How to Start a SUCCESSFUL Clothing Brand (DOs & DON'Ts)

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check this out back with another one world envision clothing on podcast number three on this one we're going to talk about how to be successful when you start your cloning brand check us out you see us huh now look i got a challenge for y'all if marlon don't this ball everybody gotta buy a shirt that watch this video but i'm all in this i'm giving somebody 500 cash 500 cash let's get it [Music] go buy a shirt we back with another one rolling vision podcast number three baby we got marlin watts nicholas clark and cameron taylor well lonzo clark on the camera and nadia in the back so let's get it started all right so hey back with another one bro we're back with another one bro started this with 12 shirts ran it up 120 dollars and we just we're just trying to just give y'all a game show knowledge um you know let y'all know what it takes to get a positivity to grow a brand like this like if we if we did it you could do it too let's get it i'm ready for you bro so the first question um that i have for y'all we're gonna get just get ready we're getting straight in right into it straight to it so do you feel like uh social media is good for mental health you wanna start off with that you wanna start out with something like that i mean it depends on what you're on social media for all right so uh i had like a mentor to me um well my god i one of my one of my old teachers at school he told me uh it's cool to be on social media for like social purposes and be on there with your friends and stuff like that but uh i mean just as easy it is to create a social media you can just create a social media home and follow people that you know inspire you uh uh you know they teach and stuff so let's just say i got a social media with you know all my friends on it um i also created social media that just follow people like mark cuban you know damon john putting yourself in that environment putting yourself in that environment you're gonna like follow you know motivation pages um you know create your own community of people the uh that you could just go to for motivation or just keep you up like it's all the algorithm so once you it's like once you put yourself you have you ever noticed like for me i'm i watch sports all the time and there's no reason is there's no explanation for when i get on the explore pitch i have nothing but just college athletes professional athletes sports highlights like it already know who you are so the more that you're looking at these things that could be causing you to have mental health the more it could be giving it to you so what we're saying is just um i guess it's like a a hack a brain hack change your environment like take yourself out of what you used to and put yourself in a different environment like it could be a blank page that's just blank but like go look at mark cuban's story go look at damon john's story go see the life that they live in so that you can see some of the things that they're doing and you could get a little bit more inspiration because i mean maybe sitting down watching your friends post a a quick clip ain't motivating you you know that's not helping you get to where you want to be but if you're looking at kevin if you're a basketball player and you're watching kevin durant's snapchat and he's working out all day you motivated to be like kevin durant you know what i mean and that's the reason why like i had deleted my personal social media because i wanted to focus on the business so like at a time i had over 10 000 followers on instagram but the business didn't even have 10 000 followers so it was like i mean i'm on here for personal reasons but my business is not even doing good so it's like the minute i i'm like i ain't want the leader at first because it was i was just so into it but i was just telling my friends man i don't want to admit like tell me to delete it encourage me to delete it and like uh man i just deleted it uh got this attached from just having so many followers like personally and i just wanted you know my business to have that so i just just locked in and put the energy somewhere i put the energy strictly on the brand yep and just ran it up from now people had the best content for their personal page but not for their business that's crazy like they post the best pictures next to the maseratis and big houses but they don't put that type of effort into their business page and it's just amazing you know so if i'm just starting a business like a clothing brand business how would you say to drop you know what's the first thing i'm dropping do i need to drop collections you know how many do i need to have just to even start off and that's the thing you just need to have one thing one thing don't even worry but that's the problem people we just started dropping collections at the point where we at like you know we wanted to drop collections and we figured out that that wasn't what we could do because we couldn't sustain dropping collections like that when you're a small brand the thing about when you're a small brand you should be trying to get out that one shirt that one logo so that you could get it to as many people as possible so that as many people can become familiar with your brand we had a saying all the time all right uh our logo t-shirt we take our logo t-shirt for example all right and we you know all the designs that we do have which is great but we go and sell 100 of our logo t-shirts to let's just say a local college local teas only local teas only the next week everybody win the local team so everybody's becoming familiar with the local team but the minute you go to have five designs and i go presented at this college with 100 people now i have people with what i have 20 people with different designs on and now your brand becomes weaker because the note people don't notice it they're not going to notice that this the logo t that's the curved t that's the jesus t like they're not going their eyes not going to catch it so the more times that they see the same thing the more it becomes familiar to them and then once you actually have them in the loop then you're able to bring out new things but i wouldn't focus on dropping any collections like because it's a in that one college we only sold 100 t's right when they maybe still have 30 000 more students left and you're giving all your ideas away it's so early so early it it and it's like uh shout out to goddess dude bro cause the first talk that we had is like it's like on his channel um the most viewed video i think on the channel is it's crazy