How to Simp

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I wake up in the morning I get dressed I go on to my social media of choice and you know what time it is you know what time it is lovely viewers lovely views you know what time it is it's time to simp hey guys Harry Potter here coming at you with a YouTube video about sin if you're watching this video then I hate to break it to you but you're all simps what a simple ooh what a simp move giving me views you're such a sim now if you don't want a simp is well I've been I've been looking around I've done a bit of research and Google defines simp as a silly or foolish person which doesn't really fit the narrative if I click well to simply and we've got definition a person sympathetic to communist causes we're not looking at Communists today jack on the screen we're not looking at communist what is a simple in physics moment of force is a measure of its tendency to cause that [ __ ] we're gone urban dictionary urban dictionary is the only safe bear a man that puts himself in a subservient submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over without the female bringing anything to the table or a square with no game other than rolling out the red carpet for every female what we have Hey ladies and gentlemen is the recycling of a common thing that exists with a new name and a new definition and everything we're looking at we're looking at the sort of friendzone in cells here you know the kind of input kindness sex comes out you know what I mean ladies and gents I am a simp loud and proud have you seen my newest song I'm in love with an e girl that simple if you want a simple in action just come no further than yours truly Wilbur simp so essentially from what you can gather I'm not a simp right just because I stroll to speak to women and just because I have a rough time like you know showing my hello how you doing miss Raj I can talk to women what issues on it I don't have it he hung up on me I'm going I'm am I going on a dating show I've aligned a couple of a couple of things for us to look at the first comes from the metro this is written by Jessica Lindsay apparently on the 4th of January what is simple and what is a sim if you're a youth or desperately clinging on to what's left of it you're probably on tick-tock right what they told me here is the fact that the phrase simp was popularized from tick-tock I think simp is like the reverse of a pimp it's someone who is someone who in their eyes is being overly nice to a woman in the hopes of having sex now don't get me wrong being nice to people doesn't make you a simple you know being kind helping someone when they're in need that doesn't make you a simp that's just being a human with decency right what's in thing is very different simple is people who beg for the old sexual gratification I mean just look at this mess will you please please ma'am let me private message you see I don't see a simpie I see a Chad all right here look at him he's [ __ ] he [ __ ] knows what he wants he wants a private message with his ma'am right and he's [ __ ] each [ __ ] asking for he's asking for consent is there a better pinnacle of a Titan of a man than this man himself yes is the answer you should give to this man yes you can private message me thank you for asking so nicely this phrase was popularized on tick-tock but it's from a trend that was called simple and what happened was people would come forward and they'd give they give it a an example of something they've done that is considered simple and then they do like a hora can we talk about this first one right so when your wife takes half of your salary for child support is that being a simp that's just bit that's just that's just at being being garnished having a salary garnished he's not like willingly giving his salary oh that's just sad that's not that's not funny I came here for funnies if she rants to you about her life problems and you give her support according to this supreme gentleman you're a simp if you show common decency to someone look look the key features being missed you gotta want the coochie ladies and gentlemen for you to be considered as simp this ain't simple you're wrong simple is is a fine word right I've heard it a million times before the whole ohm stuck in the friend zone you know it's a it's a reused meme but these kids they you're the new generation you folks I'm also in your generation but we're the new generation right we've got to carry on what our ancestors from 1995 and before have set up for us right if we're gonna sit lazy gentlemen if we are too simp then we're not gonna be half measure this being kind to someone is not simple you gotta want the coochie for it to be a simp oh all that was almost stereotypical popping what is wrong with buying people presents why can't I buy people presents when you buy her present she's not even real girlfriend what do you people do all day this guy really likes calling people simps you know it takes one to know one polo boy we're all simp in into the wind right you can tell us polo boy with two y's if you're a simple man simp it up man you don't need to cool others out polo boy you have an extensive knowledge of symfon a ship polo boy I get it but you're missing the point you're missing that every one of these things needs to have the catch line for sex on the end that makes you a simp oh I don't I don't I'm not a sent by the way guys just for the record I'm not a simp the seven types of sim prize this is simp type number one the food buddy the only one who turns her on and fulfills her sexual needs and fantasy he's the stereotypical bad boy good-looking stud hunk etc I think we're really different ideas of what a simple seven war the tampon guy Oh classic everyone's got one it was a hollow let me bring up me tampon tampon guy he listens to all her problems including her bad relationships he offers his shoulder to cry on in the hopes of sex or dating her there we go in the hopes of sex that is a simpie guy a low self-worth low self-respect guy his function is to worship her inflate her ego boost her self-esteem and buy gifts and occasionally dinner for her I mean safestone one knows more about simps than I do apparently who's this guy bata bucks white knight a very common guy very common he gladly does all the cooking and cleaning and all the physical labor around the house that bad that's probably bad I'm gonna set this bad yeah Simpson these kind of men fiercely defend justify and glorify any kind of female's misdeed crimes etc sometimes women use them as boyfriends yeah the kind of guys that defend anything a woman does in like the please ma'am please let me private message you but I do the cooking maybe I'm a