteen thousand dollars a day that we losing so um the numbers i was looking at was like how much money how many what what's the row as first and spending is that same amount of money and get um the same profit or more profit like what does the roads have to be because we know dropping the price will give us a better row as so when i did those numbers it was only 20 increase so at 9.99 we'll make roughly around seven thousand dollars out of 10 row ass and at 5.99 to make the same seven thousand dollars all we needed was a 12 row ass which like jay could test that like that's we know we'll do that if we drop a shirt if we're already doing 10 row ads we're going to do 12 way more than 12 dropping into 5.99 yeah yeah and then then with with you know com like we got a lot of stuff that's combined with this like the price drop new items frequent frequent drops better pictures better content overall so it's like even last night when you sent that screenshot of the sales jumping from like maybe three thousand dollars an hour to like nine thousand dollars an hour yeah i think we should insert that so you can see where it's like the graph is steady and then all the only thing that changed was we added a discount code and then i shifted the ads to reflect that discount code which is 40 off taking a 9.99 shirt to 5.99 and that was based off of only two pieces of content it wasn't even i put the banner up too okay so i i was i'd be curious to see like what is it you know what i'm saying like like maybe we should have put the banner up for like the first two hours and then but it's like you know there's a lot of factors to things like this yesterday i was like on the phone talking to someone about the numbers and was that like thirty thousand dollars it had to be like 6 30 and we ended the day at 60 000 so from 6 30 to midnight yeah we made the same amount of money we made all day right exactly yeah and another advantage we talked about yesterday of having a lower price equals more units for us that works in a double like advantage the first one being the obvious one that your brand is more out there and this is something that's relatable to brands that are just starting out uh we still need to focus on that even as big as we've gotten right it's just important like the more t-shirts out in the environment the more people are going to see it at the end of the day a t-shirt is a walking billboard yeah so it's like i like that what is that where can i buy it right and you look bigger like you know what i'm saying you look like a bigger one like man i see y'all everywhere yeah like y'all doing it like this and it's like like like think about that as a new brand like if you know you're selling your shirts at cost you're not making no money but somebody coming up to you like man y'all killing it i see y'all stuff more than i see nike but you're not making no like you know what i'm saying like like you like that satisfaction should be more to you than money because it's like all right you you you have brand equity you know what i'm saying and yeah that's you know and then like now we you know like before it was like sell it for six dollars and just don't make money and now now we showing you sell it for six dollars and make money right so yeah but you can go ahead and keep it contained yeah i mean that wrap up everything from yesterday just seeing because we always go back and forth like will we make more money at 5.99 or 9.99 but yesterday was like the deepest we went into the numbers and we were talking about the factory as well because it's like for us we never had a problem selling stuff no matter what the price range may have been but it's always about getting the items out so if you're going to sell your church at 599 you want to make sure that you have yourself or a group of people to make sure you can ship those items out because you're going to see the difference in sales from selling that 10 to 5 right right that was the other shift like the other positive of having more volume is like now we actually have the systems in place to get all this volume out and if on our end like logistically if we're not taking full advantage of those systems we're losing out on money and potential there yeah so it took took a lot of a lot of money a lot of time a lot of yeah we basically were shut down for about a week and a half almost two weeks to figure it out yeah yeah i mean it's worth it you know in the long run if everything works everything works great have we done a podcast since we did since we figured out that system you want to we that can be another podcast that's the whole podcast the new system you showed yesterday yeah just the fulfillment system yeah we can talk about that like tomorrow all right cool um so so yeah also y'all selling your shirts this low you want to make sure you have the items there because if you don't have the items there you're going you're going to start getting behind you're going to be dealing with scoring printers deadlines and time limits so you want to make sure order you a couple hundred shirts to make sure when sales are coming in you can ship them out yeah absolutely yeah i'm anti-can't do right now i'm anti-mock-up post-it it you know like see how many you make see how much you make and then start printing the shirts because that's been the downfall of god is dope it's been the downfall but it's also somehow a reason we've gotten yeah like some of the biggest days and biggest accomplishments have been like well let's just see what happens yeah so i can't i can't just do this it's a risky thing to do and it can benefit you yeah in certain ways i know i'm gonna be like pulling my hair out on a like on on a day where i know for a fact we can sell it like a half