How To Setup Streamlabs Cloudbot! - Moderation, Loyalty Points, Commands, and Timers - Chatbot 2020

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when you first start streaming and your chat is  quiet you might be thinking to yourself i don't   need auto moderation or i don't need a loyalty  point system well you are dead wrong this is the   perfect time to be setting all of that up and  it can do wonders to increase your engagements   and your overall chat if you don't want to be  a small streamer forever then it's time to stop   acting like one today i'm going to show you guys  how to set up your streamlabs cloudbot to handle   auto moderation and increase your chat engagements  so that when your viewers arrive in droves   it's all good to go hello my name is Eljay from also a variety streamer over   at links to both those in the  description and today i'm going to be showing you   guys how to set up streamlabs cloudbot now this  is going to be a basic overlook to get yourself   set with auto moderation and how to set up all  your loyalty tokens and all the fun stuff to keep   chat engaged and give them some stuff to do but  my favorite tip of the entire day is going to be   in the timers and command sections at the end  of the video so make sure you watch through so   you can get those set up i know for a fact that  the tip when it comes to using the timers will   increase your followers and your engagements  because it's worked for me and there are time   codes in the description so if you want to jump  ahead to a certain part you can go ahead and do   that first things first why do i use streamlabs  cloud but when there are so many other bots   well when it came down to it i looked at a lot of  different options when i first started streaming   and streamlabs cloudbot had the best user  interface it was easiest to set up and overall   it was already built into streamlabs obs it was  incredibly intuitive i didn't have any issues   at all it came with fun games for my chat to play  it came with auto moderation that was incredibly   easy to customize way easier than twitch's  chat moderation that they've got built in   but the main reason that i use streamlabs  cloudbot is because after having a little   look through and a little five minute video  i was completely on top of how to use it and   i really believe that anyone can use streamlabs  cloudbot to do some amazing stuff in their stream   so as i said i'm going to walk you through setting  it up the basics timers commands all the fun stuff   like loyalty tokens gambling heists and it'll  be a pretty solid video for you to get started   with so let's get into it so obviously the first  thing you're gonna need to do is actually set up   and link the streamlabs cloud spot no worries it's  very easy you can either do it in the streamlabs   obs app or you can go to the dashboard and do  it here now i'm going to be doing it on the   dashboard because i think it's faster and easier  but the fact that it's built in is pretty amazing   you're going to head over to your dashboard click  on cloudbot and just hit this little switch here   to have it turned on next step we have to do is  head over to your twitch channel and type slash   mod space streamlabs this will set up the bot that  streamlabs cloudbot runs through as a moderator   and congratulations your streamlabs cloudbot  is now set up and running there's just a few   things you're going to have to customize  first once you have your bite activated   you can dive into the fun stuff but first i want  to cover all the moderation tools because these   are where streamlabs bloodbot really shines  to control your chat when you're small you   don't have a bunch of mods so you can help out  and sometimes you can't stop doing what you're   doing to delete a message streamlabs cloudbot  moderation tools are easy to customize and very   thorough so you can make sure that you're  safe from any trolls who come into your chat   so what you're gonna do is you're gonna click mod  tools and start setting up your auto moderation   you'll see all these options here now i won't  go through every single step but i'm going to   give you a brief overview of how it works and i'll  do a full video soon on every specific section of   cloudbot so the main moderation tools i use are  link symbol word paragraph and emote protection   simple word paragraph and a mode are all set to  avoid spam like ascii art or large copy pastes   but link protection is set my mods and myself  can write exclamation mark permit at a username   in the chat and it will give that user 60  seconds of permission to post a link this is   great for if they want to share a clip that is on  my channel that's just been done or if they want   to share something that relates to the stream  in some way the major one you'll want to turn   on is word protection this mod tool will remove  offensive or derogatory words and you can see   the settings if you click preferences auto payment  will allow you to allow people who are subscribers   regulars or both to post without being caught but  let's be real if you're trying to catch slurs and   derogatory comments you don't exactly want anyone  to be able to say it you can turn on the default   blacklist and this will catch the majority of  the offensive words but you can also do it custom   which i'll show