The DEFINITIVE GUIDE to the Dwemer - How They Became GODS - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] a race of stone cutters Artisans and Engineers they invented machines and built elaborate underground cities where they researched powers to rival the gods themselves and then at a time we're still not sure when they disappear the whole people people all at once leaving behind only their works the high craft Lord lifted his skinny fists like antennas to aerious he felt inspiration surg from the EPA through the eight nodes that were his knuckles the tones of raw Crea ignited his sinapsis shooting through his veins making his arm hairs stand at attention like a million tiny AR ials the craft Lord was a conduit for the infinite potential of the universe and it came to him as static energy which he transmuted masterfully to music with his concept organ the bells in his beard jingled with anticipation it had taken the chief tonal architect decades to learn restraint in these moments he wanted to Spring from his seat and spread his inspiration throughout the Citadel galvanizing the people into action but this MO M of genius could not be allowed to leak from his lips and be lost amid the rafters instead he channeled it back down his arms from his mind to his fingers from his fingers to his quill which salivated ink hungry to create and so Lord kagrenac sketched anom midium and he wrote of how air M would attune the sacred tones of Lan's heart with only a hammer a gauntlet and a dagger even between quill Strokes the bells in his beard continued to twinkle and stir they could feel the music they could sense the first depiction of the greatest god the orbis would ever see the high priest's power vibrated the very air high above on the surface K began to cry and heavy rain drummed against the face of ner perhaps the planets were aware of what kagak had just Drawn Lines of ink had formed a constellation in the shape of n M Dwarven automatons may be profound Feats of engineering mimicking life so closely that one could not be sure it was a mimicry at all but this was something more this Mortal had just drawn the schematics for a God and the fate of the orbit would be forever altered by these Divine Subterranean reverberations this is the story of the greatest race ever to Grace the land of Dawn's Beauty and though they may be gone from the tangible World their song has yet to reach its cataclysmic Crescendo when exploring the northern reaches of Tamriel from morind in the East through Skyrim's dark heart to hammerfell in the west one may stumble upon a magnificent landmark of Ages past standing Resolute against the elements be they biting blizzards or scouring sandstorms these ancient citadels endure acting as load stones for treasure hunters and daring adventurers and to think these marvelous structures are only the tip of the iceberg for the true wonders are preserved beneath the surface of ner but there is one thing each and every one of these brass bastions have in common they are one and all abandoned the only Signs of Life dwell in steampowered autometer woring Motors and pumping Pistons serving Masters that have long since relinquished any claim over for them thousands of years have passed yet the territorial automatons keep all but the most skilled spelunkers away keeping the technological signature of their masters Frozen in time it is a common theme in this decrepit old CPA the greatest Feats of architecture and Innovation belong to extinct cultures while contemporary peoples live in relative squala there are aliad ruins in the Heartland Nordic Ruins in Skyrim and of course dwma ruins all over the north but it is the latter of these rich historic cultures we'll be delving into today we'll be appraising all aspects of this race their history Traditions philosophy spirituality will be unearthing their best kept secrets uncovering the technological culmination of their pursuit of perfection speculating on their fate and most importantly casting light on their ongoing role in bringing about the end of the world we have a lot lot of ground to cover many Caverns to investigate and Rich deposits of forbidden knowledge to mine let's get started of course the Colossus in the room is The Disappearance of the dwarves and we'll come to that subject later in the video but the origins of the DW are just as shrouded in mystery as their fate the Dawn and mfic eras are notoriously difficult to recount as they were times where the Divide between myth and reality were blurred we're about to face a tidal wave of unreliable narrators and contradictory sources so strap on your tonal attenuators and prepare yourselves as far as records show humans weren't documenting history until the late mfic era contemporary with the return of isore to the shores of Skyrim but the mfic era spanned approximately 2,500 years leaving huge chasms in our knowledge and that's just on The Human Side there are plenty of stories about the or origins of the Elven races but each and every one reads more like folklore than history with Gods walking among Mortals The kimer and AER were supposedly created when boia confronted the Paragon trinimac devouring and humiliating him excreting him before his followers the kajit and bosma have basa creation stories coming directly from nur's womb before being shaped by their Patron deities maybe these stories are metaphorical or maybe they're completely literal the dwarves don't even have metaphorical origin stories they just were the always reliable pocket guide to the Empire Third Edition states that according to the traditions of Somerset the Almar who went to be free on the mainland became all the desperate Elven folk of History kaimer bosma aliot the ones who stayed behind became the Ultima even the earliest records of Somerset however shed no light on the the origins of the dwma who already occupied the northeast of Tamriel when vof and his people arrived there and then in another chapter of the very same pocket guide it says the earliest civilization of which there are records is that of the dwma sometimes called dwarves by the ignorant the dwma were the remnants of the early Almer who had settled the coasts and developed a highly sophisticated and technological culture so what is it did the elves all hail from some ET or were they native to every corner of Tamriel since the dawn rolled into the mic there is another source that weighs in on the subject but rather than offering clarification it only really serves to further confuse the matter an old Mary scholar named aicantar of shimmerin in his book before the ages of man appears to agree that the dwma were already present in morind AKA DWF when the kimer people arrived in the late middle mfic era he writes the kaima Clans followed the prophet vof out of the ancestral Elven homelands in the southwest to settle in the lands known as morrowwind despising the secular culture and profane practices of the dwma the kaima also coveted the lands and resources of the dwma and for centuries provoked them with minor raids and territorial disputes the dwma dwarves freethinking reclusive Elven Clans devoted to the secrets of science engineering and Alchemy established underground cities and communities in the mountain range later the vopi mountains separating modern Skyrim and morrowwind however in the next breath aicantar mentions that the earliest WMA Freehold colonies dated to the late mfic era which comes after the late middle and after The vfi Exodus the late mic era marks the precipitous decline of vfi culture some vopi settled in Villages near declining and abandoned ancient VY Towers during this period VY High culture disappeared on vard enfeld island the earliest dwma Freehold colonies date from this period what exactly is meant by a freehold colony is up for some debate it could be that it refers to old dwma citadels or since aicantar also claims that the kimer and dwma were Waring over territory in the late middle mfic era these freeholds might just refer to citadel's officially recognized by the dwma and kimer after tensions decreased I'll avoid referencing non-canon sources but there are claims that the dmer and the kimer are closely related maybe even hailing from the same Elven migration Michael kirkbride says that resan to where Meri morind belonged to the vopi first the place was vopi a bunch of squabbling chimeri and dwary tribes if the dwarves were already there you'd think he would have mentioned that fact Gary Nunan an animator and character artist for the series goes even further suggesting that the dwma were the same as the dunmer and were only called dwarves from the perspective of the northern Giants this notion is supported canonically by the Imperial Fighters Guild Apprentice named hfat antabolis who mentions an imperial Fable of giants calling the migrated elves their little friends however this atmology has pretty much been debunked thanks to the translation of Scholars like celmo we know that dwma means people of the deep or deep elves and from the few glimpses we've had of what the dwarves look like we can see that they looked nothing like the golden skinned kimer Dwarven skin more closely resembled the drab gray Hue of the dunmer only without the red eyes that signified aura's curse another claim that is often used to support the idea that the DW are just an offshoot of the kaimer is the existence of great house dwma but as we'll explore later in the video it's totally plausible that this was just an honorary title given by indoril narvar for diplomatic purposes we're off to a great start the dwarves won't even throw us the bone of offering a cogent origin story this is just one of many Secrets but I'll offer my two septums on the matter we tend to oversimplify the origins of the elves and distill it down to all elves hailing from the Almer of Somerset but this is not necessarily factual and typically goes hand inand with the claim that the Almer came from old Maris there is no proof that old Maris ever existed outside of the imagination the annotated anuad states that the elves were native to all corners of Tamriel not just Somerset only the races of men migrated from other lands this explanation aligns with the beliefs of races like the bosma who deny any old Mary ancestry and it also reconciles the lack of evidence of races like the falma and dwma ever migrating to the mainland from Somerset but it contradicts the accounts of toppal the pilot charting the coastline of Tamriel prior to Elven colonization rather than get bogged down on the specifics of how the Elven races got to the mainland I'll just say this associating the fmer with the Alma makes sense for they worship the same gods and appear to have had an anuic culture but the dwma they seem utterly unlike every of a race they're just as alien to the elves as they are to the men their only Elven traits are their ears and their lifespans when exactly they built their civilization in resan isn't certain but what is certain is that they were better established in the region than the kaimer and I'm inclined to agree with the pocket guide which says the dwma were there first there is also an absolutely wild tinfoil theory about the dwma something to do with a Time Loop that could just explain why there's so much confusion and contradiction over the origins of this race but we'll come to that in good time now that we know as much as we can about the origins of the dwma let's divert our attention to their unique culture how cultures develop is an interesting topic and there are many environmental biological and spiritual factors but onnn there is another crucial factor and that is access to Magic take the Nords for example they are innately acclimating to the cold and they believe that K exhaled upon the throat of the world and brought them to Life as a result they feel like Outsiders and Invaders when ever dealing with other races according to the text titled the children of the sky the breath and the voice are the vital essence of a Nord when they defeat great enemies they take their tongues as trophies these are woven into ropes and can hold speech like an enchantment the power of a Nord can be articulated into a sh outout like the key ey of an aaviri swordsman the strongest of their Warriors are called tongues when the Nords attack a city they take no Siege engines or cavalry the tongues form in a wedge in front of the Gat housee and draw in breath when the leader lets it out in a keii the doors are blown in and the axemen rush into the city shouts can be used to sharpen blades or to strike enemies a common effect is the shout that knocks an enemy back or the power of command a strong Nord can instill bravery in men with his battlecry or stop a charging warrior with a roar the greatest of the Nords can call to specific people over hundreds of miles and can move by casting a shout appearing where it lands so thanks to their biology their frigid Homeland their origin story and a form of magic that lends itself to Warfare the Nords developed a strong Warrior culture the red guards are also Al a warrior culture but they arrived at it from a completely different angle according to Red guards their history and their Heroes our people were once Artisans poets and Scholars but the ever evolving Strife made the way of the sword inevitable the song of the blade through the air through flesh and Bone its ring against armor it was an answer to our prayers conflict in yakuda forced the red guards to turn to violence but sword singing is just as much of a spiritual creative art as it is a martial one it is a manifestation of the singer's Soul so if we apply this to the dwma we can make some assumptions about how their civilization took shape morrowwind or dwth as they call it is infamously a hostile region to live in the hub of dwma society was on the aisle of venell where intense volcanic activity has shaped the terrain into craggy Badlands veined with Foy aders AKA fire rivers and dotted with sulfur spewing ferals which make the air heavy with Ash unclean at the best of times unable at the worst take this environment and mix it with the dwma Race's unique form of magic and we can soon see why the dwarves went underground this form of magic is known as tonal architecture and it's at the core of Dwarven architecture mining technology even psychology beneath the surface of ner the Deep eles soon established themselves as the most advanced race ever to Grace Tamriel sound is essential to all forms of magic native to the mundas Magicka which seeps into the Mortal realm from aerus derives its power from light while powers like the Nordic F the akaviri kii the yudan shihi derive from sound from vibration there's a good reason for this and we'll explore it more soon when we reach that passage of of the composition but tonal architecture allowed the dwarves to manipulate sound in order to alter reality from that description alone the potential of tonal architecture seems Limitless and perhaps it is but we know little about it since the race who knew how to channel it noise canell themselves out of reality what we do know is that the astounding enduring Feats of underground architecture were made possible due to tonal architecture the Nords could use the sheer force of their voice to bend the laws of nature but it seems the dwma were more tactful and deliberate in finding the correct tones the Nords were Heavy Metal the dwarves were MAF Rock and when these resonations were Amplified by TS and other metal apparatus they could be focused on achieving specific goals this allowed the dwarves to be precise they could excavate great Caverns while also adhering to meticulous schematics so that every wall was angled correctly so that every pipe met every fitting without leaking they could Galvanize hulking automatons taller than Giants but also hone in on delicate details tinkering with the inner workings of these machines until their automatons function better than biological beings ever could we'll speak more on their Metallurgy soon but tonal architecture certainly played a significant role in developing the dwary gift for Masonry of course this relied on more than just magic it required great attention to detail something the dwarves had in abundance celmo writes The Following on dwma designs the foundation of all known Dwarven ruins is built on stonework and the structure of Dwarven stonework is sharp angular and intensely mathematical in nature by a simple count there are hundreds if not thousands of samples of Dwarven buildings made of precise Square shapes and far fewer examples of discreetly rounded or curved stonework leading us to believe that early dwarves favored trusted well-calculated designs based on angled lines rather than riskier more imprecise calculations based on arcs and curves they also followed very strict rules that seem to be as spiritual in nature as they are mathematical another scholar named gillain marily posited the four tests of DW Arch ecture and these tests have been adopted by the telani the tests go as follows the test of pattern requires the Observer to examine and analyze for patterns before he acts with the understanding that many patterns are subtle or hidden the test of disorder requires the Observer to proceed systematically when no pattern is perceived when