How To Start A Clothing Brand - Episode 4 Clothing Logos

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welcome back to another episode of how to start a clothing brand a step-by-step process episode number four and today's episode we're gonna talk about logos what defines a logo and how to build a good logo for your clothing brand but before we get into that name you should use myself once again my name is randy i'm the president and designer over your unique design where we print and we design a perfect for mini clothing brands as well as we have three of our own in-house brands that we sell so let's go ahead and jump in all this logo talk and get the ball rolling so what's chilly the over here in Southern California so that's kind of why I'm wearing my hoodie and my hat today to kind of rain which is kind of weird but besides that let's go ahead let's talk about logos but before we talk about logos do me a favor click it and hit subscribe on the bottom left and put your notifications on so that way we can keep bringing these episodes to you get all this free information and hopefully you can utilize it so today's episode on logos it's gonna be a little bit more about me just talking because you really got to see what logos are and what they're gonna do so we go ahead and we're gonna flip the script and we're gonna jump on the computer I'm gonna show you some examples as I kind of walk you through this whole process alright guys just go ahead and get in this episode about logos now this episode is not about the taste of logos well you know what we think looks good and why we think it looks good because you know the taste is basically based on the company or the person and you know that's something you know will reserved for the different people to have their feelings about different logos this is basically just the functionality of a logo when a clothing brand and what a logo should be made up of and how you can use it across different platforms now on my screen you can see there's just a bunch of street wear I mean bunch of clothing brands there's some Street where there's some skinny brands and some mainstream logos and you know just get an idea of looking at what you see when you gather a bunch of logos together and you can kind of get the gist of what logos um look like when you're laid out with each other different colors and different things and how they can stand out from each other now you see my arrow on the screen I'm an adobe illustrator just because I have these files set up an illustrator so it's easier for me to navigate and kind of show you what we're talking about so let's go ahead and get into the first thing now clothing logos as you can see right here I have the the Jordan logo is actually specifically the Jumpman logo and up top we have the jump man icon and the bottom is the old Jordan Brand logo and the reason why I'm bringing this one up is first of all I'm a big fan of Jordan Brand you know ever since I was a kid so you know we're just gonna get into this so as you can see this is what we call the icon an icon is just a silhouette of Michael Jordan you know doing a pose and this icon is it's simple yet it's complicated at the same time but it's recognizable and the important part of a logo isn't the most important part is that you can make this logo recognizable in under a second you can see it look at it and know what it is and that's what's important about a logo because you know when somebody sees your stuff or wherever it is on a commercial on a billboard or on a pair of jeans if they can't recognize it right away it's probably not a good logo and underneath we have the graphic here which is the area Jordan you know um logo initially but as you can see it's pretty busy it has too much going on you can see the Jumpman icon in there and the letters and everything but it makes it hard to recognize if you were to look at it with a bunch of other logos so down there it's not a good idea it's a good graphic to use but I really wouldn't call that a logo and to the left you see it says vector and to the right is raster now this is very important when you're getting a logo done or made and the problem is a lot of people they'll get a logo and then give us a jpg file or a PDF I mean a PNG file or a tiff and think that it's something that's usable now the thing about a vector to file is let me show you you can zoom in on this vector logo and you can see the lines they stay clean the entire time it's not getting pixelated or a bitmap e at all now a vector logo is this created in Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw basically a vector program is what creates a vector logo a vector is basically it's a mathematical equation from one point to another so if I click on this you see these points there's a point that goes from here to and to there and it's basically a mathematical equation and it was what you know dictates how that image shows up on our screens and that's what a vector file is is you know it's something usable is something editable to the right this is a JPEG and I'm gonna zoom in on this the problem with this is once you zoom in now you see how it gets pixelated and you can see how ugly it gets now if you were to blow that up and put it on a billboard or do something big with it you can see how bad the image quality is on this and it's very hard for us to edit this because we would have to sit there and try to chop out all these little pixels and try to make it work another thing about vector file is I'm gonna click on this John man let's say I want to change the color of the Jumpman logo and I just want to make it blue I can just one-click make it blue one kit click make it goldish yellow or the graphic underneath his vector as well if I wanted to change just let me just select those pieces and I'm just gonna randomly click colors and now you can see how easy it is for me to change those colors and just to do anything I want with it so if I wanted to create a different graphic with that logo it's easier to do on the right I don't have that option I have to go in there and Photoshop and select those pixels and you know it would be a lot of work to try to you know make this logo usable for us now this is an important part if you're gonna get a logo done it's always a great idea to go to a professional and not saying that the unprofessional aren't talented the problem