How to recover Palworld Player Data on any save - Host Save Fix Script Tutorial

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all right to welcome back what is going on it is your boy B from gaming studos here today bringing you another YouTube video This Time Again on power world and I'm going to be going more in depth here on recovering uh or really converting your player save data for servers um now I don't know that this fixes the infinite loading screen or anything like that but this definitely does help you to be able to put your dedicated server player data to dedicated server or um you know your host data that you might lose when you make a dedicated server for the first time this will also help you recover that so what I'm going to be covering today is exol's pow World host safe fix script um now this is a little bit Advanced you guys will need to follow along closely we have some dependencies we'll need to install and it was a little bit complicated for me honestly it took me a couple hours to get the process down pat once I did it makes a lot of sense and uh I think I can help everybody else understand that so I'm going to go ahead and get uh started here and dive into this so first off you're going to want to go ahead and download python to do that you'll go to this website right here I have on screen you can otherwise just look up python download it'll be this first link right here and I think I'll just do the rest of them this way as well I already have it installed um I don't have a ton of space on my disc so I'm not going to do it again but you'll hit this download it and install it it does install just like any other program a couple of these others won't so I will jump into at least the installers though to show you how that's done so I'm now going to look up visual studio uh we'll type in build tools 2017 cuz that actually does bring up what you need it's going to bring you to a link like there'll be a couple here let me sorry get get my words together you're going to see this link right here this is Visual Studio Microsoft C++ build tools Visual Studio click on that um and mine of course going to take a second to load here uh it'll bring you to a page like this just go ahead and k Community free download and it should download and installer which I will open this up like I said to show you guys um what you need to do once you're in this cuz this is very important it slowed me down quite a lot cuz I thought I could just speed right through this process I'm going to go ahead and get ready to open the next thing up here as well I try to make this as quick as possible so uh this will pop up for you it's going to go quick for me because I already have it installed but it'll take a moment for you all uh so I won't have to pause this or anything but you can see it's already installed and downloaded for me so it's going to reopen the installer here which allows me to modify my installation I could have also done this through the visual studio app uh which is this right here and you can open this after you have the app installed just in case you miss this step um but you will need to have desktop development with C++ installed that is very important um a lot of a lot of scripts require that uh as a dependency and the script in particular that we're going to use today does um so once you've done that that is a big chunk of work out of the way uh really it's just the download time the C++ dependencies themselves are about 6 gigb so um make sure you have some space ready for that the next thing you're going to want to download is called rust and uh a rust is just another package of uh scripting stuff I don't really know how to explain it it's rust up it's a command uh line and it works I believe along with python uh but you will need it to install the package um from GitHub which is the script we're going to be using um well the package that the script is going to be using to get what we need done I'm not going to get too complicated with it here I also can't explain it very well I suck at that kind of stuff oddly enough anyways you're going to come to this website here and to find this you would type in Rust up uh I typed in install earlier but you can type download and it'll take you to this right here which is the page this would have taken you here I believe hold on either way it's the same thing um that works but I wanted to get to that page in particular uh rust up install actually works for that and it does bring you to this page here either way it downloads um the rest up in it. exe so I'm going to go ahead and open that up because this is the next important thing um that is a little bit different from a normal install so let me go ahead and open mine up here and it's going to open up just like this for you guys I sped through this as well and that slowed me down once again uh the current stable release of rust up for whatever reason is not compatible with installing the script that you'll need to do this for whatever like I said for whatever reason so go ahead and type in two and press enter It'll ask you this first question you just hit enter um don't do what I just did just press enter now here's the important thing you're right here you're going to want to type nightly um I went ahead and did complete just in case so type complete and then type enter or press enter uh press enter again here to not change anything and then once it comes back down here you have one two and three in front of you again just press enter and it will start the installation with the settings you've set I'm not going to do that just because once again I already have it done so now you have everything installed at least as far as programs go that you're going to need to do this the next important thing is going to be to open up Powershell now and with Powershell you are now uh ready to install um this package that we are going to use to fix your save first of all though we need to download um the script we'll be using so if you go again I'll open up a tab here type in xol save um all sorry we'll just do X xol power world save I'm tripping out right now host save fix and it will bring it up uh it'll be this first link here once you're on here you're going to need to download this um so hit code download zip and open this up if you don't have WinRAR or szip I will leave that in the description for you all once you have this opened I would say just leave it here for a moment or what you could actually do do um since this folder act exists already for you is go and open a file explorer like this go to this PC C uh and find the this looks completely different than it did a moment ago when I did this stick with me here guys um sorry users go into your user and then go into cargo and Ben and here this is where you're going to want to extract the fix host. saave really just select everything in here and drag it in here with all these exes um go ahead and leave