the Observer recognizes that many things must be done and in no specific order the procedure is to perceive and order all the things to be done and upon doing a thing to recall how and when that thing has been done for example The Observer must remember the initial position of a thing and also the new position of that thing the test of evasion requires the Observer to examine the obstacle and compare his resources and abilities if the obstacle is too difficult seek for a path around the difficulty the test of Confrontation requires the Observer to examine the obstacle and compare his resources and abilities if the obstacle is too difficult look for a path around the difficulty but if no path around can be found confront the obstacle directly as you can see the DW approach to excavation and architecture is analogous to the gods who created the Mortal realm and imbued their power into it creating the foundational laws of physics and nature mapping digging and building these vast Subterranean cities would have needed near Flawless communication countless dwarves could be hard at work on countless tasks and their efforts needed to align perfectly construction projects of such scale are like enormous clocks they only work if all the cogs mesh together and it just so happened that the dwma had the ability to utilize a power known as calling to communicate telepathically they designed miters imbued with tonal forces that could magically amplify their Force some scholars believe the word miter is a misnomer and they should be referred to as Dwarven visors as miters are generally associated with religious gar but as we'll discuss more soon I find the name fitting for a race that so boldly goes where only the gods have been before anyway with these mitas amplifying their tonal magic the dwma seemingly mastered tathy obviously it's hard to verify the specifics of this power with the dwarves but more morian Zen's Apprentice mentions it in The Doors of Stone suggesting that this power was shared with the sigic he writes the sigic and dwma can in the DW's case perhaps I should say could connect with the minds of others and Converse miles apart a skill that is sometimes called telepathy it seems the dwma saw a way to expand on the psychological potential of tonal architecture if they could enter the minds of their peers to communicate and their Tech Technologies could amplify this power then why not design something more Sinister allowing them to forcefully infiltrate the minds of lesser beings according to a scholar named vinara cleave in her guide to dwma Mega structures the mechanism that would allow them to achieve this form of Mind Control was called a tonal resonator she writes the dwma could employ tonal forces to bend weaker Minds to their will a form of complex oral hypnosis when enabled the resonators released a series of powerful tones that could alter the brain waves of lesser meran men inducing deep calm and profound pleasure or even paranoia and Terror the uses for such a device are virtually Limitless alas the complexity of these huge resonators meant that the dwarves never managed to mobilize them against their enemies the extent to which mind control was used by the DW isn't documented but it's another striking example of the power of tonal architecture so we know that tonal architecture was crucial in developing Dwarven masonry facilitating the construction of their sprawling Subterranean colonies and we know it gave them the power to communicate across great distances but as we can see from their miters and resonators The Genius of the dwma relied on more than just sound it was complemented by their Proficiency in the art science of Metallurgy centuries of abandoned M have shown us that the dwarves had an affinity for longevity their Creations were Marvels to behold thus they should be built to last as Kelo asserts they likely used more easily destructible materials like clay paper and glass when necessary but metal and stone were preferred wherever viable even their most intricate Contraptions favored metal over more malleable substances and somehow in the pursuit of innovating the art of metal allergy the dwarves actually invented a type of metal that no other race has been able to replicate it may look like some kind of copper based alloy like brass or bronze but no Dwarven Metal is entirely unique the secret ingredient to this metal isn't known one of the theories regarding The Disappearance of the dwma does offer a possible explanation but will come to that in due time the Deep elves constructed animunculi in many shapes from spiders to spheres centurions to colosi and more these automatons tend to the citadels or protect them from external dangers they built wondrous aaries with innumerable moving Parts designed to chart the movements of the planets and observatories with powerful telescopes that could bring the distant divines into focus and all of these buried wonders were illuminated by gas lights that continue to Glow with little to no maintenance perhaps the most impressive of all their creations at least until the one kagak was in the process of devising with their airships they were not the only culture to develop air travel as there are rumors of slowed gas bags being used to transport purchased corpses from s Char and slaves from teer unlike the slowed ships though the durables developed by the dwarves were mechanical little is known about them but schematics still exist and one function in Airship was possessed by Lord Admiral Amil rton of the Imperial Navy during the time of the Tyber wars in the hands of men this Airship went the way of the Hindenburg but how did they innovate Technologies so elaborate that they remain inimitable thousands of years later with the exception of one dead demigod well what is most fascinating about all of these technological innovations to me is not just the ability to architect and artifice them but to keep them functioning indefinitely making them self- sustaining even with the dwarves gone spiders and spheres still Walk The Halls repairing Plumbing tinkering lights still burn pipes still Pump Fuel to every corner and crevice of every Citadel and this is all possible due to geothermal energy heat and steam sourced from the Divine Galvanize these creations into life when the Mortal realm was born the atada original Spirits became the bones that maintained its structure the best known of these Gods became the celestial body's orbiting ner and if the planets are Gods then ner was the most important God of all for she was the goldilock the surface of ner is her skin and beneath it magma flows through Subterranean passageways like blood through veins and arteries pumping life throughout her Celestial body a circulatory system needs a heart and it just so happen s that another dead God provided one for ner trinimac orel's greatest Knight knocked Lan down in front of his army and reached in with more than hands to take his heart but when trinimac and Oriel tried to destroy the heart of Lan it laughed at them it said this heart is the heart of the world for one was made to satisfy the other so Oriel fastened the thing to an arrow and Let It Fly long into the sea when no aspect of the new world may ever find it the surface dwelling races have their affinities for the gods of the air they have Magnus and Orel and K they Channel light and wind into magic but the dwma as the only tamrielic race inhabiting the Subterranean reaches of mother ner had their own source of divine power whether they knew it or not they had the power of Lan fueling them nur's heat provides not only a means for their Creations to function but also with an unquantifiable charge of Lan's raw undying padic power with unlimited access to geothermal energy channeled into every corner of every city thanks to their tonal architecture and metallurgic proficiency Dwarven technology was restricted only by the breadth of their imagination but the importance of Lan's heart is what took dwma creativity to Divine Heights this became clear to kagak when the heart was was discovered of course but we'll come to that soon take the rare volcanic glass known as ebony as an example according to crafting Motif 22 orc Smiths use ebony also colloquially known to Su as God's blood in the forging of weapons and armor in token of Lan's blood when trinimac tore out his heart the blades description for Ebony States some believe it to be the crystallized blood of the god Lan himself ebony is remarkable in that it's serves as the foundation not just for Ebony arms and armor but also dri in order to make dri armor ebony armor is imbued with dric Essence typically harvested from a dric heart more superstitious Smiths insist that dric equipment should only be forged at night preferably under a new or full moon the moons not so coincidentally are believed to be the two Divine pieces of Lan's suered corpse as is often the case with the creation myths Kiti Tales are more explicit and one of these stories written by the silent priest amund Dr directly references the origins of Ebony and the favored daughter of fatmi Lage stood in the doorway he was broken and bleeding and there was a hole in his chest but the great Darkness was still in his blood and it filled the hole where his heart had been the dark Mass beat like a heart and black blood Spilled Out onto the threshhold ebony is volcanic glass and Volcanic glass forms when magma cools rapidly so it's no wonder that ebony is one of the most precious and Powerful substances unknown and if magma possesses enough of Lan's power to create ebony then you can imagine the potential of tapping magma and the heat it generates in crafting Dwarven Metal and all the DW's Creations in fact I would take it a step further and suggest that what the dwarves were doing with this fuel source Rivals the divine I believe they were wholly justified in considering themselves Rivals to the power of the gods they breathed life into their animunculi and that statement is only slightly metaphorical as the steam they breathed held the heat of ner and the passion of the trickster without these traces of the deific invigorating the geothermal energy DW automatons really ought to have deteriorated or lost Direction after The Disappearance of their masters but no they out lived their creators and continued to fulfill the purposes with which they were tasked sustaining themselves in their homes the Mortal races descended from the gods are bred and raised on the natural resources readily available on the surface of mother ner they drink the Waters of memory appricate in Magnus rays and consume food harvested from soil enriched by the nutrients that exist beneath their feet with the DW not doing the same when artif in their autometer they made metals from the ores occurring naturally under mother nur's skin they used the heat from her insides charged by Lan's heart and the results were machines that could move and breathe and respond to stimuli just because they were created by Mortals and not by gods should we dismiss them as artificial shouldn't the same be said for any child born to a natural mortal mother Dwarven Creations are impossibly intricate if a dwarf could Master the minuscule minations of complex animunculi could they not also map the Mortal mind as well or at least mimic it so masterfully that one can hardly tell the difference it's all science and circuitry right it is this line of questioning that brings us to dwma philosophy spirituality and the Transcendent Ambitions of their greatest Minds The DW existed to deny the uniqueness of the Gods and the limitations of the mortal coil they could be like the gods and create life just as the gods had the cosmic materials were right there all around them and The Architects of these walking breathing constructions the dwarves were made of water memory and light Magicka in the words of a written in his account of the Battle of Red Mountain a topic we'll discuss later in the video our Brethren the dwma scorned the dra and mocked our foolish rituals and preferred instead their gods of reason and logic and VC is correct to an extent the dwma did mock the dra Lords and seemed to take great pleasure in outwitting them but reason and logic were not necessarily intended to disprove the Eminence of the Gods but rather as tools to redefine what it means to be a god at all and to dismantle the Monopoly that Immortal deities claim to hold over Divinity I should EXP explain what I mean by that and it is quite difficult to distill into a few sentences to best understand how the dwma viewed the gods I'll start with a popular folk story called Aura and the box here is an Abridged version nilar had enjoyed an adventurous youth but had grown to be a very wise very old DW who spent his life searching for the truth and dispelling superstitions he invented much and created many theorum and logic structures that bore his name nothing however was a greater question to nilar than the limits of divine power were the greater beings the masters of the entire world or did the humbler creatures have the strength to forge their own Destinies as nilar found himself nearing the end of his life he felt he must understand this last basic truth among the Sage's acquaintances was a holy kaimer priest named aanc when the priest was visit visiting balag zums Nar told him what he intended to do to find the nature of divine power aenx Su and Aura after the usual rituals by which the priest declared his faith in her powers and Aura agreed to do no harm to him nilar and a dozen of his students entered the summoning chamber carrying with them a large box as we see you in our land Aura you are the goddess of the Dusk and Dawn and all the Mysteries therein said Shar trying to appear as kindly and obsequious as he could be it is said that your knowledge is absolute so it is smiled the dra you would know for example what is in this wooden box said nilar Azora turned to affinic her brow farrowed if I am to demonstrate my might in a way to bring the dma race to understanding it might have been a more impressive feat you would have me do growled Aura and turned to look nilar in the eyes there is a red petal flower in the Box Nar did not smile or frown he simply opened the box and revealed to all that it was empty when the students turned to look to Azora she was gone only afck had seen the goddess's expression before she vanished and he could not speak he was trembling so a curse had fallen he knew that truly but even crueler was the knowledge of divine power that had been demonstrated the chilar also looked pale certain on his feet but his face Shone with not fear but bliss the smile of a DW finding evidence for a truth only suspected as he was escorted up the stairs to his bed a red flower petal fell from the sleeve of his voluminous robe Nar died that night a portrait of peace that comes from contended knowledge while this story is fictional it demonstrates the dwma view of the dra Lords that their Kim neighbors so blindly Revere it shows their brazenness in the face of other worldly forces and it does a great job of exposing aura's vanity nilar hadn't set out to disprove Azura's Transcendent knowledge he knew Aura would be able to guess that there was a rose in the box but he had proven that aura was fallible that she was flawed her vanity meant she could not fathom a scenario in which a mere mortal would be impudent enough to play a trick on her she could have known the chilar would trick her since she already knew what was in the box but her vain nature led to hubris and humiliation she exercised her Immortal power over the Mortal trickster by cursing him but nilar died satisfied the gods especially the dra undoubtedly possess divine power but they are arrogant and their spheres leave them vulnerable the dwma may not naturally possess Divinity they may be burdened with mortality but with reason and logic as their sphere they would not fall into the same pitfalls as the privileged egotistical Gods when VC wrote of the dwma the words reason and logic were capitalized this could be the warrior poet's way of alluding to the idea that the dwarves venerated these traits in place of real gods and this makes sense to me if they took reason and logic as their sphere of influence much like the original Spirits had after the foundation of time so as I suggested earlier I'd argue that the DW would not atheists who believe the gods were false or non-existent but rather that they were Unworthy of worship the dra Lords look down on Mortals like petulant children gawking over an anthill while the Adra were too weak to have their will be done why jenu flect before these Spirits when Mortals could become makers and exert their own free will upon the arena of Tamriel the dwma took pride in the creation of their animunculi because they believed it was exactly that creation their automatons were proof of their own Divinity one telani wizard named baladas Dem naani spent a great deal of time pursuing knowledge on the Deep elves and he has some fascinating insights on their spiritual philosophy especially pertaining to the reconciliation of manufacturing machines and creating life were those two Feats synonymous or were their best efforts mere imitations of the Divine Dem naani invoked the concepts of Numa versus phoma