I Learnt to Ski in 4 hours - ft. crashing into a wall...

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this is unfortunately not me I've never actually been skiing before this Pro here is a guy called Phil and he was going to be my instructor today for the last month I've been living in this tiny Hut in the Austrian Alps and of course one of the things I wanted to do whilst I'm here is learn how to ski and today I was hoping to do just that we've had loads of snow here the last week so now is the perfect time to learn how to ski or maybe I will learn and find out that I can't ski we're going to walk down to the Village meet up with some ski people and hopefully by the end of today I'm going to go down a hill on skis now I've never in my life been skiing before so today hopefully we're going to see big progress I'm going to go from a non-skier to a ski person all in one day let's do this I'm excited I need the skis now I've got to walk down this big hill down to the Village I should really have brought my plastic bin bag yesterday I went down this hill on a bin bag it was great fun anyway I will see you down there that must be one of the world's longest icicles whoa first thing to do was head into the local ski shop and pick up some equipment it's Saturday morning it snowed quite a lot last night and I think most of the Austrian population are heading out to go skiing I've seen loads of people with skis silver spot first I gotta check in [Music] at the bottom it says yeah I am definitely very bad well actually right now I am I'm zero [Music] they shouldn't hurt but the tides are the better okay okay so please stand up feels really strange first step I have got ski shoes on ski boots Second Step we're gonna need some skis they are absolutely necessary for skiing [Music] yeah that feels good I'm safe lastly I need an instructor to teach me how to ski let's go skiing everybody meet Phil my instructor for today all right so we're loading up the van with all the skiing stuff and then we're gonna go drive up what way are we going um that way it is skiing tiring yeah it is yeah okay how long have you been a ski instructor for four years yeah yeah oh and it's getting your main hobby here in the winter time it is and what'd you do in the summer when there's no business I work in construction okay yeah yeah very two very different things we have arrived we made it to the to the ramp to the hill to the slope I'm a little bit nervous Phil talked me through the importance of tightly done up ski boots wearing gloves not to scratch up your hands on the ice and also showed me how to fit my ski boot onto the skis whoa I've got one scale and also how to detach my ski boot from the skis whoa these keys are for either foot there there's no left or right both of them can be used on either of my feet the ski boot goes in here but the ski boot will detach if you fall which is important to not hurt yourself I started by putting one ski on and scootering along pushing with one foot then swap to the other foot and soon both skis were on and I guess you could now say I'm skiing next I learned three different ways to move uphill with skis I realized that skis although slippery on the underside the edges are sharp which is necessary for digging and cutting into the snow to move uphill it reminds me of learning to drive a car for the first time you know when you just feel like it's going to be impossible whilst I was struggling to just simply stand up fellow skiers were passing me making it look so easy I was right at the start of the learning process which although feels tricky it's in fact where the quickest progress is normally made this is my learning graph so much improvement is made at the start of learning a new skill you go from nothing to something very quick with this comes excitement and motivation and gives you the courage to keep going but if skiing is like any other skill I've learned soon the improvements will slow and possibly so will the enthusiasm yeah hasn't given me confidence next Phil taught me how to stop by making a kind of pizza shape with the skis pushing them in at the front and out at the back learning how to stop is very important this is this is the kids ski slope I'm going to try and skew down that thank you foreign [Music] [Music] it's going well so far after hitting the absolutely huge hill I learned how to go left and right a very important thing to learn in order to avoid crashing into things like trees and other skiers this was done by putting weight on one leg and angling the ski to slow it down which in turn made me change directly yeah good whilst looking back at this footage I realized that I look like such a fool so clumsy and off balance it felt like I was doing so much better than it looks here I will admit that falling down in front of all these kids who were at a much higher level than me was quite embarrassing I I felt incredibly clumsy and awkward at first but it's amazing how quickly your your muscles and body gets used to it it's good fun as well sliding down a hill is is a fun activity I can see why almost everybody here goes skiing I want to get better now I want to be able to go faster and down a steeper Hill break time but apparently we're going up there tomorrow how did I do for my first time skiing don't be nice be be uh you did really good are you really did good usually people don't learn it that fast but you did really an amazing job thank you go get an instructor who tells you good stuff like that let me know in the comments whether you think I did good Phil here is showing me some of his skiing Adventures [Music] what that's insane we're gonna get you there two more days two days I'm gonna be doing backflip from the Hills they're in perfect [Music] and pressure push it up a little more yeah you see and then on the right push it after them okay yeah good two hours learning to ski it goes incredibly quick but it's good I made I made improvements I went from zero to 100 not quite 100. to maybe five I'll give myself five thanks Phil okay so I'll see you tomorrow yes for more skiing okay day one of skiing over so I'm currently hiking up to the Hut it's a beautiful day today it's real sunny and snowy so apparently ski boots have to be kept inside overnight so they don't freeze I'm gonna relax for the rest of the day take it easy and get a good night's sleep ready for some more skiing tomorrow and I have arrived home [Music] check out these icicles that's incredible cheers good work Alex good work skiing see you tomorrow [Music] I've just got given these red pants apparently they're going to make me uh maybe better at skiing [Music] look at that that's just incredible I got my red pants on ski boots helmet in case I crash let's go skiing [Applause] day two started by doing some practice on the kid's slope before learning how to get on a ski lift fillers told me we're going up the lift I'm a little bit scared these people can do it then I'm sure I can maybe I can't I had visions of getting caught on the left and getting stuck or being dragged along and losing control sometimes I think this is half the fun to be honest we're on a ski there it's better than walking up the hill we're at the top which means we've got to go down this is going to be my last time skiing yeah yeah maybe forever no don't say that no hopefully not [Music] I'll admit that after a couple of lessons I'm still absolutely terrible at skiing there were people beside me going backwards down the hill and flying past me at immense speed and it was amazing to watch I should apologize to all those skiers who I got in the way of on the slopes today laughs [Music] but I can now completely understand why people go skiing it sure is a freeing feeling sliding down a slope in and out the sunlight which shines through the spruce trees and the views of the mountains in the distance are just wonderful this will definitely not be the last time I go skiing [Music] it was good you did really good thanks so much Demarcus and Phil at silversport in vierberg for making my first skiing experience an enjoyable one cheers for watching everyone hope you enjoyed skiing part two is coming out next winter see ya
Channel: Just Alex
Views: 717,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 85FDZu1ofj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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