I Asked 55k People "Would You Rather" Questions. Here's the Results

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ah what a lovely night out on the town maybe I should go check on my Google Form of would you rather questions 55 [Music] human beings are normally very easy to predict like incredibly easy I mean if you've seen my last video where I got 33,000 people to lie on a survey you will see that human beings you can guess what they're gonna say most of the time so I decided to get the most polarizing thing I could think of aside from politics and religion and okay I decided to get something that isn't actually that polarizing but still I decide to ask fifty five thousand eight hundred and ninety nine people to do the hardest would you rather questions I could come up with let's look at the question shall we I'm going to do it here myself so you can see what I would have said and why don't you guys play along at home and see what you would have said as well this audience interaction which you've algorithm please PLEASE favor me so question one would you rather give your parents a book of every bad thought you've had or a book of every bad thing you've done now I would go for bad thoughts bad thoughts I everyone has bad thoughts everyone thinks of pushing people in front of trains at least I hope everyone thinks of that please please everyone thinks about but the thing is none of us act on it if I gave my parents a book of every bad thought I have no matter how heinous we can go to the top levels of taboo and I can just be like well I didn't act on it and you know everyone just thinks dumb [ __ ] you know you have control over the weird intrusive thoughts you had so yeah I get bad thoughts bad things however that stuff that I've decided I'm gonna do and I don't want my parents knowing all the bad things I have just gone out on my way to do you see you feel me come in we're on question one and I guarantee the majority of you have disagreed with me so what you sold out [ __ ] question two would you rather be in jail for a year or skip the next year of your life right now so this one's hard what's worse a bad year or no year at all and I honestly think no year at all I'd pick skip the next year just for my own happiness you know and I've got a feeling that was gonna be really high I think that's gonna be the ninety percent range would you rather be madly in love with a partner for five years and never date or marry again or being a bland relationship forever this one lies on so many factors if you have had a brilliant loving relationship for five years and it's ended then you'll know how [ __ ] depressing it is and how much it's retires you apart so I feel that those people want a bland relationship but someone who's maybe older to say in their 40s and like isn't with anyone they might even though they've got plenty of time they might still think a mediocre partner would be the better option you know but then someone who's young and is yet to experience that kind of thrills they'd want to go for love for five years it's a tricky one that's really based on who you are I'd have to go for love for five years though because this is never date marry again and that would be very really sad I don't know what's worse settling or living in a bland relationship so I think I'm gonna go for love for five years this question would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell easy for me taste as some of you may know if you watch my live streams twitch teal TV slash war but Jack put that on screen right now I [Music] don't have a sense of taste at least I don't have a strong one I can taste things like very faintly but my sense of taste is so bad that me losing my sense of taste wouldn't really affect my day-to-day life much would you rather go blind or deaf this one's really hard for me as well because being blind I'd lose so much of my life cuz a lot of my life revolves around being able to see a lot worse of Fame with a lot of people and a lot of my life also revolves around being able to hear I don't really know what I'd go for here I guess being deaf would be really lonely I think I think I'd be lonely just stuck in my brain the only thing I could hear ever was just my mind I think being blind which is impact my life too much I'd have to go I'd go deaf would you rather live without music or without wealth wealth easy for me would you rather be free it'll be totally safe free because the catch with this question is not being totally safe you can still be safe I mean I'm not totally safe right now a sniper could be aiming through my window right now the next question is would you rather own $250,000 a year working for someone else or 75 thousand a year working for yourself this one a lot of people are gonna call me a [ __ ] soy boy for this one or whatever but I want 75k working for myself I had a lot of people say this you don't actually mean it but I really cannot work for people I like to control and I like sort of alpha playing things if I know that I'm working under someone it just mmm I can't that's just cuz I'm a [ __ ] I'm not like a free spirit lone wolf now I'm just a dick and I like working with people but I like to be in church would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or everything your future self will learn back to age 5 back to age 5 I'm gonna be the smartest boy in the playground dude that's that I want this to happen I love this can