which in our world hails from Canan philosophy I'm no philosopher but in essence the conflict between Numa and phenomena comes down to the distinction between what can be observed versus what is intuited outside of our ability to sense and perceive it is felt only in one's Soul it beckons the question can all things be measured and mechanized or are there things we cannot possibly prove that are still true must something be seen in order to to be believed phenomena Loosely means an observable event numina therefore Loosely means an unobservable unverifiable event by artificing such intricate imitations of life in the form of moving breathing Reckoning automatons were they leaving the realm of mere crafting and entering the realm of creation can artificial life be real life baladas demani States this about the dwma in their denial of both phenomen and numina the dwma found comfort in the creation of animunculi which in their operation combined two incompatible principles thus denying both were the dwarves so nihilistic that they created Life as a means of denying the superiority of the gods were their technological Feats anti- Creations built in open Defiance of the Miracles of the orbits whatever the motivations of the dwma may have been meddling with such transcendent Dental Powers was going to have consequences and when the tonal Architects discovered an artifact of immense padic power beneath Red Mountain the dwarves were never going to leave it untapped and it was the greatest mind among the dwma who was first to learn of this artifact's existence and so Chief tonal architect kagrenac the greatest enchanter of his time began constructing his magnum opus an anti creation through which he would scream a MC no toward the heavens the dwma had excavated great gaping Caverns beneath Tamriel north and east their tonal Architects cast their Golden Tones into unexplored expanses making space to live unearthing the Bountiful Riches of ner but for some Pinal reason their oral magic seemed to guide them to the aisle that would famously become known as venell the city of the strong Shield the tonal Architects were drawn to Red Mountain here the geothermal power was most potent here valuable minerals were abundant but as they mined nearer and nearer to the nucleus of the volcano the dwarves began to feel nur's Rhythm deep in their bones the tonal Architects softened their vocalizations to faint Whispers the miners chipped away at the ignest rock until an opening presented itself the Rhythm intensified D Doom D Doom D Doom the mouth of the tunnel trembled like an obsidian sphincter leading to the belly of a great bassal Beast the Deep folk were not accustomed to obas but in that moment Miners and Architects alike would have felt waves of trepidation with every drum beat the magma chamber gaped before them molten rock churned like gastric acid belching sulfur dioxide through the Mind cavity and then they saw it by its own Providence it hung suspended in the air above the undulating Lake of magma it didn't glow but rather pulsed with life this was no stone or mineral it was the still beating heart of the world the dwarves tentatively rejoiced at their Discovery there was no denying the power of this Relic but something about it sent shudders through their flesh vessels and threatened to digest their fragile mortal Ana it was Lord kagrenac who saw it for what it was he knew knew the Legends this was the heart of Lan cast here in the dawn era as a punishment for his Mischief in creating the mortal world had he wished to the high craft Lord could have used the power of the calling to alert his King and all the people of dare the tribunal Temple's account of the Battle of Red Mountain suggests that kagak withheld news of this Divine Discovery from King dumac instead he told only his most trusted Smiths crafters and Architects kagran had plans for this heart and confidentiality was vital perhaps with the exception of dumac dwarf King kagran was the most esteemed of all the Deep folk he was the greatest Pioneer of DW Ingenuity bar Nan and that is evidence not only from his Creations but from the respect he inspired in his acolytes and apprentices kagak Smiths forged the Ring of ancestors moon and star which was given to the Kima Nar example and the last living dwarf yagam ban expressed great admiration when questioned by the Narine Bagan says once I was a master crafter in the service of Lord kagrenac Chief Architect of the great Second Empire freeholds and the greatest enchanter of his time I could not match the genius of Lord kagak but what he could Envision I and my colleagues could build being a Visionary is one thing but kagak was also meticulous in keeping records and planning every minute detail of his Creations Bean goes on to say kagak carefully planned all his projects in advance he recorded every step in his manufacturer and testing of Enchanted items his journals will record any modifications or enhancements made to his original designs so when kagrenac gazed upon the marvelous heart of L he knew it would require unprecedented levels of ingenuity to find a way to tap its power and Achieve immortality his solution the channeling of myopic forces Divine forces making myth into reality myth solidifying into reality is not an alien Concept in the orbit in fact it happens every Dawn era the gods design the Mortal realm and wage their Wars but for Mortals to participate in this process is profane Blasphemous impossible kagak wished to achieve the impossible even if it wounded the pride of the Gods surely Mortals cannot Channel such Transcendent forces isn't mortality the antithesis to Divinity the Ultima creation story tells of the old Ela gradually weakening until they became mortal and their foremost ambition is to undo this treacherous curse however if Mortals descended from the gods then there must be some amorphous unquantifiable amount of Divinity in each and every one of them what is a soul if not Divine dra only have vestages linking them to the void but every Mortal has an anuic animus and upon death this animus returns to aerious therefore to have an animus to have a soul is to be divine and to be connected to Anu the soul and the mind are intertwined and so it stands to reason that a mortal can overcome their physiological shortcomings with the unlimited power stored within their soul cognition creativity Free Will with these tools a mortal cannot be restrained kagrenac and his assembled Minds would not be restrained with this understanding driving them the tonal Architects began turning krak's Visions into mechanisms his myths into reality with these myopic forces in mind kagak drew the schematics for a walking star and for free tools that would allow the heart of Lan to be utilized krak's tools were named Su Keening and RAF guard in order to work myopic enchantments and draw power from the heart all of these tools would be needed gilver spell of the dissident priests gives a description of each Tool's purpose RAF guard is an enchanted Gauntlet to protect its wearer from destruction when tapping the heart's power suer is an enchanted Hammer to strike the heart and produce the exact volume and quality of power desired Keening is an enchanted blade that is used to Flay and focus the power that rises from the heart if used correctly these tools would conjure a Divine Spark from the missing God's heart and kagrenac designed an automaton unlike any that came before it a tower of brass that would be galvanized into life and godhood by the focused power of L and so the Mage Smiths got to work the high craft Lord lifted his skinny fist to his brow and with an oil stained cloth wiped the sweat cascading down his forehead he was the type of Mer that preferred a quiet study over the factory floor the gentle were of motors and the Scuttle of Dwarven spiders over the FR of pistons and the belch of steam from Red Hot vents but kagak was not going to miss the firing of the forges as his sketches were shaped into free Dimensions magma CED through the great Forge and sent waves of heat shimmering through the factory in the first Corner the best Shapers curled plates of Dwarven Metal into the shape of a gauntlet engravers focused their Magics onto the surface of the glove decorating it with Enchanted reliefs into a merry style for a warrior wraith guard would be unwieldy it would not protect against blade and bludgeon like refined Ebony could but it would Safeguard the Animus of the wearer from the raw might of the twin primordial forces in the second Corner the strongest Smiths hefted huge slabs of Dwarven Metal onto an anvil the size of a banquet table they rounded the edges of the incandescent metal into a hammerhead of unimaginable weight the Legends would forever know that Su was a hammer of divine mass for its power could not be measured on conventional scales in the penultimate Corner wearing focusing lenses the most meticulous metallurgists and Gem cutters set to work on a knife so sharp that it could Flay the skin of lore and history it would be a dagger made of the sound of the shadow of the moons finally in the last corner there was a hollow kagak made his way through it and emerged into the heart chamber he heard the now familiar boom of the Doom drum every beat jingled the bells in his beard the heart remained in its place suspended in the middle a only now there were metal veins and AR iies emerging from it grafting Divine flesh with Mortal Metallurgy the largest of these pipes sprouted from Lan's aort and forked Up and Away From The Heart All Around the Doom drum dwarves clung to scaffolds artificing the anatomy of kagrenac's gargantuan God this automaton would not walk like myr but like an ardor walking at strange angles every footfall would bend the Earth bones rewriting the history of Dawn's Beauty to construct it they use the materials given to them by the gods during creation for the skeleton Stone from nur's Bones ebony from Lan's blood aetherium from Aus upon high for the joints Dwarven Metal for respiration Steam and natural gas for the circulatory system ducts of magma pulsing in tune with the trickster's percussion the final piece yet to be forged was the skin but kagak knew that organ would have to come last soon the neidium would be ready and he would have the honor of jump starting the heart in a feat of transcendent resuscitation while kagrenac and his Mage Smiths worked in secret upon the new found heart King dumac was kept busy ruling in the late mfic and early first erors the kaima were establishing themselves as a dominant force in the region and a potential threat to the dwarves peace had never been ConEd considered achievable in the first few centuries of their precarious coexistence tensions over the control of land and resources was mitigated somewhat due to the fact that one race generally preferred to live below the Earth while the other opted for firmer ground under the light of the sun and stars but religious differences were always going to provide the biggest threat to peace every logical dwarf knows that those who kneel before Immortal Spirits are unpredictable and prone to zealotry while control over Mainland Werth was contested between kimer and dwma the kingdom of venell remained Resolute with the exception of a few kimer tribes and clans allowed to exist thanks to the benevolence of the dwarves the black aisle was firmly under their Dominion the two Elven races might have torn each other to Pieces over the coming centuries were it not for a common foe cresting the VY mountains Circa first era 240 the first Empire of the Nords under the competent leadership of King Vaga the gifted blasted into DW and with the exception of Varden fell Incorporated the entire province into their ever expanding Empire in his sermons The speaks of bearded Kings breathing the Earth eating soil and filling their fallen allies with nur's nourishment he tells of mounted soldiers roaring to Kine above sickening the sky he warns of Maidens wielding lick encrusted Spears shaping climaxes so that battles would always end in their Triumph others must not be spoken of like ismir Dragon of the north for when he broke his silence Villages were uplifted and thrown into the sea were one to strip off the ismia armor and frust a hand between his ribs they'd find only a cfish shaped hole an empty heart chamber echoing with concern at the heretical Dwarven virus plugging his most vital organ into machines the only way to fend off the Nordic Menace was for the dwarves and changed ones to unify in first era 416 dumac dwarf king and the haor indoril nvar met and forged the First Council an accord that would bring peace and prosperity to DWF the Nordic occupiers were driven out and even without a common enemy the friendship between dumac and nvar allowed both races to remain Allied for another 2 and a half centuries alas No Matter How firm the friendship nothing would be able to reconcile the fundamental spiritual disharmony between theist and anti- theist but before we delve into the collapse of the First Council there are domestic DW Affairs to mention this alliance between the dwarves and their historic rival was not welcomed by all despite their Ingenuity and love of logic and reason the Deep folk were far from a hive mind the dwma clan Roan were appalled by jum's decision to make peace with the dra loving kaimer little is known of Clan roen but they were likely formidable and rather influential due to the reputation of their Chieftain the rocken chieftain possess the hammer of Might V and drum the hammer has manifested in many different ways over the erands but initially it appeared as a giant Warhammer forged from Dwarven Metal the arena description reads the hammer of Might voland drong is said to have been created by the dwarves of the now abandoned clan of roen hundreds of years before they disappeared from the world of Tamriel perhaps Malika in taking it as his artifact opted to change it to appear like it was forged from Ebony Ebony or Dwarven Metal whichever it is there is a strange association between the DW and the Orcs and we'll discuss it later in the fury section of the video jumak is often called dwarf King dwarf orc even jum Malika and if we we recall that Malik is just the cursed version of trinimac scorned and bitter we can see why he would align with the dwma the dwarves are natural enemies to both Nords and kimer the Nords follow Shaw trinimac's ancient Nemesis while the kimer follow Bia the one who humiliated trinimac and made him Malika more on that later the legend of Clan Roan's departure sent Tremors through tamrielic history according to the pocket guide to the Empire Third Edition the roen chieftain threw his mighty Hammer voland drung across Tamriel promising to lead his Clan's M to wherever it should fall this Mythic image has been depicted on the walls of several ruins in hammerfell a mass Exodus of golden clad dwarves trudging through the cilic forests voland drung a falling star in the night sky before them urging them on and from this legendary diaspora we get the name volenfell city of the hammer which would go on to be known more commonly as hammerfell the Flight of the Roans is not the only example of a major dwma dispute another emerged in response to kagrenac's grand scheme this disagreement would also lead to the dissolution of the First Council and all the chaos that unfolded in its wake High craft Lord kagrenac might have been acclaimed as the most illustrious tonal architect of his time but there were many among the DW in intelligencia who believed he had gone too far with his theories myopa enchantments striking flaying and focusing the power of a dead God's heart galvanizing a brass automaton of anti creation it was all too ambitious he was flying too close to Magnus yagar Bean says the following about his former Mentor the dwma were not unified in their thinking kagak and his tonal Architects among them beuan mazan believed they can improve the dwma race others argued that the attempt would be too great a risk some believed his tampering with such forces was profane and terribly dangerous Misan was intimately familiar with kagrenac's plans and wrote a reputation aimed at the high craft Lord's detractors called the Egg of time while we cannot decipher what mazan wrote the sketches seem to illustrate exactly how the tools of kagak would protect the dwarves from harm whatever his points might have been it was not enough to silence the voices of descent Bean proceeds to say Lord kagak the foremost Arcane philosopher and Mage crafter of my era devised tools to shape myopic forces intending to transcend the limits of dwma mortality however in reviewing his formula some logicians argued that side effects were unpredictable and errors might be catastrophic as as you can see even The Logical dwarves unfaltering in The Pursuit Of technological innovation could not come to a consensus on krak's designs we know that kagak is renowned for his fastidious nature but that still wasn't enough to secure the confidence of the greatest logicians it is also heavily implied that the nidian project was kept a secret from the king so even kagrenac and his most trusted Architects must have known the risks of what they sought to achieve if some dwarves considered the plan to tap the power of a