is if they don't know this industry and they decide to make you something that looks cool by the time you bring it to get it printed or you get some some something made with that logo it's gonna be very expensive for us to redo your logo or make it something usable so if you give us a PDF or a JPEG sometimes we can't even use it will tell you the image resolution is too low it's nothing that we can use and you're gonna spend a lot more money recreating it or you know having a company work on it to make it usable so it's always a better idea to go to a professional to save your money in the long run and you know that's the important thing when you're starting a brand you know it's all about you know making that money go as far as you can so if you save money upfront you know getting a cheap logo or a free logo you might spend money in the long run trying to make it usable and do something with that logo down stretch so again my advice is total professional and that way you know and then suppressed for professional in the industry not just somebody who's a professional designer because you know I spent 15 years as a designer but every industry is different you know you gotta know like if you're just designing web you guys a good web designer that doesn't necessarily dictate to taking those images and creating something usable in a print format so make sure you know they're professional in the industry that you're looking at getting into it specifically here is clothing right all right so I'm gonna jump up ahead to another another logo now what I have here is it's a Pepsi logo this is like the Pepsi Max branding you know it's not a clothing brand but the only reason why I'm using it is because it's recognizable and the point I want to drive in with this logo is your logo needs to be able to be in one color and I know you're thinking oh well you know separate my logo it needs to be blue and red I need to have this and that and you know you definitely need to have your brand colors to separate your logo but it needs to be able to be in one color so it's recognizable when you make this logo in one color and you put it on our press wall with a bunch of other one color logos it needs to show up and it needs to you know be recognizable one color if not it's gonna be very expensive you know to try to make it work but if you want to get this thing and pour it in one color and if you want to do certain things with it in one color it needs to work so I'm gonna show you the same logo but in colors right so here it is it's the same exact logo but it's in colors you know Pepsi obviously is a big company they know what they're doing when it comes to branding they paint a big company to do this for them but here the logo is in two to three colors and we would always recommend keep your logo two to three colors don't go over three because again it gets more expensive when you have to produce that logo on certain things when you're paying for a color getting printed so try to keep it two to three colors and also it's easier to recognize when it's and minimal colors and you know having two to three colors it gives you the ability to do a lot more with that logo now here's the same logo but this is you know with all the bells and whistles you have the creating on there that gives it that beveled look it looks nice and shiny but essentially it's the same exact logo is this black and white version so it doesn't mean that you can't have a full-color logo like this it just means it needs to be able to be in a recognizable and a one-color as well as a full color and we're just gonna do this exercise again one more time with AT&T logo as you can see 81 color black and white you know we know eight emts colors but when we look at it you can easily recognize it in one color now here we are again this is the actual 18 t colors it has a specific Pantone blue which will go into that in another episode on you know brand identity but looking at this you can see okay there's two colors I would get it it's recognizable as something I can see now here we are one more time AT&T logo cool bells and whistles you know it has the shading on the sphere the gradient the little ghost to the blue in the background but it's the same logo you could recognize it in one color or these fool colors which is what makes it great and you know you're thinking all how can I make my logo look good in one color well this go ahead look at a bunch of other logos BAM here we are with a bunch of active wear brands and as you can see there's the Dickies logo on there and Dickie's is three colors you can see the Santa Cruz logo on there which is normally in three colors but as you can see everything is able to stand by itself recognizable in one colors let's go ahead and look at some luxury brands now here we are again luxury brands all one color you know Tommy Hilfiger is definitely red white blue but for some how they're able to pull it off in one color and the Lacoste logo we know the code the Gator but yet still here we are in one color and it's still able to stand so that's the important thing guys is you need to be able to make a logo that stands in one color and it's also recognizable when you shrink it look how small these logos are now if I take something that's complicated and I shrink it it's gonna be very hard to recognize it you know you won't get a lot of the detail that you that you get when people necessarily want to take a graphic and make a logo out of that so let's go ahead and jump into this this is a logo submitted you know by a company to us hardcore clothing as mm a brand you know this would probably be a great t-shirt graphic and you know big something on a shirt was legible you know it has a skull lightning bolt stars letters and all that and you know little probably make a good t-shirt design but as far as the logo it's too complicated to be a logo now even you can see there's the color version which has three colors on the Left I mean two colors on the left and then on the right it's black and white which you know that's great they're able to make it in one color the problem is let me take this logo and let's shrink this logo down right I'm gonna shrink it down to a smaller size now look at that logo how hard is it to identify that you know if I was to put that with a bunch of other logos you wouldn't be able to tell what it is the skull has too much