you imagine oh I think it's kind of [ __ ] being 5 years old in 2019 though because you know you've got to deal with climate change and ships at the same time hell yeah dude I could be like the smartest kid ever at least I hope there's police markets than me actually right now isn't there I could be a really smart kid you know a really wise kid at least oh my god and I have so much leg up on like learning to play the guitar and I've so much leg up on like dumb [ __ ] that I'm good at now that took like years of practice yes got to age 5 dude would you rather safely watch the beginning or the end of planet Earth not the TV show the place I'm gonna have to go the beginning as long as it was quick cuz I think the beginning of Earth was quite slow so I'd like to see it fast forward a bit would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or we forced to sing along to every song you heard sing easily oh my god can you imagine how annoying someone would be who dance to every song I mean singing to every song if it's like quietly that's quite cute you know if I was hanging out with someone and they just do a little sing along to every song in here that's pretty sweet I quite like that but dancing I just [ __ ] I wouldn't disclaimer I would not punch a dancing person in the face doing the groin would you rather only drink soda for the rest of your life or only hamburgers all this was an American question I asked I'd have to go for soda there's more kinds of soda than there are types of hamburgers so at least I could go for like a low sugar version of something so I wouldn't get diabetes that quickly and also hamburgers a they're quite bland on their own hamburgers if you unless you put stuff in them and be I would just have so many heart problems would you rather move to a new city or town every week or be never be allowed to leave the city or town you were born in move every week I I'm not very good at staying in one place this would probably annoy me when I get older but for now me yeah moving every week would you rather look breathtakingly beautiful from the neck up or the neck down see I I've had quite a few body image problems with with my cell from the neck down I'm very very skinny I think I'd want the neck down just because it just saves me having to go to the gym and doesn't know you know would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent funniest by far and this I'm in a room of astrophysicists then that might be quite cool to be the most intelligent generally to be the most intelligent person in the room is just you just it's not very fun what's being the funniest is just hilarious and fun great funny funny for me would you rather - how you'll die or when you'll die how assuming I can't change it because when would just great me it would just be on my brain always would you rather love or be loved I'd rather be loved although I think being in a situation where you are loved but you don't love them back is difficult I think I'd be even sadder if I loved someone oh they didn't love me back so I'd have to go for be loved would you rather earn one cent every time you took a step or one dollar every time you jumped one cent every step 10,000 steps a day that's $100 a day for doing just walking around hell yeah dude and if you don't walk on just steps okay you just get a bit of basic feet if you're trying to use this question as a way to earn money go for jumping but if you already have a job and you just want to learn a bit money on the psycho four steps dude because the jumping one yeah you could just do like a hundred [ __ ] jumps a day and that doesn't take too long and that would be a hundred dollars but you don't have to work for it you know would you rather have a shower that keeps you clean for seven days or a bed that gives you a full night's rest in one hour this one's gonna be a very very all the way on one side one everyone's gonna go for a magic bed people really don't mind showering sharing is fun I don't know I don't know I know most people really really like showers right sleeping is just a pain in the arse a lot of the time it's like I want to be doing [ __ ] I have so much stuff I could be doing like jacking off yeah sleep for one hour please and then the bonus question my personal favorite would you rather have a dog made of P or P made of dog dog made of P I am NOT pushing a dog out my urethra okay with you without further ado it's not continuity jack includes this bit continuity hat pudding on cuz my hair isn't swishing the way I like it this is my job you proud mum please dad are you proud he watches my videos my dad does he'll [ __ ] hit me up and be like I'm proud son hello I am your father Wilbur back in the war how he speaks I'm a dead talk hi dad so question one was would you rather give your parents a book of every bad thought you've had or a book of every bad thing you've ever done this one 80% of people said they'd rather tell their parents the bad things they've done and 19% want bad thoughts no all right unless your thoughts are [ __ ] up about your parents who gives a [ __ ] then you didn't do them no this is wrong bad thoughts are just things you think and bad things and things that you're acting upon if I can give my parents this book a bad thoughts I've had I can say this is a book of stupid [ __ ] I've fought in my life there you go like it doesn't mean I'm acting upon it I can't help a lot of these thoughts they just