god profane and terribly dangerous then how do you think the pious kaer would have reacted Q the notorious leader of the siik House vorin Deo while the DW and kimer cohabited the mainland of DWF venell was almost entirely reserved for the dwarves only one great house operated from the aisle and that was house Deo this house Fell From Grace after the coming events and as as a result not a great deal is known about them but from the remnants of their culture we can deduce that like the dwma house Deo had an affinity for magic or sound their shrines and rituals feature large bells and Chimes and I theorized in the past that these Chimes might have developed spiritual significance to them due to their proximity to the heart of Lan if the Chimes tinkle in rhythm with the heart perhaps they LED vorin Deo toward Red Mountain another as ECT of house de that implies a connection with the dwma is the mask vorin Deo dawn after becoming de ER it almost resembles a kind of stylized tonal attenuator and given the fact that de off er was able to infiltrate the dreams of the Dark Elves we can see a strong connection between his powers and the hypnotic psychological effects of tonal architecture for more information on the traitor house and morn's villain I'll leave a link to my de offer video in the description below according to VC in his account of the Battle of Red Mountain Deo was trusted as a friend by both nvar and the dwma so with all of this in mind it makes sense that vorin was the first non-dw to discover the heart of Lan and kagrenac's plans however it seems as though vorin Deo could not be trusted with this sensitive information some sources suggest he wished to see violence break out not just between the Allied races of the First Council but also with the Nords who would always go to war in the interest of their beloved Shaw from this point on I'll be referencing from two parallel yet crucially contradictory sources on the ensuing War there's V's account and there's the tribunal temples account they're in agreement over most of the facts pertaining to the outbreak of War but as the story progresses and becomes more hazy the sources diverge Deo Erb brought his findings to NVA and this greatly troubled the kimer according to the five songs of King wolf half he also made the journey to Skyrim to alert the Nords the veracity of this text is less certain than the other accounts of the upcoming War as it is more Legend than history for example in the previous song ory the snake summoned the ghost of aloin the dragon to eat every Nord down to six years old but boy wolf half pleaded to Shaw the dead Chieftain of the Gods to save them Shaw fought the Time Eater on the spirit plane and wola learned the shout what happens when you shake the dragon just so returning the Nords to normal while cursing the Orcs with human lifespans in retaliation therefore these songs are not to be taken too literally with that in mind here is what the songs say of vorin Deo in walked the devil of Deo who swore he came in peace moreover he told the Nords a wondrous thing he he knew where the heart of Shaw was long ago the chief of the Gods had been killed by Elven Giants and they ripped out Shaw's heart and used it as a standard to strike fear into the Nords this worked until isore shouted some sense and the Nords fought back again knowing that they were going to lose eventually the Elven Giants hid the heart of Shaw so that the Nords might never have their God back but here was the devil of Deo with good news the dwarves and Devils of the East Kingdom had his heart and this was the reason for their recent unrest the Nords asked the devil of why he might betray his country M so and he said that the Devils have betrayed each other since the beginning of time and this was so and so the Nords believed him the history suggests that there were Nords at the Battle of Red Mountain but whether vorin was responsible for their involvement is not known either way there is no doubt that the lord of House Deo was up to something nvar his Queen arm Alexia and his generals were deeply unsettled by the news nvar felt betrayed by jumak and as a staunch follower of Azora and the good dra such blasphemies could not be overlooked nvar however was not chosen as haor without good reason while his advisers implored him to declare war on the dwarves Nar attempted to exhaust all diplomatic options first for anyone unaware the title of haor is given to a chosen kaima or dhma during times where the unification of the great houses is essential when the stability of resan is in Jeopardy a strong leader can bypass individual gripes between houses in Latin hortor means inciter encourager exhorter urger it was a title often given to the Roman slave in charge of maintaining a beat for the slaves rowing battleships so nvar was ha atore because he incited the kaima into unified action in pursuit of a common goal nar's first course of action was to speak with his friend dumac if we look at V's account as true then this meeting was disrupted by kagrenac who did not appreciate being rebuked by the golden elves blinded by their piety FC writes kagak took great offense and asked whom nvar thought he was that he might presume to judge the Affairs of the dwma according to the tribunal temples account AK listened to his friend of old and it was revealed that kagak and the high Priests of the dwma had kept their new God secret from their King and dumac said the dwma were innocent of any wrongdoing this did little to assuage nar's fears though even if jumak was unaware of kagan's scheme the profane plans were still being carried out beneath Red Mountain so nvar did as he always did when he needed extra mundane counsel he sought out Aura in her Temple at Hol aain Azura confirmed that all that deer said was indeed true and that the new god of the dwma should be destroyed for the safety of not only resan but for the whole world when nvar went back and told his tribunal what the goddess had said his Queen and Generals felt themselves proved a right and again counseled him to war there were reasons that the DW and kimer had hated each other forever his Queen and Generals felt more than just Vindication they also used Lo the opportunity to push him into immediate action they again counseled him to war chiding Nara his naive trust in friendship and reminding narvar of his duty to protect the faith and security of the kaima against the impiety and dangerous ambition of the dwma and in their haste to confront the dwarves any semblance of the friendship between nvar and dumac was put to the torch finally Nar angered that his friend dumac would lie to him when back to Varden fell this time the kimer King was arrayed in arms and armor and had his hosts around him and he spoke harshly to dumac dwarf Ork king of Red Mountain you must give up your worship of the heart of Lan or I shall forget our friendship and the Deeds that were accomplished in its name and dumac who still knew nothing of kagrenac's new God but proud and protective as ever of his people said we shall not relinquish that which has been our way for years Beyond on Reckoning just as the kaimer will not relinquish their ties to the Lords and Ladies of Oblivion and to come at my door in this way array in arms and armor and with your hosts around you tells me you have already forgotten our friendship stand down my sweet narar or I swear by the 15 And1 Golden Tones I shall kill you and all your people and so began the war of the First Council the kaimer had a stronghold over the bulk of the Mainland of DW resan but venell was a formidable Island Not only was it naturally surrounded by the Inner Sea but the unforgiving terrain made a land assault a living nightmare for the kaimer fortunately a unified resane meant that the great houses of the Mainland could work alongside the nomadic ashlanders of Varden Fel their familiarity with the land would prove crucial in the efforts to besiege the dwma Bastion at Red Mountain as one of nar's closest advisers the was well placed to be priv to strategy meetings he writes the dwma were well defended by their Fortress at Red Mountain but nar's cunning Drew most of jum's armies out into the field and pinned them there while Nar de off er and a small group of companion could make their way into the heart chamber by secret means how nvar was able to enter the heart chamber isn't explicitly stated by either of the major sources however an unbiased but also likely inac accurate Imperial scholar wrote that after a brief Siege treason permitted narvar and his troops to enter the stronghold while one telani Wizard's informal history of the real narar stated that house Deo was aligned with the dwma at the beginning of the ultimate battle it states nvar mustered the other houses and Nomad tribes and marched to meet the dwma Deo Wester forces perhaps it was voren again who was responsible for the treason playing all sides of the conflict all texts relating to the Battle of Red Mountain claim that the Nords and Orcs participated and I'll include the Nordic perspective of what happened in the heart chamber for good measure but everything that went down in the core of Red Mountain on that day in first era 700 or 668 by Nordic accounts is perplexing there are so many varying accounts that it has led some Scholars to cry Dragon break of all the names of all the characters of this defining moment in history there are a few we can say with certainty were present in the heart chamber there was the horor indel Nar there was vorin dof ER there was dumac dwarf King and high priest kagrenac other sources claim High King wolf half was present as well as the ashlander companion to nvar alandro sa will discuss the variables and inconsistencies and the explanations of how the following events unfolded but once again there are some outcomes that cannot be denied such as the deaths of Nar and dumac the tragic fate of deur the Ascension of the Triune and of course The Disappearance of the dwma but first aists imagined retelling the high craft Lord lifted his skinny fist into the padded lining of RAF guard its myopic enchantment saturated his soul in molten brass protecting him from all blades spiritual and corporeal he Cur and unfolded armored fingers before his face plucking the Mundus myth strings and the bells in his beard jingled in response to the imperceptible drone between the golden Palisades kagak watched his mighty king clash with the chimer hortator a mirror image of trinimac and boia in the moraic with the power of mythopia the high priests saw a million identical battles each one reflected in another of the time dragon scales he was still mortal but the power coursing through his mortal veins gave him glimpses of divinity were the Ultima to see him in this moment they would see their precious scribe Zares for with this glove he could redact the orbic script and rewrite the DW's Divine The Mirage of myth faded when kagak saw his king fall from a grave wound mortal blood hemorrhaged from dumac chest where true flame a blade of dwary design had pierced him his blood flowed in synchronicity with the pulse of Lan the high craft Lord shed a tear for his beloved King but was emboldened by the certainty that jum's martyrdom would be repaid generously nvar had fallen too but the treacherous lord of the santic siik house approached there was no time it was time soon kagak and his people would stand outside of time and so like a preacher before his roing ous congregation kagran raised suer and brandished Keening ready to carry out an act of divine cardiopulmonary resusitation he turned to face the heart and his very bones palpitated with Every Blessed beat kagrenac struck the heart and Keening danced like a serpent before his eyes faying the power at impossible angles into unimaginable shapes heat and high Splendor pulled the essence from the priest's paws in a flash of blinding ineffable light all of kagrenac's Senses were suddenly extinguished in an instant less than an instant every member of the dwma race present in the Munda ceased to be some say they turned to Ash others say they simply blinked from existence but whatever happened in the heart chamber at the Crux of the Battle of Red Mountain erased the greatest race on Tamriel was it kagak who turned his tools on the heart was was it deur the truth is we'll never know as even the primary sources cannot be trusted nevertheless let's cover every documented recording of what took place starting with the mainstream accounts of VC and the tribunal Temple according to VC after infiltrating the heart chamber nvar the Kima King met dumac the dwarf King and they both collapsed from Grievous wounds and draining Magics with dumac fallen and threatened by deer and others kagak turned his tools upon the heart and nvar said he saw kagran and all his dwma companions at once disappear from the world in that instant dwma everywhere disappeared Without a Trace kagrenac's tools remained and Deo ER seized them and he carried them to Nar saying that fool kagran has destroyed his own people with these things we should destroy them right away lest they fall into the wrong hands but n was resolved to confer with his Queen and his generals who had foreseen that this war would come and whose Council he would not ignore again I will ask the tribunal what we shall do with them for they have had wisdom in the past that I had kned stay here loyal deer until I return so nvar told deur to protect the tools in the heart chamber until he returned nvar met with his Queen and Generals and told them of the wondrous power of the heart of Lan though they could not not be sure whether the dwarves had been destroyed or made Immortal after hearing Nar we gave our counsel as he requested proposing we should preserve these tools in trust for the welfare of the Kima people and who knows perhaps the DW are not gone forever but merely transported to some distant realm from which they may someday return to threaten our security once again therefore we need to keep these tools to study them and their principles so that we may be safe in future gener ations nvar acquiesced but insisted on swearing a solemn oath upon Azura never to let avarest take hold of them for it could result in the kimer sharing the DW's mysterious fate Nar VC Alexia and sasil they each swore their solemn OES but VOR and Deo had betrayed nar's trust and would not relinquish the tools believing they were far too dangerous for anyone else to possess we guessed that he had somehow been affected by his handling of the tools but now I feel sure that he had privately learned the powers of the tools and had in some confused way decided he must have them for himself then nvar and our guard resorted to force to secure the tools somehow deer and his retainers escaped but we gained the tools and delivered them to sasil for study and safekeeping Vex retelling may be the only firsthand one but he suspiciously adits any mention of nar's fate he moves on to talk about sofas cil's vision of a new world of peace with Justice and honor for Nobles and health and prosperity for the commoners with the tribunal as Immortal patrons and guides but when painted in such a benevolent light how could the free of them not put krak's tools to use it would have been a great disservice to the people of resan so they made their pilgrimage and carried out their rituals on the heart and thanks to sofas cil's research they were able to avoid avoid any negative consequences or so they fought but before we talk about what happened next let's see how the temples account differs from VX they both speak of nar's clash with dumac but this one claims kagak did not use the tools at all and actually includes nar's fate here is an excerpt Deo ER slew kagak and took the tools the dwma used to tap the power of the heart he went to his dying Lord nvar and asked him what to do with these tools and nvar summoned Aura again and she showed them how to use the tools to separate the power of the heart from the dwma people and on the fields the tribunal and their armies watched as the dwma turned into dust all around them as their stolen immortality was taken away back in Red Mountain nvar told de off er to protect the tools in the heart chamber until he returned deer said but shouldn't we destroy these tools at once so so that they might never be used for evil again but nvar was confused by his wounds and his sorrow for he still loved dumac and the dwma people and so went to the fields outside of Red Mountain to confer with his Queen and his generals so the temple asserts that kagak never touched the heart or if he did the results were negated by Azora and it was aora who caused The Disappearance while Azura's involvement is undeniable I find it highly unlikely that she would have actively helped Mortals tap the power of God whether they were her chosen people or not just like in V's account Deo ER counsels nvar to destroy the tools the most sacriligious diversion of the temple account from VC's account comes during the ritual to summon Aura V said they made their solemn OES and returned to fight the traitorous vorend Deo but the temple paints everything in a new light making arms ofi the villains and vorin the hero nvar told his Queen and Generals all that had transpired under Red Mountain and how the