because in that video we talk about this it's like when we came and we sat down we were just asking for advice uh on how to turn up and like we literally had like eight different designs yep but only like a thousand you know customers like we only had thousand emails you know it was only a thousand people that really was supporting the brand at that time if that and it's like we was just trying to sell so many different things they probably didn't even know what to get i mean we also noticed that like at pop-up shops too when we was going to pop-up shops we wasn't bringing everything we had bro because it's like too much to choose from too much to choose from they don't even know what to get they get overwhelming sometimes it gets it's too much to choose it's just simple it's like kane's menu like you know what you're going there to get chicken literally no matter how you feel things on the menu bro like in the line be out the line be out there out the parking lot like you get what i'm saying the same thing like people already know what they going up for so it's like at like try not to drop too many different things if you really don't have that much clientele like but when you grow like people gonna learn new stuff obviously so then when you have people to sell to when you have over 10 000 people 20 000 people to sell to i mean it's easy to drop different things it's easier i mean that's when you could bring out your you know creative abilities or whatever you want to call it like that that's the perfect time actually because actually at the beginning you're getting a message out there i think that's and that's what kind of we saying most people focusing on the creativity so early without getting the brand out there getting a message out there why they why why should i buy this product from you for what why should i buy your logo when they got nike right here they have these other brands that people like you know what i mean like why what's gonna make me take off the shirt that's on my body and put yours on you know what i mean that's what you really should be selling first off instead of just trying to present to them that's the coolest shirt on the market you know what i mean okay so so getting into that like how do i i'm just starting a brand how do i find people to buy my clothing okay so um it's a lot of multiple ways i say the first the first way to actually get it started is getting getting out here on the streets that's what we call it that's what we we call it getting in the field that's our um scenario of it and what we mean by that is go and sell your product like a lot of people think the the product is just gonna sell itself because you doing it like because you're doing it people about to just buy it but that's not how it actually works like people gonna buy things that that's actually presented to them and they face you go you may have to get out here and do a lot of pop-up shops and we're talking about um even having an online store that's fine just having an online store that's um you can you can get sales that way but what happens when some they don't they don't know your story what happens when it a lot of people don't want to order online like you get your you get your real customers meeting them in person because they they actually able to feel your they feel your presence feel your energy feel what you got going feel your passion behind your product when you're online nobody can feel a passion ain't no passion with me going to your website and buying right i mean i like he's saying like at the beginning stages um we did we did like a lot of pop-up shops bro like every wednesday we was on louisiana tech campus like every time we had a chance to go to ul or like southern like when they had pop-up shops like we did that so it was like um that's what really got the brand out there because we we was able to get in front of the people you know in front of our consumers and really tell them what the brand is about you know what i mean so it's like um i mean definitely when starting out like man go set you up a stand you know at a party or uh at a local event or something and push the product you know what i mean not just standing out there thinking like it's a lot of times i've been to pop-up shops and people just stood behind the table and just like yeah i'm selling products i'm still behind the table man we was in front of the table hustling walking what come up come see come let me tell you about what we got going on over here we got to tell you about what we got because it's that good bro you know we really had different things we had like different like stuff in tactics we was doing like to just get people to like talk to us you know you know telling them you know hope you're having a good day you know what i mean just getting people to just find common grounds with them bro and just and then just selling them the product ain't having the deals like they couldn't believe it when they heard that the t-shirt was ten dollars uh fifteen dollars i think we was doing that two for thirty two for thirty was doing it one for twenty two for thirty bro you we like you you're gonna really get the one shirt for twenty dollars when you could get the two for the thirty you know what i mean like you seriously you might as well get both of them man we were out there really selling the product because the product doesn't sell itself and we went with we we went with the jesus tea and the curve logo that's it that knows bro the jesus tea and the curve will go none else so for y'all um do y'all think y'all should focus well people should focus on one thing at a time as far as uh business or everything they want to learn and achieve at you know kind of one time i mean i said at the beginning level definitely just do one thing at a time especially when you don't have a team like a lot of people starting to you know starting a brand they don't have money to just go get a team or hire you know it's still about finding the right person and having a cash flow to be able to you know pay that person so it's like of course when you starting out just worry about one thing at a time like it's not about to be a seven-figure company overnight take bro we've been doing this since 2010. you know what i'm saying like it's been since 2010 it's 2021 bro 11 years like i mean it's our i said the whole time we've been in school but like when we graduated what that was 2018. it's been like three years i mean we had to focus on the business for three years full time every day you know what i mean and that was with a team what a team to be honest with you so definitely bro just focus on one thing