I'm in Quarantine in Germany

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This is a good day. Home Home!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hypedupmaniac 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh boy what a title oh boy what a thumbnail they'll say that's what they'll say in the comments hi I'm Wilbur sir and I am currently putting myself in a soft quarantine because that's what the internet told me to do so a couple days ago I'd say about four four or five days coronavirus in Europe was pretty pretty air you know Italy was doing pretty badly but aside from that most of Europe was kind of standard you know no one was really having too much problem with it back in December I'd booked a trip to Berlin with my friends for fun and as we came up to the day of going to Germany the cases in Germany excited to rise but III asked a few people especially people in Germany and was like hey do you think it's bad and they went nah you'll be fine and now I'm here and Germany is one of the highest criminal cases in Europe oh so I've locked myself in a hotel room in Berlin and I'm stuck here and not only that but both of my editors are out of action so I have no content you may have noticed that I haven't uploaded in like two weeks that's because I'm stuck here and I'm stressing out a lot so today we could've been we're gonna be looking at reddit so apparently apparently according to some lovely friends that I've got according according to friends according to people I've got a subreddit it's our slash will Basu and there's currently three thousand eight hundred and fifty four people subscribed to it I'm not really sure what kind of community it's gonna be it could be a community of just Wilbur cert porn so I'm fully prepared for this video not to ever go out and see the light of day so we're going through the top posts of all time now I might get stuck here in Germany it's probable I mean America has just announced that they're banning flights to Europe and flights from Europe to the US and lots of there's lots of pressure in Europe right now for them to do the same thing if that is the case I will not be able to go home I might be stuck here so and if I am stuck here you're gonna be expecting another another edit video coming up soon it's me as Lego I haven't got a mouth but I've got a guitar a very small guitar that's so cool thank you manatee shash that is genuinely really cool I love that a lot got board made this you laughs you lose rules number one though boomers number two no zoom is number three no webs on penalty of death I'm looking at you feel Phil got married can we pause this for a minute Phil I [ __ ] love you man Phil got married the other day I think it was two days ago and I was quite drunk when I saw his post about him getting married and so I sent him a message and I told him how much I loved them and how happy I was for him and how how much he meant to me and he was like thank you he when he gave his cussing thanks mate and then I asked him if he said POG at all during the wedding and he said no so there you go guys Phil didn't say pong when he got married number four no Marvel stands number five Stan Luna number six no k-pop number seven no miles Pony Friendship is [ __ ] number eight nobodies have already seen before number nine stage videos a [ __ ] and number ten ignore rule number five thank you very much I love the Orca and I love the little drawing that's very very cool Thank You punana bread over for y'all remember this beam and this picture of new Milo I think we all remember new Milo I think I think that series is it was my magnum opus it's all gotten downhill from there ever since I did that series and sort of waved goodbye to minecraft I've just gone downhill like physically and emotionally I'll have my content of course as well of his little black I love his little tongue look optical illusion is that a tongue or is that his mouth and he just has like a huge [ __ ] pink tooth jutting out god he's a monstrosity kill him get out of here sir house YouTube channel this one's me giving a little smirk Hulse YouTube channel they've oughta marked this switch house memes and stuff thanks Helsing memes and stuff Wow I'm very sorry wait hold on so house memes and stuff any ol any all no suit house if you don't know cert house if you don't know sir house just ignore this bit of the video oh this is David hello he's from soap house hello see we are still friends aren't we David let me turn this soaked my friend Dan who's also insert house decided to hide in this water in this Airbnb and now we thought we [ __ ] it we [ __ ] that on how much this is gonna cost have a fixed you can leave now that's cool thank you David bye David bye bye bye let's go shove the joique on back under the lens there we go next one is Pyro's masterpiece um I asked everyone to post on the subreddit a picture of Pyro's house and title it Paris masterpiece