DW had used special tools to turn their people into Immortals and of the wondrous power of the heart of Lan the tribunal decided that the kaimer should learn how to use this power so that nvar might claim resan and the world for their people nvar did not expect or want this so he asked his Queen and Generals to help him summon Azora yet again for her guidance but the the tribunal had become as greedy as kagrenac upon hearing of the power of the heart and they coveted it they made ritual as if to summon Aura as Nar wanted but Al Alexia used poison candles and sasil used poison robes and VC used poisoned invocations nvar was murdered this ritual was not made for the Twilight Prince but for their own poisoned apoio their legacies would be marred by this foul m murder and while they may bury the truth it would always resurface again and again like a blight scarred Beast aora had watched from her throne in Moon Shadow and manifested before her children free appalled by their blasphemy she scolded the greedy traitors who had murdered their Noble leader and told them nvar would come again and deliver divine retribution the temple account recalls aura's words what you have done here today is foul beyond measure and you will grow to regret it for the lives of gods are not what Mortals think and matters that weigh only years to Mortals weigh on gods forever but as we saw with the dwarf nilar no slight against aora goes unpunished in an instant the Glorious golden skin of the Kima lost its luster and Faded to gray the next blink bled the gold from every kimer ey and like ocular blisters turned blood red she said let this Mark remind you of your true selves who like ghouls fed on the nobility heroism and Trust of their King it is in response to the curse according to the temple that Alvi confronted voren Deo vorin had been loyal to The Bitter End and fought nar's Queen and Generals to avenge his dear friend but since vet claims vorin was the traitor azor's curse took place after the tribunal turned krak's tools upon the heart in bolded by their Newfound godhood sasil rebutted aura's frats he said the old gods are cruel and arbitrary and distant from the hopes and fears of my your ages passed we are the new Gods born of Flesh and wise in caring of the needs of our people spare us your Frets and chiding in constant Spirit we are bold and fresh and will not fear you but set had overstepped and aura's words rattled their demigod arrogance you have chosen your fate and the fate of your people and all the dunmer shall share your fate from now to the end of time you think yourselves Gods but you are blind and all is Darkness the ashlander tribes who aren't really partial to quill and parchment have their own oral Traditions regarding what happened in the heart chamber it seems to combine elements of the two previous accounts playing up the virtue of the dunmer while downplaying the significance of the tribunal whom they would never worship even at the Apex of their power you can get an idea of their biases immediately in the text nvar moon and star which comes from a collection of Imperial monographs based on ashlander Legends in ancient days the Deep elves and a great host of Outlanders from the West came to steal the land of the dunmer of course the Deep elves would have a thing or two to say about the claim that venell was the land of the dunmer but they're not really in the best position to fact check anyone these days despite nar's commitment to the great house political structure his Devotion to aora led the ashlanders to support him the ashlanders are staunch supporters of the good dra never faltering from the original kaima Gods as a result they are unafraid to condemn the wicked Deeds of the tribunal the monograph reads though many dunmer tribesmen and housemen died at Red Mountain the DW were defeated and their evil Magics destroyed and The Outlanders driven from the land but after this great Victory the power hungry KHS of the great houses slew nvar in secret and setting themselves up as Gods neglected nar's Promises to the tribes the devil of Deo even has his own primary explanation of what took place and we can learn about it from his letter to the Narine requesting a truce between a God and his former master once we were friends and brothers Lord nvar in peace and in war no Houseman ever served you better or more Faithfully much that I did was at your command at Great cost to myself and my honor yet beneath Red Mountain you struck me down as I guarded the treasure you bound Me by oath to defend it was a cruel blow a bitter betrayal to be faed by your hand granted we really can't put much faith in the words of deur who seemed to be playing all possible sides during the buildup to the war of the First Council but it's interesting that his account corroborates VX Viet claimed that nvar was with them when they confronted deur the temple account would have placed arms's foul murder of nvar before the confrontation with vorin to make matters even more confusing we have the cryptic songs of King wolf half wolf half was once High King of Skyrim but he has been reborn in Life and Legend many times and that is because because he is a shezzarine an avatar of the god of mankind the god in question is shazar Shaw or in the crucial context of this video lan so when the devil of Deo told the Nords that the dwarves had discovered their precious God's heart the most powerful tongues congregated on the throat of the world and sung Shaw's ghost into the world again but of course without a heart the dead God could not truly lead the Northman Shaw therefore needed an avatar who could take the shape of a man and be the spear tip in the Nordic Vanguard Shaw gathered an army as he did of old and then he sucked in the long strewn ashes of King wolf half and remade him for he needed a good General thus the Nords joined the war and took part in the Fateful Battle of Red Mountain from here the fifth song of wolf half descends into myth only unlike krak's efforts to make his own myths become reality this myth holds little truth and is more allegorical the song claims that Deo had been spouting lies and the heart was never in the East instead the kimer and dmer had United against the Nords as they had centuries prior after coaxing Shaw out of his home in the north they lifted the mountain and trapped him beneath it with a rage that could not be captured even in the tallest of tales wolf half Unleashed upon the lying devils and the cave dwelling worm elves the song States that King wolf half killed King jum Malika the dwarf and doomed his people but as the secret song conceded this fifth song held no truth the heart of Shaw had been beneath Red Mountain the secret song offers an interesting perspective on the battle for a start it says that the Devils had sent deur to Lan for that is what they called sha in resan so that the god might wreak Vengeance on the dwarves for their hubris we know through phenomena like the shezzarine means that lan can impose his will upon the Mundus even in death it is his realm after all and his heart is the heart of the world for one was made to satisfy the other does that mean that Lan actively decided to punish the dwma for their Brazen attempts to steal his divine power the secret song quotes loan's own words I do not wreak Vengeance on the dwarfes for the reasons that the tribunal might believe I do nevertheless it is true that they will die by my hand and any whoever should side with them this nvar is the son of boia one of the strongest pmics What followed was The Clash of nvar his shield companion alandro Saul and dumac against Lan wolf half and Deo ER if the Nordic Legends are true then nvar fought alongside dumac until The Bitter End and was involved in the process of tapping Lan's heart while it is impossible to know what exactly happened with in the heart chamber on that day I can say with confidence that the Nordic account is the furest from the truth nvar was aura's champion and perhaps in a metaphorical sense he was the son of boia but as much as the Nords May squirm at what I'm about to say boia loves Lan and no son of hers would harm the heart of Lan in fact I'd go as far as to say it is the kimer Race's Paramount purpose to protect the heart from whatever the dwma planned to do with it this is a the I've discussed at Great length in videos from a previous Drew cper and we'll delve into in a future Deep dive but in short there is no chance the DW and the kimer fought side by side it would undermine everything we know about the war of the First Council and the smoking sword that proves this comes from the fragment of true flame nar's blade in third era 427 the Narine recovered the fragments of true flame and one piece was found embedded within a dwma battles Shield the final account I'll mention is actually VC again after spending centuries as a demigod pondering matters past present and future it appears the warrior poet wish to confess his crimes Azora predicted this when she said what you have done here today is foul beyond measure and you will grow to regret it for the lives of gods are not what Mortals think and matters that weigh only years to Mortals weigh on gods forever in sermon 36 of his lessons Viet goes into more detail about the Battle of Red Mountain the truth of what happened is hidden beneath the words forming a tower in the shape of the letter eye here is sermon 36 in full for these were the days of resd Dania when kimer and dwma lived under the wise and benevolent rule of the Alvi and their Champion the hortor though the dwma had become foolish and challenged their masters out of their fortresses they came with golden biste that walked and mighty at archs and things that spat flame and things that made killing songs their King was dumac dwarf Ork but their high priest was kagrenac the blighter under mountains and over them the war with the dwma was raged and then came the northern men to help kagrenac and they brought ismir again leading the armies of the kaima was the slave that would not perish the haor nvar who had traded his axe for the ephos knife he slew dumac at red mountain and saw the heart bone for the first time men of brass destroyed the 11 Gates of the morning hold and behind them came The dwary Architects of tone am threw down her cloak and became the face snaked Queen of the threein one those that looked upon her were overcome by the meanings of the stars under the sea set stirred and brought the Army he had been working on in the castles of glass and coral Clockwork drags mockeries of the DW Mery war machines rose up from the Seas and took their counterparts back beneath where they were swallowed Forever by the Sea Red Mountain exploded as the haor went too far inside seeking the sharmat dwary high priest kagak then revealed that which he had built in the image of VC it was a walking star which burnt the armies of the Triune and destroyed the heartland of vof creating the Inner Sea each of the aspects of Alvi then rose up together combining as one and showed the world the SI path am took from the Star its fire set took from it its mystery and VEC took from it its feet which had been constructed before the gift of molak Bal and destroyed in the manner of Truth by a great hammering when the soul of the DW could walk no more they were removed from this World resd dania was no more it had been redeemed of all the iniquities of the foolish the armi Drew Nets from from the beginning place and captured the ash of Red Mountain which they knew was the blight of the dwma and that would serve only to infect the whole of the middle world and ate it alter dun done Mary the beginning of the words is armi I give you this as VC as with every one of V's sermons there is a great deal of delic detail to dissect and much of that we'll have to wait for another time but there are some important lines to hone in on kagak Bo Ed many grandio titles like high priest and high craft Lord but in lesson 36 Vic provides a rather less flattering name kagrenac the blighter and when you think of the blight you may think of the Divine airborne disease emanating from Red Mountain corrupting the Flesh and deteriorating the minds of all The Mortals it touches kagak the blighters attempts to create an ungod was a blight on the peace between kimer and dwma a blight on De off Earth her and all those who came into contact with the profane Powers at play and a blight on his people it is no coincidence that corprus the Divine disease emerg from the sight of kagrenac's blasphemy V says that nvar put away his axe and Drew the ephos knife but what is the ephos knife this is not a question we can answer definitively and this may be just another of the warrior poet's esoteric ravings but it seems the term for knife is used to refer to a philosophical spiritual Force rather than a temporal blade made for violence just as mayon's razor seems to cut nimic as well as flesh earlier in Vex lessons nvar appears to have misinterpreted VC's advice to reach heaven by violence he had taken an axe from the fight racks and wielded it in the lunar Realm of the first moon Massa as I said there is a lot of law here that I need to avoid cramming into a video on the dwma but VC's emphasis on nvar abandoning his physical weapon and adopting a metaphysical one speaks to the power of the forces at play during the red moment in the heart chamber VC could used the ephos knife against one of his own children SED during his nuptuals with Molag Bal this child was named har note or city face and he was a grabber from the adjacent Place City face was corrupted by the Grabbers who had never built a city of Their Own and coveted The Marvelous city of a city face had found root in the minds of Mortals and was fascinated by the veiled astrology of their brains and the star charts that made up their societies its curiosity LED it sideways to the adjacent place as if its investigation into the mechanical astrological workings of the Mortal Soul had caused it to calculate itself out of reality of course a child of Molag bals would have a desire to steal from the Mundus just look at Cold Harbor but VC used the ephos knife to fart City face in trying to interpret the 36 lessons I'm straying away from law and into serious speculation so I'll rein it in but Viet Compares Han note to the high Priests of the dwma perhaps he's suggesting that the numidium is also too calculated to conform to the strictures of the Mundus and threatened to undo the ephos of the Mundus ephos Loosely means the spirit of something the way it works the defining characteristics and the Mundus was made with limitations baked in to outgrow these limitations following one of the six seldom trod Pathways to Heaven is to break the ephos of the Mortal realm we'll tackle more of the metaphysical consequences of the numidium existence later in the video but in summary I believe nar's brandishing of the ephos knife was a means of reposting kagrenac's Mund shattering scheme kagak had not truly built his walking star in the image of a but they were both Gods powered by the heart of Lan and when the dmer at once disappeared from the world they lost their feet and as a result they lost their method of following the hexagonal Waring ways the final comment I'll make about this 36th sermon comes from the letter I that I mentioned before the truth of the red moment VC hid the words foul murder at the beginning of each line unlike his very carefully worded account of the battle lesson 36 is V's confession his Duality means that he is simultaneously the demigod traitor and also nar's trusted adviser the guilt of his latter identity overtook him in writing this lesson and the red moment became a great howling unchecked we've trudged through a swamp of conflicting accounts some Fairly reliable others closer to myth but none perfectly accurate this is one of those mysteries in the Lauren history of the orbit that will never be deciphered some say the red moment was actually a dragon break and when combined with the numerous explanations for The Disappearance of the dwma the involvement of the ungod and the Divine disturbance resonating from the guts of Red Mountain ever after it's a reasonable assumption we'll explore this Dragon break and the ramifications of it very soon but I think it's time to discuss the elephant not in the room what happened to the dwma you might have seen my video on five dwma disappearance theories from last year and if not I'll leave a link to it in the description below in that video I suggested a couple of simple explanations including the potential involvement of Azora when Alvi betrayed narar and turned the tools upon the heart Aura appeared and cursed the kaimer to live as dma this was quite the Display of Power could Azura have done the same in kagrenac's climactic moment of all the theories this seems like the least likely sasil was meticulous in his study of the tools and unlike kagak was not pressured to use them prematurely they were punished for their insolence for their hubris and for betraying Nar moon and star who was dear to aora aora may have had experience punishing dwarves in the past but kagrenac's crimes transcended her vain motivations the high craft Lord did not slight her he tampered with the fabric of the Mundus another possible explanation comes