If I Find the Bathtub the Video Ends

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This is how I found out about this amazingly niche piece of internet lore. Thank you Wilbur Soot.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Three-Eyed-Gaben 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

My friend watched this then made me try it out blind. Once I found it we ended up speed running it and I got down to 10ish seconds

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Skrimbothegoblin 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi there hi there everyone you know hi uh no unfortunately you did catch me there i am not will but i am here hi tell him what's happening yeah probably should tell people what's happening found out about this nice little place lovely little residency right and all you got to do hop in the house find the bathtub thing is i already know where the bathtub is so let's let's let's have will find a bathtub right get out my phone chair why are you in my chair so a few things i know uh last residents did not want to leave so bit messy uh second of all might have been illegal maybe a little bit of legalness going on who knows just a tiny bit am i gonna get banned from twitch for anything in this probably not nah you're good they have an animal i i'm just afraid to name which animal it is but it is an animal there could be two feeding balls for two animals or maybe it's just a wild animal maybe it's just a raccoon they play into that so this is in kentucky isn't it louiseville kentucky i believe louisville kentucky we've got some creepy [ __ ] dolls okay we have a kitchen the bathtub's not in the kitchen is it oh i don't think so certainly not the bathtub some cup noodles okay an exit sign above the door just in case you didn't know how you got in the exit sign okay what's in here oh my god what is that is that just a is that a fitness frame that is a fitness frame why they just got boxes who needs this many boxes in their okay there's more goes down okay so this is the the laundry room americans have these don't they there's just a ch did you want to watch the laundry you just want to watch your washing machine go around you can sit on this rusty metal chair as well pull open a drink yeah we got a little oh it's a cat probably there's a cat carrier there ah bathroom yeah gotta be a bathtub nope okay so it's not in this there's only gonna be another bathroom isn't there ah there was at least one other bathroom i can tell you okay why is there a urinal in the body i mean i've always thought bathrooms aren't social enough but what you're acting so normal about this isn't normal this is strange does your house not have a men's bathroom it has just bathrooms benedict where's the shower there is no shower in either of these why is there a map of great britain on the wall why is it why i mean i'd live there whales champ whales any whales champs in the chat guys what the [ __ ] okay we got this room is this going to be the bar nope another bedroom with a back scratcher just strewn across a box of biscuits two tvs on top of each other well you know you want widescreen but they never say tall screen huh yeah yeah and i get you i get you so we have another exit sign oh that's just pointing to the door why did you it's not that complicated of a house why do you need an exit in a i mean no one's ever gotten lost in a house is this a kitchen this might be used as a kitchen but i don't think it's supposed to it's got a fridge what is this place there can't be more okay we've got like a storage room 2017 topless calendar maybe i'm gonna get banned for this [ __ ] hour um what the [ __ ] does it just keep going does it just keep i'm curious is that an oven on the left how are you not fretting what is this place i mean pretty similar to my own house is that ammunition 620 millimeter no it's a dvd okay so it's a dvd place this is a dvd rental shop right with tools yeah well sometimes you want to get a cd sometimes you want to get an angle grinder mother with child two assistant are these guys just hoarders dick let me see the dick dick is there genuinely like pornography because i could get banned if we show pornography i don't know i haven't explored too deep oh my god chat's just spamming dick now oh my god what we've got more it keeps going okay we go up let's go upstairs get out of here oh no wait this is the is this the same exit no this is a very different staircase is this like lots of like things stitched together nope just one house this is one house this isn't like trickery this isn't like this if you look at the exterior photos it just looks like a regular hat all right all right i'm going into serious mode serious mode serious mode right probably not going to find a bathtub in any of the storage rooms so we're going to speed through the storage rooms right well you'll try what you mean i'll try why are you laughing what the [ __ ] there are several storage rooms oh this is dick i've gone in a circle hold on let's go back i hate it when i get in a dick circle oh my god benedict what have you done there's another emotion how many emergencies does this place have what was this building i i've heard that it used to be another church