happen right that's the point in the brain the brain sometimes it just goes what happens if I [ __ ] push that person in front of a train you know I keep saying the Train analogy you know what I mean though well things did nothing whatsoever believe that Jack sense of that whole thing would you rather be in jail for a year or skip the next year of your life right now 75% of people say they'd rather skip the next year and 25% rather say they'd be in jail fair enough you know 25% of people would rather have a bad year than no year at all yeah I agree with the I agree with the majority though I'd rather just skip the year this one would you rather be madly in love with a partner for five years then never date or marry again or be in a band relationship forever this was the one I said it would depend on who answering and from this it's a pretty 75 to 25 percent split again with most people saying they'd rather be in love for five years ignore this yellow one I just got that wrong but yeah most people would rather be in love for five years nice a lot of people don't want to settle next one is would you rather lose your sense of taste you sense of smell another 3/4 split one most people said they'd rather lose a sense of smell I would much rather lose my sense of taste I don't gain any potion from it smell is useful you know I smelled gas in the room over gas leak and smell of someone's smelly you know kind of smelly smell the smell smell a dude would you rather go blind or deaf most people would rather go deaf now I said I'd rather good debt but I said it was a close one for me I'm surprised it's so split with 79% of people saying they'd rather be deaf I guess a lot of people use their eyes in day-to-day life but that's interesting would you rather live without musical without wealth the majority people did say without wealth but not by much 40% of people would rather live without music than money which is a little bit sad I think but you do you brother would you rather be free or totally safe 67% people said they'd rather be free I'm curious as to why 30% of people said they'd rather be safe that one's really interesting I very view if you said that please answer in the comments why would you rather earn $250,000 a year working for someone else of seventy five thousand a year working for yourself most people said they'd rather work for someone else for a quarter of a million a year I don't think people realize seventy five thousand dollars a year is quite isn't bad for working for yourself you get to make your own hours your own flexible thing you get 71k yeah it's fine hold on what's the average wage for people in the US average wage fifty six thousand dollars a year that's the average wage of people in the USA and the medium wages says there is forty seven thousand and yet people are turning down flexible work hours for seventy five that's crazy is that just greed then that's really interesting to me because that's almost double the average wage the most people earn in the US but people just want more do they just want more and a quarter of a million a year is good that's a lot of money depends how much is your how much are your hours worth how much is time with your family worth how much is free time to practice a hobby worth for you apparently quarter of a million if you answer that please put in the comments if you disagree with me would you rather go back to age five and everything you know now will know everything your future self all done this one's almost a 50/50 54% said they'd rather know everything they'll ever learn and 45% said they'd rather go back to age five that's interesting I don't see the benefit in knowing everything I'll know unless we're talking about wisdom like things I'll learn like odd don't date that girl she's gonna [ __ ] kill you like that I mean that's like wisdom right quite a lot of my life I get back you know I get to do loads of stuff again and I just have to be five again you know just not have to pay taxes or do we all go to work for a bit you know and still have the same mind and then I get to have like teenage relationships again and like go through like you know I just get to experience all this like learning that I can do again you know I think I'd go back to age five would you rather safely watch the beginning of planet Earth or the end 51 percent at the end and v 49 percent Sat the beginning that is pretty much 50/50 there's really not a benefit to either one it's just curiosity I guess most people's at the end which is interesting too because I'm not sure what the end of earth would be most people say that the end of Earth would be the expansion of the Sun so I don't know they mean society or civilization you know I just think the beginning would be more interesting maybe I'd see God would you rather be forced to dance every time we heard music or be forced to sing along 20 song 62% of people said they'd rather sing dancing I know someone that said dance and they said that it's just easier to conceal dancing so you can sort nod to a rhythm and things which is fair enough yeah would you rather only drink soda for the rest of your life or only hamburgers 58% said soda and 43% said 41% said hamburgers they just really like burgers who knows soda would [ __ ] your teeth I guess people maybe people like that tea would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave your hometown 56 percent of people said they'd never leave their