one design and the other things will come like the things that you want to do will come um i think a lot of times people just because you want to do a lot it's human nature like people want to be successful and they see they think of successive having multiple streams of income or having multiple businesses having this and having that but i say the formula that we went with was before we even wanted to do something else we wanted to have one thing that was successful like actually have it down pat understand what was doing and then apply what we learned from this one thing to the other things not like have a bunch of things going on at one time because it's just tougher to figure it out you know what i mean right so uh y'all mention like y'all team around you so if my environment and my team is not necessarily the team that's you know lifting me up and encouraging me to do my goals do i just need to separate myself do i need to cut them off or how am i going about that man i i i'm gonna take you on this right quick i said you could have your friends that you know you party with but you also got to have your friends that you know you're grinding and you're leveling up with you know what i mean so you want to have that that that circle of people whereas like you may not be the smartest one in the group you know what i mean and and that's what you really want because they're going it's going to be a force of a level up you get what i mean so it's like it's good you could you could have fun bro you young you know what i mean like like enjoy your time while you're young because you only get it once you get what i mean so it ain't like you just cut them off like just just separate you know what i mean like just separate yourself and well this this group of people i mean it's cool for me to hang out have fun you know i might do that once a week you know but my group i'm leveling up with i might you know see them at least twice or three times if i'm really you know if i'm really you know dedicated to what i got going and what i'm trying to do so and i mean you you honestly just keep yourself busy like the people um that's either going that's going to kind of go along with you on your path are going to follow you and on your path as you you know chase your dreams and chase what you have to do so it's not like they hold and that's the thing i think a lot of people honestly think they thank the people around them holding them back like that that doesn't make any sense to me like the people around you not doing they're not holding you back you're holding yourself back because you're not doing what you got to do to put yourself in a position to beat up like they gonna still be there regardless whether you gone or not you know what i mean and like it's going to be on them if they want to follow the lead or not you know and and the distance are happening automatically because you're doing what you got to do you know you're not putting off what you got to do so that you can chill with them and that's why we use that as an excuse because you chose not to do what you needed to do and you wanted to hang out and you so you can't make the excuse that they holding you back you know what i mean so you mention the excuses so what are some of the common things that people do to damage their success um i say what you're kind of saying one continuing to be around the wrong environment like realizing that you that your environment isn't helping you and not doing the necessary things it takes to get into the right environment you know what i mean and that kind of falls on all around basics it's like once you realize what you're supposed to do and you're not doing it you know that's what really hurts you because it's like that lack of real i i say will or like fire flame desire your focus your focus like something else is getting you up when like you know if like you say you wanted to wake up at 4 am and do and um and do beat and if you ain't wake up at 4 a.m like you know ultimately you just destroying yourself that's the biggest destruction like you saying you're going to do something and not doing it like i and with that i said like being inconsistent is is another word for what he's saying because it's like like right now i won't work out you know i won't be healthy when i get older so like i want at least like everybody people be trying to have big goals and finish them in a day you know whereas like i want to just i just told myself if i just at least do some type of workout every day you don't have to be at six o'clock in the morning but first i'm gonna start off by just doing something like it could be at six in the morning a day it could be at three in the evening tomorrow you know what i mean but i'm gonna just start off by just being consistent every day yep you know what i mean and then then i might you know ulta you know my goal for my workouts i might say okay i want to get on six o'clock every morning you know what i mean but i'm gonna start off small you know to tackle the bigger goal you get what i'm saying so i say people damage their success by just not being consistent yup okay so this is the last question i'm gonna wrap it up so you're gonna make it short like that you don't have at least two more for me we got room for two more i think we got time for two more let's give them two more time for two more sure give it to going into your goals if i feel like i need motivation all the time for my goals is that really my goal if i need motivation for it i like that bro i mean nobody should it's like a uh i use man i had to leave sports so i'm always use that if i got if the coach got to keep asking you to watch fume go work out you know run routes like catch balls on your off time you obviously don't want it it's not like there's no simple fact to it like you want to be great but nobody shouldn't have to like pressure you or like be on you all the time to be doing things that you know you need to do because greatness comes from when nobody's not watching i remember it was times where like when i was playing football i just go work out like i don't need to go be telling the coach i'm going to work out you know when i go and watch film i'm gonna just go do it whether they know i'm not not like i know i'm not i know i'm putting in the work and that's why my abilities are showing the way that they are showing you know what i mean i don't have to just you know and that's the thing people always want to do do the right thing with somebody watching you know what i mean like they don't do the right thing when people not watching they do the right thing when people watching and greatness comes