this folder open cuz we're going to need it in a little bit um so I'm just going to put that in the background for now um so now back over here uh we're going to go ahead and get this package installed now for that you're going to need to what what we're talking about here is installing usave so I'm going to go ahead and type in usave um GitHub that should bring it up uh it did not let me try if you do youve do RS and it is this first link here sorry guys my Discord is still open let go ahead and close that all right so once you get on usave d RS um it took me in there for some reason but this is what you should see and I'll link this in the description below sorry for the confusion with all the links tonight um I had them open for a reason I know it was going to be a little harder to search for some of these things anyways um so now we're here and this right here where it says usage this first line is what's important we're going to copy cargo install d-g you know just all this good stuff right here so copy that you come over here and you are going to paste it into your windows Powershell and by the way if I did not say you get this open by just typing in Powershell um now I'm going to press enter I'm probably going to close it out before it compiles all the way because I already have it installed it may actually just tell me that yes it tells me it's already installed so it's just going to not do that but it will go ahead through here download everything you need it compile it and install it and you will be left with the uave exe so that is the important thing um that we needed this file open for as well as the uh fix host um script here so now this is where you are going to need to go get either your dedicated Ser file server file or your um hosted server file or your personal server file like from your Co-op or and you're going to want to go ahead and put that in a folder somewhere so that's what I did uh I made a whole separate folder just to keep these folder these files I'm working with in uh here it is under player recovery now very important note do not put a space in your files name I made that mistake and it slowed me down once again um so I know now I I'm going to need um to fix my friend's file so I'm going to use that to show you guys how to do this and I will go ahead and log on with my own um on here and then on my own personal dedicated server on film so you guys can see that my character is the same on both um here actually this is wrong bams fixed player all right um so now let me download the world save once again I'll probably need to reconnect and um if you guys don't know how to access your world saves I kind of have skipped over in that because I'm just assuming you do if you're at this point um but uh it'll either be through your file manager on your computer or um what's it called in your uh file path for the game or like on your hosted website they'll have a file manager um so I'm going to extract this in here now um and this is like I said make a folder and put your world save inside of it copy it over do not just do this to your main folder you don't want to like break what you already have or might already have working to some extent just to try to fix your own data or one person data obviously no offense to them but you know what I mean it's it's not worth ruining everything to fix one thing um I would personally in my own world rather restart than everybody lose their data all right so now that you have that in here you're going to want to leave this open as well this is another important path I say that and yet I closed um this folder so let me go ahead and reopen that um so these two things are going to need to stay open um the other thing you're going to need to do this is the harder step um I will go ahead and show you one thing here that will be helpful if you don't know where your um data is for your dedicated server let's say it's on Steam the easiest way to do that is to go to power world dedicated server browse local files and it will open that folder right up for you so now this is what I was just talking about that you're going to need is in the and if you're watching I want to PO server po save saved save games zero and then in here should be the folder for your saved game and then inside of this you're going to want to go into players now in here here's all the player data and this is the important thing you'll need to know um is your player you uh ID now if you don't know this you can kind of Base it off of like if you right click on it when the player like the player file was originally created and when it was last modified um you can have your friend join a separate server you make or maybe a server they make just so you guys can um oh actually it would still be different than you needed to be on your end either way you need to figure out what your original player ID is and then on your dedicated server let's say like it is for me which is on Dad host um my hosted server so I went from a dedicated server on Steam to a hosted server you'll need to figure out what your new player ID is so you'll get a new one of these generated for you when you create a new player on this new server now with that being said at this point you should have uploaded your world to that server um joined and made a new player even though you would see it still all your own all all your old like map data is there the world's still the same but you're like not in the guild you don't have your player data and that's why we're doing this um so anyways let me get back to the point of what I was just talking about now that you guys see where you would find this originally um once you have this open and this open we're going to go ahead and reopen Powershell again and we are also going to go back over to the um script page we have here because he has great instructions and breaks down in here on text if I don't explain it well enough um how to do this and this is actually how I did it myself um so I'm going to be doing from my Windows dedicated server to a Windows or Linux dedicated server um and I'm gonna so I'm going to show you guys how to do that so the first thing you're going to want to type in this command line here is Python and this by the way is relatively the same process if you are doing it for like uh your own save where you had a co-op server and you're going to a dedicated server you would just put your z0000 whatever the host player ID thing is to your new player ID um so anyways so first thing type python next thing you're going to need to put the file path for this fix host as shave um script so the easiest way I found to copy it is just to go ahead and type the whole thing in in here so it's fix D hosts. py contrl A and contrl C come back over here and right click okay so now we've referenced the script um and he does have the definition or like the explanation for the usage of these commands on there he doesn't