hometown that is probably the wiser choice but I would like the excitement of a new city every week I think and so would 43% of everyone would you rather be breathtakingly beautiful from the neck up or the neck down 57 cents at the neck up and 42 percent of the neck down again I'm in the minority yeah I guess most people don't like their face as much as they like their body which is fair enough I mean I'd be into it will be interesting to see the male and female disparity between the so I'd like to see what percent of males said there's other females maybe we'll do a boys and girls quiz next time you know ninety thousand likes on this video and we'll do a quiz based on gender along these lines I promise you I'm still gonna read that fanfiction that I promised earlier would you rather be the funniest person on the room the most intelligent most people said funny but it's not by much 45% said intelligent again this one's down to you I guess I think being intelligent would be absolutely depressing I'd hate to be intelligent would you rather know how you'll die or when you die this one's close Wow most people say how which is why I picked cuz you know big heart disease cool done car crash cool I'll just be careful around cars you know but when when is like you've got a countdown dude I don't I wouldn't want to know when I tell it's in the IT Crowd episode where they learn when they die would you rather love or be loved most people that pick be loved I picked be loved 69% get it because you've been loved but I guess 69 issue are also loving maybe 69 is the sex position of love we always make fun of it but really maybe that was the key to happiness and then well maybe if we all just sixty-nined each other the world would be a better place let's come together in this world would you rather earn one cent every time you took a step or one dollar every time you jumped most people said one cent stepping and I I think I explained why that's a good idea if you already have a job you may as well just take the extra money for walking but jumping if you don't have a job and you just want to make money to jump in all day [ __ ] yeah that sounds fun again though I feel like the people that are picked jumping will also have said they'd rather have 250 K yep just because they're bigger amounts of money but what they don't realize is that if you pick the jumping option you are pretty much picking to earn 75 K a year on your own as opposed to 250 K working for yourself someone else would you rather have a shower that keeps you clean for seven days or a bed they give you a full night's rest in one hour yep I said this was gonna be a big one seventy seven percent want the magic bed I don't blame you magic bed is bits 22 percent if you said magic shower why do you just hate showering showering is nice its relaxing it's calming you get clean [ __ ] the bed there's there are ways of staying for seven days but there are no ways of getting a full night's rest in one hour you are fools you aren't critters you still get to sleep if you want to sleep you can still stop and the bonus one would you rather have a dog made a pea or a pea made a dog most people want a dog made a pea and I don't [ __ ] blame them don't made a pea you don't like your dog made a pea you send them away be made a dog you pushing the labradorite you urethra everyday [ __ ] that maybe three times a day for anyway let's look at some people's answers to why they voted what they did I need to make a spreadsheet for this because there's 55 thousand views Fox oh no he's gonna generate the whole spreadsheet this is gonna crash my PC so we have all the responses I'm just gonna scroll through and just pick random ones so let's just go down here this person's answer there everything here with the soda versus hamburger there are way more flavors of soda than there are hamburgers true true can we get a true on the screen there jack I already dance whenever I hear music I live without wealth but with music already and I'm fat so neck down would be very appealing what a [ __ ] of these questions Wilbur I'd rather give my presence of book all the bad things I've done with of our thoughts because I've had I've had cause I've had I've had course oh I didn't think of that smart yeah I guess you do think about every bad thing you do I guess I guess they'd have to know you did it though I can't sing so please don't force me to sing along to any song we're here okay so another one that disagreed with me hamburgers come in very many variants Wilbur sorry dude I'm curious about how I'll die to be honest not gonna lie I want to be loved for once you can walk more than you jump by a lot and who Vanier are thank you who Vania you been tipped in snap it the dog dog ooh Bell dong couvreux never al off Minnie oh it can meet I would rather live in my hometown all my life because I have moved so many times and it's so detrimental to my mental health because I never made any long-term friends that's fair enough dude but I think as you get older you're gonna want to realize that it's good to keep moving around at least in young adult life after the five year relationship I can get into another one no I literally said in the question you can't date or marry afterwards you can still go on a big bang in spree if you want to go to [ __ ] everyone you can't date or marry anyone I said that I know you're watching this video you both that sort out right peeing dog peepee