you in a second what you're going  to do is you're going to turn on the punishment   message and you can customize it as you see fit  but here is the part where you can get custom   now i'm not going to click it here but if you want  to click blacklist you can add words and phrases   to the list of words and set custom punishments  for certain words i have bands set up for all   racial slurs anything like that the different  types of punishment are purge timeout and ban   a purge aka wiping all their messages a timeout  which is selected you can change the length of or   a straight band i'd recommend just going through  reading through the preferences and hovering   over the question marks to get an understanding  but it's all pretty straightforward and simple   if you want me to cover all the different settings  i use for moderation i will do a full video just   on moderation with streamlabs cloudbot but let me  know in the comments for that speaking of a little   call to action for you to comment i'm gonna throw  it out there if this video helps you out at all   consider checking out my other content i've got  all sorts of videos on how to use streamlabs obs   how to grow on twitch the best games to stream how  to use discord servers all of it so check that out   and if it helps you consider subscribing now once  all that's out of the way you can get into the fun   stuff now these are the heists and gambles these  are the modules these help keep chat engaged and   active so when anyone joins they go wow this is  a really hyped up this is a really active chat   i'm going to let you play with these as you  see fit but i will give you a quick rundown of   what everything does first you need to know what  loyalty tokens are loyalty tokens are a currency   which you can set the name of in your loyalty  tab in this tab you can also see how many are   earned when people do different things such as  talk follow raid etc loyalty tokens really make   people want to be in chat because obviously they  have to be in chat to earn the points it'll also   track how many hours people have been in chat  the most for this session before you reset your   tokens if you set up a reward for most points at  the end of a month or for the most hours in chat   then it'll also engage people to stay around  a lot longer for example mine is said that   whoever has the most points in chat at the end  of the month will get a gift sub to the channel   and whoever has the most hours in chat will get a  huge slew of loyalty tokens to start out the next   month with and get them closer to getting that  gift sub that i just mentioned these tokens can   be traded with each other gambled and there's  all sorts of stuff that i'm not going to list   today we'll be here for hours if i do but they're  a fantastic tool so i would recommend turning them   on and customizing them for your stream i want to  mention three modules that i think everyone should   start with in this the first is heist heists  are a great way for your chat to come together   it's simple we have to do is turn on the module  for heist and then when you type exclamation mark   heist and a number of loyalty tokens or the word  all it'll start a heist now everyone in chat can   ride it together exclamation mark heist and it'll  have a little story attached to it as if all of   the people who joined in are trying to heist a  bunch of loyalty tokens off of something now i've   had a few custom stories and i changed it every  few months whether it's a runaway train or people   breaking into a vault that i own people just  like the engagement and they love having a bit   of fun with it to start though you can leave it  as default it is still great so just give it a go   two other modules are slots and gamble they're  essentially the same thing but in different   ways gamble is it just rolls a dice for you one  to 100 and the person can put tokens up to bet   if they get over 50 or whatever you set it  to be custom they win and double their tokens   the other is slots much harder to win but  if they do they win big it's the same as   you know the pokies or whatever the things  are they're just a fun little way of people   writing in chat the final module that i really  like is the eight ball module we all know what   an eight ball is you ask a question to  it and it'll come back with an answer   it's just a fun way for chat to make jokes and  and have a little play with it i'll let you guys   explore these modules and have a go but if you  have any comments chuck them down below and i   will help you out if you want to know my settings  for any of this stuff happy to pass them along   just let me know let's get into the commands and  don't forget we have the timer function coming up   soon as well which is the best way that i've found  to get follows now onto commands i'm sure you've   seen all sorts of commands out there on twitch  for stream labs it is exclamation mark the word   you're using to trigger the command and anything  else you need for example exclamation mark heist   and the number that is a command it's just one of  the default ones installed with cloudbot commands   are different to timers timers will go off at a  certain interval with certain rules but a command   is triggered manually and you can set a cooldown  for it so people can't just use them back to back   