mention to put the um at the file like path of the script but that was the only way I could get it to work personally so I'm going to go ahead and tell you guys that like I did the next thing you'll need to put is the file path to uave exe so same thing again here forward SL backs slash actually save uave exe CR a contrl c and then you paste that and then you're going to paste the new player ID so the one that you would have gotten from joining the second server that you're trying to convert your world data to so let me go ahead and open Discord here even though I exited that's why I left it open I I have to go get my friend's player ID so just give me one second guys um this will just take me a moment I've never had my Discord load this slow of course all right so I'm G to take his new player ID and I'm GNA copy it and I'm going to paste it here and this does not include the dot saave uh actually I forgot something that just made me think of it so after the UE save that XE you're going to then need to put um your world uh folder path and this is like why I said it'd be good to read what he has on there too because I already messed up the instructions so if you copy your world uh path folder World folder path sorry I said those words out of order paste it here after the UE save uh path you then put your friend or your your owns um your own player ID here your new one from the new server you're migrating to and then you take your old one and that's what you put next so just like that as you guys can see python the path of the script the path of .exe the path of your world and not into the players folder your new player ID and your old player ID and once again you can do this for your personal server the co-op server going to dedicated or dedicated to dedicated and you can do this for each players save and slowly you know migrate everybody's over to the new save so I'm going to go ahead and press enter here it's going to tell you you want to go ahead and back this up and this is why we moved this into a new folder to begin with because it could corrupt your data and you don't want to mess it up as I said you press enter again and it's going to go through a sequence of events here um it'll uncompress things it will edit the files it's going to do all the decryption and editing on its own to convert them the way it needs to be and you'll see new folders being or files I'm sorry being created over here on the right hand side this does take a couple C minutes so don't panic it personally hangs for me on changes um uh changes made successfully I believe it says but it'll hang it takes like probably two to five minutes it could take a little bit longer just depending on the size of the player files uh I haven't really seen why or what not or why not yet um but I'm going to pause the video so you guys don't have to sit here and watch all this I will be right uh back with you all right ladies and gentlemen we are back and as you can see right here uh it says fix has been applied have fun and right over here my file has returned to normal so what I'm going to do now is go on my filezilla uh which is just my file management for my server you could do this through your web browser um it doesn't have to be this complicated or on your computer you would just go and replace um the same folder I am here you see how this looks just like the drive that I showed you guys how to get to or the path I should say so what I'm going to do is uh take this right here drag and drop it and now the next time my friend gets on the save for him will be fixed fixed um I should also mention that while you're doing this you should most definitely have your server shut down um so now that I have that done I'm going to go ahead and minimize this uh I will close out these files and I am going to hop on the game to show you guys that I personally have my save on there and that um I also have it on my dedicated server so you guys can see that I have the save in both places um they might not be perfectly synced up I think they might be 20 second apart where I moved a little on the dedicated server just to make sure it was working um but uh so it's server server appears to be up now and I also like to Comm in pal World on the really fast start times for the servers honestly blows me away if they could just get the save data uh figured out we would be in good shape um so I'm going to go ahead and join my server here and I will be sure this time that I blur this out of the video um so I'm going to go ahead and connect and that will be loaded in here in just a moment be really embarrassing if my save data wasn't here wouldn't it um and boom as you guys can see here I am in the world I have my inventory I have Pals I have my technology tree I have my map my guild everything is the way it should be so let me return to title and I will um actually close the game so you guys can watch me launch the dedicated server here um and there it is launched let me go get my IP for that uh Actually I don't even need to do that I forget launch the game again here and I'll join the dedicated server so you guys can see it's the same and then we'll be all finished up um so like I said this should be good for almost any save if you're doing it on a hosted server obviously you you'll be doing it through a file manager like I did or on your website I'll drag that on screen real quick just to show you guys that would be like on a page like this um and you would be able to do it right here as you can see here the file paths are on your computer how I showed you all to get how to get through it through Steam um so there's that and let's go ahead and hop into my computer hosted dedicated server now so you guys can see that the save data is the same um and also obviously a huge big shout out to AOL for getting this script out with I do believe a few other people but absolutely so gracious to him this has saved me um lots of mental okay mental headache um wow I guess I'm just going to glitch through the map on this one that's cool uh but as you guys can see uh the save data is the same thankfully on both servers uh for some reason on my dedicated server on my computer I am in the floor but um you take what you can get with a game like this you got to love it um so anyways guys I'll see you in the next one if you have any questions please leave them down below I would be more than happy to answer and I hope I was help you to able to help you out today um have a great day or night and I'll see you all next time
Channel: BamsGamingStudios
Views: 18,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld player data, Player data, Palworld, Palworld player data fix, Fix Palworld player data, How to get player data back Palworld, Palworld save fix, Palworld player data recovery, How to recover Palworld player data
Id: _ruuwuD5IVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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