for doing the right thing when nobody not watching you yeah that's that's that's three facts right there bro because straight facts i won't be on social media at all and we'd be grinding all of us ain't like we we'd be grinding bro we don't need nobody like you know like you'll see soon you know what i mean if if that you know if that's what you want to see but it's just like i'm we're doing this for our legacy it's not for like somebody else you get what i'm saying i'm like you're doing this for your legacy like but i said as far as uh the question you asked was uh what it was against him again do you have to be motivated you have to be motivated yeah and then it was like is that really your goal yeah if i need motivation all the time for it is like is that really my goal bro i but i i like the question but i see like it's some days where you be tired bro like i was just asking marlon how like i can't i can't really see how like nba players and football players go bang their body up like that all the time like i'm sure they get up days where they like man my body beat up like i need some rest it ain't that they don't want to go they human beings too so you're a human being also so there's gonna be times where like you may need some motivation you get what i'm saying it's like because there's so much energy around you that you really can't control you know so it's like i would say it's some things that you know you gotta do when you don't want to do it and you're going to have days when you don't want to do it i think it's just human nature bro but i mean whatever you want to do like literally just just try a little like i said just try a little bit every day every day and eventually it's going to come to a point where it's just natural it's like waking up i think i think i was trying to wake up at six in the morning like we started coming here at five o'clock i don't even need marlin don't even need a long marlin be saying he'll need along i'd be like man i still use my alone but like now i could just turn my alarm off bro and i'm up at full like my eyes up at full you get what i'm saying like but yup we got we got time for one more so um how do i find people how do i find like-minded people for my goals that i want to set for myself okay all around you i feel like we just yes he had said that when we was in on in the last video like about uh let's just say you you're a college student like you don't really know what you want to do but like uh i mean let's just say as far as clothing brand terms like i got a brand i walk past a screen print shop like that may be my opportunity right there like go see what they got go see the people that's there like you gotta go places and put yourself in the position where they gonna be at like they may have a conference a networking event yup i mean everybody does is probably people that you want to be around you get what i'm saying i don't think you're going to find them at the ball on saturday two in the morning and you might but it ain't gonna be that tight not likely and it's not likely it's not that type of environment you know what i mean like at that time so it's like you gotta put yourself in best position to find those people and that's by you know going where they are yep and talking about it like most i mean we talk about all the time people within even our own organization that may have questions about things don't even come up and ask facts like so you're not putting yourself around the environment because you don't even have you're not even asking those questions to put yourself in that position like you would just walk past the people that you need to at least speak to you know what i mean and become friends with to help you out and that's how you put yourself in that environment like if you know you may hear somebody like me you may hear something that i said are you like damn he he may be just like me but still don't go and try to make that connection you know what i mean um i mean it's just honestly back to what we're saying you just do everything is with yourself you you doing it to yourself you're not getting in that you can put yourself in that environment you can find the things that you need just like you find it on on a deadly you know what i mean and as far as like i say like as far as like clothing burn terms like business clothing business terms like about opportunity um it's like we were talking about social media i mean it's really so much things out there that you know creates opportunity for your business it's like tick-tock came around people making these videos and stuff and it's just blowing up so it's like you got to go put yourself in the best position to be able to get to where you got to go yep you see what i'm saying so it's like as far as like having a brand and um you know you let's just say you you don't know how to you know scale up or you don't know how to get new you know a a bigger audience it's like you gotta go on the internet and you gotta figure out different things that could take you to the next level you know what i mean i'll go to conferences when you at like the screen print shop you go in and see how to print church you know what i mean so it's just like putting yourself in best position to to receive the knowledge to receive the knowledge yep but i got i think we i think we said we was going to wrap it up right here yeah i mean i think that's pretty good we appreciate y'all thank you from the bottom of our heart podcast um short podcast let's know if you want us to go longer let us know if y'all like longer videos shorter videos um subscribe let us know about any topics that y'all do want us to hit on um man we appreciate y'all thank you grandma i appreciate you baby let's get it we outta here [Music] all right look if you watch this video and you receive any type of value make sure you watch this video or this video and don't forget to subscribe random lights up and comment on this video let's get it
Channel: WRLDINVSN Clothing Company
Views: 47,231
Rating: 4.959578 out of 5
Keywords: Clothing brand mistakes, clothing brand, clothing brand fail, clothing brand startup, clothing brand successful, clothing brand tips, dos and don'ts, how to, how to build a clothing brand, how to start a brand, how to start a clothing brand, how to start a clothing line, how to start a successful clothing brand, starting a clothing brand, starting a clothing line, starting your own clothing line, streetwear, tips for starting a clothing brand, why clothing brands fail, wrldinvsn
Id: IzNuhGbZDwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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