from the last living dwarf yagrum ban despite being a master crafter in service to the high craft lord ban was not entirely sure of what kagran hoped to achieve and what he did in fact achieve in his own words he could not match the genius of Lord kagran therefore he only offers speculation during the red moment yagar and bean had been in an outer Realm which is a vague description but likely refers to a realm of Oblivion or aerious outside of the confines of the mundas so when kagak meddled with the fabric of Lan's realm ban would have understandably been Out Of Reach and not subject to the rules and limitations at play when asked if he has any theories regarding The Disappearance Bean says I think kranak might have succeeded in granting our race eternal life with unforeseen consequences such as wholesale displacement to an outer realm or he may have Ed and utterly destroyed our race while I think it is unlikely that kagran displaced the dwma to an outer realm I think Bean's absence from the mundas and his subsequent avoidance of any ramifications provides strong evidence for the idea that whatever kagak did was more significant than displacement what if he had utterly destroyed the dwma race well that leads us to one of the most common theories regarding The Disappearance the Zero Sum this concept is not explicitly mentioned within the cannon of the Elder Scrolls universe but I consider it worth mentioning V described the process of achieving Kim as a secret Tower he Illustrated the orbis as a wheel with ethereum as the rim the Earth bones as the spokes Oblivion as the spaces between the spokes and Mundus as the Hub to achieve Kim the secret syllable of royalty High Splendor one must gaze upon the Wheel from the side from this perspective the knowable universe takes the shape of the secret Tower the name of God and that is I so it would align with the cannon to interpret achieving Kim as a form of lucid dreaming VC gazed upon the orbits and discovered a new kind of Duality when describing VC sasil says vivet craves radical Freedom the death of all limits and restrictions he wishes to be all things at all times every race every gender every hero both Divine and finite but in the end he can only be VC V's anticipation is mafala and he shares elements of her sphere the text titled vean mafala elaborates mafala is the demon of murder sex and secrets all of these themes contain subtle aspects and violent ones assassination genocide courtship orgy tact and poetic truths mafala is understood paradoxically to contain and integrate these contradictory themes and all these subtle undercurrents and contradictions are present in the dunmer concepts of VC even if they are not explicitly described and explained in Temple Doctrine VC is a warrior and a poet a myr and a god this is why the side of him that love nvar felt compelled to confess his great sin this is also why he's well suited to the revelation of the secret Tower he knew he was a tiny part of the godheads dream and therefore his existence was meaningless he simultaneously had an ego powerful enough to turn this knowledge into a weapon to become Lucid the DW on the other hand kneel before no gods and only adhere to logic and reason what if when kagak struck the heart of Lan with his tools he and the dwma people faced the overwhelming force of enlightenment just as VC did only unlike the warrior poet their concept organs failed to conjure up some arbitrary metaphysical means to continue existing they simply could not wrap their reasonable Minds around the reality that they did not truly exist thus they did not lucid dream they instead left the dream entirely boom Zero Sum Gone without a trace the flaw in this theory is that the dwma despite having technology that allowed them to use some kind of of telepathy and not a hive mind why did the whole race vanish why not just kagrenac there are also Ash piles in some dma ruins the other counterargument comes from the competency of the high craft Lord what if he knew the consequences of his actions and actually succeeded in his task as yagam Bagan mentioned kagak was not the type to take risks without making all of the necessary calculations first well this is where the theories become even more abstract we'll need to stray a bit from the cannon and Dawn our conical Dwarven Metal hats if we are willing to put Faith in the meticulousness of the dwma and in kagrenac's hypotheses then we must humor the possibility that The Disappearance of the deep folk was all part of the plan the neidium is commonly called The Brass God but this is a misconception and a simplification the neidium skin is made from Dwarven Metal not brass and Dwarven Metal possesses some indeterminate ingredient that no other race can replicate perhaps that ingredient is the soul of a dwarf or the conglomerate of every soul of every member of the dwma race this next source is not canon but comes from a 1999 interview copyrighted by Bethesda it is called skeleton man's interview with the Dennison of Tamriel and provides some fascinating insight into the neidium zal a marati selective stationed at Port tanes has this to say about kagak scheme the brass God is anomid the prime Gestalt he is also called The Divine Skin the first to see him was kagak of venell the wisest of the tonal Architects do not think as others do that kagak created the anomid for petty motivations such as the reputation of the Gods kagran was devoted to his people and the dwarves despite what you may have read were a Pious lot he wouldn't have sacrificed so many of their golden Souls to create anomid him's metal body if it were all in the name of Grand Theater the automatons that wander the abandoned Halls of the dwma are powered by Soul Gems the dwarves were no strangers to enchanting could the neidium have been essentially an enormous automaton designed under the same principles only using an astronomically large quantity of Souls and the divine power of a God to Galvanize it what are souls if not tiny pieces of Arcane ethereal energy are the gods not made from the same energy I want to digress momentarily to tell a personal story this will undoubtedly reveal to some of you just how ignorant and uninformed I am when it comes to the Sciences Beyond elder scroll's law and some random parts of History I really don't have much of a clue about anything but when I was young I remember being uninterested in Science Biology made me feel uneasy and I struggled to comprehend that this very personal magical experience I was having in the form of Consciousness could all be explained Away by anatomical diagrams to this day I'm unsettled by the thought of the imperfect organic mess that somehow functions underneath my skin chemistry bored me because there were so many elements and their interactions felt arbitrary to me I preferred to find meaning in English class in stories in Humanities and physics use logic to dismantle all the magic of the unknown it's hard to believe in Gods when distant St can be made mundane by identifying its ingredients hydrogen and helium where's the Wonder in that but then I decided just because we've named these elements it doesn't take the magic out of them humans are intelligent but our understanding is minute insignificant in the grand scheme of things I realized that just because we know what elements make up a star there's really nothing less magical about it who's to say that stars that exploded in the distant past were not akin to God when Humanity eventually wipes itself out all that will remain is some carbon and calcium and some of the other elements that bored me with their mundane names were another life form to find these Trace elements they'd have no idea of the lives those elements once lived they won't know that this idiot made a 3-hour video on a fictional race of elves and for that we should all Envy them the reason I felt like making this impromptu digression is because the dwma needed to reconcile their logic and reason with the chaotic pmic wonders of the orbits in order to truly innovate and to prove that Mortals were not inferior to Immortal Spirits they needed to channel the measurable as well as the immeasurable elements of the universe they did not subscribe to any anuic or pmic religions but acknowledged the power of their interplay what is light without darkness and what is Darkness without light alone Immortals anuic animus was not significant but but unified they could construct the ungod skeleton they provided its anuic shell and within its core the heart of padm Lan would bring it to life the title of prime gastal does not appear in any Canon texts yet it is still a title worth analyzing gastal means a form or shape that is more than the sum of its parts a mortal soul is not powerful enough to be considered a god nor is a giant automaton nor is the Torn Free dormant heart of a dead God but together together you have the walking star the Dwarven Metal Tower the idea that kagrenac soul trap the dwma is not without its Cannon justifications either when tpim possessed the neidium his battle mage zurin arus charged it with a massive soul gem called the Mantella in order to power the walking God the Mantella absorbed The Souls of arctus and also ismir wolar we also saw in for era 2011 Aral gain of the Winter Hold College used the tool Keening on a soul gem Aral gain subsequently vanished if we buy into this Theory then we have an explanation not only for The Disappearance of the dwma but also the inimitable properties of Dwarven Metal so next time you Dawn Dwarven Metal armor keep in mind that you might just be wearing a dwarf while that theory is farfetched it at least has the decency to conform with the dragon's time bound Tale But if we human the possibility that the red moment was a dragon break rather than merely a series of conflicting accounts then the door is open for even stranger theories could it be that the dwma entered an infinite time Loop beginning and ending at the moment kagak strikes the heart of Lan we know from the warp in the west that the numidium is often embroiled in time shattering Shenanigans and there are even examples of Dwarven Technologies designed to meddle with the dragon in the ruins of neuen cast beneath Skyrim there is a device that looks like an artificial sun which can realign the flow of time by using temporal and spatial Distortion but why would time be important for kagran when creating a god well we know from Azora and from the nature of Oblivion Realms that time operates differently outside of the strictures of the mundas haskill claims that time is subjective in the Shivering aisles and Aura says the lives of gods are not what Mortals think and matters that weigh on the years to Mortals weigh on gods forever and if we analyze the words of the tribunal account nvar at Red Mountain specifically where VOR and Deo learns of the dwma discovery we may just have a motive house Deo had discovered the source of the profane and secret power of the dwma the legendary heart of Lan which dumac people had used to make themselves Immortal and Beyond the measure of the Gods in fact one of their High priests kagrenac was building a new God so that the DW could claim resan for their own there are two things that jump out at me here firstly is the fact that it says jum's people had used the heart to make themselves Immortal krak's plan failed didn't it they were not Immortal at this point in the story for the heart had not even been struck yet secondly we are led to believe that the purpose of this new God is to achieve immortality and godhood not to conquer resan both of these things can be chalked up to the wording choice of the author and also the fact that from a kimer perspective it would be reasonable to assume the dwma wished to rule over them and were therefore enemies but the telani Sorcerer And prominent dwma scholar baladas Dem naani offered some interesting insights into the dmer ambition to manipulate the dragon he says as the books and other artifacts in dwma Ruins rarely show signs of wear and age I believe that the dwma knew of a preservative effect perhaps a device still active which denies or controls the Earth bones governing time and Decay he also says it was unfashionable among the dwma to view their Spirits as synthetic constructs three four or 40 creational gradients below the Divine during the dawn era they researched the death of the earth bones what we call now the laws of nature dissecting the process of the Sacred willing itself into the profane I believe their mechanists and tonal Architects discovered systematic regression techniques to perform the reverse that is to create the sacred from the deaths of the profane when the ATO were trapped in Lan's creation and the realm of limitation which red of syphus gradually sapped their divine power many of the gods made themselves into the Earth bones they gave the Munda structure laws of nature and physics but it came at a hefty price Dem naani is asserting that the dwma who did not view themselves as below the gods sought to reverse engineer this Divine deterioration they looked at the Limitless Divine Spirits turning themselves into limited Earth bones and believe that this was sufficient precedent to go from limited mortal to Limitless Divine the Ultima always claimed that elves were descendants of the Gods so would this not prove a direct lineage between Mortal and divine if the Earth bones put the laws of nature in place and attached the Mortal realm to the decaying influence of time then maybe they could retrace the steps of the Gods to a point where they would be unaffected by time the creational gradients Dem naani speaks of are the degrees of separation between God and Mortal from at original Spirits down to eln down to mortality Dem naani refers to dwma Technologies as anti creations and that is because they are trying to reverse the degenerative steps of creation what's more this Theory actually ties in with the previous theory that the dwma became the skin of the neidium the dwma disappear when kagak strikes the heart of Lan with his tools and the dwarves of that cper become the inimitable brass likee metal which defies time and Decay and when the cper ends and the dawn era restarts the dwma returned to the Mortal realm with all their Creations intact Ed by The Souls of the dwarves from the previous attempt to achieve Divinity the downside is if this crackpot Theory were true then kagak must have ER for the dwma Do Not retain their memory of the previous kalpa that memory flows as water into the Inner Sea the dwarves must then ReDiscover the heart of Lan and reconstruct their God and send themselves back to the dawn I'm sure there are dozens of other theories regarding The Disappearance of the dwma it is is a question we will never have an answer for but there are so many other dwma Mysteries we may yet find answers to were the dwarves related to the Orcs what were the Dwarves of Skyrim truly doing what will happen to the Towering brass elephant lying dormant within Red Mountain I've seen rustlings of forbidden Furies tying the dwarves to the Orcs why was King dumac often called dwarf Ork or even do Malika why did King roen possess voland drung I believe this confusion has a fairly straightforward explanation there are incredibly complex theories connecting the two but I think it comes down to the Nords and their animal totem god named Ori firstly the main source referring to jumak as dwarf fork and Drew Malika is the five songs of King wolar and if we look at the snake God Ori we'll see that he combines aspects of Malika and AR in Nordic Tales Ori actually had had some power over time and bound them the Nords to the count of winters it is an interesting coincidence after all that talk of the dwma manipulating time Malika is of course associated with Orcs but not really with dwarves AR is also commonly associated with zakes and is believed to be the imperialized version of him zaris is the Scribe the Divine historian and AR's most well-known story of his first for knowledge leading to his apotheosis there are lots of small similarities between zari's Arc and the dwma but not enough for the Nords to mistake the dwarves for Orcs I could elaborate on this for hours and there are Anonymous scholarly texts in the library of Tes law that delve into this bizarre Theory but I don't subscribe to any of them really the reason I consider the dwarf or connection noteworthy is because of the relationship between the gods of the the Nords the kaimer and the Orcs I'm not going to try to convince you that the Deep folk have any relation to the Pariah folk but I can explain why spiteful Malika would Aid the dwarves in their impire plans Malik was once trinimac the Paragon the golden champion of the old eln despite being the strongest of the atada trinimac's response to the Thundering was to mourn his loss of divinity boia the precocious youth saw things differently Bia knew of the sigic Endeavor of the walking ways for Mortals to become makers so she appeared before trinimac's followers and told them of the paragon's lies What followed was the classic story of trinimac's feal humiliation he was devoured and Bia relieved herself before the gathered masses defecating the golden champion in a heap of divine dung a heap named Malika Malika would tell