How I Run A Streetwear Clothing Brand In 2021

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yo what's up guys brahma here welcome back to my youtube channel i run the brand unfinished legacy and in today's episode i'll walk you guys through my thought process and steps that i take to have a successful drop uh and these steps are coming up with the uh with the product lineup so mocking up pieces either on computer just to have an idea of what the collection will look like and then the next step is going into like the sampling phase where we're printing our samples and then photographing the pieces and then doing also a lookbook shot as well with with that and then finally going posting everything on social media as a way to like market our product and then going live on the website uh so hope you enjoyed this episode again a lot of effort went into creating this [Applause] [Music] for our a recent drop that the some of the steps that we took implemented uh while we were executing this drop was coming up with all the product lists uh the type of either blank or just the type of product we're having and then the color the design the placement of the printing um and then the design options there so i'll usually like map out everything on my notebook beforehand and then that's just a way for the rest of the team to see what we what we've come up with and so the the initial initial step starts here and then the next thing is actually either mocking the product on the computer or actually sending it out to get printed as a sample and a lot of these were like we received these like weeks ago as samples and then we've decided to finally incorporate it into this drop so a lot of like product development here [Music] and then the next step from this is actually going into the screen printing area [Music] so the next step is coming in here and actually like printing every garment uh either for samples or for actual full production runs and i have a previous video where i talk about like the whole process of screen printing so if you don't know anything about screen printing or looking to learn about screen printing just go back i'll actually try to link it below so you can just check that video [Music] different type of fabric so here's the final product and then uh for the next step i'll just take everything right over here and so basically this is a makeshift this is a makeshift like uh studio for product uh i'm i'm the type of person that like to just work with what i have i mean there's way like better like professional studios but like for me this is perfect because it works for me um and i don't i feel like i don't really need to invest too much money and for anyone out there who's watching if you don't have the light or the equipment to to actually photograph your pieces just try to work with what you have even like using your phone and then taking that image into photoshop and photoshopping the background out yeah just try to be creative and stay stay unique [Music] [Music] all right so right now these are all the products that we have to photograph these are all samples but i do need to photograph every single piece uh for the website uh a lot of times this is like one of the most like tedious like stressful like i think part of this whole process but it's it's very important because like uh presentation of like your product is definitely like one of the most important aspect when it comes to i think running a clothing brand or owning any type of business the way you present your product is how other people are going to view you so you want to make sure you pay attention to all the details and make sure even if it's tedious or annoying or not you know not fun just make sure that you're putting all your energy into it because it matters let me just take this one all right so just finished shooting all the product shots uh so the next step is putting the sd card into my computer organizing the files and then uh taking all the white background out white just leaves it as clean as possible i could go on photoshop and just take everything out just that simple so some of the quick examples of like the product imagery these are ones that i've already done but i'll walk you guys through how i'll usually do it um i'll pull up photoshop so this is the instagram uh sizing for imagery and i'll use usually like use that as reference for a lot of our our images so i'll grab the file drag and drop see basically like the products clean right by itself um i could do a more in-depth video about just behind the scenes of like going into photoshop and and doing this but this is just a quick uh just a quick overview of like what i end up doing at f on photoshop [Music] yeah so a lot of lookbook shots for for me i see just like simplicity so very very simple uh straight to the point um more attention to the garment so that's kind of what i'm looking for a lot of time i also looking for like genuine emotions from the model are either like smiling laughing like those are some of the characteristics that i try to look for these do you remember that role we put in here [Music] so [Music] so we just thought we're getting ready for our next drop which is this friday the 30th april 30th this video might come out later but basically i shoot majority of our our of our uh imagery with film photography a lot of like there's medium format camera there's like the classic canon ae1 uh we got the context g2 here um and then we got the nishika 2 which is which is a really nice fun camera um 3d gif type of thing i just got this this canon t90 recently it's a beautiful camera as well uh but basically my reasoning i started out shooting film uh my first ever camera ever i won from a a gallery it was like a raffle ticket i entered two dollars and i ended up winning a camera at the end of the night so from there i've been just hooked so my first exposure to photography was film photography and the imagery the colors the colors especially are is timeless and that's kind of what as a brand we're always chasing either timeless designs timeless imagery uh timeless textures and stuff like that so with film it's a perfect i i guess combination of all of that for imagery and aesthetic so these are all the all the film that we shot um the one one downfall with film though it's like it's expensive um i was gonna say that it's it's timely because you have to wait for your film to get developed and you receive it but i don't think that's a disadvantage i think it's an advantage actually especially now nowadays when everything is so fast you know people shoot thousands of photos with their digital cameras and then they have hard time deciding which one and they're not as meaningful when you're limited to like either 36 shot or 10 shot from the medium format every i make sure all my composition is perfect and like that my exposure is right it just puts me puts me in the moment to capture something that i'll be proud of uh so that's why i shoot film and then we also shot some some polaroid these these came out really cool there's some some with flash and some with that flash i think all the three collections back to back look too much now you know this on the top you know let me just see the store all right so right now i have all the products here so i'm just doing a quick instagram post so a quick layout with all the products just a nice visual to showcase what's all available and we'll post this on instagram as part of like our i guess marketing um and we've shot a lot of film and we did a lot of instagram reel which we've also used for marketing so we'll show those on this video somewhere [Music] okay so right now we're it's 9 20 we've added all the products on the website and then uh we're just waiting to go live at 10 10 a.m this is a store you have the product and then the kind of look book shop same with most of them all right so for the home page we have the escape collection here these are all the new stuff we just dropped and then we have the basics kind of our staple designs and then all the product a combination of both all right so our website just went live at 10 a.m uh and here are some of the pieces that we currently have available uh so some of my favorite dickie jackets and then we got these two crew necks and then we have a selection of t-shirts as well just to show you a few this is like a vintage wash really fits nice and then this is just a simple white t-shirt for the summer um it's one of my favorite too the dyed piece and then you have the skull with the text right over it and then right on to the five 501 levi's original um on the previous video i've made a behind the scene of me actually printing these so you can go check that out but anyways i hope this video is helpful to get at least give you some sort of insight to how i prepare for our drop and stuff so uh if you like what we're creating feel free to like this video subscribe and leave a comment let me know how you guys operate with your brands so peace
Channel: Brema
Views: 86,105
Rating: 4.9897203 out of 5
Id: kKqPHpyrmKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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