that's porno that's the porno room that is the porno that's definitely porno there's lots of women and lots of skin we won't go in there have a new husband by friday dr k books now it's books i mean by friday though that's tomorrow wait that's today my new husband arrives today we have a reception desk with a box cutter two box cutters nice rig though okay okay this leaves this must leave the storage room yeah okay okay we're heading somewhere nope this is just a just the nook that's the nook oh my god where the f is there a bathtub are you [ __ ] with there is for sure a bathtub i have seen it you're not [ __ ] this isn't the bother this tower of dvds knowing these people probably could use it but not the bathtub and you're not [ __ ] with me you'll know the bathtub when you see it trust me you'll know it oh this is music cds now are these like counterfeits was that why this place was raided by the police that you said i have no clue they were doing something that got them kicked out that's a normal street what is this place this is just this is ridiculous can i climb over this i can okay let's go down here we got a banana box do not destroy god [ __ ] knows what's in there i've i'm going in circles aren't i no oh this is a library this oh oh wait it's a library yeah throughout the dvds still more storage though how many this is like the fifth storage room yeah i've lost count also i don't know where we are okuva i love you that says in dutch what the am i near am i am i on the right path uh from what i remember no you're not near at the moment oh oh oh oh new new thing new thing new thing new thing it's the boxsters it's the boxsters again i swear we've i swear we never went downstairs that's why we've just been going upstairs it's just a bit of empty airshirt is this an scp is this building an scp maybe oh oh oh oh it's a spiral it's a spiral it's a spiral corridor they're the hidden drawers though why are they hidden world not hell two different games two different games i don't want to talk to you anymore then i'm going to talk to chat because you're just scaring me i am petrified just what the [ __ ] is going on what we've been this way i'm going back this way i feel like there's a good there's something there's something for us this way i'm going in the porn room okay i'm not allowed in the porn room so this was taken by an estate agent like a real estate company yeah i took these pictures yeah to sell the house so they're not gonna go in the porn room oh they might it's a piece of the property is that one piece it is i'm going this way now i have it the quick question i have for you bennett is how am i supposed to get back to the house part of the house i mean that's just a dream at this point wait no i recognize this yeah no no it's that way that this was the way to the house oh no just another uranus [ __ ] i thought i was free can i go around that corner oh my god wait so or ladies ladies like baths ladies do enjoy baths okay oh okay this is bathroom number five it is not the bathtub though unfortunately oh my [ __ ] god okay hold on so wait no i'm not going back in that maze i'm going i'm going into this one i'm going this way i'm going this way oh we didn't go up here did we oh my god there's more there's always more this is new this is the office i'm speechless that's a cool guy though oh my god why am i so enthralled i want to know the story i want to meet who did this whoa hold up is that lego star wars the complete saga back there hold on hold on it's for the wii as well okay we're going back in the house i really think that i'm barking up the wrong tree with the warehouse have i been close to the bathtub at any point oh for sure have i yeah is it on the ceiling or something am i just not am i looking down too much is it not that's i i won't tell you if the bathtub is on the ceiling or not you've just got to find it um why are you laughing is it here am i looking at it no i'm just watching you scour the ceilings as if it's going to be hidden on the ceiling well i just thought they like suspended it or say i don't [ __ ] know better they have a they have a [ __ ] library i do not put it past them they obviously haven't got all their faculties together right so maybe they suspend the bathroom on the ceiling okay what oh i thought that was the bathtub i thought that was the bathtub that'd be ridiculous is it a shelf i'm gonna go with no what do you mean you're gonna go with no well they've semi-converted a bath into a shelf oh this is new this is new wait no this is the box stairs wait i'm not looking at the ceiling what happened to me imagine being the lucky so-and-so that bought this place though yeah man nice wood banisters just pay someone like a bit of money to throw everything away and burn it and this is a new room this is a toy like toys oh i am not okay i am not okay is it in here it's gotta be right no i have been here look it's the creepy understairs oh my god i don't know why you're getting so turned around would you mean you don't know why what part of this is is cohesive to you oh thinking caps right if i was this kentucky person where would i put my bathtub this is a meme isn't it it's gonna be like a tiny but it's gonna be like that