million dollars worth of shirts well we just can't do it because we don't have it i know like i mean that's kind of what happened yesterday with that post like if if we wanted to have put up a mock-up so yesterday we put up an instagram post that said uh it was a i was today years old when i found out goddess dope meant dependable on providing everything right and we had a sure idea for that in the past that sharad had like teased in a short video and we have the file somewhere and when you put that up i thought we should wait to like put it up with the shirt right but we you know we wanted an engaging post just keep customers interactive not everything has to be a sales you post on your instagram yeah you know create a community so with that that would have been like maybe a couple months ago we would have like definitely just put up a mock-up a couple weeks ago a couple weeks maybe like three days ago we're gonna put up a mock-up of the shirt because that's what we did with entanglement right and yeah the heavy yeah the heavy on the thank you yeah thank god um and it would have probably sold like very well but then we don't have it here and then we're behind yeah sorry so yeah we're not doing that no more but we should still do that shirt yeah we're gonna do it um we talked about teaching people how to sell a six dollar shirt um teaching people how to sell a six dollar shirt and quit their job right right like how to quit your job selling a six dollar shirt um i'm gonna let you go into that we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna base it off somebody making seventy two thousand dollars a year right was that the case seventy seventy yeah six thousand a month is 72 right i just did 70 a year okay cool so seventy thousand dollars a year quit your job and sell six dollar t-shirts all right so which is practically a white tee you can get a white tee for five six dollars now so all right if you if you find something like basically if you whatever you have if your t-shirt doesn't make the white tee worse you should be able to sell it right because like people buy a white t-shirt for six dollars so whatever your logo is if you put it on there and it don't make it a worse tea than a white tea you should be able to sell that shirt i think recently i've been looking a lot of brands like i think the whatever you're doing starting out it should be something that offers some value because a lot of people try to just like stamp their brand name on it and call it a day and unless your brand name is something like so fortunate to be like god is dope or like the brand name is the statement or is a phrase yeah it could be tricky because it's like what does this mean like aside from your friends and family it means absolutely nothing to anyone else so when you're trying to run ads on like i don't know like microphone like that's my brand name microphone let's just take nominated for example rails okay yeah and that's something i actually talked to rael about where it was like he needs to have something that has value because nominated that phrase it means nothing so it's just the brand name so maybe just having such a good price point unless that nominated phrase has like a dope graphic and like cool font like it just looks super nice yeah the best bet is probably like a phrase or like something that's relatable where it's like yeah cool i agree with that all right i that represents me or my style and i like that so definitely when you're stamping something on a white tee take that into consideration because it could be like this isn't working but it's not the formula it's not working it may be the product yeah i mean i noticed that this week with my brand me dropping um like one mission i feel like it relates to people like the names there but for whatever reason they weren't buying into the logo so i had the concept of just like putting the phrase and like putting the logo in the phrases on one shirt because me selling church before like my phrases always always so like you said they relate to people like people like to make moves not excuses right i mean i've been seeing it in the streets crazy really yeah his shirts yeah so then i did the boring to win to keep going i just like different phrases that i always had i just merged it with the main local team and it's been selling a lot yeah yeah you just you just re-just revamped the site with some nice pictures and it's just it just went like yeah yeah so i mean this is a combination of yeah like everything got to come together yeah price point product pictures yeah shipping it out all the time like yeah it's four p's price price point product pictures and punctuality all right there we go all right jay gone bundle up for a course right right the four ps um all right cool so we we touched on that and then you know did we did we touch on that we haven't touched on this yet no all right cool so yeah go into that and i'm gonna show them that on our scale okay so you're making seventy thousand dollars a year right now at your job you wanna quit your job in 30 days so you're making a little bit more than thirteen hundred dollars a week if you're making thirteen hundred dollars a week we want you to put a budget to the side of a hundred dollars a day just towards ads so what about the budget for shirts what should that be so shirts shirt budget how many shirts do they need to start with so you start off with like 200 shirts that ain't bad 200 shirts at three dollars a piece gonna spend about six hundred dollars dang you okay three dollars you going all the way up to three yeah all right yeah they may not have like that i get it i get it but i mean that's that's good three three three is a good like coming off the street like yeah