you this story is metaphorical and if I'd passed through the anus of the dark mistress I'd try to dispel the rumors too sadly that's the kind of stink that stays with you whatever the case trinimac was transmogrified into a foul mockery of his former self he retained his power but lost the support of the masses he kept only his most loyal followers and let vendettas rule his heart so when boia LED trinx former worshippers to resan and turned them into the golden skinned kimer Malika was understandably embittered she had digested his golden hue and regurgitated it over her new flock these changed ones were taught to deny the gods of the alma and became padmi in nature venerating the good dra at the heart of this religion I believe was a love for Lan the creator of the Mortal realm boia preached that the Mundus was not a trap but a test of mind might and wit and I also believe that her love for Lan is why the changed folk were shepherded to the Northeast they existed to fart the dwma in their sacrilegious scheme Malika is the patron of the spurned and the ostracized making him the overseer of the Orcs but he is also the god of curses and Vengeance so when he noticed that the dwma were the enemies of the kaima and did not see Lan nor the good dra as sacred he smelled opportunity I believe this context provides more than enough justification for why Malika might have worked alongside the dwma in creating relics like voland and why he might have even blessed jumak dwarf or jum Malik in his plight against the kaimer but the truth is the petty squabbles of the dra Lords meant nothing to the dwma in the East they Ward with padic changed elves in the west they carved a home for themselves in a land INF invested with goblins and in the north they callously betrayed and Enslaved the anuic snow elves so relentless were the northern dwarves in their Pursuit for knowledge that they defiled the rights of hospitality promised to the fmer one look at their culture and you'd never make the mistake of thinking the Deep elves cared for making friends Divine or otherwise Clan roron was the earliest documented example of a Dwarven diaspora from resan this occurred sometime after first era 416 when the first Council was formed One Source penned by a Hoven scholar named n asserts that another clan named Clan Kagen followed in Roan's footsteps founded the city of aram's F and paved the way for future Westwood expansions when they migrated they did not chase a hammer but instead chose the mineral Rich North but it would seem that nor was mistaken as there is evidence to suggest that the dwarves were well established in Skyrim centuries before the formation of the First Council the dunmer Taran df's account of the eperium wars which was actually stolen from his master katria's research implies that the dwma were already harvesting eperium in the north long before the text vaguely dates the eperium wars as taking place in the Years following King Harold's Reign King Harold died in first era 221 and it would be strange to ref Harold if the dwarves wouldn't even settle in Skyrim for another 200 years and to further debunk n's timeline we know that the Nords drove the snow elves out of Skyrim by first era 143 I'm not sure how the fmer could seek refuge in the Realms of the deep elves if they didn't arrive for another three centuries whatever the case the dwma were undoubtedly living under the feet of the Nords and the fmer Skyrim is not an easy place to live the fmer snow elves were well suited to The Climate as were the Nordic Children of the sky who carried a wind with them but beneath the Earth Geo firal energy provided warmth and the immense Subterranean Cavern of foul zard Doom din or Blackreach as it is commonly known made for a unique and fascinating relationship between the city states exact dates will always be hard to find with anything related to the dwarves but in the ruins dotting Skyrim we can learn a great deal about the culture of the northern dwma like the DW of the East The Dwarves of Skyrim filled their domain with wondrous Creations they had aaries and automatons great halls and lifts but they also had Innovations unseen anywhere else like the Magnificent artificial Suns within black reach that may just have possessed the power to manipulate time and they even possessed an elder scroll devising technologies that would allow them to decipher them without going blind it would appear the northern dwarves were no less ambitious in their schemes than kagak and his tonal Architects for the DW of Skyrim everything pivoted around the vast underground expanse of black reach some of the most prominent Dwarven citadels were connected to this Grand underground Cavern by great lifts linking the surface to the depths foremost among the Dwarven citadels were aland Mazin ralar kand and aranam the first free all featuring great lifts so long as these city states were unified there was little the Nords could do to weed them out alas peace would not last as a resource of gross power was discovered in this Bountiful Northern realm a luminescent blue crystal called aerium in the late mfic early first eras the dwma would not the only Advanced civilization in the heartland of serit the aliad were flourishing they they conquered the perilous jungles and their citadels were as marvelous as they were enduring even in modern times Millennia after their initial construction and the fall of their glorious Empire aliad architecture serves as a constant reminder to cilic humans that the aliad were preeminent the aliad differed from the dwma in one fundamental way they could not live without the wonders of the cosmos overhead while they did dwell beneath the ground the external parts of their citadels were built to bask in Starlight their Architects worked exclusively with Pale Stone which was scrupulously shaped and laid by an infinite supply of nedic slaves and the resulting circular structures stood Regal and resplendent amid the chaos of the jungle at the Pinnacle of these constructions the aliad placed Wells designed to collect the energy of the stars above the aliad believe that ner was composed of four elements Earth air water and not fire but light all of the greatest alien Innovations came from light a common aladon phrase goes a Molag and yamus a l Maga from fire life from light magic with the power of Starlight as well as Cosmic debris in the form of meteoric iron glass and etheral fragments the aliad cut welkin and Vala Stones capable of replenishing magika even storing the memories of the dead I'll refrain from delving into the incredible inventions of the aliad for now for they'll have their own video but the dwma found gems of similar otherworldly potential in the form of eperium how fragments of aerious managed to borrow their way so deep underground isn't explicitly stated in any histories or geological studies but it stands to reason that a realm created and upheld by the spirits of aerious would contain the residue of said Spirits whatever the case the dwma recognized the Transcendent power of this coruscating blue crystal and it soon spread disharmony among the dwarves disharmony that the Nords above ground were quick to capitalize on according to the text titled the eperium wars by catria modern Scholars know eperium as a rare luminescent blue crystal found in some dwma ruins most consider it little more than a curiosity as it has proven all but impossible to work with while it has a strong magical Aura it is alchemically inerted and no known process can enchant smelt mold bind or Break It to the dwarves of course such problems were merely a challenge in the Years following King Harold's Reign the DW discovered a considerable source of eperium in their deepest delvings an alliance of four cities led by arant Tams the great Research Center in in the southern reach was formed to oversee its extraction processing and study and a new ethereum Forge constructed to smelted under precisely controlled conditions the items produced by the forge were artifacts of immense power imbued from the moment of their Creation with powerful enchantments the Dwarven Alliance shattered almost immediately as the four city states and their Rivals attempted to claim the forge this is yet another example of the dwma to despite their Ingenuity not being unified the Western dwarves denounced jum's alliance with the kaima the Eastern dwarves disputed over krak's brazenness and now the northern dwarves clashed over control of the eperium forge it would appear that this decades long infighting exhausted the northern dwma to such an extent that the Nords under highing G managed to conquer the dwarves I put the word conquer in inverted commas because I'm not exactly sure what this this means even in modern times after The Disappearance of the dwma only a handful of Brave adventurers have managed to make it into a ruin without being immediately executed by an automaton granted the Nords were in their Prime during the first few centuries of the first era but I find it hard to believe that they could exercise control over the dwarves dwelling underground this Conquest might have kept them from surfacing but that's about it in the wake of the wars it seems the dwarves stopped their Research into eperium and the Great Lift at Beal was sealed despite this the dwma continued to rule the depths of Skyrim for several centuries to come the northern dwarves were unique in their Research into eperium but that was not all we know they possessed an elder scroll and had a disturbing relationship with the fmer snow elves if you've seen my video on the fmer you'll know that I believe there's a connection between these two topics and I'll summarize that theory soon but but sometime prior to the epherium wars in or around the mid-second century of the first era the snow elves came to the great brass Gates of the Dwemer seeking Asylum the dwarves took them in at a cost and when the snow prins fell to the ground the ey selves divided above and below now vanquished and brutally bound one moment had shattered all they did know the once Co wind on their skin now replaced with the heat of the flame name and a pride once felt deep within forgotten along with their name torn from their home of ice and frost thrown into the pitch black dread of night living in fear as their minds become lost as their eyes begin dimming the light Chained and enslaved what once was light turned to Blackness alone and betrayed sinking deeper into Madness though the snow elves had admired their Subterranean neighbors they were not close allies Li Devotion to the anuic gods was Paramount for the fmer and the light of Magnus was crucial for sustenance as well as spirituality to descend into the domain of the deep elves was not a decision made lightly the dwma nevertheless opened their doors if you've adventured the northern Tundras you've doubtless seen what became of the pure and Pious elves a race aligned with magnus's Majestic Meridian their pale eyes cast toward the clear frigid sky now hunched and sunlight starved mindless and blind how they ended up this way has long been the subject of debate for Scholars the consensus sits at poisoning but I've always struggled to understand why the DW would opt for such brutal and impractical torment celo Stone offers some insight into the motivations of the dwarves in accepting the fmer refugees while no official translation of the stone exists in Skyrim celmo was on the brink of releasing his Guide to the fmer tongue in Forth era 2011 and Kirk colan one of the key contributors to the lore of the Elder Scrolls offered this direct translation and so it was that your people were given passage to our steam Gardens and the protections of our power many of your people had perished under the Roaring snowf FR Kings of Mora and your Wills were broken and we heard you and sent our machines against your enemies to their B take you under only by the grace of the DW did your culture survive and only by the 15 in1 tones did your new lives begin we do not desire thanks for we do not believe in it we do not ask for gratitude for we do not believe in it we only request you partake of the symbol of our bond the fruit of the stones around us and as your vision clouds as the darkness sets in fear not know only our mercy and the radiance of of our affection which unbinds your bones to the Earth before and sets your final path to the music of your new eternity why did the dwarves force them to ingest the fruit of the stones did they wish to make slaves of the snow elves with the abundance of subservient animunculi I find that unlikely did they fear a forceful Takeover in the depths beneath the world where the dwarves see clearly and the Falmer fumble in the dark I find that unlikely no I believe the motivation lies right there in the translation as your vision clouds as the darkness sets in fear not know only our mercy and the radiance of our affection which unbinds your bones to the Earth before and sets your final path to the music of your new eternity the fungi might have made the fmer sick weakening their resolve but it was not the diet change that rendered them blind I believe the Alma were being tied to racks and forced to read the Elder Scrolls we know from Innovations like the cubic lexicons that the northern dwarves sought ways to decipher the Scrolls without going blind perhaps the pho were one of the methods that the dwarves experimented with and the reason the fmer went lame Vision clouding Darkness setting in sounds a lot like the side effects of reading a scroll without proper training the text titled effects of the Elder Scrolls stes group the second the unguarded intellects it is this second group that realizes the greatest Danger from attempting to read the Scrolls these are subjects who have an understanding of the nature of the Older scrolls and possess sufficient knowledge to actually read what is inscribed there they have not however developed adequate discipline to Stave off the Mind shattering effect of having a glimpse of infinity these Unfortunate Souls are struck immediately irrevocably and completely blind the dwarves were so unerring in their pursuit of transcendent knowledge that they were willing to sacrifice the sight Insanity of the snow elves whatever the truth may be the fmer ultimately degenerated into the stunted creatures we see lurking in the dark recesses of the northern Tundras supposedly causing every Misfortune and disaster ever to occur to the superstitious Nords but in the centuries that followed the enfeebled ey El event mustered the strength to rebel against their captiv and so began the war of the crack the only known source on this war comes from Ura uax the same scholar who disseminated the widespread belief that the dwma fungi was the cause of fmer blindness of course she could be totally right but some skepticism is Justified as UA's findings are not contemporary with the actual events like all of us she is engaging in conjecture based on her observations according to her study on the fmer the fmer eventually rebelled Generations after they first sought Solace among the dwarves and experienced bitter betrayal the fmer rose up against their oppressors they overthrew the dwarves and flared even further down into black reach's deepest most hidden reaches for decade upon decade the two sides waged a bitter conflict a full-fledged and bloody war of the crack that raged deep below Skyrim surface completely unbeknownst to the Nords above a war whose battles and heroes must forever remain lost to our knowledge now in my personal opinion it is rather presumptuous to claim that the bent and blinded fmer overr the dwarves in their own dominion but this is just one historian's perspective against anothers the result of this war is unaffected by such disagreements One Day in the 700th year of the first era the War of the CAG came to an abrupt end for on that day the fmer went to meet their dwma foes in battle only to find that the entire race had vanished krak's deed was done and many leagues from Red Mountain the fmer were left to inherit the realm of their jailers The Disappearance of the dmer is a fascinating subject but there is something far more significant to discuss in the aftermath of the red moment something with the potential to unravel the Mundus at the seams and this is where we come to the part of the story that I've been dreading since the beginning the DW might have excised themselves from the song but they left their most profane Abomination behind and no mortal could be trusted with this uncreation the brass Tower walks and with every footfall the fabric of the Mundus unravels taken from the sermons of delis morane forth Tor beond to the main spring ever wound but most profane is this the walking horror that bears the name NM the brass Tower of vanity the Mindless guardian of the ner prior the antipodal godf that Reigns on the darkest pole of the Sacred ner sphere of all the Frets to Tamriel final NM is the greatest ananasi the dra can be banished in Forth but NM must be sued on N it is the welded knot at the center of Anu that must be untied the god puzzle the mainspring ever wound remains silent on this point and where there is silence there is great wisdom in building his Clockwork City sofil endeavored to make a perfect ner