loads of people sent me messages being like well boo you need to speak to the matzo ball slash microbe who banned me and I was just like shouldn't have been should have been spamming Dickens the girls arguing about since the nice guys book he's taken on that's a good name this is the first good meme on here I like this one a lot thank you cringe fish - that's a really good meme this is me photoshopped onto a Tesco Mobile employee holding up a whale kids book of fun facts and amazing pictures thanks guys that's the 8th highest voted post of all time see if you haven't joined the water so subreddit yeah you aren't missing out because it's gonna be so easy to get the top post of all time maybe if I don't get out of Germany as well the next video will be with Nicky who shush shush if I do get Germany though [ __ ] I'm good I'm getting away from this one I love the banana memes thank you thank you why do I try life thank you very much that I have so much energy shared with that cat me and that cat have so much close to our hearts like I know exactly how he feels do you know what I mean you don't need look at someone's face in you're just like I can I know what's going on in there I know what's going on in that cat's face holy [ __ ] I love him I love it I really do but I'm more than just a finale boy look at me look at me I'm more than just your banana boy all right chat Jesus Christ I'm not your Bernard way for the record the outfit Susan for the resemblance is [ __ ] you look at yourselves look at yourselves huh you still think you're funny look at yourselves look at yourselves hmm I bet you guys think you're so funny huh you guys think you're so funny comparing me to after the anteater we'll go [ __ ] yourselves I don't need you [ __ ] you he will never have a girlfriend was it [ __ ] 2009 well these [ __ ] cereal man memes XD Lisi real man XD look at him let's see real man XD XD [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Lisi real man this Lucy real man he will never have a girlfriend dude don't know but yeah I think I look better in the first fixture I look like a Chad I look like I don't give a [ __ ] the second picture I look like I'm trying you know for the first food rather I don't give a [ __ ] do I look at me I look like I'm just like yeah [ __ ] you man in that picture I'm holding my new iPhone like 3G and I'm like [ __ ] yeah I'm like [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] line up [ __ ] line up I've got an iPhone 3G that's what I'm saying I'm more likely to have a girlfriend there than I am in the second picture that's for sure these this is just a sim now we skip Sims skip Sims rule number one of the reddit videos we skip Sims I'm sick of crying I'm tired of trying yeah I'm smiling but inside I'm superhero I'm stuck in Berlin I can't see my family for Easter because it might kill them literally a biological nuclear weapon right now wandering around the streets of Berlin wandering around the streets of London I literally I'm lit I'm just a doll I'm a time bomb me sends a video to make me laugh Wilbert laughs and gets another life me yeah it's called a donation I get this a lot whenever people submit me a video in the media share and then I end the stream because I laugh and I don't watch their video they like email me being like give me a refund it's like it's a donation I'm sorry I wish I could give everyone a refund for the if I didn't laugh at something but eh I wouldn't be able to pay rent and B you just don't give me money if you don't want to lose there don't give me money that you can't afford to lose that should be the the takeaway here all right leave mommy's credit card where it is I drew the will I tried okay Myles Pichardo that is that how pretty Johnny I'm awfully wrong that is really good it's that charcoal I love that thank you very much it's me squishing my face I make Wilbur look like Jack I look like [ __ ] I look like Dean Hall yeah a little [ __ ] Dean Hall I'm a New Zealand game designer voice arguably one of world's best moments why'd you have to be such a [ __ ] yeah me calling a woman a prostitute it's my best moment hello mum will there's massive clock that is my I miss my clock this background is good is it is this home home home home this is the new clock guys this is home home was it's a home safe nurse forever luck joy trust love harmony happiness friends home home oh it's a sweet yeah this is the new clock guys we're gonna put it new put it right here just so everyone can see yeah okay this is epic will the suit reacts to fans unboxing will be' suit u2's as our that's a really good Photoshop of me that actually scarily looks like that could actually be me sat there and PewDiePie is holding my u2's no one's been holding my youtube because of coronavirus coronavirus has stopped the Wilber suit YouTube's being shipped out if you're looking for a wool suit u2's if you've been waiting on yours and it hasn't been