just to walk into the screen printer what can i get yeah and like we said these are white shirts or or a light colored shirt right right light colors less expensive to print on yeah so you have a budget put to the side if you can't find a shirt for under if you can't if you can't do this for under three dollars call us we got you oh no forgot him i'll keep it all the plus we need to do it we may get somebody now we need 10 000 shirts tomorrow now we got y'all but um so you're spending a hundred dollars a day and you get a right now we're talking about getting 10 rolls at 5.99 but say you just start have a positive message but people don't really know about the brain yet you should be able to get around the five row eyes so spending a hundred dollars with a five row ads you'll make five hundred dollars row as is return on ad spend so so basically when you put up a hundred dollars you want to get five times that which is you want to make five times that which is 500. go ahead so then you want to take that 500 and divide it by how much you shirt you sold the shirts for which is 5.99 for that day you would have sold 83 shirts and one thing that's really important is finding out how much your marketing is how much per shirt your marketing is costing you so if you take that hundred dollars you spent that day and divided by um your shirt costs you your marketing cost is 83 cents a shirt okay so we take that three dollars for the production of the shirt and 83 cents for the marketing cost and subtract that for the 5.99 you're left with 216 a shirt and profit so i'm going to take that profit of the shirt and time's about how many shirts you sold let's go back it's 83 shirts times two two dollars and sixteen cents that's 179.28 and lastly when you're shipping out orders one thing you don't want to forget is that you're actually making money on the shipping as well so to ship out um most orders we've seen what got results in one mission is around two to three items um order so you take that those 83 shirts and divide it by two looking for eight to sell 83 shirts you look at 41 orders so those 41 orders times three dollars that you're gonna make after shipping that'll leave you with 123 you take your profit off your shirts which is 179 plus your profit on actual orders 123. looking at 302 a day right in profit and so this is given that you're not paying out any employees like right it's like you're quitting your job like you you're doing this by yourself and logistically what 50 what was that 40 orders a day like 40 orders a day you should be able to do that wake up right and do that in 20 minutes yeah anybody got a brand that goddesses don't pay attention to this podcast you you you know it can add value to your brand um and yeah so that's that's weekly 15 was that yeah so the 300 is per day so if you want to just work five days a week so they want to enjoy your weekends like you do at your job you'll make 50 1500 a week which at your job right now looking at thirteen hundred dollars a week so you could quit your job in 30 days just by following following this formula wow wow and that's just that's like just strictly off of ad spend that's not uh retargeting your your customers with text messages or emails that's not you know adding new product consistently this is like acquiring new customers that have never seen your brand nominated or some your whatever your brand name is and getting them to buy in at the six dollar price point plus shipping yeah yeah and and it's not including like the cost of um labels and boxes and stuff like that but i mean give or take you know y'all come across that we all get to it but this is yeah you can quit your job and do that start starting out like i think my perspective of it like has shifted to like as long as you're shipping orders and like not losing money you're gaining data and you're gaining like official like market share of the t-shirt space and probably like whatever city you're in will be the biggest yeah and i mean we've seen it not so much now is like a little more difficult with pandemic times and not really having the events going on and like where you can go out and like gorilla market it and like just sell but like it what would happen is you'll see in like a short period of time your brain will be like seen at these events and like right it's we we've always just referred to it as like a snowball it just like builds up as it's going like bigger and bigger right and it all like funnels back into your business so as long as you're not losing money you're really coming out huge a lot of a lot of companies and brands like not only the teachers space lose a lot of money for like in order to dig or gain data yeah and like that's the like they're okay with it like yeah we're gonna lose a million dollars this year just acquiring data yeah and that's fine because at five years we're going to turn that to 100 million dollars so i think the key with this sue is like knowing what your goals are when you get started because your goal may not be to get to the goddess up level like your goal may not be to do even 140 000 a year so it's like 23 minutes all right knowing knowing what your goals are because each level of you want to quit your job that's that's one level you could do by yourself you want to start talking about hiring two to three employees which are going to triple your revenue but it's going to come with other headaches as well so it's like right knowing knowing what your goals are if if you just want to sell enough shirts to quit your job this is this is what you could do if you want to get a higher level with the goddess dope level it's going to be yeah i mean we about to run through we about to run through our first experiment at selling