free from the flaw dard gears watertight and everlasting ner prior was always susceptible to assaults from Beyond the moons but his new realm would be safe from dri Invasion and any existential threat it seems that sofas cil's Flawless creation was not however protected from the numidium and soon his fears will make sense as nm's power far exceeds that of any malevolent spirit in my opinion the walking star is the welded knot at the center of Anu because it transcends the flaws of mortality the weaknesses of the mundane the chaos that comes from cyphus Lan though it is powered by the heart of a padic God it is an automat of uncreation it burns with the devastating brightness of a new unchallenged without limitation NM is too powerful too perfect too anuic it defies the laws set in place to keep the Mundus alive it is a refusal of the limits solidified by the sacrifice of the earth bones if the brass Tower can unmake the orbits not even set perfect Clockwork ner is safe sasil is uncharacteristic cautious when compared to most Mortals he's one of the few examples of a man or myrh who was faced with the potential of supreme power and handled it responsibly he took his time studying kagrenac's tools before turning them on the heart and unlike his god sister Alexia he did not Revel in the Afterglow of Ascension he didn't Herald himself the father of morrowwind he sought Solitude to work on his creations and even once his Tamriel final was constructed he didn't stand in the spotlight these are his own words on ruling I am whatever the people need me to be a guardian an oppressor for some too distant for others too meddlesome I am the canvas upon which they paint their dreams and resentments a vessel for their hopes and doubts a mirror nothing more if only every noteworthy mortal possess their power with sets forbearance maybe then the numidium would never be abused Maybe then it would be dismantled and tossed into the sea to endure only as a rusted memory maybe then but the midium soon fell into the megalomaniacal hands of man say what you will about the tribunal murdering their king and usurping the mantles of the anticipations but one thing they did not do likely at the behest of sasil was try to exploit the numidium it might have just been Prudence keeping them from growing too greedy it might have been fear keeping them from following in kagrenac's footsteps or what I find most likely is that Ali were content having their Divinity while not tampering too much with the fabric of the orbit we already know how set felt about the numidium Alexia cared not for denying the gods or creation she wanted morwin to stay as it was only under her benevolent rule not her former husbands and VC while VC's methods for reaching heaven and Enlightenment did not require the walking star even though it was supposedly built in His image and his motivations were starkly different to those of the dwma while the principle of check off's gun is one I'd never apply to the delightfully convoluted mess that is the lore of the Elder Scrolls there is one aspect of it that certainly applies to the numidium if you leave a terrible Earth shattering brass gun dorant beneath Red Mountain somebody is going to fire it and when the third Empire began to conquer in the late second era that someone reared his storm crowned head that someone was tpim if you saw my video on the siege of alinor then you'll know all about what tpim did with the numidium in his possession I'll leave a link to it in the description if you haven't seen it I highly recommend inserting that video right here as if this one wasn't long enough on its own we left that video on a cliffhanger because even though the Mantella fell into the sea and the pieces of the numidium were scattered this would not be the end of the neidium involvement in the Affairs of the kalpa and potentially the entire universe all we know of the siege of alinor is that the neidium was employed to force the High Elves to surrender some say this was achieved by intimidation alone but some sources suggest typin broke the dragon with it on multiple occasions granted the first of these sources is not Cannon but it is fascinating so it warrant a mention Michael kirkbride said the following in regards to the numidium siege of alinor it's not the brass God that wrecks everything so much as it is all the planets and timelines that orbit it singing world refusals the surrender of alinor happened in one hour but neidium Siege lasted from the Mythic era until long into the fifth some miral logicians of the Ultima fight it still in Crysis shells that phase in and out of Tamriel Prime and their Brethren know nothing of their purpose unless they stare too long and break their own posa points kirkbride seems to be suggesting that it is not necessarily the bras God itself that physically and metaphysically annihilates everything but rather the profanity of it offends the Divine planets so much that they sing their world refusals attempting to stop the numidium in its tracks this is why the structure of the Mundus trembles with every step the walking star takes it denies their Celestial Supremacy powered by dwma anti- feest Magic it Rivals the gods we know using logic and reason to break down the realm perhaps the whole orbits the neidium is in god mode and the divines cannot highlight it and enter the kill command the notion that the greatest ulma Mages of alinor are caught in an infinite time Loop battling the ungod is a haunting one so when the neidium returned for centuries later we saw the dragon breaking consequences with much more clarity kagak had in essence theorized that the heart of Lan would function as an incredibly powerful soul gem tyus septim's Imperial battle mage zurin arctus recreated this with the Mantella the Crux of transcendence powered by his own soul and the soul of the shezzarine wolf half sasil also devised a mechanical alternative to the heart so that the tribunal could maintain their Demi Divinity after the return of deur after the destruction of the neidium at the hands of arctus tpim tasked the blades with tracking down the Lost pieces septim had utilized the neidium in his efforts to consolidate control over Tamriel and after the death of King L sandis of in third era 403 the vultures soon appeared to tear into the Carion zurin arus had created the Mantella and it was also he who created the totem of tpim another artifact capable of galvanizing the brass Tower whosoever possessed this totem would be able to control the numidium so when the tower was reconstructed and the Mantella returned in third era 417 the question was which of the Region's powerful players would have the walking star on their side I won't go into detail about the politics of the iliac Bay Region but the numidium was activated and the dragon broke five ways in an event called The Warp in the west eyewitness reports of the warp are hard to come by despite the fact that this all took place in a well populated area in the case of the gry lady one of the witnesses featured in the blad's official account of the warp I was traveling Northeast along the foothills of the rof Garian mountains on the ninth of frostfall when I fell to Great heat behind me like a fire I turned but I regret to say I cannot tell you what I saw the healers tell me my eyes were burned out of my sockets the blades archist obvious tarot writs the catastrophic destruction of landscape and property and the large loss of life attending upon this miracle is understood to have been tragic and Beyond mortal comprehension like with the red moment and the siege of alinor it is impossible to say with any confidence what truly took place all explanations seem to be simultaneous ious ly speculation yet also true there is another text titled where were you when the dragon broke that really demonstrates the alarming amnesiac effects of breaking the Dragon one of the featured accounts comes from the tender to the man of the kajit he talks of the middle Dawn when maruk and his zealots danced on the tower in an attempt to Rend the orial aspect of akatosh from the Lan aspect and he talks of the big Walker which was stored in the the city of rimon prior to its use in besieging the somerset Isles you broke alkosh something fierce and that's not easy just don't think you solved what you accomplished by it or can ever solve it you did it again with big Walker not once but twice once at rimon which we'll never learn to live with the second time it was in Daggerfall or was it Sentinel or was it way rest or was it in all three places at once get me cidel when will you wake up and realize what really happened to the dwarves the non-canon text I've mentioned once before in this video the interviews with the Skeleton Man adds another perspective that's worth hearing the marati selective Z says and what of the warp in the west where it is said six anoma were seen in six different places at once each one carving out a different Mortals Destiny we could see that hyck is Unified no more that the flags of noall orsinium are real that the slow priests talk to their new God of worms and none of them serve the sick air of the septim line we could see all this and know that it is true this warp is but a realization of the Trap that is the gray maybe and that champion of release the brass God has but reminded us again what the failure of his misuse means in the arena Mundus what happened to the neidium after the warp in the west is not known just like the details of its various activations Mortals are left with an overwhelming sense of bewilderment and are unable to recollect any crucial information I believe this is the key reason why the devastating potential of the numidium is so often overlooked in the histories the brass Tower is a walking wmd yet it still somehow falls into the hands of insolent upstarts and avaricious tyrants this automaton was too Danger dangerous even for the singularly fastidious dwarves and with their disappearance how could its abuse be prevented by lesser Mortals of all the existential crises looming over Tamriel the neidium is the greatest we can only speculate on how it could be used in the future but there is some Infamous extra Cannon material that takes the threet of the neidium to its end point and that comes in the form of kirkbrides Koda the word Koda is divisive Scholars of the orbit in its defense it is a future history penned by one of the core World builders for the series but no matter how you cut the atos it is not at the end of the kalpa cannon and no conclusions about existing material should be made with Koda in mind as a result I've always avoided mentioning it in videos Koda refers to a comic book set in a fifth era Tamriel taking place on a space station on the moon master but Koda can also be used to refer to the idea that all players and speculators are valid contributors to the law the Elder Scrolls is a colossal structure built on unstable foundations in Universe we have a pleora of unreliable narrators and biased sources and in our world the godheads that decree what is Cannon come and go I understand if you see no legitimacy in these extra Cannon writings and in that case you can take comfort in the uncertainty of what's to come The dwma Disappearance will forever remain a mystery and at this point in time we have no idea if the neidium will rear its hulking brass head again but for those interested in hearing one potential cpic timeline in which the neidium does rise again well you may be interested in Koda most of the story is told from a dunmer settlement on Massa a millennia after the end of the fourth era this is because ner was ultimately obliterated by the neidium in an event called landfall remember what I said about the Ultima Mages called miral magicians fighting the numidium outside of time phasing in and out of tamrielic prime well this time warp led the walking star to return to the mundane realm in the fifth era where it resumed its Crusade against the falmore and the somerset Isles in short the prime gastal stomped on Tamriel until all the peoples of ner went extinct and all memory of them evaporated the only survivors were a group of dunar and kit who escaped while the Narine fought the numidium while piloting a kakan which was Deo er's imitation of the original brass God the neidium exists as a reputation of the Divine it is powered by chaos and encased in the metallic Souls of the dwma with its Golden Tones it unmakes all in its path as the dwma hoped to reverse engineer Divinity the neidium reverse engineer creation unraveling the myopic enchantments of the Mundus the dwma may be gone from this realm or from existence entirely or their souls may be imbued in Dwarven Metal whatever the truth may be it matters little what kagrenac and his tonal Architects created is an atrocity an anti- creation Unleashed within the confines of creation there is no one doing what the dwma have wrought the question is will the neidium return to ner will the Prophecies of Koda play out these questions May both be answered in tandem or the neidium May return without coder we have seen the brass Tower be reconstructed multiple times perhaps the falmore will try to locate the pieces to use the weapon of the Empire against them in an act of ruinous Revenge beings like aloin May threaten to eat the world world and reset the cpic cycle but the neidium is unique in that it threatens to uncreate all creation if it isn't stopped it may just retrace the creational gradients until it reaches the level of ineffable Anu a final Cosmic no in the face of chaos and variation and should that time ever come when time would no longer be a concept we may never be able to talk about the Elder Scrolls again for it may zero some in entirely from our minds and there you have it guys we've finally reached the end of our Deep dive into the domain of the dwma I hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I did and I hope I get my voice back at some point I'd love to hear your thoughts on all these Mysteries especially the future of Tamriel and the role of the midium if you're new to the channel hit subscribe for more Elder Scrolls law and if you'd like to support these ridiculously long deep Dives I'll leave a link to my P patreon in the description but please only pledge if you can comfortably afford to thank you so much for watching my name is Drew you've been watching Drew MOA and I'll see you in the next [Music] one a spider skitters from the cobwebbed corner of a corridor Frozen in Time the red gem at top its brass domed abdomen glowing with constant perfectly preserved luster it searches for tasks for loose bolts to tighten for objects to stack and organize objects that have long outlive to their purposes the spider finds nothing with no tinkering to be done it wanders empty Halls silent but for the steady percussion of lubricated pistons and the hiss of steam valves exhaling deeper it goes in its rambling down into the blackest Kingdom reaches adamant in its quest for purpose finally it finds irregularity an empty charging Gantry its Centurion is absent an oil leak it follows at the end of the trail stands the Centurion its face like all its skin stoic and severe severe or sad it is not the spider's job to know it is the spider's job to mend and it has found what must be mended the centurion's blade arm drips with oil the cause of the leak its chest has been crudely lacerated exposing the inner Hardware the spider scales the motionless Centurion which does not react it probes at the rupture a complication of Wheels ratchet shits and gears grows outwards from the opening ripped and bent from their fittings its soul gem glows only faintly an inner spindle powering the active ticking details of Machinery which wind around it here and there the circuits end abruptly a mist of steam and Magicka seeping out vainly so many wasted processes the spider soon realizes that this repair is beyond its capabilities this Centurion would leak Steam oil and that silent other thing until it was no more the spider climbs down and scurries Away In Search of a new task it could not recognize the beauty of the Subterranean Vista sprawling out before it but as the internal pressure escapes the Centurion and its hardware switches itself off one circuit at a time the Centurion stoic Visage soaks in the Indigo bioluminescence the core of the Centurion loses its power and is unable to charge the facial mechanisms its jaw slowly slacks open and one final rattle escapes into the cold dark depths of the world
Channel: Drewmora
Views: 278,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, oblivion, morrowind, eso, skyrim lore, oblivion lore, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, talos, tiber septim, thalmor, empire, daedric prince, elder scrolls deep dive, daedra, dwemer, dwarf, dwarves, kagrenac, heart of lorkhan, morrowind main quest, morrowind story, elder scrolls 3, elder scrolls 6, dwemer ruin, dwarven ruin, dwarven armor, nords, falmer, snow elves, chimer, nerevar, vivec, almalexia, sotha sil, dunmer, high elves, summerset, azura, malacath, boethiah, mephala, centurion
Id: wyLCMRjGuX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 8sec (9428 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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