shipped out to you don't worry they've pushed the date back because there's been a really bad issue in one of the factories in China don't worry illed you'll get to you eventually don't worry sorry you had to wait I don't know why I'm apologizing I no part in the shipping process being gay for Wilbert shipping Wilbur and Nicky Ferb this one's looking at both of the same time me oh is that more Wilbur fan out Thank You evil sludge that is a great picture my hair is all over the [ __ ] show and my clock is there but no no we got home home now clock is gone clock is dead introducing home home we don't need clock anymore we got home home I'm uncomfortable corporate needs you to find you the difference in this picture in this picture they're the same picture I'm not [ __ ] morgues I'm not morgue this isn't a thing I'm not [ __ ] morgues all right you [ __ ] get out here oh my god what's a morgue square okay guys me and my mom are gonna be doing the locked in the bathroom challenge while I slowly leak chlorine gas into the room 2 4 5 p.m. calls work I haven't started yet mini Wilbur's stream thanks thank you very much Brody ley thank you for that hey rip to the man that's fallen into a river and lego city how do you [ __ ] die but we started the new rescue helicopter Wilbur looks like Waldo [ __ ] you well now that is cute that is so good oh I love it I absolutely love that thank you so much bananabeth [ __ ] home we'll be doing you laughs you lose Wilbur forgetting he's doing it off use and laughing something you find it's very funny look okay I'm just a smiley boy I'm a smiley boy with so much joy and I want to share it with the world so sometimes what I'm doing a you laugh you lose I lose on purpose just share my joy with the world why you guys got to be like this to me why can't you let me live SMP Earth will desert transatlantic train so I made a point about S&P Earth I literally joined built a big bridge and left person in 1347 just vibe in the black death it's me little rat boy thank Elodie for LEDs my editor who does the stupid rat things and I love her very much and she has been very busy so she hasn't been up to edit anything so I've missed her wilbur says he's gonna review the subreddit this subreddit oh my god okay it's happening everybody stay calm that's right now whoa prophetic I want all of you to go and ask that Wilbur sir and I want you to upvote a picture of just a blank staring man I want like just a guy just did this picture that I want that to be the top post on ask less robust sir and I want all of you to go not voting if we can get a hundred thousand of those that puts us on the front page of right here please that's what I that's one thing I need of you guys going up though a post of me in at the camera all right thank you Joe Swanson from Family Guy this is me crying as as Joe Swanson from family guy comes up to destroy me Wilbur if you're a boomer Zoomer we wall fan leave also Wilbur hello fellow kids look I'm okay I've got to show you a video I found so anyway guys I was just looking at the generations because we all know what you know Millennials and Gen Z what comes after that I went to Gen Z and I saw that was from 1995 to 2012 and I thought wait was that age September 14 1996 1996 age 23 years old 23 years old and it says here get the 25 in your resume guys that means Wilbur's hood is a zoom numbered rule number 2 Wilbur said no Zoomers but he is a Zoomer himself so as you can see I'm also a Zoomer all right so when I'm saying no Zoomers I'm really just self hating myself all right so just let me let me do my thing all right guys don't stealing a loaf of bread fees sewing family stealing a loaf of bread to feed tofu Chad yes yes Rob your local bakery Rob your local pest goes give it to the Shiba that is the rule thank you everyone for coming tofu Chan in the next you life you lose video confirmed Wilber is offering you his wood will you accept it I love her face Nikki's face and that really sums up without like woman's reaction to me just in general offering anything like just just confused a discomfort well burr we do see this is fake I would never go to France nobody the Enderdragon you are now the CEO phrases and okay that's a good one we'll do it we'll do one more one more this is the last one killing tailors for the greatest achievement ever to be honest NFA joins the game everyone on the server allow us to introduce ourselves and that's on coronavirus sis thank you all for watching my first and maybe only reddit video unless I'm stuck in Germany for longer and then you're getting more or if you guys want more tell me in the comments thank you for watching like if you like this if you don't know who the [ __ ] I am get out of here don't subscribe to me [ __ ] bye
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 2,520,976
Rating: 4.9717383 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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