big and i've like gone past it like a thousand times is it this way no we've been i know i'm not going down the boxsters again i've served my time what the [ __ ] it's probably louisville kentucky if this call has come from louisville kentucky i'm answering it's from my mum i doubt she's she could be in here god don't say that i need to get her out this looks like where you'd find a bathtub but alas the search continues now you're back at dick again i'm back with dick oh i keep thinking the rounded white edges i feel like i've seen every room now okay i can give you a bit of a clue give me give me a tiny give me the smallest clue it's back upstairs where's upstairs where am i am i upstairs now i think you're in a downstairs warehouse you need to be in an upstairs warehouse is it a warehouse okay okay don't don't don't give me anything else let's go down every every alley what why are you laughing i'm just enjoying the time this is a box of broccoli florets that is food that is food on the ceiling no oh my god oh oh oh no [ __ ] is it in the nook am i just blind it's not in the nook okay i'll leave the nook leave that part of your life behind i've not i'm not part of that anymore i'm not a part of the nook this distracted me right i want to look for things that distracted me and not look at them because the chances are it's really obvious but i've just been blind and distracted is the entire house a bathtub the entire house is not okay little clue it is a pretty big bathtub though the entire house was bathtub that would be unsanitary just been under the water the whole time oh my god i can't go in the porn room which is bothering me for multiple reasons only one of those reasons being it might have a bath in there since i last checked this they might have changed the layout of the floor circle so it might be a lot harder to find it right this is where you just can't get to the bathtub anymore and you just [ __ ] [ __ ] me out right let's go up this one uh just fruit they love bananas man they're big banana fans banana in the bath maybe banana in the bowl so it's in a warehouse and it's upstairs have i gone past the bathtub uh yes have you seen the bathtub on my screen no so it's a one specific circle yeah you'll be able to find it i don't recognize this room this is new this is a pet shop these are pet leads and treats no way no no no no i do know this place i do know this place that's the beauty you buy one house you think you're getting five you just keep on finding the same rooms someone says did they remove it that'd be very very mean of the devs to remove the bathtub the devs it's a real estate website is it out the window not out the window okay okay okay they removed it go to the porn room i can't go to the porn room if they removed it i'll be genuinely upset chat are you [ __ ] with me it'd have to be very recently they did that though because i checked this like two days ago can you google it on your phone if they remove the bathtub do i just have to stream forever is that it i mean that is just how it works you set the rules not me what in response to all the online attention the entrance to the room that leads to the bathtub has since been blocked the devs removed it they blocked off the bathtub i can't believe it what do you mean the devs it's a house benedict i don't know what to say chief they removed it they removed the bathtub from the house i can you show me where the bathtub would have been you're gonna be really disappointed because you wanted to go in there desperately it's the porn room it's the porn room just around that corner is a giant bathtub you can see sort of like the curtain please let me please let me know let me in the pawn room let me in the pawn room please please let me in oh no oh oh can we put a mirror around there around there can we put mirror around we put a mirror around that jack oh my god if the door wasn't there you'd be able to see it oh you're [ __ ] with me i need to find it that's it giant bathtub oh he's in the porn room that's why i said you'd know it it's like a sauna it's a giant bathtub is it for watching porn oh my gosh fortune porn luckily no one's actually naked they're all just in bikinis but like holy [ __ ] oh it's a [ __ ] pool three shower heads three shower heads that's why you'd know the bathtub when you saw it and they and they want to stop me from from getting to this i can't believe them honestly that's it with i can't end the stream i said i've got to find the bathtub or in stream i didn't find it i will say if you can manage to find your way back to an exit the first exit you came in through then you know you might be able to get out that's probably a big enough challenge i am the master i am the king i know where i'm going i know around louisville kentucky like the back of my [Music] [ __ ] so this is the lounge i didn't i don't like that that was that was [ __ ] beneath that was awful that was dreadful i hated it that was your fault it was entirely my fault i had a good time
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 3,639,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: X-sxLW4XC9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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