Inside leg activity for parallel turns

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we are particularly concentrating this year onto the activeness of the inside leg okay it's so is like this opposite and equal reaction with that inside leg okay and so yes we definitely have to establish that platform those angles the the balance against the outside leg but the inside leg is not dangling and taking it for a ride it's so active then the better we the better skill we develop the more active we have to realize how important is that um inside leg the skis are short and shaped it's nice to use that tool to be able to direct the turn the cice is in so we are searching for an alignment for efficiency and really work the tool to it to its ultimate inside leg you know we're looking for both skis to be matching matching edge angle and we can only do that by activating this side of this leg or inside leg as well as inside of this leg and where I find that um a lot of skiers have trouble is that we're very good at getting onto that big toe Edge before we often Overlook What's Happening Here can I can I interject something absolutely yeah that that in that inside and tipping that way we don't really do that in any other sports and I think from a muscular standpoint we're deficient in that area and so it gets tricky you know having to be so intentional to access those muscles to access that Movement we have two feet the outside feet is a pration we or we've done that it's we always done that what we try to direct our attention to is the superation of the inside fot so whenever the outside food is going to work the inside food's going to work just as equally the set of mass when we do establish a certain angle okay with the outside foot the inside is also engaging is that in the back of my mind that's to me the huge F the focal point as well is that the set of mass going to have the tendency to move within a base of support but also being inside the path of the turn you know the feet always going to be on the outside part of the turn but the center of mass going to be more on the inside part of the turn when I see wonderful skiers you know staying on on the outside part you know of the uh you know they move the center of mass over the outside foot so me's like yes that's what we used to do 30 years ago I have to be particularly aware of how flexed I am in the ankle of my inside leg and there I was thinking about pulling that foot back so that I'm kind of matching the ankle Flex here and here cuz that gives me the ability to roll the ski over on edge push your foot forward again I'm to P push it forward and now roll do that roll that foot you can't it doesn't roll go ahead and roll it up not very well no it cuz not really at all your ankle has to have Bend to be able to uh tip right and now pull it back now you you've got access to that tipping movement to me pinky toe that pinky toe that edge is the closest thing to my new turn that's yeah that's profound but that that made my head explode wow that's good okay let's do it okay let's do some Darlings that was a really good choice of a door nice follow you in the other direction oh I'm going to get in front of you oh good nice tracks track right nice but the outside leg is kind of dumb the inside leg is smart the inside leg is the computer is the chip it's all the is like all those nuances okay when we line ourself with that superation which is a dors faction the interior tibialis is engaged that inside ankle is not moving too far away we are connected with an inside ankle well guess what the outside ankle and the outside foot is going to follow okay but it's going to be tough to readjust the inside if we are too predominant on the outside okay the result of being active on the inside of course the pressure is you know remaining to the outside leg of course it is but I don't want to go over with my center of mass over to the outside when I set with the little metat tars with that superation it gives me an alignment toward the inside path of the turn so both legs going to be engaged simultaneously and then I can be active with the inside to keep all my options open I've got options I can go front half latal I can SK I can uh I can steer I can carve you are turning your outside leg into that job of the inside leg sooner okay which is good which is that's my one of my fatal flaws I know you hang on to it too long and then it becomes into a onew action yes sequential okay okay really active outside leg turns into the inside yes oh you're doing it yeah oh my gosh that's a that's a very different look I can see the intention much earlier than you're accustomed to you turn the outside long leg into the new inside leg that longer outside leg's becoming the inside long legs becoming the inside shorter going to use an analogy a m imagine you're riding a bike and with that bike you're learning how to ride and you're using training wheels and so just kind of close your eyes and visualize this you're you're on the bike with the training wheels and you're turning the bike and you're quite upright cuz those training wheels are kind of limiting a a certain inclination uh when you're on that bike okay and now we're going to take those training wheels away we're a more an ADV we're a more advanced biker now we take those training wheels away and we're turning that bike and we just incline as we're turning the bike we're inclining more for each individual here the what the focus you had last run that was working beautifully more of that with the training wheels off okay got me yeah more of that with the training wheels off okay okay same for everybody uh but you can take those training wheels off and and get a little more aggressive okay but you've got to work you've got to work forward through that turn it's not just lateral you you you got to work forward into the shovel of that ski to to keep it biting through the turn right yeah if it is extremely s maybe naturally the terrain put us in that position so if we have the wheel to almost being a little lighter on that inside Lane which was the topic of the day and the tur is a little steeper well the combination of the two may allow us to be more proactive with the inside leg to have the outside ski being a little bit more uh engaged so to speak and then all of that going to change later on because from a little steeper pitch then it's flat again so your leg lengths going to act a little differently so you are constantly changing while moving in relation to the trend then you've got ahead of you so there's a lot of similarity between the Foundation of a wedge all the way to a c there so much then you can grab okay with that tration and tration superation in both SES okay the big goal is as we use the effective effectiveness of the inside leg that is also to favor the center of mass moving toward the inside okay and of course we understand that when the skis flight turning and twisting that separation not going to be as great I feel the need to work with modern skis is to be able to work in the matter than we do yeah thanks D thank you Alan
Channel: Deb Armstrong
Views: 223,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deb Armstrong skiing, SkiStrong, Ski carving technique, best carving video, how to carve skiing advanced, how to carve, how to parallel, best parallel video, how to parallel ski better, how to ski 10 beginner skills, how to learn parallel ski in a day, best ski carving video, ski carving technique, Fischer skis, inside leg skiing, parallel ski lesson, carve ski lesson, skiing, ski, carve, carving, Taos Ski Valley ski school, Alain Veth, Alain Veth Le Ski Mastery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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