detail all those little lines you know but disappear you can't tell the lines in that shield from the from the lightning bolt and you know if you were to put that as like you know a printed label on your clothing or a small little woven label on the side or imagine getting that little thing embroidered all that stuff would disappear trying to get it froy turd so having a logo and understanding how to keep it simple is the important part because you got to be able to look at this logo it you know a quarter of an inch tall and still be able to recognize it so again this might be a great graphic for a t-shirt but as a standalone logo I would say it would not be a good idea because if you were trying to use this across the boards it just wouldn't stand out you know now I'm gonna jump to another design here and this is a t-shirt design it's not a logo right this is by hustle modern individuals this is a brand that we're working with out of San Diego and this is a great t-shirt design now a lot of now they have their logo and they have to figure it out you know but I'm just using this as an example a lot of companies come to us and say hey this is my logo you know I want to use this as a logo and we tell them well that's a great t-shirt design but it doesn't work as a logo reason why I even though it's one color if we were to shrink this thing down again you want to look at stuff at like the size of a quarter of an inch you can't recognize it like what does that thing say you know like I uh it looks just like a blur let me take that and I'm gonna drop that over here but these other logos and let's see how recognizable it is with these other logos right you can't read it it just looks like a blur so again this is a great t-shirt graphic but it doesn't make a great logo and that's the important part is understanding the difference between a graphic and a logo they're not the same thing now when you are gonna create a logo for a brand and I'm just gonna just use this as an example right here if you're in a certain space you want to compare logos in that space and see how how does it look against those logos so now this is an exercise we do with our customers let's say you want to be in the active wear space you want to compare your logo to the other logos in in that space and see how they fit right so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna take away this middle logo just make that area white real fast just so we can kind of see how this logo would fit in with the other logos in that space as you can see it doesn't really fit it kind of does as far as it has a skull you know I'm just a little too complicated but if we were just just change it up a little bit it actually would work in this space as far as you know active where it kind of fits sort of and you know it's not too far left it's not too far right it's somewhat in there lightening bullets again if we were to rework it and make it simpler it would actually fit in this space now let's say you have the same logo and you were in the luxury wear space you know let's put it against these other luxury brands now as you can see like I'm just gonna take away boss logo real fast again just to show you how this would look boom and then here we go let's have that how does that look against other luxury brands it doesn't fit so let's say you were coming with the luxury brand you definitely want to say well this logo is not gonna work we need something a little bit cleaner or something a little bit better that's gonna stand in there okay so it's important that you know when you're designing your logo you look at the other logos in the space and you compare it to see how it fits and it's very important you know when you're thinking of your logo and your whole brand in general you know what space that you see yourself in if it's gonna be you know a skate or surf brand it's gonna be martial arts it's gonna be the luxury it has to work in that space so again you you know it's important to look at your logo and different applications and let's just say you get to the point where it's gonna be on a press wall if you had your logo on this press wall if it was too busy would you recognize it but it'd show up when you you're spending all this money for your logo to be on TV these guys are doing interviews and if no one can read your logo you wasted a lot of money on that recognition you know are you doing this an event like a motocross event and here you see we got logos all over the place they're all one color and you would recognize it so these companies who spend a lot of money on this event their logos are showing up and everything works and it works great so again it's important to think about this part when you guys are putting a logo together all these logos have a different look and different feel and they all have a different meaning behind them and that's something that we can talk about a different time again this is more about just the functionality the logo so think about what's gonna go into your logo and again doing this from the beginning is very important because it's gonna save you a lot in the end as you can see having the correct logo from the beginning is very important it's gonna save you a lot of time it's gonna save you a lot of money because once you launch your brand with a logo that you want to change later on changing everything later it cost so long as well as it creates confusion for your customers so if you guys do need any help with logo design because she doesn't email something we do here at uni gets info at unique design com and other than that you know let's keep the ball rolling and if you haven't subscribe you guys please subscribe at that bottom left and put your notifications on as well that way you know when we're dropping it up another episode and until next week you guys stay tuned and let's keep the ball rolling
Channel: Uneak Design
Views: 1,866
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: how to create a clothing brand, clothing brand, how to clothing brand, screen printing, screen printer, how to screen print, advanced screen printing, graphic design, design, designer, apparel company, fashion brand, street wear, t-shirt company, t-shirt brand, branding, designing, graphics, apparel printing, fashion
Id: -kQaUdH3y9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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