simp maybe I am a simple I thought being a simple meant that you were able to speak to women I'm I cannot speak to women at all not for the life of me ATM guy the sugar daddy gold diggers favorite man he pays her bills travels car trendy clothes expensive dinners and drinks usually has a minimum of a six-figure income always ends up with an unappreciative terrible wife there's so many kinds of simp Sky's simps are everywhere what's our next simp we must be on the last ones now mentor guy platonic buddy someone who she has an artsy and intellectual conversation with him she uses him to enhance her intellect and ideals guys are my sim the damn fool the guy who deep in his smalls fragile heart damn well knew he wasn't in her League yet despite this still made all attempts to sell his soul to garner a morsel of attention from her this type of guy needs a prayer so this one so maybe I am a sin I can't talk to women all right I can't speak to girls okay so I've gone to teaching men's fashion he's got 4 million subscribers and he's got video called 7 nice guy mistakes that will turn me into a right please teaching men's fashion please tell me please the problem is man you're getting so much you're getting so much sex you're having all of the all of the girlfriends at once you know and I'm out here I ain't got no girlfriends I'm simple pick yourself up brother you do have that work without that girl putting in any effort will leave you looking like a begging little puppy number two you're overcompensating for having no game whereas dude just have no game with women and because they aren't smooth with women they tend to overcompensate with their shiver right women okay next time a woman needs something from me huh nah I'm not simple go see why you should be a great guy that doesn't play with a woman's heart you also shouldn't be stupid and let her play with your thank you teaching men's fashion oh that cool me I got me that any dude matter of fact this would be weird if you ask your boys wanted something like this but if you manscape comment down below or even better I posted a tick tock talking about manscape and I was surprised by the reception of a lot of duties or young dudes talking about whoa borderline like getting a haircut Jose you're not shaving your pubes me here we go again proceed for two minutes Jose what is this a common thing for you are you going on about the pubes all day I hear the word landscaping I fast forward three minutes dude teaching men's fashions talking about pubes your viewers are getting tired of you talking about pubes stop the ad is from 1:15 - oh it's an ad it's an ad for his for a male I gene product okay this is a simple cringe number three follow me on Twitter by the way at Wilbur surface is Liam he's the best friend ever he spent $200 to take me out to eat love him like a brother yeah nice friends taken out friends for dinner we should encourage this why can't we go out for dinner platonically more just I'm not even gonna roast this guy okay he literally got friends oh dude but then again can you blame her though I mean like look at this guy's glasses though you just said you weren't gonna roast the poor kid guys are grossed out about girls getting their periods are lame why sipping out so much so pretty disgusting okay it's literally bleeding from the vagina okay that that's pretty gross you don't need to be a misogynistic piece of [ __ ] to realize that yeah periods are pretty gross it is it's natural to be grossed out by that stuff she's not gonna [ __ ] you because you're defending her pure yeah we ain't simple out here key period if my girl is having as many periods as I'm having as I'm having pubes she ain't the girl for me I might print these out and frame them just to remind myself women have the power to make me do stupid [ __ ] anytime they want a scar that's kind of a simple it's kind of a simple thing to say yeah yes simple we don't simp okay ladies and gents now now some people some people have taken it on themselves to become a simple right they've taken it on themselves to to embrace the simple so for instance angel here saying I need to come out and say this I hope everyone accept me as I am but I'm a simp now the culture is progressing the culture started with tick-tock and making fun of people and it's now progressed it's the synonym to Stan it's the basically the male version of being a Stan of someone now we have a word for it it used it so if you stand someone you simp in them but it tends to be gender reversed sometimes this is the kind of thing we're getting at well hey are you okay I saw all those comments on your post just now you looked super hot because there's comments so groups then you respect women crazy world we live in not me though I just want to get to know you better how fat are your tits wait how funny is it I know what I'm missing if I want to be a simp I don't miss it Oh milady milady I'm symptom out now here we go maybe if I keep working at my image I can finally be the simp I was destined to be well where was this Wilbur sir the ultimate techno simp in techno simple occasion oh my god leave techno blade alone you dick I wasn't until you guys it's serious I think I'm a simp how did I how did I end up the way I am now my ladies and my man's it's been an honour to simply you happy simple out there look in all serious let's be serious for a second right you listen listen Simpson this man is a thing it's like it's always gone by lots of different names that used to be neckbeards it used to be white knights you know it's gone their guns are a billion different names for people who draw the old friends own card and shout about how how I wish you'd respond to me I wish you'd have sex with me I was so nice to her you know is diverging onto two paths that are completely different for it should be it's going down one path which I hate which is the idea that if you do anything nice you're a simp and then the other path is diverging down is it saying it's a good thing ladies and gents hold yourselves to high regards you don't got you don't gotta throw yourself down to the curb in order to get someone's attention all right brofist maybe one day maybe one day a woman will respond to me and then I can finally become a simple but until that day I think I'm just gonna have to I think I'm just gonna have to lay low and continue watching from afar with my binoculars staring through the window of your eyes hmm and that's just the scoop see on the flip side dude Meister's remember to like comment and subscribe I've getting my hat [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 1,369,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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