poo-poo pee dog he's made of pee what can I say penis penis penis penis penis I want dog man I'm just trying to [ __ ] well does this guy what did this guy vote for on the five year relationship did you just vote for Manimal yeah he voted for love for five years he just trying to [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] is the last one no one likes my pee dog question did I have never done a bad thing but I've had way too many bad thoughts I don't believe you everyone's done a bad thing I already have a massive [ __ ] there was no question about the massive [ __ ] oh the neck down one yeah I'd pick neck up then I'm pretty good though that Jack cut that magic bed solves insomnia it doesn't really doesn't mean you can fool asleep easily I have an incredible crush on a girl and I would hate to never be with her and be stuck in a blind relationship dude go get it tiger the walking one is a better choice because you don't have to do anything out of your daily routine and you make twenty dollars a day if you walk 2,000 steps which is average and that's $140 a week and 1040 dollars a year from just doing nothing I was looking at ten thousand for like a good day of walking I don't understad know how P can be made of dog yeah that's the worrying there okay mr. Wilbur sir there's a lot I'd like to unpack here first off I would much rather move every week because the place I live in this is a [ __ ] and unless I want to be stabbed free Punjabi sex movie no harem no virus download would the piss dog regenerate the piss if so nobody would be thirsty again win cut that I already only drink soda you are any of you water boys for life where my water boys at dude white P Y with the 75 K salary that's not including stock options my stock in the company could be in the billions do it right now go on off you go go make billions would you rather live without musical without wealth I picked music it was a tough question it got me thinking for so long like music relaxes you makes you happy and all that stuff but can we really live without money by the way rip tax-efficient wealth is just the accumulation of money I could live without that knowing that I'm trans at age five would really help that's a good point actually ya know I actually get that one quite a bit like if you could know your gender from age five that would actually help on a lot of life hard parts of your life I can understand that and your sexuality could be very important to I would want to watch the end of the world because I think it would be fascinating to see the world in a giant fireball being and hopefully engulf by the Sun which is expanded because at the end of its life I think that's boring dude this person's just not answered any question he's literally left the entire line blank and indie is there anything you'd like to ask he's put ain't no tits on an almond and he's done it again here and again they're stuck knowing how you will die will make you live in constant fear always avoiding said thing knowing when you will die will help you live life to the fullest with a short amount of time you have left you don't have to know when you'll die to live life to the fullest may I hope you know that knowing how you'll die won't make you avoid the sad thing if it's inevitable neck down get aadmi abs and a big dick hello brother bad things my mind is a dark dark place that only I should know why the [ __ ] is there a pee dog you can kill the pee dog but you can't kill the dog pee jack big text on the screen you can kill the pee dog but you can't kill the dog pee I want that'll be a hashtag go on Twitter hashtag you can kill the pee dog but you can't kill the dog oh I'm putting that on my channel buyer check my channel buyer and subscribe you haven't already be the most intelligence because then you'd know how to the most funny that's not true intelligence does not equal humor I promise you I'd say I'd rather love them beloved because I get my happiness from making and seeing others happy so if I give love then they would be happy to feel love and therefore make me happy that's really good I I kind of feel bad about my own so now a magic bed is great but a magic shower I wouldn't have to worry about showering for a whole six days therefore easier rest get away from my shower you [ __ ] Kremlin's and that's where we'll end it I'll be doing more stuff like this on my channel I'm on Twitter if you haven't already follow me on Twitter Instagram I will also put it on Instagram and subscribe to me on youtube it's been really fun I really enjoyed this and I'm gonna be doing another one soon if we get 90 K then I'll do two more soon so yeah thank you for watching everyone and I'll see you next time good I think on all right listen listen don't tell anyone that's okay you can't tell anyone this Jack keep the subscribe screen off put this up it was obscure I've screen off right listen you can't tell anyone this okay but I'm gonna be have much coming soon probably just keep your eyes peeled for that it's gonna be really fancy up and I've been helping design there it's gonna be really cool it's gonna be all windows 95 looking okay bye bye
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 2,805,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays, would you rather, 55k, survey, questions, results
Id: kfE16DrWvg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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