next to the modules tab if you click commands  you have a few options here you're going to   see all my commands on screen just ignore these  so you can click default next to the custom tab   and it will show a lot of template commands you  can turn on and off or edit these as you see fit   or if you want to add a custom command go back to  your commands click add command and there are more   templates here such as lurk uptime follow age and  etc now i would recommend turning on lurk uptime   and follow age because these are just very common  commands and most people expect them to be in chat   today i'm going to be showing you guys how to set  up a follow age command this is used so people can   see how long they've been following you it is a  bit of a crown or a bit of a badge i know my chat   love to see who's been around longest so click on  that template click exclamation mark follow age   and it will fill out the command and the response  itself now if you want to set up a custom one in   this exact same slot all you have to do is write  exclamation mark socials and for example the   response can be your social links very simple very  easy now the next step though is crucial check   your reply rules you need to decide if you want  the bot to whisper the person or reply in chat   next is permissions who can use this command  for example whether it be mods or anyone   or just subscribers finally the advanced features  this means how often people can use it or how many   loyalty tokens it's going to cost to use for now  let's set the cooldowns the global cooldown is the   cooldown of how often it can be used by anyone and  the user is how long it can be used by the same   person for example if the global is 30 seconds  and the user is 60 seconds then if chatter a uses   the command they can't for another 60 seconds  but chatter b can use it again after only 30   seconds if you want to know what an alias is  these are other exclamation mark commands that   can trigger the same response so exclamation mark  social might be your command but an alias could be   exclamation mark twitter and it will send the same  response have a play with commands if you have any   questions as i said comment down below happy to  run through extra detail down there finally on   to timers now timers are incredibly powerful and  i really recommend getting these set up not too   many of them because it can get very spammy but  a good example of a timer is the call to action   follow timer now i have mine manually set up  so that after a certain amount of time and a   certain amount of messages they will say in chat  hey if you're enjoying the stream why not consider   following every time this goes off i always notice  that i get one or two followers or sometimes even   like four or five followers who have just been  lurking it is incredibly powerful to set these go   to timers click add a timer name it something for  example follow board then type what you want to   say in chat in the response section the interval  is the time between when it will send in minutes   so it could be 15 to 30 minute intervals and the  line minimum is very important this is how many   other messages need to have been said in chat  since the last time the bot sent it so if you   set this to be 30 minutes but only five messages  get sent since the last bot message it won't send   it again until you get another five messages this  just avoids your chat being literally just a bot   saying the same thing over and over and over again  so for mine i have mine set to every 30 minutes to   send it as long as 10 messages have been said in  chat pretty much it'll always go off for every   30 minutes because in my chat we are quite active  with heists and all sorts of stuff that i've shown   you today i also have a timer to tell people  about certain commands that's built into the   same one i just talked about for example i have  an exclamation mark question of the day command   so people get asked a question and it keeps chat  active there are so many ways you can use timers   commands all these different modules to get chat  active so have a play with it let me know if   you want to deep dive into anything else because  these are very powerful when it comes to getting   followers and with all that out of the way you are  now a streamlabs cloudbot expert congratulations i   look forward to dropping by your chat and seeing  all the heists going off or all the other things   as i said comment down below if you need anything  check us out on twitter if you have any questions   as well or check me out when i'm live and  i'll see you guys for next week's video see ya
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 130,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamlabs cloudbot, streamlabs cloud bot commands, streamlabs cloudbot setup, streamlabs cloudbot not in chat, streamlabs cloudbot timers, streamlabs cloudbot commands, streamlabs cloud bot custom commands, streamlabs obs cloudbot, cloudbot streamlabs, cloudbot streamlabs commands, streamlabs obs chatbot, streamlabs obs cloudbot timers and commands, Streamlabs Cloudbot Loyalty Tokens, Twitch, streamlabs cloudbot tutorial, Streamlabs Cloudbot Moderation, cloudbot tutorial
Id: DhieI77AeCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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