How to Snow Plough Turn - Beginner Ski Lesson #1.4

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you've got the snow plan mastered you're feeling very happy and confident that you can control your speed in that plow maybe even change the size a few times once you've got that dialed you can look at trying to change your direction and do something called a snowplow turn everything being even in your snowplow this ski wants to actually go this way this Kei wants to travel in this direction if you keep everything even the weight nice and centered you they can each other out and you're going a straight line all I'm going to do here is do exactly what I've done before start to slide push into a snow plow and then just very very slightly push more on my right leg to actually change direction and turn to the left let's have a go so the hands in front looking forward and I'm just going to start to push more with my right leg and it started to win and take me around to the left so another go make sure you start out in a snow plow pick up some speed and then turn the right ski more and gently change direction we're not linking the turns yet we've tried it to the left we're now going to try it to the right so it's that left leg that's going to push out slightly harder again try and watch I've got a calm upper body I'm not twisting I'm just pushing harder with that left leg gently let the turn work it's not power steering it won't happen in split second progressively think of it as a nice smooth turn rather than a sharp one let's go again you'll probably find One Direction easier than the other that's normal but keep practicing and remember turn the foot and the ski will come round so now we can start putting the turns together and actually linking them down the hill don't think of it as a massive change of Direction turning to the right turning that left ski straighten up spend a moment facing down the hill then you can actually start your next turn we want to avoid the feeling of trying to turn in one foul swoop if you look back at your tracks you want to see a nice smooth s shape as opposed to a zigzag let's have a go push out the back of the left ski and start to turn across the Hill from here I can start to push out the back of the right ski and point down the hill if I keep pushing that right key I'll gradually turn round to the left remember we want a smooth s not a [Music] zed now that we're linking the turns remember the basics my arms are in front I'm looking ahead and making smooth gentle movements well done first down on skis you should be feeling some control using the snow plow and just having an idea of changing directions gently down the slope the next time we're going to find a much longer slope not any steeper but it's going to give you more time to get into the run and we're going to really work on your turns and feeling that extra control we're even going to look at losing that snow plow towards the end of the [Music] turn
Channel: SKNG Ski School
Views: 2,067,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tips, Ski, Tutorial, ski lesson, serre chevalier, ski school app, beginner, beginners, snow, skiing, ski, Winter, bindings, snow plough, snowplough, snowplow, wedge, turns, snowplough turns, Snow Sports
Id: bEBIAfZ0iW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2011
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