six dollar tees um this was back in april yeah april 1st april 1st april fool's day okay so i'm going to try to run through this because we only got seven minutes but i'm gonna put the uh we're gonna screenshot these and put them on the screen as we're talking about these okay um we made 621 thousand dollars um for our april fools going out of business sale um just to give you some context this came with 400 000 customers in our database maybe maybe a lot more maybe a few maybe a few thousand more we spent 18 000 in marketing and we had 22 962 orders we sold 63 282 products our sales tax for georgia was um 4857.74 the total sales um were for 466 000 four hundred seventy eight dollars shipping took a large chunk was a hundred and fifty four thousand dollars hundred and fifty five thousand dollars like you know just to estimate up um our shipping cost is six dollars and 25 cents the average pack what it cost us to ship it is about 325 right well that was our shipping price and our cost oh yeah our shipping that's when we charge yeah that's what we charge what we charge 6.25 the average shirt uh what it cost us to ship it is 3.25 so we make three dollars off shipping per order so if you take three dollars um and multiply it times twenty two thousand nine hundred and sixty two you get sixty eight thousand eight hundred and eighty six dollars so we like so just off that day alone we made sixty eight dollars off i mean sixty eight thousand dollars off shipping our shirt our shirt cost is two dollars um production cost is 50 cents oh this one everything was 250. dang so we then went lower wow okay so yeah shirt costs two dollars production costs 50 cents uh cost of product times 63 000 i mean 63 000 units is 125 000 roughly the cost of the print 50 cents times 63 000 units is 31 000 roughly total cost of production 158 000 okay so at this point we had ten dollars an hour you know for our staff times eight hours eighty dollars per employee on a um eight hour day ten employees eight hundred dollars a day times ten days to get it out so it should have took us 10 days to get this many orders out so that's 8 000 in payroll um how many orders did we do again um we did 22 000 orders all right now i'm just trying to see what it would be yeah so so now we're way more profitable than this well what would have been like tell me how much money we was wasting it'll take us yeah three and a half days to get that up now how much will we spend about eleven thousand dollars so what's the difference there three thousand so we we spend we spending more to get it out faster yeah spending a little bit more um but i put i put 8 000 was like no like perfect day i put 16 000 if we needed two shifts each day to get the orders out oh wow one o'clock the show meeting all right let's do it let's do it live hello good afternoon i'm doing great from arizona hello [Music] which law of power is that where you like make them wait on your time like the 48 laws of power i don't know okay now they're like flexing your podcast right um okay cool so all right boom so total profit um wait not total profit but what we made 2 6 000 um 621 384 minus true shipping cost which is 86 000 equals five five hundred thirty five thousand dollars minus the georgia sales tax leaves us at five hundred and thirty thousand minus the marketing cost which is eighteen thousand puts us at five hundred twelve 000 minus the total cost of production which is 158 000 puts us at 354 000 minus payroll 8 000 puts us at forty six 346 dollars two hundred and three thousand three thousand forty six wait three hundred forty six thousand two hundred and eighty four dollars profit for that day off selling like you know six dollar shirts so this this like as i'm talking this should be on the screen for y'all to you know understand it and screenshot it so should this be on there for you you know when you do yours um but yeah man it's possible selling six dollar shirts doing this yourself or doing it with a big team so all you brands out there that's starting starting the brand y'all should consider selling it at six dollars like comment subscribe i saw a lot of comments about uh you want to know more about facebook ads but that's man i could talk about facebook ads for like 12 hours straight so be more specific what exactly are you having trouble with do you just want to know like the very basics like like beginner facebook ads is there a specific problem you're encountering um let's uh let's talk about it we can definitely address that we've been doing it for a while now and i think we all understand it enough to have a whole facebook ad conversation yeah but uh let us know more more questions comments concerns suggestions how comment your brand below i know like most people watch this because they have a brand so show us your brand uh next time we can pull up a couple of them yeah leave a link in the yeah let's leave the links because um i think it'd be cool to critique some destructive criticism talk about what you are doing and how you could do it better all right episode 21 that's a wrap
Channel: God Is Dope
Views: 95,919
Rating: 4.977231 out of 5
Keywords: God Is Dope, GID, godisdope.com, Sharod Simpson, Sharod Can't Sing, God Is Dope Owner, clothing brand, inspiration, black owned, black owned brands, Start up, T-Shirt, Branding, Consulting, Advice, Marketing, Advertising, How To Start A T Shirt Brand, Founder, Atlanta, Sharod Marcus Simpson, Inspirational, Motivation, Tips and Tricks, Clothing brand, start your own brand, how to start a clothing line, start up, business, God Is Dope Founder, J Bruzual, Jesus Bruzual, The Factory
Id: bUnCXHqOA74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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